HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-03-09, Page 5March 9th, 1916 Clinton News -Record Auburn Miss Neelin, a uuree who has se- turned from serving .in the military hospitals of England, will addreas a meeting in •the Forester's hail. on Saturday evening. A'program will .also be given. On Sunday evening Miss Neelin will .speak in Iirlox • church. The proceeds of the lecture .and the collection on' -Sunday.,, will go to the Red Cross fund; Quite a. number of people lions Auburn attended the 'at -hone given by Morningstar Lodge at Carlow on Friday evening," A ;pleasant social •evening was, spent and•• 'aduting'` Its progress Mr. H. C. Wei on . behalf of the Lodge, presented Mout. Hetherington with a handsome gold ring. Mr. Hetherington is a member of the 101st' and is at a prese'it in Clinton as an instructor in n Srhool for non-commissioned officers `':,i sr s= t sl n here. o Mr. Martin Dyer 'of Mullett town- •:abip has disposed of his farm to Mr. Herman Doer, the purchase price being fivethousandous and and fifty"'a-annexe. Mr. Dyer is having ;v sae on the 15th, Mr, Wm. Dobie, who was .laid up ler a few days, is able to be about agafu. • GoderIch Miss Reynolds returned last week from her visit to Montreal. Mr. John Cameron of Los Angeles, Cal., was a guest at the home of Mr, and Mrs. D. McLaren for a few days recently. Mr. Cameron ac- companied the remains of the late S. A. Megaw Iron Los Angeles to Win- nipeg and then carne on Lor a short visit with his 'wife's relatives.` Miss Nina Sharman . has returned to Detroit after a visit of some weeks at her hone here, Miss Adelaide Nairn has • returned -from a visit with' Galt friends. Mr, David Bell of the Britannia Road, who has two sons in the ser- vice of the Empire, one' at the front :and one in training, has enlisted as -cook with the 135th Batt., 0. Com- pany, on- an a Parkhill. r p 3 , M . Heil gained. quite a reputation at the camps at London and Goderich, being an ex- --"pert in the cook house, and he is :now officers' 000k, Mr. C. L. Coultes has sold his business to Mr. A. L. Caldwell of St. Catharines and has gone to Tor- onto, -where he will engage in bus aness.- Mr Norman Mcl3ain of abhe staff of the Bank of Commerce returned last week from a three -weeks' visit with lois parents at Tilsonburg. "Mrs. J. F. Andrews has purchased 'the residence on Elgin avenue until recently owned and occupied bp the late Mrs. D. I3oyd. The price paid was $2,350. Miss Ruth Hamil.ton was in Exeter recently visiting her sister. Mrs. Hoyer of Toronto is the guest •of Mrs. Clare Swarts. Mrs. Lorne Macdonald and two daughters have returned to their home at Swift Current, Sask,, after a visit of some lmonths here. Mr. Chas. Washington, who has been spending the winter with his 'sister, Miss Washington of town, left last week for a short visit in Hamilton before leaving for his home an Regina. Mrs, John Harris, formerly Mabel Cole Westaway, died at her home -yye-ve on Monday week after a short illness. She was but in her thirty fourth year and her bereaved hus- band and family of four young chil- dren have the sympathy of all in their sorrow. At a meeting held in Temperance Hall last week the women nonce .of God- erich organized themselves into a War Auxiliarp Council in connection with the War Auxiliary. Mrs. (Rev,) Hamilton was elected president and Mrs. Richard Phalen vice. Miss Le- Touzel is secretary and the following ladies were appointed to represent the different wards : Mrs: Field, Mrs. Strang, Mrs. Lee, Mrs: Nairn, Mrs. Coulthurst, Miss Ford, Miss Wash- ington, Miss Stoddart, Mrs, Kelly, Mrs. Killoran, Miss Ausebrook, Mrs. Coats, Mrs, Acheson, Mrs. Grif- fin, Miss eurdette, Miss Holt, The organization will work in Conjunction •with the officers of the different oth- er organizations which have been en- gaged in war work of various sorts. Seaforth. Miss Nettie Shillinglaw of 'Toronto was a week -end visitor at the par- ental home in town. Miss Clara Pinkney has returned after a yisit of some weeks, in Toronto. . 'MTPs. Munroe of Saskatoon is home on a visit to, her parents, MMIr. and Mrs. T. E. Hays. Dr, Atkinson was visiting his mother,, Mrs, M, C. Chesney, for a few days last week. Mr, P. E. Lennon of Calgary was the guest of his sister, Mrs. Jam- es Devereaux of . the Huron Road, recently, Miss Passmore returned last week to herr, home in New York City after spending some time in town as the guest of Miss Evelyn Greig. Mr. Lou Eberhart was in Hamilton last, week in attendance at tlre T'hreshermen's Convention of which he is secretary„ Mrs. Orval Weston and son 're- turned to their home in Detroit last week after a visit with the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs, James Grav- es. Messrs. Frank: -and Lou Devereaux were called to Detroit owing to the illness and subsequent death of their sister,' Miss Nellie Devereaux, whose funeral took• place on Saturday to, St, James' cemetery. Mr. ;'and Mrs. D, Shanahan have returned from Long Beach, Califor- nia, where they have been spending the winter months. 7,fe, James Murra5s, who has just Maimed from Ireland where he had ;been winding up the estate of a de- -ceased' uncle, visited his mother last -week and has gone ea to his hone in Oregon. B1gth Mrs. Spann' was at Moncton last week attending the funeral of a nephew, Mrs. Kingsley Atkinson of Hagers- ville has been here visiting a her par- ents; Mr. and -Mrs, James Gibson. Mr, Waiter Balser of Clinton taught S, S. No. 74 Hullett, last week ow- ing to the illness of the teacher, Mrs.- Carson. Mr. L. W. Williams has purchased L. O. Charlesworth's' hardware bus- iness and takes possession at once Mrs. W. J. Parks of East Wawa- • nosh died at the home of her bro- ther, Mr. Wm. Johnston of town, on Monday week., The deceased lady had been suffering for severalweeks and a few days :before her death had been to London to consult a specialist, who gave her little hope, but the end came n more speedily o eo it Y than was anticipated. . Tyre remains were removed to her home in East Wawanosh from where the 'funeral was held on Friday. Rev, T. H. Farr of Kincardine •irdine was in town last week calling on old friends, ' Mr. Norman Knox left for Mack- lin, Sask,, last week. IIe expects to be absent some time. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Sloan have returned after a visit of - some months in Toronto, ". 1Ir, and Mrs, A. W. Knox and fam- ily have returned to their home at Macklin, Sask., after visiting rela- tives in Hullett township for sever- al weeks, Happenings of Fifteen Years Ago. Happenings in Clinton ale the Opening of the Century. Taken from the Files of The News -Record of the date indicated. Clinton, March 7th, 1001, Mr. Victor French has decided to establish a newspaper at Wetaski- win, Alta., situated at the foothills of the Rockies, and in a fortnight or so should have the 'business started. It gives The News -Record 'pleasure to recommend Mr. French to the citizens of Wetaskiwin and to join with his friends here in wishing him success in his new venture. Mr, James Stevens of the • Base Line has been very ill but is now recovering. Mr. James Dunford, district de- puty of the A.O.F. paid official vis- its to Seaforth and Blyth on Mon- day and Tuesday evening. Mr. Wm. Jackson returned Monday, from a visit to Montreal and Ot- tawa. Mr. C. H. Saunders of the Exeter Advance was in town on Mondays, Mr. Saunders, who is considered the best -looking newspaper man in Hur- on, edits one of its most readable papers. The Local Market. Wheat63c to 04c. Barley 37c to40c, Cats 29e to 30e. Butter 15e to 16c. Eggs 1.3c to 11c. Live llogs 55.50 to $6.00. • 'Marriages MORRELL—SAVILLE—At the hone of Mr. and Mrs. W. Brown, Hui - lett township, on March 7th, by Rev., S. J. Allin, Marion E. Saville to Frederick Harold Morrell of the same township. BARTON—FALCONER—At Bayfield, on March 7th, Edith E,, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Fal- coner, to Joseph A. Barton of Goderich, STEVRNSOaN—GILDERS—In Goder- ich on March 1st, Victor James Stevenson of Selma, Sask., and Roby Florence Gliders of Col: - bone township, Births CARTER—Tai Clinton, 00 Marsh 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Carter, a daughter. EBERHART—Iii Tuckersmith, en February 29th, to Mr. and firs, George Eberhart, a daughter.. COLEMAN—Ia Tuckersmith, on Feb- ruary 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coleman, a daughter. SOWERBY-Ili- Goderich township on Feb. 24th, to Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Sowerby, a son.: Deaths RICHARDSON—ln Morris township, on February 31st, Frank Richard- son, aged 76 years. HARRIS—In Goderich, on Pellruary 28th, Mabel Westaway, wife of Mr, John Harris, aged 34 ;,ears. A 'RUMOUR HAS BEEN CIRCU- lated' to the effect that I was ar- rested recently in Seaforth for pro -German utterances. There is absolutely no truth in this report which , I believe was . started for the purpose of injuring me in a business way. A reward will be given for information as to the person starting. the report.—Ed- Ward Yungblut, Londesboro. 27-1 EGG? FOR HATCHING.—FROM bred -to -lay Single Comb Whites Leg - horns. Cockerels bred from record laying strain imported from Penn- sylvania Poultry Farm, Lancaster, Pa. Setting 50 cents for 113,—F. Keegan, Hayfield. . —27 SEED GRAIN FOR SALE -1'11E• undersigned .offers for sale a yuan tity of good seed !Barley, O.A.CC. No. 21, Scotland Superior Cats. and some seed beans, good sample. For prices etc. •'appl}/ to—Albert Neal, Base Lihe, Clinton, Phone 30 166. -27 PIGS FOR SALE. -25 • LITTLE pigs.—Apply, to A. E, Matheson, R, R. No, 3, Seaforth. Phone 17 on 136. • 27-2 AUCTION SALE OE' FARM STOCK, Implements and Household Furni- ture.—Mr. W. L. Keys has instruct- ed the undersigned to sell by pub- lic agotion at Lot 1a,; Babylon Line, Stanley„ on Friday, March 17th, . at 1:00 o'clock sharp, the following :Brood mare, driver •9 years old in foal, brood marc in foal, driver, gelding rising 3 years. broken, gelding.. rising 2 'years,, fil- ly agricultural rising L year, Tilly., driver rising 1 year, horse aged general purpose, 3 cows, due to calve. -in March,: "2 fresh cows, 2 calves, geese, 'lucks and chickens, Massey -Harris binder, Deering fer- tilizer drill 12 -hoe, cultivator, disk harrow,, riding plow, walking plow, wagon, 2 pair sleighs, buggy, cut- ter, set double harness nearly new setP to v harness, set light •double harness, set single harness, several collars, etc., •par- lor suite, centre table, bedstead, wash stand's, kitchen tables, chairs and other household articles, 50 bushels Saskatchewan seed oats, 12 bushels seed barleys, and many oth- er article's. Terms : All sums of $10 and under, cash ; on over that amount 8 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. Discount at the rate of 4 percent. per annum on credit amounts.—W. L. Keys, Owner ; E- Bossenberry, Auctioneer, 27 AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK —Mr. 'Walter Mair has instructed the undersigned to sell by public auction at Lot 28, Con. 4, - Hul- lett, (Base Line, is miles from Clinton) on Friday, March 17th, at L,30 'sharp, the following : L cow due ,to calve in March, 1 cow due to calve in May, 1 cow due to calve in Alija, 1 Polled Angus cow with calf at foot, 3 fresh cows in calf, 1 fresh cow, h farrow cow, 4 steers rising 2years,3 heifers ris- ing s ing 2 years, 2 heifers 16 months, 2 steers 16 months, 2 fat calves, 5 calves 1 year old, 5 young calves, 9 pigs, 1 marc 8 years old in foal, 1 colt rising 1 year old. Terms, —All sums of 5310 and under, cash ; on over that amount 10 months'• credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. A discount of 3 percent. off for cash on credit amounts. Pigs cash,—Walter Mair, Proprietor ; T. Gundry, Auctioneer, • AUCTION SALE OF THRESHER Outfit.—The Londesboro Thresher Co, will sell by public auction at the Londesboro Hotel at 1..30 o'clock on March 18th their outfit consisting of 20 h.p. George White engine, rear cut separator, tank, belts and all complete. 'elle ma- chine is in first-class running or- der, the separator being almost new. Terms : 5200 down or in 10 days, balance Feb, 1st, 1917, on satisfactory security. Outfit may be seen iu Londesboro at any time. —J, C. Adams, Secretary ; G. 1'I. Elliott, Auctioneer. 27-2 EGGS FOR HATCHING FROM Hens that Lay.—We an prepared to supply a large number of eggs for hatching purposes from the famous Guild bred -to -lay strain of Single Comb White Leghorns. Set- tings 50c per 13 or 53 per 100. One special pen of two-year-old hens mated with Tom Barron strain cockerels 51 per 15. Incuba- tor lots a specialty.—llolmesville Poultry. Yards, Phone 4 oa 142, N. W. Trewartha, Proprietor. 26-8 EGGS FOR HATCHING. — FOR sale after March 15th, White Leg- horn, ;Brown Leghorn and Barred Rock eggs for hatching, All good laying. strains. 50 cents per dozen. If shipped charges to be paid by purchaser,—John Garrett, l ondes- bore P.O. 26-4 SERVANT WANTED. - BY MRS. Malcolm McTaggart.—Apply at res- idence. —25. HOUSE FOR SALE OR TO • RENT conveniently located on Huron St, Frame, 10 rooms, hard and soft water, electric light. House in good shape. Easy terms.—Wm, Simpson. —26. PAPER HANGING AND PAPER- ing.—I just wish to say, that I am prepared to do the above classk of work and to do ' ltr p ompt- ly and properly. I respectfully ask for your patronage and guarantee to give you satisfaction, -W, A. Mason, —26 CALVES FOIL SALE.—I HAVE made arrangements to handle a limited number of calves,—W, Marquis, R. R. No. 1, Clinton. -25. -CORN FOR CASI•I 0!R 3 MON1'IIS' time to farmers 'I know to be good, and some I don't know, Bu corn and fief h ca Buy s lulu good and get high prices.—W. FI.Perrin. —26 HOUSE FOR SALE IN VILLAGE of Bayfield, also good stable and three lots. For further particulars apply to—Mrs. Elizabeth Wallis, Londesboro —25. CUSTOM SAWING WILL BE DONE as usual at Thos. Wallis' on the 451 con. of Goderich township dur- ing the uring-`the coming spring. --McEwen Bros., Bayfield. -19 SHORTHORNS FOR SALE. — Here's your chance to buy a right good two-year-old bull from an impoetel sire and `a record milking strain. Also 3 calves from 5 to 11 months old. All good feeders and in excellent condition. Come and oee them.—Edward II, Wise, R. R. Na, 3, Clinton. Phone 12 ,on155. —18 MARQUIS SPRING WHEAT, — I have a limited quantity of Marquis spring wheat for sped. This is a choice variety and has given good. results. It is especially good for mixing, with oats and barley, ripen- ing, ten days earlier than 'other varieties, ' Sample and price sent on request.—Fred. Middleton, R.R. No. 3, Phone 4 on 156. ! 23.6 Honor Roll The following members of the sea- ior class of boys in the Ontario fit. church Sundays school, taught by Miss Stevens and Mr. W. Walker, have en- listed : Lewis -Manning Willie Walker Elmer Beacon Fred. Thompson George Webber Chas. Thompson Will. Britton Thos. Morgan Cecil Moores James Crich Leslie Wasmann 0, F. Lockwood Robert Fisher William Littlewood Arnold Parker George Tebbutt S. Newcombe William Brockett. Farms for Sale FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT,— Lot 30, con. 5, Goderich township, one mile south of Porter's Hill, consisting of 80 acres, is offered for sale or to rent. Fair house and kitchen and gpod stone milk house, barn 60 135 35 feet. Two acres of orchard, all kinds of fruit. The farall li farm is nng, rass and s is well watered. For further par- ticulars apply to W, Brydone, Bar- rister, Clinton, or on the premises to Robert Beacom. 27-3 FOR SALE OR TO RENT—LOT 23, Con 17th, Goderich township, con- taining 80 acres more or less ; 6 acres fall wheat ; 50 acres of plow- ing done; 2 acres orchard'; good well ; frame house and barn in good condition. Possession given to suit purchaser or leasee. For particu- lars apply to—Mrs. Robt, Mason, Clinton, —25-3 FOR SALE -100 ACRES IN HUL- lett township, 2a miles from Clin- ton on Huron Road. Good soil and buildings, 10 acres small tim- ber, never failing spring water, ru- ral mail and telephone. For partic- ulars apply on premises or address T. J. Watt, R. R. No, 4, Clinton. —21. FARM FOR SALE,—In GODERICH township, one hundred and twenty acres, •Lot No. 25, Con, 14, S. 5, hall of Lot 80, Maitland con. Good bank, barn, frame house, never fail- ing well with piped to house and barn ; water in five different fields the year round. Three miles from Clinton.—Apply to William alum - flings, Iiolmesville.. Phone 14 on 160. —21-5. FARM FOR SALE, BEING LOT 24 on the 5th con. of Goderich Town- sliip consisting of 120 acres, 11 acres in fall wheat, 40 acres ready fos spring plowing, 7 acres of bush, relnainder under grass. Small or- chard. Concrete House. Good barn 53x80 with stone foundation. Cement silo. Water tank and Wind- mill at barn. One quartes mile from Porter'h Hill,—James Hamilton, Clinton., —09 FARM FOR SALE — FOR SALE south half Lot 31-32, Concession 1, Tuckersmith, containing 94 acres more or less, There are on the premises a good frame house with kitchen and woodshed, cement cis- tern, good bank barn 40x84 with stone stabling and cement floors, drive shed and hen house, water iu house and barn supplied with wind mill and cement tank. The farm is in first-class condition fenced and drained and there are 10 acres of first-class bush and small orchard. The farm is three and one half miles from Clinton, five miles from Sea - forth and one mile from church and school. Rural telephone in house. The farm is all on the west side of railroad track and is in first-class shape.—Terms—Reasonable, reasons for selling, the proprietor wishes to retire, for further particulars apply on the premises or address John Thomas Crich, Clinton, -22.13 YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED, RE- paired arid Pressed and at the shortest possible notice. Both Lad- ies' and Gentlemen's clothes. We guarantee to do good, work. Also having bought a machine 1 ant pre- pared to French Dry Clean Ladies' Suite, Gent''s Suits and all kinds of woolen clothing including Sweat- ers, etc, All orders promptly at- -tended . to. Rooms over Grigg's jewelery Store.: Wm, J. Jago. —55 BUSINESS FOR SALE The undersigned offers his stock of Dry Goods, Grocer- ies, Boots, Shoes, Crockery,' Etc., for sale. Possession given at such timeas will best suit the purchaser, E. F. Kerner, Bayfield, AMIN FOR SALE.—FOUR GOOD YOUNG Shorthorn Bulls, choice breeding. Also some good young Berkshire Boars and Sows, largo English tytpe, about three months old, Prices reasonable.—John C. Durst, R, R. No. 2, Clinton, 24-4 Wanted Fat Hens and Chickens wanted. Highest market price paid.—W. Mar- quis, Phone 14 on 166. . -23 HOUSE FOR SALE 011 TO RENT on Raglan street. Two acres of land, brick house, electric light and waterworks, small stable,—D. Can- telon, _08 HEADQUARTERS F 0 R FAIR - banks -Morse Engines. -1 h.p. Engine with Pump Jack $48, 2 h.p. Engine -with Pump Jack $90 2a n.r, I"n- gine $93,50, 5 f.p. Engin 5)50, 7 h.p. Engine $225. Also Fleury Plows, Grinders and Repairs. En- gine and Telephone batteries 30e each. -E. H. Epps, Varna, Phone 14 on 178, Clinton. MRS. J. JOHNSTON. WIIO HAS taken over the agency for the Spir- ella corset, is prepared to meet the needs of all old and new custom- ers. The Spirella is "different" ; a perfect -fitting, flexible, made-to- order corset, allowing every muscle full play. Cali and ask Mrs. Johns stop about corsets and accessories. —02 CREAM WANTED. — DAIRYMEN having cream to sell write to us • for cans. We supply two cans free. Pay all express charges and issue cheques twice each month, cheques payable at par. We pay the high- est market prices consistent with as honest test. Testing done by a competent man. Each can careful- ly weighed, sampled and tested on arrival and statement returned. Those in the vicinity of Kinburn may leave their cream with Mr. Hall who will deliver ft here, Write for cans and give us a trial. ,- Patrons is the vieinitja of Varna may deliver their cream to Beatty Bros. Store and it will be taken care of there—The f he Sea orth Cream- ery., m ery•, Box 486, Seaforth, Ont. JUST ARRIVED ! We have just received a car of No. 1 hard Corn which we can offer at a reasonable price, all orders for same will be filled promptly, We keep in stock Pure Manitoba Rolled Oats which conies direct from the Keewatin Mills and is second to none in quality. 'We have got in a new supply of Seeds which are No. 1 Government Tested and consist of the following : Red Clover, Alfalfa, Alsike, Timothy and Orchard Grass. Flour, Breakfast Food, Easiflrst Shortening, Oil Cake, Molasses Meal, Bran, Shorts and Low Grade always in stock. Highest prices paid for Grain,; W. Jenkins & Son. AND AivD PL`t;D Phone 199. We have added a stock of New Groceries and can now supply you with Teas, Sugar, Canned Goods and ether lines to be found in a grocery store., We also sell Conner's Bread. This is an addition to Flour and Feed of which we keep a full stock and will deliver goods to any part of the town. We appreciate a share of your pa- tronage. the deliver goods promptly, do any part of the town. D. A. WATSON Victoria St., Next the Hospital's ETERY VARIETY LENTEN SEASON, sen Fish, when properly cooke ed, makes a most appetizing and nourishing meal, Fish rank amongst the first as a brain food. A pound of Fish is a pound of food.. Try some Halibut Steak J Cohoe Sahnon, $' White Fish, Fresh Herring, Salted Herring, Canned Fish, Salmon, Tuna Fish, 1laddie, Sardines, Kippered• Herring, Etc. IIIGHEST PRICES FOR I BUTTER AND EGGS. Phone orders promptly attended to. Johnson & Co. The Store of Quality., TO THE CITIZENS. eaei ea The health ,officer asks the co-operation of the citizens in stamping .out measles that are prevalent in town. As soon as signs of rash appear, notify your, physician or the health officer and keep all per- sons f r o m communication with the .sick. Insist on strick quarantine, By, this method we can soon control the disease. -ems J. W. Shaw, M.H.O. Large Demand for Canadian dean Eggs and Poultry. i It • s eapeceed that Great Britain will be in the market stronger than ever for our eggs and poultry. Last year there was not half enough poultry,to supply her de- mands. Why not bay o one of •our thoroughly reliable Prairie State Incubators - and hatch your chicks when you please and as many • as you wish. Anyone without ex- perience can handle these in- cubators with success. We are always in the mar- ket for large quantities of new -laid eggs and live poul- trP. Now is the time to weed out your lazy hens When the price is high. GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. The Up-to-date Firm CLINTON. GUIs WWI We can give employment to a few more Knit- ters, etc. Apply at once Clinton Knitting Co,, Ltd. THE CORNER STORE Live and Let Live Roman Deal Demonstration, You .are invited to vis- it this free . demonstra- tion. A capable lady demon- strator is iii charge :and without any •obligation to purchase will be pleased to show and tell •you the many ways in which ROM-, AN MEAL can be served, • ROMAN MEAL is pre- pared by Dr, Jackson and is highly recommended for constipation ' and indigos-, 4100, Sold in two sizes, 1100 and 25e. Fry the new • food. Roman Meal Nuggetts Demonstration, one week only, Monday tf11 Satur- - day. • Come and bring your friends. E. E. HUNNIFORD LIVE AND LET LIVE GROCER. Home-made - , SapPans And Pails Call and see our stock bfore placing your order BYAM & SUTTER Saniitary, Plumbers, Phone 7 A'Good Resolution : I will pay my subscription to The News -Record in advance, Cream! Cream! New Method. I am' in the market for any quantity of cream at. highest. market price. You can see it y' , weighed, tested and take your l money u home with you. Create . taken in every; Thursday, morning. S. W. MILLAR, GENERAL MERCHANT Holmesvllle lYlarrna!ade Oranges. We pay special atten- tion to .all fruits In season. Now is the time for Marmalade or Bitter t, Oranges. These are first-class qual- ity and only 25c per doz also California Navel Oranges • Grape Fruit and Bananas. W. T.O'No!lI Logs Wanted. HIGHEST PRICE PA111 FOR ALL KINDS OF GOOD LOGS DELIVERED AT 00- IIERTY'S SAW M I L L S CLINTON, FOR PARTICU- LARS APPLY TO FORD McLEOD, F. G. RUMBALL Remember! that after all there are only, two kinds of Coal ; the BEST anti the rest. • We always carry for your benefit a full. supply, ei the BEST LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE (the coal that satisiesl• There's a long time yet hs- 2ore the hot weather sets in, ao hadn't you better replenish that lowering Deal -bird with load or two of the BEST ? We also handle :all kinds of Logs and Lumber, Canada Ce- ment, Buffalo Brand' Fertiliz- ers, Dressed Lumber • and Shingles, Canada Fibre Board, Metal Building Materials, Tile,; Cedar Posts, etc.. JOHN B. MUSTARD Telephones Bayfield Office, 8 on 174. Brumfield Office, 11 on 145. TAKE A LOOK at your plumbing. Is it new, up-to- datean' s nary and in :perfect condi. tion ? Upon the plumbing frequently; depends the health of the family. EVERY MEMBER of the family uses the bath room ; id can be cleanly, convenient and coma fortable. Why not have it so ? Seo our stock and don't forget that out workmanship is exceptional. THOS. HAWKINS. TRY IT 'tilt recommending The News-Recoid to your friends who aro not now subscribers', ..