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Clinton News -Record
M4reh ,l6(h,,19 e
Singer Sewing Machines.
It is not nect ssary for us to say anything .hent the good quality of
Singer sewing mebhines they )rave made to enviable reputation for
themselves. They are without a doubt the best. household machine
made. It you contemplate buying a machine come and talk it over
with us,
Ostermoor Mattresses
are:good mattresses. We will give you thirty nights free trial and if
notlisatisfied return to us and get your money back, The price is 815.
Domestic Vacuum Cleaners.
Every house should own a Domestic Vacucm Cleaner. They, will
clean your. rugs and carpets ,thoroughly and if used once or twice a
week you will save all your sweeping and dusting, Free trial given.
Price $12,50.
Columbia Grafonolas.
We invite you to Come in and bear our Columbia Grafonolas and
you will say they are the best toned and the most distinct talking ma-
chine you have heard. Come in and ask for any record and we will
play it for you.
Ball 8c Atkinson
Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors.
Store Phone 104.
J. D. ATKINSON, Phone 150
N. BALL Phone,110.
Unlocked Process Shoes
The unlocked process of making shoes is conceded by the
most famous orthopedic physicians, surgeons and shoe men •
as the yery last word in the shoe world to -day.
Made under, Patented Methods, both in Shoe .Process,
Lasts. and Patterns. It basthe call throughout the world
as the only shoe that willgive the foot Perfect Lrercise,
Muscles Developement, Good Blood Circulation, Wrath and
Life,• tor the reason that the elioe is built in
such:a manner that:it gives perfect body':weight bal-
ance, and conforms to the foot without breakidg in in fact,
it is the only ,Unlocked Process Shoe known to the shoe
world, making it impossible for imitators to copy,
follow the anatomy ofthe foot in every particular, Nothing
is left undone. and the wearer will find that in wearing this
shoe it will eliminate the cold, clammy. sleepy feeling in the
feet •and limbs, and make the feel,hreathe, and live again.
We invite all or tbopedic eurgeons to investigate this shoe,
and weguarantee to diem and to the public that they will find
we can give themmore in this shoe than we have claimed.
Ryon are looking for foot liberty, wear Bell's Unlocked
Process Shoe.
Sole Agent For Clinton.
Custom Hat.chinQ
Bring us your eggs and we will hatch them,
It is cheaper for the farmer to have his eggs
hatched ata commercial hatchery than at home,-
, Phone 10 on 255. Rates $2 per tray of 70 to 75 eggs
Didgcrest Farm Lot 12, Con. 4, Gaderich Tp.
H. Keith Revell, Goderich
We can assist you in selecting your furniture if you are
going to furnish your home, or if you only want some odd
pieces you will find it• to your advantage, to inspect our
stock and see the bargains wear giving. We also carry a
good'line:of violins, pianos and organs. •
Our undertaking department is up-to-date in 'every re-
spectland we, guarantee the beet of satisfaction.
Undertaker and Funeral Director.
Night and Sunday calls answered at residence over
28 Phone 28
Two weeks of special prices in odd lines and
broken sizes.
A. few ladies and ..children's mantles at
about i price:
Men's fur collar overcoats, rubber interlined
to clear at $11,50;
' Women's wrapperette house dresses to clear
regular price $1,25, now 79e.
See our clearing line of blackand colored
underskirts at 0$c,
Also dozens of other bargains during the
next two weeks.
Plumsteel Bros.
Small Profits Phone 25, — More Business
here . are - tw o
kinds, cif
W : terman's
We sell it.
Often the Cheapest-•-Always'the Best.
r/ , + mi nuunuunm ItW' .W
al, Iyll,,.
Mr. Albert Seeley was in Berlin on
Sergeant Welsh visited his son in
Toronto last week.
Barrister Dickson of Exeter was in
Clinton on Friday last.
Miss M. Carter of Blyth has taken a
position in the Bartliff restaurant.'
Mrs. Pearan of London is this week
a guest at the home of Mr. ' and
.Mrs. J. Walkinshaw.
Airs. J. P. Cunningham, who has
spent several weeks in Clinton, re -
'burned to Toronto on Friday.
Mr. D. S. Cook has been assisting in.
the O'Neil grocery during the. in-
disposition of Mr. W. T. O'Neil,
Mrs. G, Elliott of Varna spent a
few days as the guest of her son,
Mr. J. W....Elliott, during the past
Mrs. Bean, who has been .confined to
the house and part of .the time to
bed for the past. month, has., keen
able to be out, again this week,
lir. E, 11. Cooper of Lon:lon, Eng-
land, is coating to Canada to jobs
the 188th Battalion, Toronto, at
which his brother, Lieut. -Col.
Cooper, is commanding officer. •
Herb. Witte, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Witts of town, who ' en-
listed with the 160th Bruce Bat-
talion, is now at London -taking an
officer's course at the Military,
School. "
Mr. and Mrs, Jack Willis and babe,
after spending the .winter with the
lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W,
Leppington„ left on Monday to re-
turn to their Prairie home at
Ritchie, Saek,
Mr. George Morris, who has teen
Spending the winter with his bro-
ther, Mr. Alex. Morris of town,
and with other friends in the vicin-
ity, left Tuesday morning for his
home at Viscount, Sask.
Miss Sn3tder of Jarvis has. been the
' guest during the past week of her
aunt, Mrs, G. Ladd. She tendered
a solo very acceptably at both
morning and evening service in Wes-
ley church on Sunday.
Mrs. J. E. Hernweli, who has spent
the past three months, with her
mother, Mrs. G. Elliott, and ,other
relatives ate Varna,, was the guest
over the week -end of her brother,
Mr. J. W. Elliott of town, and left
Monday morning for her . home at
Speyer, Sask.
Ernest, only son of Mr, and Mts.
James Livermore who has been
confined to his bad for the past
live weeks was so i11 on Sunday
that an operation was performed,
an abcess having formed In his
hip, the result of a fall while skat-
ing. The many friends will be
pleased to hear that Ernie is now
on the road ie.. recovery,
Mr., Waigate Tebbutt, who scent the
winter months very rleasantly with
friendsin town and Gaderich town-
ship, left the forepart ot the week
to return to his homestead at
Druid, Sask. Mr, Tebbutt has liv-
ed for several years on the prairies
and while he has had a profitable
experience in farming there he still.
thinks the old, home county or
Huron is all right,
Mr, 'Harry B. Gilibings of Virden,
Man., spent a clay last week as
the guest of air. Adam Scott of
the Base Line. Mr, Scott and Mr,
Gibbings.were old neighbors at:
Alma long ago but it is twenty ,
years since the latter went west,
Mr. CGibbings canio east with the
remains of his father in January
and has since visited relatives and
friends hereabouts.. He left for his
home, in Manitoba last week,
Misses Clara acid Jean Da3t:nent and
their nephew, Master George.
1Cing,who. came east a coati° of
months ago on account, 'of the
death or. their mother, • Mrs, J.
Dayment, left ,Saturday, the form-
er to return to Boissevaine and the
latter, to reserve her duties as 'a
nurse-in—training at the General
hospital, Brandon, Man. Mr. Day-
rnent, accompanied them. and will
make his home'. in the west in the
Mrs, Susan Crawford of I,ondesboro
wasthe guest from Saturday until
Tuesday of her daughter, Mrs. J:
JD, Johnston. Mrs, Crawford , is
well up in the seventies' but on a,-
count of the kindly, cheerful and
helpful spirit within her she will
never be old. By reading she keeps
well abreast of the times and she
endeavors to order her life Ly the
Golden Rule. 'i he day always
looks brighter after a little chat:
with "Granny Ceawford,
We're Ready With the
For two weeks past you have been seeing them displayed in our windows, and many 'of
our customers have already come right up to the, front and made their new season's selections;
Today, we invite one and all to come in and get acquainted permanently ,with the largest,:
most complete, ' up-to-date and moderately -priced stock it has ever been our pleasure to show,
A wonderful showing! We can only suggest some of the lines. -But this announcement is
to say they're here, and that you are welcome,
Look at a Man Dressed in Clothes Made at Brown's.
He'll stand right out in a crowd dressed in one of our handsome spring suits, any man
will wear a mark of clothes distinction. He'll have individuality,
Brown's Tailored Clothes
make him conscious of good grooming. Why should this not be so—for an expert high -salari-
ed designer models our garments, while the most skillful tailors make them, onscientific
principles and in. scientific surroundings. No detail so small that it has been overlooked.
The fabrics are entirely new and are the best production of the best foreign looms.
Men's Suits Our Own Make.
Those three words "our own make" mean a great deaf, in the way of satisfaction, to the
man who wants full value for every cent he puts into his new suit, Some important points up•
on which we can absolutely guarantee your complete satisfaction.
FIRST—The materials are positively fast color.
SECOND—Inside and out, the workmanship is of the best.
THIRD—We guarantee perfect fit.
AS FOR STYLE --The latest approved 2 and 3 button S,B, sack coats, with medium or
long soft roll, peaked or semi -peaked lapel, rounded front ; high -cut vest; regular or medium
peg trousers, IAith or without cuffs. COME IN AND TRY US FOR A SUIT,
We Carry the Largest Stock of Woollens and Tailors' Trimmings
in th.eCaunty. Also a ' Full Line of Men's Furnishings.
Women's Store
Dry Goods and
1: -louse Furnishings
Phone 67,
Next Royal Bank.
Men's Store
Custom Tailoring and •
Alen's Furnishings
Phone 103,
Opposite Public Library,
Hallett Tovmnship
Last week 117x, J. J. McCaughey of
Clinton sold his farm on the Gravel
Road, which is known as the Mo-
Caugltey homestead and has been in
the possession of the family for near-
ly seventy years, to Mr, 11'm. Mc-
Cool, who gets possession next fall,
The price paid was a fair figure but
the farm is a good one as Mr. Ivte-
Cool very well knows as he has Liv-
ed beside this farm for many years.
Last week eft. George Carbert dis-
posed of lits team to a Detroit buy=
er for which he realized a good
price. This week George went out
and bought another good team.
Mr. Joseph. Reynolds spent a few
days in Detroit recently..
The concert given: in school No. 9
on Friday evening last was a pleas-
ant and successful affair. No doubt
many more would have been in
attendance had the weather and the
roads been more favorable but there
was a nice turnout. The drills,
quartettes, instrumental selections,
etc,, were very well executed and
the play was amusing. The pro-
ceeds, amounting to a snug sum,
was for the Red Cross Fund.
Mr, William Brown of near Sum-
merhill disposed of his noted mare
last week for which he realized the
handsome sum of four Hundred dol-
lars. The animal, one o.1 the best
ever raised in this township, was
sent to ,Detroit. It was a prize
whiner at the Clinton Spring Fair
of. 1910.
The following 'is the report of 5.5.
No. 5, for February :
Sr. fitly—Mary Jamieson .581, Mar-
jey McCool 556, "Flossie (libbi.ngs
524 Feed. McCool 506.
Jr., 4th—Lilian Cartwright 838,
Alice Vodden 320.
Sr. 3rd—Rose .Gorbutt 513, Well-
ington McCool 506, Percy Gilibings
472, Arthur Weymouth 3611
Jr. 3rd—Rosalie Crawford 470,
Dora Vodden 324.
Sr, 2nd—Margaret Brown 262,
Jenny. Ilorbutt 160.
Sr,, 1st—Evelyn Gibbings 203,
Laura Snell 161, T:clith Gorbutt 155,
Alvin Cart,vright 188.
Jr. list—Charlie Weymouth 233,
Charlie Browlt 152, Hugh Iladford
Printer (a) -Warren Gilibings, Mar-
ry Snell, Herb. Vodden. (b) -Elmer
The best spellers :
So. 4th—M. McCool,.
Jr. 4th -A, Vodden,
Sr. 3rd—R. Gorbutt.
Jr, 3rd. -R- Crawford.
Sr. 2nd—.T. Gorbutt.
5r. 1st—i1.
Jr. let -O, Weymouth.
Primer—W. Cibbings.
—B.' M MacEwan, Teacher.
Will 'anyone having rnoney for the
Patriotic, Clock please send it in to
the treasurer, Miss Jessie Foster,
before the 15th of April.
Rev, R. .J. McCormick took for his
subject on Sunday evening last "Old
Man Ontario On The Water Wagon."
There were a good many, out to hear
hint and the treatment of the sub-
ject was instructive.
Mr, .A. J. Courtice deft Tuesday
morning for Orillia to attend the
funeral of his sister, who had been a
sufferer for a couple of years. It was
only about the last of January that
Mr. C'ourtice was called to Toronto
to the funeral of another sister who
died soddenly. 1Ic is now the only
surviving member of a famllyy of
The Mission Circle held a tea and
an evening meeting on Wednesday at
the home of Mr. Lewis Proctor.
Rev. J, F. Knight of Hensel! will
give a lecture in the Methodist
church on Friday evening under the
auspices of the Patriotic Society.
Mr. Knight is an original and in-
teresting speaker and will be heard
with pleasure,
Since purchasing the jeweler), bus=
litess of Mr, A. J. Grigg some months
ago it lies been my intention to
equip a thoroughly up-to-date opti-
cal parlor to cater to the eyesight
sufferers from the simplest . to the.
most complicated errors of retrac-
tion. Upon inquiring into the sys-
tems used by the most up-to-date
specialists in optometry in Toren
to and Ibtontrcai 1 found the "Sha-
dow Test System most heartily "en-
dorsed and used by these specialists,
consequently 1'. engaged one of the
foremost in the optometrical pro-
fession to teach me this advanced
system of eye testing:
This specialist has few equals and
no superiors in accurate testing and
his successes in Wisaham, Brussels,
Palmerston, Fergus and other 'va','s
in this vicinity coupled with his
ysuars of experience • shoald s!ttiefy
the most exacting "that here is a
man to give satisfaction 'no matter
how consplica,ted the defect may be,"
Mr. Mayor is coining for the ex-
press purpose of instructing •me in
the intricacies of "Retinoscopy" or
by "Looking into the Eye" all de-
fects are scientifically corrected. Mr.
Mayor• is. coming at my expense to
teach me so no exhorbitant prices
will be charged. "Satisfaction. Guar-
anteed" and "No obligation to
Buy" are my mottos.socome and
see for yourself and decide for your-
self whether you ,need glasses or not.
He will not advise glasses unless
necessary. Remember tee. days start-
ing next Monday, March 20th, and
ending' March '20th. Daylight or
darkness is the sante as artificial
light is used, "Eyes Tested Free,"
"Children's Eyes Our Specialty,"
Satisfaction Guaranteed.'''
R. 1.1. JONSON,
Optician and Jeweler,
The News From Londesboro.
On Wednesday evening of last
week a quiet wedding took place at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Scal-
es, when their eldest daughter, Ag-
nes, was united in marriage to Mr.
C. Weymouth of the 8th concession
of Hullett. Rev, J, G. Reid of
Lecknow performed the ceremony.
On Wednesday, March 1st, the
home of Mr, and Mrs. henry Adams
of Hullett was the scene of a pretty
event when their third daughter,
Christena Map, was united in mar-
riage to 1'Ir. Austin A. Dexter, son
of Mr. Theodore Dexter of Hulled.
The ceremony' was performed by Rev.
O. 0. Baine, pastor of the Methodist
church, Londesboro, at four o'clock,
in the presence of about thirty rela-
tives and immediate Wen's. The
young couple were unattended, The
bride looked lovely in a gown of Tus-
can champaigne silly, trimmed with
net lace and buttons, and wearing a
bridal vale caught with orange blos-
soms, and carrying a bonnet of
white carnations and fern. She en-
tered the parlor leaning on the arm
of her father and took her place un
der an arch of evergreens trimmed
with white and Pink roses, from
which suspended a large white bell.
The wedding march was plays(' by
Miss Lillian, sister of the bride. At -
ter the ceremony and usual congrat-
ulations, the guests repaired to the
dining room where a sumptuous
wedding tea was served. The pres-
ents were numerous and costly which
showed the high esteem in which tie
young couple are held. The evening,
was spent in singing, piano mut
violin music and games, after whieh
the young couple left for their home
near Constance, the bride attired In
a brown serge suit with white silk
Mr. W. Danby of Sarnia spent a
few days during the past weeketali0
his brother, Mr. John Danby.
Mrs. S. Lear celebrated her nine-
tieth birthday on Monday of this-
hisweek, Mfrs. Lear is very smart and
active for her age being able to do
most of her own housework.
Mrs. Win. Riley returned on Mon-
day after spending a couple of
months with her daughter, Mrs. 9.
Bradford of Goderich. lirrs. Riley
was confined to bed during part of
her visit but her friends are glad to
see her enjoying her usual lhealtb.
Mr. Root. Townsend attended. an
Orange gathering in Hamilton last
Mrs. E. Bell spent a few days this
week with Winghatn friends.
Remember the pie social on Friday
evening, A good time is expected as
. Mr, 0. Fingland.occupied the put
pit of Knox church on Sunday last.
A pie social will be held on Fri-
day evening under the auspices ot
the Women's Institute in Cart-
wright's hall, the after program to
be given in Temperance hall,
t care _4
You can.secure all the new toes and shapes in
New Spring Footwear here.
Wo have all the new lasts and leathers put to-
getber by some of the best makers.
We sell shoes that are the best procurable in
stylish appearance, in quality, in materials and in
.workmanship --the best you can possibly buy for your
A large range of women's and' men's shoes to
choose from,
Fit guaranteed to be all that you,could desire.