The Clinton News Record, 1916-04-20, Page 511AIDS ON BRITISH TRENCHES TO THE NOR THEAST OF CARNEY Three Times the Germans Attacked, but Were on Each Occasion Repulsed. WV- ev:•A deepenIt : • from London says v : , hile the infantry fighting around St. Ifeloi bas censecl for the time being the iertillery ef both sides is busy in that alder, and there has been consider- ; "Ina trench morbax activity. The en - rated the British trenches near a Boisselle after a heavy bombard- , 1Ment, in which he used lachrymatory - e British lost a few prisoner.• The tells. He was driven out, although L• pear° of a few men working on the ,.....„. front wire was the net result heed by the Germans in three at - elm Wednesday night north-east of ey. The attackers neaclied the tiritish teenchee, but were driven back • - • many German dead being left in the trenches. The Rotterdam correspondent of the London Daily Mail telegraphing un- der Thursdayn date says: "In feeling out the strength of the British in the Ypres sector the enemy received a hock. Just before night- fall he delivered a spirited local at- tack on what was reported to be a weak British poeition, but the effort was repulsed after a fierce hand-to- hand fight "It is certain that the eneray will make many of these isolated efforts. "German troops and guns, especial- ly guns, continue to arrive on the Yser front, where, 1 believe, the nexb great battle may be expected." • ,THE SUSSEX SANK BY GERMANS Definite Stateinent Made by Ministry of Marine., , A despatela from Paris says: The German submarine Which torpedoed the Channel liner Sussex was sunk on April 5, ibwas officidlly. announced On •Thursday. The U-boat's identity Is fully known to the French Govern- tnent. tts commander tiled crew are einderstood •to be prisoners in a pris- on camp of the allies. The official Press Bureau of the ginistry of Marine issued the fol - ,Lowing abatement, on Thursday in re- ply to the German claims that the Sussex was not torpedoed: - "We could publish the name of the commander and the number of the submarine which attacked bhe Sus - ex, as well cie the story .of her jour- neyings prior to the crime. "This submarine was destroyed on April 5; and her officers and crew "lbw onfirm all .the information we pee - sees in this -matter." • CASUALTIES ON BOTH SIDES. •'Details of Clash Between Carranzas and Americans. , • A despatch from El Paso, Texas, says: First actual entrance of 'United Statee troops in force into a Mexican town remelted in an open clash and bloodshed en both sides on Tuesday. The trouble oceurred at Parral, a min- ing camp south-east Of Chihuahua City, and one United States soldier was killed and several wounded. Mexi- cans precipated the trouble by open- ing fiee on the Americans as they were withdrawing from the city. The Araerieans returned the fire. The Car- ranza soldiers lemming the 'garrison did not participate, but used their 'best armee to nalM their own people and roc:tore order, according to re - Ports from Carranza sources, -en-- GERMANY FIGHTING • FOR BEST TERMS. Belgium Says Teuton Financiers Real- ize They Can't Win. TROOPS OF CANADA SUFFERED SEVERELY Oise Parliameet meet iminediately 5) conln)'liidei itt the 41.01.mingreclients of whiel intervene." 5660 10 011" 105 Ibutehers' hells, dunce. $7e;'5 $735;1 of the cathedral to prep ef • • , ea01011 of Lhe Order St Michael Sad the expeeinientaig phyecians will not Markets of the World 4•••••••• Breadstuffs. Toronto, April 18. --Manitoba Wheat -No. 1 northern, new crop, $1.16, in store, For William; No. 2, $L141,e; No. 3. $1.10%. Manitoba oats -No. 2 C.W., 43c, in store, Volt William; No, 3, 41c•'ex- tra No, 1 feed, 41e; No. 1 feed, 4O.Oe„. Amernan corn -No. 2, 83e. Canadian eorn-Feed, 683. to /0e. Ontario oats -No. 3 white, 431/4c. to 45e; commercial oats, 421/4e to. 44e. Ontario wheae-Nos 2, winter, $1.02 to $1.04;. No. 2 commercial, 99e. to $1.01; No. 3 commercial, 97e to 99o; feed wheat, 86c to Pc. Peas-Aecording to sample, $1.20 to $1.50; No. 2 nominal, car lots, $1.70. Barley -Good 'malting, 62c. to 63e; feed barley, 59c. to 62e. Buckwheat -69e. to 70c. Rye -No. 1 commercial, 89c to 90c; rejected rye, Pc. to 87c., according to sample. Manitoba flour -First patents, in jute bags, $6.50; second patents, in jute, $6; strong bakers', in jute, $5.90, Toronto. , Ontitrio flour -Winter, $4.15 to $4.25, track, Toronto, according to sample; seaboard, $4.25 to $4.$5, prompt ehipment. Millfeed-Car lots delivered Mont- real freighte. Bran, per ton, e25; shorts, $26; good feed flour, per bag, $1.60 to $1.'70; middlings $27, Hay -Baled, No. 1 track, Toronto, $17 to $18; Noe 2, $1.4 to $15; straw, $6.50 to $7. Latest Action Against the Germans Costly no the Latter, Too. A despatch from London says: De- tails received here of fighting for cra- ters, in which the Canadians suffered severely, show that at one spot five mines in direct line and close to- gether were sprung against the Ger- mans, whose defence consequently was momentarily completely shattered. The Canadians then rushed forward to occupy the ground thin; reedered un- tenable. The advance was supported by artillery. The observer declares bhat the fire from the guns so close together and working incessantly was like a terrace of houses on fire. The Cenadiane secured ground for the time being, after which the struggle continued, with varying success on each side, as is always the case in such operations. If the Canadian losses were severe there is no doubt the enemy lost many more. --e 3 MORE ARRESTS FOR BOM13 OUTRAGES. Prosecuting Attorney Believes Ring- leaders Still at Large. A deepatch from Paris says: Wil - Country Produce. •Butter -Fresh dairy, choice, 29 to 320; inferior, 25 • to 26c; creamery prints, 35 to 37e; solids, 33 to 34e. Eggs -New -laid, 24c; do., in car- tons, 25 to 26e. Honey -Prices in 10 to 60 -lb tins, 13 to 14e. Combs -No. 1, $2.75 to $3; No. 2, $2.25 to $2.40. Beans -Trade quiet at $4 to $4.40, the latter for hand-pleked. Poultry -Chickens, 21 to 22c; fowls, 18 to 20e; ducks, 24 to 25e; geese, 18 to 20c; turkeys, 25c. Cheese -Large, 19e; twins, 191/4e. Maple syrup -$1.40 per imperial Potatoes -Car lots of Ontario, $1.80 to $1.85, and New Brunswicks at $1,90 to $1.95 per bag, on track. OVERMATCHED AN VERWORKED, • .• Death -Aces call it off, old men. You're overmatched, and I'm over., svoykedet " •• nen-By Kee -into ia Coniernenneeneye RUSSIAN ARTILLERY From Erin's Green Isle AIDEDBY ALLIES NEWS BY MAIL FROM MELAND'S Britieh, French, and Japanese Help in the 13ombeirdneents. A despatch from Copenhagen saYee French, British end Japanese officers ere assisting in the direction of the Russian artillery, which accounts for the increased efficiency in that branch of the Russian army, says a despatch from Petrograd. Russian artillery is now said to be on a par with that oe Germany. German losses around Lake Naroez are said to be colossal. canners, $5 to $5.75; butchers' cows, choice, •$7.50 to $7.75; good, $7 to $7.25; common, $6 to $6.25; butchers' buns, choice, $8 to P.25; good, $7.50 to $7.75; medium, $7 to $7.25; mileh cows choice, each, $85 to $90; medium, each, $75 to $80. Sheep, P to $8.50; lambs, 111/4c to 12c; spring lambs, $5 to $12 each. Hogs, off cars, $11.90 to $12. Calves, 6c. to 8c. Provisions. Wholesalers are selling to the trade as follows : - Smoked Meats• -Rolls, 171/4e. to 180; hams, medium 21e to 22e; heavy, 17e. to 20e. breakfast becon, 21 to 24c.; A despatch from New York says: backs, plain, 25c to 26c; backs, bone - Three more arreste were made on less, 28 to 29e, Thursday night in connection with the Green Meath -Out of pickle, le, less alleged conspiracy to destroy ships than smoked. RUSSIA GROWING RAPIDLY. Increase in Slavic Population Causes Anxiety in Germany: An article by Privy Councillor Max Von Gruber in the "Osteuropaische Zukunft," on the increase of the pop- ulation ,of Russia is causing consider.. able alarm in Germany. In 1800, we are told, Europeans FROffi SVNSET.OAST, WHAT THE WESTERN PEOPLE ARE DOING. NEWS FROM ENGLAND Progress of the Great West Told In a Few Pointed Paragraphs. It is proposed to start it $20,000 cannery on the Peck estate Nanaimo. At Kaslo dealers who sell wood are compelled to take out a business B- alm. The C. N. construction department at Port Mann is erecting a 1,000 -ton ice house In the logging industries of B. C., Russia including Finland, contained over 4,000 white men are employed 39 million inhabitants in 1850 62 mil- and no Orientals. NEWS BY MAIL ABOUT JOHN BULL AND HIS PEOPLE. lions, in 1910 120 millions. Should we pernait this increase to proceed un- checked," says the Privy Councillor, "we shall have in 1950 160 millions ine European Russia against 80 million Germans, and at the end of the cen- bury 90 million Germans to 300 mil- lion Russians. In this event the 300 cower city a live stock ciliation mar millions will undoubtedly impose their for that city and the Fraser valley. rule on the 90 millions. A three-year-old corn -fed hog re - Herr Von Gruber's method for cently killed in Naramata, B.C., tipped avoiding this fate is by a timely par- the scales, dressed, at about 500 lbs. At New Westminster the box manu- facturing industry, which last yearmn- joyed an excellent season, Remises even greater development this year. The Bluebell mine workers, Rundelt B.C., sent $116 to the Red Cross in February, besides donations, of cloth- ing. Very few unoccupied houses ere tio be found in Penticton, and men, resi- dents are finding it difficult to obtain habitations. In' Vancouver on account of war- time conditions, 82 public school teach - ere and 7 supervisors will be dispen- sed with. For selling a quanney of cocaine to a fellow -countryman, Song, a China- man, was fined $100 and costs in the Vancouver pollee court. • Burnaby has 201 families of soldiers on the list of the local patriotic com- mittee receiving assistance from the Canadian Patriobic Fund. Twenty-five per cent. of the resi- dents of the •Kitsumkalem Valley, in northern British Columbia, have listed for service. overseas. A Bowen Island youth, G. Davie, became paralyzed from the waist down after eating a poisonous onion - like roob whien he discovered a field. He will recover . An inkstand made under ere from German bullets was recently received South Vancouver is giving a num- ber of free garden allotments to pro- spective gardeners. Small fruit -growers of Vancouver 'Island are seeking protection against commission merchants - It is proposed to establistinieennin- Occurrences in the Land That Reigns Supreme in the Col/timer- cial World. Surrey Educabion Committee have a scheme for training women for farm work. It is stated that there are 835 offi- cers and 521 civilians on the waiting list of the Royal Flying Corps. Mr. Richard Hill, the oldest magis- carrying war munitions to the Entente Dry Salted Meats -Long clear tition of Russia, a dismemberment alliee by placing "fire bombs". in their bacon, in tons, 161/4c.; in cases 1.7c.; I i which would cut off Finland, the Ban cargoes. Warrants it was announced, clear bellies, 18c.; fat backs, 15,14e, bin Provinces, Lithuania, Poland, Bes- are out for two others, thus involving Lard -Pure, tierces, 151/4e to 151/4c; sayable, and the Ukraine from Euro - eine -persons altogether. tubs, 15½e to 15%c; pails, 151/4e to peen Russia. This act, which would ---te_-. EMPIRE'S RESOURCES BEING MOBILIZED. ---- A despatch from London says: The Montreal, April 18.-Corn-Ameri. the east, vast resources of the entire British can No. 2 yellow, 85 to 86e. Oats- e. - Empire are to be put into the field on Canadian Western, No. 2, 521/4 to 53c; NO END TO THE RIBBON. the side of the allies. Boner Law, No, 3. 501/4 to 51c; extra No. 1 feed Secretary of State for the Colonies, 16e; compound lard, tierces, 13%e; tubs, 14c; pails, 1414c. . • Montreal Markets. deprive Russia at one fell swoop of 53 millions, would be the work of the peace conference. Deprived of these vital regions, Russia would be com- pelled to turn her activities towaYels • - announced in Parliament on Wednes- 501/4 to 51c; No. 2 local white, 50e; How Prussian Bully Was Fooled By No. 3 local white, 49c; No. 4 local, white day that "steps are already being tak- 48c. Barley -Manitoba feed, 68 to Young Belgian Woman. en to bring the whole strength of the Empire into co-operation with the 71c; malt:ng, 75 to 77c. Flour -Man- - A flash of the lighter side of war allies." The Government is already itoba Spring wheat patents, firsts, is shown in the following amusing in - in consultation with the overseas Do- 86.60; seconds, 56.10; strong bakers', cident, which is vouched for by the $5.911; Winter patents, chMce $6.00; Figaro, and which relates one of the minions on the subject. liam Foley, the Geneva representative straight rollers, $5.30 to 55.40; do. clever methods by which the Belgians, bags, $2.45 to $2.50. Rolled oats- although maintaining a correct atti- of N. W. Halsey & Co., of New York, CARSON WILL ADVOCATE Bbls. 55.00 to 55.30; do. bap, 90 lbs.' tude toward their oppressors, do not arrived in Paris on Wednesday. He GENERAL COMPULSION. 52.35 to $2.40. Bran,' $24. Shorts, leave a single stone unturned to make said that he saw at Frankfort on $26. Middlings, 528 to $30. Meanie, them appear ridiculous. March 6 a mart= in a firm of New A despatch from London says: Sir 530. to 535. Hay -No. 2, per ton, car This particular incident, which was York bald:ere, who told him that Ger- Edward Carson bas given notice that lots $20. to 520.50. Cheese -Finest related by a Belgian who managed to man finaneiere are convinced that he win introduce a motion in the westerns, --1. is 4, to 181/4c; finest east- make his way into Switzerland and Gerrneny no longer has any chance of House of Commons to amend the Milnierns -- le% to 18c. Butter -Choicest thence to Franee, took place in a final victory, although the war may they Service Act so as to require as ' ' creamery, 33 to 331/4c; seconds, 30 to street par. A young woman entered continue for eighteen months more. far as poseible equal sacrifices by all 311/4a Eggs -Fresh, 26 to 27c. the car, carrying on her coinage a Germany is figheing for the bestnpos- men of military no by making all Potatoes -Per bag, Car lots, 51.75 0 cockade composed of the national col- sible ternin liable to service. The Daily Mail says peen . • ors of Belgium --black, yellow and • the question of general compulsion _a. - red. HIDING ZEPPS' RAVAGES. time which will be debated on April Cash: -Wheat -No. 1 Northern, opposite to the young woman. His by the Mayor of Winnipeg from Serge. Hunter of that City, who is In PREMIER ASQUITH DENIES will be brought to a head by the mo- Winnipeg Grain. A Prussian officer ent•ered and sat A deepateh from London says; ^------4*--- - . No. 4, $1.07%; No. 5, 091/4e; he leaned over and thld her that the 7th- Canadian Battalion. The Crow's Nest Pass Lumber - 10. 51.161/4; No. 2, do., $1.144i; No. 3, do., gaze resting on the colored ribbon, Premier Asquith denied on Thursday GREEN SHORES. Happenings In the Emerald lele , Interest to AU True laah. mem The Midland Railway Commeny'n sfteurathmesrhuipotiseoarm. ee between Belfast and' Heysham has bean euspeaded untie On the Invitation of the Lord Mayor. of Belfast, the Earl of Derby vitilten that city and addreesed mooting in; the Uleter Hall, t A branch of the Red Cross' Hospital: / Supplies Depot, under the patronage' of Lady Dunalley, is shortly to be started in Templemore. There are now over 1,600 men from' Athy in the army, and It has been Eisele mated that the amount of separation allowances paid weekly ia $1,250. ,The Roecomnton. Co. Council hay( taken prelbninary steps with a vie* to taidng over °patrol of the existing anelent monuments be the county. A. street oolle•otion was made in. Dublin ed with the Army and Navy Social, on behalf ot the Babies Club oonneet. recently by a number of ladles In order to encourage more tillage tkis year, the farm of Mr. Gorman, of Lisserdrea, near Boyleehas been giV4111 over to the Congested Dietriots Board. A resolution Was adopted at tha Dublin Corporation meeting protean hag against the increased taxation of Ireland, and requesting the Irish mein!' trate in Lincoln, has jusb died at the ago of 90 years. He was mayor in 1865. The in the rates by 6d. in the The estimates presented to North- ampton Town Council will permit of It is announced thab 86 English civilians who have been interned at Ruhleben, Germany, have arrived in England. The amount required to be provid- ed out of city rates for the city of London police establishment for the current year is $834,860. To comply with the lighting regu- lations, the London County Council has spent $10,000 on curtains for the windows of evening schools. An anonymous donor has sent a cheque for $5,000 to the Women's Was Time Fund of the Young Wo- men's Christian Association. The lefanchester City Council has decided that no contract should be entered into with any person of Ger- man or Austrian nationality. The Prince of Wales has consent - en to become president-elect of the Siiiiilimten4tiety for the ensuing "RAZOR" BULLETS USED IN VEIPUN CAMPAIGN. that the number of deaths caused by Company, of Wardner, open a • Z• ePrielin raids had been kept from logging camp near Caithness and Gan public knowledge. He was asked in is running full swing 100 men, • loway and will employ when the camp Prohibitionists from all parts of British Columbia are planning a con- vention in Victoyia to- counteract the campaigning which, they say, is now being done by the liquor forces. Including the Norwegian bark Lind - field, the latesb neutral victiin of the war zone, no less than nine grain ves- sels from the Columbia river have been sunk since hostilitiee began in Europe. Provincial Police ar0 trying to locate the owner of a gasoline launch which was tied up in the Fraser river at the foot of Twelfin street, New Westminstee, in November last and No. 601¼c; feed, 861/4e. Oats.-- e.o. she would have to take it off. 2, C.W., 42%; No. do., 41e; mean "I will do nothing of the sort, sir," No. 1 feed, 41e; No, 1 feed, 39c; No. was the firm response. 2. do., 39e. Barley. -No. 3, 63c; No. -"Then I will bake it off myself." A. despatch from Leaden sate:: The the House of Commons by Noel PemCrown Prince L. using "razor bullets 4ile. , 58c; rejected, ofeed, 50e. tor I defy you o o . - - b• erton-Billing whether it was with in Verdun. Each bullet weighs an -No, 1 N.-W.C., $leel; No. 2 ce.W., The officer, coloring, reached out the consent of the Government that • and ripped off the cockade. The end eighth of an ounce and has a teiangu- neg. "the actual ;amber of deaths from lae steel blade as sharp as a razor, 11 of the ribbon still remeined on the • Zeppelin raids has been withheld from which makes an ugly wound and one United States Markets. woman's blouse end he tugged at it. the public. "The exact figures have difficult to heal. ' Minneapolis, April 18. -Wheat- Tho ribbon lengthened out, but the been collected by the police and men etne-....„..e..-.......--.. May, 51.22 to 51,221/s ; July, $1,21 %; end was not in sight. With is gas- - Relied," Mr. Asquith replied. GERMAN SUGAR RATION No. 1 hard, 51.27%; No. 1 Northern, lure of ennoyance'he tugeed further TWO POUNDS A MONTH. SUVA to 51..261/4; No, 2 Northern, and another yard of ribbon appeared. • GERMAN SECURITIES • $1.211/4 to 51241/, Corn- No. 3 Purple with rage, the 'officer went on ' . SEIZED BY BRITAIN. A despatch from Beelin says: The yellow, 7510 760. Oats -No. 3 white, yanking yeted after yard of ribbon un- . ----t- sugar ratio has been fixed at one kno_ 42 to 421/4e. Flour unchanged; ship- rolled, while a chorus of laughter rose Value of Those Intercepted in Mails poems e2,20 pounds) per person per ments, n67.404 bbls. Bran, $18.25to front the other passengers. Finally, . evith-a mutbered curse, he dropped the . Last Month, 22,000,000. month, acc,ording to the Overseas $1.9.00. • A 'despatch feign London, says: Sir Nes AgencY* haDuleth, April 18. -Wheat -No. 1 ribbon and rushed- out of the car. rd $1.231,4. No, 1 Northern, $1.21 Edward tlreyeeire British Foreign See- . to $1.23%; No. 2 Northern, $1.16% to year, and preB 01,13-t far 1917. Lord Ienebsford, gerk, known to the general public as the SeedineY Holland, was knocked down and gel ously injured by it motor car at Barnes. Owing to many customers having enlisted, coupled with the increased price of materials, many small laun- dries in the Manchester district have closed down., The caretaker of a Willesden Council school has purchased a biny black lamb as a pet for the infants, and every day it takes part in the children's games. Under the new arrangements for commune of the home forces, it is intended to dispense with the separ- ate training centre cornmands at Sells - bury and Ripon. Banbury's curfew bell, which has been rung at 8 pan. each day since Norman times, is now tolled at 7 p.m. to warn the inhabitant § that the appointed hour for lowering lights has arrived. Mayor J. Orr -Ewing, whose colors were frequently seen on English race courses over 20 years ago, has died in London. One of his horses, Thrush,won 16 oub of 24 races in which it competed. As a thank offering for his Maj- esty's recovery from his accident, the Maharaja of eaipur has given ten machine guns to the King, who has formally handed them over to the War Office for use in France. The tower o•E Sidesthand Old Church, near Cromer, which for many • years had stood on the edge of the cliff, has collapeecl. It was immortalized by the late Clement Scott en his "Carden of Sleep," There are 31,400 men teachere serving with the forces and about 2,000 have attested uncle): bhe Derby Sthemen In addition, there are 147 serving with the naval forties, and 226 women acting es nurses. bers to resist such taxation. - . Three further members of the Dominick Street Police, Barracks; Galway, have joined, tha colors, bring. Ing the number of volunteers from We barrack up to seven. Three passengers were serious•le injured when a train from London- derry left the rails near Strabane eta - tion, and a number ot carriages .and wagons fell over the embankment. The mountain of Knocknacoheragh, on the Lietowel astate, following an' agitation by the cotters of Pilquin Hill, which has extended over ten years, has at length been distributed among the tenants. At a meeting of the Westmeath Leinster Comforts Fund Committee it was decided to procure three Bete of the war pipes, at EL 'Ma Of $90, and have them sent out to the 2nd Batta- lion at the front. Following the speech of Lord Wire - borne at the recent meeting in the. Dublin Mansion. House a raovement is on foot to establish Irishwomen's re- cruiting committees in the various towns and villages of Ireland. The Down Committe of Technical Instruction bas approved of the forma- tion in Donagliadee Technical School of a class for volunteer workers to make boxes for shell bases, the wood to be, supplied by the Amateur Ord-. nonce Volunteers. Fire • destroyed the bakery of Mr. j'aZetsJ14'tor*reasYce pram itrziSligoieWs_limiluerraayt- teand his six -mem -old son, Keenieth, were burned to death. Mrs. Murrane and two sons Jumped from the top window and were all seriously injured. to AUSTRIAN ARISTOCRACY mysteriously abandoned. . House of Commoes on Menden, con- • Now eN 4R4eNcEei , e ,. , PRAYING FOR pEnnE., Viceoria will have in operation the from drown -mg or aephyeaition. le 5-161a, May, e215%; July, 52.1e1/4. . tion is for sale at is. 3d. a quart. 0.191/4. Linseed -Cash. nrmed the statement published last ---- SERUM TO REVIVE DROWNED. ADUL'TERATED FOOD. Germany Is Full of Consciencelese Manufacturers. Ib must be humiliating to those in Germany who are loudly boasting ot the disinterestedness and self-sacri- fice of all classes of the people to be candidly told that the entire country is honeycombed with manufacturers of grossly adulterabed foods. Pride in the ingenuity of their chemists in discovering or inventing substitutes for articles of food, which are rapid- ly disappearing, is surely tempered by it certain amount of shame and ins dignation that so many of these sub- stitutes are• frauds of the worst de- scription, and that in nine cases out of ton they are not even what bhey pretend to be. A cry has gone up for a national ministry of foodstuffs, with offices all over the country, which will in the first place control prices and see that no trickeey ie exercised by trad- ers in exceeding rates fixed by law, and in the second place to examine into all foods and foo'd substitutes offered for sale, and to visit with condign punishment all persons who sell substances as, food which are either worthless, or sold on false pre- tences, This ministry, with its branches, would be called into exist- ence at once, Mid would be for the duration of the war. In numerous journals we hear of the gross frauds which are being practised in all parts of the country. The "oil substitute" of a manufacburer , of "salad oil," in Western Germany, is receiving wide publicity, as it has Successful BsPerhelents Made nt been officially analyzed. It is thus John Hopkins University. described: A slightly yellowish fluid, Experiments tree being made by d a ill" taste reminding one of thin bouillon. , character, and with a • specialists at Johns Hopkins Univer- Ib consists of 98.3 per cent. of water, siey Hospital, Baltimore, which, if 1.2 per cent. of extract, and .45 per simeessful, will greatly. 'aid in the re- cent of ashes. It is absolutely free suseitation of persons apparently clead • • of all fatty substances. The prepare - I retary,, replying to A question in the 2,500.000 BRITISH ARE month that tho value of ehe securities A London. Daily News despatch ; Live tock Markets. A despatch from London says; The new Dominion 'Government largest telescope, in the world, at the I1SW treatment ie the injection ot a aes.e,na. serum to stiinulete the blood to sucb "Deeply' to be regretted," says the Tagliche Rundschau, "are the results --- the Tenitecl*States was £2,000,000 ster- Belleten des AemeS says the British ' °eon to, April 18.---Choic:0 heavy from Vienna to the effect that 500 tory at Little Saanich Momitain. Coen on extent as will' them a reaction on r. nature of eertain peeparations itnoWe in'the letter post between Holland and from Paris states that the French Cent eel News n•eceivecl despatch of a number or investigations into the leig. Protests, he added,' lied been army in Franco which -----rd but. steers' tle eboice $8 15 to S8 lin do eood 8.50 to $8.9.0; Butchers' cat- roombors or the Austrian aristocracy, plate with mu 1s and attachments the the heart. Th will keep t 1)01 he persons festeement will weigh 60 tons. alive until the appaintus eorne th?ie egn to clear the lungs min sta. az ' 'Egg Sobstitutes,"Fruib Juices,' niade by neutral countries, and dis- 00,000 in August of 1914, now nuns- , together 'with the Archbishop of Vien- Leopold Arthuf Berilaen who 11°W There must be a stop put to all cession with them was proceeding. bees 2,500,000. iibi.8o; do., metleim, 57.25 to na, • arid sixteen Archdukes and ,etreh_ holds the,raink, atr be,iilateltsle111:1:110111L:. 1 $7.50; do., cemmon, gE •dnehesses assembled 11 11111 eanctuary ne e, NEW GERMAN SUBMARINES do., good bulls $6.85 to 57.00; doe' Sto 01 St. George. left Nesv Westt»inuter as divillge at ant time, has been tried on . 01 110010(.. • ' I eeegh hulls, $4.!65 to 55e111; Madmen" 17,009 French Taken at Verdun. a elevate in the first overseee con- a number of eniman in the laborae Character. rows, (110 01) 110.1.0 tu $7.504 de. good tingent. I torlse or the instiedion, and in DO, NOT DIFFE9T"F 56,25 to en,0; do., medium, 55)35, to A deepen:1i horn Paris says: The 1.‘ thp 51,10; de., eareirnen, $5,25 to 55,75; claim of the Germ1111 War Mire that num hem oP eames.has proved success- ' We may judge a man's charade/ fel. However, in mnst all the cases . Moeltere, 700 1.10 850 Ibe. 56.60 to 57,25; 35,876 prisoners ;lave be" menace nein of Napoirou's Wound. eine has been after effects, etch es 1 choice feeders, dehorned, 950 to 1,000 at Verden WSS C1(.1111011 011 Thureday by is Of Stiper U- Bats and Underwater Boa tS lbs. 57.15 to 57.50; eannerS and eete the French War Office. According to • 1 the Iti•ench War Office the , Germane There noit. rest S 10 the Psej Mimeo, high blood Mecham° or hal/denim; of the a r ten ee. Accoeding to the physicians, if the seeum can be perfected, and thee is every aasarauce at this time it ean,t I • • in am be infected in the body Without Periscopes Pti rely imaginary. A despatch from London says: The Germans eve notrusieg either super- submaeines or under -water ImaLsevith-• met periecopes in their now campaign, eccording to the best informed navy euthorities here. It -wee pointed one on Wednesday in eaval saltines that Germon submarines aro following their usual course, and that there is Inenevidence that they are able to tra- vel greater distances than previously Was the cese, or to stay out longer. The chief difference in the new cam - AL, ) ters, $375 to $ • , each- 575.00 to $100.00; do., tom. and helve captured less teat 17,000 French rued. each $40.00 to $60.00; springers at Verdun including -wounded, paign, according to British naval of- 550.00 to $100.00; light ewes $8.50 to te fines, lies in the fact that more ships p 50. sheep beevy, $6o0 to 5750,, BRITISH COAL_OUTPUT FALLS. are being torpedoed without warning:. 1 yearlings, $10.50 to 532.50; bucks and This development was nob unexpected ! culls, 53.50 to 54.50; lambs, choice A despatch from London says; An by the naval'authorities, who predict- ' $11,00 to 513,00; spring lanes, $5,04 official White Paper isseed on Wed - ed a greater loss in ships as the sear' to 518.00; calves, good to choice, 59.25 nesdae saes that the Yeile'S output of son advanced. I to 510.50; do inediu m 5725 to 58.60; 001)1 in Cleeat Britain WAS 253,188,00Q The Admiralty officiate evidently hogs, 'fed and watered, 511,30; do., bone, a decrease 'of rmarly 12,500,009 are not greatly worried over the do- nennee off (nee $r! m 65 to s 75. ee tons, compared with the previoes' year. .„ etruetion of tonnage, aesetbing .that non., 510.95. additional mercantile tonnage needed I Montreal, Apeil 18. - Butchers', When the average man attempts to can be built by a system p;I: IM,Mst- 1 steers, choice, $8.75 to 50; /good, 58.25 stand on his dignity be is apt to on. ment which Will pot interfere evith the. to 58.50; fair, 57.25 to 57.50; Medium cover that his :Net are too large for British naval enngetunme. 156.75 to 57; common, 56.25 to 50.60; the pedestaL, . ' . r•1' an.M. the arapethet ben which struck a, poleon before Ratesboe, April 28, 1809. The bullet, Wheel caused bee a trifling flesh wound; was picked ep by. an 021(0111 end treesured by him several home; aftee the accident and estoee lien In one case 011an animal the senile was injected four houre after the drowning took phtee and the animal fwas brought haul(' to life, but died later Of a higb blood pressure. ns The physiciaare now engaged le treiner to overcome or prevent the ex- cess of blood pees:nen. They say that: the dog dielen want to go into the ark because he had nark of bit iown, and his descendants, until one 11 :ally gave it to the institution Where' it is eow ori view. Thet was the racat Bonoparte's only wound, • japs Grow i n g, Weeeth y. It is claimed then e•inge the wine ie Europe begen 1,000 ItieW have beeri made in japan. Weatever the number, it ie tree many Japenese beep grown eimremesly rich durieg the lest two yeere. by whet he loves -what pleasce hen If a Man manifeste a delight in low, sordid objects, the vulgar song and debate:Mg language, the misfortunes of his fellowe end animate, \VC may el ozerocolteelm,enthilnethteli ceoirtinn7'1;,x111°ri ' ho loves purity, modesty, truth -if virtuous parsuits enage his heart and draw out his affections -we are satisfied he is an upright man. When we see 11 young man fond of fine clothes and making a Top of himself it is a sure sign that lie thinks the world coesiste re outside slime and ostentation, and lie is certain to make eestable man, without true affection or newel - thee fond crf cnange and 'excitement, and soon weery of those objects and pursuits which for a time gave hint pleasure.