HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-02-24, Page 2G. D. McTAGTG,IRT
M a
cTa ark Bros
Clio SED.
- . L'. T. RANCE - --
Office- Sloan Block -CLINTON
Oflleeon Albert Street occuped by
nlr. Hooper.
In Clinton -on every Thursday,
and on any day for which ap-
pointments are mode. Office
Ileurg from 9 a.m. to 0 p.m.
A, good vault in connection with
the office. Office open every
week -day. Mr. Hooper will
make any appointments fo .11
Cameron. ,
a.ES 11. HALE.
Conveyancer, Notary Publie,
Commissioner, Etc.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses
Dr, W. Gunn, L.R.O.P., L.R.
0.5., Edin.
Dr, J. 0. Gandier, $,A„ M.B.
Office -Ontario St., Clinton. Night
calls at residence, Rattenbury St.,
or at Hospital,
DR. J. W. S17AW
Special attention given to dis-
eases of the Eye, Ear, Nese
~ and Throat, '
Eyes carefully examined and suit-
able glasses prescribed.
Office and residence: S doors west of
the Commercial Hotel, Huron St,
Specialist in Crown and Bridge
Work, Graduate of C,O,D.S.,
Chicago, and R.U.D.S., To.
Bayfield on Mondays from May to
Llcened Anctlon'eer`for the County
of Huron.
Correspondence promptly answered.
Immediate arrangements can be
made for Saler Date at The,
• News -Record, Clinton, or "hs
calling Phone 13 on 157.
Chargee moderate and satisfaction
The. NIcKillo ut�al
p �
Fire Insurance Company
Head once, Seafof'f11, 011t,
.3, 13. McLean. Seatorth, President; J,, Con.
holly. Goderiob, Vice -President; Thom E,
Bays, Seatorth, See.-Treas.
Directors. D. F. McGregor, Seaforthe J.
G. .Grieve, Winthrop: Wm, Efnn, sea.
forth: John llennewoie, Dublin; J. Evans,
Beechwood; A. MoSwon, Brucefeid;J..II.
McLean, Seaforth; J. Connolly. Goderich,
Robert Ferris, Rarloek.
Agents: Ed. 'Ninchley, 13oaforth; . W.
Cheeney, Egmondvillo; J. W. Yeo, Holmes.
rale; Alex Leitch, Clinton;. It, S. Jar.
moth, Brollhygen.
Any money to bopaid in may bo paid to
Morri,h Clothing Co„ Clinton, or at Cutt's
Grocery, Goderich.
Parties desirous to effect insurance or.
transact other business, will be .promptly
attended to on applieation'to any of the
above ofieere addressed' to their respect.
sve nest -offices. Losses Inspected by the
director who liven nearest the scene.
Trains will arrive at and depart
from Clinton Station as follows:
Going East, depart '7.33 a.m.
lc" 8.03 p.m.
0 1. ,.1 5.15 p.m.
Going West, ex. 11.00, rip. 11.07 a,m.
" " depart 1.35
" I( nr 6.32, dp. 6.45 p.m.
" n departs 11.18
Going South, ar. 7.83, dp, 8.06.m,
" " departs 4.16. p.m.
Going Nortb, ar. 10.80, rip. 11.00 a.m,
f1 departs G,40 p,nit
Fertilizer -
'We ,carry a Ciompleto Stock of
Stone's- Natural Fertilizer., No
better on thI; market.
,WVe pay at all seasons the highest
market piicee,for Hay for haling,;,
--lllnrioan Feed .,Corn, lied 010
• ver, Alsike, Timothy and' A).falfa.
-All kinds of Coal on hand!
2% iri,, 3 in. and 4 in. Tile of the
Best Quality.,
Opposite the G. T. R. Station.
Phone N.
ow is Your
You know that Jewelry Store
Cutlery is out of the com-
mon class.- At least, OURS
It carries a distinctiveness -
an air of superiority, that
comes from being made witb
the greatest care and ut-
most skill from the highest -
priced materials.
If you can use some of this
Cutlery in your home, you
will be proud of it every
time you see it on the table:
Carvers, cased, $3.00 up.
Knives, Forka and Spoons,
411.00 doz. up.
Knives and Forks, steel, white
handles,' $3.00 doz. tip.
Let us show you our Cutlery
line, Let us tell you more
about why it is the moat
desirable that you can put
your money into.
News•Record end Man a Empire ,,,,51.61
Newe•Record and.Globe „ 1,55
Newe•Reword and Family Roruld''and
Weekly Star • . ,,,,,.,.- 1.85
News -Record and Canadian
Countryman , . .. .. , . .. 150
Newo•Itecord and Weekly •1300 ,,,. ,,, 1.83
Newa•ltecord eud. Farmer's. Advocate,. 2,35
Newe•Record and Farm & Dairy .. 1.85
News•Record and Canadian Farm .. 1.85
Newn•ltecord and Weekly Witness .. 1.85
Nowe.Record and Northern. Messenger 1.58
Newe•Record and Frets Frees ,r,,,. ,. 1.85
News•Reoord and Advertiser ,. .. 1.85
New, -Record and Saturday 'NIght,.3.80
Newallecord and Youth's Companion 3.2i
Newe•Record and Fruit Grower and
Farmer ,,. . 173
Newn•Record and Canadian Boone.
man ,
Newe•Record "and Lippincott'* Maga.
alma . , , , 3.23
Newe•Record, and. World ,,,,•,,,,,,,,,,,83.15
News -Record and Globe 8.89
News -Record and Moll tic 3•mnlro8,09
Newe•Record and Advertiser 3,85
Nowe•Recard and Morning I res Prem,. 3,35
Newe•Renord and Evening Free frees. .2,85
News•Record and Toronto Star :...,.2,85
Newe•Record and Toronto New.; ..., 2,85
If what yon :rant IS 1101 111 this •flet les
UR know about it. We can euynly you at
]ere than It would coot yoo to smut dirwtL
In remitting please do so by Post•o0aa
Order Postal Note,Exuma Order or Seg.
tutored totter and address,
Publisher News-Ramon:I
GI.II'4T®Ili, OP+Ii'.�RLQ
Clinton News -Record
Terms of subscription -$1 per year,
in advance ; $1.50 may be charged
if not
no paid, No Paper discos.
tinted until all arrears are paid,
unless at the option of the pub.
'Lieber. The date to which every
subscription is paid is denoted on
the label.
Advertising Rates -- Transient ad.
vertisementa, 10 cents Per non.
pareil lino for fiat insertion and
4 cents per:line for each subse,
"(pent insertion, Small,adee-tirs.
ments not to exceed one ineb,-
eueh as "Lost," "Strayed," or
"Stolen," etc., inserted once, ter
06 cents, and each subsequent in.
tertian 10 cents'.
Communications intended for pub.
Heathen must, as a guarantee of,
good faith, he accompanied by the
name. of the writer,
Editor and Proprietor,
Spells kidney Trod Qo
There's no use .putting' an Iiniinenif and
plasters to cure that ache m your hips or hack
-the troubte ]s inside Your kidneys ane cut
of prier. GIN Ph 4 S go nigik to'tlip cruse
of the'bacltuehe and heal'knd'rngnlate the.
kidney, and bladder- action, Then you -gat
react, permanent retieft - ,
Man ,;e man and Woman wil . bus been
dou6lei8Yiif, Wltliahpotto 3ains•h,.tliebrck
Having to stop work -Mid, lie cloamto getalittl'n'
relief, Kgs found'new health rynd contort -in
1 'wo lioiees ctini let t' .r •�
p elycuredArnoldMeAskell,'
of Lower Selma, ICS. I,have, never hact•any
trouble With myback tinea," lie says ' '
If you have a fame ,back -or any sign of
Kidney trouble -'get GIN PILLS to -day and;
start the cure working, soc..a box, six boxes
'for $3,so-and every box glintanteed,to give
satistactidn or your money back. Trial treat.;
Meat free if you write
• National brut & Gbetnical>
Co. of Canada, Limited'
Toronto - - .Ont. ' Y- 15
as :onS,
ped 'on bodice or
gi•rdle, a piece an.i SIIAkII11ING DEAD.
tique jewelry+; Cleo will serve to keep ,
the spell-- . German 'huge That' Failed -Two 1111ne
1 Thet pride's Eoguet. 1
Were Bagged:
The bride's
',coquet maybe
_a' stiff + A '.
_ yn Irish seedier wilting hour flour
i formal little bunch of white rosebuds, Prance, says:
I'with its quaint; stiff little a- er titan
, P P M-, and I were sent off`
The ,Spring. Pride, I ; , a , house
" ` 1 ahette . ,
.,,. �_ , .. .` ._ ,.orahe graceful shower lieu=
The wedding gowli• of •to-dtY :arta' e b b ;trig, Patrol to i y r patrol lines. house
(Met with droaping lily cups and'rib-?close by the enemy: o
ost some of its dignity. with 1te-train,-bone. •• O'ne. of our exetusiee florists' didn't � W
but 1t; has gained a out'hftil •'charmfuknow whether they were in
Which'is to be preferred:' In the weft - bouquets 1i3 o o we has: bride with a the house or net e n, j tiMught,
ding fi'oefc of to-day,li' ' ' bouquet nit shower• e'j'ect of 1i�llies of they were;sa• or me Went, 'c --
t ere i$ much. of the, valley,white orchids, , J bl w
the .quaint charm and sweetness to£ ib1 e orchids vane d midi. The house had been ,blown up
grandmothers gown; smocking, put'- shite, rosebuds'
f'li'es of the valley and 01 0rtilhut free and not much re-
Mg, quilling, ar'' g whitio. rosebuds •m'e equally effective mairsed hut the shell;
q 6, eh ling and numberless h , still it made
other handnitide tl;+it»m}ngs „are ,.used and much' loss expensive. 'The seri- good' cover for an observer's party,,
in otheg ous.beide may 'catty a flower -docked We crept tor: the ',door ,and ^ from
garniture, and it is fashioned of prayer -book, if she prefers instead of -room to
the sheerest, most airy of fabrics and' " room upstairs and .down
laces, a Uovquet. Y with the moon shsnnng through in
Children as Attendants. portholes here ,and there:. But we
•-•, ttrltctive'Use of Lacc and Chiffon. found only two Scud. Germans .at the
Laces; chiffons, and nets were neverSmall attendants, flower girls and foot ,ef the stair,, lying,huddled
tiny pages, are becoming •more and and
daintier or m0113 fairy-like than theywith, the contorted .faces that . we
are this season: It r to e, a season more a feature of, 'fashionable wed- thought dead men only wear,
aft laces and 'transparent fabrics. dings. It is a'pretty En_giish custom,' So we went back and reported
one that 'often saves much' thought that which we found. ---- was a dis-
Laces• as graceful as the web of 0 the and, planning. hese shall attend- "Why-,
spider, or the glinting, shimmering ants are icture the � believer., didn't you Thick the
wing of. the butterfly, vie for' faVor picturesque adjuncts l' tdorsi men with'ea knife?" ,These we
with the. ceremany, Mid whether they wear pie- � carry, of course, for .close quarters, so
and thread -roe' supabstantial,
panic tare' hats, small bonnets, or no head we could only plead guilt to
covering at all is a matter of no colt:. " guilty s breach
est of .silk erepes and Clio Cris ost 01 "f discretion. "Come back," went whe,
organdies are •modish - fm: frocks sequence; all three are correct and ' "both of you." So back we with
perhaps the prettiest end simplest him. The two Germans were lying as
a, • thing of all, is to 'have the wee, early we left them; one with his head over
head decked with a wreath of fresh ;his arm, the face hidden; the outer
/lowers to •correspond with those in' on his back, with bared teeth, and a
her, basket. < Sometimes the small' look of horror in his fixed eyes.
girl's chess is a quaint replica -of the 1 "They're ours," said
bride's own gown, and then aganl it thought so." And the two came to
'jute Greenaway frock, dainty and' life -but three desperate men are a
quaint to al' degree, !big argument against two who have
• Patterns can be obtained at your been playing silly without arms. So To Prevent Gull -Stones.
local McCall dealer, ' or from The the night's bag paid for the hunt." Of course the primary cause of gall-
McCall- Company, Departinent "W," stones is inflammation of the lining
70 Bond St., Toronto, Ont. of the bile ducts in the liver or the
._,..e......„.........._. lining of the gall -sac. This inflam-
mation is probably always produced
Now a Vast, Arsenal.
The British now claim that Shef-
field has become a vast arsenal, and
the greatest in the world. The steel
works there far exceed those of
eeie/eaet4eeeee..eemeeteeir.eeeetput is
1far greater. Already $125,000,000
have been spent in the extension .of
.the steel works and another 3125,-
000,000 are in process of expendi-
ture. No less than 12,000 men are
engaged in the manufacture of shells,
while 9,000 are making cannons.
Since the 6th of ,September,, there
have been 700,000 workmen and 50,-
000 women employed in 715 different
establishments in manufacturing
arms and ammunition. This is the
work accomplished by --the new Min-
ister of Munitions.
Probably the best housekeeping
plan is not to mortgage the house.
Nearly 'everyone has
rippingrtenring headaches
latimoe. Dieordered etom-
deh-nluggi,hliver doe. it.
Cheer. ui, 1 here's the real
relief -Chamberlain's
Stomach and liver Tablets.
They put the stomach and bowels right.
All druggists, 25c., or by mail from 9
Chamberlain Medk ino Co., Toronto
e of we sell the highest grade
selling this
d n S dis-
trict, Sales
Outfit free exclusive territoryand
money ' making specialties. Our
agencies are the. best to the buri-
n ssf
of stock at most reasonable prlces
and guarantee eiellverle In nrst
class condition. • Nursers stock is
se ng welli s your and good
money can be made it thl
trio For particulars write
llTae p. ger.
Toronto, - Onta • ,a
There is a
Cold Day Coming
Why not prepare for it by
ordering your winter supply
of Lehigh Valley Coal, None
better in the world.
Rouse Phone 1!:
Office Phone 40.
az =-- eau
T m'
just as they are -la their in-
door play, or at their outdoor
play -they are constantly ot•'
tering temptations for the
A Iii
r �
l,et yit keep them for You a3
they aro .now,
Let it keep many other hap-
penings that are a source, of
pleasure to you.
IIROWVNIES, $2 TO ;ii!?f
KO'D;ARS, $7 TO $35.
Also foil stock of Films and
Supplies.. We da,Deve(opi;ng
and Printing. Remember the
'r H
The Short Burial fiown
Paper -like taffetas are often used in
the gowns of the bride's attendants
and then, again, they are of organdy,
in the palest of tints, trimmed with
bands of taffeta. • This combination
of taffeta and organdy will be a no-
ticeable feature of all imported
frocks this summer; it is an unusually
attractive notion. •
The Farina] Wedding 000'31.
For the demure little Vide ,wlto
wishes to tread the beaten path of
custom, for reasons sentimental or
otherwise, there are gorgeously bro-
caded satins with a touch of silver in
the motif. A court train lends formal
dignity to such a gown even though'
the frock itself is, considerably short-
er than would have been dreamed of
in mother's or grandinother's time.
The smallest of pages or flowee girls
are often a detail of such a wedding,
lending a novel, pretty note. There
are softer satins, too, which' nifty be
used. for, the formal or in1051110 frock
equally well.
Simple Veil Arrangements.
Quite the most important part of
the frock for Sone, October, February,
er any other bride, is the veil. It is
often a simple Length of tulle, draped
over the hair and caught with • a
wreath or cluster of orange blossoms
or• white clematis; then again it is a
cap or 100011e, but always there is the
cluster of dainty, waxy blossoms, so
absolutely necessary to the true wed-
ding spirit. The veil offers the best
way ofintroducing t e bit of rale old
Hood's Sarsaparilla', a''8oning, Toni-•
Lnerybod;yis troubled at this sea -
sou '
with loss of vitality,•'"
failure of
• appetite, that tired feelinf, or with
bilious turns,. dull headaches, fedi
gestiou and other stomach troubles,
or with pimples and other' o1113tiens
on the face' and body. The reason is
that tlio blood is impure and impov-
hl, '
00<i s Ssi�sn attlia., rel' r
h CVCa all
lease ailments. Ask' your druggist
for Ibis medicine and get' 11 today.
Ii is the old reliable medicine that
has stood the test 1'or forty years,-
tlsat makes' pure, rich -blood-that
St rensl'l h ens ever •"Ore'
3 „an and builds
nn the whole system ,It is, dii0'aTi-
thc year=''curd blood-ptirifl4r 'gild
health -giver, Nothing else acts like'
1' fur nothing else is like it; so be
sure to get flood's.
ICED CROSS PUBLICITY. by infection, the typhoid bacillus and
Russian Soldiers Are Warned Not to
Waste Ammunition,
its first cousin, the colon bneilus, be-
Groderich Red Cross Society has All boxes of ammunition being dealt ing notorious factors of such iniiam-
shipped supplies to the value of $3,484. out to Russian soldiers now are mink- mation. Often indeed, living typhoid
Saskatchewan Provincial Red Cross ed: • bacilli are demonstrated in the centre
has ;t membership of. 4,500.' "Don't waste your ammunition; the of. a gall -stone 1Q or 15 years after
A Co-operative Elevator Company war is only just beginning." the attach of typhoid fever,
in aueceatrlhw an has given $1,000 to Posted in every public building in Stones form in this way: A clump
the Saskatoon Reil Cr3ss.'--- --- ---1'',n;;•m,lee n'e7fiitwny �tatiein-te-ee - of germs irritates the mucous lining
A Red Cross worker. in R olfville, teurant, are notices reading:and- : 03er the - secretion of excessive
N.S., has put up over 400 jarsoffruit "Speaking German is stictly for mucus, which adheres to ttie•"cluissive '
for Red Cross hospitals. bidden." germs, twining a foreign body in the
Grain Growers' Guide, a Westerns The penalty for violating this rule gal sac or the ducts, Cholesterin, e
agricultural paper, fres raised $659 may tae three months' imprisonment. crystalline substance of the bile, is
for its Red Cross fund, The British Foreign Office has is- deposited upon the nidus In concen-
Coliingwood Red Cross has a sued instructions to all British Con- tris layers, So the stone grows, some -
membership of over 500 and has snla7 officers in allied as well as times to the size of sand grains, bird -
raised 33,686 in money and supplies. I neutral countries to see whether Brit- shot or peas, sometimes as big as
' Manitoba Red Cross has a member- i ish subjects within their districts are shestouts, sometimes
one large stone
Ship of 7,519 and collected the past associating with persons of belliger- filling the gall -sac, perhaps as large
year nearly $120,000. enc nationalities, Offenders are to as a pigeon's egg.
Barry Red Cross has ten auxiliaries' be warned once; if they persist in as Certainly moderation in eating -
in the surrounding country. sociating or even talking• with an eating only enough to maintain .a nor -
Steel Co., is making the enemy either in a business or social mal weight for one's height, age and
Red Cross a donation for 1010, of way, their British passports will be sex, or less than enough to maintain
p5,000 payable quarterly. cancelled. an excessive weight (most gall -stone
Coinmoilore of Royal Victoria The regulation, already being en- victims are over -weight) is a pre-
ventive Club, Victoria, has given to Red forced, :curlier chiefly to British sub- ventive measure in persons inclined to
Cross a steam yacht valued at $10,- jects in neutral countries and to gall -sac trouble.
000. those doubtful ones who have become Less meat, or meat broths and more
• Employees of Imperial Oil Co,, Sar- naturalized subjects off Ring George vegetables, cereals and fresh fruit,
ria, have given $1,000 to Rod Cross while preserving their German; Alis- One with gall -sac trouble should
Society, trian and TurkishYsympathics, keep the bowels regular, not by
In Alberta. 1,200 Red Cross "Mite" I physic, but by diet, exercise and,
Boxes have been distributed to pri- GERSTANY IS ALARMED habit.
vats homes.
AT LOW BIRTH RATE Salines, either in the form of na-
Newmarket Red Cross realized $3.50 total spring waters or the various
by auctioning two turnips contributed A despatch from Berlin Say1n: The saline cathartics of the druggist, are
by a farmer' declining birth 'ate in Germany, good for occasional use, not to regu-
Woltttlle citizens gave $355 to No. which was attracting attention before late the bowels, but to reduce en -
7 Stationary hospital being equipped the wet•, •is reccivitng more serious •gorgement of the postal (liver) area.
by Nova Scotia, consideration at the present time in Sufficient should be taken, preferably
It is as difficult to estimate the true view of the losses sustained in the early in the morning, to produce a
field. This Subject was brought up few watery evacuations,
value of the Rec! Cross as it is to ap- on Thursday in the Budget Committee
i But abstentious habits of eating,
praise the value of any community of the Prussian Diet. • A represents- free water drinking, and open air
of public hygiene and sanitabion. Still, 1 ive of the Mini§try pi ecHcted that un- : walking
are the three best-known
we know the •terrible ravages of pla- less a radical change should be made preventative remedies against gall -
goes and. diseases in times past and Germany would soot be in the pori- $tones.
aro one is disposed to deny that the tfoii 01 Prance, with deaths exceeding
cost of public hygiene returns a valu- births. The speaker also referred to Sound Advice.
able profit- in disease immunity, the higlr rate of infant morta}ibv. He
Siists fullyy the value of the Red Cross also said the of the gravest hin- When you reach the sixties, take
consist as much in the suffer- 'said
to the growth of the robin_ care, and you'll reach the seventies,
ing it prevents as in the misery it tion was the increase in the number Increase your care and you will glide
actually alleviates. o£ premature births, caused deliber_ happily into the eighties.
The terrible sufferings of Serbia ately, an evil which was not confin_ I At the age of sixty at the latest,
in tIic first year of the war illnstrei- of to the poorer classes. you must form fresh habits, for great
ccs'rhe value of an efficient Red Cross, a.........---1.4 _ changes then take place in the body.
Serbia triumphantly resisted the first ffING G1;OIiGE GRA7'UI,s1TEs ;There is a loss of weight; the bones
Austrian invasion, but decimated by become fragile; no fresh blood -cells
disease coupled with lack of Red
THE 1tIAN EMPEP.OIi are formed, and the tissues waste
Cross supplies, fell an easy prey to away. There' is, too, a great decrease
the ]'ext invasion, A despatch from London says: On of digestive power. You must eat
If the soldier remains clays after the receipt of the news of the cap-. less, because the worn human machine
tore of Erzeruns by the Russians,
his ncoand without medical attention, is not capable or consuming so much
his chances of recovery are slight.Ding George despatched the follow- fuel, Food is the body's fuel. You
The aim of the Red Cross is to get 'ng message to Emperor Nicholas. must greatly decrease your consump-
wounded into its hospitals as soon 14y heartiest congratulations neon tion of meat, and let milk in the form
as possible, but to do this it requires. the splendid achievement of your gal- of pudding's, soup, etc., form as large
h an elaborate and expensive organ- lent troops in capturing Erzeu•um part of your diet.
lace without which the wedding gown lr' =tion as near the. front as ossible. after such hard fighting, which I' ]Moderation must be your motto.
L The real p
proof therefore •that the trust will have far-reaching effects, 'You must eat slowly, and masticate
Tied Cross is doing is to be wound r.„,',„,.,„.‘„,„• ! your food thoroughly. If you are
not in terrible conditions of surfer- "'1••1'I' 91s� S I toothless, it is worth tet. years of
OVER 1$10,000,000,000 , your life to renew them artificially,
-• I Go to the dentist, Touch nothing
A despatch frons London says: New ;which is hard to digest, and • avoid
votes of credit amounting to error- 'pastry and all spiced dishes, Deep
mately £400,000,000 was 'asked by !placid; never get excited or angry,
Prcimier Asquith in tate House of Coni- Sleep eleven hours, and take an afte•-
111011s 0n Monday. The new votes 1100a nap. Seek the fresh air; take
brings up the total of war appropri- onfatiguing exercise, but 'ware
uti0ns to !2,002,000,000. , draughts.
- --''' -- - The above are the golden rules
If a mala were as wise as he thinks which guarantee a good old age. ,
Frock- for Bride'o Attendant.
is i]icompleto, ' if such'a bit is to, be
Sound in the family, treasure chest.
ung, but in it - perfectly functioning
system of relief work which reduces
suffering' to a minimum. It is the
comfort, tot the agony of the wound-
ed which is • the best test of Red
Groes value.
Dr, Herbert Bruce the. well known
Toronto surg'een who has been on ac
tine service in France, has stated that
one Canadian Red Cross is famous lie-
tonil all other • Red Cross Societies
for its sympathetic treatment of its his wife thinks lie is what a wonder -
patients. So that cm the English ful world this would be, -
and French wounded express a wish to _
be taken to a' Canadian hospital, I know a'man who has the power
This Lind of Red Cross service of making all persons show his
for which Canaria Inas W011 an en- hands," "Who is he?" "My ;•love
viable reputation is only possible with dealer."
perfect equipment and with contin-
ued generous contributions from our
Canadian public,
Tn su'la•Arctic countries th'reindeer
takes (he place 02 e-, sheep and pori- •
res It gives milk umeatand clothing,ta!'' ]t
and is a good beast of burden,
Prom the unlit the lraplachle' makes
a cheese, It is true that those wino
have tasted it do not praise It; they
say it is hard and rank of taste. But
that md:y be due to bad ehoes5-male
ing, At any rate, ieindear-nulla eheose
Ili Cho '.Laplander's chief 130"') oto''•' •
the long winters oC the North. In the
summer he lives of a frugal diel; of
curds' and whey. Ile makes sic but-
ter, but the Philanders do; it is of. a
very pale color -nearly white,
At the endof the -summer the rein-
deer becomes very fat, and the flesh
is excellent. It is• regarded as the
greatest delicacy by their owners -a
delicacy to which they treat them -
Let us take care how we speak of
those. who have fasten of life's field.
IIelp them up -not heap scorn upon
then. We clivi not see the conflict;
.we do not knout the sears.
,there is none, the tildemeet.7JC..0011- selves only. 011 rare oeoaslons," Thu
reindeer has the thickest skin of all
tent to bring in her 'csometliing old" northerly animals,: and the: warmest for
in a bit of brocade, cteveily imtrocluc, clothing
Will be Practically Inoperative, and ''hose
Who Come \ J'il'l be Wiped Out"
A --despatch from • Liverpool says: feet such agitation was liloely to have
"I have always believed," said Lord on the British airmen.
Derby, director of recruiting, at a "It is true that"the British aeroplane
workingmen's Mass meeting here on commanders have sent up their 11101}.
Friday •night, "Hutt sooner o1' later under atmospheric or other concli-
tho Germans will attempt n great scot time of the greatest danger," Lord
raid 01t 11115 country, but I believe the .Derby declared, "but if the news-
arinX and nary are now so co -orcin- papers are' not careful public opinion
ated thta even if a raid comes it will will force these commanders, for fear
be practically inoperative, - and that that It might be said that they were
those who come will be wiped out." doing nothing, to take action they
Discussing the' air menace, Lord would. not otherwise take. Moreover,
De'by•appealed to, the newspapers not if the public is always decrying OUT
to Unduly •agitate the. public mind 1e aeroplanes and airmen will lose con -
goading aim :raids., because of the 'eV fidence in their machines,"