HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-03-09, Page 7mene-
How They Sent a IVIan to an rtddrees
By Parcel Post
Rest and a Tonic is tile Proper Treatment Dis-
tinguishedM.:dical Aut,hority Says ,
There is a Teem of neui•asthenia
that .folloeve .1a grippe. Doctors cell
it 'post-grippal." neemasthenicie
One of the foremost medical au -
therein of New York city in a lec-
ture in the international clinics, said:
"Browny speaking, everyvictim of
la grippe will. suffer from post-gripp-
al neurasthenia also. Lowering of
nervous tone with increased ireitebil-
ity is the most striking effeet of the
disease, languor of mind and body,
disturbed, fitful sleep and vaguepains
In the head and elsewhere: The treat-
ment calls for Test and a tome."
If you have had la grippe read those.
symptoms. again: "Languor of mind
and body, disturbed, Wel sleep, and
vague pains in the head and else-
where." If you have any or all of
them it meaus that you are still suf-
fering from the effects of la grippe
and that you will not be well and free
from clanger of relapse until your
blood is built an. .
Thefireatmene, says the distinguieh-
ed phyaiciati quoted above, is rest and
a 'tonic. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, a
non-cdcoholic tonic, are particularly
suited for building up the blood and
strengthening the nerves after an at-
tack of grippe: The rich, red blood
expels the lingering germs from the
system and transforms despondent
grippe victims into cheerful, healthy,
happy meet and women. '
e If you have had la grippe do not
wait for a relapse ior for the neuras-
thenia that so often follows grippe,
but get a box of. Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills noW from the neare.st dregotore
and begin - the treatment at ones.
'You can get Dr, Wileanis' Pink Pills
fromany m.edicine dealer or by mail,
at 50 cents a box or six boxes for
$2.50•• from The D. 'Williams Medi-
cine Co., Brockville, Ont,
, ---
Specially Selected Notes About Fam-
ous Men and Women.
King Manuel is a first-rate domino
I3riand, the French premier,
never wears gloves.
Since the outbreak of war, Queen
Mary has not purchased an evening
Sir eGeorg'e Reid, ehe Australian
High Commissioner, is a crack shot
with a revolver.
. Prince Alexander of Teck is now
serving with the Belgian Army as
British Military Attache.
• The Duchess of Norfolk has a col- '
lection of parasols of all countries,
said to be Worth 2500. '
Sir Felix Schuster says that his ex-
peeienee in business has raised his
opinion of human »ature.
The Duchess of Connaught plays a
good game of draughts, and the game .
is her favorite indoor recreation, I
General Sir Douglas Haig is One
of the best linguists in the Army. He
speaks Frenth and German perfectly. I
' The favorite dish of the Crown
Prince of Sweden is a salad made of
chicken, bananas, grape-fruite end
wine sauce.
King George has now two valets; in
peace time he has three. The Kaiser
has seven valets, the King of Spain
five. I
Four English menservants in the
. German Royal Household were intern- I
ed in Germany a week after the Gut -
break of war,
Lieut. von Tirpitz, son of the Ger-
man admiral who is a prisoner of war
in England, is the best lawn -tennis
player in the German Navy.
One of the boasts of Dr. Von Beth-
mann-Hollweg, the German Chancel-
lor, .is that he has never had to pay a
visit to a dentist since he was four-
Autographed photographs of the
Czar and Czarina were sold at a pri-
vate auction in Petrograd for $2,500
each. The proceeds went to a war
The Prince of Wales a little while
ago had a pipe 'knocked out of his
mouth by a flying fragment of a shell
that burst within thirty yarcle of his
Royal Highness.
The titles held by Lord Stamford -
ham and Lord Ribblesdale will become
extinct meing fie their heirs having
been killed in the war, unless they
• are granted "special remainders" by
the King, as was clone in the cases
of Lord Roberts and Lord Wolseeey.
Despite the economizing tendency
of the war, Lord Lonsdale still smokes
hie big cigars. When in the right
mood he is an excellent raconteur.
His best story is that of an American
traveller who spoke of having seen
petrified foreets in Texas, and petri-
fied birds flying over them. "Come,
comer he was told. "That's surely
against the laws of gravitation?"
"Quiee so," replied Ananias, not a
Whit abashed; "but, you see, the laws
of gravitation there are petrified,
Acquired the Habit -When a Boy.
If parents realized the fact that tea
tned coffee contain a drug—caffeine--
which is especially- harmful to chil-
dren, they would doubtless hesitate
before giving them tea or coffee to
drink. -
"When I was a child in my mother's
arms_ and first began to nibble at
things at the table Mother used to
give Inc sips of coffee, And so
contraeted the coffee habit early.
"I continued to use coffee until I
was 27, and when I got into office
work I began to have nervous spells.
Especially after breakfast I was so
nervous I could sccuacely attend to my
correspondence." (Tea produces about
the same ill effects as coffee, because
they both contain the drug, caffeine.)
"At night, after haying had coffee
.for supper, I could hardly sleep, and
op, rising in the morning would feel
weak and nervous.
"A f Heed persueded me to try
‘,1 can noly get good sleep, ant
free from nervousness and headache%
I recommend Postum." Name given
by Canadian Poet= Co., Windsor,
Post= comes in two forms.
Postuat Cereal—the'origtnal form—
Must bowel) boiled. 15c and 25c pack-
Instant Postale—a soluble powder
dissolves quickly in a cup of hot wa-
ter, and, with cream and sugar, makes
a delicious beveenge instaiitiy, 80c
and 50c tins.
Both forms -are °cruelly delicioes
and cost about the same per cue',
"Theee'eo Reason" for Pointer..
—sold by GrocerS, worthless.
The parcel post has -made its use-
fulness felt in many ways, unexpected
as well as foreseen. But the English
parcel post does one surprising thing
that has not yet been introduced into
our own system. "
An Englishman wished to reach a
enstomer living in u remote part of
Balham, one of the suburbs of Lon-
don, and it was very necessary that
he find him quickly. Knowing nothing
of the district, he calledeat the gen-
eral post office at St. Martin's -Ie -
Grand, to consult a directory. On ex-
plaining his case to a clerk, he was
amazed to learn that he could be sent
to the address by parcel post by pay-
ing a fee of three pence a mile. .
The gentleman had never heard of
such a thing, and it, is said that very
few persons in England know that it
can be done. He was placed in
charge of a messenger who was fam-
iliar with all parts of the city, and
was soon on hie way. The boy car-
ried a printed slip on which was writ-
ten a description of the "parcel" in
, charge'under the heading, Article
required to be -delivered," and before
leaving the customer's house both the
customer and the gentleman had td
pub their signatures on the paper. The
limit in weight for anything delivered
CHILDREN MAKING SHELLS. by parcel post in Englaed is general -
ly understood to he eleven pounds, but
there is one clause that reads,
10,000 Boe•s 'Work in the Arsenal at
person may. be conducted by express
messenger to any address on payment
Ten thousand boys too young to of the mileage fee."'
fight are doing what they consider
the next best service for their coma e
try—turning out munitions in the Just a straight
Government, arsenal at Woolwich. In
ordinary times marry would have be-
come office boys, clerks, or ielegraph
messengers, but to -day the majority
come front points miles from the fee -
.tory, and help the older men make the
shells and gunsneeded by the, men at
the front'.
The pay is attractive. A smart boy
pie Story
can earn $7.50 a week, or even VA They Cured Her Kidney Troubles and
can keep
if he has a good machine and ease, and by its simple constrecinon
Other Sufferers Can Learn Front rendered the exposure of the sailors
steadily at work for as long as 12
hours a day. Parents who have to Her Experience Row They Can Find and soldiers, who would look over the
choose between putting their boys to a Cure. parapet or other paras of the works
to obseve the e
learn a trade at $2 or $2.50 a week, . effect of their shot, per-
Paquetville, Gloucester Co. N.B.— fectly unnecessary; while another
tied allowing -them to go into the ar-
You Can't be Neutral ACROSS THE BORDER'
on the food question.
You have to d'ecide lietween„
mere palate -foods that -con-
tain no nutrixnent and foods
that repair the bodily waste.
Shredded Wheat Biscuit is
both a palate food and a
muscle builder. You can
keep in good health and at
the top-notch of physical
fitness by eating this deli -
dohs, . ready -cooked, whole
wheat cereal for breakfast, .
luncheon or any meal.
Made in Can'ada.
Ingenious Contrivance' Invented by
Rev. William Taylor.
The origin of the pertecope is now
under discussion, and the following
extract.frarn the writings of the well-
known inventor of "Pepper's Ghost"
gives the credit to the cleeical profes-
Pepper wrote soon after the Oriel-
ean war: "During the siege of Se-
bastopol numbers of our best artillery-
men were continually picked off by
the enemy's rifles as well as by can-
non shot, and in order to put a stop
to the foolhardiness Enid incautious-
ness of the men a very ingenious con-
trivance WS invented by the Rev.
William Taylor, the coadjutoi of Mr.
Denison in constructing the fleet 'Big
Ben! bell.
- "It was called the reflecting spy-
senal at the higher remuneration are Mar. Gth (Special)—Simple and
straight to the point is the statemenb
naturally inclined to decide on the
of Miss auseine Blanchard, of this
work evhich not. only brings in the
quicicest return, but seems to be in plat' She has tried Dodd's Kidney
the national interests as well. 'Pills and found them good and she
Social woekers who have the 'boys' !wants everybody to know it. Miss.
Blanchard says:
• ' .,...11....,i t 1.,,.,,,f
that so many should be entering evhat I
may not perhaps Prove a permanent
occupation. They say that their future
is not unlikely to become a problem
after the war, and that the country I
might well remember then that the :
great army of boy munition workers
played no small part in the difficult
time. -
The .dailealiteef these boys ehows
evhat sacrifices they are making.
Thousands live an hour's journey from
the factory, and some have to leave
home as early as 6,30 in the morning,
and cannot get back till 9.30 in the
evening. • All work 12 hours a day,
etarting at 8 and finithing at 8. They
take the night shift, too, also for, 12
hours, and often a boy may be seen
asleep from sheer exhaustion on his
way home in teamcar or train.
Every effort is made by the Ministry
of Munitions to safeguard the health
of the youngsters, but the problem is
a difficult one. Eight-hour shifts
are being Miele to improve the trans-
portation facilities to and from the
arsenal. One of the latest suggestions,
tied the one most likely to be carried
out is to build miles of huts close bo
the arsenal, where the boys could live
while engaged in shell -making.
Mrs. Laura Jackson, Brantford,
Ont., wribes: "I have found Baby's
Own Tablets such an excellent remedy
fee ehildren that I have to hesitation
hi recommending theta to alt mo -
there." Thousands of mothers say
the same thing concerning' the Tab-
lets., Once a mother has used them
she would use nothing else. They
are for sale at all dreggists or by
mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr.
Williams' Medicine Co, Brockville,
Needed to Man the Trawlers and De-
mand is Acute.
Good fishermen are worth almost
theit weight in gold at Grimsby, Eng-
land, so scarce have they become eince
the war's outbreak. Notwithstanding
the mining of so many parts of the
North Sea and other waters adjacent
to the Britieh Isles the industry has
suffered no decline. There are just as
many fish and the demand for them
is greater than ever. The difficulty
in catching them is due to ehe feet
that so many fishermen and their
boats have been pressed into the
Royal Naval Reserve Section to man
the mine seveepees and other vessels
on war service.
The original steam -fishing fleet at
Gebneby, which in peace limes num-
bered more than 600 vessels, has been
materially depleted. The type of kith -
Grimm has undergone a change, com-
peeing largely the class of man who
works only when necessity demands,.
Trawler onnerre are offering big wager;
to good fishermen, the highest in
years along the English coed, and the
decrease 111 the number of trawlers
available for fishing has had the ef-
feet of,creabing a finencial boom
among ownees whose vessels have not
been interfeeed with by the Admiralty.
Voyages are now profitable in the
evidest sense of the tette. Prices far
fish have more than cmadetipled, and,
with the coetineoes shortage, due not
eine to the naval eequiremetts in re -
geed to vessels, bleb else to the re-
stricted fishing area, there is always
an overwhelming dereand ote all
parts of the ciotinery.
We have not out: choice to be rich
or poor, to be in health Or sickness,
be we have our choice to worthy or
form was constructed for the purpose
of allowing the gunner to lay' or aim
his gun in safety.
"The instruments were shown to
Levi Panmure, who was so convinced
of the importance of the invention
that he immediately commissioned
I suffered for a ong time with my the Rev. William Taylor to have a
kidneys. I used Dodd's -Kidney Pills number of these telescopes construct -
and they cured me completely." ed."
One simple statement like that is
worth a dozen learned dissertations on WASTE NECESSARY I N FOOD
Kidney disease. It tells the sufferer Because our ancestors ate coarser
from kidney trouble just what he or waste with their food they developed
she wants to know—that a cure can a long bowel, mostly a muscular tube.
-be....fonmi-ereeeedd's Kidney Pilesee.a......r.Theeeanuecle was not intended for
For Dodds leiailey PITS are no digestion Pineretee, abreverineree---9,
cure-all. They are purely. and simply waste. We have inherited thls mute
a kidney remedy, The reason why they cular tube, Waste -containing food is
cure Rheumatism, Lumbago, Diabetes as essential to its proper function as
Bright's Disease, Heart Flutterings, light is to the eye. Because modern
lopsy, Pain in ihe Back,sind othor bowel muscles have weakened from
diseases is thab all these are either hack of exercise. Constipation and
Kidney diseases or are caused by clis- indigestion have resulted. Dr. Jack
ordered kidneys. Dodd's kidney Pills son, who practised for yeaes as au
cure them by curing the kidneys. intestinal specialist, has devised Ro-
man Meal, a food which has -plenty
FUTURE TRADE WITH RUSSIA. of waste to exercise the bowel ems -
Enormous Business, and it Must Be
Captured Front Germany.
The total percentage of the prin-
cipal imports to Russia from the
Unierel Kingdom is only some 13 per The Original Method.
cent., whereas Germany is represent' Katherine and Margaret found
ed by over 50 per cent., there is con -
'Latest Irappenin7s in Ilis Rentiblio
Condensed for Busy
' Readers.
, Indiana farmers are complaining of
motor can mail delivery in the middle
f the . '
• Governor 'Whitmen is having bill
drafted for military course in school's
of New York State.
A special census report shows that
573,114 • automobiles were male in
the United States last year. '
William Lorimer former U.S. Sen-
ator, is on trial charged with wreck-
ing the eivain of Lorimer-Munday
bankn%.Aan's intellect is best at a tent-
perature of 30 •degrees above zero,
Dr.itAinstin. O'Malley, of Phila.
Prospect of a strike of seven hun-
dred thousand coal miners looms big-
ger than even as conferences are
about to begin.
"Read the newspapers thoroughly
if you want to keep well and live
long," advises Dr. Stephen Smith, of
New York, aged 93.
The proposed excise tax on muni-
tions is being seriously considered by
the Ways and Means Committee of
the U. B. House.
All the secret agencies of the Gov-
ernment are at work to end the "cam-
paign of frghtfulness" against ship-
ping in New York,
Torpedo .net makers in the steel
and wire mills of the john A. Roe-
bling's Sens Company at Trenton, N.
J., have gone on strike.
Theodore Marburg former U.S.
Minister to. Belgians is in London
awaiting the arrival of his son, who
lost e leg• in a flying accident in
Serpents and vad beasts are harm-
less compared to New York'deadly
taxis and street ears, says E. C.
Erdis'explorer, who has returned
from South Africa.
Fifteen thousand Nev York wait-
ers in the area bounded by Canal
and Fifty-ninth street; Thircl and
Seventh avenues, are ready to strike
for a "living wage." '
New Jersey would add V00,000,000
to the value of its taxable property
by getting rid of mosquitoes, R. W.
Giles told the State Mosquito Exter-
mination Association.
The Husbands' Welfare Associa-
tion, an organization for benediets
whose wives have the visiting habit
or who go to the country in the sum -
me; has been formed in Oakmont,
President Wilsbn received a trbute
of appreciation from the central corn-
.elLetvi: Jews a 0 re-
sult of his proclamatiolieitirrlig
Americans to contribute to the Jew- NOltliCetni
ish cause.:
foods have little waste the human lion Owners
Nearly all ourminorailments, and many
of the serious ones, too, are traceable to
scene disorder of the stomach, li'ver,„and
bowels. If you wish to avoid the mis-
eries of indigestion,,acidity, heartburn,
flatulence, headaches, constipation. and
a host of other distressing ailments, you
. must see to it that your stomach, liver
and bowels are equal to
Tity the work they have to
do. It is a simple matter
ea take 30 drops of Mother Seigel's Syrup
daily,aftcr tricots, yet thousands of former
sufferers have baniShed indigestion, bil-
iduaness, constipation, and all their dis-
tressing consequences in just this simple
way. Profit by tit& experience. As a
digestive tonic and stomachic remedy,
Mother scigurs Syrup is unsurpassed.
Tint Nrav1.00 Stan connnes, 3 nabs As MOM
'AS TinAl. Sink Ham AT SOcrEtiaormi.
puts new life in your
harness. Keeps it from
drying up and cracking.
Makes it soft, pliable and
strong. Contains no
animal or vegetable fats
to become rancid. It
makes harness last longer.
Deitlers Everywhere
Tho Imperial Oil Company
biers, Delewpre, Carmen Or- ,
der at once, Supply limited, Write for
quotations. T -D W, pawsan. T3ramptori•
23Ewproic5s F013 potn!
1)110/5"11'.51AICINII 0ICW3 ANL' JOB
JL Offlepol for "ole in goad Qatari's
towns The moot Useful and intereettne
or ell, businesses. Fall inrarmatlo Oft
•21P11024210n 20 Vnlann Puhltablna Cam -
Many, 73 1Vnat AdMaida ',creme.
I3ELP WAW16373
spinners and weavers. We will '
PaY ineXperlenced help while /earning
weaving. Good wages paid in all these
departments, and ;steady work for
months to come, For further particu-
lars, apply to the Slingsby ManufaCtur-
Mg CO., Ltd„ Brantford, Ont,
Pulniles for sale. Also few Per-
sian kittens. 10. A. Gillespie, Abbots-
ford, Quebec. .
1 foxes, trade for used ear. Reid
Broe„ Bothwell, Ont.
z flour and sugar bogs, VVrite offer.
Im Evans, Ft. William, Ont.
CA:WEIL P13500118,M DS, ETC.
Internal and external, oared with.
out pain by our home treatment, Writs
us before too late, 1)r. Bellmun Medical *
Co,. Limited, Collingw zod, oat.
AS SE mgx,Tr'710.-
- EmDuswicar
The cal anthrax cant works every clay
and night during the year. Send tor
catalog "W"
IL J. BT. CLAIR op., met.,
37 Toronto Areaae. - Toronto
' ellee
.Mrporsiore -Wu*
Gor,0:04si.rit,ag.ney.eou.i1•110,1•11e1ro etuoriti.
Neon. .71:lendo COlaot,ael,7151106i41.0154fr5e1e7
No. 1 Alsylte Bus.
Allow 30c (01' each oution1lb.:6g55
No. Timothy
We pay railway freight in Olt-
tario and Quebec over $35.00
Bog Spavin or Thoronghpia
but you can clean them off promptly with
cies and is also highly nourishing. It
prevents in diges thin and comitipa-
tioa. Most grocers sell It.'
Made by the Roman Meal Com-
pany, Toronto, Canada,
themselyee seated next Goal other at
sequently four times .the volume of a dinner party and immediately be -
business to be captured from Ger-
any alone, hut if the Beitish firms i came coefidential.
1 "Molly told me that you told her
mean to take advantage of the omen.- that secret I told you not to toll her,"
tunny now presented to them to ex- whispered Maegaeet.
tend British business with Russia, 'Wen," returned Margaret, "e told
they must proceed on very diffeeen her I wouldn't ten, yots she told me,
lines from those or the past, write s se eeeie tea lice 5 ea.
the British consul at Odeeea in his e,
annual t.
out circulars, nearly as.: NOTICE '1.'0 STALLION OWNERS.
ways in Eriglish, and writing to tee , , -TT
Consulate for the names of some per, . rho nispeetion of -stallions under
. . the Oetario Stallion Enrolment Act
sons .. ,
y 2
are, he proceeds, Of very little use. will commence March 28rd, 1910.
The business to' be bud in Russia is SrialliON 01V11 (TS Will notiee that horses
enormous, and it is worth spending inspected in the Fall of 1914 do not
a few hundred pounds upon by a require to be inspected at this time
principal coming out 16 look up his but all ()thee horses inspected previous
agents, or to appoint agents and cap- to the Fall of 1914, which were nob
thee the market. then eight years old, meet be inspect -
This was the principle adopted by
the Germans, who did not'rely upon Application should be made et once
to the Secretary of the °Mello Stal-
lion Enrolmene Board, R. W. Wade,
Parliament Blandings, Toronto.
---- .1.
More Important.
"Whatt A strange man walked off
ed in order to be enrolled f or 10113.
merely circulars and letters, but ,sent
qualified men to Ink up the mar-
kets in all pares ofithe country, note
the requirements, conditions of busi-
ness, and do all possible to conquer
competition. It must be borne in'
mind that now, during tee war, is with my ambr°31" ? WhYt here my
the time to capture this market; not name cm
after the war --it will than be too "That may be, ,but the other fel-
late in most cases. low has his hand on
"The Bible tells us we should love
our neighbors," said the deacon. "Yea
but the Bible was written before our
neighbors lived so close," replied the
mere man.
For Neuralgia and
Sick Headache Use
nada Mad.
Anal g
It soon gives relief. Sold in
clean, handy tin tubes at
chemists and general stores
Refuse substitutes.
Illustratedbooklet mailed
on request.
158e Chabot Ave. Montreal
Real Forbodings.
"My son," said the father impres-
sively, "suppose I should be taken
away suddenly, what would become
of you?"
"Why," said the son, irreverently,
"Pd stay here; the question is, what
would become of you?"
Some men ate such tightwads that
they won't even lend trouble without
good security.
liginard,e Zinintent Cures Burns,
"I say, old chap, I'm. in shocking
luck. I want money badly, and haven't
the least idea where I can get it."
"Well , glad to hear that, I
thought perhaps you had an idea you
could borrow from me!"
You will find relief in Zarn-Buit
R eases the burning, stinging
pain, stops bleeding and brings
ease. Perseverance, with Zarn.
Buk, means cure. Why not prove
this 7 .daz Drupoirgrl Stores.—
Subbube: " I believe .Swamplitirst
is unhealthy. Since we have lived
out there my wife can scarcely speak
above a whisper." Henpecke: Do
you suppose I could find a house
. We have been using MINARD'S
LINIMENT in our home for a num-
ber of years and use no other Lin-
iment bet AHN.ARD'S, and we can
reconunend 11 highly fOr sprains,
'bruises, pains or tightnese of the
chest, soreness of the throat, head-
ache or anything of that sort. We will
tot be without It one single day, for I
we gel 0 new bottle before the other
is all used. I can recommend it higher
to anyone.
Lailave Wands, Lutienberg Co., N.
Her 'Ups and Downs.
Lady(who was on a visit to her
native town)—How is 'AD's. Gabble?
I haven't seen her for a long time.
Hostess—She is having her ups and
Lady Visitor—A.ncl what ntity they
be, I gray?
Hostess—Ole running up hills and
running down her neighbors.
.. r Granulated Eyelids;
Eyes inflamed by expo.
sure to 51111, 0115i and Wind
0.4quickly relieved by Murine
at Eye Remedy. No Smarting,
— just Eye Comfort, At
Your Druggist's 50c per Bottle. Reline Eyo.
BariciaTubes 25c. For Book oliheEyereeask
/Druggists or fdurine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago
Possible Reason.
There's nothing in drinking,
There's not a thing to it.
And maybe, I'm thinking,
That'just why we do it.
rebutra,s Liniment for sale everywhere
Supplies King George With 200
Bunches Yearly.
James Jack, keeper of the famous
grapevine at Hampton Court Palace,
England, has retired after thirty-two
years active service as chief custodian
of the King's vine. The vine was
planted in 1768 by "Capability"
Brown, the illt11011S landscape gard-
ener of the eighteenth century.
The vine is now eonsidered one of
the finest in the world. It stretches
in wide perfectly trimmed squores,
eighty feet by twenty-six, the whole
length and breadth of the greenhouse.
Two hundred bunches of. grapes from
it are sent to Ring George at Wind-
sor every year. The grape is the olcl
T31 ack Hamburg.
Some years ago twelve bunches were
shown at cut exhibition of the Royal
Horticultural Society and were award-
ed the Hogg memorial medal for sine
eial excellence end culture. Two of
the bunches weighed 3 pounds 14
ounces oath, and the whole twelve
weighed about 42 pounds, an average
of 3ee pounds each,
lllLinaiUl's Liniment Relieves Neitralgio,
ED. G. ISSUE 11—'16.
The Inspection of stallions under
the Ontario Stallion Enrolment
Act, will. confluence March 531,1,
1916. All applications for en-
rolment and inspection, accom-
panied by the proper fee, must be
In the Secretary's office, Parlia-
ment Buildings, Toronto, by Marob.
1311,. 321 case of applications re-
ceived after March 13111, inspec-
tion will only be made at increased
ezvenae to owners. Address all
conumtnioationts to R. W. Wade,
scoretary, Ontario Stallion Enrol-
ment Board, Parlianient sandman,
and you work the horse sante time.
Does not blister or remove the
hair. $2.00 per bottle, delivered.
Will tell you more if you write.
Book 4 M free. ABSORIONE, JR..
the antiseptic liniment for Mankind,
reduces Varicose Veins, Ruptured
mum. or Llearnentr. Ralarced Mende, Wens.
Cysts. Alleys polo quickly. Peke 51 awl SS
*Souk at druggists or delivered. Made In 11,0 13, s. A. by
W 6 YOUNG, P1) Fe 515 Lymana Bldg., Montreal, 1112.
Absorblec and Astatine, Jr.. are nude le Quads,.
An up-todate Sigh Grade
Coaster Nuke and NW:, Dela.
5 n,,. i IVO .
el ladle Tire& 111511 grade amtip.. .
then 1, including-10nd- Owl cry ,
goords,Pont p,a; Tanta tl,Grilt1
s'f"a FREE 1916 Catalogue,
GO pages of Mucks, Sundries
and/Nai.r Maimed. Toucan
buy your Supplies frotu neat
T. W.BOYD & 9014,
27Notrellame SLIVestitiontreal.
Dog Remedies
130015 ON
And How to Feed
Mailed free to any addreas by
thc Author
118 West 3istietreet, New York
, "Cutting Off It's Retreat."
In the little village school room the
thildren were very quiet and atten-
tive, for the school -mistress was giv-
ing them nn interesting and instruc-
tive account of e certain rat wbich
had caused much annoyance in her
household. "It was a great nuisance,
children," she said, "and great, was
my satisfaction when, at last, it was
tracked to its favorite haunt, and I
and several c there were enabled to cut
off his retreat." "By tbe way," she
added, as a king of after thought, "can
ony of you tell me what `cutting off
its retreat' means?"
Silence reigned for some moments,
but at length a small girl put up her
hand. "That's night, Ethel," said the
mistress encouragingly. "What is
'its 'retreat?'" "Please, miss," an-
awered Ethel at once, "it means its
Minard's Liniment .0usen Dandruff
Many a min becomes a jailbird
through his strenuous efforts to fea-
ther his nest.
froth New York. March 10
& 21.
S.S. DvAsargatrE suns from
51 New York March 21 Ss 30
l'arrs• , 41)17 125
UR op. Apply Mr tHAte nml hunlilet
11. 0. r07511505, Gen, Mot
Canada e1.8, Liars. Limited,
AG Vonge NI,. Toronto.
12 or any dulcet seem.
The Ideal Winter Resort
Beautiful Mire% Saddle Aiding,
Golf, Tennis, Yachting, Fishing
and Sea Bathing. Present Gar-
rison of the Ottawa (38th) Regi-
Princess Hotel
is open front DPIDETABER, to MAT
Situated on the Harbor of
Hamilton. Aecommodates 400.
Rates : $25 per week and upward,
Bermuda te reached by tbe steam-
ers of the ()oche° S. S. Co.,
32 Broadway, New. York.
3 Grand Varieties—Good as Gold
Beans'—ontRefuge Wax—Pods round, clear and tranapareni and of hand -
so npaearaMe. Is Owlet., vor;y meditative, free from rust, natl.
stands dry weather well. V, lb. 15e., 1 lb. d5e,, 5 lbs. 52.00.
—Golden santant---mi early, hardy, productive variqtY, of fittest
onality and delicions flavor, 311,, a rich, crennt yellow, deepening
to orale.y'wh
ellow en ripe. lb. 101., 1 lb. Sea, 6 lbs. 51.40.
s Early settler—A grand extra xtraearly wrinkled nlarrOrt
Peas variety. The pods tire largo, deal) green, and rinse wee large
pans. peeeessing the rich ilaver and quality of the best late
varieties. It attains a height of shoot 11,1! feet and in very
productive, 14 lb. 150„ 1 lb. 400., 5 lbs, 31.75. rost,paid,
If tient by Et:prone at purchaser's expense, deduet 10e, per Pound.
BRUCE'S Seeds are the cheapest, because they ere tile
FREE °up
li«0111015 Implements, eta., for 1010. Send for
mulsonudy.illostrated 128 -page catalogue of YagatalgO,
Marin and Plower Floods, Plants, Bulbs, ,Dotatry Empalme,
John A. Brue & Con, Ltd.,