The Clinton News Record, 1916-02-11, Page 88
14trs, Robt, Douglas lett last wee{ Mr: J. H, Marshall has purchased extended visit: with her son the bakery and confectionery bus
titin Hamilton and with friends m Moos fprom
on last A.
Taylor and
Mr. R. M. McKay 'was in Toronto Mr. T. C. McElro}I was in. Toron-
past week on business. to recently.
Mr. Elmer Nivins, who has been Mrs, Thos. Brown was in Guelph
visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. for a couple of weeks on account of
'John Niyins of Morris, -left last the illness ,of herr sister,
week to return to Moose Jaw, Sask. Mr. Bert McElro}1 left last week,
Blyth -"
Clinton News -Record
February I lth, .I91e
1 This Is Your Sh, oe Store!
If you care for the Best of Shoes and the limit of
Shoe Service .an4 Satisfaction that your Shoe Money
van secure, Mak this Your Shoe Store,
Come Here ! -
1 For Men's Boys', Women's and Misses' and Children's Shoes, that
rank above the grade of "Just Shoes I"
Come Here !
Come ere 1
For Perfect Shoe Fitting by Fitters that know bow to provide the
act size, width and•rnodel to fit the foot, as it should be fitted S
Come Here !
For the Best Mens' Shoes at $3.50, $4.00 or $6.00, the Best Women's
Shoes at Chil-
dren's Shoes ,n any Style $1,00.
, nd tThe
ny Price
School Shoes, The Best Chil•
- Here
There are t w o
kinds of
For the Newest Modelo and Latest and Best Style Features, shown
Uy the Country's Best and Most Noted Shoe Manufacturers 1
y Make This Your ShoeStore and Come
for. Shoes :
Fonutain Peas
We sell it.
Often the Cheapest•—Always the Best.
'lectingyouifurniture tf ytf'sh your homeofif you onlytou will tied nt to your ,tdvang1carry a
ou are
tcan nisfstour ,use want some odd
o nrni tae to inspec our
py tut We also stock and see the bargains wear giving.
good line of violins, pianos and organs.
Our undertaking department is up-to-date in every re-
spect',ttud weguaraantee the best of satisfaction.
Undertaker and Funeral Director.
Night and Sunday calls answered at residence over
Phone !lam
Our annual January Sale commences Saturday,
January Sth,
Odd lines and broken sizes of good seasonable
goods to be cleared at big price reductions.
The balance of our ladies' and children's coats
and furs at about t price,
Don't miss this chance to wave money,
Miss May, vavis arrived home on
Thursday last.
Pte, Percy Hitchins spent list
week in Toronto.
Mr. Stewart Jackson Lit for De-
troit on Saturday.
Mr. John J. Ward of Woodstock was
in town on Tuesday.•
Miss Dorothp Cantelon arrived Immo
from Orillia on Thursday.
Major Rance of the 33rd Battalion,
Quebec, Was at his home in town
over the week -end.
Mrs, W. J. Patton of Goderich town-
ship was a' visitor with friends in
town last week,
Mr. Clarence Paisley of the Royal
Bank staff, Stratford, was home
over the week -end.
Mrs. J Schoenhals was called to
Milverton this week by the ill-
ness of her father.
hit. Grose of Toronto was the guest
for a da)1 or two this week of Mr.
and Mrs. P. Cantelon,
Capt. Caret of Toronto 'spent the
week -end as the guest of bit, an.l
Mrs. 0. D. McTaggart,
Miss Sybil Courtice returned Satur-
day from a visit of some weeks
with Miss Baker of Monro. visit
Miss Clark returned from a
with her family at , Mitchell last
week and .is now nursing Mrs, Mog-
Mr.,H, S. Mistele, who,had been
supplying in the Royal Bank for a
fortnight, returned to Toronto o:t
Saturday. '
Misses. Bella and Mary Miller of
Stella were week -end visitors at
the home of their aunt, Mrs, Jam-
es t1Iahalv
Messrs. J. Sutter, W. Moss and
O. Stickles went to Stratford
Tuesday evening to witness a
hockey match.
Mr. Robt. McDermid arrived from
Ingersol on Monday and has taken
a position in the action "room at
the piano faetorp,
Miss Minnie Cooper left Monday
morning to spend a couple of weeks
at the home of her brother, Mr,
Ogle Cooper of Collingwood.
Lieut. -Col. Cooper and Mrs, Cooper
of Toronto were the guests over
the week -end of the former's moth-
er, Mrs. W. Cooper vol town.
Judge Andrews was in Stratford on
Thursday last attending a meeting
of the executive of the ,Police Mag-
istrates 'Association of Ontario.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Marsh and, Mas-
ter Norman are expected over from
Detroit this week on a visit to the
lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo,
Lieut. A. J. Grigg is out of town
this week attending recruiting
meetings at Varna, Blake, Kippen
He is
' 11 s t
and I3t g
by Corp. Wyatt of the First Con-
Mr. R. J. Blacker, who ,accompanied
Ins mother from Perdue, Sask.,
and has been visiting with his bro-
ther, Mr, Erne. Blacker of town,
is this week visiting friends at
Plumsteel Bros.
Small Profits — Phone 25, — More Business
Singer Sewing Machines.
It is not necessarylfor as to say anything about the good quality of
n they
vt enviable
themselves. They are machines,
adobthebest household machine
made. It you contemplate buying a machine come and talk it over
with as.
Ostermloor : Mattresses
are good mattresses. We will give you thirty nights free
rrs trial
isa 1d if
not satisfied return to us and get your money back. The p
Domestic Vacuum Cleaners.
Every house should own a Domestic Vacuum ()leaner. They will
clean yourrugs and carpets thoroughly and if used once or twice a
week you will save all your sweeping and dusting, Free tiial given.
Price $12.50,
Columbia Grafonolas.
We invite you to come in and bM1ar the oolummostbia Gr afonolas talking and
you will say they are the best toned
a -
chine you have heard. Come in and ask for any record and we will
play it for you.
Ball & Atkinson,
Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors.
Store Phone 104.
N. BALL Phone 110. J. D. "ATKINSON, Phone': 186
We request payment :of all over-
due accounts on or before
VARC11 let, 1916
If any old accounts remain un-
paid, or payment of same not arranged
for, after the above mentioned date we
will have no other alternative than to
employ such means as we deem neces-
sary to compel payment.
Women's Store
Dry Goods and
House Furnishings
Phone 67,
Next Royal Bank.
Men's Store
Custom Tailoring and
Men's Furnishings
Phone 103,
Opposite Public Library,
George Ruddell,
a HulletjPioneer
It is with pleasure that the Stan-
dard, this issue, presents a short; bio-
graphy of Mr. Georg odd
George Ruddell
Hullett township, he having on Sat-
urday attained his 96th birthday and,
notwithstanding, his advanced age, is
still robust. His numerous friends
extend to him hearty congratulations
and the sincere wish that
huffs m of
still continue to enjoy
his long and useful life.
Mr. Ruddell claims as the land of
his birth, the Emerald Isle—that
land that has sent forth so
many of her sons who have done so
well and left their imprint in all
portions of the world,
Born in the County of Armaugh on
the 29th of January, 1826, where he
lived until nineteen years of age when
he came to Canada, his destination
being Toronto, where he remained for
'a short time ; leaving there and go-
ing to Halton County where he fol-
lowed the avocation of a mill-wright,
and where he was married in 1851
to Miss Christina Stewart.
In the year 1863 he came to Hul-
lett township where he located on
lot twenty-one on the tenth conces-
sion us he
ears ,
e P
which, some }
had been granted by the Canada
Company. The lot was in its Prim-
eval state and here he and his good
wife commenced to carve out a home
for themselves and family, and after
undergoing the manp trials of
pioneer life, he still lives to enjoy
the fruits of his early labor.
The subject of this sketch is a man
of sterling qualities, honored and es-
teemed by a large circle of friends in
the township in which he has resid-
ed the realer par
of energetic turn and in his younger
days exhibited that indomitable spir-
it that ultimately brought success to
his various undertakings.
To him belongs the honor of re-
taining a seat ab the Trustee Board 1
of school section No. four for over
twenty years, and altho'.lgh often
Pressed, never would permit himself
to partake of municipal honors. Al-
ways a staunch Conservative in pol-
itics, he takes a keen. interest in the
doings of that party, and even in
his advanced years is conversant
with the leading ;epics of the day.
Nineteen years ago last September
he was bereft of his life partner, to
whom was born a fancily of six, two
now deceased, the others meeting
with success in their various call-
The family consisted of, two girls
and four boys, namely c Mrs. Rich-
ard" Br,unsdon, now residing at Hart-
ney, Manitoba ; Jessie (Mrs. Lennox)
who died at Walton in 1877 ; George
of Morden, Manitoba ; Idarry of Mor-
den, Manitoba, 1 (who died about
eight years ago) to whom fell the
honor of representing Morden con-
stituency in the Manitoba . Legisia-
ture—the first Conservative to carry
this Liberal stronghold. This was
the frill of 1899' and welt does
Lieut: Col. Combe, who was the
-the guest of honor, and Majors J.
W. Shaw and M. D. McTaggart,
each spoke at the Huron Old Boys'
annual at-home in Toronto on Fri-
day evening last,
Mrs. Walter Ilabkirk of Hensen and
Mr. Richard Sturgeon of Berens,
Alta., who has been in the west
for several }wars, visited their eld-
est sister, 'Mrs. Robt. Brown of
Hallett, on Thursday last,
Mrs, Snyder and little daughter,
Olive, of Moosejaw, Saslk., are.
guests at the hone of the lady's
aunt,' Nirs. D. Tiplady. Mrs. Sny-
der's husband, who is a V.S., was
recently sent to India with a ship-
ment of mules and is now inspect-
ing horses for the government in
Mrs. J'. P. Macdonald, who died in
Toronto last week, was for a num-
ber of years a well-known resident
of Clinton, her hu&®'ait having
been connected with the old thresh-
ing machine firma of Glasgow, Mac-
Pherson & Co. She leaves two sons
and a daughter. Her remains Were
interred at Stratford.
NIr. and Mrs, Henry. Wallace of
Starview; Sask., who have been
visiting relatives in town, Hullett
and Auburn, expect: to leave for
their western horse on Monday
next. Mr. Wallace, who is a
brother of Mrs. Hiram Hill. of
Clinton and Mrs. ,Robt. Watkins of
near Summerhill, has been farming
in Sask. for a .decade and has
done well.
festivities and honors heaped on
"Harry" on that occasion. Messrs.
Charles and James reside on the
homestead. •
Mr, Ruddell is one of the first
members of the Orange Association
ns in
in this section and still roast
good standing as an honorary mein- nix. George Stanley of LUcatn de-
bcr Blyth Standard. (livered missionary addresses in the
Methodist church on Sunday mnorn-
•j ing and evening.
Constance Miss Nellie Manning is spending a
'few days with her grandmother, Mrs,
Moggridge of Clinton, who is not en-
joying the best of health.
Mrs. Keine will entertain. the
young people of the two organized
classes, of the Methodist church on
Friday evening,
The' News From Londesboro.
Mr. Wesley Crawford, who has
been visiting friends here for the
past few weeks, .is now visiting near
Mr. ,Icunes Watscn of Seaforth was
a cant 'in the village last week:
The Women's Missionary Society
this week sent a large,balo of cloth-
ing to the Deaconess Home, Toron-
tn„for distribution,
NIr. George Stanley of Lucan
preached in the interests ofl hthe
sionat cause on N•
tea his' text the words, "What ow -
est th•�u 7” and preached very ea -
The recruiting meeting held here
on Thursday evening was not so
well attended as if the weather had
been more favorable, Revs, S. J.
Alin and J. K. Fel dull of Clinton
and Corporal Wiatt of Toronto were
the sneakers. Miss Lillian Fairfull
rendered some very appropriate
Quasterly meeting will be held
here on Sunday at the usual hour.
Mr. Will Moore spent a few days
as the guest orhis parents at Tor-
Hullett Township
Pte. Jack Purcell
spent the week -end
Miss Leila 13egley of Blyth visited
at Mr. Dominick Flynn's on Sunday.
The following is the report of S.S.
No. 5 for Januarp
Sr. nth—Flossie Gibbings 405, Mar-
jey McCool 355, Mary Jamieson 325,
Fred McCool 303.
Jr. 6th—Lilian Cartwright 355,
Alice Voclden 266,
Sr. 3rd—Rose Gorbutt 633, Well-
ington McCool 607, Percy, Gibbings
499, Arthur Wapmouth 260.
Jr. 3rd—Rosalie CrrWford , 4.60,
Dora Voclden 270.
Sr. 2nd—Margaret Brown 237,
Jenny Gorbutt 185.
Sr. lst (a)—Laura Snell 139, Ev-
elyn Gibbings 118, Edith GoB,utb
107, 'Alvin Cartwright 97.
(b) -Charlie Brown 195, Charlie
Weymouth 191.
Pruner—Warren Gibbings, Harry
Shell, Hugh Radford, Herb Vodden.
(b) 171mer Danby.
The best spellers are :
Sr. 4th—M. Jamieson, M. McCool
Jr. 4th—L. Cartwright.
Sr. 3rd -11. Gorbutt.
Jr. 3rd—R. Crawford.
Sr. 2nd' --J. Gorbutt.
Sr. 1st (a)—A. Cartwright.
(b) -C, Brown.
M, was a resident of Primer—W. Gibbings.
of Stratford
with relatives
There was a good turnout at the
recruiting meeting on Friday evening
when addresses were given hp Rev,
F. C. Harper and Rev. J. K,, Fair -
full of Clinton, Rev. Geo.: Jewitt
and Lieut. Scott of Blyth, and Cor-
poral Wyatt of Toronto, , into has
recently returned from the front. A
program consisting of vocal and in•
strumental music was given by
Messrs, D. Geddes, Robb. Gibbs and
Mr. Robinson of Auburn and Miss
Nettie Woodman. The Women's In-
stitute served refreshments to the
speakers at the ,home of Mrs, J. W.
meeting. ,h IDs
after the g
Cartwright t
Gar g
collection was taken in aid of the
Red Cross. Recruiting teams were
organized for the two polling div-
isions, Mr. IL II111 being respon-
eible for the organizing of teams in
the township.
the writer (who
Morden at that time) remember the —Ii. M. MacKwan, Teacher.
The W.M.S. met, at the parsonage
on; Wednesday and packed the annual.
hale of clothing for the Deaconness
Home, Toronto.
Misses Flossie Phillips and Olive
Badgiep of Belleville are visiting at
the home of their uncle, NIr.; John
Rev. Mr, Jamieson of Tilbury, oa-
cupied,the pulpit of Knox church, 00 -
Sunday last,
Hullett Township
On Saturday last Ellen Adants,
wife of Mr. Thomas, Adams of the,:
9th concession, passed from this
world into the other, having reached,
the age of seventy-two years. The
deceased was born in London, Eng-
land, conning to this country about••
thirty-five years ago, and five years
later being married to her now
bereaved husband, She was a sister
of the late Mrs, John Smith, also
of this township. The funeral took
place on Tuesday afternoon to Lou-
desboro cemetery. The services at
the church and graveside were con-
ducted by Rev. J. G. Reid of Luck -
now, formerly pastor of the Lon-
desboro Presbyterian church, of
which deceased was a member. The
pallbearers were William A'icCool,_
Chas. Josling, William Scales, M.
Brown, Wm. Fear and E. Crawford.
id4Villtor Shoe Sale
Our Mid -Winter Shoe Sale closes on
Saturday, February 12th ; we still have
in stock a number of pairs which we can,
still offer you—as good values as at any
time during the sale.
Our sale this season has been a most
successful one—thanks to the confidence
placed in us by our many patrons
Remember your last opportunity at
this sale is Saturday, February 12th.
H. S. CHAP AN pSONE (Q'...