The Clinton News Record, 1916-02-11, Page 7A MOTHER'S DUTY
Her Health'' Must; Be Carefully
Guarded as She ApprOachea.
The mother who calls to mind he
own girlhood knows how urgenDy he
daaghter is likely to need help an
strength in the years between earl
school days and womanhood. It
then that growing girls droop, becom
feebte, b1oodtess and nervous. Natur
is calling for more nourishment than
' the blood can supply. Signs' of dis
tress are plainly evident in dull eyes
pale cheeks,' weak and aching backs
'fits 'of depression and often a dislike
for proper food.- These. signs Mean
anaemia—that is bloodlessness.
The watchful mother takes prompt
steps to give her gild the new, rich
red blood her system calls for, by giv-
ing her Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which
transform, weak, anaemic girls into a
condition of perfect health; through
the rich new blood th '11 y
make. No other medicine has ever
succeeded like Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
•, and thousands of weak, disheartened
. girls have proved their worth. Miss
Slabel Sinclair, Cobourg, Ont., says:—
"About three yeers ago I Was very
sick, nervous and run down girl. At
the least excitement I would tremble
and faint away, and the slightest noise
would annoym I 1 el severe pains
about the heart, and would often take
deszy' and smotheang spills. 1 lost
in weight and the color all left my
face. My mother got all sorts of
medicine for me, but all failed to do
me any good and I was still going
down hill. One day we read in the
newspaper of a similar ease curedbyDr. Williams' Pink Pills and the next
tizne my mothee went to town she
got three boxes., In a short time
felt the Pills were helping me, and
from that on every day they helped
me more. I took altogether nine
boxes and felt like a new person. I
was ready for all my meals, gained in
, weight; the color came back to my
cheeks, and I was again enjoying per -
feet health,. and have ever since en-
joyed that blessed condition. earn-
esly advice all weak girls to give Dr.
lAritliams' Pink Pills a fair trial, as I
am sure they will do as much for them
as they did for me."
You can get these pills from any
medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents
o box or six boxes for R2.50 from the
Dr. 'Williams Medicine Co., Brockville,
A Tasty, Snappy Toast—
for luncheon or evening
"snack" is Triscuit, the
*shredded whole wheat
wafer. Has the delicious,
HARSH MEASURES TAKEN TO nutty flavor of baked wheat.
TAX POOR PEOPLE. A real whole wheat bread
for any meal with butter,
Did soft cheese or marmalade.
Full of nutriment and full of
"chews." As a toast for
chafing -dish cookery it is a
delight. Always toast it in
the oven to restore crispness.
Made in Canada.
r ••
Everybody Above Fifteen Years
d Charged for Passport and
e dependence party telll somethin
the following article of German
^ in Russian Poland:
; The financial exploitatiOn of
sian Poland by the German auth
ties has' assumecl in certain parts
the country the form of strange va
Ities of • speculation. Thus, for
stance, in Lodz, where great qua
ties of coal are required for fue
the houses and in those facto
which are working at least a s
fraction of the time, the German
thorities (the police office) have in -
Photograph. '
A leading member of the Polish- In-
g in
Rus -
1 in
Alexandra Acts as a Waitress at
. Soldiers' Canteens.
Queen Alexandra, mother of King
George V., has taken a particular in-
terest in the work of the soldiers'
canteens, which furnish coffee and 1,
sandwiches free to all men in uniform
• at the principal London railway sta- p
. tions. On seven' occasions the
Queen Mother has insisted on taking
a turn at the coffee urn, serving
the customary hour and a half trick
with the other voluntary workers at
one or another of the stations. The
soldiers seldom recognize Her Ma- n
jesty for some time, and she takes i
especial delight in serving them ineog- d
nito and receiving their "Thank Yon,
missus," just as it is given to 'the
other -workers in the canteen.
Perhaps the best of the Queen's
customers was a ICentish farmer who
looked M at the London Bridge sta-
tion canteen one foggy night, He
was evidently neither a soldier nor
sailor and was distinctly not in uni.
form. But somebody whispered to
him that the Queen Mother was serv-
ing coffee. -He approached one or the
other waitresses and asked if, suppos-
ing he gave a little money to the
cause; the Queen would give liim , a
cup of coffee with her own hand.
Queen Alexandra readily eonsented.
So the farmer from Kent had his cof-
fee, and then, coming inside the
counter, he wrote out a check for $25.
Seen 'after he took his trait for
Kent, and the next thing heard from
him was in the form of a cheek for
$250, being money which he raised in
subscriptions among his neighbors. A
fortnight later he appeared in person
with $125 more, and declared that ,he
was not going to rest until he had
brought his total up to $1,000.
troduced a monopoly in coal and co
, No one is allowed to provide himself
with coal by any other channel; cer-
tain stores bought by the manefac-
, turers without the intermediary of
the German authorities have been
February Or Mfireit is Time Set by
Old.Woman For Peace.
The 'Journal des 'Debats of Paris
has riblished a ;strange story of a
prophecy regarding "the end of the
Some pious people were drilling up
the steep bill Montmartre, where
they were going to visit the ehuseh,
the 'story runs, iOn the way they
gave a lift to an old woman, wile,
when she arrived at the church, said
that she would, in expression of her
, gratitude, tell them a good piece of
news. She asked if they would lilts
to know' when the war would end.
The people replied, "With all 01.11'
hearts," whereupon she • told them
• either in February orMarch,
The people 'expreised incredulity
at this statement. The old woraan
added that as a proof she prophesied
that the coachman who drove them
would be dead within two hours. She
then turned away and disappeared.
The party visited, the church, and
when'they came cut went to the car-
riage, but found 110 driver. They
ke. thought he was Ill a cafe but on mak-
'Freasury will obtain £1,000,000. Ac -
:cording to the orcler'of Field Marshal
von Hindenburg, published June 9, if
anyone M the occupied territory
should be found after August 1 1915
without a passport, he will be liable
to imprisonment for a term not ex-
ceeding 10 years, 01' in case of ex-
tenuating circumstances, to a fine of
from 10s. to 2300. This system of
The German authorities are exact-
ing 4s. 5d. for a sack of coal which
certainly did not cost them more than
2s. 24d. The coal is taken fr
around Dombrova, mostly from
"Saturn" Mine, which belongs to
same Lodz manufacturers to wh
the coal is subsequently sold at Si
prepostereue prices. Even the c
which the town of Lodz is compel
to supply for fuel in the buildin
used by the German authorities and
army has to be bought from those
same authozities. -
For a sack of coal which formerly
cost 2s. 5d. the German authorities
now charge 4s. 2Sed. The police
fine has been making about 210
each railway truck of coal, and all
all, hundreds of thousands
pounds. The humanitarian praidei
Von Oppen, had promised for so
time to give back part of those pr
fits, £900, to meet the needs of t
town, but he soon forgot his promi
In some localities the population
has been forbidden to buy provisions
from anyone 'except the German COM-
missariat officers; these were im-
porting without exception valueless
cattle, fixing for them arbitrary
prices. Similarly, the "Warenein-
fuhr," which monopolizes the trade
in flour, fixes very high prices for
the robbery proves that the Germans' do
the the 'not expect 10 restrain in Russian Po-
aoatni stay.
d. One does not ruin economical -
eh ly a country in which one expects _to
Extracts front a Manifesto Issued by
the German Humanity League.
Our homes are still being desolated
of_ in a campaign waged for more than
on 500 days, not in lawful defence of
hi German territory, but to. satisfy the
of insatiable and savage greed of Prus-
sian conspirators. The moral forces
mo • of the eation are stifled by the vio-
o_ lenee of the Administration; tramp -
he ling wider foot the helpless mass of
so. humanity crushed by the double bur-
den of grief and want. We have
amMecl through trusted sources t
economic condition of every State a
province, From one and all comes t
eerlyi,n"Deliver us from this hell of s
Consider .ror a moment the go
non of the German Empire in Ju
1914, We the enjoyed civil rights
and liberty as tradere. In every
market of the world we were welco
ed, free to develop in friendly sited
with other States the arts, the co
merce, the maritime resources of o
and. All our legitnnate trading i
terests were safeguarded, defined a
or protected by treaties and conven-
tions. We were honored and respect -
o ed throughout the world.
e To -day the German name is the
Exchange Manipulation. ,
The German authorities have been '
making a considerable amount. of
money by speculating. on the money
exchange, Certain fees are accepted
from the population only in silv
rouble, which are valued very lot
vhile in other cases oidy marks hav
been demanded. Especially in th
ayment for coal the German autho
sites have refused to accept thei
own war hank paper (Dariehen
scheine), and draw out of the cam
try the silver coinage and bank -notes,
saying. sententiously, "German coal
must be paid for with Getman money." ioney." As a inatter of fact, the coal
ri question is taken from the Polish 11
istrict of Dombrova. "
The German authorities are fixing s
taxes and raising those which exist- t
ed before the war. Although all trade 6
had, stopped before their order for
payment of taxes was Published th
said order demands payment of all
Mxes on incinstry, threatening first a
fine of s25O in default of payment,
and further • fines • afterwards. Ac-
cording to ;their calculations Lodz
alone ought to pay them more than
mope of trade taxes.
While all kinds of fees are drawn
froih the country the Geriaan autho-
rities are showing extraordinary in.
genuity in exploiting it whenever they
are compelled to make investments,
indispensable to them for military
reasons. Thus, for instance, they
frequently force local bodies to pay
for the repair of the railway or road
which they take over in their own
military interest, 'Similarly, the en-
tire burden of the upkeep of Russian
prisoners of war and invalided sol.
diem at LOCIP: has been thrown' on the
ing inquiries found tliat he hacl just
died in a druggist's shoe.
The paper does not guarantee• the
accuracy of the story.
Still Singing
Their Praises
ins rarEumAnsm.
Mr. D. A. Brotherton Tells HoW 11
Rheumatism Disappeared Over
Year Ago and Has Never Com
Victoria Harbor, Ont., Feb. '7th
(Special.)—Cured of Itheumatism
over a year ago by using Dodd's Kid-
ney Pills, Mr. R. A. Brotherston,
well-known resident of this place, is,
still singing the praises of the great
Canadian Kidney remedy.
"I was tfoubled ivith Rheumatism i
my left hand, which would shift to m
elbow and then to my shoulder," M
Brotherston says. "It was very an
noying and painful at times, but
ex- heard of Dodd's Kidney Pills helpin
he others so I quit the liniment I wa
ed using and took six boxes of them. Th
he rheumatism disappeared. That wa
les over a year ago, but it has not return
ais "I know Dodd's Kidney Pills ar
ty good for kidney trouble both in m
own ease and through others who hay
used them."
Breaks up colds in throat
and chest. Better than a
mustard plaster for rheu-
matism, gout,sprains,
cramps etc. Will not
blister ;he skin.
Sold in sAnitarytin tubesat chem-
ists and general stores every-
where. Refuse substitutes.
Thee booklet on request.
1880 Chb'ot Ave.
Briton's Financiall3urden For All to
Britaiss alone will need $9,000,000
000 to run her share of the great *we
during the present year. This state
merit is made by a krepresentativ
committee of Britain' e leadin
bankers' who have issued a signe
D , manifesto to the -nation impressin
r •
• "He is a Russian First of Al)," the
Peonle Say.
The towering Grand Duke Nicholas
is still one of the molt popular men
in Russia, and his picture hones in
every other shop window On the Nev
, ski Prospect and in every cafe in the
country three nicalths after its hand-
some original had been banished to
the 'obscurity of the Caucasus. There
are ten portraits of the Grand Duke
in Moscow and Petrograd to one of.
the Czar; and the blonde King of the
Belgians runs the Grand Duke a: bad
second for pictorial publicity.
"Whatever•be is, he is a Rnssian
first of all," they say about,tne Grand
- "The only honest man in Russia,"‘
was the way a cab driver character-
ized the Grand Duke to the writer''
and the people are still telling how at,
the beginning of the war- the Grand
Duke said to the Czar: "I'll take care
of the Germans from Germany if
you'll take care of the Germans in
The winter season is a hard one on
the baliY. He is more or less confin-
ed to stuffy, badly ventilated rooms.
Would you like to omen a mildest.
where,,s..isrital part ot, your/A.1mo is
devoted .ta system Of correimpod.
once wide), would exid very material-
ly to youV Present•incotne. Write for
full particulars to Ball and Company,
Manufacturers, Dept. D., 240 . Co» -
federation Llfe :Bldg.., Toronto,. tns. ,
• FARMS von maim,
assArzete s -A
Gralnp Dairy or Iorult. When yeti
want -do, buy, write W, :Dawson.,
100 ACIO.38, 13
• •••• eession fore,' 11- A '4
, Wild 31 ' •• 1i
et, r cendale, Muskoka.
1.3.ROF.I.T-IVIA idis NEWS AND .J03
Offices for ' sale in good Ontario
towns. The most 'useful and interesting
ef . ail .businessc,s. informatle, ole
application to Wilson Puhlislitng Corn•
pony, 12 West Adelaide St., Toronto.
,•ht !Stet t. Anent'
CAllinCtEerRnal la‘rindilMeRiaSe'rnaLl.Weclurr'Seci‘ wOirtliCt•
out pain by our home treatment, Writs
us before too late. Dr. 13enman Mechem{
Co„ Limited, Coiling -wood, ont.
Dog Remedies
1300K ON
And How to Feed
Mslied five to 'my address by
the Author
14. CLAY GLOVER, V. 5.
115 West 31st Street, New York
It is so often stormy that the mother
✓ does not get him out in the fresh a
- as often as she should. He catche
e colds which rack his little sYstern
g bis •stomach and bowels' get out so
d order and he becomes peevish- an
mdse. To guard against this th
- mother should keep a box of Baby'
Own Tablets iri the house'. They re
gulate the stomach and bowels On
: break up colds. They are sold by
s medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents
- a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine
e Co, Brockville, Ont.
in Germany.
I A representative of the Amsterda
e Telegraaf, who has journeyed throug
- Germany and A.ustria and furnishe
a lengthy report on general condition
concludes his article by saying tha
- famine prevails as far as the bulk o
the workingelass population is con
corned. The situation is becomin
still worse, and the economic posi
• i non is far from favorable. The pee -
1 ple are, daily becoming more down -
;hearted. • Their views are summed .
I! up in the remark: "We conquer every
day, but we are none the better off
for it."
on the people the need for the strict
est economy in order to assist in
raising this huge sum.
is In the manifesto the bankers say
a In a long war success depend'
mainly upon respective financial re
sources of the cembatants and th
consequent power of one of them to
maintain or to add to its fighting
strength when the other is declining
or is not capable of expansion.
"Therefore the enemy's efforts hav
been directed to three essential mat
n twist)
To seize victory before the
Y forces of the allies could be mobil
r• ized in overwhelming strength.
(2) "To prevent the allies from
1 making or purchasing sufficient
g ' . .
. ammunition for then
evm-expanding forces.
a "The endeairom a the enemy to
accomplish these objects have been
FRONT 0081-
he saletttnaii that works every day
and night during the year, Send for
catalog "W"
a. a. BT. CLAIR CO.,.,
27 Toronto Arcade, - .-toronto
zootot mak IA*
11 Will reduce Inflamed, Strained
Swgilen iTend,ons, Ligaments,
pain from a Splint, Side Bone ot
Bone,Spayin. No blister, no hair
gone and horse can be used. 22 a
bottle at druggists or delivered. De-
s L0 scribe your case for special instruc.
tions and interesting horse Book 2M Free.
t ABSIRIBINE,,,M,, the antiseptic liniment for
:,, mankind reduces Strained, Torn Liga-
s merits, &often Glands, Ve,ins or Muscles;
, Heals Cuts, Sores, Uleers. palm Noe
51.00o hotatoot del.rro or dellvered, Beek Evidence" free.
g W. F. 10001, P. D. 5,, MO Lyinans Bldg, Montreal, Can.
- libsothine and Absorblne, Jr., are made In cams.
p e y tustiated by the co-ordin-
ation of the armies, of the financial
e resources of the equipment and of
3' the munitions of the allied nations.
a The success of the allies in defeating
e enemy s effoits to cripple them in
a men munitions and' money before
s , the; could assemble their full
I strength has now brought the war
I . . •
m- Rheumatism is caused eric eel
ry in Me blood. If you cure your kidney
ria, by using Dodd'a. Kidney Pills they wit
in. drain all the uric aeid out of the biota(
as and there can be no rheumatism,
News Front Home Seat to Our Mei
at the Front.
scorn of civilization; the,German
✓ has become the badge of infam
Chivalry is no longer in onr ranks.
as been buried in the trenes
Flandera and in the, village gra
plot of Brahant. For our crimes w
are loathed by all honest men. T
ide them is impossible. We slam
aked and exposed.
We who love our land with a pa
ionate devotion and strive to vette
)ie dawn of 'a new era which shall re
tore her character and win back fo
er children the honor we haye fin
e felted by barbareus cruelties and in-
satiable lust have written the above
with heavy hearts.
Napoleon failed. The Kaiser must
fail, and there can be no peace until
he has been deposed from the throne
he has :fouled and his fellow con-
spirators have met their fate at the
hands of an nxecutioner,
7Sir Thomas Shatighnessy has writ -
it ten the following open letter in the
hi interests of the "Soldiers' Gazette:—
ve !'.A.t a time when so many pablic
e spirited Canadian women are working
O for those at the Front, it is almost
d invidious to specify any one particular
activity, but thc untiring industry of
s- Mrs. D. Forbes Angus, President of
h Queen Mary's Needlework Guild, and
of the ladies associated with her, de-
✓ serves special consideration, particu-
larly in connection with their publica.
tion iThe Soldiers' Gazette.' This is
compiled by these ladies from the
leading newspapers of each Province
in Canada. Fifteen thousand copies
are printed each week and distributed
in the proportion of one to each seven
soldiers of the Canadian Contingent
overseas. The news from home con-
tained in this 'Gazette' is highly arts
predated by • our gallant soldiers,'
many of whoth have little opportunity
of seeing a Canadian newspaper. The
publication is printed at less than
coat, through the generosity of a
Montreal newspaper proprietor, but
even so, further funds are requited
to carry on the publication, especially
in view of the fact that the number
of Canadians -overseas is steadily , in-
creasing. Large subscriptions are not
required, but any smalk amounts sent,
to Miss Shaughnessy, Honorary Trests-
timer at the office of the Queen Mary's
Needlewak Guild, Windsor Station,
Montreal, will be spent in this good
What An M.D. Learned.
A prominent physician went through
a food, exnerience which he makes
eess. "It was my own experience that
first led me to advocate Grape -Nuts
food; and I also know from having
prescribed it to convalescents and oth-
er weak patients that this food is a
wonderful rebuilder and restorer o7
nerve and brain tissue, as well as
iitimscle. It improves the digestion and
patients gain, jliSt as 1 did ill strength
and weight, very rapidly,
"I was in such a low state that I
had to give up my work entirely and
go to the mountains, but two months
there did not improve nie; in fact I
was not quite as well as when I left
home. My food did not sustain Inc
'and it became plain that I must
change. ,
"1 began to use Grape -Nuts and in
two weeks I could walk a mile, and
in five weeks returned to my home
and practice, taking up hard work.
again, Since that time [have felt as
well and strong as I ever did in my
As a physician who seeks to help all
O sufferers I eonsider it a ditty to make
these facts public."
Trial 10 days on Csape-Nuts when
the regular food does not seem to sus-
tain the body will work wonders,
' "Thete's a Reason," Name given
by Canadian Post= Co., Windsor,
, :aver recta Me MAIM letter? A ne-w
one appears from time to time. They
are genuine, true and full or ',Minoan
Fines mid Fees.
Incredibly high tariffs have been
posed on the impost into Russian
land of goods which are indispen-
ble to it—ton example, oil, soap,
od, etc. Fines and contnibutions
O imposed on LOWIIS on tho slighteat
etext. Besides all this, the coun-
ties been ruined by fiscal ome-
ns in the shape of fees for pass-
ports and, temporary masses. For
tickets from one railway station to
other simply fantastic prices have
n fixed. A temporary pass is "e-
yed :tor a journey :from one dis-
et to another. (There was a time
en such a pass nrns required even
going from one village to on-
es.) Political reasons 'hastily
conie 111 here, because anyone can ob-
o pass on payment of a certaie
. But these fees are simply in-
dible; :for a pass to the' nearest
ce one has .to pay 2s.; to a place
ther away, is.; and so 011. These
ses rime as bigesas 10s.' to 20s. In
untry with a population of several
ions, districts, connected bysecon-
e, 1 stain in i stye t iv e, tied family
do, had been isolated from one
the, by the war for • a whole
the fees, thesefore, for tem-
ary passes now bring in every
tli bniulreds thonsands of
a co
Li June the fiscal ingenuity orthe
Germans invented a OOW som•ce
income. Evenybody above the age of
15 hat to have # .passport with a
photograph. For ehildren below' tle
ag e of 15, common' passports without
photOgsaphs ate admissible. The
passport does not give its holder any
rights •or entitle him to move from
one place to artothen. Thus, if -under
the passport law, only two million
pasSpoists are isstied, the German z
How to Save
Your Eyes
Try this Free PreSeriptiOa.
IM your eyes give you Lrottble? .Do
you alrew
ady ear eyeglasses or spec-
tacles? T111)1/01101:18 0f. vegeta wear these
ews" oo :night easily dispense
th then,. 110) may be one of those,
/11111 ia your c(1115)' 10 01110 your eyes
before it ill L00 /Ate: VIC eyes aro neg. -
Iected more than any other organ al' 5)30entire body. After you finish 30111. eilly'S
work you sit dwn
oand rest yoUr mus-
cles, hut how about your oyes? Du you
row. t1)10111? You know you do not. You
read or ole something else that keeps
YeUr 0Y05 hosY; you 'work your oyes 00-
11 you ire to bed. Tina Is why so many
have strained oyes 11110 finally other eye
troubles that threaten partial pp totga
blindness. Illyealasses are merely (1101311'
00 they never mire, This Tree promertp.
Lion, which has benefited 'the eyes 0,1' so
mann pay Worlt equal wonders for you.
1150 it a Short time. Would you Ilk°
Your eye tronblos to disappear 1113a 11' by
mn a) c? T t• 3, this proscription. (10 to
the nearest widea.wake drug store ;31111
get a, untie or 10,111-0013, 00111,711; on a,
106-00n0e. bottle with warm water, 01071111 one tablet and 011,133' 1) to thoroughly
dissolve. 'With this liquid bathe iho eres
two to four times 'daily. .lust note bow
d111)1)11)' your eyes 010,13'up alld 11005 sOorr
inflammation win disappear. ;Don't be
:treater- to use IL; it 111 itlISCautely harm -
loss, Many who are now blind might
haVe saved their eyes Mat they stnried
to care for them in time. This is 0,
.3)11111111.3)11111111treatment, btit
marvelously sr.
restive In multitudes of eases. Now that
you hve abeen warned don't delay a day,
but 110 what YOU 0011 1:0 save your eyes
end you are lilcoly to thank 118 5131 imus sis
7)11) 111,0 for publishing tins prescription,
:If your own druggist -00(1)105 iill.this pre-
scription, sena 11 to the Valtnas 'Drug.
'Porouto, l'or a complete Bon -Onto
110111, Trentmept ,1at5t11-01:111111,14 lind nil.
The Final Hour.
The Kaiaes made Czat Ferdinand
a Field Marshal of the Getman Ein.
pire and presented him with the bat-
on, says the New Yeti: Sun. In re-
turn Czar Ferdinand appointed the
Raiser "Chief of the Twelfth Bulgar-
ian Infantay Regiment" To be set at
the head of such a regiment. tvould
dottlitless be grateful to the Kaiser;
such an honor would replace a nums
her Of honorary commands which he
once held in detested Englaral. Bot
if the Kaiser's allies really want to
gratify his soul to its clasps why does
toot the Sultan give hint the honorary
Colononcy of the Turkish Regiment
Specially detailed to direct and lead
the operations in Armenia?
A Large Dose.
Oswald—"My love for you is like
the deep blue sea—"
Clarissa (for such' was her Mune)
—"And I take it with the correspond-
ing amount of salt."
Coming to Him.
Cholly—I think I'll pick out a good
sensible woman and get married.
1Sliss Keen—If you pick out a good
sensible Woman You'll get snubbed,
No Accounts Opened.
-"Do sem charge things here?"
"Only storage batteries, madam."
samara's rindinent Cures COMO, Etc.
Plenty of Assets.
"The lawyer next door had been
forced into bankruptcy with big lia-
bilities but no assets to apes* of."
"Why, a lawyer's assets are his no-
'You willtind relief in Zialluk I
eases the burning, stinging
pain, stops bleeding and brings
ease. Perseverance, With bin.
Oak, means cure; Why not prove
girls ? 411 Devoid,/ and Stores, I
inoseee Liniment 01)508 Garret in Cowa P.D. 6.,
ISSUE 6—'16.
"Indeed only one thing is now
needed to command victory. The al-
lies have assembled new armies of
overwhelming strength in France, in
Russia, in Italy and in Great Britain
and everything needed to equip them
t and to supply them with munitions
has been secured 03' is in process of
manufacture. The only thing remain-
ing to be done is to provide all the
' money needed to support these' vast
armies of new men and to pay for
e vast quantities of arms and mu-
nitions now being manufactured by
all parts of the world."
ho Oro Jackson?
For years he taught food chemistry,
dietetics, and diseases or 513 digestive
tract 'In one of the large medical schools
of the continent. 11, ids extensive ex-
perience In tree clinics he worked out
the formula for Dr. Jackson's 1101111111
Meal, a compound of whole wheat and
rye, with deodorised finvseed and,, bran.
It nottrlshos better than meat, prevents
indigestion and positively relieves con-
stipation or "money back," Ask your
doctor. At all grocers, 10 and 26 cents.
Roman meal ls made by Homan Meal
Cu., Toronto,
Music as Medicine.
Music' potency as a therapeutic
agent is being demonstrated again
just, now in the hospitals in England. 11(111 snsde5srs
The physicians have recorded re.. b
markable results from the effect of
music on holdiers who have suffered
from gun fire and bombing and have t
returned from the fighting line mere
nervous wrecks. Some specialists
have gone so fat as to say that no
other cure has brought about such
permanently good results.
SPEND THE wesrTEn 281
lionnd trip Winter Tourist tickets on
, sale emir to govern's. via variable
'direct 01111 scenic routes. Four fast Mod-
ern trot ns leave Chicago dully front the
I most modern railway terminal in the
world. Overland lArnIted (Extra Fare)
leaves oat ism. Los Angeles 1.1mited
--direct to Southern California—leaves
10:00 Han Francisco Limited
leaves 1(1:05'.3!,, California Moil leaves
10:40Le5 no help you plan
5.11 tttittrr !iVe 117klels Cull
111, PlnatlO,l to
li,'''''He't.";u11.o 010 0ChictV
Western 11.4%, .10 Tonga St.Tomato, Ont.
Satan cares nothing whatever about
a mati's attending church on the Sab-
bath if he gets his services the other
six days in the week.
Minord's Liniment cures, Diphtheria.
Tea Drinking Increases.
Tea - drinking among the allies has
shown an enormous increase since the
war began, and in the past year the
consumption in England alone has in
creased over 6,000,000 pounds, while
Franco is drinking 10 times as much
as they did before tlie war.
An Armed Peace.
"I haven't heard Nexdore and his
wife quarrelling for several days."
"No; they're not on speaking
terms just now."
IstriME-Ppairilii:re 01: ge--
!Mahal% na used 1(err
many years in t el
practice, now dedicat- '
Cleanse, and Strengthen Byes niter exposure to.
1%114'1'114g; re'lgye l'Ptieldctsettl 110(1 to lOatote
Y Overwors imd DyesStraini.Sor.
nryr nwt1-4^ t
giTOdo Ta ET;, talk and rush into print in apposition;
1050 h
her ,r„:cpLaYew.711f0e5e% PI:rfti0c?luVggs
oyuAratiegist 5.0c tam you have a Complete Png.
early foir -u-1111.1'Tt?y-tPil.:7oel;:iay'e'de .2.11717".
c Yes .for 10po Troubles--10:Smortin.g-Sn"ust
noel Celt, Write tor nook of the Eye Free,
Merino Eye Remedy Company. nieces*
The NONNI Scotia "Lumber Ring"
"I consider SIMARD'S LINI-
MENT the best LINIMENT in use.
I got my foot badly jammed late-
ly. I bathed it well with MIN-
ARD'S LINIMENT and it was as well
as ever next day.
Yours very Moly,
Suggests Trench Dagger.
Mr. a'. H. A. Macdonald, in a let.
ter to the London "Times," advocat-
ing the use tor the soldiers ot a
short knife or dirk, says: "When the
soldter !jumps down into a trench
Ant of enemies—as he must do whon
charging, unless he remains above to
be Shot—he is nolonger ableto use
rifle or bayonet to, .advantage. He hi
like a Man C108e, CYOWC1, WI -10
0811001 draw bank his weapon oo al
to 0 make effective, Accordingly
we read of men taking off the bay.
on,et to use it by hand, and also. of
mon reeorting to their fist."
The Inexperienced—"He says he can
hardily restrain himself from falling
down and worshipping her," The Re.
jected—"Tell hint not to get nervous;
she'll throw hint down soon enough,"
"Why did' you 80001)1 George?V'
"He was so much more original than
the Other fellows." "In what way?"
"He was the .only one that asked me
to be his wife?" •
sainasine xdinntent mates Difitempets
„ .
"Beware, my 5031, of loose smash- I
ods. Do you know how they general-
ly end?" "No, sir; how?" "In tight
,"The man who Mils us of our
faults is our best friend," quoth the
philosopher. ."Yes; but he won't be
long," added, the mere Man.
--.--- . :
"Are yeu better off f,or getting
married?" "Yes; formerly I had good
quarters." • "And now?" "Well, -tow
I have a better half."
-Little johnnie—"Ma, was Robinson
Crusoe a circus acrobat?" Mother -•--
don know. Why?" Johnnie—
"Well, here it says that after he had
finished his day's work he sat down on
his ehestl"
Kee.43 • The Rats
- Away
They - will not touch a
harness treated with
That is -because
Eureka con taino no
vegetable or ani-
mal fat.
17. Keeps yous harness
neatens Zuerintaicre
0 017 Unuted
Branches in allCities
The 0011,10 of America at olaYs
Magnitude and Choorfulnetis.
llttnoEh.rr PLAN
D, 0 White, Fres, 11.0. Mott, Mgr.
The Ideal Winter Resort
SoaIotlfuO 011 01, Saddle Riding,
OW, Tennis, Yachting, Fishing
'rind Sea 1:10.1.111011. Present Gar-
rison or the Ottawa (38th) neat-
Princess Hotel
iv open from nnonsansan to MAY
Situated on the liarbor of
Hamilton. Ancemmodales 400.
Rates ; $25 per woek and ttpWard.
• HOWE & TwollOann,
Bermud13 is reached by the steam-
ers of the QUebeo 500. Co.,
:IS Broadway, New York.
"I wonder if it is a real diamond,"
Mused Dorothy as elle contemplated
the engagement sing Jack had given
her. 'Yoe needn't worry about that,"
rephed her dearest friend. "I had it
tested when Jack gave it to me."
When digestion fails, whether from
loss of tone, climatic: changes, overwork,
%elor OtIME of diet, nothing 50 80011 restores
tone and healthy activity to the'digestive
system as the root and herb extract—
Mother Seigel's Syrup. /I: tortes and'
regulates the liver and bowels, and clears the system of the decayed
products of indigestion—the fruitful cause of headaches,
langeOr, acidity, heartburn, flatulence, .brain fag, and biliousness, It'
makes food•nomish you, mid thus builds health on good digestion,
'1 '0117130
The new1.000 0 contains i Ira 5055 as 5505 13, 1
a tid 50c nor bottle, kW, R LI P.
Medi he trial sire Gold
• .