HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-03-16, Page 6This Advertisement
may induce you to try the first packet
but we rely absolutely on the inimitable
aslavoe r
PAnd quality to make you a permanent c
- l free
We will even offer to gave this first trial you will drop us a postal to Toronto. a ua
t her head that
it hurt blurt see the
t+t,4--- -- - • • + 1 or hers, b 'leaden and then light life e
whilst elle had that ridioulous idea
�s.ei. --i
��� pretty p
fS•l s"=
TeTenderfoot's ase a ace e � ,
l coin as he had novel seen it before, for
1 `� ll that fellow from England. Ile knew
nothing of women, how should he, and
By CLIVE'PHILLIPPE WOLLEV he mistread the signs, and wondered
(Author of "Gold, Gold In Cariboo," Eta) what on earth those two could find
rsi5 to talk about. Of course Anstruther
ii aeil knew her in England, and that made
- ^ ca, 5 all the difference. Loyal Briton as he
ter the day's work is over, on such was howo, and event d England
had know her
was, he hated Dn land for the
CHt1PTEt V. (ace was ranches as the Risky at any rate, the
The cowboy's tense Taco work ,cowboy, if he lives in the house, ale
is in England, surely that was no reason
ing with rage, but the Indians who supposed to shed his working dress, why she should treat Anstruther 1}1{e
were fortunatelyb}n a group and tins so that when the lights from the great a brother, 0r better.
sheltered by timber, saw : that his log house streamed over the wear 1 (To be Continued.)
rock, y
Winchester was as steady as ea hunting party, the first to greet them---a-------
and they knew a white man's voice was a cheery English squire in his EGYPT IS LOYAL TO BRITAIN.
when it meant business.vening kit of pumps and a smoking
They knew too Jim Coombe's re-
jacket. Ruler Says Country Will Not Welcome
KheloWrna droPtied his empty
potation as a rifle shot, tld phhe "Why, my girl," he cried, "what Turco -Gorman Attack.
Y flbrings you home in this fashion?" The following interview with Sul -
rest of the band followed his example. „Didn't you want to see us, old tan Iiussein Kernel, of Egypt, was obs
man to
veryYork IIs
takesai a New
It J'r by
v 'rses m,Cat
e the hoi ed in o
„man. Y s
when another and quicker man behind let some ono else look after them, correspondent.
cove drop an band rytbrt mnDon't stay to change. Come in to- • "Turlcish domination was'a curse
cover Indians are not very brave men, night as you are. We've ridden all to Egypt," said the Sultan. "It, has
theygood shots,' and tide
Sateveryland subju-
knew. time ablight to
northof the. a
'I theyknew. daY Jack, and most
" ordered gallop. Help Kitty upstairs. I be -ted and held for long by the Os-
"Let him tip, Anstruther, 'leve she is too tired, to walk." v„ manila. Loon{ at countries like Rou-
flour seasoning with salt; Jim, with an eye still on tl'ie group, "Shall we carry her, Anstruther? . mania, Greece and Bulgaria and con
1Yhat.Complicate Complicates tablespoons red pepper. Add cel-' "and now, you dogs, git out of that! asked we carr her, A his wife ' mant them Turkey.
o al It l p pp of leave themi want u tan you Fewith
It may bepleasant to sit down t tures cool{ five mm- Ndown first da you g Y g
Y l 'll put
diener of boiled soup, f a
baked potatoes and steamed apple bet -
t -y. But from the point of view of the
woman who does her own work, this
sort of a meal involves too, complicat-
ed cooking. The meal in which se-
veral different processes, as boiling,
frying, baking and 'steaming are all
!ere:lead is the meal that is most dif-
ficult to cook and serve.
We do not quarrel with such meals
celery salt ane rifles there. ,
try and milk mix"orare "Theobject lesson in the
ed chicken; l those in my business, If you ,ia i , h to do' that yourself ?" world to the sentimentalist' on the
Utes and- serve: I shoot ou, cure: mar, enough
Bavarian onand
a half pint hand to them T 11 Y "I think I might just manage it, sir, question of preserving' the integrity
one one hole .tea- Sullenly,butbraves
withouto slunkn word , tear_ if Miss Kitty will. allow ole, i I' of the Ottoman Empire is to go by
grape juice, oI• ves away, lcavConstantinople.
egwater, gelatin,' - one-half, . test, the four bra' But Kitty was not minded to give brain from Vienna to
spoons gcit sugar, one'•iug behind them at one white mans Serbia
boiling water, one p g ,most in him the chalice. Her eyes followed you pass through Hungary,
cup bo gtined
]f h cream Part- command; what they p' the "hired man" somewhat wistfully and Bulgaria; countries that have
with 11 water,and the world. for a moment and then putting h successfully shaken
l t'1
�l�t'�y d:�%� r c . tVJll �!` lJr I rs� �.�.w•• .
t; BVO E@UAE,11 f4�19/1�II 5 ', s. 1$
1C ''
�,. It not only softens rho
water' but doubles the cleans- t^
ing power of soap, and. makes'
pg everything sanitary` end • ,ii;"'
whaIaapme. ;r
REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. irII� l tvte,uerr co �!� c.,
and one -ha cups cavy her off the Turkish
when cover gelatin m cold he had gone' Jim turned to , e climbedyou see fine cities, rich.
it has soaked live minutedis- When they arm through Mrs. Bolt s, she yoke, and ..
solve in boiling water. Add sugar, and .Mrs. Rolt. loess a bitter bad the stairs with her: friend. I fields, happy people. -
lted grape -juice, Stir mix- "That's a bad bus head "can't"Cross the frontier into •Turkey,
when me , g P
business I'm afraid. I lost my I understand him " she whin
d bt , pored "and he has changed: What the old frontier I mean, and at Mus
Hotels or in the home if tare occasionally when cooling, at,
Mus -
Lord Northcliffe on the Part Played in
the Warby
served in when it has barely begun to thicken
there issufficient hderice. Blit for the I fold in cream, whipped stiff.. Poor in-
thwoman who does her own housework I to mold and let `stand_ a few hours
the meal involving different cookingdI till cold.
processes is wasteful of time and Sausage • Country Style:—Separate
oidedly wasteful of fuel and utensils.
It is not possible to serve as easily a
meal with boiled,baked, steamed and
fried foods as it is the one -fuel meal
a bit, so you mustn't mind if I cad have you done to him while I've been tapha Pacha you begin to see de- I has shaken the universe.
swear, Mrs. Rolt. We've got to git atvayv" cadence in the filth, the uncultivated According to German calculations,
tonly hit there hihh prates be « i so much makeshift houses con -I other dominions
now 'and o Y ,h. Put Miss' Do you, think that he is fields,. the Canada and the
Kittythis and' rant 1 for ;moi w it rather like the strutted of petroleum tins. Go from'were to have risen in revolt against
Kitty up, Anstruther." ohj dim to -.clay, whop he put himself Alexandria to Smyrna and contrast England when we were drawn into
th•was bus y collecting t;+A mods those two ports, If the Germans' be-
the vortex of a European war. Among
Neve that we Egyptians welcome the ' the things that the Germans are rub -
idea of a return to Turkish rule, thatbing their thick heads'about is this
Inc to rise up and greetlgreat'miscalculation. It is a mistake
that has cost them dearly.
Turning to the already historic bat-
tles in which the Canadian forces
have fought, Lord Northcliffe said:
"Ypres, Festubert and Givenchy are
future be of such a nature as would
greatly benefit both conn.
Bigger and Bigger.
It is little more than 150 years
since' Wolfe put Quebec on the map
of the Empire, and 80 years since
the whistle of the transcontinental'
was first
heard on
months s
I s
c b
"Ypres" was on the world's tongue.
To -day it looms largest in the world's
history, and as the years go by it will
grow bigger and bigger.
I have met a few Canadians who!
are not particularly enthusiastic over
the war, continued .Lord Northcliffe,
bub S never met one who confessed
he would have stood by and kept
aloof from this war.
Caandian charity, too; has shone
out like a great star in a dark firma-
ment. The results of "Our Day"
tag collections ahve amazed people
In an interview published' in the
Canadian Gazette, Lord Northcliffe
chief proprietor of the London Times
and London Daily Mail, says:
Fax -seeing people who look to the
future see that the world will not be
in the hands of the Pacifists. They
know that the proved nations 'of.Can-
Z l d South
Ada. a Australia
, HFrance,Bel- in Britain. But Canada's financial
Africa, Great Britain,stability, her willingness to help fin-
and Italy will occupy a positionbonce the war, are two new lights on
'his greatlyreinforced by Formore than a
wan I Dominion.
manhood that has been through the the
great test of a vast upheaval that quarter of a century I have been an
enthusiastic visitor to, and an ad-
mirer of, Canada, but I confess
efforts have surprised me. Some-
times in many peels of Canada I
have met men who thought the future
relations were all North and South,
not East and West. How wrong they
Canada stands before the world
to -day as a complete antion, a na-
tion which has sent a larger army
a greater distance than any in the
world's history. If Canada sends her
500,000 men across, enlisted out of a
population of 8,000,000, it will be a
record unequalled.
string• of fresh pork sausages, prick But Anstlu el between trouble and ;obi w
with fork, put all in I the rifles. fix bep:>.
each sausage"No! never mind them. T u
shallow pan with boiling water to ''lyes: h:,! Poly—"
f 1 cook slowlyfor fiftetn them;' said Combe, and taking them Mrs Blit stew That the girl was we art
rte cover, and
by all the foods are virtually and let sausages • one by one, he smashed the stocks o'tl over -tired and all but crying. ;them As liberators when they come
in anteninnies. .Drain
cooked the'same method. to brown a little.•Have them against the nearest pine tree. `i'Rut me no butsf Miss. There's with their motley hordes to attack
_ .fry a dot "Won't do much shooting for a light- with
theyhave lost their reasoning
h our grandmother, readybakingdish filled with , " - your room and the old man has ,
We wonder why gg while with them things, he. comment
with 16 children, could accomplish all eayflmashed potatoes. Arran a its 1 t tion ed the stove fur you, which means'that faculty, their power of seeing things
el that she did. Perhaps a in row,side by side, on top, ed, surveying 1 it's mess they saw us coming and that as they are.
the marvelsI sausagesbad bus i 1
one little secret may be that when'she of potatoes and ake' in hot oven until
baked she baked, and when she boiled sausages are well browned. Serve in
she boiled, and that she did not at- same dish, garnished with parsley.
tempt so many kinds of cooking at; Spiced Pork Roast.—Four pounds
Mice: For instance, there is the time fresh pork loin, one table spoon mixed
honored "boiled dinner" in which the pickle spice,' on onion, eight sweet
meat, potatoes, vegetables and even potatoes, flour, salt and pepper.
soup were all cooked together. There Sprinkle meat with salt and -pepper
h baked diner, in which 1 with flour. Place in roast -
perhaps baked beans, 'baked potatoes, ing pan and when flour has browned
i workofc es true there
"But, Gee Wlnz, it s a al'''bs a fire in my room, too, bless "The German newspapers say,.battlefields which will live in the
Let 'stn up" and he put his foot n m in and hurry, and don't keep I remarked, "that the Egypbians are so 1 afore as greater than Waterloo.
the stirrup and swung himself tato him. Go
i horse alio ed. dinner waiting. Na: man cares two' eager to get rid of the English, espe- Throughout France, Great Britain,
the saddle whilst his gave p straws how a woman looks when be cially since the protectorate was Belgium, and far away into Russia,
For six long miles he them el established, that the country is seebh-
is hungry.' Canada now stands not merely a pa -
to feel1 ing Mos -
rest until Kitty saddle, though
beginning Outside in the corral', Jim Combe with sedition and that every
weak in her. though Mrs. Bolttion of great commercial capacity,
rode as if she would never tire, and led the tired horses slowly to their lem will welcome the armies of the as a people of immense courage
then he pulled his horse into a walk, stables, and though he had been asked Khalif:
and vitality."
a s ell now " he said, to hurry, dwelt unconsciously over' "So much the better for us, if the
he Admired by Russia.
was a150 the , and dredge Take a bit of p
"and don't try to talk. We aro all safe his chores. As a rule he was the, Germans delude themselves and t
and baked pudding were served. I add int of hot water and sprees I ,. t and I don't si,p- quickest man about the ranch, but on Turks with any such wild notion,
refer dif-p mn over meat as long as it is light, tins occasion oven the horses grew ,Pot it will bring them on and help. Upon the top of this reputation ,posed upon them. They have ]carnet
Now, although we may Pin cheesecloth. St el I pose that they'll try to follow us any , comes the news that the Dominion, to be trained nurses by attending the
$cookingat the same hours,basting fie y impatient and fidgetty under histo hasten their downfall. But, be- f some 8000000 various Red Cross and Samaritan
A Million Replace Men in Civil Life
in Italy.
Italian women have entered with a
will upon the new duties war has im-
ferent kinds o. e 'at and bake three
follow this plan if u. More water may. W aY, but we've got to make the ranch n leisurely handling. I cause you are writing for the great ,with a. population e ,
meal, we will not p with liquid al pa pot:- before dark, and that will keep us.is about to increase its contribution classes. They have undertaken the
we are willing to conserve our time and be added, if necessary, Split po hiis ., They wanted their oats. Jim wanted, and intelligent American public, 1
We will frequently, at least, nd ut in pan with meat, half y Ito think. f am willing to stoic openly that we l to the war to a magnificent total of care of wounded and sick soldiers not
energy. toes an p flow do women telegraph to one an -.00,000 men. That news is already only in hospitals practically in every
follow the one -fuel meal and carry u"1 an hour before serving time. Make v Have theysome subtler sense' Ile had to adjust himself to certain ut also on
Egyptians look on the English as 11 ver the
one kind of recess at a time.' om li bid in pan. other? e or new phases of thought, and the opera- friends and defenders. We lutea' haest etcotntstfor everything scan -Red Crossot sins nodwn in i a}tbfield hospi
only P gravy fn q whtch we male things have . iss d,
potatoes a boiled vegetable cooked, fruit
For Instance, there 'are many dinners Fruit Tapioca.—One and one-half at throw 'h much practice, they r tion was tKi easC to ht m. I that we should have been lost last I ada
can be a baked I cu .spared r is it that, g Before Kitty Clifford went back to 'year had not the English come to our l ohas already gained 1101' prestige I tans and ambulances at the front.
n which everything cups water, one-quarterp p can really speak with their eyes?
j in the world struggle. I notice as the Young and elderly women have shown
food. Such a one is a roast, baked tapioca pinch of salt, sugar to taste, deponent knoweth not, but this England, it had not seemed unreassk help. The English have been in the
p Sliced canned e, This dep t that he the foreman of the Risky _ ..,,t ,. they verba}nlv are now—a result that the Russian newspapers, I great self-sacrifice in this work, while
which were hitherto merely interest- those not adapted to nursing are
Canada as being a large place taking care of the wives and families
ed in and have
the United States, are of the men at the front
ato the top of and bread
now discussing the future relations of opened kitchens wheresoup
Canada and Russia. The Russians Iare provided below cost price to the
evidentlywant to hear more about the poor. drools
Canadians. The vast Russian Empire I Creches and kindergarten s
contains only some 50,000 miles of have also been opened for soldiers'
ave began to children and work has been provided
however, in its pot in the oven, and aloe fresh peaches or pineapple can be
baked pudding. It is just :ns easy to used for this dessert. Place liberal
boil vegetables in an oven: as it is. to layer of fruit in bottom of small pud-
boil them on top of the stove.- I ding dish, sugar to .taste, and if ap-
Again, there is the steamer dinner, pies are used add a little cinnamon.
in which everything—meat, potatoes, Put water and salt in double boiler.
vegetables and dessert—can all be h hot t• tapioca and cook
1, n hole
he asteadied
knows, that twhae when foul
natural Ranch,should aspire to her hand. She what
were steadied , blessing to Egypt• ratified with the
tendency of them was to come to- was of the ranch, a part of those wild "I am certainly g
from the girl, plains which it dominated and had 110 I measures that have been taken for
gether, but at a glance >a ' other world to conquer. Neither did' the defence of my . country and my
Anstruther found- himself in some uta she seem to need any. _ people. More than that, I am confi-
against his manner,lloattached quite The ranch language was her, lan- dent in the efficacy of those measures.
against will to Mrs. Rolt, and rid- gunge, its happiness her happiness; You may rest assured that Great Brit -
mg ahead, whilst Kitty and Combe to her as to him there had been nota- 'n for the sake of �ier colonial
em -
o sin to
put into a steam toe's. over one followed them
the same time straw
can be ing worth having beyond it, and as far pin, will make a supreme effort to r raifivay roads: 'i'ney n
d b t 1 fruit done, d 1 A t Italk but your superb transcontin- for their mothers m special work -
toast anal other mews are etc i! the vas erre ones ,
with th potatoes unreachable to each other. I According to statistics just publish -
it best to make Whenstewing apples add a few ,
tfi ld your agricultural ma 000. women
cooked put- beef,
until clear. Pour this over fruit and
r:-. a ready a bake
anti rttr is When Mrs. Rolt had• taken ns ru-
e is also the boiled dinner, which ; r ' with straw. Serve Clifford's as such things mattered, he knew that protect the Suez Canalo and defend a ' about
Then told by t vine Ener fat enough.ahead, Kitty
g Egypt She will not stop at any sacri- ental systems, and are asl{ing whe- ,rooms. managed by society women.
bl 1 1 e largo { th' custard d t if the man's life had rob heneci his a I h h built those roads Even telephone girls, typists and ether
colt sidle p hale he was as well-born of men or money.
d lot fico Russia and open up Female
the employees do
t d 1` ions ting her
hand timidly on the mans So that there had seemed no reason
vital I have not the slightest appre- cannot com
e .t that sae so far, their sit by knitting form the sohliedo
arm the girl said:
why he should not love, and by andhension, I tell you frankly, either o
by marry Kitty i foreign invasion o• i
There was no reason now,
eco]ced tiv,t a vegetables, , Household hints.
etc. K'tt Clifford. 1 internal unrest quite umeac
ow he almost They are hearing : about your ed before -- war there various trades
If the ar
e frying, y s ansa a s,
ie sisaldates;nthe im. rovement will Why nut Y, b 1 1, why lie should not p pant ri know the and professions working in Italy. Since war
taeomeal almost r wholly a fried chopped P d t yellow chinery. They v
is a fried steak accompanied with be sustardnmi water
soma-� fixed with warm manufacturing capacity. of Canada. broke out this number has leen
tried • e 't her friedg abler i L end
ast inc mixed pi, d h To their surprise the allies are find- doubled, as in all trades and in many
can salt keeps color fo
th's, in 'other vegetables whichs and a pinch of P "Why did v
he stove at days. so rough with the colt that that g ing that Canada can turn out an tin- professions women have now taken
Le cooked on the top of t many d y mense amount of munitions, and if the place of men. Women now take
file same time. The fiy,cults and the I -te cloth dipped into. ammonia will I 1 par ian youpgster More than g
the collar munitions during the war,vwhy not up the fares run shopsnstreetaars, oleithe
n the
Spanish kiunv how, to fry, but you will often remove stains from
ion coat. don. Did you want to see h}m do it?" „Whoa boy, steady,"'Jim said, apo'- invasion of their country by the machinery after the war? To say streets,
l f vegetables along f cloth cod the Canadian in Russia to-daY fields while their :fathers, hnsbancls
has ll have settledtet
with the meat and do not like our I Boot polish watch ogetically. Germans and
is to need no of birth i It 1 hashave
t der it o its for 1 them o paper on a shelf with her visit to England. von.
rho vounp' housekeeper is to co-ordnt- a tumbler turned over each one. d what more had been ] d she s
good color While the business help. My personal acquaintance
serve the dif-your linen a a rung this teat number of g h Canada Russia con- We have our tonne to be 11c11
hen cookie and to � To keep breezes may Y g rutin both
ale l gh y
said, ferent portions of the meal complete- drop a few' pieces of camphor, gum
ll:.d0ne at the same time.- The reason into the drawer in which it is kept.
this is usually hard is because she has honey is very nutritious, and should
to °sti.m its the (litre -met time for dif- he on the bill of fare of every person
ferent cooking methods. If on the who wants to gain flesh..' ashes'
o der hand, she follows the same Glassware should always be w
m .51(ci11' et the same mead, she could in a wooden bowl, gncl there will be
nectar.p1M ', her turtle with less effort. far less chance of it's getting bt:oken.
We do not mean that this should he PrUnes cooked in the oven after soak-
ch,uu every day, but that co-ordinated ing over night, seasoned and sweet-.
cenlcin r 1e easier and sheald be used epecl to taste, are much richer than if
"Yes Miss Clifford."
" 'Kitt as it used to be?"
believed, propose
He flushed to the roots ofhis and he accepted.
hair.. but was it fair?
"Kitty then."It was this thought that made im.
you get in front of meindi -
when that Indian shot the dog?" t hunched his back and
• "Did I, Miss Kitty? reg your drew up a threatening foot.
200,000 Belgians Cared For in Great
200,000 Belgian refugees
have found shelter in England 'since
nate that they fry vege a o c o
become thy " Don't be stupid. Why did you o "Am I too rough with you, down. Many You ore
W^ i 1� , „ introduction and brothers are fighting.
ed softened with a it? a fellow, and wouldn't I be too have been absorbed in British is desires above all And yet 'ins rate tin -1 a �,
selves, vegetable a fried dneat, a boil can be successfully " i did 1 't" little of thorn whatever. Russ I
dessert,or- drops turpentine. • I 1
and a. baked P feW cl op p ,
Mena', ac keep lemons e a fresh conclwit d b t I t v
One of the most difficult points pace n it." nett an st
Didn't know as t c o i • rough with her?". he added to him induetries and they are still greatly w a
"Didn't you, Jim? 'i think
you did, thin ,had changed sinceof everydescrip- to shake oft the commercial yoke not fallen oit not arc a ian women
' orth it Jim. self, Everything , g in request for work that Germany has put around her organizing to demand equaai rights
old then , u wasn and. Before that s e
I wasn'tworthalmost a child now she wasof takingcare of
What he answers' or a• woman 'who had tasted of refugees proved
know.i t e prairie the tree of knowledge, and knew, or
This Mrs. Rolt told me:m a great puzzle to the•iurthor}ties at
know.onlythought that she knew, the good fro
that Jim did not say then what he the beginning of the war, it is now
might have said, and what Mrs, Rolt the evil. Her eyes had been open so being dealt with in the most complete
g t. that she saw how rough and monoto'tr- manna. and the specie' homes which
hoped they
would say, h tae
reached the ranch that obs the ranch life was, and yearned 1 have been opened in various parts of
when Ched after the brilliant life at home, of
night she did Kitty's hair for her, and had seen enough to tire.
the country for the fugitives from
secret to confide. i which she ha >? 1 Belgium are being rapidly closed
the girl had no Worse than all forlJim, she had learn- 1
Perhaps Jim had scruples about hit-, Clown,
man when .he is down, as he 'ed to see' his lade of polish and rho' A typical example of what has
ting a discord of his speech, which at home
would have put it, of may be did not gradually occurred may be found in
P would have. meant'owant of caste. want any mistake made between love the case of Borough Green, Kent. Six
and gratitude. N. J}m *as beginning to think or seven families were entertained
always a good sportsman, that even if she wdulcl be content with there for about fourteen months by
He was. ahv ythe ranch life now; her content would
the Wrotham War Refugees Commit -
not last, and Jive's are long in the tee. The task is finished, One Bel -
West. i I gian, a cabinet maker, musician and
When he went into the dining -room I a tier'{ novo gone to London; a Glia-
s little later, the long table was nearly 1 mond polisher is now employed in
Pull. As usual Bolt's family party sat paper malting; a
turner has found
at the top end of it; and below the salt, 1 wont }n Borough Green; a baker has
as it -were sat the white men of the gone to PI'axtol; two younger men
establishment. The Indian cowboys have joined the Belgian army in
themselves elesavltere. , o women have entered
messed by
Flanders and Uw
, • i, lookingto you to with men.
winces me
that there are a score of r poor,to he in 14001014 01'sickness,
reasons why trade relations between
be e ave our choice to worthy or
you two vast territories would in the worthless.
to relieve the complicated cooking we merely, stewed.
genernlly follow. Stick a pin through the cork of
bottles containing poisons This will
' prevent tragic mistakes When seeking
Tested sled Recipes. - - medicines in the clerk,
('ream of Celery Soup. --Put 'two'
cups chopped celery trite atau00pa r
with mnc quart cold 'water and cook' IL i'1 mo1.01 courage that character -
erne tender. In another 010001pan have 15011 the r highest, orale'_ of manhood
cooking two slices 04110n, blade of and tvo, gnhdod, the, courage to be
men and. tae cups of mak. In twenty Met, the'
courage to be honest, the
m•nutos rtrain into celery saucepan. eOul nl e to resist temptation, the
:,Telt rout tablespoons butter, add two,courage to do one's fluty.
�111Dt lll[lll
I ]
Blanc Mange
131anc At 21150 and other Corn .Starch Puddings?
' They scent to blend perfectly --each improves
the 'Other' --together, they mane simple, in-
expensivc, desserts, that everyone says are
1 "LJLS:.wlilTW' is
n litre white Corti.
1: >r 1
•' i; --u -more deli,.
n a:�•.: t
OI'111r( you would.
i 1. ifilIIIIER (ImID OOMMl1 Sitllii11itriFfilJlr 'r'n1n6lltta Tal@-'
is ready to serve over all kinds of Pnd:ctinge-,
makes a new raid attractive dish of such au old
favorite as Baked Apples'= -i0 far cheaper than
hotter r reserves when spread -read 00 bread—and
ro i
kir .
-t'ha 1
is best forg
AEI( YOUR GROCER -IN 2, 6,.10N ^0 s. r 1"0.
stud ..
lead h'ktl ce .r, Montreal - . 30
A ranch house in the Far West is
not quite the sante thing as a country
house in England, though even that is
not always as luxuriousl'ya' comfortable
in small details as many of the 'middle
class town 'buses of Canada. 1'C we
are at the beginning of things out
Wee't, we grow fast, and solid comfort
is not an English monopoly.
Ne oat ordinary metier lemea le ill Eng- where he pleased, :0110 dart talk with
turning tot the of furniture th t were
owners the
land has a bath room attached to men when he wanted to . , various
(very bedroom, electricity ready to be th0 next antonit the; tyhees, as he call- lent for use in the hostel when it was
t'a'tted On at every possible point cd those who sat above the salt. set up.
\\Mere liglat•cot4d be wanted, it's oven On this dry when he 'came in thereMost difficult to tit into the scheme
1'mr^rature assured by a furnace in were LW() places Vacant, one above and of things aro the professional men—
the basement, its 1a1o1-carving ap- ens below the salt, and he saw Kitty lawyers, artists, architects, etc. A.
pli:uly:+s: so complete that one Chinese draw her dainty gown of some soft' certain proportion of these, however,
t • itu-
factotum can Perform all the domestic sage glom staff towards her as if sh:; have adapted themselves to
I..cation,--ame1 are occupied in g
':sten which machinery avill not do 'would melee Mom him. Dor action
for him. was 1" itself an invitation, and tho'soldiers clothes and in various uns'kil-
The want of domestic servants has dress a combination of colors of that led branches o3 tnunit}un work. So
made western i11enuse their brainsfor great cattle country he loved 0 well, great is the 1emancl for 10bo1 to-daY'
1with its soft dominant tones relieved in Great Britain that only those who
the abolition of Tahoe,mel and one of the ban flash or two of the sunachs' fiery
has been small houses so coin- y� really have not the capacity to "do
pact, so well arranged, that servants crimson, touched' him. Ile himself had, their hit" are idle,
suggested the colors of i'0, on a ride
long ago', as co'ol's proper for a "sage
brush girl;' as he had called her.
As aL friend as well es foreman, Jiin' domestic service.
Con'ibe had been accustomed to it Now, therefore, the committe is re -
can almost be dispensed with,
But a wide gap 'divides the town
House of Canada from the ranch house. As he had seen the frock Uefore,
That perhtips. is more like a very earlylook for it; but when you have lost
edition of the English •manor house. he argued that it must be one that she character every one leaves you
Like It in its ample rooms where many had Drought from Englandy and that youro recover eitt as you can.
men may gather' together' o' nights thel'efore.some thought of tions, if not
of'him lead been with her there• . "One of my daughters has tousil-
svhenthe work is over ; in its: solidity, , itis exclaimed Me. Growler, `end
} es it warmth in the long Tiut, lie tool{. the other.• .place h• f r sprained her wrhst.'
whish g vwaydown the lower' table between old the other has t
„ "Yes; .r
ltd i its es ! g
days o wand ,
•� h
Al and Dan McGillivray. ut .
which ,girt
OOra it ought
cat of Dway l e'1L 0• in the V
the G ,work nr
• toVOlI
9hl 1S to t
10 5
thing do ,f
V� ^ e 9t.t IC
It \ •lir
' melt her W
orsprained rl
habitable fnal e
alone makes It
1n1n5t be 71, a11C1 out all day 1011x, •and .GOER,(-, but It was done 111 obedience: sin srl�tndthetone with a lore throat
cermet s;Jari the bine to 'icltange" to a blundering' instinct of his which g,,,
every time they are hungry. But af_ forbade him to force the running plays the piano."
When you have lost money in the
trod every one is ready to help you
*•.:,,,y„- •;,ff T� ,�( nEGA Z.1 R 1 51 i+ , i=51.0. F'=J. ;�'1 r'�f` It l ra o rLiE 1
/ tri
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/a r:'.
r \17:1\17:1:
J{;p� • YS a
`,'' cares it.cernfort- -
�1'O€Il }vi
mg the aClies and pains ,
of- the family from youth to old agd, are Ieeeeefted
when you use this old and trust -worthy re;`ncdy—
1 (Bruises—Rheumatism—Neuralgia
Mothers: "Keep a bottle in your home”
Price M., 60c. and $1 00
0 Ki
•^-•-- --LI r -y E
,lf .'1:1"iral 1'evov
- e ggg P. ince Eye, Salm),
C k1 I � L' & ` Fetor• lipicootio.
.And all discuses of the (torso affecting .his ((1'10111 0 50 041».
cured; colts ,ltd. Horses in 011(111 stable` Imp( front ' oa.
their .p,v. using SnoluYs Aietempex oongonttd, 3 to a do.
aura nuc case. q
7 to truer 111 Lente t,colis, a:a
often s �Lnl con-
ages z;
:anions, colts,
x baby 4
for brood
JU4 set.;
( fll t 1
d F
compound. tit's om
scicn 1
i e
ill L1U71H
1i06 bl t0llllpt 'I pit1G. Any druggist 00 deli Vctml liBry
manoivoiur1;,,, 93'0313T 1%%1ll''iX0R,T• f, r, 1505110n, 506,