HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-04-27, Page 4Clinton .News -Record April ? 7th „1916 • :Bayfield a the saermeat of u next Sunday y ne On the Lord's Supper will be adminis- tered in the Methodist 'church at Irl a:nr Miss Lizzie 'Weston and ,'Master Clayton \Veston spent the' itaster holiday with friends at Detroit, Miss Agnes Johnston ot (yoderich is the guest of her sister, Mrs, Edward Weston, this week.' Mrs. John McLeod'; who spent the winter with her son, Dr. A. McLeod, at Wroxeter, returned to the village the past_ week. Private Wilber Irwin of Berlin Spent the week -end at his hone in the village. Miss V. E.. Stevens, I>rincilial of the Public school, is spending her holi- days at her home near Blake. Miss Baxter of London is the guest of Miss Ferguson over the holiday season. Mr. and Mrs. S, D. Merner and son, Fred Merner and Mr. and Mrs• Stan- ley Anderson of Alvitistou, Mr. S. Merner, Jr., and son, Gordon IVlerner of 011 Springs, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Piper and sons, Earl and Jack Piper of Hanover were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, David and Edward Sturg- eon over the holiday. • Miss Maggie Parker and Myrtle Tippet of London spent the holidays at their homes in the village. Miss Barr of Loudesboro was the guest of her sister, Mrs, Geo. King, the past week. Mrs. W. Ferguson and family arc visiting her parents at Seaforth, while Mr. Ferguson has left to re- sume his duties on ,the lakes. Mr, and Mrs. E. Merner spent Eas- ter with friends at Zurich, . Mr. E. Ward left this week for Clinton where he has secured a posi- tion with Mr. R. Jones. The. tug Edna K., which was laid up at Goderich for the winter, ar- rived in the harbor on Friday. Rev. A. Macfarlane is attending the Presbyterian Synod at Stratford this week. Miss Minnie Kerr of Brantford was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. 1f. Dar- row, over the Easter holidays. Misses Laura and Irene Currie of Seaforth are home on a visit. Bayfield. • Mrs. 's. Geoc e Woods and (laughter, MiSS Belle Woods of Seaforth, spent Good Friday in the village with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Hewson. Miss 'Clare Spackman of Loudon, spent the holiday under the parental roof, • Mr. R. Bailey of the Sterling Bank, Sebringville, spent his 'Easter heli- dais at his home in the village. Mrs. Ruddy and Misses May and MVIargeryi Grasby of Wingham, were the guests of tine Iortner's sister, Mrs. Brandon, over the holiday. Private Fred King of the 52nd Battery, Kingston, spent the week. end with his parents, Mi.Ind a4id Mrs, George King. • The following is the reportof the promotion examinations held in Bay- field Public school. • r Fowlie, l aker, Sr, nth—Ethel I owlde, Lulu B , Nesbitt Woods. Jr, btih—Lucy Woods, Izctta Ma- iler, Muriel King, Florence Elliott, Nina Heard, Beulah Parker, Lillian Catling, Sr" 4th—Greta Baker, Mary Currie, Irene Catling, Lola Blair, Ethel Dreh- mann, May Howard, Harolid Weston, Ruth Macdonald, Harry Baker, Shir- ley King._ ,Ir. 4th—Ethel Jowett, James Dreh- mann. Frank Erwin, Alfred Copeland, Norval Gemeinhardt, Leslie Elliott, Chas. Gemeinhardt, Reta Harrison, Jean Woods, Ethel 0emeinhardt. Sr. 3rd -Roland Reid, George Blair, Lola Elliott, James Catling, Alfred Rickard, ,koe Clark, - Willie Brawn, Norman Toms, Russell Davison. 'Jr. 3rd—Addie Drehmann, Lucy Mc- Leod, Alma Mackay, Charles Harris- on, Brown Iliggins, Willie Heard, Robert Blair,. Dorothy Ward. Sr. 2nd—Gladys Davison, George Clark, Jeah Lindsay, Sohn McLeod, Helene Brownlee, Ruth Higgins. Sr. I't. 2nd—Lindsay Smith, George Lindsay, Percy Harrison,,Eldon Mer- ner. Jr. Pt. 2nd—Mary Wilds„ Fred Heard, Reg, Williamson, Marion Dav- ison, Beatrice Gibson, Douglas Gem- einhardt, Primer—Lizzie Harrison, Jack Fer- guson, Ruby Johnston, —V. E. Stevens, Principal. Bayfield of ' 1VIrs.' A. \ anstone and chtl t o Gorrie were the guests of her moth- er, Mrs. Green,over the holiday. Mr. Rattray was the guest of his daughter, Mrs. (Rev.) J. E. Jones, the past week. Rev. W, Hinde was at Stratford ov- er Easter taking Rev. Mr. Hodgin's work while there. Kenneth Smith of Toronto is spending his Easter holidays in the villago. Messrs. Clarence Pollock ;and Lawrence Fowlie of London spent the holidays- at their noires in the vil- lago. Mrs. Ross and her daughter, Miss Helen., and her mother, Mrs. Couch of Clinton, spent Good Friday at their summer cottage, '''Stun R Inn.". Mrs, Rouatt and, son, Private Jas. Rouatt, spent the holiday at London. Miss Dolly Ross, who is teaching near Hamilton, is spending her holi- days under the parental roof. News -Record means News -Leader. Custom Hatching Let Us Hatch Your Eggs This Year. Call, phone or write for particulars, Phone 10 on 255. Rates $2 per tray of 70 eggs. Varna Mrs. 5. Rathwell and her son Ger- ald of Lucknow are visiting relativ- es and friends in the village., Miss Luella Coleman is spending her Easter vacation at the _parental home in Tuckersmith. Miss Evelyn Elliott is spending the week with friends in Detroit. Mr. Page of Toronto University is spending the holidays at the home of Rev. Mr, Brown. Mrs, Andrew Duncan is visiting in Hamilton. Ridgerest Farm, Lot 12, Con. 4, Goderich Tp. • H. Keith Revell, Goderich (a ...mss-. i Ready to - Wear Garments Couch Co. P110NL 7S. Dry Goods and Millinery 11 Up to the Minute Styles in Ladies' and ' Misses' Suits and Coats. Attractive, distinct- ive, correct, reflecting the' latest touches in trim- mings, also newest col- ors and weaves, serges, gabardines and poplins. Prices from $15.00 up to $25 00. Special Showing of New Hats. An unusually, large collection of elegant un- trimmed hats, such a large variety that n a trouble will be encount- ered in selecting one that will be found no where else as they are exclusive in every sense of t h e word. New Raincoats. We have a complete range of new waterproof coats from the best mak- ers in Canada. Com e THE PEN -ANGLE THE OTHERS Holmesville Stanle Townshi p Mrs, James :ose and SOIL Tont Walton spent Laster as the guests of. Mr, and Mrs.; Carl Houston. Miss Mabel Stinson,ol Toronto was . home for the holiday. '• Miss FranoeS Evans, of Buffalo, Who ` has been spending the winter 'at the, parental. home,, left for Toronto 'ea Monday. 7Miss Cora Nicholson, teacher" at Greenway, is home for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs.. Thos. Cameron, of Bayfield -Spent Sunday with friends on` the Sauble Line. Miss Eva M. Stinson of Grand Bend is spending the vacation at her home on the Sauble, " The following Irom a Saskatoon paper will be of interest . to the - groom's many 'friends fibre : "A pretty wedding took place on April tenth at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R., Richmond, 5111 First l Avenue, when their niece,- Dora Viola Bell of Fiske, -Sask., became the bride of Robert J. N. Watson also of Lisle, eldest soil of Mr. and Mrs. John Watson 01 near Bayfield, Ont. The ceremony was perforated by Rev. S. L. W. Harton," ,Sorry to hear of the serious ill - tress of Mr. James Boyce but hope for a speedy recovery. Mrs. Hamilton is the guest of her brother, Mr. Alex, Mitchell, near Varna at present. Mr. Chas. Parker had the misfor- tune to lose a good horse a few days ago. Messrs. Wm. and Franklin Boyce, who have donned the colors and have been training in Bayfield, are laid up with the measles and are under quarantine beneath the parental. roof. Frank would rachet be shouldering his musket. Mr.Frank Keegan has a brood sow which gave birth to sixteen young 1Ir F. W. Smith, 'the new cheeseina- ' porkers a few days ago 'and is likely ker, arrived in the village on Tues- days evening last. The prospects are bright tor high' prices for cheese this season and the directors are hoping for: a vera large run. Mr. Thomas Andrew nes Thom of Pickering idays with bit, A. J. friends. Rev. R. J. McCormick attended the meeting of the Huron County Branch of The Dominion Alliance at Clinton on 'Tuesday last and was chosen as secretary. News -Record means News -Leader. and Miss Ag - spent the hol- C'ourticc and and get yours here. A very satisfactory coat of par a m at t a. cloth, guaranteed waterproof and will not get hard, all; sizes from 32 to 44 at a very special price $5.00, Novelty raincoats from $8 up. to $15. Completely Equipped Hosiery Department, Just to hand a fu11 as- sortment off fine grade cash-' ' mare hosiery made of good fine yarn •and good dyes, all sizes, prices range from 25e up to 75c a pr. Ask ,to see our specials at 35c a pair. Clinton Optical Parlors. The engaging of F. W. Mayor a short time ago to teach me the Ad- vanced Science of Optics, was most successful, (as all who consulted him can testify) and I am now in a posi- tioni to guarantee all work and carry on the successful work started by him. . Read what he says :— To all eye sufferers and whom it may concern : I have finished a special ad- vanced course of optics t'itli Mr.. 12. H. Johnson of Clin- ton and wish to say that the manner in which he grasped the advanced work during my teach- ing, leaves no 'doubt in my mind that Mr. Johnson can accurately correct defective vision, where it is possible for lenses to correct, and I most heartily recommend all eyzsight sufferers to consult with all confidence. Faithfully yours, Frederick W, Mayer, Instructor in Optometry, Toronto, Ont. R. H. JOHNSON, to raise them all. A number of homes that have been under quarantine for some time will have the reel tickets removed the last of this week. Miss Martha Taylor of Seaforth spent over the week -end at the home of her brother, W. J. Taylor. Miss Mabel Clark, who is teaching school at Markdale, spent her Easter holidays under the parental roof. News -Record means News -Leader. Gnd crit . • Rev Geo. E. Ross was in 'lll'oronto last week" attendinga, meeting' of the board 'of foreign missions for the Preshyterian;.Church. • Mt rhos. Barris of Denver, ('al,, has ,been -a visitor is 'tort>n. Misses Marion anti Lillian Frasers' were in Toronto for Laster. 'Mrs F; WDotyis visiting hes home 'at "fanSing, Mich. Mr. J. • C. Blackstone of Own Sound was home last iitcell°on a visit. Misses Annie Stoddart and Jessie Foster were in Detroit over, Easter. Mr. and Mrs, J, H. Johnston were at . the latter's parental h'olne in Collingwood during 'the -Eastertide. Miss Lillie Morrish, daughter of Mr. William Morrish, • was married on Wednesday of last week to Mr, Wes- ley M. McLean, son of Mayor Mc-, Lean, Anter a short honeymoon rhe' young couple will reside in town. Mr, L. E. Doherty and family re- moved last week to Stratford, which will be more central for Mr. Doherty's work. They will be much missed in 'town and especially. in North street church. Prior to their departure Mr. Doherty was presented with a club bag by the Sunday school of 'which he had been secretary for several years. Mr. David Nicholson of Cornwall is taking the organ in Knox church for a few Sundays.. The following officers were elected by the Epworth League of North street church for the ensuing year i Hon. -President, Rev. W. K. Hager ; President, J. H. Johnston ; 1st Vice, Miss Marjorie Aitken ; 2nd Vice, Miss Rhoda Cooper ; 3rd Vice, Dr.' Heile- mann ; 411 Vice, A. M. Robertson ; Secretary, Miss Rose Aitken ; As- sistant, Miss Doris Megaw ; Treasur- er, Miss ABM ; Pianist, Victor Kers- lake ; Assistant, Miss Rctta Worselle Holmesville Mrs. C. Gibson and young son, Bob- bie, and Master Walter Draper of Detroit, visited at the lady's paren- tal home, that of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Mulholland, over the Easter holiday. At the meeting of the League on Monday evening last the election of officers resulted in lulr, Howard Tre- wartha being chosen as president for the coating year. The many friends of Mrs, Will Jen- kins will be glad to hear that she is recovering from an attack of illness. The largest and most successful 'vestry meeting of St. John's church, Hohnesville, was held in the church on Monday afternoon last. Rev. Wm. Moulton, incumbent, who presided, de- clared in his address that the church had had very reason to be pleased with the reports of the past year. The church wardens' financial state- ment showed a balance on hand of '$27.15. The following officers were duly el- ected : rector's warden, Mr. F. Ford; people's warden, Mr. Win. Rowden ; sidesman, Messrs. J. Marshall. and S. Sturdy ; auditors, Messrs. J. Mar- shall and S. Sturdy. Delgate to the Synod, Mr. W. 11. Johnston ; substi- tute J. S. Holmes. A committee of Rev. Win. Moulton, Mr. F. Ford and Mr. W. Bowden were appointed to arrange for a stained window to be placed in the chancel during the coming year. Hearty votes of thanks were pass- ed and extended to the rectory' war- den, Mr. W. H. Johnstoa ; Mrs. F. Ford. tor her valuable' services as or- ganist, and Rev. Mr. Moulton. Rev. W. Moulton leaves Monday fora, London to prepare for his L,Th, De- gree and ordination. Mr. Moulton will conduct his own services every second Sunday and get a supply for the alternate Sundays, Ordination,. will be held on Sunday, Juane OOptician and Jeweler 'eleventh in the' St. Paul's Cathedral `London, Ont. A Beautiful Art Square lends a charm to;the room. It has other advantages al- so, being easy to clean, easy to remove. We b av e at present an excellent show- ing of fine rugs including Brussels,Axmensters, Wdh tons, etc., that we have priced at attractive prices. We would be most pleased to show them to you. JAS. DUNFORD Undertaker and Funeral Director. 28 Phone 1W. ; 28 Brueefield Masters Austin,and an1 eotnta Wheel - Mrs. McGillivraytlirvisv and Mrs. . M c3ur- er visited With Mr's: John esley 'cif 'ney have beep in 'Toronto visiting Clinton for a few daYs, his week. the former's daughter. hto r. Wing ha m ' The best investment you can make in House' Fu Fur- nishings is in Wall Paper. Booms tastefully papered are half furnished. You'll find in our stock the paper that will suit your purse and your taste, so why go elsewhere ? We have a very large variety of new papers. Odd lots at special prices. All paper trimmed free, A. T. Cooper Clinton Agent for O.N.W. Telegraph and Canadian Northern R. R. Tickets. n,IMIMMIe IMR MODEL D 60. Valve -in -Head motor, 30-35 h.p. 5 passenger. Completely furnished to smallest detail—The McLaughlin "Valve -in -Head" Motor is guaranteed to develop and deliver mere power and with less gasoline than any other motor of equal size or make. Price $1,110, f.o.b., Oshawa. REAL SERVICE. McLaughlin service is assured by twelve bran- ches conveniently located. Hundreds of agencies from coast to coast, One million dollars invested in branch houses and equipment, Large stocks of parts carried for all models at Oshawa and at the branches. Forty-seven years of manufacturing and marketing of vehicles for Can- adians. Thorough knowledge through experience of Canadian needs, Consider carefully the SERVICE you buy—it is very important and necessary, Note the class of people vvho drive the McLaughlin. As a class they investigate before they invest. To insure spring delivery you should give your order now. The McLaughlin Motor Car Co., Limited„,,Oshawa wa SEELEY & BARTLIFF, Agent:' - 4.S A f:.,,i--,;-',..1.--. �r"'w��� 4Adl4t a,,,i.." o VII •I 1� ,L ui�dt` ,� il �d41tr�� �� . .� Torrance School, Guelph, decorated with "Neu•Toae". Homeiku decorated iN Ta • Churoh in Nova Sends:\ detested with "Neu -Tone".. "Neu -Tone" for the Wars It is—so easy and so economical to have a beautifully 'decorated home, with "NEU-TONE" Flat Finish. The soft, restful "Neu -Tone" tints will delight the woman `rand man who appreciate refinement and delicacyin the home. When you "Neu -Tone" the walls, you save all fuss and bother of washing and scraping the plaster to re -decorate. Simply apply another coat of "NEU-TONE" in any shade or. tint desired: "NEU-TONE" is-"cheipercthan wall paper: It is truly 'economical—absolutely sanitary—can't fade, scale orr rub ofd- 1 IAND IS WASHABLE. Soap and water cleans a •"NEU= ,TONEr wall and takes away dust, stains and fmger prints14 Marble -Ire Floor Finish will withstand all the wear and base to which a floor varnish is subjected ; it can be used on hard or soft wood floors ; every can carries with it a money:, back guarantee. "MADE IN CANADA" Writedirect to the Martin-Senour Co., Limited, Montreal, for their 1916 Booklet, '''Town and Country Homes", showing many new color schemes and giving valuable paint information, . 67R R. ROWLAND, CLINTON, Ont`''0,` c.:-.002rr 4 SERVICE' THROUGH , DUNLOA KEAD • THE \\UI, .sm�g+�-L of twa3 And a WHOLE -4 'P �P44 t%Ov. servicepr you arc proud ' \ to tell your Y EA R ` wr a *1 friends about ,., -� Notice the number +%� y 5'' of Traction "spares" that are not on the car, but out ...1. e open wearing s w/ rr in the open weartng khc "V" smile "� -Pride _. a MLIV.rr that won'tcome off. in possession ' ,• - accounts for this—the desire to have the ° = e car look its best. ' Tire & Rubber ubber Goode Co.jj///•HEAD OFFICE—TORONTO ,.' d / A.✓ Dunlop //�,� ' fl .A<.I.1,db ST ///,j/' ��/.,�,.kom fiaIMT ruM .11711 TVd.Fnd //j�� j Tlug,and Se..Rubber e4iNaltues. -f� '. A Beautiful Art Square lends a charm to;the room. It has other advantages al- so, being easy to clean, easy to remove. We b av e at present an excellent show- ing of fine rugs including Brussels,Axmensters, Wdh tons, etc., that we have priced at attractive prices. We would be most pleased to show them to you. JAS. DUNFORD Undertaker and Funeral Director. 28 Phone 1W. ; 28 Brueefield Masters Austin,and an1 eotnta Wheel - Mrs. McGillivraytlirvisv and Mrs. . M c3ur- er visited With Mr's: John esley 'cif 'ney have beep in 'Toronto visiting Clinton for a few daYs, his week. the former's daughter. hto r. Wing ha m ' The best investment you can make in House' Fu Fur- nishings is in Wall Paper. Booms tastefully papered are half furnished. You'll find in our stock the paper that will suit your purse and your taste, so why go elsewhere ? We have a very large variety of new papers. Odd lots at special prices. All paper trimmed free, A. T. Cooper Clinton Agent for O.N.W. Telegraph and Canadian Northern R. R. Tickets. n,IMIMMIe IMR MODEL D 60. Valve -in -Head motor, 30-35 h.p. 5 passenger. Completely furnished to smallest detail—The McLaughlin "Valve -in -Head" Motor is guaranteed to develop and deliver mere power and with less gasoline than any other motor of equal size or make. Price $1,110, f.o.b., Oshawa. REAL SERVICE. McLaughlin service is assured by twelve bran- ches conveniently located. Hundreds of agencies from coast to coast, One million dollars invested in branch houses and equipment, Large stocks of parts carried for all models at Oshawa and at the branches. Forty-seven years of manufacturing and marketing of vehicles for Can- adians. Thorough knowledge through experience of Canadian needs, Consider carefully the SERVICE you buy—it is very important and necessary, Note the class of people vvho drive the McLaughlin. As a class they investigate before they invest. To insure spring delivery you should give your order now. The McLaughlin Motor Car Co., Limited„,,Oshawa wa SEELEY & BARTLIFF, Agent:' - 4.S A f:.,,i--,;-',..1.--. �r"'w��� 4Adl4t a,,,i.." o VII •I 1� ,L ui�dt` ,� il �d41tr�� �� . .� Torrance School, Guelph, decorated with "Neu•Toae". Homeiku decorated iN Ta • Churoh in Nova Sends:\ detested with "Neu -Tone".. "Neu -Tone" for the Wars It is—so easy and so economical to have a beautifully 'decorated home, with "NEU-TONE" Flat Finish. The soft, restful "Neu -Tone" tints will delight the woman `rand man who appreciate refinement and delicacyin the home. When you "Neu -Tone" the walls, you save all fuss and bother of washing and scraping the plaster to re -decorate. Simply apply another coat of "NEU-TONE" in any shade or. tint desired: "NEU-TONE" is-"cheipercthan wall paper: It is truly 'economical—absolutely sanitary—can't fade, scale orr rub ofd- 1 IAND IS WASHABLE. Soap and water cleans a •"NEU= ,TONEr wall and takes away dust, stains and fmger prints14 Marble -Ire Floor Finish will withstand all the wear and base to which a floor varnish is subjected ; it can be used on hard or soft wood floors ; every can carries with it a money:, back guarantee. "MADE IN CANADA" Writedirect to the Martin-Senour Co., Limited, Montreal, for their 1916 Booklet, '''Town and Country Homes", showing many new color schemes and giving valuable paint information, . 67R R. ROWLAND, CLINTON, Ont`''0,` c.:-.002rr 4