HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-04-20, Page 10-- SMING REMINDERS OF RHEUMATISM Ea , Damp Weather Starts •the pants, But the. Trouble Lies in the Blood. Spring weather is bad for Aim- . matte sufferers. The Changes from mild to cold, the, raW, damp winds stat the aches and twinges, or in the more extreme caees, the tortures of the trouble going. But/it must be borne in mind that it is not the wdather that causes rheematism. The tremble is rooted in the blood—the changeable weather merely starts the /mine. The only way to reach the trouble and to mire it is through the • blood. The poisonous rheumatic teeids must be driven out. Liniments . arid rubbing may give temporary re- , ha, but cannot possibly cure the I t),:ouble. The sufferer is only wasting -time and money with this kind of treatment and ell the time the trouble 'Neelis becoming snore deeply rooted -- liarder to cure. .There is just one iipeedy cure for rhetunatism—Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. They ant directly ont the impure, acid -tainted blood. They purify and strengthen it .aud thus eoot out the cause of the rheumatism. )ffere is strong proof of bhe above eetatements. Mr. Michael Personage, leeenlon Man says:—"My mother suf- fered several years with rheumatism. We tried a number of remedies but they all failed to cure. Then we got. Pr. Williams Philc Pills, and after using them for some Nixie she -was -nompletely cured and has had no pign of the trouble since." Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes • for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. MULE BETTER THAN CAMEL. Used as Beast of Burden by British in Mesopotamia. The mule has proved a far more reli- able and 'useful transport animal than the camel in the Mesbpotamia cam- paign. •If beasts were decorated the Mule would be covered with ribbons. He knows not defeat. His hardiness Is proverbial. None of the plagues of Mesopotamia have effected his sang- froid. elle camel has so far been bill an auxiliary. The breed used here, called "Judi," is not, like his "Bedawi" bro- th':,. trained to go without water, but ha is proof against the ubiquitous earn el fly, and has certain other virtues of Ws own. In spite- of his wobbly extremities and grotesquely proportion- ed limbs, the camel is a dainty beast. His haughty gait and supercilious gionces are generally at to pose; as a matter of fact they are the expression of an inward and unsuspect- ed delicacy. Too often the camel's uncouth bulk gives a false impression of hardiness. He is not hardy. He is brittle, and will break his leg kicking against a stone'and he will split up and die if his legs split apart In the mud. Snow kills him. He is sensitive to damp, and will catch a cold if asked to sleep In a swarim. But • well cared for, sufficiently equipped, and tactfully treated, he is second only • to the mule as a beast of burden. How "Lloyd's" Began. • "Lloyd's" has often been described, but not everyone is familiar with the ,. varied operations of this famous in- , Gst4,nion. ^ The great Maritime Ex- essOethrenge is really part of the Royal Exchange, and owes its origin to Ed- warcl Lloyd, who kept a coffee house in Viwer Street, London. This coffee house was in a place where news could be ofitained; and to -day Lloyd's is the leading institution it the world for obtaining maritime news, In one of the Tome may be seen the first in- surance policy of which there is any record. It was taken for a ship, the Golde.n Fleece, which was insured for • a voyage from Lisbon to Venice on • January 20, 1600. GOOD REPORT. Doctor Proved Value of Postum. Physicians know that good food and drink, properly selected, are of the ut- most) importance, not only for the re- lief of disease but to maintain health even when one is well, A doctor writes, "I count it a pleas- ure to say a good word for Posturn with which I have been enabled to relieve so many sufferers, and which I count, with its valued companion Grape -Nuts, one of the daily blessings. "Coffee was banished from my own table, some time ago and Postum used regularly. in its place." (Both tea and Coffee are injurious to many per- sons, because they contain the subtle, poisonous drug, caffeine.) "I frequently find it necepsary to instruct patients when they take Poeimin for the fir:A time to be quite elires that it is properly made accord- ing to directions, than it has a clear, seal -brown color and a rich, snappy taste, as well as health giving quali- ties." The above letter, received 'over ten Years ago, is ,fully confirmed by a re - Cent letter from the doctor, in which he saysL «tis a pleasure to render a good rePOt covering a product ,of which I Sit so enthusiastic a, friend, am using in my home your Rei,turn Cereal in both ite forme. And, Wliat is more, I am having it used in 'the families of several patients in 'which there are children, and,all unite 'in endorsing the fine qualities of.'your galmirable 'product." Name given by Canadian Postern Co., Windsor, Ont. Posbum comes in two forms: It -astern Cereat—the original form— e-met be well boiled. 15c and 25c. 'pkgs. ^ Instant Postum—a soluble powder -- dissolves quickly in a cup of hot wa- p', and, with erCam and sugar, makes a' delicious beverage instantly. 80c dul 50c tins. Both forms are equally delicious ,.ses cost' about the sante per cup. "There's a Reason" for Postron, —sold by Greene. TWO WONDERFUL CLOCK$. One et San Diego Has Twenty Dials, All of Thera Useful. One of the most wonderful clock hi the world is owned by a French- man, LOON Deeoutter. Ib ismounted on a Louis Seize stand and has four faces. Besidee marking the houre, it shows the tides at eix different parts of the world, the mean time and the solar time, the age of the moon, the movements of the planets and all eclipses. It is also a pernetual calen- dar. It was made by Jere/lee, of Paris, in 1789, and took eleven years to man- ufacture. San Diego, Cal., has a wonderful clock with twenty dials, which tell the time simultaneously in all parts of the world, also the days of thc week and the date and month. It stands 21 feet high, and four of its dials are each 4 feet in diameter. It is inclosed in plate glass, so that every action can be seen, and the Whole is illmuinated every night. It is jewelled with tourmaline, topaz, agate and jade, and remfirect 15 months to build, The motive power is a 200 -pound weight,• which winds itself aetomatically. The cost of the clock was $8,000. OLD-TIME CURES PERSIST. Muck Ancient Faith, for Example, About Mandrake Root. Superstition as to the methods of curing diseases, once veey prevalent, are not altogether extinct yet, says an exchange. Much ancient faith clus- tered about the mandrake root, which was carved in the for of a doll dress- ed in fine clothes and kept in a box or coffin concealed in smile corner of the house. Each month it was washed in wine and water and freshly garbed. Another universal cure Was to carry a piece of mistletoe which had been cut from a tree by a golden sickle and caught: in a white vessel as it fell. Metal scraped from a church bell or a piece of the rope was supposed to have a similar protective influence against disease, as also a cloth stained in the blood of a murderer or the rope with which he was hanged. Ask Around You for the, Proof THAT DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS AL- WAYS CURE KIDNEY DISEASE • In Every Neighborhood You Will Find People Cured of Backache, Rheu- matism, Dropsy or Diabetes by Dodd's Kidney Pills. Lac Bouchette Lae Se Jean, Que.— April 1.7th (Special.)—Mr, Arthur Fleune, well known and highly re- spected here, has just issued a short, concise statement in regard to Dodd's Kidney Pills. It is as follows: "I have found that Dodd's Kidney Pills are an excellent remedy and that they cure kidney disease, rheumatism and indigestion. Mr. Fleurie has received such bene- fit from Dodd's Kidney Pills that he wants other sufferers to know how to find relief. He feels it is his duty to his fellowman. If you inquire among your neigh- bors you will find scores of people who have found in Dodd's Kidney Pills re- lief from some form of kidneer. trou- ble. It may have been the dry, itching skin, dizziness, nervousness and In- ability to get refreshingsleep that mark the earlier stages of the disease, or it may be diabetes, dropsy, theu» matism, heart disease, or some other of the dangerous diseases that mark its advanced stages. You will find thee Dodd's Kidney Pills cure kidney trouble, no matter where or in what form it is found. Ask your neighbors for the proof. RUSSIAN VOGUE IN LONDON. Language and Customs of Czar's Land Taken Seriously. There is only one vogue, nowadays, for those fashlonables .who like "vogue" even better than vermouth, sayp the London Chronicle. That is the Russian vogue. It appears that Pavlowa, dallied ap- preciably with Dostolevsky; then verr- ed round to Votcluchenko. Tito fair vogistes are now reveling the Rdussimi dresses, • high Catherine the, Great coiffures, and black cloth bopts. But the Vognistee are Jolting their Russia. seriously. Many have begun to learn the language, according to -the manager of a popular West End library. "There is a very great de- mand," he said, "not only for English translations of Russtian works and English books about Russia, but for books i51 the original language. The Ruselait vogue has even ex- tended to eating and drinking, not to say smoking, At leaet one widely known. restaurant ie now actually off- ering nips of real vodka and portions of real horst:tab, Russia'national soup on Its menu, But very ier tram real Rusetan Chyme pee -- WANT ONEY 1115110 HUSBANDS. Young, Breton_ Girl Will Not 1Viarry Non -fighting Man. The young girls An Brittany have formed themselves into an associa- tion' which forbids its membermar- ryirig any young man who has net taken part in the war. • This does not only refer to the de- serters and those who fled their duty, but to the "slackers" who :band the means, through influence or lying, without reason of ill -health or for other just cause, to keep safe in the rear and left their comrades to do the fighting. The rallying cry of these patriotic young Breton girls ist `13ette1' cripple than a slacker!" 9no member of the association ex- pressed thus her thought: "I would rather love a man who had no arm then 0130' who had no heart." The Doctor Calls It. "Auto -Intoxication" It means self-poisoning—an ailment tbat is, almost uni- versal With men and women of sedentary employment. Its cause is the daily intake of indigestible foods. Min- eral salts and saline laxa,- tives will not cure it. Help • Nature to clean out the poisons by eating Shredded Wheat Biscuit, a food that builds healthy tissue and keeps the bowels sweet and clean. The perfect food of health and strength for youngsters and grown-ups, for.men who work with hand or brain. 'It is ready -cooked and ready -to -serve. Made in Canada. From the Middle West NOTES OF INTEREST FROM HER BANKS AND BRAES. What Is Going On in the Highlands and Lowlands of Auld Scotia. Calgary is about $1,000,000 better off bhan Edmonton in the matter of good fmtun° of others. tax arrears. TOO CUNNING GREEKS What Happens; to Men Who Are Too Smart. • The Greeks have alwaye been noted for their exceeding cunning. It is a question whether they, the Jews, or the Armenians are the sharpot peo- ple of the near East. Someone has said that a Jew could cheat a Greek, but that an Armenian could cheat a Jew. 'The Greece showed all their cun- ning at the beginning of the war. Although Greece is a desperately poor country, with e small army not of the highest efficiency, the Greeks made exorbitant demands upon the Allies as the price of 'their assistance. They wanted all of Macedonia,.Thesealy and• Smyrna, and perhaps more. The Al- lies chaffered with' them for a long time, finally found that it would be cheaper to disregard their e115150E1 en- tirely. They took poseeesion of Sa- loniki, which Greece had recently ac- quired, and have mado it - a strong base. Now the Greeks see. the, prob- able triumph of the Allies, and are clamoring for eonsideeation in the settlement. On the other hand, the Allies are now belling the Greeks that they hhve overdid themselves; that they would not help when their help TRIJE To THE Was of some value, and now they are not needed, Phey will have no con- sideration whatever in the settlement. This is usually the way with men who are too smart. The Spanish proverb' has it, "that more foxes than asses' REMARKABLE LETTER FROM ' A GERMAN. Epistle to An 014 Friend in England IT ALWAYS BRINGS RELIEF Skin irriiations of all sorts yield to Seline Trade Mark , 1 e -- An unexcelled emollient for wounds, burns, sores and outs. Sold in Klass bottles and handy tin tubes at chemists and gen- end stores everywhere, Refuse ise,mie utbstitu,tl51. e,e‘e.I I histrated book- ." CHESEBROUGH MFG. CO teeemestee • 1880 Chabot Ave. Wares ' 'skins are taken to the tanners," liditariPs btnimeut for sale everywhere Envy Is an acknowledgment of the Drumheller, formerly a village un- der the village act, is declared a town by the deputy provincial secretary. The new Calgary Technical School will receive a $40,000 provincial grant. Cardstown has now 22 recruits in the kitties, and Coal City 27. Calgary is to have an instibute dos, the feeble-minded. The Rozilee, Sask., grain growers have invited women to form a branch of the assidation. A patriotic concert zit St. Brieux netted $105 to help in the Saskatche- wan schools' patriotic fund. Every unmarried man of the village of Fairdale, Man., has enlisted. Schools of Saskatchewan have now contributed $5,500 to the Patriotic Fund. In the year 1916, no fewer than 58 new coal mines were opened in Al- berta'according to a report just is- sued by the provincial authorities. Instruments for the regimental band of the 20:3rd "Dry" Battalion at Regina have been donated by a well- known western man, Tt is said that there is more work to do and leas men to do it this spring than ever before in the history of Al- berta, notwithstanding the fact that fanners are offering exceptionally high wages. Fred. Parker, about 45 years old, was instantly killed at Indian Head when the first division of C.P.R. train No. 1 from Montreal struck the wag- on that he was riding, , The school children of Calgary are to present a complete set of colors to the 82nd Overseas Battalion, The Presentation will bake place on Vic- toria Day. Alberta has contributed to the war just about as many men as the pro- vince of Quebec, although the popu- lation of that province and that of the city of Montreal are prattically equal. The population of Quebec is nearly 8,000,000; that of Alberta about 550,- 000. During Feloruary 307 eases of measles were reported 15 Winnipeg against 447 in the same month a year ago. The total number of communi- cable diseases for the month was 550 with 25 deaths, compared with 606 cases and 81 deaths last year, Kinistino, Sask., has made very rapid strides of progress duringthe last two years of hard times. OVer 20 new up-to-date residences have.been built in the village, besides another story being added to the public and high 'school. A settlement of 50 Dukhobor farm-, era from the Dukhobor settlement in the Nelson district arrived in Leib,' bridge the other day, bound for Ray- mond, where they will farm this year. The sum of $50,000 has been kept in the country through the efforts of the Winnipeg city controllers hi buy- ing 12,000 cords of wood dram the wood camp committee of the Pat- riotic association and gelling it to the IftifiOUS CMC inStittlti011S. elm .selenst scene • eueturaset Immuring, Some in/ n value outward show more than inward worth. HAWK BICYCLES An up-to•dnte Digh Grade Bicycle filtudwithidollea•Chain, Nave DePa t'ure or llercults Coaster .1.1)-nke and /ALA., beta- cliable Tires, high grade equip. ment,iuclutling Mutt. elm rn gun rtta,Pump, Tooln UGL.JU Sg51 FREE 1916 Catalogue; 60 pages of Sundries and RelSair iltederml, I'011050 buy your supplies frosts us nt Wholesale Prices'. T. W..BOYD, & SON, 275otre Dante St.West,ilonireatt. 100% Pr ftt en cod 'Wet/tem Yon, 01115,11 time fa Werth up Lo 500 s tveck.. Von take no 000 00011, !Mg our San i tary 13rus has. 1)01. 11100 5)8) 011 Imikess fold 0 income out. scree, mree nu 0 pout tat rfl u od lot 11.4 1.E11 you bow. afu 'Indian 'Fuller Jiro:tit, 60 Richmond 'W., if ottult6t, seiteteeSEatellikeE6,e,aelleAl will reduce inflamed, swollen Joints, Sprains, Bruises, Soft Bunches; Heals .Bolls, Poll Evil, Ott i ttOr, Pis tula anti infected sores quickly as it is a positive antiseptic and gerinteicie. Pleasant to em, does not blisteror remora the hair, and you eon work the horse: Sleeper boulr, deliremd, Boole 7 al free. ' ASSOREINE,315,,da: antiseptic linimenefor mankIncl, mluees palilol, Swqllet, Veuts, rens. lomspe, Brakes; now, pain awl inflanteletion. 5, 5,, a er bulk Itt dealer, or delivered. Wal tell yoo more if •1012 Welt. Liberal rad 5000 ter ))c 0 lump. W. F. 100101 50, 5„ 510 Lymans Blilg,, Montreal, Can. ebsorblac zOd Absorliinc, Jr.. are' mak la Canada.' THERMOR Waterless Zert Hours Not Bottletam. a Lifetime "crInVt" 4'4.4EigitMc41'' otat.o. r'ctLIZIF/?' WATERLESS HOT -BOTTLE ETA'S HOT R 0005 rommt NEVER 010515 BOIL " MINUTES . ONLY It is made of metal, nickel plated, of a convenient size. Simply ;eon the "Thermor" for ten minutes only (no longer) and it stays hob for /ull twelve hours at an even temperature of 126 deg. Recommended by physi- titans on accowit of the steady heat and sanitary metal case. *If trouble — no filling — no danger of scalding the hands— no leaks—no expense and one purchase lasts a lifetime. ' In sickness, such as Neuralgia, La Grippe, Rheumatism, Neu- ritis, Inflammation—in fact all aches and pains, the "Thermor" is invaluable. As a bed -warmer and a foot -warmer it has no equal. "The "Thermor" measures We across and is 11/4" thick, yet it weighs less than a filled two quart rubber bottle, The price is $4.00 sent Postamid anywhere and sold under an ab- solute guarantee from the male, ers. High-class representatives wanted in some territories. GOLDEN GATE MANUFAC- TURING COMPANY, LIMITED 9 Touville Street, Montreal. . MEXICAN LINIMENT Should be Inevery home. STOPS al.Ermina. INSTANTLY. Sure Cure •for Cuts—Wounds—Bentsen Sore Saele--Plmples—Rheumatiem — Neuralgia — Pelona geaciaohe—Barbers' itch—or any olds" trouble, • CURES ECZEMA Price 20c, 10e and 31,00; sent prepaid promptly on reoelpt of price if your druggist cannot sup- ply, Dr. Lawrason Medicine Co. Dept. G. Toronto, Ont. .1111011111111.1 NW - SPECIALLY MADE FARM FOOTWEAR -7k' DELIVERED. TO YOU $325 es-rselares-21°- Horn 30 a lIgh 1 weight, durable and eomfortable working shoe speClallY 015Ltablo for farmers, woodeinen, men, trankmen, laborers—all who re- quire extra, strong, easy footwear for Working In, We make' them of the eplendld ell-tantied Skowhegan water- proofed leather that has made Palmeios ',feud Brand'', .1410115 for almciut for t y ' years. Nu ne0d to sorrel, with tired, Sore, Eteh- mg. turn:tie rect. Get a. p1131' of these and Mid ease and eomf eta. 5e your dealer doesn't. carry I hem, send ws his 11(110)11 etteloshig• 50.20, uncl we wilP ship you a pair. all (.11Rmer4 pale, to any" address 05 1iarttlx111.01• 8, Remit 11105511na 0100) by postal or eftpreats artier, stodge sistu as shown, 8 eye- lets 15100, $3.76, \Vrite for our catalog ftilly ,Ittistrating our Summer mut Win) 50 Poo Least, 000530 RALVIZTI, CO., railated., Fredericton, 11.14., Canada. GOSPEL OF ATE 10 Illustrative of K altar. . The following remarkable letter has been veceived by an English pro- fessional man from a German now in Hamburg who lived for some years in England and was on terms of close friendship with this particular Eng- lishman. The letter reached England by way of Italy:— Dear Mr. --, It has come to my knowledge that you have been peak- ing inquiries in various quarters cm:- eerning me and my welfare, and I have to tell you that, despite our old friendship, there can never again be any sort a communication between us, either now or when the war is over. I do not deny that 'during my stay in your country I received much kiedness at your hands, bub you, as a British citizen, must bear your share of the responsibility for your coun- try's infamous attempt to shatter and destroy the greatness of Germany, and therefore I, as a true German, must forget all personal benefits and must regard you, just because you are an Englishman, with an all -conquer- ing hatred. The Only Hope. The history of the last half -century absolutely proves that all hope for the future of Europe lies in the hands of my country. Russia is Asiatic and barbarous. Prance and the other Latin countries are decadent. Eng- land is mean-souled and trivial. Only Germany realizes the possibilities of to -morrow, and 'only Germany is cap- able of protecting civilizabion frobi the future inevitable onslaughts from the east. Germany's amazing pro- gress has awakened the enemity of her neighbors, and it was that en- mity and envy that made this war inevitable. There was no reason for Great )3ritain's interference. Your states- men 'professed lip -friendship to us. Up to the last moment Sir Edward Grey led us to believe that Great Brit- ain would remain neutral. Then when we were embroiled with both Russia and France you Bided with our en- emies. Hatred of "Idealists." Never, in the history of the world has a nation made Wall for a meaner cause and the hatred that we have for &eat Britain is the hatred that a nation of idealists naturally feels for unscrupulous, pettifogging huck- sters. The crime deserves an ade- quate punishment, •Germany is fight- ing for her life,- and it is idle to sup- pose that she will fight in kid gloves. She is more than jestified in using all the means devised by the ingen- uity of her sons to cbmpass the ruin of her foes. Your denunciation of our "barbarities" leaves us entirely unaffected. We rejoice at the killing of every single Englishman, and at the loss of every British ship. We remain cold if a few women and chil- dren are killed by our air attadlcs onyour cities. This is a war to the knife, nation against nation, and it clin only end in the destruction of the race thet has for centuries been the pirate of the world. . Slowly Starving to Death. -SOLDIER SHOCKS KAISERIN, Tells Her He HoPes Her Lot Will Be As Good As His Own. The London Daily Main; Amster- dam corms:pendent saye that while the Kniserin was visiting it Berlin hospital, she addressed a :suffering soldier in a tenderly solicitous man- lier, saying: "lley good fellow, I hope things are going better with you to -day." The man replied: "I only hope it will lie going as well with you and your eons as it is going with me at this inomeni." The Kaiserin staggered and, ac- cording to a report current in Berlin, Wa5 led from the ward almost swoon- ing. The soldier is believed to be an irreconcilable Social 1)emocrat, War -Weary in Germany. Professor Patrick Hagelaed, a pro- minent Swedish doctor, writing on his recent experiences in Germany, et:ye that in Berlin "there was over the whole population an inde- scribable expression of war -weari- ness," while the groups of Soldiers he saw "presented a concentrated picture of mental and bodily exhaustion." CHILDHOOD CONSTIPATION. Mrs. Andrew G. Lund, Hughenden, writes:—"Two of my babies were very much troabled with con- stipittlon and I.tried several remedies without success. A. neighbor advised nae1.0 try Baby's Own Tablets and they were so satisfactory that now I would use nothing else." The Tablets never fail to cure constipation and they may be given to the youngest child with perfect safety.- They are sold by medicine dealers. or by mail at 25 cents is box from The Dr. Willianes Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. ,+ • If you are in a hurry avoid the train of thought, IlitinamPs Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. According to Promise. "Congratulate me, Freddy. Last night your sister promised to marry "Oh, she promised rnother she'd marry you long ago." Sore GraMai!, Ian tdd Ebyye expo- sureto SunsDuelenti Wind ye s negre1!vlateleed;er;i lust Eye Comfort. At Your Druggist's Sac per Bottle. Muerte Eye SelveinTebesne.ForBookoltheEyermensk Druggists or Nurfaegye Remedy Co. , Chicago Nearing the Limit. Her Father—Can you give my daughter all the little luxuries ic whiCh she is accustomed? Her Lover—Not much longer, I've Scan doing it for over a year now, you know! Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gentlemen,—I had ray leg badly hurt, the pain was very severe and a large swelling came -above the knee. I expected it would be serious—I rub- bed it with MINARD'S LINIMENT, which stopped the pain and reduced thei swelling very quickly. I cannot speak too highly of 1VIINARD'S LINT- 1VIENT. AlVIOS T. sisirrH. Port Hood Island. thitifing 0:.,Ploasurfit Not an OporotIon I ,„whititer, w"bWo iton foj itis heavy, wiry beardr, and tend ,'' A man who haw weed It 101 a short ti 'said repently.1 "Shaving la a plear0 Moir. I used to consider it almost l,tiljeire4tn;necessarY to rub a tow dpepif et omto the beard before latberta o limey an tally, quick shave, 1, TITBIT" penetrates tnto the pores, mogul ;tie bweak arand clean, close shim The ,brd peels right off, without DU 1"T.TSTT" li kind to tender akin. Titer 00 errusrtInpf or sorenese after shavrtillh, pitta's the face a fine feeling of einootli.P h;nese of the elda pfrreevsennte:. sd, 1.ettitsed by exposure to excessive winds.' 'Accept no substitute. ,Send 100 to -day for a trial bottl•--eufs relent for over six weeks' 1356 VSIT TEANTMACTITIUNG 001112.11.1WIr( 120:eoeslieolt:rego.4.1rentle, SEM) PoraTota BED POTATOES, IRISH COB. eters, Delaware: Carman, Or- der at on.m. Supply limited. Write foe Quotations. 30. w Dawson, Brampton 20.6011ZA13581r. rt REESE FACTORY HOILDRS, J..Shafting, Hangers, Pulleys, Grateit: TtElt W4 figure on your requirement. Napanee Iron 'Works, Ltd". Nagance. UELP WANTED. Al EN WANTED FOE WOODWORK - Ing factory; steady work, Apply stating age and experience, The Henry Wise Woodenware Co., Palmerston, Ont. "Irrr ANTED — LATH MACHINISTS, V and Fitters. Toolmakers, also operators experieneed on the larger Mae, shells. Phone or wire applications Pre- ferred. 13. 13e11 & Son Company, Ltd., St. Om:mgt.. Ont. • NEWSPAPERS YOU SALE. PROFIT-M.ANING NEWS AND JOB Offices for sale in good Ontario towns, The most useful and interesting of all busineeses. Full Information on application to Wilson Publishing Com- pany, 73 Weet Adelaide Street. Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS; I text , rtmeostraelthi,t hunt', schedule; allowance J. Exceptional' advantages. — Modern 11 UP)L NURSES NEEDED MAY 1ST. Nurses' Home'; funy equipped •Class jam kis airtleir it'll tv:e'" Unitr°Mis a" d 4,4{7410,4,..6.1;p•I=M• 1 I fonary period; two 6 ylnItt?'06 "of Prlailbgal; school required fu' entrance. Per flail : particulars address Miss Frederika E. i ilitiser, Superintendent of Nurses, CRY' I ilespitul, Cleveland, Ohlo. CANCER, TUMORS, 57151 I'S, liZTC., internal aria eXternal, cured with- out pain by our hone treatment. Write Us before toe late. Dr, liellnian Medical Co., Limited, Collingwooci. Ont. Family Affair. "So my daughter has consented to become your wife. Have you fixed the day of the wedding?" , "I will leave that to her." "Will you have a church or a pri- vate wedding?" "Her mother can decide that." "What have you to live on "I will leave that entirely to. you, If you and I were to meet, friends as we were once, I would eat raise ; my little finger to save your life, and, indeed, I would do my atmost to cause you to lose it, because, as I have said, you are an Englishman. To your gracious wife end chit - Oen, who had no part in Making this war, I send my respects. They. are not responsible, though they may suffer. But so, too, do we suf- , fer. If you could see what your war on our innocents has done, hew our poor are being slowly starved to death by your feed war, your heart would harden, So, then, too, if your wife and children suffer, do not turn to us for syinpathy. You are respon- sible. You are a men who could have lifted up his voice to proteSt. You did not, Therefore, all the pent-up hatred which we have for your due- tard country is, also for you. May yea ali perith in misery. Hard for Them. "Is your father -finding is difficult to give up smoking?" -"Oh, he's sticking to his reeolution all right, het he'S so ugly that the 1 family's likely to creek endee the strain any loisaute," IThe plain unvarnished truth is bet - .iter than questionable .thetoric. .• ED, 7. ISSUE 17—'IG. i• ____ reenerces Liniment Drams Datittrulf i EMPIRE BUSINESS COLLEGE 846 Broadview Ave., Toronto, Ont. $30 I $18 00Y 16 MONTHS COURSE *tent The only • College in Canada. leaching all Typewriter Keyboards Da rates sae half thvsu prevailing oloo whe ns America's Pioneer OW Remedies 13001e ON DOG DISEASES And Row to Feed Melted free to rely address by the Author H. CLAY GLOVER, V. S. 118 West 31st Street, New York Sickness Causes inefficiency If you are losing time and money through sickness. write at 05515 10 P. Harvey Roof Co. for a .eit of remedies for Neurasthenia, Asthma, Congestion of kidneys, Piles, Epilepsy or Falling Sickness, &name Debility. Catarrh, Eczema, Rheumatism, Old Soren or Ulcers, and Indigestion. lifey have been per, fected by years of medical practice. if not seeded with results atter 30 days, they cost YOU nothing, Send no money but return this ad for postpaid tett. State ege_end_perticy/ar6i, e. Hervey Root Coq, Mate 6, 5004, Station N., New York, R.T. A Good Guesser. Herbert Edwin—"I say, Johnny, which is the way to the pavilion?" The Gamin--"Ow'd per know me name's Johnny?" Herbert Edwin—"I guessed it." The Gamin ---"Well, if yer so good ai, the guessing game, yet can keep on and guess yes way to the pavilion!' *GOOD DIG -SS -110N.-- Mother Seigel'. Syrup mecum Ileti stimulates When your digestion is faulty, weakness and the digestive organs, and banishes the gnen9 pale pre certain nod &cam is Invited. '" ailments which Ovule from indlRestion. FOR 40YEARS THE STANDARD REMEDY FO R STOMACH AND LIVER TRODBLE At all Drungbas. or direct on receipt of price, SOC. Old 81.00. The innte bottle contoine duet, time5 a inal as tho smaller. A.3. WHITE & CO. LIMITED, Craig Street West Montreat. MUSKRATS , We are now paying for SPRING 507150555.4105 from Ontario, .Quebee, end Eastern 'Canada the following gliararrine0 0110110. Six Large Sesree Medium Small • Shot and Cut .70 .60 .41 .20 according to Value. We are the !argent handlers of thitt article In Catiotda and need 500,000 • SIO1113 fpr present detnetnd, We want your oollectiozis. Our average price will positively exceed an othern. Ship early and often. ship small par- cels of 20 -skins or under by parcel post. We pay all charges. N.B. Monsurza vnrsraurtson All other lines full 070 St P11.11.1 fitreet West , market values. Nouts061, P.Q. EWA. ‘F. -- 550 make certam , the quality of every raw material PAINTEetS' TESTS prove the easy working quality,, and enduring weat Experiment and Experience both point to Ramsay's ifulot 00 }MtIr logic:it choice. 111 pilrity, wear and beuitty of color they arc unsurpassed. 111 economy they are tontottchod, fourtecas service from loco' anent. Write fer interesting paint. literature. RAIVISAY & SON CO, (Established 1842) MONTREAL, One: ERANCRES AT TORONTO .6325) V..9.XICOUV33IL FOR t3 L EEEIV ALI. 63 EC A L EE rz