HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-02-17, Page 5" oar Owl °I "Our Own" line is a good one throughout all the list. Some .of these you -know are' good, because you have tried them. How about? "Our Owns" Biaking'Pow- der, special value -at 15c. :`Our: Own" Blend Ster- ling ' Tea, only 30c per lb. " Our Own " Excellent Coffee, only 45c lb. W, T. O'NeilI 'February 17th, 1903 Clinton News -Record Bluth Mrs. 7}I. IIotney was called to Hol- stein -last week to see her mother who had met with an accident. Mr.. Wm. Barr; who has been 'mail 'courier on R. R, No. 3 erersince it was -opened,: has enlisted in the 161st. Comicihor H.,-Ilorncy has. "been awarded 'lite contract, Miss Martha' Moore is visiting with friends in Princeton Mr, Roy Baia has taken a Position `with Mr. A,' Ta dor left vacant b y x the enlistment of Mr. ostia Spaf- lord. • , Miss Mabel Colclough of Ethel was home for -a Ow days recently. Mr. and all''s..A..W. Beacom at- tended the funeral of the late '< John. alusg"rove of Wingham .last. ,week, Mr, and Mrs. Alex. Ward ,and faro- aly of Ar co' a Sask.; ' were ero h r e' re- cently visiting their aunt Nis. 13. Taylor. News Recrd means News -Reader: Seaforth. aa -aa''• Mr. and Mrs. Sparks' of " Bayfield have renthi the house on John street -owned. by Mr, 'C. Soole. Miss Ethel Grieve has been visitiug friends iu Exeter ;•' Mr: A. pe Lacey of Sulithaviile has been visiting his son; =Mr. L. 1'. De Lacey, Miss Irene -Gemmel' •is spending. a -couple of months with friends at Grand Rapids, Mich. Mr. J, R. Archibald has been vie- iting with relatives at Dunnville and Hamilton. Mr. ,James MoGce has. retmaaasaga from a ,visit with his daughter and .other fiends in Toronto. Miss McBride of Belleville, a'nurse who has been int:France and who Le turned with Miss Edith Meelinr - is her `guest. in town,-' Miss Casemore of .New York City 21as been the guest of Miss Evelyu 'Greig; Miss H. a. Graham'spent a few days(n Toronto ree'ent33y. She was a. a boast at the FIuron Old.l3oy s At - Home while there. John Lacey of McKillop died edat the home of his grandson, Mr..Thos, Naylor last week at the great age of ninetyr-eight years. The funeral .-- took place on Thursday last to St. :C'olunban cemetery'. Mrs. Francis Klein, an old resident of town, passed away also fast week at the home of her son, Mr.: Thomas Klein: The late,ilfrs. Klein was a natives of Belgium and name to Canada with her husband nearly six- ty years ago. The funeral took place on Friday to St. James' cern- aterp. Mrs. Moull, Miss Pearl 'Lawrence 'and Mr.-,i4Iatt. Lawrence arrived from Edmonton last week owing to the illness of their mother, Mrs, Jas, Lawrence of McRillop. Miss Spierman of the Department •ui Education, Toronto, was here last week, classifying and cataloguing the books in the Carnegie Library. Messrs, Wm. and -George Bethune were in Toronto last week, Willgham Happenings of Fifteen Ago. �o: Years Happenings in Clinton at the Opening' of the Century. Takenfrom the .Files of The News -Record of the -date, indicated.': February 13th, .1901. Father. McMinamin is asking :for tenders for the erection of a :rectory. Three rinks of Curlers went to Seaforth on Thuxsdayi last and Pisy- ed with a like number in the sister town. The following comprised the local ranks : J. W. Moore, W. E. Rand; B. J. Gibbiggs, W. Spalding, skip ; J. W, Treleaven, T, Jaokson, Jr., J. Johnston,. W. Jackson, •skip ; C L. Tenney, L. M McLean, c F. Y, , Fair, N. Fair; skip. The following .committees were ap- pointed at a recent meeting of the Li- brary Board : Library, W. Brydone, W. Coats, A. McKenzie, W. E Rand. BuildingW. R Lough, A:' McKenzieDr, Shw, W., I3 ydone. Finance : W. E. Rand, Mayor Jackson, W. Bry-, Bono, Ontario street Sunday school' held a very successful anniversary oa Sun dap and Mondays last. The Local Market. Wheat 63c to 64c. Oats 26e,to 27e. Barley 35e to 36.. , Butter 16c to 17e, Eggs 15c to 1$c. St. Helens Owing to an epidemic of measles Lucknow High: and Public schools have been closed for a few weeks. The scholars from around. St. Hel- ens have returned to their homes here, A successful box social was held here uuder the auspices of ' "the Wom- en's Institute of St. Helens and was arat ucc um of over e success. The s f3 $50 was realized for patriotic pur- poses MissTenGordon' Tena Gor has returned from the west and as at present visiting Mrs, W. E. Gordon. Miss Lizzie Anderson, who has been baking a post, graduate course at Ottawa,is at resent visiting ti At p g her home here. Miss Mary Little ob Mornington spent a few days at the home of her parents here. Mr. Isaac Miller lost one of his valuable gray drivers with inflamma- tion last week, Mrs,. W, J. Todd has returned home after spending a few days with friends in Winghant, Miss Jean Webb, nurse-im-training, who underwent an operation for ap- pendicitis in London recently, has returned home and is able to he out again. News -Record means News Reader, Goderich Mrs, G. A. Lunney of Collingw:ood and airs, B. E. Webster of Hamilton %acre the guests lust week of Mrs. J. H. 'Johnston. Mr. .1., II. Wilford last week at. Miss Neelin of Seatorth, ate has •tended the annual convention of the recently returned from the front, Oanadian Produce Association at will address a meeting- of the re - Belleville, Ife went from there on a cantly organized Womans s branch of business trip to the Maritime prow- the Huron County, War Auxiliary on inees,. Thursdays next. ►r ltlr. Salami Naylor has returned to Miss Tena Kay and Mr. W. P. bis hone at Elgin, Man., after a Johnston of the 71st Battalion wore visit with friends and' relatives here, quietly married on Wednesday. last Mr, Adam Schaefer was called Last by Rev, James Hamilton. 'week to the bedside of his father in John Raymond McIntosh, tvho had 9Vlilverton, been i11 in a` Detroit htspital for Mrs. Dinsley is in- Detroit visiting some time but who was brought her daughter,. Isis norma Dinsley, home about fide weeks ago,died at Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tindall 'of Nee- the home of his mother on Senday paws, Man., have been visiting rola- week. fives in Turnberry. The funeral of the late Mrs. 8, R. Mr. W..R. Quaid of Vancouver, B. Swarts took place on Monday week. 0., was the guest last *eek' of his A pretty wedding took place in" sister, airs. A. Schaefer. - St, Peter's church on, Tuesday morn- Mr. and Mrs. John Causer of Ed- ing of last week. when Miss Sara mouton, Alta., spent a few days Ducharme of Zurich was united in with the former's sister, Dr,- Mar- marriage to Gunner Ernest Page of garet Calder, last week. tfie•13rd battery; who Is under 'or - Miss Mattie Maxwell-, nurse, bas, ders for, overseas service. After the gone to Winnipeg to nurse her sis ceremony the wedding breakfast was ter, Mrs,' W. .J. Walkey. =partaken of at the home of Mr. and Mr. Fred F. Honuith has taken a Mrs. Page, and the young couple left fair a short honeymoon -trip, 1VIr, S. A.,MegaWW, brother of Mr. R. J. Megaw of ,town, who was 'un- til a, short time ago manager of the Weste'n - Canada Flour ' Mills Co,, Winnipreg, was, killed in an auto.ac- cident la Los Angeles, ' California, ' last weals.' .Mr. 'Megaw 'had gone to Los Angeles' for w rest after' retic fling from ''bUdi ness. IIe carried a .life incutance of $115,000, having 'taken dot an additional $50,000 •only taro w%eeks ago. alma Major of Toledo,.. Ohio,. 1, is visiting her father, rear. A. M. , Pol. lei'. " • -Miss Nellie Phalan' of Duluth is spending- a vacation with her pat- ents here.' Miss', Jean ,Lawson Ras returned to Detroit after a visit at her ._ home here, Miss • Margaret accompanied her for a visit. Mr, and Mts.. Walter Sharman have returned from ,Detroit, where they went before Christmas: alt, Sharman, who was very ill ;to: some weeks, is nicely recovering. position with Mr, J, W. McKibbdfn, EVIr. R. L, Mitchell, teller in 'the. Bank of Hamilton, has been prompt- •ed to the head office, Toronto. My• Little of Palmerston has taken - the vacant place here. Mr. Samuel Hayman and kiss Es=, ther Hyndman of Crandeil, 141arta\ have`been guests of Mr. Thos. Scott. -e Zurich Mr. E. ,I>. -Wean and Miss Annie attendedi funeral m the fn neral of the Iate John Foster at Pigeon, . Mich., recently, Miss Adeline Bcchler of idle Been - son Line was united in marriage on, Wednesday of last week to Mr, Sum - eel Koehler of the Goshen Line. Mr, F. G. Neeman of Buffalo was here last week on business. The congregation of the Evangel- ical church intend installing a new organ. Mrs. D. Moltke and son Gordon of -tosthern, Sask., were visitors at ate home of Rev. and Mrs. Brown for a few days recently. .Schee Iii of DetroitDr. Wesley 1 t g re -SALE. OF I3Ct1VIE14IAD'E COOKING hewed old friendships hereabouts re- by the ladies of Wesley church in centiy, the council Chamber from 3 to 6 • NIr. Ferdinand Hess and. Miss Mar- o'clock on Friday,Feb. 18th. 23-1, garet went to South Bend, Ind., last week to attend the funeral of an aunt, Mrs, 13. II. Neitzel, formerly a resident of Zurich. Patriotic Tea, Hensal'l Mr. (Hugh Buchanan or Toronto, -who.ikas enlisted ,for overseas ser- vice, spent a few days with las par- ents here last Week. He may, ' be ltrapsferred to Hensel'., Private C. Aitchison got a badly sprained ankle while skating one ,night recently). - The Girl's Club of Willis church will give a lac. -PATRIOTIC TEA from 3 to 7 o'c,ock, at the home of Mrs. J. Johnston, Rattenburp ettect, WEDNESDAY, February 23,rd Everybody, ,Comer 5 tommemessames Marriages 131IADS'FJAW-DAVIS-Int Clinton, on February '113tln, by Rea. Dr. Rut- ledge, Bertha,' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Davis, to George Davis, to George A, Bradshaw: lNiI NC-LY9N-At the residence of the bride's mother at Londes- boro, oh Feb. 16th, by Rev, 'Mr.'. Keine, Rosella, only daughter of Mrs. G. Lyoin, to William L. flunking, son of Mr. ants' Mrs, Rundell I-Iunking of 1-iullett, I S411L'PERS-'1'OWA,SIiL+'NDS - At On- tario street parsonage, on -Feb- - 16th, by Rev, S. J. Allis, Ilia May, daughter of Mr. arid' Mrs, Amos 'Townsend,_ to Francis E, Watters, all of Tuckersniith township. T{OEIILER-BECHLIIR-At Zcirich;' oa Feb. 9t1r, Adeline . Bechler to S ue Koehler,, am 1both ' E � Hay o township, PAGE-DUCHAR8fl1-In'Goderich on February 8th, Sara A. Ducharme or Zurich,. to Pte. Ernest A. Page,5011 f r o M , andMrs. Thos. Page, age, of Goderich. • Births HOLMES-in Edmonton, Alta., , oil. Feb, 12t1i, to Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter G. Holmes, lormeriyi of Clin- ton, a daughter. SIIILLINGTON - At : South Bend, Inds', on Feb. 13th, to Mr. ` and Mrs. W. Shillington,.a daughter. DOHERTY In t'linton, on January 13th, to Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Do- herty, a son, (Robert Depew.) MURRAY-In'Godcrich, on February 8th, to .1930. and Mrs. John W. Murray, Quebec street, .a data • ghter. STANBURY-In Exeter on Februarp 6th, to Mr, and Mrs. J. G. Sian- bury; a son. FRbSBY-In East Wawanosh on Feb. 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. II. S. Fris- by, a daughter. , Deaths IVIcIN OS - 'l,' H Iu Goderich, on Feb. lith, John Raymond McIntosh. LA.CEY-In McKillop, Feb. Bth, John Lacey, aged 98 years. KLLIN-Iii Seaforth, February 9th, Mrs, Francis Klein in her 90th year, MILLER -In Bayfield on Feb. 10th, Sophia _Ahrens, relict of the late Michael Miller, aged 81 years. IN MEMORIAM-Inloving memory of our dear sister, Mrs 'John Mid- dleton (nee Bertha Hayter) whom God called home one year ago, - Her Sister Alice. "OR .SALE, -FOUR GOOD YOUNG Shorthorn Balls, choice . breeding. Also sonic good young Berkshire Boars and Sows, large English tp;ie, about three months old. Prices reasonable. -John 0. Durst, R. R. No. 3, Clinton, 21-4 lion SALE, -ONE ART SOUVENIR Beater in A 1 conclitioi, at a bargain. -George ltteKen?ie nen: the ILT,R. station, -23 WOOD WANTED. -TENDERS WILL be received by the undersigned for 30 cords of green hard wood, 16 inches long, for Willis Presbyterian church. -Win, Grant. 23-2, FARMERS OF FIUROIT.-I HAVE for sale: feed 'corn 79e to 80e, bran and shoats, good fall wheat $1.10 to $1.12, oats 43e to 44c, barley 55e. If more going when you come in you will get it Sec- ond store house off 'London Road, south side track or come to my house opposite the Passenger Sta- tion, always at 'hone... -W. XI. Perrin. • -24. PRIVATE SALE OF HOUSEHOLD Effects, including Monde self-feeding 'Parlor cook and small coal heater -afternoons after two o'clock, • at the home of John Dayment, Orange street. -33. '9IARQUIS. SPRING WHEAT, - I have a limited quantity% of, Marquis spring wheat foe ,seed. This 'is a choice variety and has given .good results, It is especially good . for . uiixiug, with oats and barley., ripen- ing ten days earlier than other. varieties Satiiple and price sent on request -Fred, Middleton, R.R. No, 3, Phone 4 on 166. 4 . , 23-6 AUCTION SALE 00' FARM STOCK sand Implements. -Mr. Henry • La - beau has instructed the undersign- ed to sell by public auction at Lot 47, Bayfield Road, Goderieh Township, on Monday, , Feb, 21st, at I o'olocic 'p,m,, , the following : Mare 7 years:old •agricultural, filly rising 4 years agricultural, filly. rising 8 years agricultural, heavy draft mare rising 8 years, cow 7 years dee' in March, 2 cows 5 years due in April, now 16 pears due in April, cow 7 years due Mar. 1st,- 5 heifets 2 yrs, 4 due in April and 1 in May, 2 yearling heifers due in 'April, 12 springrmE calv s,' 2 steers . rising 2 years, manure spreader, set double harness, set harrows, walking plow, riding Cockshutt plow new, •- seed, drill Fjrost aC Wood, two -row corn eul- tiva' or, Planet Junior good as, new, 14 disc harrow, set bobsleighs wagon, 500 bushels 04.0. •seed oats No 72, fifer from ,sn fut. Ow- ing to retiring from farming the above stock will be sold without reserve. Terns :-All sums of 110 and .ander cash, on over that amount 8 months credit. will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. Discount at the rate of '6 ' percent. per annum will be allow- ed for cash on credit amounts. The oats will be cash. Henry Labeau, Owner, T, Guudry,, Auctioneer. PRIVA'CID SALT; OF HOUSEHOLD Furniture 'at the residence of the late Mrs,W. Murray every after- noon from 2 to 5 o'clock, -22. HonorRoll 1 The following inembers of the ;401 - LOT .class of boys in the Ontario St. church Sunday school, taught by Miss Stevens and Mr, W. Walker,, have en- listed;; • ' Lewis Manning Willie Walter Elmer Beacom Fred, Thompson George Webber Chas. Thompson Will. Britton Thos, 'Morgan Cecil Moores,;' • James Crich Leslie Wasmann C. F. Lockwood Robert -Fisher William, Littlewood Parker George Tebbutt I at •leo a To tt g William ok O S. Newcombe Wi 1n m Br ett, WOOD WANTED -TENDERS, WILL be received by the undersigned up to Pebi ai •h for 2 15 cords o• Y 3rd 0 f nunnbe_i one green maple body wood .22 inches. long. Wood to be delivered at the "Clinton Model. School before-theilst.dean of"April. -S. Kemp, ChaJ roan Property Committee. -23-2 CUSTOM SAWING' WILL 1E DONE as usual at Thos. Wallis' on the, 4th con, of Goderich township dur- ing the coning spring, -McEwen Bros., Bayiliield. -19 SFIOR7'FIORNS FOR SALE. - Here's your chance to buy a right good two-year-old bull from an innported .sire and' a record milking strain, Also 3 calves' from 5 to. 1I months old: All good feeders and in excellent condition. Conte and -see them. -Edward H. Wise, R. R. No. B, Clinton, Phone 12 on 155. • -18 Fariiis for Sale FOR SALE -100 ACRES 1N FIUL- Iett township, 21 miles from CH -- ton on Huron Road. Good soil and buildings, 10 acres smalltim- ber, never failing spring` water, ru- ral mail and telephone. partic- ulars e. For t' p x so- ulars apply on premises or address T. J. Watt, R. R. No, 4, Clinton. -21. FARM FOR SALE. -In GODERICH township, one hundred and twenty acres, Lot .No. 25, Con, 14, S. E. half ()Mot 80, Maitland con. Good bank barn, frame house, never fail- ing well with pipes to house and barn ; water in five different fields the year round. Three miles from Clinton, -Apply to William Mun- nings, IIolniesville. Phone 14 on 130. -21-5. FOR- SALE 150 ACRES. -THE former Ililes' farm, mile and a half north of Londesboro, good clays loam, in good state of culti- vation. Fourteen acres of wheat, forty acres seeded to clover, and . buildings fair. "'Petals reasonable, ,aor an exchange for a smaller farm gladly considered. - Iloltzhauer Bros., Auburn, R, D. No. 1, 19-4 FARM FOR 'SALE, BEING 'LOT 29 on the 5th con, of Goderich. Town- ship consisting of 120 acres, 11 acres in fall wheat, •40 acres ready fey spring plowing, 7 acres• of bush, remainder under grass. Small or- chard. Concrete house, Good barn 58x80 with stone foundation. Cement silo. Water tank and Wind- mill at barn. One quartet/ mile from Porter'§ Hill -James Hamilton, Clinton. -09 PARK FOIL SALE - FOR .SALE south half Lot 31-32, - Concession 1, Tuckersrnith, containing 94 acres more or less. There are on the premises a good fraine house with kitchen and woodshed, cement cis- tern, good hank barn 40x64 with stone stabling and cement floors, drive shed and- hen house, water in house and barn supplied with wind mill and cement tank. The farm is in first-class condition fenced and drained andthere are 10. acres of first-class bush and small orchard. The farm is three and one half miles 'from ,Clinton, five miles from Sea - forth and one mile frons -,church and 'school,' Rural telephone in house. The farm ;is all on the west side of railroad track and is in first-class. shape. -Terms -Reasonable, reasons for selling, the proprietor wishes to retire, for further particulars apply on the premises or address John. Thomas Crich, Clinton. -22-13 YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED, RE - paired and Pressed' and at the shortest possible notice, Both Lad- ies' and Gentlemen's' clothes. • We guarantee to do good wank.' Also having bought amachine I aant Pre - Pared to French Dry Clean. Ladies' Suits, Gent"s Suits and all kinds of woolen clothing including Sweat= ers, etc. Ail orders promptly at- tended to. Rooms over ,.Grigg'a jewelery Store. -Won. J. Jago. -55 BUSINESS FOR SALE The undersigned offers'• his' stock of Dry -.Goods, Greece.'les, Boots, Shoes, Crockery Etc:„., for sale. PoSsession given at such time as will best suit the purcihaser. E. F. Merner, Bayfield, Wanted Fat` Hens and Chickens wanted. Highest market price paid. -W. Mar- quis, Phone 14 on 166. , -23 BITTER WRAPPERS. -GOOD BUT - ter Makers buy their Butter. Wrap Pers, printed, at The -News-Record Office, HOUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT on Raglan street. Two acres of land, brink house, electric light and waterworks, small stable. -D, Can- telon, -03 HEADQUARTERS F 0 R FAIR banks -Morse Engines. -1 li.p, Engine Jack with Pump ac 148 2 h.p, Engine' with Pilmp Jacic- 190, 2a n.p. I'n- gine 193.50, 5 lap. Engine 1.150, 7 h.p. Engine $225. Also Fleury Plows,' Grinders and Repairs.' En- gine and Telephone batteries 30c ea �h, c Is. IL EppsVarna Phone 14 on 178, Clinton. MRS. J. JOHNSTON, WHO HAS takenover the agency for the Spir- ella corset, is prepared to meet the needs of all old and new custom- ers. The Spirella is "different" ; a perfect -fitting, flexible, .made-to- order corset, allowing every muscle full play,, Call and ask Mrs. John- ston about corsets and accessories. -02 CREAM WANTED. - DAIRYMEN having cream to sell write to us for cans. We supply two cans free. Pay all express' charges and issue' cheques twice each month, cheques payable at par. We pay the high- est market prices consistentwith an honest test. Testing done by a ' competent man. Each can careful- ly weighed, sampled and tested on arrival and statement returned, Those in the vicinity Kinburn Kin urn may leave their Dream with Mr. whodeliver will do ver ib here, Write for cans and give us a trial. Patrons in the vicinity of Varna may deliver their cream to Beatty Bros. Store and it will be taken care of there -The Seaforth Cream- ery., Box 486, Seaforth; Ont. JUST ARRIYED We have just received a car of No, i' Bard Corn which we.ean offer at a reasonable pricey ail orders for same will be 'filled promptly, - We keep in stock Pure Manitoba Rolled Oats which comes direct front the Keewatin Mills and is second to none in. quality. We have got in a new supply of Seeds which are No. 1 Government Tested and consist of the following : Red Clover, Alfalfa, Alsike, Timothy and Orchard Grass. Flour, Breakfast Food, Easifirst Shortening, Oil Cake, Molasses Meal, Bran, Shorts and Low Grade always in stock. highest prices paid for Grain. W. Jenkins & Son. FLOUR AND FEED, Phone 199. We have added a'stock of New Groceries and can now supply you with 'Peas, Sugar, Canned Goods and other lines to be found in a grocery .store. We also sell Conner's Bread. This is an addition to Flour and Feed of which we keep a full stock and will deliver goods to any part of the town. We appreciate a share of your pa- tronage, Ile deliver goods promptly, to any part of the town. D. A.WATSON Victoria St., Arent the FTospitahl Do You Ever think MU Wanted some. thing that you would relish for a meal and could not just think what it was you wanted? sem HOW ABOUT PRUNES ? We have some select goods in prun- es and are put up bp the well-known people, "The Sunkist", whose goods have a quality all their own 2 lbs., for 25e. Sonne -other suggestions are : Catsup, Worcestershire r Sauce, ice tflrsbfre Sauce 1. I Sa a Vto s H. Mixed or Sweet Pickles, Olives, ete. In' canned goods we carry a Ratline: Peas, Corn, Tomatoes, Tuna Fish,. Salmon, Heinz. Spaghetti, Campbell's or Clark's Soups, and other season- able goods, Our Orang:, prices are right front 15o 600 dos, up. f:liglnest Prioes for Butter and Eggs, Johnson & Co. The Store of Quialtiy. Summer to S. Barr. Phone 111. phone Orders promptly, attended to, TO THE CITIZENS. The'health "officer asks- the co-operation •pR the citizens in stam m ,out measles ,that at are prevalent" ,in town. As soon as signs of rash. appear notify your physician or the health officer and keep all per- Isons f r a 3T commutiieation with the 'sick. Insist on trick quarantine. 13y.: this method we can soon control the disease, J. W. Shaw, M,H2O, anted MORE UTTEREGGS 1NCANAD C To discuss the above important sub- ject a Targe Farmers' Convention will be held in the TOWN HALL, CL.INTON commencing at 2 o'clock on the afternoon of SA 8;URDA Y, FEB.. -lOtl' and in the- evening at 7.30. in I3OLMES' HALL„ I'IOLIVIESVILLE. • Addresses' will be delivered .by, Prof. I C. ".Elford of Ottawa. Mr. J. I. Brown of Montreal Mr, A, E. Silverwood of London, Mr. Porter of Toronto, Goverament Representative. Every person interested in poultry raisingii strongly,e - to d be present, urged- r• GOD SAVE THE KING. GUNN, " -LANGLOIS CO. The Up-to-date Firm CLINTON. it ali1ed We can give employment to a few more Knit- ters, etc, Apply at office oda, Clinton Knitting Co., Ltd, THE COHNEH STOHE Live'and~Let Live Buy HeatProduciug Gond s. • Now that tlhe'cold' weather is again with us every • household regaires goods that will keep the body warm and healthy. Hero are a few lines we would suggest to every buyer, of goods for the home, Soups in packages aad tine; Meat Extracts, Bovril and' Oxo Hot Porridge, Wheatleti, Wheat Flakes, Rolled Oats, Hot Pancakes and Syrup. Porkand Beahs-a steaming plate of pork and beaus for' dinner or sup- per makes an ideal meal. Macaroni or Spaghetti.. Bacon or Sausages for breakfast, there is nothing nicer. E. E. IUNNFORD LIVE AND LET LIVE GROCER. Home-made Sap Pans And Pails Cali and see our stock bafore placing your order BYAM & SUTTER Sanitary, Plumbers, Phone 3, Cream! Cream! New Method. - I am in the market for any, of cream quantity' at' diighest market price. You cad' see it f weighed, tested and take your moneys home with you. Cream - ; taken in every Thursday morning, S W. MI LLAR GENERAL MERCHANT Hol-mesVllle Logs Wanted. _ HIGHEST PRICE PAID. FOR ALL KINDS OP G001) LOGS DELIVERED AT 00- HERTY'S SAW MILL ;, CLINTON. FOR PARTICU- LARS APPLY TO FORD JC McLEOD. F. G. RUNIBALL tc 3l We beg to announce tlae purchase of the BAYFIELD SAWMILL, which we will operate in conjunction with the BRUCEFIELD MILL. We aro open for business at both offices prepared to pay the highest spot cash prices for all kinds of logs,, either in bulk or by, the thousand,; and either in the bush or delivered in our yards. You may also secure from us at either office any of the following lin, es : LEHIGH VALLEY COA'L', the coal that satisfies,; CANADA CEMENT, the recognized staadar4 cif Canada, B0J1"FALO BRAND FERTILIZ- ER,, best by; test., DRESSED LUMBER and SHIN GLES, , j CANADA FIBRE BOARD, r TILE, ( CEDAR POSTS, LUMBER OF ALE KINDS, ETC, I heartily solicit, and by fair, square dealings shall endeavour, worthily to merit, your most 4ibera4 patronage. Telephones - Bayfield Otfloe, 8 on 174: Brucefleld Office, 11 osi 140.• JOHN B MUSTARD TAKE A•LOO IC at your plumbing. Is it new, up-to- date, sanitary and in perfect condie Mon ? Upon the plumbing frequently, health f the Tamil , depends the o epY!. EVERY MEMBER of the family uses the bath room ; it can be cleanly, convenient and monis fortable. Why not have it so ? See our stock and don't forget that out workmanship is exceptional.; THOS. HAWKINS. Butter Wrappers PRINTED NEATLY ANI) CHEAPLY AT TFIE OFFICE OF THE NEWS -RECORD„ „ •„