HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-04-20, Page 7INGREMINDERS' 1
The Doctor Calls It
One at San Diego Ham TWentY
All of Them Emote].
Ono of the most wonderful clocke
in the world is owned by a French-
man, LOIlis Desouttet. ' I d
, Damp Weather Starts the
facea. Beside a marking the hems, I
it shows the tides at aix different
parts of the world, the mean time and
the solar time the age of the moon,
sufferers. The changes from the movements of the planets and all
to cold, the. raw, damp winds eclipses. It is also 4 eersietual calen-
t c the aches and twinges, et in dar. It was made by jaevier, of Paris,
more extreme cases, the tortures
in 1789, and took eleven years to man--
the trouble going. But it must be
rile in mind that ib is not the
Itether that causes thven
etatism. The
table is rooted in the blood --the
ngeable weather merely starts the
ns, The only way to reach the
uble and to cure it is through the
od. The, poisonous rheumatic
ids must be driven out. Liniments
A tubbing may give temporary re -
,f, but cannot possibly cure the
eable, Tile sufferer is only weesng is jewellediith_lourmalie, topaz,
ne and money with this kind
eatment and all the time the trouble
trcler to cure. -There is just one itself antomatioally. 'The coet of the
leedy cure for rheumatism—Dr. Wil- clock was $8,000.
becoming more deeply rooted — is a 200 -pound weight, which winds
of agate and jade, and required 15
months to build. The motive power
uns' Pink Pills, They act directly
i the impure, acid -tainted blood. They
mit* and strengthen it _ and• thus
oot out the cause of the rheumatism. __uch . Anem. —7- .
.ffi ia• Faith, for Example,
ere is strong proof of the above
atements. Mr. Michael Personage, About Mandrake Root.
enlon, Man., saya:—"My mother euf- Superstition as to the methods a
ired several years with.rheumatism. curing diseases, once very prevalent,
re tried a number of remedies but are not altogetherextinct yet, says an
ley all failed to cure. Then we got. exchange. Much ancient faith elus-
r. Williams Pink Pills,, and after tend about the mandrake root, which
sing them for some time she was was carved in the form of a doll dress-
nupletely cured and has had no ed in fine clothes and kept in a box
gn of the trouble since." or coffin concealed in some corner of
Sold by all medicine dealers or hY the house. Each month it was washed
iail at 50 cents a box or six boxes in wine and water and freshly garbed.
m 22.50 from The Dr. Williams' Another universal cure was to
fedicine Co., Brockville, Ont. carry a piece of mistletoe which had
been cut from a tree by a golden
sickle and caught in a white vessel as
Seizesthnd and has four
ris, But the Trouble LieS in
the Blood.
Pring weather is had for rheu-
San Diego, Cal., has a wonderful
clock wibh twenty diala, whiels tell
the time simultaneously in all parts
of the world, also the days; of the
week and the date and month. It
stands 21 feet. high, and four of its I
dials are eaqh 4 feet in diameter. It I
is inclosed in plateglass, so that
every salon min be seen, and the
whole is illmuinatecl every night. It
- ;-:.-- Metal scraped from a church bell
Ised as Beast of Burden by British or a piece of the rope was supposed
in Mesopotamia. to have a similar protective influence
The mule has proved a far more rell- against disease'as also a • cloth
le and useful transport animal than stained in the blood of a murderer or
e camel in the Mesopotamia cam- the rope with which he was hanged.
tign. If beasts were decorated the '
opotamia have effected his sang- ____00--
ule would be covered with ribbons.
knows not defeat. His hardiness
proverbial. None of the plagues ofd.
he camel has so far been bht an
iliary. The breed steed here, called
1," Is not, like his "Bedawi" bro-
trained to go without water, but
is proof against the ubiquitous
el ily, and has certain other virtues
Is own, In spite of his wobbly
•emities and grotesquely proportion -
limbs, the camel is a dainty beast.
haughty gait and sepercilious
nces are . generally attributed to
se; as a matter of fact they are the
ression of an inward and unsuspect-
A delicacy. Too often the camel's
tneouth bulk gives a false impression
if hardiness. He is not hardy.
He is brittle, and will break his leg
ricking against a stone, and he will
mlit up and die if his legs split apart
a the mud. Snow Mlle him. He Is
;enslave to clamp, and will catch a
3old if asked to sleep in a swamp, But
ell cared for, sufficiently equipped,
d tactfully treated, he is second only
the mule as a beast of burden.
How "Lloyd's" Began.
loyd's" has often been described,
not everyone is familiar with the
ed operations of this famous in -
Olen. ' The great Maritime Ex-
ge is really part of the Royal
ange, and owes its origin to Ed -
Lloyd, who kept a coffee house
Aver Street, London. This coffee
o was in a place where news could
tained; and to -day Lloyd's is the
g institution in the world for
ning maritime news. In one of
erns may be seen the first in-
ce policy of which there is any
. It was taken for a ship, the
n 'Fleece, which was insured for
age from Lisbon to Venice on
ry 20, 1600;
It nieans self-poisoning—an
ailment that is, almost uni-
versal with men and women
of sedentary employment.
Its cause is the "daily intake
of indigestible foods. Min-
eral salts and saline laxa-
tives will not cure it. Help
Nature to clean out the
poisons by eating Shredded
Wheat Biscuit, a food that
builds healthy tissue and
keeps the bowels sweet and
clean. The perfect food of
health and strength for
youngsters and grown-ups,
for men who work with hand
or brain. It is ready -cooked
and ready -to -serve.
Made in Canada.
I i •
.From :MidoWesi
What Is Going On in the Highlands
and Lowlands of Auld
Calgary is about $1,000,000 better
off bhan Edmonton in the matter of
tax arrears.
Drumheller, formerly a village un-
der the village act, is declared a town
by the deputy provincial secretary.
The new Calgary Technical School
will receive a $40,000 provincial grant.
Cardstown has now 22 recruits in
the kilties, and Coal City 27.
Calgary is to have an institute for
the feeble-minded.
The Rozilee, Sask., grain growers
have invited women to form a branch
of the assiciation.
A patriotic concert at St. Brieux
netted 2105 to help in the Saskatche-
wan schools' patriotic fund.
Ask Around You for the Every unmarried man of the village
What Happens to Men Who Are Too
. Smart.
The .Greeki have always been rioted
for their' 'exceeding cunning: It is a'
question whether they, the Jews, or
the Armenians are the sharpest p00 -
pie 'of the near ET152. Someone has
said that a Jew could cheat a Greek,
bet that an Armenian coeld cheat a
Jew. The Greeks showed all their cun-
ning at the beginning of the war.
Although Greece 16 a aeaperately poor
country, with a small army not of the
highest efficiency, the Greeks made
exorbitant demands upon the Allies
as ...the price of Iheir assistance. They
wanted all of Macedonia,.Thosealy and.
Smyrna, and perhans more. The Al-
lies chaffered withIthern for a long
time, finally found that it would be
cheaper to disregard their drama en-
tirely. They took poeseesion of Sa-
loniki, which Greece had recently ac-
quircd, and have made it - a atrong
base. Now the Greeks see' the prob-
able triumph of the Allies, and are
(damming for consideration in the
settlement. On the other hand, the
Allies are now telling the Greeks that
they blive overdid themselves; that
they would not help when their help
was of soms value, and now they are
not needed, They will have no con-
sideration whatever in the settlement.
This is usually the way with men who
are too smart, The Spanish proverb'
has it, "that more foxes than .aslies'
Skins are taken to the tanners."
M Fairdale , Man., has enlisted.
• Schools Of Saskatchewan have now
contributed $5,500 to the Patriotic
In the year 1915, no fewer than 58
new coal mines were opened in Al-
berta, according to a report just is-
sued by the provincial authorities.
Instruments for the regimental
band of the 208rd "Dry" Battalion ab
Regina have been donated by a well-
known western man.
It le saki that there is more work
to do and less men to do it this spring
than ever before in the history of Al-
berta, notwithstanding the fact that
Lac Bouchette Lac Sis Jean, Que.--- farmers are ()fearing exceptionally
April 17th (Special.)—Mr. Arthur high wages.
Fleurie, well known and highly re- Fred Parker about 45 years old,
spected here, has just issued a short, was instantly killed at Indian Head
concise statement in regard to Dodd's when the first division .of C.P.R. train
Kidney Pills. It is as follows: No. 1 from Montreal struck the wag -
"I have found that Dodd's Kidney on that he.was riding.
Pills are an excellent remedy and that The school children of Calgary are
they cure kidney disease, rheumatism to present a complete set of colors to
and indigestion." the 82nd Overseas Battalion, The
Mr. Fleurie has received such bene- presentation will take place on
fit from from Dodd's Kidney Pills that he toria Day.
wants other sufferers to know hovv to Alberta has contributed to the war
find relief. He feels it is his duty to just about as many men as the pro -
his fellowman. vince of Quebec, although the popu-
If you inquire among Your neigh- lation of that province and that of the
bors you will find scores of people who city of Montreal are practically equal.
have found in Dodd's Kidney Pills re- The population of Quebec is neatly
lief from some form of kidne'y trou- 8,000,000; that of Alberta about 550,-
ble. It may have been the dry, itching 000. .
skin, dizziness, nervousness and in- During February 307 eases of
abilitY bo get refreshingsleep that measles' were reported in Winnipeg
mark the earlier stages of thedisease, against 447 in the same month a year
or it may be diabetes, dropsy, rheu- ago. The totsil number of communi-
matism, heart disease, or some other cable diseases for the month was 550
of the dangerous diseases that mark with 25 deaths, compared with 606
its advanced stages. cases and 31 deaths last year.
You will find that Dodd's Kidney Kinistino, Sask., has made very
Pills• cure kidney trouble, no matter rapid strides of progress during. the
where or in what form itis found. last two years of hard times. Over
Ask your neighbors for the proof.
:„.______. 20 new 11P -to -date residences have been
built in the village, besides another
storY being added to the public and
high school.
• --
In Every Neighborhood You Will Find
People Cured of Backache, Rheu-
matism, Dippsy or Diabetes by,
Dodd's Kidney Pills.
1161nard4i Liniment for sale everywhere
Envy is an acknowledgment of the
good fortune of others.
tor Proved Value of Postum.
sicians know that good food and
, properly selected, are of the ut-
importance, not only for the re-
f disease but to maintain health
when one is well.
octor writes, "I count it a pleas -
0 say a good word for Posture
which I have been enabled to
ie so many sufferers, and which
nt, with its valued companion
-Nuts, one of the daily blessings.
ffee was banished from my own
some time ago and Posts= used
rly, in its place." (Both tea
offee are injurious to many per -
because they contain the subNe,
nous drug, caffeine.)
frequently find it necessary ' to
ct patients when they take
m for the first time to be quite
that it is properly made accord -
to directions, then it has a clear,
-brown color and a rich, snappy
e, as well as health giving quali-
e above letter, received over ten
rs ago, is fully confirmed by a re-
t letter from the doctor, in which
t is a. pleasure to render a good
rt covering a product ,of which I
so enthusiastic a friend.
am- usi4 in my home your
tum Cereal in both its forms. And,
at is more, I am having it used in
e families of several patients in
hich there are children, andsall unite
endorsing the fine qualities of your
dmirable product."
Name given by Canadian Post=
o., Windsor, Ont.
• Postern COMM in two forms:
astum Cereal—the original form—
ttet he well boiled. J5c and 2ec.
Instant Postum—a soluble powder—
dissolves quickly n a cup of hot wa-
r, and, with cream and sugar, makes
cielicioue beverage instantly. 30c
id 50c tins.
Both forms arc equally delicious
nd cost' abotni the same per cup.
"There's a Reason" tOr PoStulTl,
—201ti by Oroccrs.
Waterless "emalng Rc't
for 12 Hours
Ilot BottleLasts a Lifetime
1100101 1510151
Language and Customs of Czar's A Settlenierit of 50 Dukhobor farm-:
Land Taken Seriously. ers from the Dukhobor settlement in
There is only else vogue, nowadays, the Nelson district arrived in Leth:
bridge the other day, bound for Ray_
for those fashiona.bles'1V-h
o like mond, where they will farm this year,
"vogue" even better than. vermouth,
saythe London Chronicle, That is The sum of 450;000 has been kept in
the Rusalaa vogue. the country through the efforts of.
It aneeare that Pavlowa, damlIed as). the Winnipeg city controllers in buy-
prectably with Dostoievsky; then verr- ing 12,000 cords of wood from the
ed round to Votcluchenko. The fair wood camp committee of the Pat-
vogistes are now reveling the RUSsian riotic association and selling it to the
dresees, liigh Catherine the. Great varioua civic institutions.
coiffures, and black cloth boots,
But the Voguistes are, taking their
RuESia SeriouSly. • Many have begun
to learn the language, according to the
manager of a popular West Dud
library. "There is a very great de -
/nand'," lie said, "not only for English
' translations of Rusettast .Worksi and
English books about Rllaffilt, but for
hooks in the original language.
The Russian vogue has; even ex-
tended to a'ating and drinking, not to
say smoking. At least one widely
known restaurant is now actually off-
ering nips of real vodka, and portions
of real borsht:0, Sluissia'snational
soup on its menu. But very far from
real Russian PvIccs!--London Chron-
Young„ Breton Girl Will Not Marry
Non -fighting Man.
The young girls .in Brittany have
formed themselves into an associa-
tion which forbids its members mar-
rying any young man who has not
taken part in the War. '
This does not only refer to the de-
serters and those who fled their duty,
but to the "slackers" who found the
means, through influence or iYing,
without reaSon of ill -health or for
other just cause, to keep aafe in the
rear and left their comrades to do the
The rallying cry of these patriotie
;young Breton girls is: 'Better a
cripple than a slacker!"
; One member of the asSociation ex-
pressed thus her thought: "I would
rather love a man who had no aro.]
than ono who had no heart."
•oner amnia stereo • puninnex eameniza
Seine ni1 n value outward show
more than inward worth.,
An up-to.dete High 00100
Bicycle littedwithleallerCkain,
New Veloa, how oP /Jemmies
Coaster 1 rake and Hubs, Dela-
amble 'tires, high grade equip-
menc including Mud -one r.
guards,Punip,aTools Otd,J6
FREE 1916 Catalogue,
60 pages of Bicycles, Sundries
and ferfialr Plaiertal. You can
bey your supplies front us at
Wholesale Thees.
27 Notre Dame SI, IVest,SiontreaL
100% Profit
111.1 and '\Vomen, your spare is
worth le $60 n week. Von tette no
chance, selling our 170,111 lary 11010110a
Char WO 0:0 syshon mattes yeta0 ineome aM-
spverl, isree 118 n post card ;Ind Irt 05
tell yet. Mov. Unnacilan !Pullet. Brush,
63 Itiehmentt W., Toronto.
will reduce inflamed, swollen
Joints, Sprains, Bruises, Sof
Bunches; Heals Bolls, Poi
infected sores quickly
as it is a positive antiseptic
and germicide. Pleasant to
use; does not blister,o, remove
the hair, dud 7011000 work the horse,
52.00 per bottle, delivered,
Book 71(1 free.
ASSORIIINE, JR., the antiseptlellnlment 'for mankind,
rrthees PAIllitil, 00011c0 Veins. Wens. Strains, Bruhn;
oto pain anti inflatmontIon. Price 01.00 per hurtle at
dm era or dear...I. Win rell 0011 more If you Write.
Liberal Trial Bottle for (00 10 Mamas.
.10106, P. p. 5„ 518 tymans Bldg,, Montreal, Gas,
ebsorbine sod Absortinc, Jr,. are 010110 10
It is made of metal, nickel
plated, of a convenient size.
Simply boil the "Thermor" for
ten minutes only (no longer) and
It stays hob for full twelve hours,'
at an even temperature of 125
deg. Recommended by physi-
cians on account of the steady
heat and sanitary metal case.
N.o trouble — no filling — no
danger of scalding the hands—
no leaks—no expense and one
purchase lasts a lifethne. '
In tacitness, such as Neuralgia,
La Grippe, Rheumatism, Neu-
ritis, Inflammation—in fact all
aches and pains, the nhermor"
Is invaluable. As a bed -warmer
and a foot -warmer it has no
"The "Thermor" measures
8W' across and is 136" thick,
yet it weighs less than a filled
two quart rubber bottle,
The price is $4.00 sent Postpaid
anywhere and sold under an ab-
solute guarantee from the mak-
High-class representatives
wanted in some territories.
9 Youville Street,
Skin irrifations of all sorts
yield to
71110 Butt
Yttreisurc �sIll
An unexcelled emollient for
wotmds,,burns, sores and Gilts.
Sold in glass bottles and handy
tin tubes at chemists and gen-
eral stores everywhere. Refuse
substitutes. Illustrated book
let On request.
(Conw.(lested) •
1860 Chabot Ave. Montreal
. ,
Tells Her Iffe Hopes Her Lot Will Be
As Good AS HiS Own.
The London Daily Main • Amster-
dam correapondent says that while
the Keiserin was visiting ' a Berlin
hospital, she 'addressed a " suffering
soldier in a tenderly solicitous man-
ner, saying: '
"My good fellow, I hope things Are
going better with you to -day."
The Mall replied : "I only hope it will
• be going as well with you and your
sone as it is going, with me. at this
moment." *
The Kaiserin staggered and, ac-
cording to a' report current in Berlin,
7500 led from the ward ahnoet swoon-
ing. The soldier is believed to be , an
irreconcilable Social Democrat.
War -Weary in Germany. ,
Professor Patriek Hagelaad, a pro-
minent Swedisl) doctor, writing on
hia recent experiences in Germany,
Says that in Berlin "there was over
the whole population an inde-
scribable expression of war-weart-
rites," while the groups of soldiers he
saw. "presentecla concentrated picture
of mental and bodily exhaustion."
Should be in every home. STOPS
nratuenisre INSTANTLY. Sure
°ere for CM ts—TATounds--Brulties
Sore Baelt—Pimples—Rheurnratiern
— Neuralgia — Felons -0l155 --
'Readitche--Barbers' Itch --or any
skin trouble.
Price 250, 60c anti $1.001 sent
prepaid promptly on receipt of
price tf your druggist cannot sup-
Dr. Lawrason Medicine Co.
Dept. G. Toronto, Ont.
Epistle to An Old Friend in England
Is Illustrative of
The following remarkable letter
has been received by an English pro-
fessional man from a German DOW in
Hamburg who lived for some years in
England and was on terms of close
friendship with this particular Eng-
lishman. The letter reached England
by way of Italy:—
Dear Mr. —, It has come to my
knowledge that you have been mak-
ing inquiries in various quarters con-
cerning me and my welfare, and I
have to tell you that, despite our old
friendship, there can never again be
any sort a communication between
us, either now or when the war is
over. I do not deny that 'during my
stay in your country I received much
kindness at your hands, but you, as al
Mrs. Andrew G. Lund, Hughenden,
Alta., writes:—"Two of my babies
were very much tronbled with con-
stipation and I tried several remedies Biling Vtrfa.A.Nt oTrEy steadyFWAG pRDIfy-
W ith01.1 OUCceSS. A neighbor advised stating age and exPerienee•
Wise Woodenware Co., PalmeTrehteonli, eOnnrt.Y
ilhaving, a- Pleasor0
Not an .0poration.11•
'UMW' the wenaertel, pew akin too E
rid wrinkle Chaser, la a boon 50 fa
ith heark, wiry beards and tend ,.
.A ratan who lute used it for a abort ti t,
lane, . ,
raid recently s "Shoving IS a Plemill '
now. I used to oonaider it ahnoat a e
is only necessary to rub a few* grope
trreit Into the beard before latherin ?
o enjoy an eattY, quick shave. .'
r_TOIT" penetrates into the melt, 'eat*
/the beard, and _levee a clean, aloes shay /
'The beard poets right off, without pul i
line a huh.
is kind to tender akin. There lat
' smarting or soreness after shaving,::
Oven the face a One feeling of emootitd•
Immo and freshness. .
i'USIT" prevents dryness of the skin
rraumed by exposure to excessive winde.'
Accept no allbstituto
,Send 50c to.day fer a trial bottle—suf,
relent for over sig weeks, uSe.
• 476 Boncesvalles Avenue,
bier% Deleware, Carman. Or-
der at on4e. Supply limited. Write for
quotations. H. W. Dawson, Tirampton.
Shafting, Hangers, Pulleys, GrateS.
Let us figure on your requirements;
Napanee ]Con Works, Ltd., Napanee.
• anr.,P WANTED.
me to try Baby's Own Tablets • and
they were. so satisfactory that now I
would use nothing else." The Tablets
never fail to cure constipation and
they may he given to the youngest
child with perfect safety. They are
sold by medicine dealers or by mail at
26 cents a box from The Dr. Williams
Medicine Co., Broakville, Ont.
If you are in a hurry avoid the
train of thought.
sonarrre Liniment Believes Neuralgia.
According to Promise.
"Congratulate me, Freddy. Last
night your sister promised to marry
"Oh, she premised Mother she'd
marry you long ago."
Granulated Eyelids,
eiria Eyes inflamed by expo-
sure to SunsDust and Wind
of the responsibility for your coun-
EyesEy. Remedy. No Smarting,
just Eye Comfort. At
quickly relieved by Marino
British citizen, must bear your share
try's infamous attempt to shatter and Your Druggises 50c per Bottle. Nedra.: Eye
destroy the greatness of Germany, SeiveinTehesac.ForDookeltheyerrecesk
and therefore 1, as a true German, Druggists orMerlitayeflemedytio.,Chicago
must forget all personal benefits :And _
must regard you, just because you are Nearing the Limit.
an Englishman, with an all -conquer- Her Father—Can you give my
ing hatred. The Only Hone. daughter all the little luxuries
which she is accustomed?
The history of the last half -century Her Lover—Not much longer, I've
been doing it for over a year now,
absolutely proves that all hope for the vou know!
future of Europe lies in the hands of -
my country. Russia is Asiatic and
barbarous. France and the other
Latin countries are decadent. Eng-
land is mean-souled and trivial. Only
Germany realizes the possibilities of
to -morrow, and Only Germany is cap-
able of protecting civilization froin
the future inevitable onslaughts from
the east. Germany's amazing pro-
gress has awakened the enemity of
her neighbors, and it was that en-
mity and envy that made this war
There was no reason for Great
Britain's interference. Your states-
men 'professed lip -friendship to us.
Up to the last moment Sir Edward
Grey led us tobelieve thab Great Brit-
ain would remain neutral. Then when
we were embroiled with both Russia
and France you sided with our en-
Hatred of "Idealists."
141ve is a lighl weight, durable and
e0111 feel /title working shoe specially
suitable for farmers, woodsmen, 511110
0(10(1 e 11(111(1085. laborers—all Who re-
quire extra string, ettsy footwear for
tYr,,P1Ong In. We make them of. the
Splendid oil -tanned Skowhegan water-
proofed leather that has made
Pairneios "Moose Pend 1:1Panti"
NtliOnS for alindst forty- YearS. No
((0 13 To suffer with tired, Bone,
the hooting -feel. Clot a pair ef these
and rind ease and comfort. If Your
dealer doesn't carry 1110111, send us his
name, ern:losing $8.26, and we will'
ship you a pair, ail tthn.rges paid, 10
any addeess 11 Canada or TT. S. RCM/M.
fa Eating sine) by poslal or express
order. Same sl,yle as S00011, 8 eye-
lets high, $3.75,7Yeite l'er our catqlog
fully Ilhistrating our 811011110P 1111,1
71(1 n 1 el. 1:(,o tw urtr,
014I0 PADIVIER. 00., IdMited, '
Fredericton, 27. 20., Canada.
El). 7.
Never in the hietory of the world
has a nation made war for a meaner
cause and the hatred that we have
for Great Britain is the hatred that
a nation of idealists naturally feels
for unecrupulous, pettifogging huck-
sters. The crime deserves an ade-
quate punishment, Germany is fight-
ing for her life, and ibis idle to sup -
vote that she will light in kid gloves.
She is more than justified in using
all the means devised by the ingen-
uity of her sons to c'empass the ruin
of her foes. Your denunciabion of
our "barbarities" leaves us entirely
unaffected. We rejoice at the killing
of every single Englishman, and at
the loss of every British ship. We
remain cold if a few women and chil-
dren are killed by our air attacks
ow your cities. This is a war to tbe
knife, nation against nation, and it
clin only end in the destruction of
the race that has for centuries been
the pirate of the world.
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited.
Gentlemen,—I had my • leg badly
hurt, the pain was very severe and a
large swelling came -above the knee.
I expected it would be serious—I rub-
which stopped the pain and reduced
tha swelling very quickly. I cannot
speak too highly of MINARD'S LINI-
Port Hood Island.
Family Affair.
"So my daughter has consented to
become your wife. Have you fixed
the day of the wedding?" •
"I will leave that to her."
"Will you have a church or a pri-
vate wedding?"
"Her mother can decide that."
"What have you to live on?"
"I will leave that entirely to, you,
Slowly, Starving to Death.
If you and I were to meet, friends
as We were once, I would not raise
my little finger to save your life,
and, indeed, I would do my utmost
to cause you to lose it, because, as
I have said, you are an Englishman.
To your gracioes wife and chil-
dren, who had ne part in making
this war; I send my respects. They
are not responsible, though they
may suffer. But so, too, do we suf-
fer. If you could see what your war
on our innocents has done, howelm
poor are being slowly starved to
death by your food war, your heart
would harden. So, then, too, if your
wife and children suffer, do not turn
to us for sympathy. You are respon-
sible. You are a Inge who could have
lifted lip his voice to proteSt. You
did not. Therefore, all the pent-up
hatred which we have for yoer dos -
1011! 000111133' ig. also for yeu.
May you all perish in misery.
Hard for Them.
"Is your father finding is difficult
to give up smoking?"
• "Ob, he's stickirig bit bis resolution
all right, bat he's ao ugly that the
family's likely to crack under the
strain artY minute:"
The plain mivarnished truth is het -
tet than questionable rhetoric. •
ISSUE 17.— 16
-• 7Rinac0'0 LiniMent Cures Dandruff
V and Fitters, Toolmakers, also
operators experienced on the larger size
shells. Phone or Wire applications pre-
ferred. 13, 13e51 & Son CoMpany, Ltd.,
St. George, Ont.
rrawsra.pmas POE SADE.
Offices for sale in good Ontario
towns. The most useful and interesting
of all businesses, Full information On
application to Wilson Publishing Corn -
pans, 78 West Adelaide Street. Toronto.
Exceptional advantages — Modern
N-urees' Home; fully cm:toned Class
Rooms; eight hour schedule; allowance
of $6.00 per month with uniforms and
text books after three months proba-
tionary period; two years Of high
sehool required for entranue. For full
partieulare address Miss Frederika K.
illiSerg StiperIntentlent of Nurses, otty
Hospital, Cleveland, Ohio.
Internal and external, eared with.
outt.tbigni,biy..t01,1;,locum treat meta. W 11 to
, eliedical
Co., Limited, ColliDrDma M
ngwoodM'. O
846Broadview Ave., Toronto, Ont.
they !
$3o 6 MONTHS COURSE irkilwht
The only College In Canada
feaching all Typewriter Keyboards
04 rates Ire half th ploy:tiling elsewhere
Doe Remedies
Boox 011/41
And Row to Feed
Mailed free 10 any address by
the Maier
118 West 31st Strect,New York
Sickness Causes
If you are losing time and money through sickness,
write at once to F. Harvey Roof Co. for a .est of
relnedies for Neurasthenia. Asthma, Congestion of
kidneys, Piles, Epilepsy or Palling Sickness. Nervous
Debility. Catarrh, Eczema, Rheumatism, Old Soles
or Dicers, and indigestion. They have been pees
fected by years of medical practice. If not satisfied
with results after 30 days, they cost You nothing,
Send no money but retunt this ad for Postpaid test.
5tale ege_ivetperticyrarp, 5, Hervey, Roof Coe,
Suite A, 5004, Station N., New Pork. le.P.
A Good Guesser.
Herbert Edwin—"I say, Johnny,
which is the way to the pavilion?"
The Gamin—"Ow'd yer know me
name's Johnny?"
Herbert Edwin—"I guessed it."
The Gamin—"Well, if yer so good
at the guessing game, yer can keep
on and guess yer way to the pavilion!'
--GOOD IDIGESTIO N 1 Mother Sehles Syrup corrects rind stimulates
When your ctillestion la faulty, weakness and the digestive organ., and banishes the alanY
0130 5001010 and disease Is Invited, -• ailments which arise from indigestion.
.,..rawaysawressmseasmes....... •111111111
F 0 R"
ett all Dr1:1,!Irls,..orhrlir.cmc!itilort..retip3t.ojvpigl,Lfli;angitl;.,01....,Tare.illritrgtte,„bcottl,lk,,c,:r lt,r4ii.nrrAfr,,i1;?.a times as
We are now paying for SPRING MUSKRATS from Ontario, Quebec,
and Eastern Canada the following guaranteed prices.
Ex Large Large medium SMall. Shot and Cut
.70 .60 .40 .20 according
to Value.
We tote the largest handlers of this article in Canada and need 500,000
• skins rpr present demand, w'e wroat your ooneetione. Gur average price
will positively exceed all others. Ship early and often. Ship small par.
eels of 20 skins or under by parcel post. We pay all charges.
.gli other lines Poll 370 St. Paul Street West
market values. raoldreig, P.Q.
Dept. W.
make certain prove the easy
, the quality of 'working quality,:
every raw materiel and enduring weati,
Experiment and Experi
Both point m Ramsay's Pella as your logleril chnice. In pinky, wear and beatitY 01
coke they ure Unsurpassed, 10 Moffitt), they ere unriletelied. Courteous servite
from lend iment. Write fo.r interesting paint literatura
A. RAMSAY & SON CO. (Established 1842) MONTREAL, One:
F0131 SALE nv ALL I177AL81RS5