HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-02-17, Page 88
Clinton. News -Record
East W awanosh. .
'The following is the report of S.
S. No, 10, East Wawanoah, for the
month of January ; Sr, 4tit-- Hilli-
ard McGowan, Ella Fear, :Jr. dth;.
Luella Wilson, Dorothy Howard, Ed-
na McGowan John parker. Sr, Ord:
Walter Patterson. Jr. 3rd.—Finley
McGowan, Clara McGowan, May Par-
ker. Sr. and.—Ida McGowan..Pt.2nd
Earl Caldwell. Primer—Ella Cald-
well, Ernest Parker,—E'. M, Philips,
Good Morning 1 Are you a New --
Record Subscriber 2
Mr. Win. Moir has ,sold his resi-
dence to Mr. John iElder of Ilay
township,who' will probably move in-
to 'town.
Mr. and Mrs. M'I, .MlcPhereon left
Last week for Toronto and Niagara
k. ails where they intended .isiting
for a time beforegoingon 'their
home at Salmon City, Idaho. Mr.
McPherson is one of the old 'bolt's
and his visit has been much enjoyed
by his friends in town.. One even-
ing last week a snooker was 'given in
the council room in his honor,
1S1selttalting specials
Two weeks of special prices in odd lines aad
broken sizes.
A few ladies and children's mantles at
about I price.
Men's fur collar overcoats, rubber interlined
to clear at $11,50.
Women's wrapperette house dresses to clear
regular price $1.25, now 79c,
See our clearing line of black and colored
underskirts at 98c.
Also dozens of other bargains during the
next two weeks.
Plumsteel Bros.
Srnall Profits — Phone 25, =- More ,Business
There are ' t w o
kinds of
Fonulalil Deus
We sell it.
Nature Shaped
Shoes !
.Take good care of the children's feet ! • The grow-
ing feet of children need the mgst careful shoe .fitting
to insure that they will be normal,
Our Children's Shoe Department is splendidly
qualified to give you this type of shoe service.
We fit the children's feet with careful painstaking
study and care.
We've nature shaped shoes made from
such good leathers as Gun Metal Calf, Patent
Colt and Vici, Some styles with Cloth Tops.
Low Flat heels, medium or, high cut 75c,
$1,00, $1,35 up 'to $2,00.
Try us out on the Childrens Shoe Proposition
—that's the only test.
The Good Shoes Store.
W. •D.: FAIR CO.
Often the Cheapest—Always the Best.
February 17th, 191
Mr. Jacob Taylor of Toronto is in
Mr. Percy Towne carne up from Lon-
don. for the week -end.
Mr. Josh Cook went to Sarnia on
Tuesday to attend the funeral of
his father-in-law.
Mr. Samuel Sheppard and his sister,
Miss Sheppard, of Nile are guests
today of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Shep-
Mrs. H. E. Paull is able to he a'_oat
again after being confined to the
house for several weeks owing to
• illness.
Mrs. Will Atkins and little son of
Toronto are the guests this, week
of the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Cook.
Mr. Will Southcombe of high School
'Staff, Winghant, was the guest of
the 'Misses Southcombe of town ov-
er the week -enol. •
Mrs. A, E. Bennett and her daughter,
Miss 'Gretta I3ennett, of Field, BA),
spent some days last week with her
sister; Mrs. Bowden,
Master Ernest, only son of Mr. and
Mrs. James Livermore, has for the
past ten days been confined to bed
with sciatica and lumbago.
Mrs. T. J. MlcMichael and her aunt,
Mrs. MeArter of Toronto, visited
last week at the home of the for-
mer's father, Mr, Adam Scout of
the Base Line.
Rev. Mr.. Barnaby of Belgravc, chap-
lain of the 161st Battalion, has
rented Mr. S. S. Cooper's brick
residence into which his familp will
move next week.
Mrs. (Rev. Dr:) Rutledge and Miss
Mary Matheson lelt Monday for
South Bend, Ind., to spend some
weeks at the home of the fornmer's
daughter, Mrs. Shilliugton, Rev,
Dr. Rutledge accompanied then as
far as London,
Mr. Adam Scott, who resides just
north of town, has been rather in-
disposed for some weeks so much so
that he has been confined to the
house most of the time. His fri-
ends will be pleased to learn that
he is now nicely recovering.
Miss Edith Neelin and Miss McBride
of Seaforth, who have just returned
from serving in a military hospi-
tal in England, were in town yes-
terday, on their way to Blyth to
speak at a public meeting. These
nursing -sisters will address a meet-
ing in the town hall; Clinton, on
Sunday' afternoon,
Miss Cranwell, who Was head millin-
er with Couch & Co. last season,'
and who will shortly return, is
now taking the openings in Chicago
before attending those of Toronto. -
Reeve Karnahan and Mrs. Karnahan
of Colborne were guests for a cou-
ple of days last week of Mr. and
Mrs. Wesley' Marquis north of
Singer Sewing Machines.
It is not necessary:for us to say anything aboutthe good quality of
Singer sewing machines, they have made an enviable reputation for
themselves. They are without a doubt thej best household machine
made. It you contemplate buying a machine come and talk it over
with us.
Ostermoor Mattresses
are good mattresses. We will give you thirty nights free trial and if
not satisfied return to us and get your money back. The price is $15.
Domestic Vacuum Cleaners.
Every house should oivn a Domestic Vacuum Gleaner, They will.
clean your„rugs and carpets thoroughly and if, used once or twice'a
week you will save all your sweeping and dusting, Free trial given.
Price $12.50.
Columbia Grafonolas.
We invite you to come in and hear our Oolumbia Grafonolas and
you will say they are the best toned and the most distinct talking ma-
chine you have heard, Come in and ask for any record and we will
play it for you.
Ball e& _Atkinson.
Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors.
Store Phone 104,
J. D. ATKINSON, Phone 18)3
N. BALL Phone 110.
Leave Toronto 6.40 p.m. Daily
Via the Transcanada
Through equipment -including Electric Lighted Com-
partment Observation Car, Standard and Touring
Sleepers, Dining Car, , First-class Coaches.
"The frequent C.P.R. service passing through the business centre
of each city is an asset to the traveller.”
Particulars from Canadian Pacific Ticket Agent, or write W. B. How-
ard, D.P.A., Toronto,
We request payment of all over-
due accounts on or before
1IIARC11 isi, 1916
If any old accounts remain un-
paid, or payment of same not arranged
for, after the above mentioned date we
will have no other alternative than to
employ such means as we deem neces-
sary to compel payment.
Women's Store
Dry Goods and •
House Furnishings
Phone 67,
Next Royal Bank,
Men's Store
Custom Tailoring and
Men's Furnishings
Phone 103,
Opposite Public Library,
London Road
Miss Miller of Clinton is visiting
her sister, Mrs, J. McKnight, Sr.
Messrs, Fred, Nott and J. T. Mc-
o-Knight have recently purchased hors-
Mr. and Mrs. D, Wheeler and fam-
ily, who have been visiting at the
lady's parental ]tome; that of Mr. A.
B, Stephenson, have returned to their
home in London. Miss Grace Steph-
enson aecoinpanicd them,
Miss May McCartney of Clodericlh
spent the week -end as the guest of
her aunt, Mrs. G; B. Manley.
Owing to the storm last week Miss
Sybil Cottrtice was unable to come
out to address the League meeting
but she is expected on Tuesday ev-
ening next and will tell something
of her experiences while a missionary
in Japan.
Mrs. Stephenson, Sr., recently cel-
ebrated her eightieth birthday at the
home of her son, Mr. A. B. Stephen-
son, They had a familp reunion,
Mrs. Robinson and Mrs. Alex, Welsh
being present. A very happy time
was spent by all. Congratulations
are in order and are heartily extend-
ed to Mrs, Stephenson with the wish
that she may be spared in good
health to celebrate yet more birth-
days. • •
Mr. Francis Iianley of Portland,
Oregon, was a guest at the home of
Councillor G. B. Hanley the past
week. His grandfather was one of
the pioneers of Ooderieh township
and his father was raised on the
farm on the 7th con. of that town-
ship where the tall poplars • -grow
and which is now .owned by Mr.
Robert Hanley. The C'ouncillor's
guest was born in Oregon and this is
his first visit to Ontario. -
Ptes Morgan Agnew and - 'Thomas
Britton of the -33rd Battalion, Que-
bec, paid a visit to the home town
this week: • This will be in all pro-
bahilityn be their last visit for sev-
eral months as the 33rd is slated
for Overseas service, at an early
elate.., The Battalion is both ready
and eager to go for it is sire
tired of the Ancient Capital.
Mr. Bert Langford returned on. Sat-.
urday evening from a three days
visit in Toronto where, along with
• their agents over Western Ontario,
he was the guest of the big, auto-
mobile company, whose output he
pushes in th's section. In addition
to having a big time, the hosts
would see to is that, the boosters
would .add to their stock
of auto knowledge 1 y an exchange
•of ideas and experience.
The Clinton ,unit of the 1.61st Bat-
talion left this morning for Seaforth
where they will be "entertained by the
women's 'patriotic society. The hand
went down yesterday afternoon to be
present for a recruiting meeting and
remained. over today's proceedings.
A meeting will be held' in the town
hall Saturday afternoon to , discuss
"More Butter and Eggs Wanted in
Canada." The speakers will be Prof.
Elford, Ottawa, Mr. J. I. ' Brown,
Montreal, Mr. A. 11. Silverwood,
London, and Mr. Porter., Government
representative, Toronto.
Among the Big Guns.
Mr. and Mrs, IIarry Wallace left
for their home in Wilkie, Sask., on
Tuesday after a short visit with re-
latives and friends of th's to^ality.
Geo, E. Denstedt is laid up with a
severe attack of grippe,
Mr. Wilkens and Miss Allen of Dun-
gannon spent Sunday with friends at
Private Roy Munroe returned to
Stratford on Monday after an illness
of over a week.
Miss Laura Phillips, who has bean
laid up for the past two weeks with
a sore throat, is able to be around
Election for 'one trustee for the
village of „Auburn_ came off on Mon-
day.. A. Asquith and J. 0. Clark
were two candidates. The latter
was elected by one of majority.
Edward Norman Lewis, M.P.
Ottawa, Feb.. 14.—Mr. E. J, Lewis,
member for West Huron, has been
given a commission in an artillery
unit that will be raised at once in
Western Ontario. Mr. Lewis is an
artillery officer of some experience.
London Road
Mrs, Peffers of Auburn is visiting
her daughter, Mrs. Amos Townshend,
having cone down for the Walters -
Townshend wedding on Wednesday,
McKillop Township.
A tea meeting along patriotic lines
is announced as going to be held at
the Methodist church, Walton, on
Thursday evening of this week. -
February is certainly showing up in
old fashioned wintry style.
The patriotic ladies of Walton are
branching out and are giving enter-
tainments in any part of the county,
where they can draw a crowd.
Mrs. W. itIcKay and two little
children have returned from New On-
tario. Mrs. McKay is eery ill from
nerve trouble. She was formerly
Miss Maggie Smith and ta'aght s 'heel
for some years in Mclslillop. .
The ladies' of. St. Columban Catho-
lie clutrch have got busy -and are do-
ing grand work on behalf of the
Red Cross.
The News
From Londesboro.
Rev. Mr. Shannon' of Galt, a re-
turned missionary from British Col-
umbia, occupied the pulpit of Knox
church on Sunday and also assisted
in the Sunday evening service in the
Methodist church.
Misses B. Brogden, Eleanor and
,Jean Maines of London spent Sunday
at their homes here
Mr, J'. Hutton received a carload
of flour and feed this week.
Miss Edna Lyon of Wingham at-
tended the FIunking-Lyon wedding on
Wednesday of this week.
Mr. A. Kerslake of Exeter spent
With friends here.
Mr. E. J. Crawford spent a few
days this week with his brother at
Dungannon. '
Miss •.Edna Pentland restated her
duties at`Kintail atter Having •a
holiday owing to measles in tie
•Colborne Township.
A horse attached to a cutter be-
longing to Aldin Allin, of Colborne
township, who was loading cattle at
Megaw Station, frightened and ran
away on Saturday morning, ta'iing
to the C.P.R. track, which it follow-
ed to' the Dunlop overhead Midge,
some three mites away. There it
was captured. Two young lads sent
by the owner got it back to a side
road, when the noon train canoe along
and frightened it again, and it took
to the ties again and before anything.
could be done the tram struck the
horse, killing it -instantly and dam-
aged the cutter. The two lads es-
caped by jumping,
Constance. , •
Mrs, Ed. Britton, Miss Stella Clark
and Miss Margaret Love spent a few
days with the former's parents at
Miss Vera Colclough is spending a
fortnight as the guest of her grand-
mother, Mrs. Thuei1 of Brussels.
Mr. Henry Colclaugh visited Mr.
Wm. Fear and other relatives,
The Winthrop ladies are giving a
play in the Foresters' hall Wednesday
evening of this week in the interest
of the Red Cross.
Miss Gertie Glazier and Mr. Rolbt.
Dapm.ent .of Kippen spent Sunday as
the guests of the fortner's aunt, MIrs,
Thos. Pollard,
That Was a Pretty Wedding;
At Londesboro Yesterday.
A quiet but pretty wedding tock
place at the home of Mrs. G. Lyoa,
on Wednesday of this week, when her
only daughter, Rosel.la, became the
bride of William L. Hunicing, soii_.;S
Mr. and Mrs. Rundell Hun'cing of
The bride, who was given away bat •
her uncle, Mfr. Win. Lyon, entered the
parlor to the strains of Lohengrin's
wedding march, played by her cousin
Miss Edna Lyon.
The bride looked charming in R.
gown of silk crepe de ehene trimmed
with satin and lace.
The ceremony was performed lay
their pastor, Rev. Mr. Koine. The
groom's gift to the bride was a
pearl sunburst and to the pianist a
pearl set crescent,
After congratulations they all sat
down to a sutnptitous wedding din-
ner. The bridal couple left on the
afternoon train for a short trip to
Mount Forest, the bride travelling
in a navy suit with sills blouse kr.
match. On their return they will -
take up their abode on the groom's
farm on the 130h concession of Mul-
Lieut. 0. Ball of i-Iensall spent the
week -end with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs, F. B. Hall.
For tired, aching, painful feet, breaking
down arch or flat foot, use our Foot=ezel---
Arch=Prop. They will give you comfort and
We carry a full stock of "Special Absorb()
Pads" which will take the pressure and give
immediate relief to the corns, bunions and cal-
louses. "Absorbo Pads" cure permanently by
It vs ill be a pleasure to show you these
special aids to ;comfort.
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