The Clinton News Record, 1916-03-02, Page 1he Clinton I�Qws-�ecorsl.
No. 1926 —37th Year
verlive citizenhould take an interest in the prosperity of an
up-to-date:Local Newspaper, such 'as. The
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oversleep yourself in the
morning—it is mighty
It means a
lose of time, and time 1s
money these, days.
will a for itself, m Gtime
saved in a few weeks,
We recommend the $1
Ben, We have others
but there are none quite
as good as Big Ben, �.OQ
each and fullyuaa'an-$
teed, . '
- - - ` Clinton
Mr, and Mrs, 0, J, Wallis enter-
tented the members of Wesley church
choir at their home on Friday even-
ing last. This has become an annual
affair and the choir looks forward
winter with great Anticipations
of pleasure to spending this evenfitg
under the hospitable roof of the
}rouse of Wallis. Needless•to say the
gathering on Fridays evening enjoyed
itself to the full.
The Girls Club of Willis church
held another tea at the home : of
Mrs, Sadie Johnston on Wednesday
afternoon last, During the afternoon
a pretty handpainted plate, donated
by Mrs," Johnston, was disposed of
by lot, Miss •Margaret Mahat3 a being
the winner. The proceeds of this and
of the tea amounted to about four-
teen dollars, which has been handed
over to the.treasurer of the Women's
Mrs. (Judge) Nye of. Moorehead,
Minn., formerly Miss Hattie Rumliall
of town, sent a cheque the other
day to the treasurer of - the Clinton
Women's Patriotic Society to ase used
in:connection with their wax work,
This is the second cheque Mrs, Nye
has sent, to rho W.P.S. and proves
that though sending tinder another
an her heart stip lieatst true to the
dear Canadian home
Unionanand her
t. native town.
The choir of Ontario street church
had a very pleasant little social
time after choir practise en Friday
evening and the leader, Mr, B. - ,i,
.Gtbbtngs, presented the" pastor, Rev,
S. J. Allin Sunday being' his birthdays,:
with a hook :, 'My Year of the Great
War," by Palmer; and a; bouquet of
Carnations- Themost cordial relations
have always existed between Mr. Al-
lin aid' his choir ,during the :four
years of his pastorate which is now
Mr, and Mrs, William Brown of
Hullett announce the engagement of
their daughter;, Marion Eva, tp Fred-
Brick Harold Morrell, son of Mr, and
"Mrs:. Albert Morrell, the marriage to
take Ince on March seventh,:
' Wheat Abe,
P Oats 40a. ,
Barley 54e,
il3utter 26e to 28e,
Eggs 23c to 24c,
Live Hogs $9,00.
The Pastime Club will have a dance
this evening,
Good MorningI HO does•
w ? your
sub to The News -Record stand ,The
label tells the story,
Those,,F`or Sale; Wanted, Etc,, ads
on page five do their work at small
On Tuesday 14ir, J. D. Hall of Tray-
mond, Alberta, made a shipment of
a carload of male Shorthorns ,bo'ught
by him in the • Clinton distract,
Among those from whom he grade
purchases were : James Snell (2),
Ed, Johnson, James l'anE mond
.Shobbrook; Geo. Stephenson &. An-
Berson and P. Plumsteel. A heifer
included in the shipment was bouglit
from Mr. Wiltse of the London (toad.
Next Sunday. Rev, F. 0, • Harper
will conduct both services, Subjects :
"The'Day That the Lord Subjects
Made," in the morning, The evening
evening subject will be, "What Real
Earnestness w•Ieans."
Rev, F, C. Harper and Mr, John
Cunfnghame; the moderator and
treasurer of session, have been ap-
pointed to represent the church . at
the Temperance Parliament in Tor-
on March the 28tH to 30th,
THE ,Hv R�N °'
Phe 161st made a route march to
13ayfleid on 'Thursday last; remained
there over night and returned Friday
morning, The soldiers left Clinton at
0.45, marching in the -following or-
der : Advance guard,consisting of
signalling section, band', Clinton de -
tachmen-t, stretcher bearers with
stretchers, rear guard; consisting, of
staff clerks: The officer in command
was Major McPhail,, with Captains
Vans tone and Allen, and Lieutenants
Macpherson, Mair and Porter,
The men certainly made a fine sob
- dnetly appearance as they' marched
away), their great coats slung across
their shoulders.
A halt was made at St, James`
church, Middleton, where the ladies
of the congregation' had prepared an
excellent luncheon, which was deftlyHarold,
served and was thoroughly enjoye
bythe num. When this had beep dis-
cost, Have"you anything for sale ?
Y g
Try page five.
The members of the Travel Club
are ...asked to note the change of
date for, the next club meeting which
will be in Mrs. Brydone's home on
Satttrdayr_ evening of next week in-
stead of Saturdayof this week.
Mrs:; Berta •Fremlin whose leu -
band'recently enlisted with the 161st
Battalion, has also offered her ser -
vices to the Government and if . ar-
rangements can be made will trice
up steno raphy work in cwhich sheg p
Is proficient, The probability is that
thet services of many Women will be
used from time to time, espeoiallyr
if they, can take the places of men
and release them fax military . ser -
vice. Of; the four Fremlin brothers
three are now members of the 161st,
Theodore and Bert. This is
a good record for one family,
Mr, A. Morris came up town
to a close and they have
worked together with the greatest
Thursday last for the first time to
good will and harmony and will
T :-
he ®ya
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- ClintonBranCll
five week, having been confined to
his home for that length of time
with a bad attack of . pneumonia:
IIB was certainly a very •sick man
for days, so • fiat his at-
tendants were uncertain as to his
bodkin butST.
g, his good constitution
pulled him through and he is note on
the highwaiy to rapid and complete
recovery.. The friends were very Lind
to Mr. Morris during his. illness and
through The News -Record he wishes
to say that he truly
3' Y appreciated it,
Saturday last was a pretty stormy.
the t, probably the roughest one or
d when the harsh clang
of the fire alarm rang out about mid-
eight it Could not be wondered at if
part with feelings of mutual regret,
damtathes.of thiontse z irandrad ad provided
and his Tamil beinga minister
3 present, a ha -
pY hour was enjoyid'together,
The rector exchanged pulpits' with
the Rev. T. H. Brown of Seaterth
on 'Sunday last so as to speak at a
recruiting meeting in the Presbyter.-
ran church there in the evenin
Auxiliary, Ladies'g
hold a� joint meeting Womes
in Cheri Memorial hall on Monday af-
o next.
}car}et rector
or mnllteParing be se the Lenten
out to the
near future and in next weeks nog
es a statement of the srecial servic-
used of"and t
A BIC. DEMO\STR.9TION. pbs ladies bad been duly
thanked the march was resumed. •
A big demonstration to celebrate Arriving at ,Bayfield the soldiers
the marvellous success of the peti- were given a hearty, welcome, ,Some
tion -signing campaign will be held military manoeuvres and drill were
in Toronto next Tuesday and Wed- gone through and there was a rand
will ne It is expected that there march past rho men acquitting
will be over 2 !,000 in the parade and themselves istell.
each county will have their own Billets had been provided among
delegation, .All citizens interested the good people of Eayfieli and the
may 'secure tickets, which will be sold soldier bo s were ii 6ht ro a 1
�, ° Y 6 y 1 y en-
at single fare plus 25e on March 7t -t remained,
and 8th, good to rerun up to March In the evening a k las held
loch. Two or three hundred are in the town hall tseto •smoker
wanted from Huron County). P 3, t be ig
y for the most part given by the 101st,
I1E C,AMI, FROM o o WOODSIO(.'I( !mon, Those taking part in the an-
r P. J3 tertaunuent were r Capt. Allen, Ire.
'lI , , ,•Vers of Woodstock who rates Fred and Charlie Thompson,
bas taken a position as cutter with Webber, 7enrbell, Bands an Stcsv-
town, taking up residence in the A. llac•farlane and Mr. A, 1r, Lrwiit
]rouse on Ontario street recently oc- of 13ayfielcl.
eupied by llr, 1t , C. Robb, He com- The soldier returned
es 'ver hi+ltl • s lien f s or town Fri-
Y highly po o as a crests- clay+ morning none the worse For their
man and will no doubt maintain the long march, the Clinton detachment
reputation of Brown's for made to- are becoming hardened to the march
orders of the very tipst workman- and make a good showing on Parade,
Ship. The Nems -Record trusts Mr. • _
Tier will like Clinton and find it
toms up to his expectations, On Friday afternoon the Blyth de-
taoitmeni of the 101st, numbering
PATRIOTIC. NOTES, thirty-five, , commanded by Lieut,
Have you bought a month, a week, Scott, marched into Clinton. They
a day, alt hour from the "Golden halleft Blyth inLothe forenoon, making a
at whichwasose to partakeerofe
Year 7" Ask somebody about it, tench
lunch winch served under the
Of course tis for patriotic purposes, auspices of the Women's Institute.
Tho Unit C' g
Y rub of Goderich town- .lin n in Wmton about three
ship had a very successful sale oP o'clock they were neat outside the
.homemade cooking in the council town by the Clinton detachment
chamber on Saturday afternoon last. Y and together
p headed h the band
Will all who are knitting or sew- they went through some military
ing for the soldiers please note that drill null paraded rho principal
the, Patriotic Society will make a streets. The Blyth detapinnont re
shipment in two weeks, that all socks tturied home rho sante evening by
must bo washed before being sent in train.
for shipment. The request comes to ----
have as many socks as possible knit The number of the Clinton cletach-
on number twelve, or even coarser, stent is increasing to such an extent
needles, that it has outgrown its quarters-
Is the recruiting once which
has also been used by the men as a
The good citizenship department sort .of club, has become too small
had charge of the League program to accommodate them, The War
on Monday evening when a debate Auxiliary, therefore, undertook to
took" place on the subject : "Reso}v- furnish more commodious and more
pd, that the school is doing more for suitable quarters and the store
w nearly o
the development of China than the Y' pposite the town hall has
Church, The affirmative side' was been rented and fitted up for use
taken by C. Andrews and E. Powell, The front will still be used as a re-
the negative by Frani- Williams and cruiting office while too rear has
Murray McNeil, Rev. Dr. Rutledge bean fitted up as a- rest room and
and Misses Emma Southcombe and club for the use of the boys in
Olive Cooper acted as judges and khaki. Two ladies from each church
after dtue deliberation the decision assisted in providing fittings, cur-
was awarded in favor of the nage- tains, etc„ and the members of the
tivp, Many good points were brought Auxiliary and the business men by
out on each side, showing that the Private subscripUton 'have provided
subject had been well studied, and other things necessary to make the
the debate was much enjoyed by all xoom a cosy and comfortable "place
present. in which the soldiers may spend their
evenings, Magazines and other read-
The Sunday school bad their an- ing matter is being provided and It
Waal sleigh -ride on Tuesclafq aftenioou, is hoped i,ho men WI melee them-
followed by supper in the school selves ver much at home: The rooms
room and a short program, the will be in char e t e
etre[ feature of which was the show- g o Lt uteuants
O'Neil and Mair, as formed
mg of some lantern slides by Rev y'
E. -G. Powell. -----
t A School of Instruction for non-
A PATRIOTIC MEETING. commissioned o0}ce`rs was -opened in
Dr, !antes L. Hughes of Toronto,Clinton on wtoucla•yn _ with C''aptain
brother of Gen, Sir Sam, Hughes Vanstone, adjutant of the 161st, iii
es a charge. Lieut. L''. K, Macpherson
minister of ntnlitia, will 11
r and Sergeants McGarr Mann and
on 101 tic meeting in Wesley church lactic) a e also on the staff of -
on Monday evening •next at eight Sl i t ff ut
o'clock. The meetfn is beingstructors. About sevens men were
under the nus ices gof the Huron u attendance on the opening da
Coun. W p on Instruction consists 1 military n
by ar Auxiliary and the •chair- p t y drill,
matt • of the localAux' ' which is given outside, physical drill
tltary, Rev, J. S e 1
IC. 1 airfull, will preside, A male fn the 'town halt; and lectures, for
choir o1 forty voices, mervbers of the which the council chamber las leen
161st.Battelnou, will furnish . music. secured. The school will be Contin-
Nursing -,Sisters ued for six 'weeks.
illbpresent and lM7issn �1Neell nBwll
tell somethnn of 1 e nu
g ? t !sing exper The Clinton detachment, including
Ienees: This is the first time Olin-- the School cif Instruction' will take
ton he's had an opportunity of hear- a route march to Godcric i on Fri-
in Dr. Hughes who i
E , g ' s an eloquent day, tomorrow, .go through some mil-
and pleasing speaker, El A not on- ltar R anoeuvres with the Goderfeh
ly interested as all Canminus are in detachment, spend the uigl • t trete
the progress l the war, ,but also and return Saturday morning,
personal tittereSt as he has a
ilu+hes wasfroo� and his son, The o0}cers of the 151st have at
b s, killed by the their swat expense £tirnislred rooms in
bttr of a shell last autumn,the
the lock to be used as a
Haar the .spot where leis
Maleolm Toms and Harold Bran-
don enlisted at Clinton on Tuesday'
and are now in khaki. This is the
second of Mr. John Toms' sons to
enter the service, Hugh having done
so three weeks ago, Mrs. Brandon,
Mrs. Currie and ery Toms have thus
two sons each serving Ding and
County, not so bad fora small town
litre this. It fs expected with confi-
deuce that br.fore very long a c}r[ll
sergeant n•ill be training a score or
more of the Bayfield's young stet.
warts in I3ayfic}d, but the fullswny
are the only enlistments in tise
161st to elate
Harold randCurrie
Harold Brandon
Ilugh Toms
James Rouana
Alan 11�Iaadonald,
I3ere comes the Bayfield contin-
gent ! will sound well.
Mr, Donald baser, who has been
visiting his uncle, Mr. John Fraser,
left on Tuesday for his home at
Strassbocial Sask.
The wide
h social under the auspices of
St. Andrew's church has been
1 toned till the 17th of March, post -
i ug and Mrs. Alfred Furryt and
daughter, who spent the past two
months with friends here and here -
abouts, ]eft for their home at Tiin-
dexsley, Sask., this week,
1 Mr. Robert F.enhalc lift on Fri
clay fast for Morse, Sass:., with two
car "loads of horses, loading at
i Ross Harrison and Miss Lulu KingS
drove down man'Gedevsr on few
urday and the labbe • over a few
I with ratter's parents, Mr.
a ibIrsI1W'i Bain Greens. George g of Colborne
township and sister, Miss Edith Fan.
coney of Goderieh are the guests
of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Falconer, this week,
IMe and Mrs. Campbell of• Paisley
were the guests of Mr, and Mrs.
James Donaldson the past week,
I The 101st Huron Battalion, num-
berfng over one hundred, marched
from Clinton to Bayfield on Thurs-
'day last, Thep were under command
' of Major McPhail, Captains Allen and
\ranstone and Lieut$. 'Macpherson,
Mair and Porter. The in-
headed by the band and y they ta eer-
tainl r
' Y presented a most hey and
soldierly appearance. They had
halted at Middleton's for noonday
lunch and arrived in B -i fiel[I
Y about
two o'clock. After some military
' manoeuvres anew a march past the
soldiers were escorted to their re
spective billets where they, rested an
}tour or two, had stepper, and at
, •
eight o Meese they formed Into order
sass. and marched to the town hall
I where a very pleasant evening was
I spent. A smoker had been arranged
and the program was given prinef-
pally by the members of the bI st,
Bandmaster Grant acted as chair -
man and the following took part :
Harry Simons, recttatipn;•solos bp
cSergt. Weber, Corp. Thompson, Biig-
lar 'Thompson " and Pte, 9embell ;
Y'folin selections, Capt. Alien and
Pte, Parks ; mouthprgan selection
Pte. trailer Rpuatt ; step dance,
Pte. Rnuatt ; address, Pte, Stewart:
Rev, A. Macfarlane acted as accotu-
Panist clnring the evening and also
eoittributecl a solo. On breaking u
g p
the soldiers dispersed to their hfl-
rats and in the morningthey were
up l e.! nes and marched beet to
Clinton, The heart of Bayfield wttirtn-
ed to the 161st Hurons and they
were iven a xousnn Sand -ori.
Revgw4r. Rickard goetor ofTrinity' ,
church, was ' Clinton • on Tuesda Y
boob -A .-sung, to company with the.
R. A, Macfarlane for our Public.
Library. Mr. Mulatto, also at-.
tended the meeting of the Presbytery
as also diel Mr. John Fraser,
• 9bursday, April 8th •ns the date of
Clinton Spring Fair,
., , - . - _ ._, . _. _...
the firemen heaved a sigh of regret
at having to turn out agate into
es for this seasons devotion will
storm. If they slid, however, the
The regular monthly meeting
y g of
xc..yw.a, .:s. .nt hewn insais s mu Roj
...mama seem*nd
E. Dowding,
• �
- — _
J6 Branches
— _,
Reserve $8 800
in Canada.
Letters of Credit
Money Orders..
at highest current
Manager,''' Clinton
j R �
t�<u v
d� 9 000
# ?,
upon t scene,
Charlie Lee's laundry, and the blaze
was quickly extinguished. As the
household was asleep at 'the time it
was luitunate that the fire was dis-
covered sq soon as otherwise it
night have provedeto be a serious•
one, especially .as the night was so
stormy and cold, Little damage was
done to cities building or contents,
as much being caused bye water as by
The grand, Public school carnival
took place in the big rink on Wed-
nesday~ evening of last week, The
children voted it the best ever ; the
parents and teachers were pleased ;
the costumes nada a brilliant show ;
y e en ng at eight o'eloek
in the parish hall.
A new honor roll is being pre,r<tsed
for the church as the ole} one was
found too small to contain all ii'.e
names of the boys enlisting from
this church in the 1Gist Battati tn.
St, Paul's A.Y.P.A. and the ladies
of the congregation entertained Ilia
Clinton detachment o£ the'lllist
Battalion on Friday evening I let.
The proceedings of the evening were
arranged by Mr, 0, D. Bolick and
consisted of a u
guessing contest, an
teroxmal' program and lunch. At fa-
tervals during the evening the cr-
chstra played and the whole pro..
gram was much enjoyed. The pss-
the sand boys dispensed sweet music
Y p
mg contest consisted o£ pictures re-
and plenty of it and altogether it
presenting old English proverbs be.
was an unqualified success. The chile
dren feel kindly towards all those
hug placed at intervals about the
1 he e`4Ioff~ish ORDERED
Clothing Co.
who in any way contributed" towards
such an. enjoyable evening. The fol-
lo 'n are the names of rhodays
g Prtze
winners : .
and each person being supplied'
with pencil and paper with whet
to record their answers. Those take
•ing part in the program were : Rev,
1%1 B,
Miss Canada, Jean -Simpson,
Moulton, Mrs, La Penitiere
Mr. Townsend and Miss Clulf, After
fII i �]f 1
a�l�° �j1 �r%�
13ritannia, Phamie Cree.
Indian Costume, (girl), Gertrude
Red Riding Hood, Blossom Powell,
Fairy, Myrlc Sweet:
Red Cross Nurse, Mary Argent,
Chink Chink c1China Charlie Baines nth
(71own, Joseph Carbext.
a vote of thanks had been given by
the soldiers to the A,Y,P,A. and
ladies the enjoyable evenin was
brought to a close by singing "Went
Never Let The Old Flag Fall" and
the national' anthem,Johnny
On Monday Mr, William Stevens of
Wiliiam street brought into The
News -Record the North
Whenever you say the word our
• },
tailors will get A.Jus onyour
b y
eJ " pjj� Q%'1Tt4iriS.
p g s
° •Cooper,
We are turning out clothes that
a mart can be proud •of • clothes
he r an f
die can wee d eel that he Is
dressed taste. •
. •
• •
@' V e"ve �a. beautiful showing o
nl l erg? p�'a�ag B 5/ G�i) s fromfore
' ,
and denies .l c looms. +
' '
Dropin . at your earliest eoi yen
fence and we ll take pleasure in.
, a
showing you and 1n a 1 I n
+ "
tailoringwith you. .
spring y
Best Goy Skater, Agnes Walker
Michael O'Shea, Douglas Ball,
oll '0i, Mary McTaggart,
and, isheMolly
Donald McTavish, Kenneth Reber-
John Bull, Jack 11awden.
Tramp, , Ghatlte Cook.
A Dandy, Leighton Walker.Y
Best Fancy Costume )�
Y (girl Bessie
Morrish, •
Best Fane Costume bo) Willis
Fancy (bop),
Sailor Boy, Edgar SViltse.
'Sailor Girl, Margaret Cree
Gipsy Girl, Eleanor McTaggart.
Pennant Girl, Ethel Bouak,
Best Make -Up on the ice Ambrose
Belgian; Stewart Tap'or.
Others who wore costumes were t
4P: Bell Belgian,:
6 n •
Alma MoC orvne, Colonial Girl,
Agnes Walker, Fairy,
Ernest Bradshaw, .Michael O'Shea..
Annie Lawrence, Miss Valentine.
Gordon 1Viarshall, Sailor Boy,
George Elliott, Negro,
Luella McC'Iinehey, Petulant Girl.
Olive Schoenials, Retl Cross Nurse,
John Ned er, Sailor Bo
Helen Roberton, ` , >
betto , Irish Molly 0,
Helen Grigg, 1VLaid,
Emerson Libby, Sailor Captain.-
C,ordon Powell, Clown,
Malcolm McTaggart, Michael 0'-
Shea. •realize
Albert Tifllough, Sailor Boy
Harry -Cochrane, Fancy Corrine,
Katie 13eaton, Red :Oros Nurse, .
Audre McInt ra, Red Cross Nurxa,
Y Y•
Ruth Hale, May Queen.
Isabel Johnston Mayitas'a
Catharine wtc'I'i Queen,
ggart, Girl Clown.
Howard Mulholland, Sailor. •
Freda Schoenhals; Red Cross Nurse,
Reta Elliott, Queen o£ Tieaxts
a copy of
Devon Herald, •published In Barn-
staple, England, which contained the
following reference to one of his
nephews who is doing hes bit for
Ding and Country, itIr, Stevens has
in all seven nephews with the colors,
two of them in the navy, so it may
well be understood that lie is cont-
ntendably proud of the boys :
"Corel, bred. Stevens, the son of
Mr. and Mrs. Stevens o£ Pulchrass
street, Barnstaple, is enjoying a
well-deserved __furlough in his native
town after serving with his regmtent,
do Grenadier Guards, at the West
ern trout for many months. Corpl,
Stevens, who is a finely~. developed
young man, is in the best, of health
and spirits. To converse with him
one would not realise that he, had
(endured the hardships common to
modern warfare. Ile was in the
fierce fighting at Festubert, and the
Grenadiers were also in the thick of
it at Loos. His description of the
„ Loos is picturesque, In
front of US was an oren space—
doubtless well covered by . the ea-
emy's guns --across which we had to
dash in order to oust the enemy.
We set ell at a brisk run. The gun
new of the !Tuns were awaiting
their, chance and soon shell alter
siteli burst' over our heads, sending
showers of shrapnel bullets flying in
all directions, 'We did not seem to
the imminent clanger we were
in, and although our ranks became
thinner and thinner we ;pressed for-
ward, and at last gained the en-
envy's first line of works, Uadlry)
battered it is true by the splendid
artillery practice which our risen had
previously carried out. Behind the
Germain lines we were amazed at the
palatial character of the dug-outsgMackay
which we discovered, Descending Palling
club room. A rumour has gone
scat andfather had been killed one
g abroad that the Government was
hundred gears ago.
paying the cost of furnishing these
fiho meeting has been arranged in rooms. This is an •error as the
Wesleychisel because byy
throwing officers are doing this entirely on
audntorutm and school room mto one their ownsand
ti large alum account and as this is the
tI bet can be .accommodat headquarters of the battalion and
and it?is hoped every available officers from the other detachments
wall be taken. Itis undesirable aro here often a club zoom is neees-
that children should, attend as this :sary as a social and business sou-
will be a gathering for adults'. dezvous.
Mr. W. L. • Ke s las soh'
y his fares
to his son Mr, Artie Keys Y n-
rand moving to town in the near
Mr. Robb, Pollock and sister,
fpr, Maas
Anne, til Larrviore, Man. who have '
been visiting friends in this vicinity,
lea r,„• +r,a;r i,.,�,.. ,... ,,r....,,.:- ,_
Motto .
for Ever Map''
Marjorie Beaton, Fancy Costume.
Agnes Reynolds, Fairy.
Cora Miller, Red" Cross Nurse. •
Hugh McGuire, Laclp of Fashion.
,Ja anese.
' P
John Ilellyar, Clown,
Fergus Reynolds, Clown,
rrorrlon Ila]], Deride.
Amy Hellyar, Red Riding Mica.
Eva Boeck, Britannia,
flights of improvised stairs into the
verybowels of the earth we diacov-
erect conlfomabie rooms." These "7iv_
ing rooms, explained Corel, Stev--
ens, were at such a depth as to ren-
der the occupants almost tminime
from the dangers of an artillery ed
'bombardment. Cozpl. Stevens is op_ seat
timistie as to the future -'''if only we
can get enough men and munitions,"