HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-02-03, Page 2G. D. McTAGGAVIT 11. D. MoTAGGART McTaggart Bros. --- BANKERS 'A GENERAL BANKING RT7C1 NESS TRANSACTED,. NOTES DISCOUNTED, DRAFTS ISSUED INTEREST ALLOWED ON DE. ODSITti. SALENOTES rUR• CHASED. •- 0.T.. R.ANCE -- NOTARYIr[TBLIO; CONVET- ANCER; FINANCIAL, REAL ESTATE AND FIRE- MUIR ANCE AGENT. REP1t"ESENT+ INQ„ 14 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. DIVISION COIiRT CFFICE, CLINTON. W. RRYDONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC. °Moe- Sloan Block--CLINTON M. G. CAMERON K.C. BA1tRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, ETC. Office on Albert Street oceuped by Mr. Uooper:• In Clinton on every Thursday, and on any day for which ap- pointments are made. Office hours from 9 a.m. to 0 p.m. A good vault in connection with the office. Office open every week -day. Mr. Hooper • will make any appointments for Mr. Cameron. CHARLES R. iHALE, Conveyancer, Notary Public, Commissioner, Eto. REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE Issuer of Marriage Licenses HURON STREET, - CLINTON DRS. GUNN & GANDiER Dr. W. Gunn, L.R.C.P., L.R. C.S., Edin. Dr. J. C. Gaudier, B.A., M.B. Office -Ontario St., Clinton. Night calls at residence, Rattenbury St., or at Hospital. ' DR. J. W. SHAW -OFFICE-. RATTENBURY ST. EAST, CLINTON OR. C. W. THOMPSON PHSYICiAN, SURGEON, ETC - Special attention given to dia. caeca of the Eye, Ear, N.,se and Throat. Eyes carefully examined and suit- able glasses prescribed Office and residence: 2 doors west of the Commercial Hotel, Huron St, DR. F. A. AXON DENTIST Specialist in Crown and Bridge Work. Graduate of C.O.D.S., Chicago, and R.C.D,S,, To. Tonto. Bayfield on Mondays from May to December. GEORGE. ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Correspondence promptly answered. Immediate arrangements can be made for Sale, Date at The News -Record; Clinton, or by Balling Phone 13 on 157, Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed There is a Cold Day Coming VNhv not prepare for it by. ordering your winter supply of Lehigh Valley Coal., None better in the world. House Phone 12. Once Phone 40. A. J. HOLLOWAY YE- 0LD:E. FI RME THE LATEST He m#zman&Co. Player -Piano Cin be seen and played by you to-dny. Let us show you this "Different" Player - piano -the player -piano you will eventually buy. Bran 9h Warerooms 38 Ontario. St. t5'TRATF,ORD Ferri izer We carry a Complete Stock of Stone's Naturt.j Fertilizer. No better 071. the inarket., Flay We pay at all srasona the highest market prices for Hay' for baling. Seeds American Feed Corn. Red; Clo- ver, Alsike; Timothy and Alfalfa. FORD & MCLEOD CLINTON. ALL KINDS OP COAL, FOOD • ` _ TILE BRICK TO ORDER. AII kinds of Coal on band: , CHESTNUT SOFT COAL STOVE • CANNEL COAL FURNACE COKE BLACKSMITHS WOOD Qr9 in., 8 In, and 4 in. Tile of the Best Quality M. & M. F ORR BES Opposite the G. T. R. Station. Phone 62. ow is Your Cutlery Supply ? You know that Jewelry Store Cutlery is out of the com- mon class, At least, OURS is. It carries a distinctiveness - an air of superiority, that comes from being made with the greatest care and ut- moet skill from the highest - priced materials. If you can 'use some of this Cutlery in your home, you will be proud of it every time you see it on the table. Carvers, cased, 83,00 up. Knives, Forks and Spoons, $1.00 doz. up. Knives and Forks, steel, white handless, $3.00 doz. up. Let us show you our Cutlery line. Let us tell you more • about why it is the most desirable that you can put your money into. W. R. COUNTER JEWELER and ISSUER of MARRIAGE LICENSES. NEWS-RECOfO'S NEW CLUBBING RATES FOR 1916 WEEKLIES. Nowe•Record and Main h Empire ,...SLI leewe-Record and Globe 1,68 Newe•Resord and Family Herald- and Weekly Star 1.0 News -Record and Canadian Countryman 160 News•Record and Weekly Sun 1.85 News -Record and Farmer's Advoa.aie8.36 Newe•Reeord and Farm & Dairy ,1,85 News -Record and Canadian Farm 1.85 News -Record and Weekly •Witnese ..,1.85 News -Record and Northern Ilessennor 1.60 News.Record and Free Press 1.65 Newe-Record and Advertiser, - ., 1.85 News -Record and Saturday Ntght3,65 Newn•ltceord andYouth's Companion 3,05 News -Record end Fruit .Grower and Farmer .... ... 3 76 MONTHLIES. News.Racord and Canadian Sparta. man63.85 News -Record •pend `Llppincott'r ' Ifaga• Mee. .......... ... ... .. .... 3.75 DAILIES. News•tleeord and World ... $5.3$ News Record and Globe8,80 News -Record and Mall & lSmfro3.00 News -Record and Advertiser 8,85 Newe•Reeord and Morning Free -Press. 5,35 News•Record and Evening Free Press. 2.85 Newa•Reeord and Toronto Star,.. „ 2,85 News•Record and Toronto Nowa' ...., 1f what YOU want le not In thle list lei or know about It. We can eneely yon at less thanit would cost 700 tosend diroot, In remitting please do ea by Post•otne.. Order Postal Note, Exnreee; Order or Reg. tittered letter and addreee, W. J. MITCHELL, Publisher News-Reoord QLINTON, ONTARIO Clinton( News -Record CLINTON,; - ONTARIO Terms of subscription -$1 per year, In advance; $1.50 may be charged if not so paid. No paper discon- tinued until all arrears aro paid, unless at the option of the pub. Bihar. The date to which every subscription is paid is denoted on the label. Advertising Rates - Tranei est ad. rertisements, 10 cents per non- pareil •line for first insertion and 4 cents per line for each subse. quent insertion, Small advertise. nlents not to exceed one, inch, inch as ,"Lost,'t "Strayed,' or "Stolen," etc., inserted once for 85 cents, and each subsequent M. ' eertion 10 cents. Communleations intended ?or pub. lication must, as a guarantee of gold faith, be accompanied by the name of the writer. W,. J. MITCHELL, Editor And Proprietor,, FORTHE& KIDNEYS` Why They're Used .1!,$ Mrs. Ripley, of Williamsfield East, say, " Ilefore I had taken Gin Pills, I stift('red dreadfully with my back and had suffered for twenty years. I liltve tried everything but got no relief until I took Giu`Pills. :I am now 48 and feel as well as I' ever did in my life. There . is nothing that''can bold a place with Gin Pills for Pain in the Back, to which women are 'subject," Gin Pills' are doe. the box or 6 boxes for tette at any drug store,' If yon want to try Gin Pills write for free sample tb the 2I National:Drug &,Chemical Co. of Canada -Limited, Toronto. "THESE HANDS CLEAN," • ASSERTS THE KAISER The Kaiser Sends Characteristic Mes sage to Bavarian. King. A despatch from Berlin says: Re plying to a. message• of birthday con gratulations, -;from Icing Ludwig o Bavaria, Emperor William sent the following telegram: "Receive my heartiest thanks for your friendly congratulations on my birthday. Trusting in God, in the will of our heroic troops to win the.vic- tory, and the spirit of self-sacrifice of the entire .German people, we can look forward with confidence -to a victori- ous end of the bloodiest struggle of all times. All hostile assaults will break to pieces upon the power` Of a clean conscience, with which Germany, to- gether, with her faithful allies, is wag- ing war for the .existence of honor and liberty." Wealthy Russians are buried' in glass coffins. Elderly Lady (to workman who has given her his seat in the train) -"Oh, thank you very much." Workman - "Oh, that's nothing at all, miss. Many men get up when the lady is pretty, but it never makes any difference to me." WANTED NOW RELIABLE' SALESMAN TO ACT AS AGENT IN HURON COUNTY. PAY WEEKLY. Outfit free, exclusive territory and moneY slaking specialties. Our agencies are the best in the busi- ness for we sell the highest grade of stock at most reasonable prices and guarantee deliveries in first class condition. Nursery stock is selling well this year and good money can be made in this dis- trict. 1'or particulars write Sales Manager, PELHAM NURSERY CO. Toronto, - - Ontarle, Jp '.` 11011 .,:emirs -TIME 4TABLE.-. 11 - Trains will arrive at and depart from Clinton Station as follows: BUFFALO AND GODERICH DIV. Going East, depart 7.33 a.m. o 8.03 p.m. " o " 5.15 p.m. Going West, ar. 11.00, dp. 11,07 a.m, " " depart 1.35 pm. " ar 6.32, dp. 6.45 " " Pp., departs 11.18 p.m, LONDON, FIURON & BRUCE DIV. Going South, ar. 7.33, dp. 8.05 p.m. " departs 4.15 p.m. i1 Going North, ar. 10.30, dp. 11.00 a.m. " " departs 6.40 p.m. ° a ti.l a t a in a la e1 di C m 0 w th 01 ye ex u1 ex be tit th to tib ov co he fr th wh on th t' sp po to to sh era thr No tEs AND COMMENTS While our troops are fighting like the heroes of classic ages, -want, ie growing acute at home.. We jeer- ed at the blockade, blit to -day we laugh no longer. The sinister aspect, of things certainly provides no Food" for laughter.-Fra•nlfftlrtee 7oftung. There tras been a noticeable weak- ening of official denials that a short- age of 'food;existed in Germany. It was said that there was food enough, but that distribution was faulty, Now the statement is made that prices are being raised in order to enforce'econ- omy, a ,crilel and, incredible .interpre- tation of events., But beyond official utterances, in the. journals which come to =this country some indication of the 'true crisis .i'$ • seen. The Maiigeburger Zeitung, the pa- per elected above, Zekunft, Vorwaerts and the' journals of. every metropoli, tan centre,.confirin;the troth that the situation at home' is so grave that.it invalidates= the extraordinary suc- cesses of: German: arms' in the field. Further it is reported that "prices are .much higher iii Hungary than in Germany," and the • Leipzig Volcs- zeitung ..protests. the v'eality of Eng- land's blockade and asserts. that the Government does .not protect civil. ians.from 'speculators. Two things may be remarked in this connection,., One is that the Gov- ernment, ob.iouely working for a decisive victory, is giging'every atom of food energy to the soldiers of its own and allied armies, and.' that such a situation, even on a small scale, roust work- hardship for civilians. The, second is that Germany's dependents in active service are so many, are ducscattered aver. so wide and so unpro- the bio an arshe even withoutesseThe Fashions the blockade she would be pkgssed beyond endurance to maintain a war • of attrition against her enemies. 'She must win : decisively in the field, or i Without a Country i'GING .Nlcj x.'..e ., of Montenegro, tile tlilot monarclq privet !roil' his capital by tke lint invaders, she will lose in the famine camps. We must not wonder that Germany beats so persistently, even if so inef- fectually, against the walls of her cage. We must not be hurt that Germany is bitter against us. She is starving. We shall win this war one day, most credit will go, as usual, to th who are in at the finish. But when assign the glory and praise let not forget those who stood up to first rush. The new armies wh for many months have poured ace the English Channel will bring victory in the end. Let us bate heads, then, in, all reverence to 1 Novelties on Spring Counters. Even the most skeptical among us must be thrilled and interested by the attractive novelties Fashion is now placing on her spring counters, and in her spring shops. For in- stance there are the quaint bonnets which are being displayed at the mo- ment in our millinery departments, and as a logical sequence of the modish ose we us the ich oss 115 our the memory of those battered, decimat indomitable legions which saved from utter extinction at the be Hing. THE EXTRAORDINARY CROPS Should Be No Let-up in Caned Faris Output. gathered and flaring skirts. Fluttering• about one of these bon- nets, a fascinating creation of garnet braid and white -gardenias, in one of our smart shops the Other afternoon, was a quaintly smart little person, dressed all in gray. She wore one of the new faille suits, made with a rather close fitting coat, flaring wide - ed, ly at the lower edge, combined with its the most modern of old-fashioned gilt- skirts. It was •t .veritable "pull- back," having all of the.: fulness drawn to the back and held by a tape • fastened at the side seams -fitting as smoothly and plainly across the a's front as the narrowest of skirts did some seasons hack. From belt to 0 _ hens in back, the skirt was stiffened with haircloth, causing the fulness to all in several outstanding folds. At the involuntary upward and down- ward glance site induced, one expect- ed to see -a pair of extremely high French heels on silver -buckled slip: cis, or a high -crowned, flower -trim - ed chapeau. As the small person continued on el' way from counter to counter, the kirt swung in true,. hoop -skirt The Government estimate of 480 000,000 as the value of Canadian fi crops for 1915 coincides with indep dent business estimates. The total so much in excess of, the best previo output by Canadian farmer's Ili upon. the first statement it might re sonably be regarded as exaggerat It is indeed remarkable that in o year the value of the field cr could be increased from about $55 000,000 to 3800,000,000, an increase about 45 per cent., notwithstanding rt reat decline in prices. The extraor- inary yields per acre for grain in he West contributed the chief part 1 the great surplus, but another im- ortant factor was the increase in creage as 0. result of the war and of the special campaign on production onducted last Winter. The result of sat campaign may be summed up n the figures, rvluch show that the dditional wheat acreage was about wo mil'• - 1 and the average yield bout 28 , 1011015 to the • stere. The ampaign therefore led directly or directly, to an increased output of bout 50,000,000 bushels. If it was important for Canada st year to have large increases in -ops, it is equally so this year. The ecovery in business has tended to street public attention from the tops question. For the payment of amide's large war commitments we est have steady progress in output, Ile weather is, of course, beyond ntrol, and it has a powerful say in hat the harvest shall be, but even if e extraordinary yields of last year •e not again attained Tor several ars the ar04 planted should go on pendieg. Are, steps being taken to 'ge another special year of c1'0p- pension? If not, they ought to The exceptional returns from e yield now being marketed ought of emselves'to be ii sufficient incentive larger production. But a consider - le part of the Canadian army now erseas and in training at home nsists of farmers' sons and - farm 11). Withdrawal 02 effective labor om the farms may tend to diminish e area under cultivation. Fanners o have done retnarkably well in e ,year do net al VS come back to sir cropping with equal. vigor. They Ike it a little easier." Under the ecial circumstances of Canada's sition as a belligerent, there ought be Pei let-up in Government efforts -develop our farm output, ;for we till need very large crops for sev- 1 years • to pull us triuln.phatltly ough the world's fnauciel crisis. Promised' to Carl. Aurelia (anxiously) -")=lave you seen George this evening,' papa ? IIe promised to call." Papa -"Yes; he diel call, and 'I en- tertainned hint for an hour before yeti came downstairs," Aurelia-01'6u entertained frits, papa?" Papa -"Yes. I gave him a• list of a]'1 the new dresses you had Last ,year, and the cost of each. I never saw a mail.mor0 intet'ested, yet Inc left .very • hurriedly," . Lions and tigers are too weak 1» lung ,power to run more than half a nine. eld en- is us a at ed. P ne m Cps It 0,- of s The 1VIEKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company Head once, Sea forth, Ont, DI1(ECTORY Officers; J. B. McLean, Seaforth, President; J, Con. Holly, Oedermoli, Vice -President; Thos E, Hays. Seatorth, Sec.-Treas. Directors: D. F. McGregor, Seatorth;-J, 0. Grieve. Winthrop; Wm, Rip p. sea. forth; John Benneweis, Dublin: J. Evans, Beachwood; A. McEwen, Brucefield: J. 13, McLean,- Seuforth; J. Connolly, Goderich; Robert. Ferris, Barlook, Agents: Ed. Hlnchley, Semforth; w Chesney, Egmondville: J, W, Yeo, Holmae vlllo;. Alex Leitch, Clinton; It, S. am, moth, Brodlingen, Any money to be paid he may bo paid to Harrah Clothing Co., Clinton, or at Catt'e Grocery, Goderlch. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact othoc business will be Promptly attended to on applicationto any of the above officers sddreseod to their respect. Ile Post -offices, Losses -Inspected by the director who lives nearest the scene,_` THE CHILDREN OF TO -DAY just as they are -in their in- door play,'or at their outdoor play they are constantly of - tering temptations for the KODAK Let it keep them for you as they are now. Let it klep many other hap. penings' that are a source of gleaeure to you.. BROWNIES, $2 TO MI BODAKS, $7 TO 25. • 1 Also full stook of .Films and. Supplies, We do Developing and Printing. Remember the place: THE REX LL•STORE House Coat of Cotton Corduroy. fashion, which it must be admitted was quite fascinating. l'lte Annual Sale of White. At this season of the year, of C011135, one expects to find the shops veritable bowers of white; to .find the most laseinatun' 01: cottons, suggest- ed for summer I timet I`rocls, and to be chained by the airy blouses, parasols; anti other ar tides designed, as it seems, for Wear in Fairyland itself,' The white sale this year is consider•- ebly .mixed with pink and the other' soft tones which have been gradually coming into favor for underwear: the last few seasons. There are the damn- tiest possible combinations, chemises, camisoles, and the Numerous other underfittings which go so far toward the success of .frock or suit. Silk mell, and other soft cottons vie for :favor with the more -expensive Ital- ian silk, All, of these sillts slid cot. tons wash excellently and require no ironing, While the sills garrnents are at first a trifle expensive for the ma- jority or purses, in the end they aro economical; they fit,se well, wear se well and are 1 generally entirely sat isfactory.... CET RID OF HUMORS The Vogue of White, r AND AVOID DISEASE White will be quite as modish fo skirt, Sgit,nnd flock'this season as i, has been for the past summer or two Serge 'gabardine. and broadcloth a1 smart for those who can afford mor than one white frock or suit, but fo the practical woman cotton corduroy in its various 'cords will be fai- mor practical; it may be easily and ef tubbed when Boiled. These corduroys come in the pale. pinks blues, yellows, and similar tones for separate skirts, suits and sport coats or blouses, _ Ainong the season's novelties,•is the house coat; it closely resembles the sport coat or blouse, and'Could in fact be used for the same Purposes but it hoe been designed for house wear, to 'take the place, as it were, of the kimono, with the woman who does not care .for, or who has'not.the time to, indulge in, the luxury of so' com- plete a negligee as a kimono, or sim- ilar loose -fitting house robe. These are being developed in the colored cotton corduroys, and in like corded cottons. They are finished with wide collars, deep, roomy pockets, and are loosely belted. Combined with. skirts of white linen, duck, khaki, or cotton corduroy, they are excellently suited to morning wear and the house. Popularityof the Jumper. The jumper dress or blouse is, one of the most satisfactory notions in- troduced for many seasons; instead of losing favor because of its general popularity, it is, on the contrary, be- coming daily more in demand. For business, street, and general daytime Humors in the blood cause inter. t3 nal derangements that affect the e wholeand system,othereruptias wellons. asThey pimples, ct r boils affe all the organs and funetielis, meta- e lranes and tissues, and are directly f r sponsible people foie thcontracte readiness disease, with ; which some li er folly years Hood's Sarsaparilla ' has been ,more successful than any other medicine in expelling humors LI and removing •their,inward and out. ward effects. It is disL.tu nished for its thoroughness in Snuff -in 1 1 g the e blood which it enriehes 'and inviger- ates. Np oiber medicine acts lose it, for no other -medicine is Molt. Get flood's Sarsaparilla today, Insist on baring Hood's: with, sleeves of a transparent or. 007- trasting material are still being worn for afternoons and more dressy occa- sions, combined with skirts or taffeta, faille or satin. Patterns can be obtained 'at your local McCall dealer, or from The McCall Company, Department "W," 70 Bond St., Toronto, Ontario. 65Y9-683 Jumper Dress of Serge. wear, the dark blue serge, jumper PRESID'L'NT WILSON GIVES GERMANY ANOTHER CHANCE The New York W- orld, under an, eight -column head on Friday morning prints the following despatch from Washington:- -"President Wilson has given Ger- many until Feb. 5 to state frankly to this Government whether it intends to disavow the attackuponthe Lusitania with the resulting loss of 115 Ameri- can lives. "It is impossible to state what the President will do if the Kaiser fails to sleet the demands within the pre- scribed time, The World has been ad- ,vised that he has decided upon a course that will be final, but it is unknown to any except himself and - Secretary Lansing, and neither will disclose the next move." PREVENTS DESTRUCTION OF 'SHIPS FROM MINES New Ltvention Offered to the British Admiralty. A despatch from Copenhagen says: An apparatus which, it is claimed, will revent the destruction of ships by orpedoes or mines has been invented y Frantz Poulsen, engineer. The de - ails are withheld, but the principal eature is said to be a device for di- erting the `pressure on ships' sides f the air masses formed by the ex - lesion. The invention has been ffered to the British .Admiralty, hich has promised to test it at the tlrliest possible time. ' A .REAL SNOWSTORM. ort William Street and Steam Rail- way Schedules Are Suffering. A despatch from Fort 'William ays: Not for seventeen years has ort William been snowbound to the xteut it is now. Over four feet of ow have fallen since Christmas and e big storm of Thursday has .de- oralized all street railway and steam ad schedules. The streets of the ty are lilce canyons, huge piles of low as high as 'the head of a tall an being piled on each side. C.P.R. ain No. 2 from Winnipeg for To- nto arrived at 10 o'clock Friday orn]ng, twelve hours late, and haul- by five engines., And lots of singers would never get a hearing if they were not members of a volunteer church choir. f v 0 P 0 e F sl' th m ro ci rock combined with an tmderblouse 51 of crepe de Chine, Georgette, or black tr• satin, is most satisfactory. The fact ro m ed that the mnderblouse may be changed, and the frock so varied, stakes its ap- peal to women who like a change now and then, but who cannot afford a great number of frocks. Satin or taffeta blouses or ;jumpers, • ONLY ONE KIND OF VICTORY SMASHING AND HUE MG Wearing Down by Attrition Too Long and Pressure is Being Applied, Declares Lloyd George A despatch from London says: Lr the course of an interview on Friday Lloyd George, when asked if he thought the war would end in a dead- lock, said that such a thing must a not he thought of for a moment. "It may take a long time,£' Ire said, "but we must crack the nut 0sfo.re we get at the kernel. Wearing down th;1 outside by attrition is too long, and would not be a smashing, pt11t : n,; victory-. Pressure on the c, -1-f,' in be- coming greater. They are r: •:lily; their frontiers temporarily, u a:•a becoming, weaker w t rn:l sc,Se, ,and the pro-es:l-et 81111('('t'. will squeeze them more and PROOF OF GREEK KING'S D CE X41 IN POSSESSION OF THE ALIII A Rome Despatch flints That Greek King Iia Arrested 'and Conveyed to France A despatch ft'om Ronte says: The allies, who are practically preventing navigation of Greek shipping, and thus have stopped Austro -German. subnarinc warfare in the Mediter- ranean, have secured convincing evi- deuce to the effect that the Greek King has favored in every possible way the operation of Austrian and German submarines, which were based at Corfu prior to the French oceupa, tion, and still are based et other Greek islands. Submarine' .are also sliitl to be based on the seaside of ,Constantine's villa in Athens, where gasoline is segues- toted. • All of this is part of the evi- dence in the allies' hands, showing the Hellenic ruler's complicity with the central powers. Undoubtedly this evi-' dente will be sensationally divulged at the opportune moment, and it is bound lc have the climax in the Greek situation looked for in the immediate future, The Ilenteal diplomat who on Fri da f 9 R Y ore it Bowed an involuntary y tri - ' z P by King Constantine to France added' that he had reason to believe that th exile of the Montenegrin King and his family was not self -chosen, but had been decided upon by the allies beyj cause of Austrian threats to haws,' King Nicholas executed, .ice "No more headache for you ---take these'° Don't just 'mother" the headache without removing the cause. .5 Take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They not only euro the headache but give you a buoyant, healthful feeling because they tone the livor, sweeten the stomach and cleanse the bowels. Try them. All iAlI, 2or by aailCBAMBER MEDICINE EN 60 Toronto, Ont. 10 ..,,,a: