HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-03-30, Page 2G. IL. McTAGO kilt e • 81 D. MCTAGGARr fertilizer McTaggart Bros. BANKERS GENERAL, BANKING Mint NESS TRANSACTED, NOTES DISCOUNTED, DRAFTS ISSUED INTEREST ALLOWED ON -DE- POSITS, SALE NOTES PUIL CHASED. 11, T. RANCE - - NOTARY PUBLIC, CONVEY- ANCER, FINANCIAL, REAL ' ESTATE AND ETRE TNSUR• ANCE AGENT. (REPRESENT- ING 19 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. DIVISION C'OVRT CFPtCE, CLINTON. W. BIIYDONT% BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC; ETO. Office-- Sloan Block CLINTON. M. G. CAMERON K.C. . BARRISTER, • SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, ETO. Office on Albert Street oceuped b9 Mr. Hooper, In Clinton on every Thursday, and on any day for which ap- pointments are made. Office bouts from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. A good vault in connection with the office. Office open every week -day. Mr. Hooper e will P make any appointments for Mr. Cameron. CHARLES 13. HALE. Conveyancer. Notary Puhlice Commissioner, Ete. REAL ESTATE and INSU! ANOE Issuer of Marriage Licenses HURON STREET, -- CLINTON ORS. GUNN & GASSIER Dr. W. Gunn, L.R.C.P., L.R. C.S., Edin.. - Dr. J. 0. Gaudier; B , M.B. Office -Ontario St., Clinton. Night earls at residence, Rattenbury St,, or at Hospital. OR. 3. W. IffiAW - OFFICE-. RATTENBURY ST. EAST, CLINTON DR. C. W. THOMPSON PBSYIO;AN, SURGEON, ETC., Special attention given to die. eases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyes carefully examined and cult - able glasses prescribed. Office and residence: 2 doors west of the Commercial Hotel, Huron St, _ - DENTIST - Specialist in Crown and Bridge Work. Graduate of C.O.D.S., Chicago, and R,O.D.B., To. ronto, Bayfield on. Mondays from May December, to GEORGE ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Corresponden, promp promptly answered. Immediate arrangements can be made for -Sales Date at The tows -Record, Clinton, or by catling Phone 13 on 137, Charges moderate and eatiefactioe guaranteed, T be 1VIcKillo p uaI Fire Insurance Company Iliad office, Seafot'tfi, Ont. DIRtcTCRY Off mere: J. B. McLean, SEatorth, president; J. tpn. nolly, Ooderioh, Vice -President; Thos E, Saye, Soaforth, Soc.-Treas. Directors. •D. F.•MoGregor,. Beaforth J. G. Grieve. Winthrop:.Wm. Bina. sea forth; John Bennewee, Dublin: J. Evans, Beechwood:. A.MeEwen. Brueeaeid; S, D. McLean. Bottorth; J. Connolly, Goderich; Robert Ferris, tarlock Agents: Ed.,:'ginah'ler. Boaforth; W. Chesney. Egtbotidvillet J. W. goo. Rolmee• %Pile; Alex Leitch, Olintonr 33. 8. Jae,much. Brod)ingne. Any moner to bo paid in may be-pald to Morrish Clothing Co., Clinton, or at "putts Grocery Goderiah. trpneof desirous to effect insurance or intended toonbusiness! will be promptly Pplloatlon' to any of rho above officers addressed to their respect_ Iva Boat -offices: 1,4386611 inspected by bhp director who Eves nearest'. the. scene,. -TIME TABLE,- Trains will arrive at and depart from Clinton Station as follows: BUFFALO ALO AND GODERICH DIV. Gojne East, depart 7,33 a nte it 8.03 pan. rt r, it Going West, ar. 11.00, d 1;.15 p.m. ti. «.-de art p 11.07 a.m. it " asp 6.82, tip. 6.45 1.35 p.m. p L: departs 31.18 p.m.LONDONp,m, , HURON & BRUCE DIV. Goring South, '4r. 7.33, 'c1p, 8.05 pin, departs 4.15 pair. Going North, ar. 10.30, dp,-11.00 a m.tdeparts 6,40 B.m, We carry a Complete Stock of . Stone's Natural Fertilizer. No better on the market, Hay We Pay at all seasons the highest market prices for Hay for baling. Seeds American Feed Cogn, Red Clo- ver, Aleike, Timothy and Alfalfa. FORD IS: McLFOD CLINTON. ALL KINDSOF COALf 'Wc ' E B 'RICK TO ORDER. All kinds of Coal on band: CHESTNUT SOFT COAL STOVE CANNEL GOAL FURNACE, COKE BLAB KS3alITHS WOOD e34 in:, 3 In, and 4 -in. Tile of the Best Quality. .ILYA et a . Y ORBES Opposite the 0. T. It, Station. Phone 62, ow is Your Cutlery Supply ' Yon know that Jewelry Store Cutlery is out -of the com- mon class, At least, OURS is. It carries a distinctiveness -- aa air of superiority, that comes from being,ldade with the greatest care tend ut- most skill from the higbest- priced mate Hats. If you can use some of this Cutlery in your home, you will be proud of'it- eery time you see iton the table, Carvers, cased, $3.00 up. Knives, Forks and Spoons, $1.00 doz. up. Knives and Forks, steel, white handles, $3.00 doz. up. Let us show you our Cutlery line, Let us tell you more - about why it is the most desirable that you can put your money into. W. R. COUNTER JEWELER and iSSUER of MARRIAGE LICENSES. NEWS-RECURB'S NEW CLUBBING RATES FOR 1918 WEEELIE3 Newe.Record and Mau & Eruplre ....$1.30 Newe•Record and .Globe Nows•Rword and Family Herald and 1.61 Weekly Star1.11 News -Record and Canadian Counlryrnan156 NewB•Record and Weekly 'Sun -. L55 New1:Record and Parmers Advocate,. 2.11 News -Record and Farm & Dairy I.11 News•Record and. Canadian Pare 1.61 Ncwu•Record and Weekly W!tnese 1;81 Newe•Record and Northern Moseenger 1.61 s.R Newecord•and. Free Press 1.81 News-ltecord and -Advertiser Nowa-Record and -Saturday Ntaht3.50 News•Becord and Youth's Companion 1,85 News•Docord and Fruit Grower and rarm.••••• • er . ....1.A MONTHLIES.•• News-Recordand Canadian Sparta. man. ,;33.81 Newe•Record "and"Lfpplacott'. ' Maga- zine DAILIES, Newa-Record and World- ,., $3.10 News -Record and Globe';.....".' ,-8.66 News -Record and: Mull & Empire, News•ltccord and Advertiser , - 2,01 Newe•Record and Morning Free `Prase, 3.11 News•R000rd and Evenia Free Press. 2.81 Newa•Record' and Toronto Star ,. ..2.85. Bewe•llerord and Toronto Nowa ...,. 2,35. It what you want fe not lc this list let ne know about ft. We can MIDply yon of less than it would cast YOU to send direct In remitting please do co by Post.omca Order Postal- Note, Express Order ur lees, lstered letter and address, W. J. MITCHELL Publisher News-MI(2 gra CLINTON, ONTARIO Clinton News -Record' CLINTON, n ONTARIO Terms of eubser! doer_ P 81 per year, in advance; $1.60 may be charged if not so paid, No paper ddscor, tinned until all arrears are paid, artless at the option of the pub. Esher. The date to which every subscription is paid u denoted oa: , the label. Advertising Rates -- TraneIent ad. vertieements, 10 cents per boa- pereil line for first insertion and 4 cents 'per line for each subae. nen 4 t insertion, Sutall advbrLl,ss. meats not to exceed one inch.' •1101) ae "Lost," "Strayed,'-'- or "Stolen," eta, inserted once for 85 cents, and eacb subsequent in. aertion 10 cents. Communications intended for _pub. lication must, as a guarantee •of' good faith, be accompanied by the cable of the ;writer. W. J. MITCHELL`, Editor and Proprietor,, as FOR 711 & KIDNEYS How They Cure • Pin -sus -vane, Quit, "I suffered from Kidney Trouble for several years, and tried' numerous remedies and doctors' prescriptions without permanent relief, .m7 case being chronic. After seeing about Gm Pills, and as it is a well known fact that Juniper, without alcohol, is excellent for the Kidneyys, I decided to try Gin Pills. One single. silL.gave me. great relief. I have:, now takenfour boxes of Gin Pills and find myself completely cured. No .more bad' humor -increase in weight-cleareyes--fresh, color -more strength and vigor. This is what Gin Pills have done for me." Ff. POWIS liniment, Your druggists sells Gin`. Pills sec. a box or six boxes $2,5o, Write for freesample to National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto. GIRL DRUGS GERMAN TROOPS. Twenty Captured in a Russian Farm- . house. Among a party of Letts who have succeeded in escaping from a village in Copeland, Ruesia, now occupied by the Germans, is a girl of 17, Who has been awarded for a great deed of bra- very by the Ozer with the St. George's cross. A. • :small German detatchment marched on to is farm owned by this he adds was obtained originally from keep watch on a hill quite who was Closely associated with the I{nisei, and who held', pro -British views, 'Phis is the story of the Kaiser's speech at Potsdam as told by Me. Le. Quex: . "Shortly atter the Zeppelin 'airship had been tested :and proved .seceess-I fur a secret council was held,"' he say e "at Potsdam' iu June, 1908, at which -the Emperor presided, ...Prince Henry of - Ptussja-a clever man Whom ,1 knew pernoEally--the repro-, sentatives of tire_ leading Federal States, and the, C chiefs S of tree army and navy, including my informant, being present. "At this c its secret a.tret council the Kaiser appeared dressed in naval .uniform, pale, determined, and somewhat lter- wous," God`li•Iis Alty, DAY" S• YEARS AGO KAISER II'1 A S HECII TQJ.,,) OF 1335 PLANS. Britain and France Crushed and U.S. turd Russia Held at His Mercy. That the Kaiser at a eecretcouncil of high Getman 'military, naval and other officials, held in Potsdam Pal- ace in 'June, 1008, boasted that he was supreme hi the United States because of the presence in that coun- try of a population of ono -half of which "is either of,German birth or German descent," and that the day, Vas coming when he (the Kaiser) would crush Britain and France to, the:dust and hold "Russia atnc! the United States at my mercy," are` statements quoted'. in a book entitled" "German Spies in' England," by. Wil- liam Le Quex, the British writer, Le Quex states that a true copy of the speech made by the Raiser at the-Potsdarn Council is now hi • the archives of the- British Government, where it 'has remained unpublished. until now. The copy of the speech girl's father. Senteies wore left out -"a high functionary in Germany," side to 1• close, while the rest entered the House and prepared to have a good time. The young Getman lieutenant turned to the girl with the order to get wine at any cost, as their supply had rim short. She was told that, unless she fin - Belled the order the house would be set on fire and she Herself subjected to violence, There were two barrels of heavy old liquor made of spirit and berries, in the cage, and a bright idea struck the girl. Before giving them the cord' palsli er do p o ed P into it some powder, .made' of bluebells, which brings on heavy drowsiness. The first barrel was soot' i emptied, to d and the demand came for more. The second barrel contained a double portion of the powder, and the Germans soon began to roll onto the floor, one after another. Seeing Her enemies Helpless round the barrel she filled at bowl .Mirth liquor, took it to the sentries, who stood freezing in the cold,,and gave it to them to drink, incidenally men- tioning that she was fulfilling the of- ficer's orders. The botyl was soon emptied. The Kaiser's speech, as it is re- ported in Mr. Lc Qnex's book, then follows, "Geutloiuen," the Emperor coil. menced, "in calling this council this evening T have followed the Divine command. Almighty God has always been a great and true ally of the House of Hohenzollern, and it is to PR'OFIT AND LOS -S Kaiser.: 'Mhinic of our sums." Germany: "ButI third) or the p rim" t new era in the history of the world known to all generations as the Pan= German' era. "Even now I rule supreme in the United States,' where almost one-half of the population is either of German birth, or of German descent, and where 3,000,000 voters do my bid - cling at the Presidential elections. No American administration could remain in power against the will of the•German voters, who, through that admirable organization, the Gelman ran that I --just as my august an- American National League of the She then return cesttors diel ---look for inspiration and 1 United States of America ed to the house and 1 guidance in the hoar of need. After nie el beyondd carefully disarmed the soldiers, who,1 lng hours of fervent" j destinies of the man rep was worhy sunk in heavy slumber, lay about in !: prayer light has , i If man ever was worthy different attitudes, anis hid their wee- ttocome to lie, of a high -decoration Hexamer at my hands it puns deep in the eel !! "You, my trusted coiurcillors snob was Herr Dr. hexamer the 1 lar., president ..f , my ricnds, before whom 1 have no Meantime her father was fasten ,secrets, call testify that it has been, ing with ropes the limbs of the rn- ever since T ascended the throne, my sensible Germans. ! most ardent desire to maintain the Having accomplished her task with t peace of the world andto cultivate, the prisoners the girl , penceeded to L on a basis -of mutual rellpoct and es - find her way to the Russian positions. teens, friendship and gotlil will with Following forest paths end making left nations of the globea't' het way through swainps, •she finatlly reached a Siberian outpost, j The Mailed I.,l' I have disarmed and eted up twee-, "I and aware that thh course fel- ty German soldiers and one atrium lowed by ale does not always meet hasten and take them prisoners," )with your. approval, and that on were the excited words which the I many 0l) 0ecasie11 you would have girl addressed to the head officer oft been glad to ease me use the mailed of the league, who- may justly be termed to be, by my grace, the act- ing ruler of all Germans.hs the United States." STUPENDOUS FIGURES. Britain's Annual Income Is Now Fif- teen Billion Dollars. ,' Great Britai1n's annual income has increased by 2600,000,000 since the beginning' of the war, declared Sir George Paish, the well-known finan- cial authority in a lecture r•ecentl on the Siberian Rifles. When they reach-' fist rather than the, silken glove I war finance before the Royal Sb tis - ed the farm -they found the Germans chosen by me in my dealings with ' tical Society, London, and the total still fast locked in their drunken certain foreign nations. I}tas now reached 0. sleep. Breakers ahead!' is the 18,00e speaker, c earl of '.Fir, nation, • Severalpails +the helmsman a a , said the speaknr, has of ice cold v* 3 t the stead -0:f .,water the nears succeeded do Y d m maintaining- A31 ]tai ' not flung i f i 3 imperial t n the fa z al ship s e li r' J; g ea of the sleepers soon l P � 1 State, Ana T am productive power, despite the "tvitli- roused them to the grim realities f ready to heed it. The outlook is drawal o. i ,, 1v al of approximatelytjt.4 d 0 leer situation, admit, dark, but we need not despair, Men from its inclustriee.. t had tcall- 00 qfor God, our great ally, has given ed in half a billion- pounds of its Man may fall in t dozen different into put hand:•. the means of saving capital from abroad since lines of activity, and then succeed our empire ;('rails the dangers which in of ho a the open. brilliantlyarc the g hostilities, nearly all of this to a phase wherein threatening its happiness ines n he was 1 P s .uxl wel- however,' having been used to make J unconscious of any ability, + fare. You know what I mean It flesh loans to foreign countries and I There is a Cod ®a., Corning Who not prepare- for it by ordering your winter supply of Lehigh Valley Coal. Nope better in the world. Renee Phone 12. Emancipated. Little Everett was a member of the and of Mercy Society and was proud the membership. He wore his ge, a small star, as 11 it were a; Oliceman's insignia, and ivas often. and reproving other boys and girls r cruel treatment of dogs and eats.' One morning awoman of the neighs' rhood hearing a commotion outside! und Everett in the act of torment - est 197 03i 000 and Sir George t• a t ing and 'go es tma - ed the taxation in the coming year would reach nearly 1450,000,000. , are he whole, the speaker said lie M .i and, In this invention God has placed the meeting virtually the whole of its i eo means at my disposal to lend Ger- wear expenditures out of its income,' P many triumphantly out of her pre- without needing to draw upon lbs', he sent difficulties anti to stake, once accumulative capital to an extent !to and for all, goon the words of our worth mentioning„ Official polt,.`1)eutachlaltd, Deutschland ober tions of the new taxation imposed u riles!' Yes, gentlemen, • Germany bo the present time amounted too'o 'over everything in the world, the 11 2 both in peace war; this is the place which I'have been ordered by God to rmrquer. for On t is that wonderful invention Which his colonies. If allowance were spade for the in- crease in the country's gold stocks, let Sir George declared, the nation' wot.ild exec envy Count Zeppelin was en- abled, through the grace of the Lord, to make for the safeguarding and geoi'y oln our beloved 1`ati t 1 . -Now York Tinges. - OLD HOMES CHANGE HANDS. War Has Forced Thousands in Eng land to Give Up Estates, Thousands of stately homes ' England are changing hands, accord • : F E FEEL TED ' Hood's Sarsaparilla lluilde Lip the Whole System -Makes Pura aloud. That tired feeling that opines to ,you in the. spring, year after year, is a sign that your blood laclrs 'Vi- tality, just; as pimples; boils and other eruptions aro signs that it is impure; and it is also a Sinn that your system is in a low or rtin-down - condition inviting disease. It is a warging, 1v11reb It is wise to heed. Asp your druggist for ITood's Sarsaparilla. This old 6(;I bard' tried and true blood mdieinc re- ' fever. that' tired feeling: It <demises the blood, gives neivlife, new l-ottr- ag•c, strength and cheerfulness. Ili makes the rir•h, red blood that, will inn l e yen feel, hiol:, eat and sleep better. 335 stun, to et Rood's, because it 1F the hest, There. is no other com- bination of loots, barb{s and herbs like it -no teal substitute for it- no ',r j LSI, es -geed" 111ed341n5, RUSSIAN DRIVE GAINS IN FORCE Desperate Battle le Raging in the Dvinsk Region -Many Prirsorters Taken A despatch from London says: '1'110 Russian offensive in the Dvinsk region is rapidly developing, a desperate battle 1a raging to the sauthwerd of ! DViesk, according to the l'erogr'ad o'iricia! report, while mouth -west of il.ake Varganek General Kuropakin's I forces, after having repulsed several counter-attacks, are advancing. Very violent hand-to-hand lighting took place all l of Wednesday 5 a night ' Y lg t ilt the region north of the town of Widsy and north-westward of Lake Sekiy. De- spite the heavy German fire, the Itus- lsian troops by a strong;forward drive forced all the adversary's lines land barracades in the sector of Olipa land repulsed counter-attacks. Raiding In ' parties which ad passed the D_vina .1 captured an. enemy ma,Thine -(run - in ing to the real estate authorities. Th old owners have in many instance ) thickly surrounded by wire entagle the estates are being purchased by persons who have profited by war con- tracts. There is talk of wholesale migra- tion and predictions that country life will undergo a revolution. Many of the estates may even be cut up and parcelled out among disbanded sol- diers. In discuseing'the effects of the war on the landed gentry, Francis Hirst, a widely known economist, said that it was only a natural result, and that these people_ would feel the pinch more than the poorer classes for many years to come. "The mere me -tonne effect of the loss of hundreds of thousands of young men in the prime of life and vigor is almost incalculable," said Mr. Hirst. "We may safely assume that by November we had lost through the , war about a tenth of all the wealth we possessed before, "The present p public x n expenditure btu- the n le of Govern I Government is believed to bo about equal to the whole of the pri- vate incomes of the inhabitants of . the United Kingdom put together. "We are now adding to ,tire na- tional debt every five or 'six weeks' what we added during the three years of the Boer War." (INLAND DEVENUE RECEIPTS INCREASE e the Jabogstadt section. s Although strongly defended and ' meats, the Germans were 'dislodged. from the woods in the vicinity of Bliznik and Mokritz. In foto' days' fighting the Russians took over 1,400 prisoners and cap - timed 18 machine guns, 26 'field mor- tar's, 10 trench mortars, two mine- , throwers, a howitzer, and carloads of grenades, bombs and shone. Recapture of the important railway city of Vilna from the Germans is one of the chief objectives of the great drive which has been commenced by the Russians. Vilna lies in the centre • of a network of railroads, end its loss would Le a serious blow to Field Mar- shal von Hindenburg, PLAN TO MOBOLIZE RETIRED FARMERS A despatch from Brantford says; An organization to enlist retired farmers to assist on fauns during the coming Stunmer will be effected here this week:' Brantford 'has a large population of retired farmers and many o3 them are still able to work. Those not Ili for hard work will, by their practical experience, ad- equately supervise the Boy Scouts and Students. been forced by increased taxes to see] more moderate places, and some of be found to have succeeded tn' of power on earth Office Phone 40. - t her, and whichI will conquer eor her, with th 4 help of the Almighty. "'Phis is my irrevocable decision, A. J. frIbLLOWAY At present, we are, thanks to aur THE CHILDREN OF TO -DAY just as t.hey are --in their In- door platy, or at their outdoor play -they are constantly ot- tering temlptai,tions for the KODAK Let it. keep them for you m9 they aro now. Let,it keep many other hap- penings that are a source of pleasure to o • Y U.. BROWNIES, 2 E. TO 8121 K D as KS,lf7T0$26. Also full stock of Films and Supplies. We do Developing and Printing., Remember the piece; THE REXALL STORE ships, invincible, and can carry at will war into the enemy's own coun- try. The attack has always bcen-the best defence, and he who strikes the first blow generally comes triumph- ant out of the fray." tContiiming, Mr. Le Quex says the Keiser added that glans ;for the in- vasion of England had been carefully tpiepal'od by the German General 1 Stafl. Sees Pan -German Era. "Of cotarse," the Kaiser is reported to have continee6, "it is too early yet to fix the exact date when the blow shaall be struck But I will say this, that we shall str ilr".e as soots as I• have a sufficiently large fleet of %eppeliiis at my clisposti'l. I have Enver cutlets for the hurried construe- a much better light. "After- all,/ Hon of mels; airships, of the. improv_ I Mrs. Fianagao," she went"your!' t on, 08 zeppelin 't,Yne, and when i:hesc, � tr•riuble' might have been worse.' are cat. 'Why' Everett„ she called, "what you doing to •that poor cat? 11 ught you belonged to the Band of Bray Society?" I diel," replied. the little boy, - "but' I lost my stat." the burden of taxation was light con- sidering the circumetances, and corn - pared with the burden the country bore f during the Napoleonic wars. The national debt before the War was el707,000,000. It would be 12,400,- 000,000 by the end of this March, Sir George added; and if the wear con- tinued another year it would not be far short of ,04,000,000,000. • Might Ilaye Been Worse, The elderly Miss Char•iteo settler clown among the rural inhabitants, and soon made herself, conspicuous byi the kindly interest she manifested i their welfar.'e.. A few days . It y.a'os g ire, stet Mrs Flanagan, whose right eye! was as black as it was possible furl •t human fist to.m� to a degree, the lady expressed the hope that her unfortunate firiendl would seen .be able to see things i ' n Make it. Sympathetic c ready '1.c shrill destroy 1 ngland's � "Shure, your right," answered thel, North Sea, Channel and Atlantic woman, philosophically, "1might be fleets, after• which nothing on earth `lilts yourscl'f, mins with tl i' ! no lutsband l can prevent the landing of our army al all." , on British soil, and its ariainchane I 1 A despatch from Ottawa says: In- land revenue receipts for the month of February totalled $2,134,200, in- cluding $224,470, derived from the war tax. The February receipts lett Year were $1,916,822, • Some women are happy because they know how to think they are, A pessimist says that the surest way to avoid trouble, escape hard- ships and dodge calamities in to die young. , Sussie had left the toys about the kitchen. Mother-"Sussie, if you leave these things about the kitchen again ga n I'll box your cams and throw thein in the.ashpit." BRITISH PROGRESS CONFINES IN GERMAN EAST AF'' ,ISA Arusha Has lsha Ham 13ee1� Occupied and the Enemy Driven From iris Line on the Rt1WU River. A despatch from .London says: Tele grams to the War, Office from 'Gen oral Smuts, commander of the 13i.•itis forces h German East Africa, indi sate that the German forces were clic !aged from defensive positions on the Lumi River and the Kitovo hills by operations from March 7 to 12. They retreated to positions in the thiel) forest along the Run'rn River. On March :t9 there was bush fght- ng in the vicinity of Kobe, the enemy stubbornly resisting. On the 20th a ir:tish .force occupied Arusha, clis- loclging the enemy. At D ussin the g, enemy 1 attacked iKiCl{al clueing the night, but was driven off with severe losses. In the meantime a strong mounted force' traversing the -1 bush country seized the Kahe rail- _sway station and many houses. The h 1 force Hien occupied a hill to the south -cast of 'Katie. This threat against our retreat decided the enemy -Ito hold on throughout Mardi 21 with a view to further retirement ander cover of darkness. Further rein3oreetnents reached him during operations. The Brit i1h inflicted heavy losses, but the Ger- mans resistor obstinately, At night the entire RRuwu line was evacuated. by tho enemy, who retired south- wards, leaving a fon.-inch , gun be- longing I to the he.r.. cruiser Koenigsberg'. 0¢n , Sea• . g a The operations arc continuing. Earl Kitchener telegraphed con- gratulations to General Smuts for his brilliant success. s. matcl'i to London. Do you reniem- bei my generals, al s, what our n 1 0 cvc t - befr forgotten Field Marshal Von Blu- cher exclaimed wheal looking from the donne of St. Paul's Catherdal up- on the vast metropolis at his feet? It was short and to the point, `What a spleniid city to sacks' "You Will desire to know how the outbreak of hostilities will be brought about. My armies of spies scattered over Great Britain and France! as it is over North and South mAerica, its well w as all the other parts of rho world where German interests may come to a clash with a foreign pow- er, will take good care of that. It will become the starting point of a ,1 Born Trader. In the canteen ofa certain f lit r YdePof, crackededeg"shere Aoki, at- a redutied price. An Irish soldier, mar- keting for his mess, entered, the can- teen with a basket and salol: -"Gim- me two dozen best cracked eggs," "Cracked eggs all done, Pat," replied the or•'deely, "Sure, an' they're nob then," said Pat, giving -the egg'.drte in the corner a violent knock. "Hand ale softie ov Minn cracked ones, quick," His Brief Respite. Wife (icily) "you needn't speak to ire .for a rn0513II HAI sband-"Theft you expect to have finished'talking by that tinge?" "No snore headache for. . ....,h, se" you ---take these" Don't lust "smother" the headache without removing the Cauca, Take Chamberlain's Stomach and Livor Tablets. They not only cure the headache but sive you n buoyant, heeitliful feeling because they tone the liver, sweeten the stomach and cleanse the bowels, Try them, All Druggists, nl, ra es 250,, or by wail CHAMBERLAIN MEDICINE Co, tussle, Ont. 13. Sit