HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-02-03, Page 51February 3rd, I916 bra; Clinton News -Record Aie .Another Pretty Wedding in Goderich Township. A9aiiet but pretty wedding was ,solemnized at the home of Mr. and 11,rs, John Woods, Apple Grovel arm, 4:loderich township, on January 26th, st daughter, when their older g , Eva A., became the bride of Mr, Alex. Sparks of Perdue, Sark. The bride, who was dressed in "cream serge and silk with trimmings .ol tiny, rosebuds, carried' a sheaf bou- quetof carnations and fern. She,en- tered the drawing -room leaning on 'the aria of her father, who gave her away, to the bridal anisic played by Master Nesbitt Woods. The young .couple, who were unattended took their pineea beneath a beautiful arch 0 evergreens with v r recur an flowers d wIth a �L background o ferns, f The ceremony was performed by ,. Rev. Mr. Johnston of Varna .Presby- terian church and was witnessed only by the immediate relatives of the contracting parties. After congratulations had been ex- tended, the bride led the way to, the dining room where a bounteous wed- 11Dig-breakfast was partaken of after u lc left train, rC0 cam P by which they 6 raid showers of confetti, for a short trip. The gifts to the bride were numer- ous and costly showing the esteem in which the young couple, are held. Upon their return Mr. and Mrs. ;Sparks will take up housekeepingin Seaforth a host of friends ,loin in 'best wishes for a long and prosperous journey through life.. Members of Huron County Council. Brucefield', Messrs, James Boyce and Leu. Mc- Connell have invested in a steam tractor ditching machine, to be used for tile draining and which has -a range of from two and one half inch- es. to a "foot and, if needs le, can reach down four and one half feet. Such a machine is a great labor say- er and, it is claimed, can do more satisfactory work, than can be done by hand. Word has been received here to the effect that Capts. W. N. McQueen of Brueefiel'd, and Win. Fingland of Au- burn, have genie from England to France with the 3rd and 7th Bri- gades, respectively.. The former is 0 cousin of Lieut. Earl O'Neil of Clin- ton, while the latter's home in in Mullett, his father being the new clerk of that township. . . Mr, and Mrs.1-lugh Ross and citl- dren aro here from the west and are guests of lhir. Ross' mother and oth- er friends. s on Uhe sick ck • Miss Mabel Swan`i list • The membership of the county vain- .61as follows .ril of Huron is made up Ashfield -Chas, Stewart, Jos. P. Dalton. - Goderich township -:-W: H. Lobb. Stanley -David Dewar. Neeb. - r H. Hall -Henry Y Stephen-W9n. R. Elliott, .Love. ' Usborne-Fred Ellerington. Tuckersmith-H, Crich. Hullett-M. Armstrong. McKillop -J. 111. Govenlock, Morris -John Shortreed. Grey - R, W. Livingston, John Brown. Turnberry-T. K. Powell. 3-Iowick-Reuben Harding, Peter F. Iltoig• East Wawanosh-J. N. Campbell, West Wawanosh-D. B Murray. Goderich-G, A. Nairn, 'J, C. Laith- -ivaite, Clinton -Jas. A. Ford. Seaforth.-John A. Stewart. Wingham-S. Mitchell, Brussels -Jolts Leckie. Blyth -Dr. Milne. Bayfield -A. E. Erwin, Exeter -J, W. Taylor. Iiensall-F. W. Smallaconibe. Wroxeter -C. Reis. John The concert and play ' Pltnkett's old Home Day" put on by the young people of the second of Stanleys in Walker's hall on Friday evening was quite a success. The singing. of Mrs. Saunders of Goderich . was enjoyed very much. The young people are to be congratulated all doing .their part well. The hall was crowded, the proceeds going to the Red Cross Fund. Mrs. A. T. Scott is quite 111. Mr. and Mrs. D. Bell are Buffering from a severe attack of . grippe. Miss Rose Saggers has recovered from. an operation for appendicitis and has returned to Stratford. Mr. Earl Kaiser has taken a situa- tion in Windsor; Lieut. W. Wilsoin of London spent snaday in the village, Mr. D. Macdonald of London spent a few days at his hone here this week. The marry friends of Mr. 'Hugh hear Pleased to Ibe p Catneron will he is almost recovered from iris re- cent illness. . Miss Lottie Kaiser, who was the guest of her aunt, .Mrs. Stong, has returned home to Hensall. AIr. DeWitt Cosens, who preaches in the Methodist church is taking the services in the Presbyterian church for the Rev, Mr. Woods, who is quarantined, his little daughter, Florence, having scarlet fever. Mr. Cosens comes from London. Miss Dora Addison is visiting her brother, Mr. Jos. Addison. On the evening of January 7th District Deputy Scott. and Suite of Fidelity Lodge I.0.0.F., Seaforth, Pahl an official visit to Brucefleld lodge No. 210 and installed the fol- lowing officers ; N.G., Dr, Rogers ; V.G., D, Fotheringlram h S,, James Swan ; P.S., 7. G. Kaiser ; Treasur- er, W. T. Scott, Chaplain, 1. Burdge ; Marshall, A. McQueen ; J. Bowey ; 0.G., D. Swan. At the .conclusion of the installa- tion ceremonies P,G., T. 13. Baird, took the chair and called on the Dis- trict_ Deputy and several of the Sea - forth and Brucefielil brethren for short addresses which were respond- ed to in true Oildfellow style. as then made to ' An adjournment �� the Walker House where a very tasty and appetizing . spread had been pre - 'Pared. During an intermission the brethren lined all round the dining hall, when the District Deputy in a very 'pleas- ing and patriotic address presented Bro. E. A. Pattison with a very pret- • ty gold locket suitably engraved as a slight remembrance and token .of es- teem from the brothers pf Brucefield lodge, Bro. Pattison, who was in khaki being a 'Corporal in the . 71st Overseas Batt. now stationed at Galt, replied in his own good style, thank- ing the brothers for their kind re- membrance of him and trusting when duty over to have another night with his old-l3rucefield and Seaforth breth- ren of the three links. After the presentation a pleasant evening was spent in song and story and general good fellowship. Bros. Israel and McKinley of Seaforth sang some splendid patriotic songs which were heartily appreciated. A number of the Seatortli brethren were: in khaki, members of Huron's 161st. All seemed to have a good and profitable time, and left for their hoines in "The Wee Sma' Hours," Carvell—Fabricator. Mr. 7 13. 'Carvell; the New Brltns- wick M. P•, who is weekly adding to his reputation as a scandal 'monger; said in a characteristic speech in the .kiouse the' other claythat only Con- servatives are given commissions in the Overseas Battalions. Let us examine a little into Mr, Carvell's truthfulness and in doing so we need not step out of Huron coun- ty, that is we have only to look in- to the personnel of the officers of the ifi.lst, thus : The Commanding Officer is a Liber- al 'Plte Senior Major is a Liberal. The Junior Major is as Lil:eral. The Medical Officer is a Liberal are two local Lieutenants Li- b orals 'of the �h inarorft o that the It may b eU Y Y Gated ' to officers of the 161sU Hurons, at various Points in the county, are Liberals, but as to that The News - Record has made no enquiry, not Te - fag concerned. If they are doing their tr duty and doing it well, that suffices us. Is it not a pity there are 0arvells n the Canadian n Mouse of Commons, t ' at this critical time ? Death of James Webster of Ashfield: Mr, .James Webster, who died at nip home in Ashfield townshiplast week, was born in Tipperary, Ireland In 1830 and carne to Ashfield in 1851, where he has spent the renta`"nder of his life, IIe was married three times, 'first to Jane Sheppard, then to Jane Reid and then to Grace Reid, sister •o( his second wife. He was highly respected by all who knew him, In poli_ . olttics he was a Conservative in •religion a Methodist. Besides a widow he leaves two sons and six daughters, James and Robert of Ashfield, Catherine of Clin- ton, Mrs. Jas, Reid of Bayfield, Mrs. -leo. Coleman . of Stanley township, Mrs. Thos. Blake of :Ashfield; Mrs. William Belchie of Lanes and Miss Minnie at home. Homes for Farm Laborers. (Froin the Toronto Globe.) • The Globe has frequentlp during the past few years called attention to the loss inflcted by farmers on themselv- es in the matter of farm labor by ne- glecting to provide homes formarri- ed men in their employ. 1t is a pleasure to find oneself in good com- pany on an important public issue, and therefore a recent letter bye Mr, Walter Murray, a well-known Oxford SALE 011' HOUSE'HOLD EFFECTS -of tire' late Mrs. S. Crich will be held 'at the lutuse,'Iiuron street, on Saturday, February 5th, conr)nene- ing at 2 pan. --George H. Elliott,' Auctioneer. Rector Cluff Has Two Sons in Khaki. Stratford, January 29th, -Mr. Rex Clint, second son of Rev. W. I. ChM, will leave on Tuesday for Clin- ton, where he will enlist with 'the 161st Huron Regiment as a private. Later he will take the lieutenant's course in London, which opens about the first of March, he having been offered a commission in the Huron Regiment, under ,the Com- mand of Lieut. -Col. Combe. • The rector. of St. James' will now have both sons in khaki, Lieut. How and Cluii,,of the 1st Battalion, Wood- stock, and now Rex, in the 161st Hurons. Cluff is a native of God- erich township, Huron eounty7, and is an uncle of the MiSses Cleft of Clin- ton. . It's Asking for Double Contribution. (From an Exchange.) For a newspaper to be asked to stake a cash contribution to worthy patriotic or religi- ous objects is one thing, but to be asked to give its prinei- gal commodity in almost un- limited quantities and without charge is quite another. HOR'11-JRNS FOR SALE. - Here's. your chance to buy 0 right good two-year-old bull from an imported sire and a record minting strain.Also 3 calves front 5 to 11 months old. All good feeders and in excellent condition. Come and see them. -Edward FI:" Wise, R. R. No. 3, Clinton. Prone 12 on 155. -18 FOR S:AL1I,-A. NEW RAYMOND Sewing Machine,as s 6OCd as now. -Apply to Mrs. J. Johnston,Rat- teubury street. -18 Farms for Sale Blyth Mr. John Bell of L loydntinster, Sask., has been the guest of his brother, Mr. Wm, Bell. Alrs. 13d, Laundy has ,returned from a visit with her parents in Wingham, scanty farmer, is peculiarly wok:mite at this ,juncture. He coasiders the lack of homes on the farm to bo the chief -cause of our sad rural depopu- lation, because honorable men and women desire to have dwelling hous- es of their own, and as these' cannot be secured on the ordinary Ontario farm, young people naturally gravi 11101'•'tii'te to the city, where they can get houses to live in." The economic argument in favor of hones for tarn laborers is quite as strong as the social' one. A ratan hir- ed for a little over half of the year must leave the farm to find work during the rest of it, and his readi ,est resort is to city shops. Under these conditions, he loses his liking tor the farm and,is- lost to agricul- tural life. "Give your man," says Mr. Murray, "a cow and a garden, and a place for a few chickens and a oouPle of pigs";this does not mean much to the emloyer but it niakes the employee contented. Experience hears out the statement that "conditions like these will insure stability of service between employer and servant," and that "the latter,. having his family, ties to consider, cannot or will not leave his place" except for, serious cause. Tire case for the farm laborer's home is• so one-sided and strong that it is difficult to account for the reluctance of farmers to take this way of securing for. themselves a steady, supply of ex- -pert labor, There is not a good nun tired -acre farm in Ontario that would not be better and more • valuable for ;having on' it a laborer's comfortable ;04+►ot'tage with a little ground about it on which to keep a few domestic an- imals or hives of bees as a means of supplementing his income,, FARM FOR SALE CHEAP. -100 acres goodsoil and buildings, 10 acres small timber. Running water, "°'llhin threemiles of Clinton on yifng road. -Enquire at The News- i,ebotd Office. -21. HOUSE FOR SALE OR TO RENT on Raglan street. Two acres of land, brick house, electric light and waterworks, small stable. -D. Can- telon. -03 'IIEADQUARTERS F 0 it FAIR - banks -Morse Engines. -1 lip. Engine with sump Jack $48, 2 h.p. > ngipe• with Pump Jack $90, 2i n.l'. I'n- gine $93.50, 5 li p. Engine 3050, 7 h.p. Engine $225. Also Fleury Plows, Grinders and Repairs. En- gine and Telephone batteries 30e each. -E. H. Epps, Varna. Phone 14 on 178, Clinton. FARM FOR SALE. -In GODERICH township, onehundred and twenty acres, Lot No. 25, Con. 14, S. E. half of Lot 80, Maitland' con. Good bank barn, frame house, never fail- iag well with pipes to House and barn ; water in five different fields the year round. Three miles from Clinton. -'ripply to William :Ken- nings, rlolmesville. Phone 3.4 on 100. -21-5. AIRS. J. JOHNSTON, WII0 HAS taken over the agency cY forthe S P T ellacorset is prepared to meet the needs of all old and new custom- ers, lislem e5, irella is "different" r The SP I a perfect -fitting, flexible, ma de -to - order. corset, allowing every -muscle full play. 'Call and ask Mrs. John^ e ries. rets... s and aee ssoo st bout corsets sten. a —02 FARM FOR SALE. -LOT 17,, PT. 18, con. 8, township, iP, consist- ing sst- ing of 100 acre's, 30 acresi- plowed ready for spring, 3 acres orchard and small fruits, balance in grass. Frame dwelling, two good barns. Good land. 7 miles from Goderich, 8 miles from Clinton. -Apply to Bert Holmes, R. R. No. 2, Clinton, or phone 6 on 254, Godericli. -13 FOR SALE 150 ACRES. -THE former Hiles' farm, mile and a half north of Londesboro, good clay loam, in good state 01 culti- vation. Fourteen acres of wheat, forty acres seeded to clover, and buildings fair. Tereus reasonable, or an exchange for a smaller Tarin gladly considered. Holtzhauer Bros., Auburn, R. D. No. 1. 19-1 Marriages CONSITT-ZAPFE-At Blake on Jan, 9th by Rev. I). Johnston,f Var- na, na, Ethel May, second daughter of Mr. and AIrs. H. 0, Zapfe, to Ray A. Consitt, son of lir. and Mrs. John Consitt of the Parr Line, Stanleys, HENDERSON - WAYMOUTI'•I - In: Mullett on February 2nd, by, Rev. J. G. Reid, Rose, youngest daugh-, ter of Mr, Wm. • Waymouth, to Thomas Henderson of Saskatche- Yvan, SIi4IPSON-CALDIIR - At Iunisfail, Alta., on December 300, Will}am Simpson to Agnes, youngest dau- ghter of Ahs. Thos. Calder, tor- merly of 'Grey township, Huron County. Goderich Dr. Hayden left last week to take up his work on the Army Dental Corps ivitlt the 91st Battalion at St. 'Phomas. Mr. John R. Dunlop of Coderich township passed away on ' Saturday week- in his seventy-first year. Mr. Walter IL Harrison was in Stratford last week attending the funeral of his grandfather. Mr. Wm DeLong left last week for Magrath, Sask., after spending some time with his parents here. Miss Claire Reynolds is visiting in Montreal, being the guest of lyirs. Wm. Redpath. Mrs. Richard DeLong was in Tor- onto last week 'visiting her daugh- ter, Mrs. W. L. Tweedy. Miss Kathryn Amelia Finn of town was married in St. 'Peter's church by Rev. M. D. O'Neil of Parkhill, un- cle of the bride, and Rev. D. A. 1Vlc- Rae, to AIr. Win. H. C'astelle of I•Iant- il ton. Births LINDSAY -In Gddericli township on January 27th, to Mr. and Airs. D. M. Lindsay, a daughter. JARVIS-In Wingham on Jan, 24th, to 'Mr, and Mrs. Rohn Jarvis, a son. FARM FOR SALE, BEING LOT 24 on the 5th con. of Goderich Town-. sliip consisting of 120 acres, 11 acres in fall wheat, 40 acres readp foa spring plowing, 7 acres of bush, remainder ander grass. Small or- chard. Concrete house. Good barn 53x80 with stone foundation. Cement silo. Water tank and Wind- mill ab barn. One quartea mile frons Porter's hill. -James IIainilton, Clinton. -00 JEST ! We have just received a car of No. 1 hard Corn which we can offer at a reasonable price, all orders for same will be filled promptly., We keep In stock Purer Manitoba Rolled Oats which comes direct from the Keewatin Mills and is second to none in quality. We have got in a new supply of Seeds which are No. 1 Government Tested and 'consist of the following : Red Clover, Alfalfa, Alsike, Timothy! . and Orchard Grass. Food, 'first Flour, Breakfast I cod, Easi Shortening, Oil Cake, Molasses Meal, Bran, Shorts and Low Grade always in stook. Grain.. prices paid for G Highest p g I'ARM FOR SALE FOR. SALE'. south half Lot 31-32, Concession 1, 'Tuckersmith, containing 94 acres 'more or less. There are on the premises a good frame house with kitchen and woodshed, cement eta - tern, good bank barn 40x64 with stone stabling and cement floors, drive sired and hen house, water in house and barn supplied with wind mill and cement tank. The farm is in first-class condition fenced and drained and there are 1.0 acres of first-class bush and small orchard. The farm is three and one half miles from Clinton, live miles from Sea- fordh and one mile from church and school. Rural telephone in house. The farm is all on the west side of railroad track and is in first-class shape. -Terms -Reasonable, reasons for selling, the proprietor wishes to retire, for further particulars apply on the Premises or address John Thomas Crieh, Clinton, -22-13 Deaths CORDELL-In Clinton, on Januarys 800, John Cordell, aged 70 years. MILNE-In Goderich on Jan. 28111, Harriet 'Thomas, widow of the late Charles Milne of Clinton. FOSTER -At Pigeon, Mich., on Jan. 31st, John Foster, a native of Stanley township, aged 68 years and 3 months. I3ROADFOOT-In Tuckersmith, on Jan. 24th, ibirs. Samuel Broad- foot, in her 62nd year. McC'LII_NAI=IAN-In Wingham, • on January 23rd, Mrs. Henry J. Mc- C'lenahan of East Wawanosh, aged 29 years. Dungannon Miss Martha Pentland of Elmira has been visitingfriends hereabouts. Miss Johnson of Bluevale has been spending a few days with friends here. The Nine -Mile Riveroverflowedits banks to such an extent during the recent soft spell that the bridge on the -4ah concession was damaged so that it was considered unsafe to travel on. Miss Edna Pentland, who is teach- ing at'Kintail, was home for a few days last week as her school Was closed owing to an epedemic of measles, PRIV A 1;E SALi?+ 014' HOUSEHOLD Furni erre at the residence of the late 'Mrs. W. Murray every after- noon from 2 to 5 o'clock. 22. FOIL' SALE, SEVERAL WELL bred Collie pups. A. E. Matheson, Phone, 17 on 136. -21-2 CUSTOM SAWING WILL BE DONII as usual at Tiros. Wallis' on the Oh con. of Goderich township dura. leg the coming •spring.-McEwetldt' Bios:, Bayfield. , W. Jenkins & Son. FLOUR AND FEED. Phone 199. We have added a stock of New Groceries TO THE CITIZENS. ♦•4 The health ,officer asks '. the. co-operation of the citizens in stamping out measles that are prevalent in ' town. As soon as signs of rash appear notify your physician or the health officer and keep all per- sons fr O In communication with the sick. Insist on strick quarantine. By this method we can soon ,control the disease. sus J. W. Shaw, M,N.Oa and can now supply you with 'leas, Sugar, Canned Goods and other lines to be found in a grocery store. We also sell Conner's Bread. This is an addition to Flour and :Feed of which we keep a full stock and will deliver goods to any part of the town. We appreciate a share of your pa- tronage. Ile deliver goods promptly to any part of the town. D. A. WATSON Victoria St., Next the llospi`tal. YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED, RE paired and Pressed and at the shortest possible notice. Both Lad- ies' and Gentlemen's clothes. We guarantee to do good- work. Also having bought a machine I- am Pres Pared to French Dry Clean Ladies' Suits, Gent'''s Suits and all kinds of woolen clothing including Sweat- ers, etc, . 'All orders promptly at- tended to. Rooms over Grigg's jewelery Store. -Win. J. Jago. -55 5, LOST, MLSLAID OR STOLEN. A small Masonic Monitor bound inlight colored -sheepskin, from the Masonic quarters. Valued by the owner for its associations and any information, of same will be rewarded. C1IAS. I. LIDDY, Clinton Knitting Co, Ltd. -21, BUSINESS FOR SALE The undersigned offers his stock of Dry Goods, Grocer- ies, Boots, Shoes, Crockery, Etc., for sale. Possession given at suck time as will best suit the purchaser. E. F. Merner, Bayfield, TO THE PUBLIC : Having bought out the Jcw- elery and Optical business of Mr. A. J. Grigg I am now prepared to do all kinds of re- pairing promptly and to your satisfaction. I will be pleased to have you drop in and give me: a triat. I will keep on hand a full stock of Silverware, Watches, Clocks, etc., such as is to be fond in an up-to-date Jewel- ery Store and respectfully ask for a share of pour patronage. R. Harry Jonson Wanted I •.s We can give employment to a few more Knit- ters, etc. Apply at once Clinton Knitting Co., Ltd. Grigg's OId Stand, Repairs Cash. NEW LAID EGSS CREAM WANTED. - DAIRYMEN having cream to sell write- to us for cans. We supply two cans free. Eay all express charges and issue cheques twice each month, cheques payable at par. We pay the high- est market prices consistent with an honest testi. Testing done by a competent man. Each can careful- ly weighed, sampled and tested on arrival and statement returned. Those la the vicinity of Kinbum may leave their cream with Mr, Hall who will deliver it here, Write: for cans and give us a trial; -Tho Seaforth. Creamery, Box 486, Seatortb. Good Morning 1 Are you a New's- Record Subscriber ?, Do You Ever think poll wanted some- thing that you would relish for a meal and could not just think what it was you wanted? WANTED. We are very anxious to pur- chase 5,000 dozens of strictly new laid eggs, each week. We will pay top market price for these if guaranteed not over seven days old, to ,be clean and even sized. Stale or dirty eggs paid for at ten cents less per dozen than new lafds. It will pay you to take the best care of your layers and keep their nests perfectly clean. FAT HENS. Now is the time to sell your fat liens while the price is high. Get our prices be- fore you sell elsewhere. INCUBATORS. . Everybody is coming to the conclusion, that it is the early pullets that lay the winter eggs. Now is your op- portunity to buy the best hind of incubator - Prairie State and be sure of early chickens. Enquire for prices. t=a 5 Cream! Cream! New Method. I am in 'the market for any, quantity of creast at highest market price. You can see it weighed, tested and take your money home with you. Cream taken in every -.'Thursday, morning. S. W. MILLAR, GENERAL MERCHANT Helmesville GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. The Up-to-date Firm CLINTON. 4IV& IIOW ABOUT PRUNES ? We have some select goods in prun- es and are put up by the well-known people, ''The Sunkist" . whose goods have a quality all their own 2 lis. for 25e. Some other suggestions are : Catsup, H. P. Sauce, Worcestershire Sauce, Mixed or Sweet Pickles, Olives, etc. In canned goods we carry a full line: Peas, Corn, Tomatoes, Tuna Fish, Salmon, Heinz Spaghetti, Campbell's or Clark's Soups, and other season- able goods. Our Orange prices are right from 15c per doz. up. Highest Prices for Butter and Eggs. Johnson & 'Co. The Store of Qualtiy. 'Snavissor to S. Barr. Phone 111. Phone orders promptly attended to. THE CORNER STORE Live and Let Live Buy Heat Producing Goods. PIES ! - 'Here are a few sug- gestions u g gestions for pits : California peaches very special ' 1 albs for Calif. Prunes per lb 15c Calif. Raisins 2 lbs 25e New Dates per lb 10c New Figs per ib 10e Spy Apples Fresh Rhubarb. Special for Sat. • urdag Fresh Lettuce Green Onions Celery. W. T. O'ei11 Logs Wanted. Now that the cold weather is again with us every household requires goods that will keep the body, warm and healthy. Here are a few lines we would suggest to every, buyer of goods for the home. Soups in packages and tins. Moat Extracts, Bovril and Oxo., Hot. Porridge, Wheatletsr Wheat Flakes, Rolled Oats, Hot Pancakes and Syruli, Pork and Beans -a steaming plate of pork and beans for dinner or sup per mattes an ideal areal. - Macaroni or Spaghetti. Bacon or Sausages for breakfast, there is nothing nicer. E. E. HUNNIFORD HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR ALL 'KINDS OF GOOD ' LOGS DELIVERED AT ')O- HERTY'S SAW MILL, CLINTON. FOR PARTIC(J- LARS APPLY TO FORD & 14IcLEOD. F. G. RUIVIBALL tiee O We beg to announce the purchase of the BAYFIELD SAWMILL, which we will operate in conjunction with the BRTJCEFIELD MILL. We are open for business at .both offices prepared to pay the highest spot cash prices for all kinds of logs, either in bulk or by the thousand, and either in the bush or delivered in our yards. You may also secure from us at. either office any, of the following lin- es : LEHIGH VALLEY COAL, the coal that satisfies. CANADA CEMENT, the recognized standard of Canada. BUFFALO BRAND FERTILIZ- ER, best by test. DRESSED LUMBER and SHIN- GLES, 1 CANADA FIBRE BOARD, TILE, 1 CEDAR POSTS, LUMBER OF ALI; KINDS, ETC. I heartily solicit, and bye fair, square dealings shall endeavour, worthily to merit, your most liberal patronage. Telephones : Bayfield Office, 8 on 171. Brumfield Office, 11 on 145. LIVE AND LET LIVE GROCER. Skates Sharpened At The Same Old Place. A Good Resolution : I will pay my BYAM & SUTTER subscription to The News -Record in D 1 tri Phonll. advance, Smitten Piumbera , JOHN B. MUSTARD ....o TAKE A LOOK at your plumbing. Is it new, up-to- date, sanitary and in perfect condi tion ? Upon the plumbing frequently, depends the health of the family, EVERY MEMBER of the family uses tihe bath room ; it can be cleanly, convenient and com- fortable. Why not have it so 7 See our stock and don't forget that our workmanship is exceptional. THOS. HAWKINS. Butter Wrappers PRINTED NEATLY AND CHEAPLY AT TIIE OFFICE OF. TIIE NEWS-RLCORD4