HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-03-30, Page 6Tenderfoot's Woom
(Author of "Gold, Gold In Cariboo," Etc.)
CHAPTER VII, there was no music at the ranch, and
the music next morning was neither
Kitty sailed out of the ranch draw- of man's making er to his liking. For
ing-room wlth her head in the air, days past the great red "Hereford's"
Only to !Frank Anstruthei she unbent had been crowding in closer and closer
in ;the sweetest. of smiles, She came ground the corrals, and for five days
clown next morning white-faced, the the clouds had grown more and more
spssrltle of her dimmed; and a thee
. murky overhead, whilst a bitter. wind
W rite for Free Sammiple Packet
• - �f�ir�r.
Dainty Dishes.
T E A cup butFoamy Sauce:--Crearu, one-half
with one cup powdered
and learn how delicious good tea can be. State your"choice, sugar; add ong teaspoon vanilla and
Black or Mixed or Green. With the sample we will send you an one-fourth teaspoon lemon extract,
interesting illustrated booklet about Ceylon and its wonderful and just before serving add three -
tea •gardens.: fourths cup of boiling water and ti£
ADDRESS :—SALADA, 34 YONGE STREET, TORONTO fly beaten white of one' egg.
Cocoa Cottage Pudding.—Crearn
self-confidence gone; her spirts only kept whining uneasily ,amongst the
" one-fourth cup butter and one cup su-
rotui•ning when'Anstruther made an. sage` brush and willows. Perhaps look. There ismy fawn. Those idio- ing up that coffin required, He wished gar, ad beaten yolks of two eggs and
effort to cheer her: Then the tittle the absence of the men really account- tic Indians,. must have let it out" that they had not thrown the earth beat until very light.- Add three
vixen' turned upon him and „made him ed for the gloom which seemed closing "Well; she can go into the barn if in before they nailed him down, the fourths cup milk alternately with one
wish himself a thousand times one of
To insure' smooth cornstarch 'pud-
ding you must stir the cornstarch and
milk constantly while they are cook-
No baked potato will bo light and
fluffy if it has to wait to be eaten.
Itshould. go straight from the oven
to the table.
Do not allow the top of the range
to become red hot. It will cause it to
warp,' and, 'a red-hot stove always
means a cool oven. •
' Mo remove dust from steel, cover
round the ranch; and yet there seem- she wants to, I think she is " ight'ofit above him was so great and three-fourths cups sifted, flour it with sweet oil and let it remain
- 'going. wet
Dick Rolh's avenging posse: ed more than mere loneliness in the But the fawn, like other only half- that he could not move his_ limbs. And mixed and sifted again with a_ covered for day. Then rub it with
There had been tears rneiice ght; depression which' took hold on those civilized things, had lost its wild wits, then quite suddenly the weight was spoons baking powder. Stir in one- a hump of fresh lime. , IAR
tears, confession and penitence; and wl o had been left behind. before it had acquired the sense of -lifted, and he drew a .great breath, third :cup cocoa,,beat well, flavor with All small pieces of laundry -soap PROVE POWER
between the two women there was had fallen from the domestic beast, and now stood and again the fierce pain came and two teaspoons' vanilla; ford in stiffly can be put into the healer in which
ecce again, but there was no peace Theteatleaf shiveringin the veryeye of the wind took him away into' cool dark beaten whites of eggsthe clothes are boiled; In .this way OF BRITISH CREDIT
p g > the cottonwoods along the creek bot -f Y and bake in but -
for Anstruther.: With Jim before her, toms,and new and again dry balls of looking for some human being to take where there was no trouble. tered small pans. they are not wasted.
Kitty had been a small angel to his saga brush would race and bound care of it, instead of taking care of Reckless of falling limbs and risk -1 Potato Au Gratin. Peel and slice Boiled notroasted meat that is to --
theie'but Jim had gone at early dawn;ion upon the u lands driven byun_ itself. ing, with eyes open to then danger, raw white potatoes very thin: Put be, cut cold should be wrapped in a THE GIGANTIC STRUGGLE COSTS
"Mat I must let it in,oor, miser- a fate similar to that of the men be -.1 in layers in buttered. pudding and clean moist cloth. It will Dien slice
there }were no longer and loud men's s seen devilsp or the trees in the Yr p +
voices about the corrals:. The quiet recently burnt patch of pine timber able beastie. Do you mind dear?" low them, two of the half-breed boys sprinkle each, layer with salt, pepper thin without breaking. BILLIONS
of the place invited meditation, le and roe Y b - p old' for min- "No, of course- not; though I don't 'of the ranch ad been swinging thea ' and bits each
butter. When all the op. A photographer's paste can be made _
the more Kitty meditated the less she .loot beyond the corrals great suppose that it will come' in. Try if axes as they had never swung them tatoes have 'ben used cover with cup of ordinary starch not cooked' so much
could find to` justify her attitude to anes break out with a groaning you can :tempt it, Mr, Anstruthei:" before, and as the blades bit and the of hot water or milk and sprinkle as for stiffening.. If you need a?iaste Premier Shows Nation's Financial
Jim Combe; and the less she saw to and grinding o of limbs: But these Y P in a hurry, it ie. a good thing to're-.
induced to things onlyoccurred by fits and starts. With a piece of bread in his hand white chips flew, two pale faced wo- i top layer of potatoes with crackerSoundness Under Unpre-
admire in ce man she had The straneness of them was due'only to entice the fawn. Anstruthei went men, ;drenched with rain; and wild crumbs mixed with salt and bits of member. cedented Strain
stay behind. Indeed all her own small. to the main door to' do atiy- with grief and terror of the: storm, butter. Bake; . covered) for one heli Fertilizing Roses:—•Save your coffee
took a - bodilyform, and called to the fact that there seemed to be no ! gladgrounds, dry them out and put around ,No Minister has ever asked any
suis storm to account for them. Such thing to win a smile from his offend- pleaded with them'to work `'faster, hour, then. uncover anil brown.
themselves Frank Ansbruther. As hethe very elements warred` faster, for God's sake; faster, clench -
Cookies.—Cream one cu but- your roses with equal parts of soot democratic assembly in the coursevol
turn- wind as' were..Were purely local ed lady, butv Y 'smoked his last cigarette before to 'lover that yingtheir feeble hands, and, yearning ter Dire and one-half cu hit It is a good fertilizer and insecticide: less than two years to sanction expem
had come •to a and short hved'until the Wednesday against the unfortunate
ing in, that gentleman day. As soon as the latchPs white -su- piecesditure out of of credit approach
morning.. gave un- for something to do where there was gar and one-half cup brown sugar. Cut your lard into small' and ,ing re out of votes Hoar a g
decision: He was quite sure then that der his hand tide great door burst in- nothing they could do. Add three a run through the meat chopper before pproachin £2•
Then the dawn broke in weird;gash- seemed:
eggs, well beaten; ono- rendering; and you will have almost 000,000,000 here P0,000,000), said Mr,
the only woman'fit to succeed'his, . wards' with such a noise that thefawnHeavens! how long the times quarter cup water with one teaspoon Asquith; the Prime Minister when' ire
mother at Bilburp Park was the'girl lei, with such devilish storm fights,
unearthly and on th 'n shadows fled, whilst Anstruthei himself was Surely betwen there they could lift soda dissolved in it, three-quarters all lard and very few _cracklings where asked the House of Commons for a
he had been singing to, and he had :sue u Y terrifying
r the sent reeling before ,the Blast, and the tree off 'him now, and they strain -
• of chopped and seeded raisins through cooking: vote of credit of 23,000,000 (;1,600,,
decidedtest e f would put his fortunes as are only seen first the sea o
' act of winter' Pictures, stick racks, and hides elate ed at a trunk, one limbo one .pound of chopped walnuts,. one- )
to the test before he was a day older. begs es, and theDoi; too heavy for their united strength.
tered and careered along the fihalf teaspoon nubiieg, one teaspoon
not say"no" to him, of began: cinnamon, h y 1
Kitty would As usual in this confounded- coon- They might as. well have tried to lift nnamon one uarter teaspoon of ed apple, In half a hour every blown
fioig f _ q p
that he felt score. She was not one of I blown fro try he had made. a mess of ° it. No the ranch house. Those only who salt and three and one-half cups flour.
those women who would willingly about the ranch had been m
inan humdrum its positron. A wagon which the In- one but a fool, he • reflected, would have handled a Douglas pine •know. Dough `must be quite stiff. pip. with uniil the 'ar is ovoc writes a London
spend all their lives idioms had'left out was lifted right have•tried to open a door on the 'j what the weight of it spoon on tins quite fair apart,
Canadian ranch. over and lay `bottom upwards in the weather. side of the house, when it! The Indians way was the only way, Cream Tea Biscuit—One cup thick,
But though he suffered without pro-ard. would have been much easier to have! and there , was no help but theirs; sweet cream, two teaspoons cream of
test, as a man must, by midday Prank y brought the deer sound to the lee side,; though by some miracle crank An- tartar, three-fourths teaspoon soda, hard to clean, and the chances are
found himself wondering whether af- • Fences which the biggest of the bulls
had respected, were laid flat as if they but A was too late to think of that; struther lived still. The hand that one-half teaspoon salt, one and one- they will not be thoroughly cleaned.
ter all a world without woman would p now. He had to bring that beast Mei poor Kitty held in hers was limp and half cups bread flour. . Sift soda, A new way to cook cabbage. Cook
be so utterly unendurable:' had been but 'card houses.
The little creek which a week he -
simply. dared not`face those two cold as a dead man's, but he was not cream of tartar and salt with one cup inmeiteund ib boiling1Cwakeibforo 40
for Mrs Bolt, she had. privately Iwomen without ;it, so, with a glance dead yet. Not yet. Surely the men flour. Beat into cream enough ad- B
vowed that her favorite should have a 'fore had threatened to run dry, be-
doughhe can be minutes only; cut it up, season well..
fair chance, and that to' prevent poach- came a swollen torrent. Pieces of ed recklessly into the storm bap.- Jim had been there. handled easily. Roll to one-half inch Cover with crumbs and butter and
"•d •h' •l d 1•
'M D;E' IN
f which was • Apple pie .made, with a layer of 000 000 to enable Great Britain to
finely shaped cheese over the season- carry on the war for another sixty
a le and baked in the usual 'waydays—that Is to sayfrom April ,
is liked by many who are fond of when the expendtiui''e of this now huge
cheese served with apple pie. slice of Britain's treasure will begin,
Cooking utensils should never:be tt
allowed to dry before they are wash- correspondent.
ed. After drying they are twice as Mr. Asquith pointed out to a keenly
interested House that nineteen months
ago no one would have believed that
Britain's credit would have stood the
strain it has had to bear, ane lie made
it plain that bycomparisonwith the
panicky position of August, 1014, the
present state of affairs was absolutely
marvellous. Britain was still the gold
market of the world, and Mr. McKenna
the Chancellor of the Exchequer, was
quite satisfied with the condition of
American exchange.
The Prime Minister recorded with
the utinost calmness the amazing fig-
ures of money spent on the war.
Whore a year or more ago the Chan-
cellor of the !Exchequer mentioned
with bated breads and with an apolo•
getie air a sum of four or five hundred
million dollars, Mr. Asquith went see
enely on Into the thousands of millions
until he revealed his grand total of
war expenditure of ten billions of
Daily Average of War Costs
To keep track of the enormous ex
penditure on the war is a dialcult task;
ing in his absence, she would haunt boai andtin cans w u e a ong m headed, dragging the great Boar to
the two young people like their sha- the wind, battered and rattled against: beaded him;
dow until Jim's return. , the walls, whilst the old house itself
No self -constituted duenna ever throbbed and hummed like an 'organ, It required all Anstruthei s strength
found her duties less exacting than did and from time to time an earth-shak- to shut the door; and for a moment
he had to cling to the handle of it for
Mrs, Reit. no pailr of reputed lovers ing report announced the downfall of support before he could make good his
footing against the wind. Like most
newly -arrived Englishmen he was
still ..particular about his attire, but
write it, the glory of his boiled shirt
in less time than it would take to
and smart collar had gone, his-rid-
is- id-
ing breeches, built wide in the latest
fashion, were clinging to him like the
skin of a fish, liis long ' coat-tails
were performing like a giddy wind-
mill, and his whole appearance was
such as to justify his belief that the
ladies at the window were convulsed
less anxious to be alone that Kitty some great Douglas pine in the slash -
and Frank. -: ! ung. Whilst the storm lasted there
Indeed, to such a pitch of misery was no sun. .The racing clouds blot-
was that unfortunate young man re= ted him out, so that a vague dull light
diced before evening, that Mrs. Rolt prevailed, such as might have ex -
found herself trying to make some isted when the Spirit moved on the
amends to him for the,girl's perverse face of the waters.
•ettempet-. I The three in the house cowered at
-:Ir1t her heart she Began to hate the windows, and watched the deso-
"you,lgs people." : Without them there Iate scene with that feeling half of
had lrern'.'eace at the ranch,' whereas pleasure,,half of awe, which is natural
now it vas hneist' as bad.as-being in to human beings safely entrenched in
love again. 'self., . a cosy, storm -proof house when
thought brought a senile storms rage without, until a miser-
But this g K with laughter. As he crossed the,pad-
to her sweet face. There had never able looking object with lowered
dock it occurred tS him that Mrs.
been any rival in her case to big Dickhead and streaming hide came tremb-• Rolt was signalling to him to come
Roll. She scarcely thought the man Iling
pats the window towards, the back, but he was uncertain, and in
cat.ard who could have been. barrn• any case he did not mean to go back
The night • after ,Jim's ` depnrttire "Oh, my little Matvitch. • Mary, without that infernal little beast
which tempted him yard by yard
across the corrals and ..towards the
patch of shrieking and groaning timb-
Surely, he thought, the ladies were
signalling to him, but be could not
understand what they meant. They
were calling, bpt the window was
closed, which in itself would have
been enough to drown their voices,
without the deafening din all around
He Was within arm's length now,
and he made a spring at the fawn's
collar, touched it, but could not se
ft's the season for 'Bitter Oranges and Grape Fruit. euro his hold, so that he only fright -
Make your Marmalade with ened the beast, which in a few bounds
reached the timber. But here it
St. Lawrence Granulated Pure Cane Sugar. paused, as if it was as much afraid
Being.absolutely pure it assures best possible results to go forward as to come back. Ofcourse, Anstruthei followed it. As
and removes all risk of fermentation. he reached the edge of the brine a
dry bough no thicker than his little
finger, whirled out of one of the tops
and struck him across the hand. The
force of that blow from so small a
thing should have warmed hint, but
at that moment victory seemed }th-
in his grasp. The man neither saw
nor understood, hesitated, until..with
eetsiteette et,„
FREEupon request we send excellent orange
and grape fruit marmalade recipes and
gn wanmalede labels for home Ilse --Address
t tet �1
TiCet 0101%
Amon .
si I1 A'Ir$' 4< 1 1 t trvely even wenn
"ri,As, ai" , by no pressure brought ,o luxuries.
---- - ,4t� �` %' 6voVtl'i1 rose and went dwav from any widow t0 induce her to emlgratC'" As soon as the spring opens give �(t
-^- ., {•j ltim, feeling oriel thought, wind cold As typical of the cases likely to be
c c • 1 he soa ant m
el tt. 31Cs all t 1 m „
the pet t o. t p
y�' /.%r 1 rain, and even the crashing of. the dealt with by"The Widows' Coun-Of course, "Crown Brand" is yew
"! ay ���� �` hrulc,' and the anger at Kitty Clit gnu can come by.,ems fir./� ������� sailors," the General cited that of a ,t, iron stand which rats be fasten- , fa•vorite ` abic iyrftp. Of course,
y »� / folel's laughter. ! appetizing
i t- r �� - , woman with three children whose ed to the ironing booed is a -great help t -' you enjoy its delicious,
.� !. j , hti^.hand had been Billed in the war. an ironing day. slaver with Z:?marl, Pancakes and
///ro,r ,,,,, CHAPTER VI1L and who, in order to support- herself Never tui n out tt bailed lruddtnc;' the Het Biscuits. _
;.n and children in comparative comfort minute it is Bonn. IL s vety,al?h to. ° But what about "crown Brand" in
I% nt is out o1'. its misery; i1'e back
. s' �w91" {t`i'e 1P it —the penstou allots Luac r.: unlstbly break it this is clone, qI� the kitchen Do you use
w� ...1 n e is I s of en. f,
" +•• An;tiitlns reco nir••d 111t's I'olt'a bank insufficient—desired to obtain l oilcrl tt c covered with ratec1aal�pBo�G
Ja� voice and 'voicier0 1 in an idle,training re
n .i bet maternity nutoe. With h .ese lit 1 btdce=1 heert m the nveat ! \ c,
�i'lkv8'C "a" c1 rezE of ' )',', the chi id n t, leo rho tilt; a,, co ekes n geed h:mclteon dish ( 5 '
cher my tnshlan whore 1 r1 k wa urul- �' r
So • ha Ipp,tr l , "The C)ii nu t c u t t; rml r h, „' rn tht,ev on the cosi{. M� EL".
(To be Continued.)
A New Scheme Has Been Launched
In England.
thickness cut with small round cut-
ter, and bake about twelve minutes
in hot oven. This maltes two, dozen
small biscuits.
Spanish Rice.—Wash one cup rice
thoroughly and cook in plenty of boil-
ing water. Drain in colander; put
The "Widows' Counsellors" of the three or four slices of bacon through
lished funtitu'e, pour olive oil into a
Salvation Army have already begun food chopper, then lay in frying pan , dish and scrape a little tv oil
to a
their new work of assisting and ad -
• fry until light brown. Also put into it; this mixture should be heated
(through chopper one good-sized onion,
wising widows and their children in until the wax melts; then rubbed
accordance with acarefully-thought- two cloves, garlic and one large sparingly on the stains:, Finally, rub
out and practical plan, and General' green pepper, after removing seeds the surface with a soft linen rag until
Booth has stated that the Public and white fiber. -Add onion, one cup it is restored to brilliancy.
Trustee has. volunteered to co-operate pp llianc
with them in the scheme.
"Many of the widows of whom we spoon chill powder. When sauce is
aro thinking," said' General Booth,
done, add rice and one-third cup grat-
have small properties, regarding theeed 'cheese; cook until blended and
management and disposal of which
they require reliable advice. The. serve.no 0
Public Trustee has kindly consented Potato Loaf.—Cold potatoes; one all London recently for a mongoose. naturally tUndtto be dealt with .neral
to perforin thisportionpof the work. onion; parsley and thyme; salt and Ile had received an urgent letter from I g
He will also be t liberty to become pepper; a little butter on dripping. some friends in the trenches asking yOne point, however, emerged clean
the executor for any widows who de- Mash the potatoes; boil the onion for for one of these valuable tittle beasts 1y front file statement. Whereas at
sire to leave their property to their 1.5 minutes and chop very finely, Chop —a sure cure for rat -plague. Be was the tithe the last vote of, credit was
children during the Tatter's minority, the parsley and thyme to a dust, melt told that one could only be secured asked for Mr. Asquith said that tea
The chief' object of "The Widows' the butter and mix all together, Add
if a private individual happened to Government estiinatea the daily ex.
Counsellors" was not to brin • about , the seasoning: Heap on a greased have one to dispose of, and the price pandtiura of this country on the Will
the emigration of; widows to the over- 'tin. in the shape of an oval mound, would be about :Y6 css. at $25,00'0,000 a day, ire now revealed
seas Dominions. The main object brush over with beaten egg and bale.
air, Cecil Isaacs, of the Royal being spehe fact nttdailyhe 4istu not l imoiret than
was to preserve the family life of the until quite hot and well browned on Menageries, Shaftesbury avenue, Lon- 121,350,01)0, He addsd, however, that
bereaved families at the- highest the ouside. Slip carefully onto a don, told a representative of the Daily It would be wise not to reckon on
standard- possible, and to keep their clean hot dish and serve, Phis mix- Chronicle that the mongoose Is the the daily expenditure not rising at any
homes intact ab all costs. They tutee may be made into small individ- ronly animal that can be depended up- moment to $26,0.0,000, forth war one
sought to help the widow in a penman- ual mounds or little rissoles, which I on to rid a trench of rates. must always be prepared for any -
ent way to extend the helping hand are very good and look well when "A ferret, he said, "will hill for possible development and r:xpaasiou
before any disintegration of the home served round a meat dish. the sake of eating. But a mongoose n' Thet rxpcuditura.
took place, not to mitigate her cols- Orange Bread: Delicious recipe kills for the salte of killing. 1 guar`' endit re isifol item advances tether sallies
ery with doles when acute distress for fanny broad is the following: bis- atone that any trench with tt mon anti dominions, which by arch "l will
had befallen her. solve one-fourth yeast cake, broke in- goose will not ..offer from rats. The reach probably $2,115,000,000. Britain's
"At the same time," added General to pieces, in ono -fourth cup of 'lake- difficulty is to get 31 mongoose. I financia arrangements with her• allies
Booth, "many women are fully alive warm water, and add one egg well have sent out half a dozen recently naturally remain secret; and must so
to the possibilities that exist for cap beaten, one tablespoon melted laid, to France, but live stock is not be- continue unth the end of sho n•tu•, but:
able women in the overseas Domin- one .tablespoon salt, two tablespoons ing shipped to England now, and the when they are diselosetl it twill oat lir
ions, where the dearth of women and sugar; gratett rfnd two oranges and home of the n)ongoose is Ceylon. found that the whole of this huge sem
their sex qualities is one of the great three-fouiths cup orange juice, Boat "Tire only chance is to seek out Is a free grant. What Britain has given
q ovate owners and ask them to mill, to Serbia and Belgium ass been given
disabilities under which the younger thoroughly, using egg -beater. Add p' without any expectation of repayment
comrnanities labor, and are desirous flour to make of'ri right consistency to Many enquiries Have reached 1110 p
r their. amount required being about' from officers at the front. Even tate b�ltay110 ssssutilcte Rn=I, is n1 to 11
of crossing site seas both for move, a o q 6 c il.
own sakes and for the larger field of- three cups, and beat until smooth -1 ferret is scarce. on a d;tfernnt footing a?:d ihrsn great`
feted for their children. We see no Turn on slightly floured beard ancti The mongoose is a rare anima) in conntriea twill certainly not consent to
reason to discourage them from their ]mead until elastic. Cover and let Eftglend. But in one hotel to be- receive the money as a free gift..
purpose, especially as we have ample rise over -night, Ln the morning shape, land, plagued with rats for many) John Bull stilt Bich
rather. sprang in and proof of the success of others who put into slightly buttered pansy cover; months, two coon nu?sns time import-
a quick leap Anst l g have already taken this step, let rise once more and bake in hot, eel wttlt the very 11(fl 1e L results. 1 7f will Thus be seen that despite an
gripped the leather collar round its "It is not inconceivable, in view of
1 expenditure novo before dreamed of
Heel:, oven, Best eaten fresh, Fine sand-! « in the history of the word .Irtv1 .troll's
It would be a curious thing, the matin the sex tendency in Imperial develop- wich bread for afternoon teas. , "This ini11 be justice," " said the de -
meet that; the Salvation Army might footed defeuc(rutt, `'but is stn'ilces me poclret1 are still bulging with emcee
n v,
thought; which would loosen leis grip _ „ and he has plenty more I0 spend Tee
now until the provoking pet was safe- sue asked to co-operate in some ; as being it pretiv fishy v rdret' fears of many persons early in the
scheme affecting the emigration of i � "'.Chat shows that it is justice," re- ,
ly in its mistress's keeping, and as g liar that Britain world nil hr aide to
women but anythin • on a 'general household Mints. ,torted the plaintiff, `One of -the most semd ilia colossal 11ntuu 1r -.t1eIn of a
the tai gat formed itself in ]lis mind g
somethin ' haplened, seals that may be clone by us in re- All fruit jars that have been used coiapicuous 9'catures of jit"ticc is pralrittgcd struggle ha,, u::i been
b cl to the emigration of widows should be sterilized before they sic ho scales. borne Dui in reality.
re -
To hien it mowed that a terrific and their families will bo the out- used again.' -•-
crash was followed by instant and come of =tare a deliberation int
Food cooked in vessels that are
complete larltness, accompanied by t
which the conditions bout at home not thoroughly washed cannot ltttve y
a 'CUrletim sensation al numbness and
and- in the self- overnin • ,Dominions I. j 3v1of
a letting go of all thin -•s, ail things g g ti good llavot. s.
creeps that leather collar. To that
will be fully considered. Moreover, 1 Housewives should regard n'uts,! g
he clung instinctively, I give the assurance that thele will raisins and elates as foods rather then; � $7,cf fr ` P. bear of I E i es
bake brown.
When cooking cauliflower always
place the vegetable in the pan with
the flower downwards and past, a
meat skewer through each side. In
theis way it can be lifted out when
cooked without becoming broken. "
To remove water stains from varn-
stewed tomato, garlic and pepper to
bacon and cook thoroughly, seasoning
with salt, pepper and one-half tea -
Sure Cure -for Rat -Plague; and -They're owing to the immense sums being ex
Scarce at lite Prout• pended every minute and although Mr
Asquith made his figures as clear as
A British army officer searched possible for the given time he was
-:Reed)hts unsolicited dratefel
Not long eco my left knee be-
came lame and sore It pained
ma mart' restless
11;>ns did it become that- I was
(('1r.,l'o consider yrivim -op err
,vurk when 1 chanoed to thiole cif
Slonn's Liniment. Let n1,1 say -
1 s than one bottle fixed me up.
(', Camp/nil, f't,u.r, /t,(
en and whether it' its bail: was utok_ ii°;to^^iii n ticst b L t• t-ro assisted.... yc y;et bit soups depend largely for
en it would wti,li to ha put oul of its
misery. t Jill•, back was not lrt•ol cn 1101• , who had to r ••t. 1 1 1 cr - to : - -•re 01 , scour that. is in 1110m,
was lie an any miser}. He wondered, the t,ccc rely training, 1111' Army til;- Sift a little flour into the fat be-
V 110 teas, and turning to :me was mi, care of bit children until such fore frying mash, it will prevent the
a h. qualified ogo out
time.s -ho a>, c ixr 1 ed Lfrying.
struck by a hideous shock ai: pain,.1 tat from sputtering and sty 8
after which it was night again, titit's11ig' Cotton crepe is a -good material for
When he .dine to him elf be 'knew' children's tnrdc••weat^; because it does 1
that he was dead. Ile blew more not require 1. •eful laundering,than that. Ho was lying in his coffin; Initials Spell" Mother." An old piano stool is very good for
ho could smell the new boards of it a serving mac:Inns seat, became: it'.
and they wer0 nailing down the lid, M1'. and ivus. reclericic S. MoOlory can lse raft+eti and lowered at will, !
but this strangely enough dict not of Chicago issue six children, Mildred, Hard boiled egg'; :hound he codiced,
as a silly Oliva, 'lheodo•e, Harry, Lituabeth 20 minutes to b .sully digested;
pninlo him a bit Deathw a h and Robert, whose initials, properly
painless thing anter all, very much „ Leee ecotoneintiktie them Imo h.
like. sleep: How even their stvokes arranged, spell methei lin, ham- In (1111,1-i_, fruit or mils into.A eni1
polled by chance, ac, harry is the old- they should he 11 t'
ailed before 1.float.
work, one on
were. 110011 were two of them aeach side of 'him, beat, ,t .sit and Elizabeth the youngest. twill then lre•evcltly rh+iributc,l.
beat, beat! The ring of their ham-
7 A erduar0 of wire pelting, hound 1
criers was rhythmical; rather good
The poor' 111.'11 who weds an heiress andl'mounted on four little teat, 1s r+
dream music he 'thought, but how,= hard believes in the gold etii'0 for finer:-
good thing for the cooling of cakes;
they worked' and what a lot of nail- tial ills. etc.
for Gingerbread, Cookies, Cakes, Pies aucl Sweet
Sauces for all kinds of Puddings?,
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mical, dependable,. good.
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�Y�,W�,!lii,5., The Canada March Co. Limited, lwi(?ntYeali.