HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-03-30, Page 7A
• Cured .• by .Toning the 13100t
and Strengthening, the
KINGS WHO WILL National Preparedness
n name does not come from guns
JUDa and dreadnoughts alone, but
' from men who are fit for the
day's work. The making of
men is a question of food and
rational exercise. You can't
build stalwart men out of
an unbalanced "ration."
Shredded Wheat Biscuit
contains all the material
needed for building the per-
fect human body. It is the
whole wheat gram made
digestible by steam -cooking,
shredding and baking. One
of more Shredded Wheat
Biscuits for breakfast with
milk or cream rnakes a man
fit ' for work or play. It
is ready -cooked and ready -
to -serve.
Made in Canada,
It is the opinion a the beet medical
authorities,: after long obeeriation,
that norvous diseases arc more com-
mon and more serious in the spring
than at any other; time of the
Vital charigeS in the system, after
long winter months, may cause much
more trouble than the familiar spring
weakness and Weariness froth which
mos people entrer a$ the result of
indoor lite, in poorly ventilated , and
often oVerheated buildings. Official
,records prove that in April and May
neuralgia, St.,Vitus dance,. epilepsy
and other forms of nerve - troubles
are at their worst,and that then,
more than any other time, a blood -
making, nerve -restoring tonic is
needed. -
The antiquated custom of taking
pmFgatives in the spring is useless,
for the system realty needs strength-
ening, while purgatives only gallop
through the bowels, leaving you
weaker. Dr. Williams' Pink ?Me are
the best Medicine, for they actually
make the new, rich, red- blood that
feeds the starved nerves, and ': thus
core the many _forms of nervous dis-
orders, They cure also such :Other
forms of spring- troubles as head-
aches, poor appetite, weakness in the
limbs,, as well as remove unsightly
pimples and eruptions, In :fact they
unfailingly- bring new health and
strength to weak, tired and depressed
men,.women and children.
Sold by all medicine defilers or by
Mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes
for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co.,: Brockville, Ona
How British Motor -Boats Captured a
Germain Gunboat.
A thrining nairative has -reached
Cape Town of the capture of a Ger-
man gunboat on Lake Tanganyika by
two British motor -boats.
The gunboat was sighted at eight
in the morning, whereupon the motor-
boats inunediately rushed at full -
speed to the attack. Fire was open-
ed at 2,500 yards, the Germans
to hit
• The Britishers' second shot carried
away the gunboat's wireless appara-
ths, and the third hit her on the wa-
ter line. The gunboat then turned and
fled, but the motor -boats were much
the faster. The fifth shot killed the
captain, who belonged thathe Incenigs-
The gunboat surrendered in twenty
minutes after the action commenced.
. It was not seriously damaged. The
engines and boilers were untouched,
and repairs were effected within a
week. The gunboat is five times the
' combined tonnage of the nueboreboats,
The capture 'was due to the 'splen-
did dash and gunnery of the British,
who fired fifteen shots while going at
full speed in a choppy sea, and hit
the gunboat twelve times.
The commanding officer had a tre-
mendous reception on landing. Bel-
gian officers tried to niss him, while
thousands of natives did a war dance
and rubbed their heads tvith and.
His Military Age.
The King and Qeeeu recently paid
--""" serprise visit to the National Hos-
pital for Paralysis at Queen's 'Square,
London. Some of the men were in
bed, -too ill to get up to greet their
Majesties, but all who could do so lin-
ed at the front of their beds and
salute(t as the Royal visitors ap-
proached. The King had a long talk
with a very young soldier, and laugh-
ed heartily at the patient's droll re-
plies to some of his questions. Re-
plying to a query as to his age the
youth replied, "Nineteen, your Ma-
jesty." "But that is your military
age,' said the King with a twinkle.
The soldier did not appreciate the
suggestion, but gravely replied that
be was anxious to get back again and
- do his bit as soOn as he was well
enough. ge is suffering from very
severe shell shock,
Brave and Vigorous.
Junior—So you didn't propose to
'her, after all?
• Weed—No. And Pm not going to.
When I goteto her louse, I found
her chasing a mouse with a broom.
Ever Eat
11.111-- Qrape Nuts?
(Made in Canada)
There's a vast army of
physical and mental work-
ers who do not.
One reason—its delicious
nut -like flavor.
Another—it is easily and
quickly digested— genet. -
ally in about one hour.
But the big reason is—
Grape-Nuts, besides bay-
ing delicious taste, sup-
plies all the rich nutriment
of whole wheat and malt-
ed barley, including the
"vital" mineral- saiM ne-
cessary for building brain,
nerve and muscle.
Always ready to eat
direct from the package,
Grape -Nuts with cream or
good milk is a well bal-
anced ration—the utmost
in sound nourishment.
" There's a Reason"
---,sold by GrOcer$,..,
Many Rulers' Have in the Past Been
Removed From Their ' •
Thrones. -
Ab various periods in history
thrones have •ben rudely shaken and
their Occupants sent into °idle. Every
century has immerons eXamples. to of -
us of the comparative insecurity
of tenure ander which various kings
hold thew jobs,..says London Answers,
The number of monarchs alive to-
day who have been -put out of business
would, if they sat down to tea to-
gether, make quite a large. party.
Their number is bound to be inereas-
ed by reason of the present war,
which, if it ends in a victory for the
Allies, will certainly mean the trans-
lation to private life of several 'ambi-
tious and unscrupulous monarchs.
Wilhelm's Prospects.
No one doubts that the Kaiser will
be removed from his throne. It is int: -
possible that the Allies should ever
permit ia man of his deranged egotistn
. .
to mperil again the peace of Europe.
Just as the victory of the Allies
against Napoleon° brought about his
downfall of the depot who has mod-
elled his career on the lines of the
Osersican adventurer. ' • •
King Ferdinand of Bulgaria realizes
only too even that he will follow his
fellow -conspirator, the Kaiser, into
retirement the moment the superior
numbers of the Allies have prevailed.
He will not be the first Bulger sove-
reign to lose his throne; a better man
than he, the Battenberger, who had a
gracious way and heroic presence,
could not survive his conditions.
Ferdinand the Foxy has already had
one narrow squeak of being pub out
of bueiness. When his country sus-
tained its disastrous defeat at the
hands of Serbia and Greece, public
feeling in Bulgaria became so strong
against him that he fled incontinently
to Vienna to escape assassinabion at
the hands of his infuriated subjects.
In time they learnt to forgive him,
but he can hardly hope for a second
display of mercy on the part of the
people whose interests he has sacri-
ficed to his own ambitions.
Joining IUs Brother.
While the train that is speeding
King Ferdinand from Sofia away to
Austria is nearing its destination,
Mehmed V., the puppet of the young
Turks, who occupies the Ottoman
throne, may find himself similarly be-
ing driven into retirement. The Allies.
will make an end of him and of the
gang of knaves and freebooters in
Constantinople to whone wishes he
has meekly bowed.
The real ruler -of Turkey is not
Mplimed V: but Enver Bey, the Ger-
man -trained Turk, whose conceit is
only paralleled by trhat of his august
master, the Kaiser.
Exile in the case of the Sultan of
Turkey will reunite two brothers, for
"Abdul the Damned," who was depos-
ed to make room for Metalled V., still
'persists in liviag, despite rumors at-
tributing to him various maladies.
While no interference with the Aus-
trian throne is expected, it is not to
be doubted than the' sway directed
from that throne will no longer ex-
tend over Hungary, which will break
away and •realize its long -cherished
wish of being a separate kingdom. The
Emperor of Austria, therefore, will
lose at least part of Ms job, and may
congratulate himself on retaining any
part of it.
What About "Tino"?
Filially, there is the position of
King Constantine of Greece. What
may happen to him is much more pro-
blematical, Despite his unconstitu-
tional acts, he is undoubtedlyvery
popular with his subjects; but if the
settlement at the end of the- war
means that Hellenic ambitions remain
unfulfilled, this admiration may eas-
ily turn into resentment and worse.
In any ease, King Constantine has
to reckon in the future with Nemesis
in the shape pf M. Venizelos, the
Greek deliverer, who, when he returns
to power ()nee more, as would seem
inevitable, will lose no time in putting
the issues invalved in his present im-
potency to the proof.
Three kings'then, seem definitely
to be treading the path leading to ab-
dicatiou; a fourth king promises to
lose much of his power; whilst a fifth
monarch is faced wRh a desperate
.struggle for survival against a man
to whom he owes more than be would
ever care to aeknowledge, for when
he was Crown Prince it was M. Vent-
zelos who brotight the ruler of G. -teeth
back from disgrace into popularity.
Happily, there is plenty of room in
the world for kings and queens out
of business. They will be able to
find consolation in the fact that the
present tentarry.bas made abdications
and depositions quite fashionable. '
Exiled But Happy.
le several cases. the' relived mons
meths have not been sorry to excbange
the cares of the throne for the. amen-
ities of it country house in some
friendly -disposed neutral country,
King Manuel no doubt feels, Moro
comfortable. at Tivickenhain than he
would at Lisbon; while Abdul Hamid
is credited with finding distractions
et his castle on the Bosphorus to com-
pensate him for the loss of residence
tat Yildiz Kiosk.
His former neighbor, Ali Mirza, the
ex -Shah of Persia, who abdicated,
must flatter himself on having escap-
ed from a very unenviable position;
while the two Sultans of Morocco,
Abd-el-Asiz and Mulai Hafed, , have
long since ceased to chafe at .the
loss of their dignities. .
In the Far East two forMa'rrion-
archs trre left to refloat on the vicissi-
tudes which have caused them to lose
their sceptres, One is the ex -Emper-
or of China, whose thoughts at seeing
Yuan-Shi7Kai ascend the throne after
having made China a republic, must'
be Weil worth recording, and there
From the Ocean Shore
Items ot intenest From Places
Lapped By, Waves of the
- Atlantic.
• A rethed for the port of St. John
was established one day recently when
18 steamers were in the harbor.
The little Gloucester fishing saloon -
dr, Blaner E. Gray, 84 tons, has en-
tered the lumber carrying traae.
Private George Boone, of St. An -
thews, who has twice been wounded,
returned for the third time to the
front last week.
; A company in Woodstock, N.B, has
secured a contract from the Dominion
Government for early delivery of
3,000 tons of hay.
Several reports have been'received
in St. John's, Nfld., that seals are
plentiful along the S. E. coast, but
so far only a few have ben taken.
Twin boys were born to Mr and
is the ex -Emperor of . Korea, wh
went out of business when Japan too
the country over,
Queen's Without Crowns.
There are still living severtt.
mteene who have fallen from thei
high estate. Most notable of all i
the ex -Empress Eugenie, who, duein
her residence in England, has mad
herself beloved by everybody.
Other ladies in exile are Quee
Atnelie of Portugal a greathearte
worker for the Red Cross; and th
ex -Empress Charlotte, widow of th
Grann' Duke Maximilian of Austria
brother of the present Emperor o
Austria, who was elected first Em
peror of Mexico and then killed,.
The Kaiser and King Ferdinand
would make notable additions to the
gallery of exiles, but it is doubtful
whether the Allies would permit them'
to have the same freedom of move-
ment which characterises other living
Icings and queensnout of business.
o Mrs. Jas. O'Donnell, Little Lorraine,
k recently. This makes the third bieth
of twins in that district since Christ-
1 The public lands department at St.
✓ John's displays a weaken improve-
ment on any previous year. There
g is a $1,900 increase in revenue from
ei leases. TheHalifax Graving Dock Eo., itt
n making another up-to-date addition
d to its plant by banding and equipping
e a Boating electric welding plant.
e At Newcastle the dead body of,Miss
, Hannah McInnes was found in her
f home where for some time she had
- lived alone. She had been dead se-
veral das,
Woman. knitters• in the ProViricial
Hospital at St. John, N.B., have
Mimed out 1,500 pairs of socks in
addition to doing a gemit deal of sew-
ing for the Red Cross. •
New Prime Minister Says She Is
"Bound to Win."
"Instead of liminishing, our
strength is growing greater day by
day. Our armament is now equal t
that. of the enemy, while we posses
more fighting men than Germany,
Turkey and Austria. The inevitable
conclusion is that we are bound to
The -foregoing is an extract taken
from an interview given by Premier
Stunner of Russia to the Petrograd
correspondent of the Paris Journal.
The balance of the interview follows:
"The Czar's policy toward Poland
is 'based on honor. }Ii s intentions re-
garding Poland have twice been mani-
fested, once by Grand Duke Nicholas
in his manifesto at the opening of
hostilities; again through the dealer-
ation of my predecessor, Premier
Goremykin, on July 19, 1915. The
programme so categorically laid down
by the Grand Duke and M. Goremykin
will be applied to Polaed with abso-
lute integrity. We are aware of Po-
land's sincere loyalty to our cause,
and the high courage of the Polish sol-
diers who have fought in our ranks
since the war began.
"We have the utntost confidenee in
the future. Thanks to veritable pro-
digies in improvizatioh and organizes
tion which would have been consider-
ed impossible two years ago, we have
been able to build up our industries
and national resources, until from
having alrrinst nothing with which to
carry on the struggle we are now pro-
ducing everything we need. As for
combatants, we have more trained
men now than ever beforn."
The pledges to Poland mentioned
by Premier Sturmer guarantee Polish
Sews civic liberties which they have
not enjoyed heretofore.
John March, very well-ano.wn in St.
John and kings county as long con-
nected with educational and news-
paper -work in this province, died at
his home irz Hampton.
Andrew Paul, it native.of Whycoco
—the Indian settlement, Tufts Cove,
died recently at an advanced age. He
was well known to sportsmen of the
past generation as a guide. ,
„ The Board of Scheel Commissioners
"s had before them one evening recently
twenty:five fathers to answer to the
charge that sons and daughters under
the age of sixteen were delinquent
attendants at school.
There is a much larger quantity of
lumber cut on the Monquart stream
at Bath, this winter, than has been
cut for a number of years. One firm
bas 2,000,000 feet of lumber to drive
from this stream thas coming spring.
Plains for a campaign to double
Newfoundland's complenteht of sol-
diers and sailors in active war sera
vice have been completed. So far
1,200 naval reservists and 2,000 sol-
diers have been enlisted and sent to
Stewart Cogswell,. son -of Dr. A.
W. 'Cogswell, Who has been talking a
course at the Curtiss Aviation School
at Newport News, has not only pass-
ed a successful test for his pilot 11.
cense granted by the American Aero
Club, but made the highest percetitage
of all students taking the course,
• e...—_—
Men British Had Freed in Germa
Among a batch of German prison-
ers who have neat arrived in England
are two soldiers who only a few
months ago were sent back from
England to Germany as -unfit for furs
ther, service.
Both men on their arrival in Eng-
land were recognized by the military
authorities as having been badly
mounded and brought to England as
prisoners last summer. One, of them
had actually lost an arm. In course
of time the two men were, with others,
sent back to Germany in exchange
for British prisoners incapacitated
for further service, and it was of
course HEM imagined that they
would be seen again.
Evidently, however, the Germans
are hard pressed for men, for the one
armed soldier and his "incapacitated"
comrade were once more sent to the
trenches, where for the second time
they fell into British hands.
Both men, when challenged by the
military authombes at the camp to
which they Were Sent, Tralllily admit-
tedthat they had been captured
mes, L. Jebel!, Kingston, Ont.,
writes: "I am using Baby's Own Tab-
lets and find them am good as adver-
tised, they aeo certainly a wonder-
ful remedy for little ones." Mrs. Is -
bell's testimoily is like that of thous-
nds of other mothers, Once a mothen
has ueed Baby's Own Tablets she
will use nothing else for her little
ones. The Tablets are ,sold by medi-
cine dealers or by mil at 25 omits a
box ftom The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co„ Brockville, Onh
X; malt Call be happy unles
tries to make others happy.
smartest Liniment Dares Er11112,
Moral suasion 'is an right; in its
way, but there oretimes wheu Id
should be backed up with a gun,
Nova Scotia Man
Has Good News
States Out of His Own Experience
That Dodd's Kidney Pills Are a
Sure Relief From Pain. •
Greenfield, Queen's Co.,-N.S., Mirth
27th, (Special).—"To anyone who suf.
fees from theumatisni I gay: "Take
Dodd's Kidney 'Pins. They will be
sure to give you a release from pain."
This is the Message of Cornelius
Hiram a well known farmoe living
near here, Mr. Hirtle suffered from
rheumatism for fotm years and found
a cure in Dodd's Kidney Pills.
"I was in bad shape for four yearn"
Mr. Hirtle says in giving his experi-
ence. "My back and hips troubled me
so much that I was not able to do
much without suffering'. I also had
stiffeess in the joints, my muscles
cramped and I felt heavy and sleepy
after meals. I had a bitter taste in
my 'mouth, especially in the morn-
ing. My appetite was fitful and I
was often dizzy,
"I suffered from shortness of
breath, I was often dizzy and I was
• depressed and low spiriteds
"I book six boxes of Dodd's Kidney
Pills and they did me so meth good
that I am recommending them to all
mn friends. They are better than any
Every one of Mr. Hirne's symptoms
was a symptom of kidney disease.
11T:11:e why Dodd's Kidney Pills cured
Worth Engaging.
Into. the office of a pus/Am man
rushed a bright -faced lad. For three
minutes he waited, and then began
to show signs of impatience. •
"Excuse me, sir," he said at length,
"Pan in a hurry."
"Well, what do you amen?" asked
-the businees man,
"A job."
"But, why the hurry ?" ,
"Got to 'hurry," replied the lad
briefly: "Left echoel yesterday, and
haven't struck anything euitable yet.
The only place where I can stay long
Is where they pay me for it"
"How much do you want?"
"Form dollars' a week for a start"
"And when can you come?"
"Dim% need to come; lan here, I
could have been al; work fine min -
Ines ago if you'd oily said so."
Irlinartrs Diaituont for Bele everywhere
nappiness is" often the price of be-
ing poor,
Waterlessnernai" H°1
. for 12 Hours
Hot BottleLasts a Lifethu
SAN 5555
It is made of metal, nickel
plated, of a convenient eize.
Simply boil the "Theemor" for
ten minutes only (no longer) and
It stays hot for full twelve hours
at an even temperature of 125
deg. Recommended by physi-
cians on account of the steady
heat and ennitary metal ease.
No trouble — no filling --- no
danger of scalding the hands—
no leaks—no expense and one
purchase lasts a lifetime.
Itt Meitness, such as Neuralgia,
La Grippe, Rheumatism, Neu-
• ritis, Inflammation—in fact all
aches end pains, the "Thermos"
is invaluable. As a bed -warmer
and a foot -warmer it has no
"The "Thermor" measures
SW BOMBS and is I"
yet it weighs less than it filled
tyro quart rubber bottle.
The price is $4.00 eent Posimaid
anywhere mad sold under an abs
solute guarantee from the mak-
High-class representatives
wanted in some territories.
9 Yoneille Street,
Kills friction and
makes profits.
Dealers INVerVitglera
The Imperial 00 Company
The Treasury Is-Emoty and the
Arsenals Likewise.
The malady of the "Siele Man of
Turkey" seems to have taken another
and very melte foam. In the pasty des
Cade Turkey bas suffered more ethan
any other country from disasters,
wain and internal rows, The Young
Turks, heated by Enver Pasha, gain-
ed a tottering ascendency and went
into the war on tbe side of Germany.
Now, they are emphatically between
the Bevil and the deep sea. The
sweeping advance of the Greed Duke
in the East and the defeat and de-
moralization of the Turkish Army
opposing him cane for every effort
to be rxiade to arrest his advance and
save all that is left worth while of
Turkey, that is, the fruitful region of
Asia Minor, or Anatolia.
Consemfently, all the Turks in Eu-
roneen Turkey feast be hurried acrose
the Dardanelles, and even then, they
will probably not be able to stop the
6.1:gielic•Impatilii:re,.hard Pressed as she is,
can send no relief in Men, ammuni-
tion or supplies to Turkey, The Bun
geriane will probably breek thenun-
welcome alliance with Turkey, and
take advantage ot the situation to
recover the rich portions of territory
whith they lost to Turkey in the last
war. The hundred, different factions
which have been held down by Enver
Pasha's Milital.n power, aiden by the
Ptesence of the Gerra-au Generals mid
troops, will now a's'scrt theniselves,
and chaos come again. The Turkish
hreesury is empty, the Turkish
senale liktwise. Food; clothing and
ammunition are not to be had, and
the only thing that there is left to the
Tante is thenreligious fanaticisin
which Wilt hold them -ingather, bet
not avail lintel) in eat -eying on a wan
Cheering Thought
"Cheer up, old merit At tieing
Come to those who wait."
"Not it situatton; not a position."
"Sure they do! You'll find your-
self in en unpleasant situation and
an embarrassiag position if you only
wait long eecalg!.",_
Minerd's Ziniment Cures Dandruff
The Snob.
ittEir,tReclx.,7iitl—mriat k
you thin
Second Recruit ---Re's a changeable
nind o' bloke. Last night I &ens to
"Oe gees there?" an' Id says
ro"Fr.iend," an' to -day 'e 'ardly know
From Lite bair—deet's point of view
this a very quarreleeme old World.
ED. 6 ISSUE 14-L16:
Surgical ,Drin Is Driven By Electrical
rgica'l poutropro.see motor -
driven drill has been developed which
among other things, facilitates, the
operation of boring into g bone when
euch procedfire is necessary to ros
lieve a fracture. Its parts are en-
tirely enclosed in a metal housing
which has somewhat the appearance
of a large pistol.
, It is so constructed that after being
used it may be placed in- an autoclave
with steam ata pressure of 15
pounds, and thoroughly eternized
without being injured, providing it is
subsequently dined with care, The
chuck at the end of its peopuision
shaft will receive, a dein or -but' Of
almost ally type up to VI -inch itt
The housing is arranged so that it
May be removed quickly when the
motor reqnires attention. Sunk
pibol-1ikt handle at the posterior
nd of the device is it button con-
trolling the motor, which has three
speeds, varying from 1,200 to 4,500
revolutions a minute.
A -second hal-idle, which may be ad-
justed to various positions to snit
the demand of the user, it fitted, by
means of a broad band, over the for-
ward part of the shell. The instru-
ment weighs slightly less than six
poiands, is approximately a ,foot long
•and develops 1-15-borse power--Popo-
lar Mechanics.
Canadian Woods Only.
Not lieu long ago Lord Shaugh-
nessy ammunced that so far as pos-
sible Canadian woods only would be
used in connection with the con-
struction and interim; finish of all
Canadian Pacific buildings'railevay
cars, etc., an announcement which
was hailed with great satisfaction by
the lumber interests of bhe Domin-
ion. That such a progvamme was
possible was known to the forestry
experts who have supplied to the
various Canadian, , Government ex-
hibits in Europe and the United
States magnificent samples of haul -
woods with beautiful grains and at-
tractive finish. It would seem that
these woods are not being exploited
sufficiently, but, no doubt, now that
it is known there will be it good de-
mand for it, manufacturers will give
the matter greater consideration.
Cause of - Collapse.
The foremanemployed by a big
contractor rushed iatto the office of
the boss, wild-eneci"and. palpitating. I
"Bees," said he in a nteatily at,' .
tated voice, "one of them new _houses;
of ours fell down in the 'night!". '
"What's that?" exclaimed the boss, -
jumping right up and beginning to
take notice. "What -Was the matter? ;
How did it happen?" , .. I
"It was the fault of the Workmeu,
boss," answered the foreman.. "They
made the mistake of biking (loam the
scaffolding before they pat on • the
Worked Both Ways.
Book Agent—Henn a volume
crammed with, useful information,
Chapter one, for instance, tells you
how to manage servants.
Housewife—Don't want it. One
can't get any belp in this town to
Agent—Then theven another chap-
ter in the book on self-help. .
'Jogs for the Family.
"I suppose tires am a big expense
itt autornobiline
"Yes, and attires."
4„ Granulated Eyelids;
OrV Eyes inflamed by expo-
sure to Sue, Hustand Wind
quickly relieved by Murree
ye.011 EYeRemedy. No Smarting,
just Eye Comfort. At
Thur Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Merin Eye
SaiyeinToben2Se. Fornook el theEyenrecask
aruggists.or Markle Eye Remedy Gm, Chicago
No Cause for Alarm.
Mrs. Finnegan (to Mike, who has
just come home)—Phwat's all the
noise below? Dial 1 her some wan
nhout "Foire?"
Finnegan—Ye did; but make yet,.
self aisty., The foir's in Widdy Ma-
lone's tinnnent on the first flume, anh-
theee's six flares bechune it an' vs. ,
To whom it may concern: Tine
is to certify that I have used MI-
NARIPS LINIMENT myself as well
as prescribed it in my practice where
a liniment wan menaced and have ne-
Ver failed to gen the desired effect.
' • 0. A. KING, MD,
Holding Him to His •Word.
Bobby (trying to get; away)e-Say,
pa, welt a minute. Didn't you tell the
callers last night that I couldn't be
beat for mischief?
Father—The wha t 1 slid, you
yeeng reseal.
Bobby—Well, than, what do you
mean by beetling me now?
Minatcrs Rinintent Believes Neuralgia..
Breaking it Gently.
He had just been. accepted.
"Does your father knew I evelte
poetry?" he asked, anxiously.
"Not yet, dear," she replied. "I've
told him all about your drinking and
pour garhbung, debts, but eetudn,t -Thon't get too self-importentr, the
world will go on just the mune after
tell him everythiag at once," yitu
get outs
Bram rozaaionn 1
S, .>
, bless, - Deleiyare, Cartoon. . or- e.
001' at orwe. Samoy Bullied. Write fell
allotations. IL W. Dawson, Brarnpton.
rou zacczoiNar
pAin 'SILV/Sie BLACIt 0110159 Detail)
foxes, trade for used ear. Reid
heron, Both -wen, Ont.
buy and save rniddlemsole prolitet
write for .catologue. Dominion Nurseries!
(Smith, Beed135 Co.) St, Cathariaefl, Olaf
.6.610111/210 wANTEn
lect In' their locality. Dominica)
Works, Toronto,
FOR 13AX.,E,
.151 OR SALD-,-COAL 0XL nem onset, .
line Buolcoo Traction Ditching '
Maohlne; 'only did about three rnontlt.
work will Sell .right, on account of
nem B. Phillips, Chealey Oat,
M ine.hands, Cobinet 1 1
and boyssteady wet -to
Apply Lippert pu allest wages.
wet -to )8 na
lin, Ont. " uro /Ado Bei,
ITELP larazTan.
V pad and slip diner work, . State
experience. /rectory running ten-hour
day. OlVeri Sound Chair Co„ Ltd.,
Owen Sound, Out.
" and Finishing Departments;
good wages, Apply Kingston Hoisery
Co., Ltd., Kingston, Ont.
BEZP vcraSavEb.
furniture expoi•ienee preferred',
steady employment. Address' Tbe Moos
ford Mfg. Co., Limited, Montoya, Ont.
lished ten years. Sickness forces
Otto to sacrifice. ;Bennett, 1100 Dunclas
Street, Toronto.
Leghorn Rhode Island; 131ne15
Minorca. Buttercup botching eggs.
Cecil. Meehan,. Portneuf Station, Quhee.
trEws;.A.REttS *Olt SALTM.
IP'81aL"TIPIIA NiT"goAdN n °
towns. The most useful ona°7nterostirmr
I of ell businessesIrult information Nt
analcsAion to 'Wilson Publishing COM-
, Palln 7.5 West Aclelalde street, Toreeie.
drt ANCI1R. rumons, LUMPS,.
pkgelbTil.srlho.wf te nul, rd ‘1, .111-
Uti before 'Coo late. 1:).'r, •Meillett3
.(10, 1.1m1 Scsi Collingwootl. Ont.
346 Broadview Ave., Toronto, Ont.
1 s s
The only College in Canada
knelling all Typewriter Keyboards
Ma rates axe In If 141 575 prevnIling elsewhere
Deg kameaes
And Now to Feed
mow free to sty sIddroNe by
the Auther
118 lyca 3IstStreoi,Now York
- "te^;
gefore Mae-
oiL ing your order for
seeds, WM1 our 1030 (R31-
4111 Jubilee Catalogue it 113 J'reo
Gov't, Stan. Bus,
No. 1 Bed Clover iPancy)31 6.16
No, 1 Alnico 13.00
No, 1 Timothy I 8.68
Al/ow 30e for caelt cotton bag
We pay railway freight in Ons
taxi° and Quebec OVer $2040
..'snkkor.-1Y5 A.,71 .-”rditt5
kfat Hander
is the old firm of
Limited, 410 at. Paul
St. W., Montreal.
Ship all your furs
there and obtain full
The -Ideal Winter Resort
Beautiful Drives, Saddle
Golf, Tient% Yachting, Planing;
and' Sett Bathing. Present GBP -
146011 of the Ottawa MUD Regi.
Princess Hotel
!coven front oar:man:Lan to max
Situated on the Harbor of .
Hamilton, Aticammodates 400. ,
Bates 1 $;15"per week anti unwiird.
.Herrouda is reached by the stefun.
ern of the Quebec 9,0. Co..
22. BroadWaY, New Turk.
We furnish sans. PetY oxlWees ellarge8.
and guarantee highest pricer!
Wri-to for per 11 calif is
OP -T.
Our Soaker
(Dept W)
'THREE VITAL. 648.18,STRON.S preselon in atornach and diets atter eating, with
Are ran full °reflects. vial toren, end general conatioation, 1104thiche dinineiln, Gra SUM ,0,(e,
pod houttil? Oslo" kpow that good digestion of Indigestion. Mother Setael'a Syrup, tho men
3 the Soundation of Sood health: Pnina and otn herbal remedy and tonic, will cure you.
Alan Drur.asistn, or d'rect on receipt of price, Sec. and 81.00. 'rho 'area bottle contains throe Oita.
. wuch as the smaller. A.3, Wens &Co. LIMITItll. Craig Street WOO Montreal,