HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-04-20, Page 8onoomoor tri BUY IT NOW: Our price is less than manufacturers' cost today. +1111..,,.. e A full supply of all the popular seasonable goods Sherwin-Williams Paints-Varnishes-Floralac—Japa- lac—Campbell's Varnish Stain--Alabastine—Jellstone. and Muresco-Wall Finish—Window Shanie—Etc. O'Cedar Mops and O'Cedar Polish, Now is the time to clip your horees. We have the celebrated Stewart ball-bearing power clippers and' the Newmarket and Decabut hand clippers; Just received a big stock of beaver board, garland Rr�s. HARDWARE, STOVES AND NOVELTIES. 1 OUR SPECIALTIES. Singer Sewing Machines. It is not necessary for us to say anything about the good quality of Singer sewing machines, they have made an enviablel reputation for themselves. They are without a doubt the:best household machine made. It you contemplate buying d machine come and talk it over with ns, Ostermoor Mattresses are good mattresses. We will 1 give you thirty nights tree trial and if not satisfied return to us and get your money back. The price is 15. Domestic Vacuum Cleaners. Every house should own a Domestic Vacuum ()leaner. They will clean your rugs and carpets thoroughly and if used once or -twice a week you will save all your sweeping and dusting, Free trial given. Price $12.10. and hear Gt afonotas and p� Colutiiblit irafonolas. We invite you to come in our -Columbia you will say they are the best toned and the most distinct talking ma- chine you have heard, Ooine in and ask for auy record and we will play it for you, Sall & Atkinson Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors. Store Phone 104. N. BALL Phone 110. • J. D. ATKINSON, Phone 188 Nomminfiumarmimaisme 1 Conservative Shoes 1 Not every man waits the latest style in a shoe 1' We have the very latest models of course, but for men who contentedly wear- ing the same style of shoe, year after year, we show some splendid conservative styles and splendid values. $3.50, $4,00, $4.50 to $7,00. Black or tan leathers, abroad toes, low heels and broad shanks, Ideal shoes for the man cf affairs 1 Come here with any sort of shoe trou- bles you have l We'll relieve them. FRED. JACKSON 1 r 8178 -Ladies' Waist 81zee 34 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 laches bust measure 8179—Ladies' Two.' Piece Skirt Sizes 24, 26, 28, Inches waist measure New Spring Mock. Thousands of dollars worth of 1916's newest ideas in up-to-the-minute mer- chandise arc now on our shelves wait- ing your inspection. We'asli you to come in and look these lines over at your earliest eon- venience as prices are advancing and and in some cases goods are very scarce. Those who buy early get the season's very best values. We are showing New dress goods. new prints, new gingham, new wash goods of all newest lines, new dresses, new clothing and shoes. Come Early. Buy Early. Plurnsteel Bros, Small Profits - Phone 25, More Business s CAPES, CAPES EVERYWHERE , ;SPANISH BOLEROS AND FULL SKIRTS. DRAPED AND EXTENDED HIPS THREE -FLOUNCED SKIRTS COSTUMES FOR APRIL BRIDES April, in her bountiful manner,' showers upon femininity lovely fashions without end, in the Standard Fashionr Sheet • for APRIL W. D. FAIR CO. Oaten the Cheapeeb—Always the Best. mmnm,e uumutp, —-•ymBltl 116. Mr, T, Jackson has been in Toron- to this week. D'Iiss Kate Ross is spending the Eas- tertide in Toronto. Rev, A. Macfarlane of Bayfield was in Clinton on 'Monday. i4Iiss Ruby Cook Ieft Friday to re- sume her position in Toronto. Miss Delle O'Neil is home front Toronto for the Easter vacation. Miss Dollie Mennell is expected up from Toronto for the Easter va- cation, Mrs. S. Agnew returned recently from a stay with Crediton friends, Mrs. Sutter of Millbank is visiting with her grand -daughter, firs. W. T. Hawkins. Miss Ileen Mailer left Mondays for Detroit to spend an extended boli - dap with Intends. Mrs. Scatter of Niagara on -the -Lake has been visiting her .mother, Mrs. Wigginton of town. The names of your Easter visitors should appear in The News-Rec- orll's Par al son column, mn, Mrs, John Steep, who spent the winter in St. Thomas, has re- turned to her home on Mary street. Miss Ethel Grieves of Seaforth spent a few days in town last week as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. K, Chowen. Messrs. J. Cc McMath and 'J. G. YIedd'attended the funeral of the late. John McClacherty at ,Goderich on Friday. Mrs. Steepe, who has spent the win- ter with --St. Thomas friends, re- turned Saturday to her hone on Mary street. Misses Freeman and Williams of Seaforth were guests of Miss Eulala Flynn at her home in Flul- lett over Sunday. Mrs. Dinney and her sister, Miss Vera Rowe, of Exeter have been here visiting their grandmother, Mrs: T: Holloway.' • Miss Hattie Lavis is in Hamilton for a few days visiting her sister, Miss Edna, who is attending. the Normal school there, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Constantine of Tecswatcr have been in town this week on account of the illness and death of Mrs. Chidley. Mrs. Walter King left today to spend over Easter with her son, Mt. Robert King of IIantilton, and on her way borne will visit Mrs. E. Laird in London. Mrs. J, A. Irwin returned last vfeek after a four months' stay with her .son, Rev. W. 11 Irwin who is in charge of a Methodist station at Edson, Alberta. Miss Fainiie Gray" was a guest' on• .Monday at the home of Mr. and hlrs. E. G. Courtice, She went on to Londesboro on Tuesday to meet the memtiers of the W.M.S. there and to address a meeting. Rev. F. C. Harper attended the re- union of the London Chapter Rose - Croix this week and is giving an address at the annual banquet on "Maundy Thursday," this evening, at the Scottish Rite Temple.. Mr. H. W. Cook was down town on Tuesday for the first time in five weeks, lie having been indisposed that length of time. It is groped, however, that with the advent of warm weather he will speedily regain his health. Nursing -sister. Neelin of Seaforth was in town yesterday on her way to .Chiselh•urst. She will be here again on 'Thursday next to give instructions in the malting of Red Cross supplies to members of the Young Ladies' Auxiliary. I'lie. D. Dowzer, who enlisted at Regina with the Princess Pats, has •been admitted to No, 14 .Sta- tionery Hospital, England, Though the seriousness of his illness is not known it is ]loped by his friends that he will speedily recover: 'Pte. Dowzer is a brother of ?drs. . Ball of town and spent the great- er part of his life in Clinton, go- sng west six or seven years ago. Clinton News -Record April 20 Mem, 9 immesswissuggammaguinimilemimemmummatimat • Suit�ng� Are a special feature of our dress goods stock, ,We have them in Back and Indigo in 'Worsted Serge Oheulot Vicuna 86 y - • + ul%%l� �� � �/� 1111 ////�•j ymaJfj At the Front irt URING the past twenty-five years through all Fashion's fancies in weaves, colors and fabrics; • 1 �'� RESS'�iooDS have been; as it were; at the front. Whatever Fashion demanded in fancy weaves; or in color, has been supplied by Priestleys' from the world-famous looms at .Bradford, England. This year—it's blacks and blues and plain colors—Priestleys' have them in different fabrics, but all in the same high grade and famous quality. Before selecting the material f o r your Wr.,10' suit come and see our display. it will pay you. _plum Fashionable New Fabrics PRIESTLEYS' Dress Goods are famous for their wide range of fashionable shades, their fast colours and splendid wearing qualities. Made of the finest grades of silk and wool. We are showing a most attractive assortment of the new Spring, Priestley fabrics. You must see them to realize how delightfully they combine beauty with long-wearingutility.f' 2 5 a i6 i We carry the largest stock of Woollens and Trimmings Huron County, BR 4 0 Hullett Township Mr, George Carbert bought a ]corse the other day from Mr, Frank Gl w. It is e seal brown in color and as to quality it is scot neces- sary to say anything for it ,is well known hereabouts that Mr. Carbert would not pull a 11110 over any kind of horse but a good one. Misses Elma Freeman and Marg. Williams of Seaforth spent over Sundae at the home of Mr. • Dom- inick Flynn. Mr. John Ferguson purchased a car and brought it home last week. Mrs. James Medd is recovering from an attack • of appendicitis. Constance Mr. Wm. Moore is at the present time i11 with quinsy, Goderich. • The lawn bowling club has re -or- ganized with the following officers : Hon. -president, , R. S. wil'liams ; president, Charles Garrow ; vice, Andrew Porter ; secretary, William Lane ; treasurer, 0. A. Nairn ,• committee, I3. J. Edwards, Or. Hunter, C, i1. Humber, Auburn A very large crowd attended the entertainment given by the yioung people on Friday evening entitled, "The Minister's Bride." The pro- ceeds amounted to over; one hundred dollars. • Quite a number of the young p60- •ple from Dungannon took in the en- tertainment at Auburn on'•Friday. Thos. Adams is wearing one of his brightest smiles at present, Cause : A daughter added to the family cir- cle. Messrs. Howson & Lawson started their saw mill this week and are' busy cutting lumber. Mr. Jas, Howson of Clinton is spending a few weeks with his cousin, Mr, Chas. Howson. Constance. Lieut. Chas. Hall of Hensall spent a few dats with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. 13. Hall, prior to going to London to take a special course at the military school. Lfiss Ileen Clark is under - the care of the doctor but it is hoped she will soon be about again, Mr. and .Mrs. Thos. Pollard. spent Monday• as the guests of Clinton friends, Londesboro. Mrs. (Dr.) Young spent a few days last . week with Gorrie friends. Jnr. and Mrs. H. . Brunsdon of Blyth spent Sunday with friends here. Mr. John Spindler of Lucknow spent a few days last week with friends here, having conte down to be present at the funeral of Mrs, Thos. Lyon, 14Ir.'John Cartwright unloaded a carload of cement this week. Mr. and Mrs. McBurney and son of Souris, Man., are visiting the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Cole. Mr. I). Geddes was in London ort Tuesday. Miss Gray, a returned missionary from Port Simpson, 13 0., addressed the W.M.S. here on Tuesday after- noon, There was a good attendance and the talk on the work among the Indians was very instructive and in- teresting. After the meeting tate ladies served lunch. The funeral of the late Mrs. Thos, Lyon of Mullett took place on Thursday last and was very largely attended. The services were con- ducted by .Rev. G', C. Kaine of Lon- desboro assisted by Rev. Dr. Medd, Chatham, brother of the deceased. The, pallbearers were three brothers, William, Jfthvard and John Cl, Medd, and three brothers-in-law, H. Lyon, Thomas Sampson and John Spindler of Lueknow. Interment was made in the Union cemetery. News -Record means News -Leader. $850 f.o.b. Toronto FIVE -PASSENGER TOURING CAR:--- MODEL 15 20.25 H. P. long stroke motor Electric starting and lighting High-tension magneto ignition Left hand drive, centre control 31 by 4 -mob tires, nou•sitid rear Demountable rims (ane citta) Jot -inch wheelbase : I+ullbtrennrline body Cantilever rear springs Deep, soft upholstery 1n appearance, as in all other respects, the Model 75 Touring Car is all that you would demand, or expect, in a much higher-priiced car. The body is Tong and low, with Haat harmony in the blending of lines that snarls the true streamline type. The front edge of the radiator is rounded ; the hood slopes gradually into the; beautifully curved cowl—even the back of the car is gracefully rounded out. There are no projecting. door hinges or handles ; no obstructions on the running boards ; nothing about the whole CIO to mar alae clean smoothness of its lines The :fenders are long and sweeping in . their curves, with gracefully rounded surfaces; the built-in wind- shield is a part of the car itself rather than a mere attachment. In every respect it is a eat which you may be proud to own and drive. Wingham Overland Sales Co., Distributors L. KENNEDY, Prop; PITONI7 192, RESIDENCE 99. J. 11. Paxman of Cli,iton Garage wild -be pleased to give any informa- - tion regarding the Overland products, Hullett Townshfr Another Pretty Wedding, A quiet but pretty wedding place at the home of Mr. anti John Glousher, Lot 314, Con 14, Mullett, cit 1Vednestlay n week when their daughter, Lena, was united in marriage Thomas George Alcock of township. The bride, who we away by her father, wore 0 wedding gown of cream s carried a handsome boquet tints and ferns with strew tulle. Miss Ella Glousher, bridesmaid while Mr. ffantu was hest man, The brill, took their places under an evergreens in the drawir: while the wedding march tc by Miss Lizzie Glousher, r, the bride. The ceremony formed by Rev. C. C. Bair desboro and was witnessed immediate friends of the c, parties. After tiie ceremon signing of the register the repaired- to the diningroom sumptuous and daintily ser cheon was partaken of. Mrs. Alcock left the same, after: a short trip to Stratford points, the bride travelling of navy blue serge with fa blouse land black picture ht have since taken up housch the groom's farm at tin of ltlorris .and tir0y? have wishes of a host of friend, happy and prosperous marc News -Record means New. m...®aaan Sprhig Fortwew You can secure all the new toes and. shape; New Spring Footwear here. We have all the new lasts and leathers pu getller by some of the best makers. We sell , shoes that are the best procurable stylish appearance, in• quality, in ,materials and , workmanship—the best you can"possibly bay for' yoi money. A laige range of women's and men's shoes Choose from, Fit guaranteed to be all. that you could desire. H. S. " HA P A PHONE