HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-04-27, Page 6NI " PiMPLES, AND ERUPTIONS In the Spring Most PeopleNeed Tonic 'Medicine. One of the surest signs that th blood is out of, order is the pimple _unsightly eruptions and, eczema thai come frequenbly with the change from: winter to spring. These prove that the long indoor life of winter has had • its effect imOn the blood, and that a tonic medicine is • needed to put: it ri Indeed, there are few people whogin tot need a tonie at this sea- son. Bacl blood does merely show itself in disfiguring eruptions, To this sante condition is due attacks. of rheu- tnatisin and lumbago; the sharp stab- , bing pains of sciatica and neuralgia; poor Appetite and a desire to avoid exertion. You cannot mire these trou- bles by the use of purgative medicines i --you need a tonic, and a tonic only, and among all medicines there is none can equal Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for • their tonic, life-giving, nerve -restor- ing powers. Every dose of this medi_ eine makes new, rich blood which , drives out impurities, stimnlates every ' organ and brings a feeling of new health and energy to weak, tired,. ail- ing mon, women and children. If you are out of sorts give this meclicine a trial arid see how quickly it will' re- store the appetite revive drooping spirits, and your veins with new, health -giving- blood. You can get theSe. Pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or six. boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams'. Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. DEADLY FRAGRANCE. , .. Delicious Perfume Disguished Poison Gases. A Central News correspondent sends the following description of an abortive German attack made under hurt. Theysand their followers in cover of gas: "On Saturday evening the word went around that the Germans were preparing to attack, and rill night long the big guns bellied us. were sending the great shells roaring over, one heads towards the Germans. Just' after dawn a delicious fragrance was noticed, wafted along by a gentle north-west breeze. The perfume of lilac! We were all standing up and sniffing the, beautiful scent when the scene changed. The O. C. came rag- ing along and shouting something in- coherently about goggles. The next moment the whole regiment got it, and every man Was fumbling frenzied- ly for his goggles. When the goggles Were adjusted relief came gradually but surely.' Then the order came to put on gas helmets, and a few min- utes later a white mist came towards us. It was about twelve inches high, but gathering veleme from the Ger- man trenches.- When it reached as it _. was it wall of grey -green vapor. But that we seem to be quarrelling. It is ! the fateful moments spud by, and now not quite clear whether be puts E,g- we were breathing gaspingly. , , lishmen where I put Germans. No "Peering through our eye -pieces, we , doubt the pro -German puts English- . descried perhaps a -hundred Germans. ;men where I put England's enemy. climbing their parapet ancl coming, ' So that the conclusion to be drawn Stumbling forward, . waving their from the premises depends altogether ),Afles. Our machine guns were sput- upon which side ,you are in the fight.. 'tering bullets at the rate of four hull- As it is as clear as noonday to me dred a minute. Before he had got that we have entered into this devas- inventy yards from his trench the last tating war with a clear conscience Gertnan was down. •and clean hands, I am satisfied that "All at once one became aware of we must go on killing Germans un - a dark mass of men surging. 'along. On.they came in loose order at a lum- • bering trot, probably three or four hundred, wearing gas masks and look- ing like giant toads. - "Then, just before our eyes, the leading Germans stopped, twisted and 110W TO WIN THIS GREATEST OF WARS EA,TBERVALIGHA-N SAYS TO KILL MORE' GERMANS, Famous Priest Renews ifis Attaks on Those. Who .Would Spare the Enemy. `Kill Germans if you would win the war," continues to be the slogan of the Rev. Bernard Vaughan, priest militant, of London, England. Father Vaughan recently answered anothe clergyman Who thought it was a pity to Idll so many Germans by saying: "In my blundering „stupidity I had thotight it a pity to miss so many of them." ' • In a late issue of Reynolds' News- paper Father Vaughan returns to the charge with the following:' There are tWo extreme schools of thought respeeting this life aitd death struggle called warfare The militar- ists and pabificists are poles apart in their teaching about war. On the one band, while Prussian war lords make out war to be not only a "bio- logical necessity,",*but also the "reli- gion o feeler," the Society of Friends., one theother hand, declared that no- thing can. justify "the repelling of force. The German Bernhardt would turn ploughshares into swords, and the Russian Tolstoy would, on the contrary, crush swords into plough- shares. 'A plague on both your houses, say T. Pletween these opbimistic and pessimistic views about the right to fight thereis a thirdclass made up of 'people like the Rev. Dr. Meyer and the Rev. Newsham Taylor, who lead one under the impression that they regard the present European war as some .•international football match with the, betting on Mir side, and with the hope that none of the play- ers in the nigh' game will be badly their solicitude for ray welfare, keep on reminding me how ill beseeming ecclesiastical lips it is to give the advice to kill "Germans. Must Go Ole -Killing Germans. I suppose I am expected by this school of thought to exhort our troops not to kill them. My. Bernard Shaw has reminded . me that there is another way of ending the war be- sides that of 'killing Germans, and that is to, mid it by killing English- men. My attitude toward the war may be summed up in a very simple syllogism. It is this: Warfare means killing the troops lighting against yeti. 13ut the troops fighting against us, are German, Therefore, the war for us means killing Germans. About the major premise Mr. Shaw and myself are in complete agree - /neat, It is with the minor premise til we have reached the number that Will entitle us to dictate to the enemy Lotus°, our teems of peace and to save Fishermen from the Vedder River Europe from the tyranny, the kultur. and Stave River report -that steelhead , of the superman with his super- salmon are mlentiful and have been State. We have drawn the sword to caught in large numbers in the last s protract the neutrality, thdependence, two weeks ell, and we were too imaree to and autonomy of the smaller Euto- To fall a distance of seventy feet -1) cheer as the terrible machine glene peen kingdotee, and it is our vooted and still live is the experience of Ed_ 4 _ wiped away the whole line ae a child's I determination never to an that sword ward Tolfsen, who was employed on a wet hand wipes away a row of figures into its scabbard again till Europe is 'the Government grain elevator at the P on a slate." rid of its menace to liberty, justice, foot of Salisbury Drive., A Crisp, Delicxouts "Snack" for luncheon or after the -theatre, Or an y old time when the appetite craves "something differ- ent" is TRISCUIT, the Shredded Whole Wheat toast. Heat it in the oven to restore its crispness, then serve with butter, soft cheese or marmalades As a "toast for chafing' dish cookery .it is a rare delight: It is full of real nutriment. Ceitigaigagediee'eC 74AW YAW TIY'EXTRACT ffULLETS Electric ' Riede When ' is Reached. by Instrument. • The war has• brought into being many lvigeidoUs pieces of apparatus • designccl to aid the British surgeon in his difficult work. Some of these instruments are much too complicated to be deeeribed in the pages of a lay journal, but there are othere the value of whit') can be appreciated readily by anyone. . Animeg these is the telephone probe, of which a. good deal has already been beard, and now a ballet extractor has been introduced with the object of facilitating what is often a tedious and difficelt' operation. This bullet extractor has necessarily been con- structed to meet definite requiremente. In the -first place, the operation is per- formed in the dark,' the bullet being visible by the shadow thrown by Xe rays, In the second. place, the bullet .must be removed with the least pos- sible danger of Wm to important structures. the third place, the op- erabion of removal must be made as easy, as practicable. The first object hes been secured by fitting a fluorescent screen to the ap- paratus in such a manner that, if an X-ray tttbe be placed under the tieble „and the rooin darkened, the shadow of the bullet and of the points of the forceps Will he visible Continuonely. But the solution of one difficulty in this case raises another—that of the darkened room. Cutting instruments cannot be used unless the surgeon can see what. he is doing, and as this in- strument has to work in the dark it is constructed with a Want point that will work- its way down between ; structures separating without doing appreciable damage pressing struc- tures aside rather than through them. A very 'powerful pair of forceps is necesssary to grip and extract a bul- let, and a great deal of damage might be done if something that was not seen, perhaps an artery or a nerve, was picked up along with the bullets Accordingly, the blades of the forceps; are attachedto an electric bell, which only rings when both the blades are touching the bullet, Therefore, if the bell is made to ring while the blades are being opened to grasp the bullet, and if the bell continues to ring when the bullet is seized, nothing else en have been picked up beside the bullet, and there is no danger 'in piffling it out. The surgeon using this instrument can therefore not only see what he is elo- istg, but, by means of the bell, he has a very accurate sense of touch for any piece of metal that he is watching the points of his forceps attempting to Pick up from among the structure deep down below the skin. The instrument has been used with success in a /limber of cases, but it is still upon its trial; latcr on it will no doubt be possible to state whether made in Cabada.' FROM SUNSET COAST' WHAT THE *ESTERN PEOPLE ARE DOING. Progress of' the Great Webt Told in a Few Pointed Paragraphs.Victoria school staffs have -been re- duced by 30 teacher's. Coal is to drop 60 cents a ton in Vancouver 'this spring. South Vaneouver is talking of es- tablishing a woollen factory. Vernon property is assesssed for $4,042,753, a slight increase over 1915. 'Nelson will be the scene of a mining eon.vention for one week • early in July. Lee Sing was 'fined $75 in the vic- toria 'Police Court for keeping on opium joint. The Fraser Hotel at New West- minster was recently sold out by the sheriff. A Motion to establish a dog tax at Langrey was lost in the council by a vote of 3 to 4. Bridge Foreman Johnson has a crew of 28 men at work now on the new Coat River bridge at Creston. There were 288 births, 95 deaths, ancl.94 marriages in the city •of Van - vetiver daring the month of March. Work will be begun immediately on the construction of a plant for the treatment of complex ores in Nelson, During the past winter over 4,000,- 000 feet of logs were taken out at the Crow's Nest Pass Lumber Company's camp. 15 South Vancouver eleven China- man, gardeners, are asking $2,500 damages they allege to have been done to their gardens by the floods. There has been received at the Court House, for the. Government ex- hibit there, a pure -white cock phea- sant, from the Kelowna district. A new traffic by-law in Victoria is to the effect that peclesthians must not cross the streets at intersections, t bet only at clesigneted crossings, The announcement is made by the FR C. . . that during the coming sum _ I mer no liquor will be sold at the com- Plug's hotels at Banff and Lake LIEUT.-COL, C. gt, PEBBEAU, ho has been appointed coinmandant; of the Hoyal anlittii7 College at Kingston, with the rang of ecdonell; Hitherto he etas. been Only acting m comandant. Cure Borders on the Miraculous A. SAWYER TELLS OF WONDER- FUL WORK OF DODD'S KiD7 NEY PILLS. He and His Wife, After Years of Doc- toring, Found Quick Relief and Per- manent Cure in Dodd's Kidney Pills. s, Janction, Ont., April 24th.—, or not this beautiful theory will stand (Special.)—Bordering on the miracu- the test of actual service conditions, bus is the cure of Mr. A. Sawyer, of It apears to have given good resulta. this place, For ten years he was an in experimental work, but the real invalid. Five doctors failed to belp test will be when tbe instrument Whee he was a complete wreck, bashes to be used by others than and unable 130 walk across his room, those who have carried out the investi- he decided to try Dodd's Kidney Pills. gations. Six boxes Of them made hint like a new man. "Yes, I suffered for •ten years," Mr, Rough on Dad. Sawyerssaid in speaking of his euro, "The doctors, of whom I tried five al- Frank'e mother took -him' to a con- juring performance one afternoov mid ogether, couldn't give me any per- the small boy was much impressed by manent relief. Some said I had them. the wonders he .saw. That evening, Autism, others called it lumbago, but after tea, he said: got steadily worse. "I must say I was a complete wreck When I started to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. They made a new mart of me. "My Wife dot the same good re - "Father, I wish I was is magkeian." "Do you, sonny?" said the :father, with a smile.- "If you were one what would you clo?" "Well," said the boy thoughtfully, ults from them. It was after trying Won you itito a rat and eall the everal doctors and a spetialist from cat, and wouldn't I have a lark!" milt Ste. Marie, who advised her to tay in bed a month, that she decided o try Dodd's Kidney Pills. She toolc FOOD FOR BATTALION, dozen boxes in all With splendid re- In the. British army a battalion of ults. We both praise Dodd's Kidney 10710 men requires for its daily ra- ffle. No one can speak too highly Hens 625 two -p 0- ound loaves27 Pounds of them." of bacon, more than 31 pounds of salt Dodd's Kidney. Pills have a record and nearly 3.3: pounds of pepper,,..t f over a quarter of a century in Can- mention only a few or the itemeet" de, dttring which time they have, aimed undying praise in all poets of and eiVilization. Kamloops people are .taking hold Prussianiam Must Go. - of the preliminary aerangements for ° the next convention of the Western a LOSS OF LIVES IN WAR. .To the mill t h • d ti Warfare ae the bighest expression of , tins , len, w o iegar s Canada Irrigation AsSociation, 1.1,111Ch ° The latest estimates of the dead nd lif s ' a e, I say it i the woist expression permanently incapaCitated from the of physical evil; and to the pacifist from placer -gold mining in various 44- abou t them. It is reported that better reterlie What Dreams .are Made of. war are 2,000,000 for the Entente coun- who contends that nothing can justify Dillydally (a chronic procrastinate tries and 1,080,000 ' for the Teutonic War, I reply that there are occasions , or) --"I dreernt last night that I-er- streams in the Port Steele division . were obtnined in 1915 than for several THE CHINESE LANGUAGE. allies, says the New York World. The when you must make use of the worst years previous. The value of the gold . ah--propig,ed to you. I wonder What proportions to total population are 0.7 physical evil—warfare—in order to is to be held there July 23-25. le Dominion. Ask your neighbors '11" f" Mh1"4'" anti t''''kd 50 cdh" recovered has boon estimated at $19,, per emit- for the Entente countries support some great moral. cause. The People of Chita Do Not Under- that is a sign of ?" stand One Another. • Miss Lingerlong (clesperately)--"It and 1.4 for their enemy, The great- other words, a just Ivey means utak- eTecoveeed has been estimated at h av a sign t you have got more An incident, trifling in itself, that. sense when you are a-lecp than when shows the difficulties with wh-ich a you are awake." $10 000. wiid 1m ..7 pcent; Germany, .1.5 per some great moral end. le sawit ill at Ce,ecade, employing '• est suffewei.s are Austria-litinguy, ing tiee cif physical fortes to secure i 11 Cent; and France, 1.3 per cent. Let us get to grips • vdth this ei'1 ........-Acroyamwmatmerame,mtral-a.r.”.• Wen BUM: Is Built To Win -- hut in building brairrand body, often the daily diet lacks 'certain eSsential mineral elematts. These necessary fact - 013 an abundantly stip-. plied by the field grains, but ai:t1 lackinlg in ma'tly foods--esri::.c.'4,Fliy white flour, frera Which they . ars thrown out in tbe niiUing process to, innkra the flour white, , C17., made of Whole wheat and malted barley, supplies all the rich nutriment of the grains, including their vital' mineral salts, those all-neeeSsary build- ers of active brains and vigorous bodies. To build right, eat Grape -Nuts, "There's a Reason". ghty inen, will resume .ogerateoes al time about the rights afld epee. It has a good supply •of logs, and will veil ' all summer. It is re„ warfare, and let me again remind• ported that work •will 50011 bo re - you that there is a far greater evil sinned upon the big gold mine at than Will', and that is sill:" War ill it$ 111051- repellant aspeet can never CaPmel• get s At Pntricia Immigration Offiter A. away from iteharaaW 'as a phy- tbrend called =rel.:evil, The founder venting u4dee11551e5 from Crossing of clifigkliyity waeee 05 .not so emeg the boundary at, this point frem the Ameeican 51525 iiito Canada and to fear him who MID kill the body only os. fear him who &Ili de;stroy hardly a day paseees that ho does not tarn seine baek. the meal also. In. the eighteen mil - During the season of 1015 the Olej lions ' of -casualties recorded in the preseet scientific slaughter of the mantel TJnitect Growers, the deateal human raee not a single Gaul has organization ;Which „Ingeketegthe , boon necessarily, herb, .though thee. duet of the', 111116 Trait, enions from number of bodies have beee Salmon Arin te Pentielein, (lid a believe that this over, a terribly- yolUnie orgleeeinedi "reehhieg the physieal evil though it hew sent ymlendid toiel of $202,e'SG. . • ' heavenward eoule innumerable who • The improvemint ' err otheewite have led their way thl,.°"g11 tlie 1-11:11051-11:1105at, . !thither. Meanwhile I nno eatisfied Eogoweel'on *eh the ihtheeied thet clod in His 1.,,giod thew will give 1711011E3 aro ennjloir0 rapidly I isa- to ‚the Allies is p,:nnat and lasting, „in- preaching coMPletion. , 1 his i8 .111001: tory ag4inst O. foe who, having start- valuable imigeovconeet; as 'it t.itiOli-hee ed oit is Raieetiza Ptussia and the only heavy grade On the Prassianize Gevinany, ineenbto Gore wood -Vernon road. , slag eve ()illy the 'A. Weetlake is kept very by pre- =mixt the world. . ROSESERY'S JUDGMENT. 'Two or three times a week Levi RoSebery is to be .found lunching ab Bueltingliain Palace, Which merely em- phasizes that Ring George, like his father, has• the firmest faith in ',era Roeebeey's•judgme»t, end like to get -hie views -en iraportant questions. !Loyd Roseleery .has„ of. cotirse, ketayri Pet f 1' LAUGHED. . It is difficult, td.realiO' that that wondeeful weinan Madame. Patti eelebtate hey 'seventy-third. birthday this month, but such is •the fact and in spite oa ber hge, her- vciide Still ea - tains tee remarkable' powers. . Madame INtti'has eold'a, good story, about a littleegiriewho eggs lemming music. The famous singer had ex- plained to her the Meaning of the Ring George since he was it child, and :mesieal sigas 15' and -PF; - was- a constant visitor at Sandring-"Now," said Madame Raw, 'if 1,3, nara. He was always a ravorite with 'Means forte, whab does 15 mean?" the young Princes and Prinecesee, and The little girl thought eeriously foe used to love to romp with them in a moment, and then her face bright - the schoolroom to their hearte' (med. tent, •"1 know," 0170 said at last, "righty." teaveller in China has occasionally to contend, is' told by Sir Alexander Hosie in his interestieg account of a trip through the interior provinces mg titled, "On the Trail Of the Opium Poppy." When WO left Eu-cligang Haien, be says, one of the local escort, evident- ly a man oi' the streets; began Ito multo up to the Male -beer in charge of the litter, rie hoverd round the front Mode, and the muleteer' acich•essecl him: , "You are one of onr escoet, aren't yeti?" • • The man repliee in some unintel- ligible jargon, watt the muleteer tried him again: "Whet, is tha name of the piece, at whiela we stop to -night?" fho hum aim:Teed riot to under- stttnd the creeet:on, and I' replied, for hire, "h-ieg-yuari Heim)." The muleteer thereupon said th ergo, "eyesMis- 21vely ,feinny. I under- etend all my foreign employer says, het I do 11025 Model Cenci what thi 1 mein, a eountrymen ef 117 0111 raye 1110, nor, does he Limiter:0yd me." The 'man passed cm 50 the eecond muleteer after a long ?Hence, bet the latter under-' seind him. Nothing daunted, the man took refuge in song, and kept on sing- ing nearly the whole of the day. . When will China possees a language Unit will he intelligible to the Whole Chinon race? Too Willing Worlter. • '-Yes, the boss ;mid he was losing Money on the. things I was making." "And what WOTC you making?" "Mistaltes," Beauty may be only skin deep, Mat eves y weinn a 'mows that that ie enough. -- Ireep Vilnard's Liniment lr. lIkelICItt;i0 -µ 4411 You WM find relief in Zatn-tink It eases the burning, stinging pain, stops bleeding and brings ease. PerseVerance, with Zana.„ Rtik, ineanS cure. INhynet prove Vag ? All .Druogi00bst,033. somt „-toos,- . -27 17,19r17" SGANDAL WAR LOAN. Goveeement fuEptied the Savings Bunke,, The Temidon'Telegranh'ssitelne, co, respondent says that, eccordin5 to in- •direet information -from ,gerlin; Dr, Licklumat disclosed a fact of consid- 'erable gravity (Juries; the eitting the Reiehesteg on April 8, regarding the latest German,loan. The President, Ministers; ancl Deputies alike made the meet determined efforts to prevent Dr. Liebitriecht from speeking, and the eansoeship prevented the newspapers from publishing anything about he Persons in Germany do not know, or know only impeefectly, what Dr. Liebknecht said, but great fear pre - Valls in Germany that to cover the loan the Government, emptied the savinge banks an4 lcinclrecl institu- tions. The ten 'Millard loan is a colossal mystification'and Liebknecht would seem 'to have disclosed this in the Reiehsteg iti tWO. Or three sen- tences heaed in the tumult 'After the sitting it was 'made in - possible for Dr. Liebknecht to com- municate with any newspaper, There WOO a demand for his errese, but the Government was afraid to take this stem, fearing the indignation of the working elasses, whose savings had been commandeered. The conclusion to be drawn froin the above is that it will be impossible f or Germany to float any Anther loan. Echoes of the' scandal must have reached Austria4Itingary, and will have .a prejtaliciareffect•on, Aus- tro-Dungarian borrowing. ' 3, — THE BEST MEDICINE • FOR THE BABY The best medicine for ,the baby is the one that never fails to cure and which, at the dame time, the mothee may give with perfect assurance that it is absolutely safe. Such is meal - eine is Baby's Own Tablets. They are the only medicine absolutely guaran- teed entirly free from injurious drugs and svhat is more they never fail to free the baby frOm those minor ills of babyhOod and' childhood, Once . mother has used them she would use no other medicine. They regulate the stomach and bowels; drive out constipation.; expel wornm and make teething easy. They are sold by medi- cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co. Brockville, Ont. —Fier Dress.—"--- "I dress expenaively. Do you think yo1.1 could do as wen for me in that respect as father does?" "Perhaps en," said the young man. "Still, I shouldn't like to go around looking as shabby as he does." Ninerd's Liniment Lumberman's rriond Duchy, Kriss—What did you get out of your aunt's estate? ICrose—After settling thing e up the lawyer blew me to a good dinner and loaned me $5. Granulated EYelids. ai • rigiu Eyes inflamed by expo. sure to Sun, Dust and Wind e quickly relieved by [Orin Eye Remedy, No Smarting, just Eye Comfort, At Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle, iiiiniacEye SelveinTtibes25c.ForgookeithaYerletholc Druggists or Merino Eye Rentedy Ce . , Chicago Fathers and Sons "The old-fashioned boy uced to &aid every word his father said." "Yes," replied the rather cynical youth; "bat you must remember that the old-fashioned boy had one those thoughtfal, old-faelelesrerfssis., ers." • Fly Poiscin Kills Ignie Children • Than. All OtlzerPoisons Combined - For Safety's Sake,Use Is there within yogr home, allyWhere vvithin baby's reach, a saucer of arsenic poisoned paper floating in water, or a can with a svveetenecl poisoned wick? During 1915, 26 cases of fly • poisoning were reported from 11 states; in 1914, 46 eases from 14 states, Fly ',bison kills move chihlren than all oiner poisons cont6ined, Vet fly poison still is left 1.1 11.• guarded except in the homes where in others have learned that the set fe, vire, notz-poisavolts , efficient Ily catcher and de- stroyer is Tile /carnal of the Michigan State Medical Society comMentS thus in recent issue: "Srmptorns of arsenical poisoning are very similar to !hose of cholera 1nfantile:3i undoubtedly 51151115101 of oases of cholera infaritum were really cases of arsenical Poiaening, but death, if occurring, was attributed to cholera Infantum. "Wereneat, arsenical fly destroying do - 'vices are dangerous and should be abol- isbod. Health olbelnis should become aroused to prevent further loss of life front their source. Our Michigan Legis - Is hire, this last passed 25115,5 reg- ulating the saki of poisonous fly pripers,'' The 0. & W. Thum CO. Grand Rapids, Mich. (i3) A Distinction. "Did that firm fail to pay iti debts?" "No, it failed so it wouldn't have to pay them." BABB BOTB(003i5 • .0 BED POTATOIIIS, IRISH: COB - biers, Deloware. Carman. or - dei' 151 01540. Auk'n1.1Y3DIglteril. nrwaigatona.0 ram HALL% 5,11 riwt NG :MACHINE S UPPL, MS -15 Ssupertor rieeeles 20e, Shuttles lie gsrienri.gr 5AZIlltess rEllnWirm;!u(VII!''' IlISAOIXISTMRY, H 13 21511 FACTORY,' nomEns, `4,-, Shafting, Hangers, Puttees, oratea Let un figure on your requirements, Napanee Iron Works, Ltd., Napanee, A.OZZITS WANTED. ACIENTS WANTED TO HANDLO on"pid raselling speolaitles. Dims, MOUS emote. Acme supply Co., Rings - ton, Ont, SEEME. W'14.1FTED. V7 JD — LATH 11IACIIINISTS Y and ritterS, Toolinakeeil, else oPerators experienced on .the larger size shells. Phone or wire applleationS Pro - revved. a. Beg sr. son 00131015111, Ltd., St. george, Ont. ACM M(1STS, FITTERS, 1(1014- I15. makers. 2552,07 man, also operators experienced on shells. Phone, wire, or write, 13. T3ell 15 ion Company, Ltd., St. George, Ont. SzwsPnvElts rtaa sarm. 11015'1T-INIARING NEWS AND 3033 15 °glees for sale lit good Ontario tOwns. 'rho most useful and interesting of all busineeses, information on application to Wilson Publishing Coin- prinY, 73 West Adelaide Street, Toronto, MISCELLANEOUS. •N-ano..tzt.r.,:eumaaisnxeullNyES:Eti lIceeattonal advantages — Modern Rooms; eight nem schedule; allowanao or 55.00 per month with uniforms end text books after three months probe- 177,,I1caoci,11:1°„apia,,: ituyalsiu..01(.1,41cteiiiip•,,,le:adtclA111;ter:,01 11 .111 15. Geiser, ty"tiperl otniirf NU -'1.S(18: ty f-1,141-Xtzttfb17.-TuhlORS, LUMPS. 1:1120.. N.) Internal and external, cured r.ith- out nolo Omn by our i) treatmen. t. rite tis before too late. Dr, Rellman liosileal Co 1 !lulled, Collingwood. Ont. "Overseas" Liniment ainard's Liniment Co., Limitedt . Why slump with uhounnutinn. Lain - wee very eiek with Quiesy and thought I svould strangle. I used I The Dighes's grade geoment nem., MINARD'S LINIMENT, and it cured' i',44",1 at anaa' Fan'StY 4130 I 51.00. me at once. I am never without it now, Yours gratefully, MRS. C. D. PRINCE. Nauwigewaek, Oct. 21st, WOMAN COOKS ARMY TUTORS. Their Employment - to Instruct Sol- diers Urged in lirogland. ri)r. Sloan Chesser, speaking recently at a meeting ab the Institute of Hy- giene, London, urged the employment of •wornen cooks to instruct soldiers. 1,T11040 charge of caps and hospital kitchene, she Said, were in many eases ignoraut of cooking and dietetics, and the Cover/lent had only begun, .srnall way, be utilize trained women cooks to teach the eoldiers. If ltegeland could, on a large settle, use good 5510111011 cooks, with soldiers Working under theni, the country would save in a camp where a anti- seseessesemsmsesemeneegras sion is billeted several thousand, pounds each week. *2NI Moot WO/MOIL Dr. Chesser insisted, made the mistake or being 130C) angioue egd ree to eave in food. Girlmight be train- ed for "home service" in the 'kitchen, the garden, the farm, the counting house or the hoemital. It should be impossible for may healthy woman to be idle at the preeent time, Ho Was a Navigates. • Sir Charles 7,Vyndhern, during his Am2ri01n tour, raid at a dinner in New York :--"Too numy of es res- emble n boy at the wheel, The boy stood on Om bridge of a schooner be - 0 -51:1 ths captain on a staery night, It suddenly became neeessary for the captain tcrem below, and he said to the bcy—Tfere take the wheel, be back in a few nahmtes. Steer by that star entl yeti will be all right,' The boy beget] b etare the boat, and soon he got- out of hee comme. The star llOW eperatztl astern fleteacl of ahead, fli.nit7d dawn to the eaptain--ID, klpp2r, 01 115 up .and find us another stasis • I'Ve passed that one." lanacs-Po Latinrn 1 11204 by PbY01014110. ' "gag 111 ,G152:12', Eillo iho crooves of the won. axle. ' 1\,lolc.os11 psrfett bearing 51521100. Provsms blacked wheels. Lets 3..our horse • bigger lends, Tlic ?erica does it. Dotz lore E 1)472/u:hero lho Imperial Oil Compaziy 'Limited 51i54NC:1-1E1 ZS ALL CITIOF OVIMSEAE 05125IIIIE1051. 010, 810 Bathurst 61,, Toronto, 1)511. BOOK Oil DOG DISEASES 'Ana 11.0w to Feed ,1 !Sailed fres to say eddress. hy AillOtien'S 1 the Aurli,r Pitleaff H. CLAY GLOVER, 11. S. • 00ff Remedios ,n8 West Slat Seteet, Nog York:: Sickness Causes inefficiency you aro losing time anti gamily ihrnoith sickness, 05 et 0500 50 P, Hervey Roof CO. Or a est a imedies for NeltraSthenin• A.1i1n1". COng,bU011 al icllosys, Plies, Epilepsy or Palling Sicion 0. Ner,rua Di:Hilly, Catarrh, Eczema, Rheumatism, Old Sor,, or Wears, am! indigestion, They 1,104 het n per - festal by 51.115 01 medical practice. It not 954l1c553 with results atter 30 days, they rest you notlerii Send no nitincy but rehire this ad for r,,,icald tri,t eve.tintiperlicutere, Suite A, 5004., SItitIon 50, 14017 work, 1411. *.Arrat MO, • - SPECIALLY MA FARM FOOTWEAR seee*ss-a::„ PiliinFAED TO. YOU $825 ^ 1- lierels it light weight, durable ain't coinrortablo working slice speelallY satiable for framers., wwicieni,, n, mill - mon, tritekmen, laborers --all who re- quire extra ofrung, rimy footwear ror working 111, '\,\*0 Mali° 011:111 05' thc splendid ell -tanned FikOWIlegith water.. proofed leather that has made Pahner's "Moose Head Bro,nd" famous for almost forty years. No need to suffer with tired, 001'0. Rog 'ing. burning test. Get us pair or these . rine End 00.00 and pomrort. ye1.. dealer doesn't carry them, sena us les name, enclosing 51,25, end we v.! Ill ship you a pair, all charges mad, to* any address fn Canada or 0. Meal (stating Idoc) by postal nv express order. Sarno e es shown, 0 eye- lets bleb, 5070,. 555,21,, ror our catalog 115515' 0125' 0.11C1 Whiten' foOtWeor UOTLII P.FiltbatIZ 00., rand -toe, VImftexiotou, 25. B., Canada, ISSUE U.-JUL