HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-03-23, Page 4Ilsammommasoisoltabomaarmumiut
Clinton News -Record
March ° 23rd 19I8..
The services in Trinity church,
which are held on Sutday' evenings
during the -winter months will be
changed to the morning commencing
with the first Sunday in AprfL,
Mr, William Buchan and bride of,
Ditrhani -afere tlie'.guests 'of his sis-
ter, IVIrs. (Dr.) Woods, or Phuxsday.
Mrs, John Worsen and child, who
have been spending the winter with
her parents, Mr; and Mrs. James
Fondle,left this week for her home,
in the west,
'Lawrence Fowlie of London spent
a few. days the past weelr larder the
parental roof.
Mrs'. (Ds.) Woods was called to
Durham the past week on account of
the serious illness of : her mother,
Mrs. Buchan,
Rev. J. E. Jones, 'pastor of the
Methodist church, will take) for his
subject next Sunday evening : To.
him that hath -a dark saying."
Preparatory services will he held in
St, Andrew's church on Thursday ev-
ening first when the ltev. J. Id. Jon-
es will address the congregation.
A large congregation attended the
service in the Methodist church on
Sunday morning last, it being mil-
itary Sunday, and to witness the
• unveiling of the honor roll of those
from Bayfield who are in the ser-
vice of awing and Country for over-
seas, some now fn Europe and oth-
ers in training in our own country.
The boys in khaki, headed by Lieut.
Knox Nair in command here, march-
ed from their recruiting roost to the
church and occupied seats in the
centre aisle Pastor Jones took for
and Her
Stake in the War" and 1 g. av C an im-
pressive address. At its conclusion
the congregation arose to their feet
while he conducted the ceremony of
the unveiling of the honor roll er,ot
which are the following names :
Lieut. 0. W. Manning Smith
Miss Dland Stirling (nurse)
Harold Pollock
Lieut. Alexander Aikens
Ted Adley
Abraham Chas. Brandon
Edgar Vincent Snarling
Harvey Currie
Ernie Callow '
Louis D. McLeod
Robert McLeod
Wilber Clarence Irwin
Claire Anderson
James Itowatt
H. Wilford Touts
Kenneth Currie
Harold Brandon
Alexander Ford King
Malcolm M. Toms
Allan D. Macdonald
Frank II, Boyce
William J. Boyce
Waller M. Westlake.
Rev, Mr, Jones then read the fol-
lowing address to the men in khaki :
l fight has come you
''The call toto 0
and you have heard and answered it,
We are proud of you, deeply grate-
ful that in your breasts there is that
-spark of manhood and ohiValry which
Is our Most precious possession, ,We
rejoice in your youthful strength and
valor, that even unto death you still
strive to Uphold the liberty of our
nation, the free rights of men and
,keen inviolate our• ' homes around.
which cling the sweetest memories of
our lives, These things are very
sacred and will strengthen your hands
to fulfil your task and duty. There
is a yearning in many an older heart
this morning for something al - the
opportunity that is yours. Ii must
be theirs to stay at home' and tarry
by the staff until 'you return to us.
again, Be ever conscious that our
deepest and sincerest;appreciation Of
the protection you are, offering,.''lis
willingly, may' never 'be spokenfor
words are but cheap vessels in which
to conret• our best feel,iftgs. Can-
ada's "sons have valiantly fought and:
bravely, died. They have written our.
nation's glory iniielilily upon the
world for they; saved the day. It is
yours to follow in their footstips,
'.l'he homes you' are leaving will sor-
row until von return. There will he
many a lonely vigil on their pert
and on yours for there arc heroes
here as well as In France and Flan-
ders. May the Great Captain of
Frosts guard and strengthen you in
every trial and keep you in crony
danger, ever true to the higiflst and
best within you, '
Let us pray.
"Olt God, the Father of Our i.ord,
Jesus Christ, we thank 'l'hee that so
many non and women among the nit-
tions have heard the call to service
sacrifice. have given them-
e and
it Grant them s ren -
selves to obey ,ant t i
gth to hold to their high resolve in
all hours 01 difficulty' and danger,
renew lit them a spirit of purity and
love. and vouchsafe that we all,
whether at home or abroad may fol-
low the example of 'shy Son Our
Saviour, who laid down His 'ife for
Tlis friends. Amen."
The social held in St, Andrew's
church on Friday evening last was a
very pleasant affair and was well
attended. The minister, the Rev. A.
Macfarlane, presided. Ilev. Mr. Rick-
ard gave a pleasing address and
'Rev. Dlr. Jones contributed a solo.
A male chorus rendered several sel-
The patriotic concert to he held in
the town hallFriday evening prom-
to he one of the best of the
season. There will be vocal and in-
strumental music, addresses, etc.
As you can see for yourself News -
Record means News-Lcader,
101st Bayfield Honor Roll,
Malcolm Toms
Kenneth Currie
Harold Brandon
Hugh Toms
James Rouatt
Allen Macdonald
Frank Boyce
William Boyce '
Walter Westlake,
Ready r0- 1
Wen el
Dry Goods
:and House
PIONI( 78.
h!' ry
'Ree dent
March 23rd, 24th and 25th
Miss Millinery is Here !
The new millinery styles
are here. There is always a
great attraction for every wo-
men in the first showing of
the new spring styles. This
present season will be one of
particular interest. Th ere
ha v e been great changes in
styles. We cordially invite
you to come on the opening
days and see ode of the best
displays ever shown by this
Natty Spring
When we view the display
of ladies' and misses' suits the
One thing that appeals to us
is the variety of novelty styles,
Many pretty ideas in finishing
giving exclusiveness and indi-
A personal inspection of
which is necessary to get a cor-
rect idea of their beauty or to
inform yourself regarding the
liiew spring styles. If y o u
wish exclusiveness look early..
New Spring
Style written all over these
handsome spring coats. Beaut-
iful soft .wool materials in navy,
black and black and white.
Just enough color to make
them attractive, all sizes. Be
sure and see our display.
The Veteran Looks Well. -
Mr. John Cox, ex --Warden.
Mr,: John Cox of Goderich town-
ship was in town on Saturday;
looking aboutthirty percent. better
than he did a year ago. This will
be good news to the very many
friends of this genial veteran who
by reason of distance have not had
in opportunity' of meeting hint for a
considerable period, probably years,
but bear hint its kindly remembrance.
It was Mr. C'ox's father who took
out the warrant for L.G.L. No, 145
and it was 01 the room in the
pioneer home where the lodge meet-
ings were held that lie first) saw the
light of day. Ile joined the order
when he reached the elegihle •age and
has continued lin active membership
ever since. He is, as is most be-
coming, a thorough Orangeman in
every sense of the word, firm in his
own convictions but to'.crant of the
views of others.
.John Cox of C4oderieh township is
all right.
The Blyth uhit of the heist Batta-
lion attended service in St, Michael's
church last Sunday.
Mr. Reginald Carter of Westfield
has gone to the west.
Mrs. R. M. McKay was in London
for a few days last weelr.
NIr. Basi lVal a.of
Basil 1 re. Detroit,
ifich., was at his home in Morris
last week for a few days.
While engaged in clearing snow
from the tracks D•Ir, Wesley Taman,
G.T.R. seetionman, was struck by a
snow Plough' and had his leg broken
on Friday weelr. As the train crew
did not see .him he was left lying in
the snow until he was able to crawl
to the fence and signal some nearby
neighbors who carried hint fn and
had his injuries attended to,
Hiss Edythe Galley of Toronto
was here last week for a few daps,
Mrs: Armstrong left last week- for
her home at Darlington, Man., after
a visit here with relatives,
Mr. 1larry Coombs has returned to
his home in Manitoba after a visit
with his sister, Dliss Coombs, and
other relatives,
The Blyth recruits are very busy
this week, as although they are off
duty in one sense, their duties are of
a more arduous nature, for they are
getting after every possible man of
military age and trying to convince
hint that it is his duty to don the
khaki, Their, work does not end
there, as the war auxiliary has re-
ceived 500 buttons and the selling of
them is left with the boys and they
have nearly cleaned them out.
Lieut Scott had a bright idea the
other day, when the took his com-
pany out to Martin Dyer's sale,
about four utiles from here. They
marched out in full force and at
once got busy with the young 111031
there, with the result that they se-
cured the promises of seven of then
to ,enlist this week, at Auburn, and
he thinks that the number will lie
nearly doubled, Mrs. Dyer would
not let the boys leave until they
had partaken of a splendid lunch,
which the company enjoyed Ver.31
Stanley Township
Rev, Melvin Keys and wife of Lon-
don are spending a few days this
week at the noire of Mr, and Mrs,
W. L. Keys.
Mr. Torn Reid spent Sunday with
Clinton friends.
Ilaving called on Mrs. Andrew
Keys a few days ago, we were glad
to see her looking so well in her
seventy-sidth year. She has been
busy knitting socks for the 'soldiers
and seems as smart on her feet as if
she were ten years }lounger.
Mr,John C. Reid lost one of 1115
horses the other day from indigos-
S. S, No. 3 school re -opened on
Monday after' being closed for three
weeks owing to the prevalence of
measles in the section. Mise-Capiing
from Blake is the teacher. -
News -Record Means News -Leader,
McKillop Township
It was the coldest St. Patrick's
Day in the m0nlorp of the oldest
David Hall, who was here on a
visit of a couple of months, has
returned to his home in the west.
The Red Cross Society and Wom-
en's Institute, who have joined to-
gether in the good work, give a low
priced supper every Tuesday evening
in the Workmen's hall in the village
of Walton.
Feed for stock is getting scarce in
some quarters of the township.
The crows are on the warpath
which is a sign that spring will be
hirefter while.
a a \bile.
Mrs. Wm. McKay, Jr., who has
been very ill with nervous trouble,
appears to be improving. She is
now at the Bonne of her father, itfr.
\1hn. Smith.
News -Record means News -Reader.
Rev. A. W. McIntosh of Saskatoon
was here last week visiting his
mother, NIrs. Geo. McIntosh, and
other friends hereabouts.
Mrs, Fred, Davis of Goderich vis-
ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex.
Davidson of town, last week prior
to lien departure for the west, where
she and her husband intend residing
i 1 c.
Rev. A. W. Barker was here last
week attending the funeral of the
late James• Stollery.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Cawley and chil-
dren have returned to their -home at
Palmer, Sask„ after a visit with
friends here.
Janes Stollery, a well-known and
highly esteemed citizen of town,
passed away on Monday week after a
prolonged illness. One daughter sur-
vives, Mrs."P. i es lIr 5 Sauvage,
i s. r
husband was a business ess partner with
Mr. P. II. Horton of Port hope
was the guess last week of his bro-
ther-in-law, Mr. .7. 1'. Greig. Dir,
1lortot was on his way from God-
erich where Ile bail been attending
the funeral of his brother, the Late
1V, L. Morton.
Mr, J. Ni. Best itas been successful
in passing his examination as a
DIr. and Mrs. George T.
Dale and sons of Lethbridge, Alta.,
have, been visiting the lady's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Carter of
McKillop. It is their intention 110 \V
to remain in Ontario.
Mrs (Dr.) Glendenning and Miss
Margaret acre visitors at the hone
of Nl:rs. W. 19, Southgate last week.
Mrs 1 11Sliaw has returned to
her home at Cabri, Sask., after a
prolonged visit with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. D. II, Ross.
Mrs. Adam Koeing has returned to
her hone in Paris after visiting her
daughter, Mrs. J. C. Carrie.
Rev. Canon Hill of Regina preach-
ed in St. George's church on Sun-
day week,
Attraotivo IVElilinery Display
For Sprillg
Sinart stylish hats in all the latest
creations at very reasonable prices.
Don't fail to visit our parlor
Friday and Saturday
March 24th and 25th.
"Parisian Millinerg Parlor"
.Miss IL E. Canteton
Mr. ,lames Gilmore and sola and
daughter, who have been visiting
relatives hereabouts for some
have returned to their home at Ar-
elnrlaler Sask.
Mr. W. S. Ryan, manager of the
Bank of Hanmilton at Aberdeen,
Sask,, called on friends _ here last
week. Mr. Ryan was formerly a
member of the local branch of the
Bank of Hamilton.
Dr. Walkle3t of Mt. Forest was hero-
last week visiting his brother-in-law,
Dr. Fox.
Mr. A. Bell was in Goderich last
week serving on the fury.
Miss Crarrett„is spending a fort-
night or so at her -home at Windsor.
Miss Annie Geddes of 13elgrave was
the guest last week of her aunt,
Mrs. Thos. Forbes:
Mrs. C. C. Keine of Londesboro
was the : guest last week of Miss Ag-
Mrs. Weaver and two children of
Winnipeg aro guests of the lady's
Parents, . Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hugh-
es. Mr, 'Weaver is an officer in the
53rd Battalion, Winnipeg, .
Mr. George Howson, who has en-
listed with the. machine gun corps in
Toronto, was home for a few days
last week visiting his •parents, Mr,
and Mrs. W. J. Howson.
Lieut. Ferguson is in London tak-
ing a special' course in musketry,
Clara Mae Loekridge, daughter of
lOIr. and Mrs. James Lockridge, pass-
ed away at her home on Monday
week at the age of seventeen years
and two months.
Miss Violet E. Scott was married
on Wednesday of last weekto
u leY
Sam el Cloa e � of the west. They
will leave in a couple of weeks for
their home.
Miss Selina Weselcii has returned
to London after spending a couple of
months at her home here.
Mr. V. Gerber, Jr., ivho intends
moving to the State of Indianna, has
sold his farm on the Bronson Line
to Mr. George Schroeder of near
Mr. Henry Truemncr has purchased
one hundred and twenty five acres in
Dixie from the Canada Company,
their agent here, Mr. Peter Baker,
making the le
Messrs. H. Fr n lu and . t gh tat1 P. La-
mont returned last week from a
business trip to Berlin,
The pupils of 5. 5, No. 11, Hay,
Pieced a quilt which was sold for
80,80 and the proceeds devoted to
Red Cross work.
Dir, Paid Messner has sold his
farm on the Goshen Line, South, to
Mr. Theodore Rader. Mr, Messner
and family intend moving to the
R er District, where whe •, one C s011
has already e located.
\Mr. Alex. Foster has sold his
house and two lots in town to Mr.
Fred Krauskopf of the Goshen Linc
South. 1 -Ir. Foster may build again
in the spring.
News -Record Means News -Leader:
'rhe renains of Evatine Dorothy,
adopted daughter of Rev, Geo. and
Mrs. McKinley, were brought from
Gravenhurst and interred in ' 'Mait-
Lancibank cemeter3t on Tuesday last,
'Phe deceased was only nineteen years.
of age and, much regret is felt atler
early passing.
Mrs. 19. A. Corbett and son, who
were here attending the funeral of
little Jimmie Sutherland, have re-
turned to Montreal.
Mr. Win. McMillan, who has s . dis-
posed of his farm on the London
Road near •Brucefield; Intends coining
into: tower to reside.
Mr. Will McQueen of Seaforth has
been visiting his home here.
Rev. Dr. Bowles, chancellor of Vic-
toria College, preached in the 'Meth-
odist church on Sunday last, it be-
ing anniversary' day.
The total amount contributedto
the Patriotic Fund in the 'recent
campaign was 8,1430,35, which was
sent by the treasurer, Dir, la. Ran-
nie, to the treasurer of the Fund in
Ottawa last week.
Capt. Darcy addressed a couple of
meetings in the town hall here on
Monday week which were well ' at-
tended by enthusiastic crowds.
—The Big—
The Huron County Spring
Stock Show will be held in
Thurs., April 6th
$550 will be paid in prizes.
No Entrance Fee, Every-
thing Free.
The Biggest and Best Show
yet Held.
TheHt 61 t t
h s ren Battalion
will niobolize in Clinton on
Thursday : The Blyth, Brus-
sels, Wingham, Goderich, Ex-
eter, Bayfield, Kemal” and
Zurich Units will, under the
command of Lieut, -Col, Com-
be will engage in Battalion
manoeuvres. There will as
well bo bayonet exercises,
machine gun exhibits, etc.
interested our
retested in t•
Citizen Soldiery should come
to Clinton on April Oth.
' Goderich.
Miss Ruth Switzer of l.'uckeesmitt
was the guest 'last, week of her un- '
ole, Captain Fowlie. -
Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Davis and fam-
ily have gone to Irricana, Alta.,
where Mr. Davis has Large farming
interests and where they intend mak-
ing their home in future.
NIr. and "Mrs. Walter Sillib left
last week for their home at Whitla,
Alta., after a visit of soiho, ` time
with friends hereabouts, stir, Harold
Steel of Saltford aceompaated'them.
Mrs. B. Switzer is visiting her•
daughter', Mrs. A. Caine of Guelph,
Mks Mabel Farr of Stratford was
in town last week.
'Mr. h:, R. Hodgens has returned
from a trip to Cleveland, Ohio,
Mrs. F. 1=L Larkin of Seaforth was
the guest last week of Mrs. James
On Monday morning of last week
Miss Veronica 11. Bowler was, mar-
ried in St. Peter's' church b3) Rev.
Father McRae to Nir, John H. Ken-
nedy of Detroit, The young couple
will reside in Detroit.
Mr. Chester Thompson, mail olerk
was home last week visiting his par-
ents, before going to the •military,
training school at London,
Mr. Trembly of St. Patrick street,
town, has purchased the farm of Mr,
'rhos. Pennington on the hanks of
the Maitland, Cloderich township,
1MARCH said
Big Om.
Al Paper Trimmed
A. T. Cooper
Eminent Ege
Each Day LJiitil Thursday, far. 3
I have engaged
The Eminent Eye Specialist
to give FREE DEMONSTRATIONS of the wonderful "SHADOW TEST" system
of Sight Testing each day for ten days only. This is truly a great opportunity to consult a
specialist whose reputation of ability are known all. over Ontario, and who, as a practition-
er in the optical profession, has few rivals and no superiors.
Mr. Mayor is here for the express purpose of instructing Mr. R, 11_, Jonson in the
mysteries of the "Shadow Test." or with the simple aid of retinscope 'Looking into the
Eye" and thus locating its defects. 1 especially ask all to come -those now wearing glass-
es or those who suffer from or suspect any defect or trouble,
'Satisfaction guaranteed.
Free demonstrations each 'day.
REMEMBER. Glasses only advised when n needed.
Prices moderate.
Children's eyes our specialty,
Mr, Mayor does business at our store only eo beware of canvassing ilnpersoiiatorg.
Night is just as good as daylight.
(A..1. Origg's old stand.)
Optician and Jeweler, a Clinton, Ontario
11111 .'1
i .0
` �ii
Eminent Ege
Each Day LJiitil Thursday, far. 3
I have engaged
The Eminent Eye Specialist
to give FREE DEMONSTRATIONS of the wonderful "SHADOW TEST" system
of Sight Testing each day for ten days only. This is truly a great opportunity to consult a
specialist whose reputation of ability are known all. over Ontario, and who, as a practition-
er in the optical profession, has few rivals and no superiors.
Mr. Mayor is here for the express purpose of instructing Mr. R, 11_, Jonson in the
mysteries of the "Shadow Test." or with the simple aid of retinscope 'Looking into the
Eye" and thus locating its defects. 1 especially ask all to come -those now wearing glass-
es or those who suffer from or suspect any defect or trouble,
'Satisfaction guaranteed.
Free demonstrations each 'day.
REMEMBER. Glasses only advised when n needed.
Prices moderate.
Children's eyes our specialty,
Mr, Mayor does business at our store only eo beware of canvassing ilnpersoiiatorg.
Night is just as good as daylight.
(A..1. Origg's old stand.)
Optician and Jeweler, a Clinton, Ontario