HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-02-11, Page 2O. D. McTAGOAIRT M. D. McTAGGART IVlcTaggart Bros. BANKERSee--, A GENERAL BANKING IiIISI• NESS TRANSACTED.NOTES DISCOUNTED, DRAFTS ISSUEi.. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DE- POSiTS, SALE ,NOTES RUE, CHASED. H. T. RANCE,•—- NOTARY ;PUBLIO, CONVEY- ANCER, FINANCIAL, REAL ESTATE AND FiRE' •TNSUR- ANCE AGENT. REPRESENT- ING' 14 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. DIVISION COURT CFFICE, CLINTON. RRYDONE, BARRISTER; SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC, ETO. Ofifce- Sloan Block —CLINTON M. G. CAMERON T.C. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, ETC. Office- on Albert Street occuped by Mr. Hooper. In Clinton on every Thursdays and on any day" for which ap- pointments are made. Office hours' from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. A good vault in connection with the office. Office open every week -day:. Mr. Hooper will. make any appointments for Mr. Cameron. CHARLES B. HALE. Conveyancer, Notary Public, Commissioner, Etc. REAL ESTATE and 'INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licenses HURON STREET, — CLINTON Fertilizer DRS. GUNN At DANDIER Dr. W. Gunn, L.R.C.P., L.R. 0.8., Edin. Dr. J. 0. Gandier, B.A., M.B. Office—Ontario St., Clinton. Night calls at residence, Rattenbury St., er at Hospital. on. 3. W. S1IAW OFFICE RATTENBURY ST. EAST,, CLINTON 1Vc • carry a'+ Complete Stock of Stone's Natural Fertilizer., No better on the market. Hai We pay at all seasons the highest market prices for Flay for baling, Seeds DR. C. W. THOMPSON PHSYIC-TAN, SURGEON, ETO. Special attention given to die. eases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Eyea carefullyexamined and suit- } able glasses 'prescribed. Office and residence: 2 doors west of the Commercial Hotel, Huron St, DR. F. A. AXON — DENTIST —. Specialist in Crown and Bridge Work, Graduate of C.O.D.S., Chicago, and. R.C.D.8., To- ronto. Iiayfleld on Mondays from May to December, GEOnem, ELT,TOTT Licensed Auctioneer for the County of iiuron. Correspondence promptly answered. Immediate arrangements can be made for Bake Date et The News -Record, Clinton, or 'by ',tailing Phone 13 on 157, Charges moderate and satiefactioo guaranteed. • American Feed Corn, Red 'Clo- ver, Alsike, Timothy and Alfalfa, FORD & Edi cLEOD CLINTON. ALL KINDS OP COAL, Womb TILE BRICK TO ORDER. All kinds of Coal on hand: CHESTNUT SOFT COAL STOVE, CANNEL COAL FURNACE CORE BLACKSMITHS WOOD E' in., 9 in. and 4 in. Tile of the Best Quality. M. & M. PORES Opposite the G. T. R. Station, Pboue 59. The 1 oKillo. •Dilutual Fire Insurance Company Y Head office, Seaforth, Ont. DIREOTOaZ Ofioere J. D. McLean, Seafortb, President; J. eon.. molly, Goderioh, Vice•President Thor E. Hays. Seaforth, 'Geo.-Treas. Direotosn: D. P. McGregor, Beaforth; J. G. Grieve. Winthrop;• Wm. Gina, sea. forth; John Bennewe;e, Dublin; .1. Evans, Beachwood; A. McEwen, Brucefteld; J. B. McLean ; Sottorth; 3. Connolly. Goderich; abort, Ferris, Garlock. *gene': Ed. Hinchlev, Gosforth; W. Cbesne9 Egmondville; J. W. Yoo. Uolmea. villa; Ales Leitch, Clinton; E. 9. Jas. math, Brodhaaon• Any money to be'patd in may bo paid to Morrish, l o pingg Co., Clinton, or at Outt's GrocerYPa�rtles'deitrotre to effect Insurance or transact..°tber buatneas will be. promptly attended to on applioatlon to any of the above °Steers addressed to their respect. Eve post -offices. Losses Inspected bst the director who lives noareet the eoeee. RUN " YSTi"'14 -TIME: TABLE. -- Trains will arrive' at and depart from Clinton Station as follows: BUFFALO AND GODERICH Going East, u41 depart 7.33 am. 3,03 p.m, 5.15 p.m, ar. 11.00, rip. 11.07 am, depart • 1.85 pan, ar 6.32, dp:. 0.45 p.m. departs 11,1B'p,m. LONDON, HURON Se BRUCE DIV. Going "south, al•. 7133, dee 8.05 p.m. " " departs 4.15 pm. Going North, ar. 10.30, dp. 11.00 a.m, tc. " departs 6,40 e,m. e I, 4, Going West, " How is Your Cutlery Supply ? You know that Jewelry Store Cutlery is out of the com- mon class. At least, OURS is. It carries a distinctiveness— an air of superiority, that comes from being made with the greatest care and ut- most skillfrom the highest - priced materials: H you can use some of this Cutlery in your home, you will be proud of it every time you see it on the table. Carvers, eased, $3.00 up, Knives, Forks and Spoons, $1.00 doz. up. Knives and Forks, steel, whits handles, $3.00 doz. up. Let us ehow you our Cutlery line. Let us tell you more about why it is the moat desirable that you can put your money into. W. Re COUNTER JEWELER and ISSUER of 91 A.RIIUAGE LICENSES. KFf S-R[ClilfiS SEW F 1. 1 6 MEMO HATES � {0�9 inpiiis FORTHDNEYS Perhaps Your KIDIHEYS -•- are out•of,ortiet;. .Make the doctor's test. Examine your urine. It should be a light straw color—if it iS highly colored, reddish or deep orange—if the [ odor is strong or unusual—if "brick dust" or mucus is ,present, tool; to the kidneys. They are out of order. Get GIN PILLS at once, and take' ":.- them regularly. I2henmatistn, Sciatica, Lumbago, pain the the back, groin or hips—all point to .weakness ,n thekidne y or n bladder action, and the pressing nets. sity.for GIN: PILLS: Gin Pills are worth their weight in gold because they drive. these . pains.: ,cleat; out of the system.-. They only cost 5o cents:a box, with the absolute.. guarantee of sntisfactionor your money `. back. Six boxes for $7.5o, or a .free treatment if you 'write to National Drug & Chemical' Co., of Canada, Limited Toronto - Ont. 14 GREAT MOVEMENT OF TROOPS ON THE HOLLAND FRONTIER Transfer' Supposed to be Connected With the Attempted (ierinan Drive to Calais ` A despatch from Iaondon says: The Germans have closed the frontier between Belgium and Holland, accord- ing to a despatch from Amsterdam, which adds that great movements of troops are in progress. The transfer of troops is supposed to be connected with the reported plan of the Ger- mans for errnans''for an attempted drive to Calais. The official communiques issued by the French War Office on Friday deal with artillery actions.• - French artil- lerybombarded an infantry column and convoys entering Roye, and other bombardments were directed against the German positions in the Tahure sector, in Champagne; the sector of Ottawa -Is Alert.- Ottawa, lert.Ottawa, Feb. 4. -Ottawa is a mili- tary camp to -night. No less than 1,200 men of the '77th Regiment stand guard about the Parliament House grounds. No one is permitted' to en- ter. Fire engines continue to pour water on the still smouldering ruins. Rideau Hall, where the Duke and•\ Duchess of "onnaught and their daughter, the brilliant "Princess Pat," dwell, has 'a cordon of detectives drawn about it. Others• are hidden be- low stairs in the kitchens and ser- vants quarters. All the public buildings are strongly guarded. Soldiers are everywhere. The gold bullion under charge of the Finance Department is guarded by a special force with loaded rifles. Toll of the Dead. B. 13. LAW, M;P. for Yarmouth. MME. MORIN, Quebec. MME. HENRI BRAY, Quebec. J. B. It LeePLANTE, Assistant Clerk of the House. A, DESJARDINS, plumber, 259 Water Street. ALPHONSE, DESJARDINS, Do- minion policeman, 289 Somerset Street east. RANDOLPH FANNING, Postoffice Department employee. Placed to His Account. "Does she trust her husband?" "I guess so. Everything that goes wrong she charges, up to him." 'WHEELIES. News -Record and Man k Empire •.51.65 Ncws•Record and Globe. 1,68 News -Record and Family Herald and Weekly Star.......... ............ 1.58. News -Record and Canadian 150 Countryman News•Eecord and Weekly sun -,0.81 Newe•Reowrd and Farmer's Advocate 2,35 hewe•Record and Farm & Dairy . 1.85 bev,•e•Reoord and Canadian Farm 1.85 News•Record and Weekly Witness,1,85 Newe•Record and Northern 3ieseeager 1.60 News•Reoord and Free Preea 1,83 News40eeord and Advertiser1.81 Newa•Record and Saturday 'N1ght3,52 Newa.Record end Youth's Companion 3.25 News -Record and Fruit Grower and t 7S IOONTDLI12. Nen -Record and Caaadlsn sports s3 Newc•Record sand ' Llppineott'a Maga 3 H sine , . .... ., '�. DAILIES. News•Record and World...... 83.33. News -Record and Globe . .,3,80 News -Record and Mall : ltmplre, . 3,80 hews•Itecord and Advertiser , ..... 2,85 News•Record- and. MorningFree •Press. 3,35 News•Record and EveningPres Press,'2,85 News•Rdcord and Toronto Star. 2,85 15ewe•Racord and Toronto News.-- 2.35 If what you Want is .not. In Thee list let es know about it. We can enDD1y yen at lee; t11an it would coat 710 to send direct. In remitting please do -so by Post•omos Order dPletter Note, address, order or Rosi W. J. MITCHELL, Publisher News -Record LI INTON ONTARIO CLINTON, Clinton News -Record .WARTED NOW RET T AttLE SALESMAN TO money making t .cl lti Hass for rte sell the highest grade and guarantee deliveries I i t n t this O ACT AS AGENT IN HURON' COUNTY. PAY WEEKLY. Outfit free, exclusive territory and specialties. a. es. Our agencies are the best In the busi- ness ade of:stock at most reasonable prices vel es' n first class condition, Nursery stork Is selling well this year and good mond• can o made. n i s dis- trict. For particulars write Sales 01 a.nage;' PELHASE NURSERY o. Toronto, - Ontario, CLINTON,; — ONTARIO Terms of aubscription-$1:per year, in advance; $1.60 may be charged if not so paid.. No paper discos. tinned until all arrears are paid, anlese at the option of the pub. Usher. The date to which every subscription a paid' is denoted on the label. Advertising Rates -- Transient ad. vert sements, 10 cents per non. pareil line for first insertion and '4 cents per line for each subse quent insertion. Small advertise• menta not to exceed one inch, such as "Lost,'", "Strayed,'•'• or "Stolen," etc., inserted one* for $5 cents, and eaeh subsequent in. sortion 10 cents, - Communications intended for pub. lication must, es a .guarantee of good faith, he accompanied by the name of the writer. W. T. MITCHUM, Editor ,and' Proprietor., There is a CO[d Bay Coming La Harazoe, in the Argonne, and in the Nomeny-Morville front in Lor- raine. • The Copenhagen correspondent of the London Daily Mail telegraphs: It is rumored from Berlin that the Kais- er has been for some time on the western fsoitt; where he 'inspected the Belgian frontier. 'Two days ago he was in the neighborhood of Loos when the attack on that city was made. Tfle Emperor is said to have taken a 'hand in the planning of the recent Zeppelin raids on Paris and England at conferences held by a council in Armentieres, at which Admiral von Tirpitzalso was present. BRITAIN COULD SAYS 'Could SIR BRYAN MAHON. _ A Fine, Dashing Soldier of Fifty- of the sons of Princess Henry of • FIGHT�t�RA three With Good Record. Battenberg-volunteered for service fir German Chancellor Admits Force 01 tl •e A Mahout is. a person whb, by the the British army, and one of them, Arms Cannot Bring End. aid of a small sharp spike, controls an Prince Maurice of Battenberg, has Gustav Schweppendick, managing apparently unwieldy and unintelligent since died a hero's death in Flanders- editor of the Deutsehes Journal, who bulk, and it may be that this fine So this royal mother has not escaped has just returned to New York from soldier- earned this sobriquet in the service for a somewhat similar attri- bute: General Sir. Bryan Mahon, who is in command of the British forces in Saloniki, is called by that name in the army. Sir Bryan Mahon is only 63, and is the first of her sex to rule over the therefore, one of the "young" .gener- Garden Isle; as it is called. The first els. He has been a cavalryman all to do so,. Amide. of Clare, was a his service, and first went into the 8th daughter of the Earl of Gloucester. Hussars when he was 23. He was not She was governor in the middle of long in obtaining his baptism of fire, the thirteenth century. Another fair ruler of the isle was Aveline de For- tibus, Countess of Albemarle, and "Lady of the Isle of. Wight." Handled Kaiser's Stock. To -day Princess Henry is even more affluent than ordinary. She is , an an economic war. aunt of the Kaiser, and, it is said, his "For this reason the war probably favorite. Before the start of the war will last for some time, continued the Kaiser was holder of a consider the Chancellor. "We may as well able block of English Government prepare for it. We must safeguard stock and also of some British indus- our food and other supplies. We must trial shares and railway stock. About be independent of all overseas trade, a month before hostilities commenced "It `is my impression that there the war lord disposed of his holding will not be extensive field operations in English Government stock,, which for the present. Even of we occupied was assigned inn trust ust for him to more .of the enemy s territory it Princess Henry of Battenberg, wouldn't alter the• situation so far as through whom, it is said, the Kaiser England is concerned. We may and several other German royalties straighten out our lines, take a port conduct their financial transactions in in Russia} improve ourposition in the England. She accordingly is now the west, but, generally speaking, no holder of the stock,and will continue more great field battles are prob- to receive the nteeSt ori ii until tho able" Here the Chancellor paused, end of the war, when she will pass it and added, "unless a campaign be on to the Kaiser. embarked upon that will strike a Among' dozens of other things the vital blow at England." princess is head of the local needle A high military official saidto me work guild, which is humming, at later: "Germany coulee take Paris. It would only be a question of how many men we were willing to sacrifice. But that wouldn't bring England to terms. We could take Petrograd. But sup- pose we drove the Czar out of his capital England wouldn't care. We could drive the Italian army into the sea. It would Snake no difference to England. "The more territory we occupy the thinner our lines; the greater oar difficulties in supplying them. Going ahead on such lines would help Eng- land more than us." These two statements accurately reflect German sentiment. RUSSIA'S NEW RAILROAD. Runs From Petrograd to the Arctic Ocean. THE ONLY BRITISH BANISH SCROFULA WOMANIULER S Hood's Sarsaparilla-.. Cleanses the Blood, Skin Troubles Vanish. SHE IS 'I'IlE PRINCESS HENRY OF B 1'1TENBEILE• Scrofula eruptions onthe face and body are both annoying and Governor of the Isle of Wight—Has disfiguring, ,The complexion would L t ne "on iu be perfect if they were not present! os U u This disease Shows itself in other the Wei. ways, as bunches in the Beek, in Only one tiny part of the whole fhuned eyelids,sore ears, wasting of ; British empire is, u ides the governor- tho muscles, a form of dyspepsia, ship of a womanThat is the Isle and general debility. of Wight, Whose governor. is Princess Ask your druggist'for Hood's Henry of Battenberg•, She is the youngest daughter of the late Queen Sarsaparilla. This grant: medicine Victoria and the mother of the pre- completely eradicates scrofula. 10 sent Queen Victoria,, consort of the purifies and enriches the' blood, re King of Sirloin. Incidentally, Princess Henry is one of the richest of the British royalties. She has been gov ernor of the Isle 'Of Wight, and also of .Carisbrook Castle, the historic fortress there, for nineteen ;years, since the death of her husband, Prince Henry Maurice of Battenberg,. He, of course, was a German. But at the outbreak of the war all three moves humors, and builds up the whole system. Scrofula is either inherited Jr ac quired. Better be sure 'yon are 1101108 free from it. Get Ilood's'Sar- sapaeilla and begin taking it today. �. SEE NO HOPE OF PEACE. PRESIDENT OF BRITISH ASSOCIATION. Spend Five Billion Dollars Every Year Without Borrowing. Here are some very interesting statements from an article "Speed- ing -the Silver Bulletsr by Lewis R. Freeman in the American Review of Reviews: The extent of the "taxability" of Great Brittain—the proportion of its war expenses the country can pay out of current revenue --it is very diffi-. cult to approximate, largely because of the fact that this limit will be raised indefinitely as 0 complete real- ization of their responsibilities awak- ens in the British people a will to produce and save. Perhaps the most authoritative statement that has been made in this connection 'is that of Prof. W. R. Scott, the distinguished president of the British Association. "It is altogether probable," said Prof. Scott in addressing a recent gather- ing of economists at Manchester, "that Great Britain could finance in- definitely a war costing not over one billion pounds a year. The govern- ing condition to this, however, would be that the country put its back into it and worked a good deal . harder than in time of peace. We could • probably raise by taxation 400,000,000 pounds with the national income as it is just now. We could save, if we; really set ourselves to it, an midi the almost universal heartache Berlin, where he acted as correspond - throughout Europe. ent for the New York American, Princess Henry, whose London says; home is Kensington Palace, is now Chancellor Von Bethmann-Hollweg making a prolonged stay in her little made this statement recently to party "kingdom." She is, by the way, not leaders in the Reichstag: "There have been no official peace negotiations so far. There have however, been unofficial conversa- tions. •The conferees were, as a rule, financiers of high international', posi- tion. It was the general impression of the participants that all warring nations would be willing to enter into negotiations except England. Having failed to crush Germany by armed force, she hopes to succeed in General Mahon. present, "sewing shirts for soldiers," tional 400,000,000 pounds. But sup-' as things went in those piping times knitting, making sandbags for the posing the country worked harder, of peace, for when the Khalifa first trenches and doing heaven knows and saved more, and suppose besides! began- to proclaim himself as the re- how many other things. ' Princess private public economy were exercise! incarnation of the prophet's first 'Henry bosses the job, you may be ed, then we canto within, sight et i lieutenant, he went to Egypt. This sure. Id the ordinary Way she pre - War in 1890.' sides at the annual meeting of the In theDongola show he got a D.S. , members of the guild -and arranges 0., and in the fighting that followed for the distribution sof the collected higher rap the Blue Nile, Atbara, Om- garments among the poor and to bridging over the gap between 800,- 000,000 pounds and the 1,000,000;000 wanted. Therefore, the things to strive for are increased economy, both public and private and increased durmen, 03111 Khartoum, where K. various hospitals and other institu ln•oduction." finally brought the Khalifa to book, tions. Many of them, in fact, are $3,000,000,000 Loan Easy. be got a first brevet lieutenant -col- given by herself and by Queen Ena The work of raising the new war olency and later on a brevet colonelcy of Spain, who still loves to ply a loan—amounting though it did to and the Order of the Fourth Class of needle for the poor and needy who, More than $3,000,000,000—was a sin- the Osmapieh. Lord Kitchener has live around her own hoe. le Dire compared to the fixing of rho always known what a good man Sir , ' Alfonso Left Quiclmaly- lin•o Spain ple says that the Kiev f p new taxes. ,Britons of the present Bryan is, and so when the South Af- generation have been loaning or. in- Rican war broke out he was safe for and his royal, mamma -in -lav do not vestin • money all their lives,the 'a command. He got a cavalry bri- r gget along any too well, When Ring most striking evidence of which per- gide, and after Cronje had been Alfonso was last at Cowes, Isle of haps is the fact that $20,000,000,000 smashed at Paardeberg and Sir John Night, and stayed with Princess 1 worth of foreign securities are esti- French had galloped his caval} s t Henry, His Majesty made a decidedly ff ' that mala mastic ex edi- "c mated to be held bthe canny in- . taus o m phasty departure, due, it was said, to habitants of the tight little island. It tion to Kimberley, Sir Bryan set one of those disagreements which was not necessary to "stage" the loan out to drive the Dutcinnen away from , Happen in the best regulated :Gam- by a long interval of public prepare- .Mafeking."B.-P."and his gallant'ilies. Moreover, he has not been in tion as has always been done in Ger- friends in the little Transvaal town 1 flies. d since. Nor has the Princess many, and was, to a certain degree l were hard, pressed and on short con -1 Engn in since. though ha the Queen rine ss done in the case of the flotation oto mons when "The Mahout" turned up Spain has been on visits to her once the recent Anglo-French loan in the to -relieve the pressure. Ior.itvico. Both their grandmothers, United States, When in India, to whi h lance he !Princess Henry and Queen grandmothers, Whr not prepare for it by The mere announcement that dur- went baclt after South Africa, Sn., are equally loved by the royal chit ordering your winter supply ing a couple of the early weeks of. Bryan eontmanded the 8th Lucknow1 dren, and both ladies aro said to of Lehigh Valle Coal: Nona July sire mitecl subscriptions to a Divistoil, ah t " i i agree with the simple way in which B y loan to bear the unprecedented in- Parenthetically, "The M Ott s. the amt queen is bringing them better in the world. p young l (louse Phone 12. Otlfee Phone 411. The new Russian railroad from Petrograd to the ArcticOceanis an- nounced as complete. The new line connects the whole of western Russia with the ice -free ocean of the north,' and at the same time opens up a new and direct route by which Russia can receive unlimited supplies of multi- tions of war. The time set for com- pletion was October lst. This time limit was exceeded by 'fully three weeks. Such in brief are the facts covering one of the greatest undertakings in rarest of 4f/ per cent, would be re-, a very •lne bridge player aid atie- up. The nursery in the royal pal- in. Wenn railroad construction. The en- ceived was sufficient. With a care- mendous.consumer of cigarettes, and fro distance covered is about 1,200 I ace is exactly over the private apart, Mies. The route traversed is :I.t oin ?etrograd to Petrosavodsk and Kem, lorthward via Kent to Kandelax, Kola and finally to Ekaterina, on the Arc- tic Ocean. The building of the new railroad was commenced last spring, when it was found that the existing Archangel -Petrograd route could not handle he immense amount of war munitions traffic being offered at the . port of Archangel. The rise of Russia's Pacific coast port, Vladivostock, to a port o1: world importance within -the last year was accompanied s - a tremendous in- crease crease in imports of American goods. Figures made public show that ten times as much goods poured through this narrow gateway during the first eight months of 1016, as in the same period of 1914. Imports at Vladivostok for the first eight months of last year were valu- ed at 387,625,0011. Japanese shippers got the heaviest share of this busi- ness, with goods valued at 332,847,000. The United States was second with $31,620,000. 1Vlutton is excellent for cold weather being of high heating value, Irish stew is better still, A. J. HOLLOWAY THE CHILDREN REN F TO -DAY O fust as they arc --in their in. door play, or at their outdoor play—they are„constantly of. tering temptations for the KODAK Let it keep them for you as theyare now. Let it keep many other hap. penings that are a source of pleasure'`' to you.. BROWNIES, $2 TO $421 KODAKS, $7 TO $25; • Also full stook of films and Supplies. We do Developing said Printing.. Remember the phaco; THE REXALL SWORE less gesture the British moneyed in- terests—mostly banks :std insurance companies—Coolly tossed $2,900,000,- 000 into the war hat and went on about their business, while the gen- eral public, stimulated by a well- planned poster campaign, brought the total up to and beyond even figures by buying vouchers' ranging in amounts from $1,25 to $25, `This it anyone in our army is ever going menus occupied by the ]ting an to smoke one in the Yildiz Kiosk it' queen, and all are :furnished in meth will be he. 4._---- English style, CHEMIsl"SDISCOVERY. _i DRUGS BADLY NEEDED. New Use for An Explosive's Waste Product. An interesting announcement of the Working Under Handicap. discovery of a new method oftltiliz• The scarcity of some of the most leIedieal Practitioners in England Are beats the old Consols all .hollow,” Ing awaste product •10 confection everyone said, and intimated that with .the manufacture of explosives there was plenty of money to be was made recently at a meeting of .had when further need should arise. What up to that time was the great est loan in history was floated with less effort anal excitement than those accompanying the opening of the subscription list o:1 a • wildcat com- pany in an Oklahoma. or California oil boom. It was a remarkable finan- cial achievement :' • TEUTON DISCONTENT. Socialist Procletiuition .Seppi'essed by Germany. the Society of Chemical Industry, in En ire the Grand Hotel, Manchester, land, In the mafufacture,of nitric- acid, which is one of -the most important chemicals for producing explosives, thousands of tons of a by-product are produced. every weeltefoi• which up to the present no remunerative use has been found. Owing to the strongly acid nature of he material, which is termed iiitrecake, it is expensive to store, and its cineosive action on waggons and boats renders the cost The Copenhagen correspondent of of transport prohibitive, the Exchange Telegraph Company Di, J. Grossman, of. Manchester, says:. read a paper which dealt with the "I:lu:go Moose, leader of- deer 41 So- conversion of nitrecnkc into 'caustic cialists forming the:peace party in the soda, which al present is difficult to German Reichstag;"leas issued a pro- obtain, and commands a lliglt'price, clamation which the newspapers are and into cheap sulphate soda of tree prohibited from printing.. Itis much purest quality. discussed in political circles 118 signi- fying a political .battle, "There is every 1805011 to believe the Reichstag will leave to sit much longer than was 'expected In order to deal with pressing cliseontene among the masses," says the Rotterdam cor0es- pendent of tho Daily News. "In orde or to appease these clamerings it will need to deal with rte ;fewer than 180 reeceneioils1 all. relating to the distri- bution of 'food," • Many 0 man's honesty is due to the fact that his price is too high. important drugs in England has be- come so acute that medical practi- tioners are handicapped greatly, es- pecially as it is difficult to find substi- tutes for some medical products now unobtainable except in the smallest quantities. This great scarcity Etas resulted in fabulously, high, prices 'being quoted. Thus atropine is worth between six and eigbt cents a grain (more than its weight in gold), while eserine is worth more. Moth these drugs are indispensable in opthalmic surgery. The scarcity of atropine is due to the dearth of belladonna, the raw mater- ial from which it is extracted, which hi obtained from Central Europe. So many young people fall in love because they are just as foolish as older people. An Electric Umbrellas. An invention .of great service in darkened streets has just made its ap- pearance. It is at electric umbrella, and the light is obtahlellfront a small flash lamp lot into the handie, there being a small battery hidden 11 the stock. Mee rather striking inven- tions announced are at illuminated kerb sign which lights tip ,the name of the' street—exceedingly useful this —aid a' rather clever looking glass ar- rangement for the prevention of col-, lisions between vehicles in the streets. -if you feel bilious, "headachy" and irritable— for that's is sign your liver is out of order. Your food is not digesting—it stays in the stonach a sour, fermented mass, poisoning tate system. Just take a 1- dose of Chamberlains Stomach and Liver'Pabl.ets-- they .make the liver do its work -they cleanse and sweeten the stomach and tone the whole digestive system. You'll feel ,dno In the morning. At all druggists, 26e., or by mail from Chamberlain Medicine Company, Toronto 14