HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-02-03, Page 88
Clinton News -Record
IVIr. Alex. Ross of Tuenberryr has'
dmrchaeedthe farm on the second
line of Morris belonging to the es-
tate of the late J E. Swarts.
81r end Mrs. Robert 1Maxwell,
Leamington 'formerly residents of the
.Illuevale Road and very well known
and highly esteemed in this section,
celebrated their diamond wedding on
January, thirteenth.
Mr, Leonard Walton las gem! to
Wallaceburg to take a position.
,Miss .Olive Knox of Toronto 'has
been visiting friends in .town,:
Mrs, W. Ahlhorn and Mts. A. Boone
left last week for their home at
Dayton, Ohio, after sPelldigg a few
days here, having come over to at-
tend the funeral of their father,the
late Wm, Clark.:
This Is Your Shoe Store !
If you care for the Best of Shoos and the limit of
Shoe Service and Satisfaction that, your Shoe Money
can secure, Make this Your Shoe Store.
the . Here
For Men's, Boys', Women's and Misses' and Children's Shoes, that,
rank above the grade of "Just Shoes 1"
Come Here !
For the Newest Models and Latest and Best Style Features, shown
by the Country's Best and Moet Noted Shoe Manufacturers !
Come Here !
For Perfect Shoe FItting by Fitters that know how to provide.. the
exact size, width and model to fit the foot, as it should be fitted d
Come Here !
For the Best Men& Shoes at $3,50, $4,00 or $0.00, the Best Women's
Shoes at $2.50, $3.00 or $1,00. The Best School Shoes. The Best Chil-
dren's Shoes in any Styleandat any Price'!
Make This Your ShoeStore and Come Here
for Shoes !
There are t w o
kinds of
Fonutaill Pegs
We sell it.
W asshatyoulnselectingyonrfnrnhture y
h _4 you only want some odd
pieces you will linit to your advantage to
inspect We canif you are
going to furnish your one, or ' est our
stock and see the bargains we ar giving. We also carry a
good llne:of violins, pianos and organs.
Our undertaking specttland we guarantee the best of satisfaction.partment is cte in every re -
Undertaker and Funeral Director.
Night and Sunday calls answered at residence over
28 Phone z. 28
Often the Cheapest—AlWays the Best.
i•• atLj,yp1•,OmUJ19m�ununamk�gak,
o", r-de...� , fur.
Febr+nary 3rd, I9I6
Miss Rene Bennett of Blyth visited
her aunt, Mrs. Walter King, last
Mrs, Young returned 'Friday after-
noon from a visit witlf Soafortli
friends. •
Mrs. Campbell of Minto, Man., is
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John
Mrs. Connolly of I3arriston is spend-
ing a couple of weeks with her
brother, Mr. J. Wiseman.
Mr. D. T. Gardner, who has been
very ill in the hospital at Winni-
peg, is now slowly! recovering.
bliss Jennie Taylor, wile has been
spending the past fortnight with
Clinton friends, has returned to
London again.
11Ir. Stewart Jackson and Miss Jean
Chidgey spent the wee\ -end at the
Thome of their uncle, Mr. J.
0. Greig of ,Scaforth.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Barber of Snow-
flake, Man,, visited last week at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. William
Dale of the Huron Road.
Mrs. IVIeGerva and Miss Wallace, who
have been quite ill, are now on the
way to recovery, their many fri-
ends will be pleased to learn,
plisses Helen and Kathleen Gunne re-
turned to their home in London on
Monday after spending a couple of
weeks with friendsin Clinton.
Miss May Davis; who has bean at
Stevensville, 1VIontana, and latterly
at Seattle, Wash., for the past'few
vicars, is expected home this week.
Rev. Chas. E. Manning, Toronto,
Missionary Secretary of the Metho-
dist in town
•'r was while cC Church,
this week the;guest; of Rev. Dr.•
Mrs. James Shepherd and her son,
Mr. T. R. Shepherd who is visiting
here from Belisle, Sask., left Mon-
day morning to visit the former's
•daughters in Ottawa.
Squire James Snell of Mullett -is in
Toronto this week attending the
annual meeting of the Dominion
Shorthorn. Breeders' Association of
which he is a director.
Mrs. J. W. Treleaven is in Toronto
this week attending the Mendels-
sohn choir concerts.. She may also
remain for the Heron Old Boys' At-
Home on Friday evening.
Miss Lizzie Richardson returned last
week from a visit with her niece in
Detroit. The latter bad been ill
and Miss Richardson went over to
care forher for a week or so.
Mr. A. Morris, who has been very ill
for some days, is at time of wri-
ting thought to be improving. Tho
friends of the family hope his re-
covery may be rapid and complete.
Mrs. (Rev.) D. Johnston and little
Miss Ma
Margaret of Varna and
1 g
Mabel Johnston of Blyth were
guests last week for a few days of
Mrs, J. Johnston of Rattenbury
Mr. Stewart Jackson has been home
the past week resting up and recov-
ering from a bad cold. He was un -
Our annual January Sale commences Saturday,
January 8th,
Odd lines and broken sizes of good seasonable
goods to be cleared at big price reductions.
The balsam of our ladies' and children's coats
and furs at about price.
Don't miss this chance to save money,
Plumsteel B
.—Phone S, More Business
1 Profits Phon 2 ,.
Singer Sewing Machines.
It is not necessary:for us to say anything about the good quality of
Singer sewing machines, they have made an enviable reputation for
themselves. They are without a doubt the best household machine
made. It you contemplate buying a machine come and talk it over
with us.
Ostermoor Mattresses
areood mattresses. Wo will give you thirty nights free trial. and if
not satisfied return to us and get your money back, The price is $15.
Domestic Vacuum Cleaners.
Every houee should own a Domestic "Vacuum Cleaner. They will
clean your,rugs and carpets thoroughly and if used once or twice a
week you will save all your sweeping• and dusting. Free trial given.
Price $12,50.
Columbia Grafonolas.
We invite you to come in and bear our Columbia Gralonolas and
you will say they are the best toned and the most distinct talking ma-
chine you have heard. Come in and ask for any record and we well
play it Inc you.
Ball & Atkinson
Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors.
Store Phone 104.
'-BALL Phone 110. J, D. ATKINSON,
We,. request payment of all over-
due accounts on or before
ItI4B011 lst, 1916.
If any old accounts remain un-
paid, or payment of same not arranged
for, after the above mentioned date we
will have no other alternative than to
employ such means as we deem neces-
sary to compel payment.
Women's Store
Dry Goods and
'Hones Furnishings
Phone 67,
Next Royal . Bank.
Men's Store
Custom Tailoring and
Men's Furnishings
Phone 103.
Opposite Public Library,
Perso11~ als.
Mr. Ceti 1Vitts has enlisted with the
100th (Bruce) Battalion at Palmer-
Mrs. W. J. Ross, who .as been spend-
ing the past few weeks with fri-
ends in Detroit, is expected home
on Saturday.
Mr. George Barber el Milden, Sask.,
who was accompanied by Mr, Earl
Chesney of Scaforth, was a guest
last week of his cousins, Mr. and
Mrs. Iddo Crieb.
Reeve Ford has been at the old
homestead in Goderich township
most of the past week owing to
the serious illness of his mother,
who at time of writing is very
Mr. Richard Baker left for Winnipeg
on Tuesday having received word
that his daughter, -Mrs. Russel An-
drews, was very il1 and had been
taken to the hospital for treat-
Sergt: Major Gandy and Corporal
Wyatt, Toronto, both of whom were
wounded while on active service in'
France, were in. town yesterday,
They will address recruiting meet-
ings at various points in the coun-
Messrs. P. and A, Cantelon, A.
Cook and Wm, Walker attended the
annual meeting of the South Huron
L.C,L, In Exeter on
Tuesday. Mes-
srs. G. B. and Melvin Hanley and
Mr. W. J. Falconer of the London
Roadwere ere also in attendance,
able to continue his tour, returning
aftera week in London. He goes to
Detroit next week,
Miss Train, who is the new member of
the 0. 0, T. stall, arrived on Mon-
day. Mr. Btirbor, who supplied dur-
ing the month of January, has re-
turned to Toronto to resume his
studies at Faculty.
Mrs, J. K. Wise returned home Mon -
clay! from Sarnia where she spent a
week with her sister, Mrs, Levi
Stong, and her mother., Mrs Robt.
Plcwes, The last mentioned has
been very 111 but is now improving
nicely. ` '
Mr. R. E. Manning left yesterday to
spend a couple of days with his
brother, Mr. W. N. Manning of Lon-
don. Mr. Manning has, almost whgl-
ly recovered from_ his recent ill-
noes and will resume his desk at
the Royal Bank by! Saturday.
Mr. A. T. Cooper • drove thirty-eight
miles on Sunday to deliver 'mis-
sionary addresses. 'Though the
roads were bad and the weather
decidedly unpleasant he enjoyed the
day for he is intensely interested
in the great cause of missions and
willingly does 'This bit" to help it
Lieut -Col. Combe and Mrs. Combe
go to Toronto this week, where
the former will be the guest
of honor at the I-Iurott Old Boys'
annual at-home on Friday evening.
The gathering this year will
be of a patriotic nature and the pro-
ceeds will be devoted to recruiting
purposes in 1'luron County Lieut. -
Combe will spend next week at Ex-
hibition -Camp, Toronto,
Local News.
The many friends or Mr. Percy,
Holmes, of St. Catharines, formerly
of Clinton, will s3rnpathize with ruin
in the loss of his only child, a bright
and promising girl of six summers,
who died from brain fever, at the
home of her grandmother, on Sunday
last. Dlr. Holmes is a city passenger
agent for the St. Catharines Street
Railway, but makes his home at
Fonthill, and the esteem in which
he is held was shown by the large
number (rola that place who attend-
ed the funeral on Monday, and also
by the beautiful floral offerings from
different sources. Mrs. H. B. Chant
of town also attended the funeral.
Phone 180
Mr. John Jackson celebrated his
eighty eighth birthday on Sunday
last. Mr. Jackson is one of Clin-
ton's oldest citisens. He cable hero
when Clinton was little more than a
crossroads and for many years con-
ducted a business here, his son, Ex.
Mayor Fred. T. Jackson, being his
successor, Mr. Jackson has enjoyed
excellent health for a man of his
are few
des int.
and there
ars y
year on which he floes not lake a
run down town. A few weeks ago he
had the misfortune to fall on an icy
walk, receiving a rather bad shaking
UP, and has not been able to be out
so butch since, but he is recovering
nicely again; Many friends in town
and surrounding country will join
with '1'1te News -Record in congratula-
tions and good wishes on the attain-
ment of his four score and eighth
A hockey• match will be played in
the big rink Friday. evening between
the "161st Clintons" and the "Iro-
quois" of Goderich. As this will be
the soldier 'boys' first match it is
expected there will be a big •turn out
of their supporters to cheer them on
to victory.
pleasant surprise rise visit was
paid to Magor ,Joseph Beek and wife
at their residence, 222 Major Street,
Toronto, Tuesday evening by a par-
ty of friends who desired to tender
their congratulations to the esteem -
able couple on the 22nd anniversary
of their marriage. The visitors came
loaded Holub with good wishes and
suitable gifts for Major and 'Mrs.
Beek, who are highly regarded by
their many friends.
The News From Lndesbor'o.
Mr. D. Geddes spent Tuesday with
Rev. Mr. Aubrey of Granton mew -
pied the pulpit of Knox church on
Sunday last.
Rev. W. IC. Iiager of Goderich
preached missionary sermons in the
Methodist church on Sunday! last,
Rev. C. C. Kafue taking the work at
Word was received here. on Monday
of the death of Mr. John Lear of
London, youngest son of Mrs. S. Lear
of Londesboro. The deceased was in
his usual health until about noon on
Monday when he was taken violently
ill and died about five o'elock the
same evening. He was in his fifty-
second year. His wife, who is a sis-
ter of Mr. 8, Herrington of the 13th
concession, is left to mourn the loss
of a kind and loving husband. He is
survived also by his mother, two
brothers, Eddie, and Henry, attd four
sisters : Mrs, T. Shobbrook, Mrs.
T. Nott, Mrs. J. Lyon and Mrs, T.
Lyon, ail of whom attended the fu-
neral in London on Wednesday. Much
sympathy is felt for the bereaved
ones in their sudden sorrow.
A meeting of the voters of the
two polling divisions is called for
the town ball on Friday evening un-
der the auspices of the Huron Coun-
ty War Auxiliary. Ml interested in
recruiting or in the successful con-
duct of the war are urged to be Pre-
The annual meeting of the ,South
Huron Loyal Orange Lodge held in
Exeter on Tuesitay was the largest
incl most enthusiastic county meeting
held in thirty yl:ars. So many were
present the seating capacity of the
hall was overtaxed and chairs hacl
to be brought in. Among the past
county masters present were : G, B.
Hrtnley, W. J. Kenny, T. Davis and
Walter Coursey. A notable absentee
was John Scarlett, the veteran of
lfcEiillop, who in o'ha':ly never lhelore
missed a county meeting, but illness
kept him away on Tuesday.
The meeting decided unanimously
and very heartily to celebrate July
12th, 1010, in Clinton.
'rhe election of officers resulted as
Master, W. J. Hodgins,, Lucan.
Deputy, Geo, Vanderburg, Porter's
Chaplain, Rev..W. Moulton, Clinton
Ree. -Secretary, Peter Canteen,
Fin, -Secretary, R. Murdie, Scaforth
Treasurer, Adam C'antelon, Clinton
D. of C,,' Frank Davis, Exeter.
Lecturers, R. [VIclViurrray, Ba3i"ield,
and J. Armitage, Luean.
A. Good Resolution: I will pay my
subscription to Tl.e, News -Record in
Miss May Laencl31 visited at Strat-
ford at Milverton for a few days re-
Mr. Goldie Graham of Brucefield,
visited his sister, Mrs. W. J. Sims,
last weep.
Miss Rene Bennett visited her aunt
in Clinton last week.
Miss Grace Penhale of Brandon,
Man., is visiting her sister, Mrs. D.
D. Crittenden.
Mr. 5. H. Gidiey was in Toronto advance.
on business recently. .
returned home af-
ter spending a week with her sister,,
Mrs, A. Whitson of Goderich,
Mrs. A. 11. Weatheral of Alberta is.
spending a few weeks visiting at Au.,
Mr, Harry Wallace of Battleford';.,,..-,
Sask., is spending a few weeks withe
his father-in-law, Mr. John Syming-
John Neagle of Godorieh is spend-
ing a few days with friends at Au-
burn., '"
Mrs, J. McCiay and daughter of Ala-
meda, Sask., are spending a month
with Mrs. Chas: Rowson of Auburn.
On Friday a social evening was
spent in the Forester's hall by the -
people of Auburn and surrounding
country. At the close Clarence Sym-
ington and Clarence Cox wore both.
presented with wristlet watches..
Those two young men having respon-
ded to the call of their King and
Country. Four more young men have
given their names in since ; Bert
Marsh, Chas. Nivins, Thos. Adams
and Frank Finland,
Mrs. F, P. Lansing of the Base Liner
who, accompanied d b
Raitltbbx• of this village, left on
the 13tH inst, to attend the•
funeral of Mrs. 0. E. Lens.
tug of Pickering, wife of the
brother of Mrs, Ralthhy and Mr.
Lansing, returned home this week.
After the funeral they visited friends
at Belleville and in 1-Tastings county.
For the next week we will ma ise a
thorough clean-up of odd sizes and lines
of women's shoes which we feel satisfied
you will consider bargains of the rarest
kind. They are in laced boots only, and
the regular prices 'range from. $2.50 to
$4.00. 200 pairs women's kid laced
boots, sizes only 2i, 3, 3i,
4, 5, 6, 7, reg. prices $2.50
to Kin, sale price : :