HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-03-30, Page 5aloe ;March 30th, I0I6 Clinton News -Record e,derich. Mrs, qolio I A nticin jvas called 'to 'Vassar, Mich„ 'Sty, the serious illness• of her brother.; Missouei, Mrs. "Campbell of Albany; it -formerly% of '.Seaforth,,•has been ' 'the'' guest of Mr, and Mrs. Thomas dry: Mr, T, 13. :Straiton, left last Week for his home at Straiton, ter spending spending some time •with his.iaar • ents Mr, and Mrs,; A.' Straiten:' -Mrs. Thos, Peetletliwaite has 're- turned •after a stay' at Cockburn Is- land. A parade took place Saturday aft 'ternoon to the Grand Trunk depot When the Ideal detachment of the '3,61st Huron's Own Battalion, head- ed. by their bugle band, paid a fare- well to ;Lieut,' A. G. 'Nesbitt and al- so ten Goderich members 4f the ?1st Battalion at Galt,' WhO Ivill shortly - go overseas. , Mr. .harry, Ball of Brandon, Man., was in town last ,week visiting his 'mother and sisters. Mrs'. Wit, Sharman is visiting in Hamilton, Mrs. jock Campbell, of Port CoI- borne has been visiting friends" in town. - Miss Edith Campbell has returned front a lengthy visit in^Ilamilton... h - Mrs. Noble,Ycung and little daugh- ter au g ter have been visiting relatives at 'Watford. Mr. H. L. Johnston, who has been ,on the Dungannon staff of the Ster- ling Bank for , some months; has 'been transferred to the local branch. Mr. and Mrs.' Johnston\ of St. ' Marys were the guests recently of J\4r,, and Mrs. Andrew Porter, Mrs. .(Dr,) freeman, and children visited friends at Stratford recently. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Shaw and chit- 'siren have gone at Cabri, Sask., -where they' intend taking up their xesidence. Mrs, J. Shaw, who has been visiting her mother hero for some time, accompanied :them. • Iver. Bert Cutt left last week for Elora where he has been appointed ant •Org is and choir leader in the Presbyterian church. Wingham Mr. John McPherson of Lucky Lake, Sask., leaves this week for the west after spending a couple of months with friends about St. Hel- •ens and other points hereabouts. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Walker have returned home after spending some time in the west. Mr. and Mrs. James Boyce, of Moosejaw, Sask., and Mrs. Boyce of Lucknow spent a fete days with eriends in town recently. Miss Ada Stackhouse of Blpth spent a few days last week with Mrs. A E Lloyd. Mr. Thos. ,Morgan o f Ripley, Y, visited his brother, Mr. John Morgan of town, recently. Mrs. T. S. Brandon is spending a while in St. Marys, Miss Clara Beenter has been in Toronto for a few days. Miss Rota Walker of Toronto has been visiting her parents in town. Mrs. (Dr,) "Iambi). is visiting her. parents in Toronto, Miss Mary E. Champion of West Wawanosh was married on March 150 to Mr. Matthew A. Havens of the same township. On the same clay Miss Violet E. ttt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, rte.'. Scott of town, was wedded to Mr, Solomon Cloakey, who has since gone with his bride to his home in the west Miss Sanderson has gone 'to -Sar- nia to take a position in the Domin- ion Express office. Miss Henderson of Lucknow takes Miss •Sanderson's place in the local office. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Kelly returned Oast week to their hone at Swift Current after a visit of several weeks here. Mrs. E. L. Bradwin of Saskatoon, Sask., and her two children spent last week at the home of Mrs. Bead - win of town. Mrs. F. G•. Sperling, Miss Sperling and Master. Frank Sperling spent a few days last week with Toronto eriends. • St.. Helens. 1V1L'., Durniti 'Phillips is teething S, S. No. 4 until -Easter, ,taking, the plane; of bit, Robinson who' has en- listed. - ` Mr,' McGoig' and net " ce of wiartoti' ' who nave been' visiting at the home of Rev. J, Little, have returned to their home. The students" of Winghatn High school returnedthis .week to' resume their studies after a fortnight's va- cation, the acation,'.the school having to ,be dos- ed on account of measles. Happenings.. -of Fifteen .:, : Years Ago. Happenings in Clinton at the Opening of the Century. Taken from the Files of The News -Record of • the date '' indicated; Hullett Township. Mrs.- ts: Dominick 11.1'419, spent a •' few, 'days ,ein ;Stratford -the beginning of tete week. She went'down. to: :.bid; farewell; to .her. brother, - Pte, . John„ Purcellrwho shortl leaves' for Eng y land with. the 71st Battalion. Clinton, March 2811, 10Q1 Miss Clara Middleton, daughter of Mr, John Middleton' of "Whitehall', Goderich township, was married yes- terday at St. James' church, 'Middle- ton, to Mr. Chas. K. Taylor of Blyth. On Tuesday, morning one of Chis- ton's most popular young ladies, Miss Josie Pair, left for Winnipeg, where she will be married this eve ening to Mr, Neil' Fox, editor of the Morden Chronicle. The .ceremony will be performed- in Knox church by Rev. Mark Rumball, well known in Clinton and Goderich township. Mr. and Mrs. Fox will reside in - Morden. The census takers will begin work on Monday morning next. The enumerators for Clinton are : N. Robson,,' J. L. Eleventh, D. Dicker- son'and W. Coutts. A contract has been let for the er- ection of a parsonage in connection with St. Joseph's church, the: price to be $1625, not including the cost of brick, stone, etc. Mr, S. S. .0oPe r is the contractor. r. The devotees of lacrosse have tak- en time by the forelock and have al- ready organized with the following officers : Hon. -President, Alex. Armstrong. Hon. -Vice, J. J. Fisher. President, P. Matheson. Vice, E. Cantelon. Captain, H.. Doherty. Secretary, -A. Shepherd. Treasurer, F. Kerr. Committee, P. Matheson, H. Do- • herty, P. Couch, F. Johnson, W. Whitely.' The Local Market. Wheat 63e to 64c.' Barley 37c to 40e. Oats 29c to 300.- Peas' 60e, Potatoes 20e to 25c. Butter 140 to 15c. Eggs 100 to llie. Live Hogs $6.00. St. Helens Mrs Dan. Martin visited at the. home of Robb. Woods Last Thursday. Mr. Chas. Rathwell has returned to his home in Stanley after visiting 'friends hereabouts for a few days. Miss Nellie Brooks spent Monday an Lucknow. Mr. W. J. Todd sports a dandy new cutter these days,, though he will not have much chance to enjoy e use of it Allis' season. Mr. R. Robinson, having been in -charge of the Public school here for the past two ,years, -having heard the -call of his country has enlisted at Lucknow with the 160th Battalion. Be gave up his duties as teacher 'en Friday. Before,' .1 ,vfng he was pre- sented with a: ,rfst watch by his pupils. Mr.; bhinson takes' with him the yeryu.best ` wishes .of his rntany friends about hero who • re- spect him for..the manly stand he has taken and who one and all hope for his safe return: FOR SALE—YOUNG PIGS. READY to weath—Ed, Johnston, Route' 4, Clinton. Phone, 8, .on 162. 3:0=-.1' FOR SALE —PURE REGISTERED Jersey Bull, 3 y,,cari old. -M. G. Ransford, Clinton: 30-2 FOR SALE.—TWO GOOD COWS TO freshen about April est, also' 'a heavy horse rising five years old. Geo. P. Gould, IHuron Road, R,R. No. 2y Clinton, 30-1 NOTICE. -TG THE RATEPAYERS of the Township of Stanley.—The ratepayers of the 'Township of Stanley will please take notice' that in accordance with the Public Health Act all known or suspected cases of measles or other contage ous ;.disease must be reported with- in twelve hours to the Medical. Health Officer, Dr.'Rogers, or to the Secretary of the Board of Health,, R. J. Richardson. All per - Sons failing to observe this regular ..tion. will be hrosecttted according to law.—By order of. the Board off Health. Marriages IIUDIE—CAMPBELL—At the rec- tory, Bailfield, on March 27th, Margaret Campbell to John I1u- dfe, both of Goderich. township. CLOAKPY—SCOTT—At Wingltani on March 155th, Solomon Cloakey to Violet E. Scott, both of Wing - ham. Ma; AVE'' —HARRIS—In Grey town- ship, on March 8th, Wm. illdeti 1dcGavin of 1feT'iillop township to Lena Harris o Grey. •ri f Gy re ,. ALEXANDER—CRAIG — In Tucker - smith, on March 22nd, Eliza Craig to John Alexander, Jr, DRAPER—YOUNG—At Goderich, on Marcli. 22nd, William Draper of Port Albert and Teresa Angeline Young of,Sheppardton.. Births WHEATEN—In 'Toronto, on March 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs , Charles Wheaten, (formerly Miss Ida Holmes,) a son. SHOBBROOli—In Mullett, on March 20th, to Mr. and Mrs, Fred. Shobbrook, a daughter. BLOOMFIELIYIn Exeter, on March 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. William Bloomfield, a daughter.,, L'AMONT—In Grey township, on March 22nd, to Mr. ,and Mrs. W. Lamont, a son. GILLESPIE-In Wingham, on, March 20th, to Mr. and .Ars. Gibson Gillespie, a son. Deaths L ;;—I n Clinton, on Tvlarch 25th,h Lockhart Gordn Cree, son o f Sergeant and Mrs. Lock Cree, aged 1 year and 1 month. RATTENBURY—In Clinton, on Mar. 26th, Joseph W. Rattenbury, "ag- ed 56 years. NICIIOLSON—In Goderich on MVIarch, 22nd, ,Godfrey Nicholson, RUTLEDGE—In Toronto, on March 16th, ` Webster Benson Rutledge, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Hall Rutledge, Goderich, in his 32nd year. PROUDTIOOT—In G•oderieh, on Mar. 22nd, Rob • 'roudfoot,.aged 91 years. ' MATTHEWS-InGe ..*Th, on March list, William George Matthews; aged •68 years. AUCTION SALE OF LIVE STOCK. —Mr. T. ,J. Wath has instructed the undersigned to sell by public .auction at lot 14, con. 1, Hallett township, 2TV-• utiles from Clinton on Huron ,Road, on Saturday, April 8th, at 1.30 o'clock, the following: 1 filly rising .1 year old bred _by Glenne., 11 gelding rising 2 years 3 years old and 1 elding rising bred by Lord Ronald, 1 newlyi calv- ed cow and calf, 1 cow due time of sale, 1 cow due to calve April 18th, 2 heifers rising 2 years to calve in May, It farrow cow rising 3 years„ 2 yearling steers, 2 year- ling heifers. Everything must be sold as the proprietor has rented his farm. Terms: -8 months' cred- it will be given on furnishing ap- proved joint notes. A discount of • 5 percent. straight allowed for cash.—T. .J. Watt, Proprietar ; G. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. —30 • iuiron Girls, of C Do you know that the girls must take e the places of men, espeoially' in the business world, if Canada is to do her share in this great struggle, which is keep, at army at the Front and keep business going on at home. Are You Ready to Do Your Share ? Because at,the,great need we are planning A Special Course at Special Rates, If you are truly PATRIOTic and want a chance to do your share write us for particulars. School of Commerce Clinton, Ont. F, War I, B.A., M,Lccts., Principal,. 1 PAPER I-IANGING' AND PAPER-. ing.-I just wish, to ,. say that T am prepared -to 'do'` the, above class 4f, work and, to do, it .Prompt- ly and;,proper}y. L respectfully asit.,, for your.patrbnage and guarantee,, ;to. give you 'satiefacti'one-eW. A,4, Mason,: ' -26. HOUSE FOR', SALE ON • HURON street, two doors west of Dr. ThomP son's. Nine rooms, cement cellar, k asett� t' liar waterworks r s and e , In good state of repair. Will be sold on reasonable "terms.—Apply to II. II. McBrlen, Victoria street. • 29-1 HOT.ISE FOR. SALE : IN. VILLAGE' of Bayfield, else good stableand three lots.. For further particulars apply to—Mrs. Elizabeth Wallis, Londesboro SIX HORSES FOR SALT,1, THE property of Major Rance.—Driver 5 years olcl, general purpose marc 4 years, well broken and good driver, driver 3 }'ears niot broken, heavy draft mare 3 years well broken, draft gelding 2 years, draft geld- ing 1 year. Quick sale desired.— George Cordell, Farm Manager. -20 FOR SERVICE. — THOROBRED Berkshire hog, London Road 1.1. miles south of Clinton. 1.1 at time' of service with .privilege of return- ing if ueeessary. John Ashton. 29-2 SERVANT WANTED. — BY MRS. Malcolm McTaggart,—Apply, at res- idence. • —25. TO RENT.—COMFORTABLE SIX - roomed house on Grange street, at present occupied by Me. E. Brown. Waterworks and soft water. Gar- den. Possession in April,—Apply to Jantcs Cook, —29 CALVES POR SALE.—I HAVE. madearrangements to handle a limited number of calves. -W. Marquis, R. R. No. 1, Clinton: -25. HATCHING EGGS FOR SALE: Froth my first and second pens of Leghorns, trap -nested for heavy winter laying, headed• by males from same strain that won first in the North American egg laying competition. $.h.50 per .setting, •$6 per 100. Froin trap -nested .0.A.C. Leghorns and Barred Rocks $1 per setting, :$5 per 100. Infertile eggs replaced.—A. C. Kennedy, R.R. No. ' 5, Clinton. • 28-1 WANTED AT ONCEREPRESEN- tative ntan to secure prospects for Life Insurance. General Agent will make periodical visits to assist in closing. Liberal commissions will be paid for this service. Previous insurance experience not necessary. Reply stating age and present oc- eupation to J. H. Brinker, Manag- er,for Western Ontario, 42 Welling- ton street, South, Hamilton, Ont. 29-2 EGGS FOR HATCHING FROM Hens that Lay.—We are prepared to supply a large number of eggs for hatching purposes from the famous Guild bred -to -lay strain of Single Comb White Leghorns. Set- tings 50c per 13 or $3 per 100. One special pen of two-year-old hens mated with Tom Barron strain cockerels $1 per 15. Incuba- tor lots a specialty.—Hoimesville Poultry Yards, Phone 4 on 142, N. W. Trewartha, Proprietor. 26-8 FOR SALE. -2 FRESH COWS, 4 cows to freshen by April st ril 1 2 yearlings, 5 young calves and 1 brood sow with 9 Pigs one week old. Above is all choice stock, guaranteed according to descrip- tion.—R. A. Roberton, Bayfield Line, utile southwest of Clinton. Phone 16 on 157. —28 HOUSl: FOR SALE 011 T0. RENT conveniently located on Huron St. Frame, 10 rooms, hard and soft water, electric light. House in good shape. Easy. terms.—Wm. Simpson. —28. • YOUNG TEAM FOR SALE—A good teamof heavy horses,` three yearn old, well broken. For par- ticulars apply to—S, G. Switzer, R. R. No. 5, Clinton, Phone 15 on 136. —28 EGGS FOR HATCHING. — FOR sale after March 15th, White Leg- horn, ,Brown Leghorn and Barred Rock eggs for hatching. All good laying strains. 50 cents per dozen, If shipped charges to be. paid by purchaser.—John Garrett, tondos - bore P.O. - 26-4 EGGS FOR HATCHING. -FROST bred -to -lay" Single Comb White Leg - horns. Cockerels bred from record laying strain imported from Penn- sylvania Poultry Y Farm, Lancaster, Pa. Setting ttin g 60e cents for 1'3.—F, 5 Keegan, Bayfield. —27 IN T11E SURROGATE COURT:, OF the County ,of lIuron.=7n trate mat- . ter of the estate of Hariet Eve- -l'yn Milne,„, _late of, the Town. of Clinton, in the C unty of ,Huron;• -widow'deceased-Notiee is' hereby, given thatall creditors and others having Malnis against the estate of Hariet: Evelyn, Milne, the above named deceased, are required to de- liver or send by post, prepaid, on pr .before the 1st .day . of April, 1916, to the undersigned, solicitors for Joseph Thomas Goldthorpe, sole executor of the last' will and testament of . the said HarietEve- lyn ,Milne, deceased, their names and addresses, a full description of their claims and the nature of the, security (if any) held by them, such claims to be duly verified.' And notice.is further given that immediatelyafter the 1st 'day of April, 1916, the said executor will. proceed to distribute the said es - 'tate among the parties entitled ,thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have received notice.—Dated this 9th day of March, 1016.—Proudfoot, Killer- an & Cooke, Goderich, Ont., Solic- itors for 'the Executor. 28-3 MRS. J. JOHNSTON. WHO HAS taken over the agency for the Spic ella corset, is prepared to meet the needs of all old and new custom- ers. The Spirella is "different', ; a perfect -fitting, flexible, made-to- order corset, allowing every muscle full- play, Call and ask Mrs. John- stonabout corsets and accessories. —02 MARQUIS SPRING WHEAT. — 1 have a limited quantity of, Marquis spring wheat for seed. This is e- choic° variety and has given good results. It is especially good for mixing, with oats and barleys, ripen- ing ten days earlier than other varieties. Sample and price sent on request.—Fred, Middleton, R.R. .No. 3, Phone 4 on 1.50. 23-6 Farffls for Sale FARM FOR SALE, BEING LOT 24 on the 5th con. of Goderich Town- ship consisting of 120 acres, 11 acres in fall wheat, 40 acres ready fop spring plowing, 7 acres of bush, remainder under grass. Small or- chard. Concrete house. Good barn 53x80 with stone foundation. Cement silo. Water tank and Wind- mill at barn. One quartet+, -mile from Porter"s Hill.—James Hamilton, Clinton. —09 CREAM WANTED. — DAIRYMEN having cream 'to sell write to us for cans. We supply two cans free. Pay all express charges and issue cheques twice each month, cheques payable .at par. We pay, the high- est market prices consistent with an honest test. Testing done by a competent man. Each can careful- ly weighed, sampled and tested on u arrival and statement returned. r Those in the vicinity of Kinburn may leave their cream with Mr. Hall who will deliver it here. Write tor cans and give us a trial. Patrons in the vicinity of Varna may deliver their cream to Beatty Bros. Store and it will be taken care of there -The Seaforth Cream- ery., Box 486, Seaforth, Ont. FARM FOR SALE — FOR SALE south hall Lot 31=32, Concession 1, Tuckersmith, containing 94 acres more or less. 'There are on the premises a good frame house with kitchen and woodshed, cement cis- tern, good bank barn 40x61 with stone stabling and cement floors, drive shed and hen house, water in house and barn supplied with wind mill and cement tank. The farm is in first-class condition fenced and drained and there are 10 acres of first-class fi' -cla s bush and small orchard. The farm is three and one half miles from Clinton, five miles from Sea - forth and one mile from church and school. Rural telephone in house. The farm is all on the west side of railroad track and is in first-class shape.—Terms—Reasonable, reasons for selling, the proprietor wishes to retire, for further particulars apply on the premises or address John Thomas Crich, Clinton, -22-13 SHORTHORNS FOR SALE. — HIere's your chance to buy a right good two-year-old bull from,' an imported sire and a record milking strain, Also 3 calves from 5 to.. 11 .months old. All good feeders and in excellent condition. Como and see them.—Edward H. Wise, R. R. No. 3, Clinton. Phone 12 on 155. —18 Wanted Fat Ileus and Chickens wanted. Highest market price paid.—W. Mar- quis, Phone, 14 on 166. i , —23 YOUR .CLOTHES CLEANED, RE - paired and Pressed and at the shortest possible notice. Both Lad- ies" a.nd Gentlemen's clothes. We guarantee to do good work. Also having bought a machine I am pre- pared to French Dry Clean Ladies' Suits, Gent"s Suits and all, kinds of woolen clothing including Sweat- ers, etc. All orders promptly at- tended. to. Rooms over Grigg's jewelery Store,—Win. J. Jago. -55 M.ILI LNERY ! Having received our first ship- ment of spring hats we would kindly ask the 'ladies of Bayfield and vicinity to 'come and ' see them before buying elsewhere, Styles correct and prices right. E. F. Merner, Bayfield. JUST AflRIED! We have Lust• received a car of No. 1 hard Corn which we can offer at a reasonable to Pit ce` all orders for same o will be filled promptly. We keep in stock F'ure Manitoba Rolled Oats which conies direct from the Keewatin Mills and is second to none in quality. We have got in a new supply of Seeds which are No. 1 Government Tested and consist of the following : Red Clover, Alfalfa, Alsikc, Timothy and Orchard Grass. Flour, Breakfast Food, Easifirst Shortening, Oil Cake, Molasses Meal, Bran, Shorts and Low Grade always in stock, Highest prices paid for Grain. W. Jenkins & Son. FLOUR AND FEED. Phone 199. TO THE CITIZENS. 11.0♦ To ea h health'Officer asks the co.gperation of the "citizens, ' in stamping out measles. that. are prevalent in town. As, soon as signs of rash, appear • notify your physician or the health officer and keep all per- sons f r o m communication with the sick. Insist on strict quarantine. By, this method wif can soon control the disease. J. W. Shaw, M.H.O. More and Better Eggs and. Poultry to Help Feed the Empire. In otder to assist farmers to pro- duce ,more non -fertile eggs; and more and better dressed poultry of the quality and kind that our high class market demands, the first 01. Gunn, Langlois ,& Co., Ltd., Montreal, have arranged 'with reliable breeders of . "bred to lay," early maturing, Barr- ed Plymouth Rocic poultry to distri- bute in the immediate vicinity of these pens, .twelve thousand (12,000) hatching eggs during the season of 11916„ at a price of market eggs on the following conditions. Every farmer who finds it to his advantage to secure the benefit of the above mentioned eggs must com- ply With'the following rules or regu- lations, and lend every. possible as- sistance so that the greatest good to the community and to the in- dustry will follow. 1st—Kill, or otherwise permanent- ly redeye from itis present flock of laying hens all male birds on his farm, March 10, 1916. 2nd—Market all eggs twice a week, and conform with the suggestions mark s for et made, , care re the c e of eggs purposes, as seine may, be issued from time to time. 3rd—Sell all cockerels that are fit for market as broilers • during the early summer. 4th—Bring all cockerels of heavy breeds to the firm's plant at either Clinton or Holmesvilie, to be capon- Tzed at a time, and under such con- ditions as the firm may specify.; We have added a stock of New Groceries and can now supply you with Teas, Sugar, Canned Goods and other lines to be found in a grocery store. We also sell Conner's Bread. This is an addition to Flour and Feed of which we keep a full stock and will deliver goods to any part of the town. We appreciatea share of your pa- tronage. eie deliver goods promptly to any part of the town, D: A. WATSON Victoria St., Next the IIospi'tal. COME.{ONE! COME All .o. VISIT. CLINTON BIG STOCK SHOW, THURSDAY, APRIL 6411. ALSO SEE THIP BIC- MILITARY PARADE IN THE MORNING, AND DON'T FORGET TO MAKE JOHNSON & CO'S GROCERY.. YOUR HEAD- QUARTERS. SOME OF OUR SF'BIC- IALS FOR SIIOW DAY : 2 'QUAR'T BOTTLES OF TOMATO CATSUP FOR 25c. 2 TINS WELLINGTON SALMON FOR 25e. AND OTHER SPECIALS. FRUITS, BANANAS, OR, ANGES, ETC, ♦e, Phone orders promptly attended to, Johnson Se. Co. The Store of Quality. GUNN, LANGLOIS "CO. The Up-to-date Firm CLINTON.' A -Good :Resolution : I will pay my subscription to The News -Record in advance. Cream! Cream ! 'New, Met e hod. : In inth market o mar of for any quantity Of 'cream at highest i•; market price, Yon can see It r weighed, tested and take your i moneys home with you. Cream taken in every ,Thursday, morning. g iris wauled 1 yes S. W. MILLAR, GENERAL MERCHANT Helnxesville We can give employment to a' few more Knit= ters, etc. Apply at once Clinton Knitting Co., Ltd. THE CORNER STORE Live and Let Live Make The Marmalade Now. Bitter marmalade oranges are again in and are now at their best, Marmalade time is here. What about your 1916 requirement ? We have a splendid supply of bitter and sweet oranges of superior quality and flavor as well as frait jars, rings, sealing wax and sugar, bitter oranges, sweet orangeslemons, and mo. , fine granulated sugar -and par- affin. Fish. Fish should be -more freely,. used because it ranges exceed- ingly 'nigh in point' of good value. A. few suggestions : Halibut, Rresh Herring, li'Lnnan-Heddie, Smoked Herring, Cod Fish and Fillets. E. E. ' IIUNNIFORD LIVE AND LET LIVE GROCER. Home-made Sap Pans And Pails GOLD SOAP WIIITE NAPHTHA IVORY BAR, The newest, best and cheapest soaps on the market today. Only 50. per cake. See display in our south window. W. T. O'Neil Logs Wanted. Call and see our stack before placing your order BYAM & SUTTER Sanitary, Plumbers, Phone 7„ HIGHEST PRICE PAID I FOR ALL TiINDS OF GOOD LOGS DELIVERED AT J0.•f I•IERTY'S SAW M I ,•i:, CLINTON. FOR PAR • ICU- LARS APPLY TO eD 1IcLEOD. F. G. RUMBALL erne n thea! are only there that alter . two kinds of Coal ; the BES'i` and the rest, We always carry for pour benefit a full supply of the BEST LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE (the coal that satisfies), There's a long time set be- fore the hot weather sets in,. so hadn't you better replenish i that lowering coal -bin with a ! load or two of the BEST 2, We also handle all kinds of Logs and Lumber, Canada Ce- ment, Buffalo Brand Fertiliz- ers, Dressed Lumber and Shingles, Canada Fibre Board, Metal Building Materials, Tile;; Cedar Posts, etc.. , JOHN B. MUSTARD Telephones : Bayfield Office, 8 on 174. Brucefield Office, 11 on 141", TAKE A LOOK at your plumbing: Is it new, up-to- date, sanitary and in perfect condi- tion ? Upon the plumbing frequently depends the health of the family,, EVERY MEMBER of the family uses the bath room ; id can be cleanly, .convenient" and com- fortable. Why not have it so 7 See' our stock and don'tforget that oun workmanship is exceptional. r d THOS. HAWKINS. TRY IT Try recommending Tine News -Record to your friends who are not now subscribers,