The Clinton News Record, 1916-04-20, Page 1inton
in Huron Countg should fig THE FLAG
on Saturdag, April 92nc1, the aunt- Battle ofSt.
versarg of the
For That Weddiog Ocoasion
' Perh
YS Will Be LooMiny 'Foy'
Suitable Present.
pps you do not want to pay a high price. Still you,
like it to be dainty and to do honor to the occasion.
Now there is nothing like getting among a nicely selected
'jewelery stook for this purpose.
Such a stock for instance as this store bas to show you.
We have a splendid array of soitables for presents, not
only for weddings, but for any other occasion.
Call or, us if. interested.
.10. YeI1qar
fewelet and Optician Clinton
Incorporated' 1869.
Capital Authorized
'Capital Paid-up
Reserve and Undivided Profits
Total Assets
880 Branches. With world wide connection. Interest allowed
on Savings Deposits, General Banking business transacted.
R, E. MANNING, Manager - Clinton Branch
Capital and Reserve $8,800,000
96 Branches in Canada.
'A General Banking Businees Transacted
Circular Letters of Credit
Bank Money Orders.
Savings Bank Department.
Interest allowed at highest current rate.;
C. E. Dowding, Manager, • Clinton Branch.
2he aiorrmsh
Clothing Co.
ke gaincoat 1
"alq • ingdrm kr a aine at"
Many a man has felt that .a ay on a-
rainy, windy .day. , The modern Rain-
coat, however, does not confineits useful-
ness to rainy days.
• ,Our raincoats, while being water-
proof, have a style and: dash to them
that make them as serviceable for an ov-
ercoat as for a raincoat,
'2 he fabrics are
neat colorings in
olives, browns,
grays, etc.
Me shortest or
medium lengths as
yots.prefer, $.3.90,
$7.50, $10, $12,
15,00, 20.00
As' a hint we'll
say ; "Don't buy ,.
a cheap raincoat --
it ,wont pay, but
come here to buy
`-agoocl raincoat at
a fair price.
Motto : "Auare Deal for EveryMail, "
Pte. Aorm tas
Levy, a Clinton boy,
'son of f Mr. James Levy of town,
who enlistedswith the 33rd Battalion,
but went across the water early in
one of the. first drafts, was put in.
the casualty list last . week, , sus
tainting a • gunshot wound, and is
now in a'hospital. When Norman
conies" marching home again he will
'have many an attoresting tale to
tall of1his experiences at the itase,
in the trenches, fn .the hospital end
a hit jeuriteyings to and 'fro.
Brigadier Rawling and 'Staff -Cap-
tain White took charge of the ser-
vice in the S. A. Hall on Friday
evening Iast and as there was a ,
goodly number present a most in-
teresting and helpful meeting was
the result.
Tile new officer, Lieut, Stocl+'sill of
London, who will be in charge of
the corps here for the ` next few
months, arrived on Friday. He
will be in charge until June when a
couple of cadets will in. all probabil-
ity be appointed.
• Rev. Dr.u
R tlod
ga preached od
Sunday moaning in
exchange go vt
the pastor. At the evening service,
which was conducted by the pastor,
Pte, Aitcheson sang "God; Give Us
Peace." The largo congregation
present heard him with much pleas-
Easter services will be held nett
Sunday morning and evening. Special
music will be provided by the choir
for each service and the pastor, Rev.
S, J. Arlin, will preach on themes
appropriate to the day.
On Monday evening next the young
people of the League will have a
special evening for all the young
people who may be at home for the
Easter hc,'hda
On Monday May 1st the Patriotic
Society o ty intend making a collection of
rags, rubbers, papers, old metal,
brass, etc., and will sell same in
order to add to their funds. Last
year a large collection was made
and a nice sum was thus realized.
The ladies would like to have a car-
load this year and ask that all
householders look same up and have
then ready when the wagons call,.
the bundles securely tied with strong
On Friday of' next week the mem-
bers of the W,P.S. and their friends
are asked to remember that quilt-
ing will be the work for the after-
noon. Also a small shipment will
be made on that date. The - Red
Cross is asking for old linen, nicely
laundried, and the women w111 be
pleased to receive packages -of same
so that it may be included in this
shipment. Look over your stores,
housekeepers, you may .find some,
The following supplies were ship-
ped to Hyman Hall last week' b
the W. P. Society : 58 gray flannel
shirts, 130 pairs - socks, 2 scarfs, 6 -
hospital.shirts, 3 -pyjama Suits, 4
wash cloths.
The Society gratefully acknowledg-
es a donation of five '-dollars from
Mrs. Wni. Grigg.
Mrs. Chidley, widow of the late
Joseph Chidley+, slipped away into
the unseen world on Tuesday evening
after a'short illness, the immediate
cause of death being a stroke of
paralysis. She had been unwell
last week but had begun to improve
and was able to be downstairs Sun
day and Monday but at noon on the
latter 'day she was stricken and
never again regained consciousness,.
passingquietly away on Tuesday ev-
The town clock and the town bell Wheat 81.00.
should strike together. It's a little Barley, 55e.
embarrassing to have two "sten- Oats 40e.
lard" thnes. Butter 25e to 27e,
THE SAME AGE. Eggs 20c to 29:c.
Live Hogs. 10.80.
Mr, J. F. Wasman and the Mitchell WILLIS CHURCH.
Advocate first saw the light on the
same day, and that was " fifty-six Rev, F. 0. Harper will conduct
years ago 'on the tenth inst., with the Easter services • next
birthplaces not far' apart for the There will be Lasses 'sermons ' on
Wasman family lived in Logan town- "The Individual Message
ship which juts into the corporation Resurrection" an "The
of the
d ,IThe "surrecd
of Mitchell: A decade ago Mr, Was-� II
tion a High -Power Dynamic"
man'bcated f Clinton and has ever Easter music. and
since done a good business. Ile is
a well thought of citizen and a big ,COMING SATURDAY.
circle of friends will join„The News ,
Record in wishing him Many Happy . Gaps: Dar t y, whoCanadd went to onancd
with the Pinti
Returns of the Day: went
Division and
who spent over a year -at the front,
ORGANIZE, will iii adds
ass a mass meeting in the
town' hall on Saturday evening at
The bowling club met on Friday eight o'clock. There will also be a
evening and reorganized for the good musical program.
coning season, the following officers
being re-elected : A HOLIDAY IN MAY,
President W. Jackson, That Clinton will have a demon -
Vice, Major Shaw, stration in May is now an assured
Trereasurer, tary, IrJ, . 1E'.• Ja'elrson: fact, but it ned not necessarily be
Hovey. on the 24th. This, however,
Auditor, D. L. Macpherson, certain it will be before the de-
As soon as tis
eree s '
g is u fit con- Parture of The Hurons.for the
dition s n
la in i
p will
be resumed playing e mad bu
so careful are the members of the training camp at London, say about
executive of the sod of their green twotoys before they begin theft
that play is not permitted' until it hike to the Forest khakis
for, it is
has become sufficiently dry.. This of understood, and the liliakis like the
course accounts to a great extent idea, they will distance
to hoof it
for the excellent condition of the dolls, The distance is only' fif31
green, a condition which calls forth miles, nothing 'for boysrwho are ft
the admiration of all visiting bowl -and eager as aro our Hurons.
SITE'S NOW ON FURLOUG•Z•i. Murphy Lodge had a most Adjutantenjoy-
Ganunage, who has been able at-home in their lodge rooms
inin jutaof the who s the en on Friday evening last when the
catrge f t for thel members with their wives and famil-
y past six fes and their friends' gathered to
and on '1'uesclayrmorning ll Telt forherthe number of nearly two handred
hone at Brougham, where she: will and short a happy evening together.
s'pei51-”' nielemali_. nedaendeavor to A short program was given - fn-
eluding a couple or selections by • a
regain her stealth which has suuti'10Ll..tlpubie quartette front the 161st
somewhat during the past winter. Banti htelbs by Miss holland and
During,her Short stay in Clinton Rev, W. droem:_.solas by Pte. C.
Adjutant Gamtnage has won the es- Atchison, 1. E. East and ---I IT
teem of all sty het untiring ' Wks. Elliott recitation byhiss Grant u;
try and her cheerfulness, which nen
er seethed to fall no matter what a C of meadow, selections by
the circumstances. bier brave front Sergt. Grant, leader of tl:e 161st
in the face of difficulty has been an
Battalion Band, and short address.
s be Revs. J. A. Robinson, Dr,
inspiration to many and the frien'ls R
here trust that she may speedily re- Rutledge, S. J. ADM, I. In Faatiley
cover her tvontecl strehgtls and ba and IV. Moulton. Mr, G. B. Hanley
enabled to resume the work in occupied the chair in his usual grace -
which site has so much interest. fru manner. A contest claimed the
attention of the company for a time
WILL GET USED TO- PIPES. and later an the evening the wives
The Kitty + of the members served refresh -
Band is one organization rents, The evening was muds en -
which has suffered greatly by loss joyed and the members - of Murphy
of members through enlistment. Not Lodge were voted most agreeable -
that it is complaining at all. In- hosts.
deed, it rather prides itself upon the
fact that so many of its members RECEIVING EVERY ATTENTION,
have answered the call of Ring and Last week Mr. John Grimes reeeiv-
Country, as it is quite right and ed the following communication
proper that it should. But, never- front Mr. Richard Reid, Canadian
tireless, the organization has been Agent -General in the British Isles,
considerably weakened and Leader regarding his nephew whom he raised
Mutch has been hard at work trying and who went to the war with the
to replace the men who have gone. First -Canadian Contingent, enlisting
He is. succeeding .pretty wella too, in the west :
and the band will probably number •
about eighteen in a few weeks. A '163 Strand, London W. C„
new feature this season will be the _ March 30th, 1616.
acquisition of 'four sets of bagpipes, 'John Grimes, Esq., '
and where would pipes be more in Clinton Posbofiice,
keeping than in a kitty band ?
Leader Mutch will himself . play one Ontariotioi Canada.
set of pipes, . his brother, Wm. Dear Sir,—I beg• to inform you that
Match, another while ;Alex. Cudmore while :visiting the Canadian wounded
and Austin Hoare will each menial- J this country on March 27thf the
late a set. The people of Clinton will °inJ. M. Clark, a representative of our
therefore before the summer is out nephew, Pbe, J.
la, saw your
quite familiar with the skirl Rephew, Pte. J. W. Crimes, No,
become1-1,018, Canadian Mounted Rifles,
of the pipes, than which to a Scotch who is suffering from a fractured
ear it is said no sound is sweeter; side. He is receiving attention in
thole oua some whohingho rebut enamournot h the Military Annex Hospitai, Nor -
ed of the sound. But be that as it vetch, where be as very comfortable
and is able to be up and
may a crowd usually surrounds the aro:...,_
pipes. Good luck to He has a good appetite, looks very
man with the p
Mrs, Chidley's -,Maiden name was the Kitties and may they during the
Mary Fleming, and she was born at coming summer season brighten
Mackrihautsh, near Campbellford, in
the smith of Argyleshire, :Scotland.
She _ came to Canada ancf to Clinton
abbut thirty-five years ago and in
the Same: year was married to the
late Joseph Chidley, whose first
wife had been her sister, and •.Clin-
ton has been her tome ever since.
hlr. Chidley died in 1594,
She was a woman of rare ,strength
and independence of character _ but
withal of rare kindness of heart. She
took a kindly interest in everyone
with whom she came in contact and
if any needed sympathy these site
sought out. Though ,unassuaning
there were few better known, and
_few were more beloved by a larger
circle of friends than Mrs. Chidley.
This was entirely due to her large-
ness of Heart and tier kindly human
sympathy. She was a member of
Willis church and had the true Scot
tisli reverence for the services of
God's house. She was seldom ab-
sent from her place at tile. Sabbath
services and until a year or so ago
she had charge of a class in the ,Sun-
day school.
She took a great interest in the
war and much of her spare time
was spent fn knitting socks for 'the
soldiers. She had just finished a
pair for her ,grandson, whom she bad
reared and who has been at tite
front for several nontha.
Mrs, Chidley is survived by two
step -daughters, Flora at home and
Mrs. Homer Cooper of „Helena, Mon -
tang one son Cr. D.
dI e
e In-
dian tt
Head, Alta', and three daugh-
ters ; Mrs. J. A, Constantine of
Teeswater, and Agnes and Elizabeth
at ho
and 1 ie
r•r n
g Wm. '
Doherty, city, with the CEP, in Egypt.
Misses Jean and Mary Chidley of
town are: also, grandchildren,
many an otherwise rather dull oc-
casion with their cheery ruusio, -
The order of services for Easter
Day will be as follows :
Processional Hymn -"Welcome, Hap-
py Morning" - ' 1711
Easter Anthem 'rOhrist Our Pass-
over" Chant 2'
Choral Ce mtunion "
Kyrie J. H. Maunder
Gloria Tibi - ` ,I. I -L Maunder
Hymn 157 tune, Easter Hymn
Sermon by the Rector,.
Offertory .Anthem, "Why Seek- Ye
the hiving Among the Dead."
Hynin 1,62 tune, Raster Chant
5ursum Corda J. I3. Maunder
Sanctus J. II. Maunder
Benediotus qui venit J. H. Maunder
Agnu's Dei J. H. Maunder
Communion Hymns 233, 261
Gloria in Excelsis J: H. Maunder
Nene Dintittis
Processional IIyinn 10:1 tune, St.
Proper Psalms cciii, exiv, cavil"
Chants 174, 85, 11 8,
First Lesson )sod.:di v. 20
Magniltcat in 0
Second Lesson John xx v 111 to v 19
Nunc Dintittis in G. J. H. Maunder
Special Collects
Hymn , 166 - ` trte, Victory
Hymn i 9,70 tune, Resurrexit
Sermon by the Rector.
Odertory Anthem "Awake Thou That
Hymn 27 tune, St. Clement
A sect
service al
P e to commemorate
t110 Battles of Ypres and St: Julien
will be held at three in the after- Medd event up from Clinton fen
noon, present for the funeral,
well and is malting steady progress
but still suffers some pain. We will
see that his wants are supplied and
everything will' be done to mace hint
as comfortable as •possible,
Respectfully yours,
Richard Reid;
Agent' -General for Ontario."
Mitch regret • was felt het a on
Thursday last when it became linowtt
that Mr. John I1i0Clacherty of God
ericli, a former well known resident
of Clinton, had the evening previous-
ly been called from this life to the
other. The - late Mr. McCiachertp
was for nearly a quarter of a cen-
tury a resident of Clinton, coating
here from. Hallett when he had en-
gaged in farming for some time.
And here he continued to reside 'un-
til about fouryears ago when his
wife passed away and he broke up
his home, spent some time in the
west, and finally settled in Cioder-
ich with his only son, Mr, James
Mr. McClacherty was always - fond
of a good Horse and for years after'
leaving the farm he kept a team
of driven and not for . some time
transferring their churchnrember-
ship he and Mrs. IIIeClacherty used
to drive out to Londesboro to
church: Later they became connect-
ed with Willis congregation.
He had been in failing health for
about a year but being: of an active
turn of mind he persisted in going
about until within a few days of his
Ileat:ttrot � • i
bre wass
tie im-
mediate cause of death. Tho funeral
took place in Croderich on Friday
afternoon, the services being con-
ducted by' e
Rev. • Geo. E. Ross.
Messrs: J. 0. NeMath and 'J. G.
Mr. John Schoenhais has received
from the Dominion Government his
second contract for flour, May de-
livery, all he'can ship that month,
two thousand bags or more,
bit. Wesley Walker will again. em-
bark in the furniture business • and
at-Goderieh. Mr. Walker is happiest
when :most active and is .a retail •The people tvho
buy in Goderich-will be assured of
the real up-to-date stock in his
store.• n
Oh Monday Mr, Joe Reynolds
shipped to Detroit a • bunch of ten
horses, as fine a lot as
Clinton in many a day, bought as
follows : George Carbort one, Ater..
Sinclair one, M. La M. Forbes a
team, John Dale a team, John Me -
Knight a- team, Harvey Jenkins one,
and Joe Reynolds one.
The .liquor . which - was • several
weeks ago seized at Zurich, in a
shelter for o such animals unals as porkers,
was formally ..destroyed
y n the rear
of the town hall' on Saturday last
by Chief , Wheatley- with his little
hammer. There was bottled whiskey
galore and gin too and had Big
Joe been susceptible to the sense of
smell alone the volume of the mingl-
ed "aroma” would have sufficed to
have given him the staggers, 1t
didn't, however.
The church choirs will all have
special music on Sunday next.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Chid -
ley will take place at 2.30. Sunday
afternoon. -
Not just yet but later on a talk
on front and back yard ' cleaning
will be 111 order.
The condition of some of the
side streets causes dwellers thereon
to wonder what they a''° ps;Ying.
tl chi
At the meets 01 the W. I. to be
held at Mrs. HoWm tl`:l0 v1er's Mrs..
Kirk of Dungannon will give an
The pastor exchanged pulpits with
Rev, S. J. Allin on Sundays morning
l4Ifss Fannie Gray, who Is home on
furlough from the ilnetltodist mission
field in British Columbia, addressed
the -League meeting on Monday ev-
ening, describing in a most graphic
and interesting manner the Indian.
village of• Fort Simpson, where her
work lies, before the advent of 1118
missionary and the conditions today
under the relining and transforming
influences of Christianity. Her talk
was instructive and inspiring. • Miss
Retta Cook sang an appropriate solo
during the evening.
Next Sunday the morning sermon,
music, etc., will be appropriate to
the I'astertide.
People You Know.
Miss Sybil Courtice has been In
Mitchell Anis week addressing mis-
sionary meetings, -
Mr. Clarence Paisley or the Royal
Bank staff, Stratford, is home for
his holiday period:
Mr. Will Hanbiya intends spending
the Eastertide at his parental
home at Bowmanvilfe.
IVliss Rose McCaughey went to --Tor-
onto this morning where she will
spend the Easter holidays.
Corp. Britton, formerly of the 33rd
Battalion, is now connected with
the Battalion being organized at
"The Hurons."
The 161st Battalion Band is out of
town this week visiting the various
points 'in the county where special
patriotic meetings are being held.
Lieut. AV. E. O'Neil, who has been
taking a special musketry coarse
London, is now m charge of the
Wroxeter Detachment of the 161st,
having reported for duty there on
Following is a list of the officers
of the bllst. Many of the officers
have not. yet received their billets as
the battalion will' probably riot . be
fully organized until it is finally
Lieut. -Col. 13, Combo, Ofiieer
Major C.:McPhail, Second in Cam.
Majoz R. 5; flays, Junior Major.
Major 111, D. McTaggart, Paymas-
htalor ,T. W. Shaw, Medical Officer,
Major Sinclair,
Major Hetherington. '
Capt. W. B. iUlen; quartermaster.
Captain 0. C. Vanstono, Adjutant.• :
Captain I. Campbell. -
Captain P. ' Ci, Towne.
Lieut. T. R. Rundle, Signaling Of-
ficer, and Lieutenants Sturdy,
Reagens, S, Wilson,
S Scott,
J. Grigg,
Reid, R, I.
Ferguson, R. Y. McLean, W. P.
Grieve, J. K. • Mair, W. F.
. Scott
0. IC
Macpherson, Oh
Porter, P Il
t. ter
c 7I f
�. McLean, W.
P O'Neil D. L; Holmes, C, S.
Hall, E. Torrance, J. M.
Scott l+ 153)1 FN 0 -
The catalogue, for the Public lib-
rary is now in the hands of the
printer and will 'be ready for dis-
tribution shortly.
Mr. Charles' Myers of Blain) is
ceived the contract of lathing and
plastering lids. Bailey's new resi-
dence on Catherine St. and com-
menced work .on Tuesday.
Mrs. Arley Attwood` joined her
husband at 'Detroit last week where.
they; will make then: home in the
future, She was accompanied by her
sister, Miss Hilda, King, who , will
remain with her for a Iia' weeks,
Rev. Mr. Powell of Clinton , oe
cupied the pulpit of the Methodist
church on Sunday morning last
speaking in the interests of Teni-
peranee -
Mrs. C
s tow of Mt. Clemens, iYZich,,
is the guest of her sister, :airs,
W. J. Elliott, - -
Mr. Robert Ponhale, who loft for
the west six weeks ago with horses
returned home on Monday.
bliss Chesney, who spent the whi-
ter at Seaforth, returned to the
village last week.
Mr. John. Pollock, who
stout the
winter with ht� /entity'autt
age, returned to , the west this
During the electric storm . which
passed over the village on unday
evening last, bit. Ben. Speneez,'s pig
pen was struck by lightning setting
it on fire and eight of his eleven
young pigs were burned to death
before they could be got out,
The wending. of Mr. James Wants-
ley and Mrs. Agnes Murray of this
village took place at Port Huron on
Friday last. Thep returned to the
village on Saturday and will nia'.re,
their home here.
Holimes's We
The measles seem to have taken a
firm grip on the youth of oris
locality during the past week and e.
placard adorns many a home. It is
hoped the epidemic will spin spend
itself and no ill effects retrain.
On Monday evening a ntinlber Of
the members of the Methodist
e aneatantenann nt , at the home of Mr.
anti Mrs, J. W. Yeo o 'oentl an
evening with thorn prior to thbti de
parture from the community where
they have been valued and influent
tial' citizens for so long. During the
evening 1bIr. George Gould read an
address to Mr, and Mrs. Yeo ex-
pressing the appreciation or their
faithfulness in church endeavor and
their cheerful helpfulness in all
good work of those gathered togeth-
er, and while expressing regret a.
their removal wishing them con-
tinued prosperity and all good
things in their new ]tome in Goder-
ich, As a slight token of the es
teem of their friends and neighbors
they were also asked to accept a
handsome hall rack, which Would
serve to remind them of the many
friends in the old home community.
of Holmesville and vicinity. Mr. Ye
made suitable reply and the event'
was pleasantly spent in social inter
Divine service will be held in St.
John's church on Friday •afternoon at
three o'clock and a special Easter
service at three o'clock on Sunday.
Rev. Mr. Mohlton will take as his
subject, "The Risen Christ." A11
are. welcome.
Does This Happen
in . Wingham Only ?
(Wingbam Advance.)
And still the city printer comes to
Winghant and carries out orders for
letterheads, envelopes, etc., while the
"businessman"? who- gives the ora.
dors runs in and asks the local.
paperto favor him with a free
local concerning his business. When
will the country editor wake up 1' •
He is low Improving.
Captain Charles E. Dowdillg.
Worn has been received in town
of the somewhat serious Illness of
Captain C. In. Dowding of the 3801
Battalion, which is now in England.
Capt. t. Dvc
in contracted tract
and at_ last reports was. quite
but his many friends in Clinton
and vicinity are hopingsoon to Ilea
m s clieef:fn
g nervi concerting him -
See For Sale Ads 7page five.