The Clinton News Record, 1916-01-27, Page 6Clinton News -Record January ,27th, 1916 Bagfield r l At the annual meeting o Ba' he t Bay- field :'agricultural Society held 00 Wednesday of last week de Reports presented wore of a gratifying nature n and the management is enco raged to go ahead as heretofore and put on. a .Fair that is a credit to Bayfield and the surrounding townships, The members placed on record their very sincere regret at the departure from this life Of the gentleman, Mr. E.•t.Snowden,, who presided over the b'ait's , destinies for sever- al years and in such a manner as to do credit to himself and win ilncreas- ed patronage -for the Bayfield 'Agri cultural Society. Mr. D. 13. McNaughton was ',sleeted president. , He is a long time-mem- ber ime member of the Society and• rias always actively interested bimself in its wel- fare. There- will be no slowing down with the B.A.S. with Mrs MCNaugh- tint at its head. Mr. J. W. Reid, is the first vice president and will be a good one for nn member of the Society. labors More disinterestedly than does• the worthy first vice. . 'Dr, Woods is the second vice presi- dent again. He has been , at the head, but is content to labor in ,any capacity and the third time looks like a life job for•him. Bayfield and dis- trict have no :more loyal citizen_ than Dr. Woods, no one who will do more for their good and welfare. Mr. y. A. Edwards is treasurer for yet another year and this ton looks like another lite job, such perfect satisfaction does. Mr. Edwards give. The Society's business is not so great that the treasurer ha,11d}ea ,up into .the thousands_,y_y,uL" An,Pd- wards Aye? to the business just the ..ge'(ISe careful attention as if it did, so that the .auditing of his books is somewhat of a seperunierary job. Mr. A. 11, Erwin continues to be secretary. Don't see how he could he much improved on for in , addi- tion to having the desire -to please and satisfy those who patronize the hair, as a •Bayfield born he is ex- ceedingly anxious that llayleld's in- stitutions should be successful, Mr. Erwin has the double post this y:ar of grace, that is he is reeve of the village in addition to being secretary of the agricultural society. Messrs. 'Phomas Cameron and John 'Falconer, old standbys of the so- diet3, were re -appointed auditors. The post is not a heavy one, but they perform the duties pertaining thereto just as religiously as if it were and no one will be able to say now or hereafter that they did not scrutinize every voucher, etc., etc., pertaining to the year's business. The directors are : George Cope- land, R. McMurray, Samuel Huston, W. J. Stewart, W. J. Stinson, E. H. Wise, FL Talbot, 13, R. Higgins, John Bothwell, George A. Cooper, Milton Woods, John McClure, John McKinley,• Lewis Anderson. Messrs. George and Orval Weston left on Tuesday for Detroit: Mr. A, E. Erwin, reeve, is attend- ing county, council atGodesich this week, Bagfield 1 l[ ru,i returned las' week 111. Wes, e e t after a visit to friends' at lamira. Mrs, Alexander Fraser' and son, Donald Fraser, of Strassbcrry, Sask., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs; John, Fraser. The an,ttai meeting g of the, Bayfield cemetery company was held on Sat- urday afternoon last when the fol-' lowing Officers were elected for ,the ensuing year puesident, Jas. Thom- son ; vice, James C'ampbell; Sec- treasurer, A. E. Erwin Directors, Messrs, John lbfeNaughton, Thomas Brovnett, John McDonald, Robert Hanley and C. B. Middleton, Rev. J. E. Jones will exchange pul- pits with Rev., 5'. J. Arlin of Clin- ton on Sunday mixt when the latter will occupy this pulpit at 7 pin). Rev. 11Ir. Collins of Exeter will oo- CUpy the pulpit of Trinity church next Sunday evening at 7 p. Mr. William Ferguson. and wife and f>,mily, returned to their home in the village this week after an ;absence of several months, Mr. Edward Reid attended ,the Nau- tical school at Toronto whore he was successful in passing his examination and taking out his 'captain's papers. Miss Feaa. AIc'Pherson of holey, Al- ta„ ds tbo guest of Mrs. M Darrahs Mr. JadUi •Stargeot was in 'Flani- ilton last Week' on business. An error was made , last week in stating that Dr. Woods attended the sleeting in Clinton' for the purpose of organizing the Huron ( nty,„r r' Auxiliary, but the ,Only heason '.ha wasn't was because of illness for, there is no more ardent Britisher the world over than our worthy medico. Anything•. to help the cause of, the Empire, War Auxiliary or any other organization, hes. Isis hearty support. A Good Resolution: I will pay nay subscription to The News -Record in advance, 'Clie Agricultural Society purPoses: putting on a concert for patriotic purposes at a future date not yet decided aper. Holmesville ir. J. bond is again able to be up and about after his illness, McKillop Township. (Intended for last, week.) Airs. Cr. Munn, who had an opera- tion performed, is still poorly. 'Henry Kelbert is in the hospital at Berlin where he underwent a serious operation a few :days ago. Michael Johnston is very low with but slight hopes of recovery. Mrs. Ruth Irvine of Blanshard has knitted ninety pairs of socks for the soldiers since the war began. She will soon be ninety-one years of age. The lady referred to is the mother of Reeve Irvine of Blauskard and of J. J. Irvine, J.P., McKillop. She was born lis Ireland and her whole fam- ily connection is intensely loyal and 11e Empire. devoted to t h pire. Big Bargains For Everybody. c oda Co. PLIONE 78. 25 to 51) lierceut, of nil goods advertised. 3rd Week of the Big January Sale There are lots of bargains for everybody. Be sure and come to this sale Saturday. Deeper cuts in many. lines as we do not want to carry this stock to next season. Suits Coats Furs 1=2 Price i1-2 Prce p i 25 .c . off Ladies' -Cloth Skirts $1, 1 dozen only cloth striae, sizes 22, 23, 24 only, mostly tweeds, values up to $4 00 for 51.00 Ladies' Lawn Waists 79c 2 dozen lawn and tailored waists, sizes34, 80 and 38, values up to $3,00 for 79 Soiled Waists•39c, 1 dozen only soiled waists, sizes 34, 36 and 38, regular $1.51) for - 39 Nett Waists $1.00. 2 dozen ladies' cream and black nett waists, silk lined, siz- es 34, 36 and 38 regular $4.00 for .,...$1.00 Flannelette Blankets $1.59, Just 1 dozen pairs left, Large size, blue border, regular $1.75 for $1.59 Laces 7c a Yard. 500 yards laces 4 and 5 incbes wide, regular 10,12x.}, 15 and 20c for ... ...............07 ayard Ladies' Toques 49c. 1 dozen 'toques, ;assorted ool- ors, regular 75 and 85e for, .49 Black Moire Underskirts. • $1,09, 3 dozen black underskirts, all sizes, would be good value at $1,75, sale price ,,......$1.09. House Dresses 79c. 2 dozen ladies' house dresses, good washing print, sizes 34 and 30 only, regular $1,25 and 150 for 79 Wool Hose 25c a Pair. 5 dozen pair hose, most all sizes, very special 25 Gingham 11c. Still a few yards gingham left,' blue and white, and brown and white stripe, regular 15c for .11 a yard Embroideries 1 Price. 200 yards good embroidery ill regular price, Children's rogues 19c, 1 dram toques, light blue and navy, regular 35e for 19 Ladies' Dresses 1 Price. • Your choice of any silk or cloth dress ?, price. Ladies' Collars 19c. 2 dozen ladies' coliare, values up to 50e for .19. See these in show case, Come early for Best Choice. Now is the trine. to save money, Similar reductions in other goods. Holmesville A large number of the members of . St. John's church gathered at line home of ;Mr.' and 1Vlrs, )'red Forts on Friday evening last and presented the latter with a beautiful silver tea set in recognition of her valuable ser- vides as organist of the church. Rev.. W. 13. Moulton, in a few well chosen words, expressed the appreciation of the Teeple .of.. St. John's for the •or ganis.t's iu,tiria,g devotion to ,duty and naked her to accept the accom- panin'g gift 'as:aslight -.tangible token of that appeeiation, and Mise Stur- dylmnhade tile presentation, Mrs. Ford was completely taken b3 surprise,bu1 managed to Sind words to express. her : thanks tor then hind sentiments and jelso for the beautiful gift.' •Af ter th( presentationSur, •very' happy e\'ening 1,005 spent• in, games, music and social chat. Airs, `Wail. AIulholiami retainecj'5at-- Imlay_ after' a visit of ::some. Weeks' in Chicago. Although • haat ing enjoyed her holiday 8110.18 glad' to be • home agaii and,nseeting ilio'familiar faces amnia, about: ' Mr-;•;;1Tulholland'Was in London for a (lav recently. 'rhe' meetings of the 1 a,tid'er's In- stitutc were held on Tuesday after- noon in Elolnhesville. The addresses given wore practical and interesting. Miss Powell of Whitby came in: the interests of the Women's Institu but as the. Holi�re g,ti::_h'anch "01 431)0 !atitrrr nes during the past year been merged into the patriotic Society ar- rangements could not be made for a meeting, but Miss Powell spoke is the Men's meeting. The League on Wednesday evening last debated the ,following lite suit the following, live subject : "Resolved -That conscription is a better nae- thod of recruiting than the voluntary system." 'Che affirmative was taken ject "Resolved -'Chat conscription is a better Method of recruiting that the voluntary system." Tlieaffirma- tive was taken by Messrs. N. W. Tre- wartha and Lents Yeo, the negative by Messrs. J. Swantz and George 000th, The subject was well han.11ed by both sides, The judges after con- siderable deliberation awarded the de- cision to the alfrrnative by two points. ' Messrs. S. Sturdy, G. Ach- eson and Rev, R. J. McC'ornick ad- o as judges, Goderich' Township Mr, and srrs. Fred. Leonard cele- brated the twentieth anniversary of their marriage on Friday last. They were at home in the evening to a cou- ple of dozen or so of friends, when a most, enjoyable time was spent, The host and hostess were recipients of many handsome gifts, testifying • to the high esteem in which they arc held by their neighbors and friends. Elis. Frank Adapts and Mr. George Keil of )Brantford were present for the festive occasion., Air. and Mrs. i,eonard have the good wishes f all for an' 1 app ns s o many more h. 113 r arm eu5ares, Varna. (Intended fur last \v'eelc•) The patriotic concert given in the town hall last Friday evening \\1s largely attended. ' The proceeds. amounted to $76. Miss Snlale of Stafta, who has been visiting Miss Flossie Stephenson, has returned home. Mr. Chas. Stelck visited his broth- er neat 1Jillsgreeo one day last week. Death of a Former Sauble Line Resident. The subject of the following obi- tuary notice which was taken. from the McHenry (N.D.) Tribune, was an old-time resident of the Sauble Line, Stanley, and the eldest sister of Airs. John Ferguson, Mrs. John Big- gart and Sir. John Falconer of }Saylield and Mrs. Mary Simons of Goderich : "On Sunday morning at an early hour occurred the death of Firs. Margaret Nicoii, mother 0f out towns x man John Nicoll. coll. ' "Grandma" Nicoll, as she was lovingly known by all in this vicin- ity, was seemingly well and enjoyed the Christmas festivities with much pleasure. The clay after, however, she was suffering with a slight cold, which would not respond to treat- ment, and within a few days it was seen by those who were with her, that she would not' recover. Two sons were stunmoned and they with John were at the ..bedside of the dear old mother, as the death dew gathered on her brow. A daughter living hi Washington was unable to be here. Other relatives, heartbrok- enly ,watched by her side, for Grand- ma was much to her children and grand -children, and to all who were intimately acquainted with 'hes. Margaret Falconer was, horn in Scotland on January 27th, 1838, and died at ,the age of 82 years, 11 months and 6 days.. When, but a child she , came with her parents to Canada, settling in Stanley. Township, 4-Iuron County, Ontario, where in 1853 she was unit- ed in marriage to John Nicoll, to which union six children were born, four of whom are still living, With her husband and children she carte to North Dakota in 1883. Her. hus- band preceded her to the Great Be- yond seven years ago in June. Five years prior to his death, they • took up their residence with John, and her home has. since been with hint. Her's was a long life of :service and unselfishness and when the sum- mons cause, she was ready and will- ing to enter into the Joy of her Lord. Fulheral services were held on. Tues- day morning at eleven o'clock at the Congregational church, Rev. T. War- ren officiating. The church was fulled with sorrowing -friends, many of Within were from out of ,town. Both the hanks closed for an hero: during the funeral service, showing their esteem and respect. Varna Mr. 13. R. Higgins of Pri c efeh conducted the services in the Pres- byterian .church last Sunday morn- ing, the pastor, lIcv, Mr. Johnston, being gt 'Toronto. • Mr. Lee 114cC'mn,ell, who has been visiting friends around "Zurich, has returned home. A Good Clerk Who., Will Retire: Mr. N. W. Trewartha. Mr. N. W. Trewartha bus intifnat- el, he dill .so at : the nomination meeting and Inas so'sail since, that this is his last year of service as municipal clerk of . Goderich town- ship. He has not grown weary nor is he 'discontented with the pay,- but his personal business interests have so .increased that after 1916 it will not he possible for. him to give to the duties of clerk the titre they re- quire. Mr. Trewartha's ability and geniality have made hint a model,. popular and appreciated municipal et - fiber whose .services the ratepayers will be sorry to lose. Brucefield. The many friends of Mr. Edgar Pat- tison, late station agent here, will be pleased to hear of his progress. He was -promoted to Corporal • on January 17th, and is serving with C. Company, in the 71st Battalion and is stationed at Galt. • Blgth Mr, Frank Richardson, father of Mrs. Join Cunning of Morris, had his leg amputated recently for gangrene. At last reports was doing well as could be expected. Ile is in this sev- enty-sixth year. • Mr, John Barr was up Mesta Owen Sound last week, Miss Gertrude Louise tihith of East Wawanosh, and Ali. Wni, John Som- ers of the same township wore mar- ried in the Methodist church on Tues- day of last- week. After a wedding journey they will reside on the grornnt'5 farm in East Wawanosh. ASSISTANCE W.i1.L 111 GIVEN BY 7'lli: DOMINION DEPARTMENT Ol' ACIRICULTURE Fob IBRi;EI)TN(i PURPOSES. �I.the bier' drain Upon \l Ul l 1 Owing' it to 5 0,1 tl e 6l live stock of the various warring countries of 1 urope, they have been forced to go abroad for supplies. The longer the war lasts the greater will be this demand. Moreover, when peace 15 restored, these .coun- tries will require large numbers of the various classes of animals tore- plenish their studs, herds and flocks. It should be borne in mind, however, that the 'buyers, who cone "to :this country atter the war, will require bettor: animals than have been bought daring war time, as they will ho us- ed largely for breeding purposes. With this end in view, the best of the females and particularly the young stock should be kept for breeding purposes. Breeders should o not fail 43 raise all the live stock possible at this time, in order that the country niay be able to supply a •large number of the animals that are certain to be needed try the warring countries. At present, how- ever, there is an unequal distribution of livestock in the country. To cer- tain sections there is a heavy sur- plus, with a corresponding scarcity in other parts. During the past year hundreds of young cattle froth. our Prairie Provinces have gone to the United States as stockers and feeders. 'l'ltese should have been kept at borne, particularly. the femal- es. Sections of the west . ate re- ported as being in need of good draft horses, particularly draft mares ; while, in sections of Ontario, there is an over supply of this particular class. In oiler to remedy these condi- tions, the Minister of Agriculture, througih the Live Stock Branch, has decided to grant liberal aid to breeders who wish to secure good breeding stock. The 'conditions un- der which aid will be given are as follows : in the event of a number of farm- ers in any district of Canada wish- ing to co-operate for the purchase of breeding stock hi -carload lots from sone distant section of the country, the Department will pay the travell- ing expenses of their duly appointed representative during the time ..re- quired to effect the purchase and transport the shipment to its des- tinatiot.. Should it he desired, • the Live Stock Commissioner, will nominate a suitable person who will be directed to accompany this' representative and assist hire as far as possible in buy- ing and shipping the animals. Persons wishing to .take advan- tage of this offer should' make full arrangements with the Live Stock Commissioner asto place and time of purchase before sending ottt their representative. MEN OFTHE 1.1ST The following, have enlisted with the Hilst Battalion since ce the =previ- ous roll call by The News -Record. • EN.LISTEJ) AT 011I30(05: H. Fremlin, borax to Clinton. 11 G'orrester, born do Clinton. P. Lockwood born in Clinton. William (•Grant, horn in'Clinton. G. E. i+, Carter, born in Clinton. Cecil W. Cooper, born in Clinton. Wm, 'P. Herman, born in . Clinton. Alex. G. McIntyre, born in Clinton. Mansfield S; Cbok, born in Clinton: Francis W. Andrews, born in Clii1- ton.,,`. Alexander Stewart Scott, born in Clinton, h rnest R. Thetford, horn in (lin- ' W. Steep, born , in Clin- ton. I-Iaitley.J. 1\fanaghan, born in Clin- ton. 1I. M. Dexter, <born in :Hullett. J. 'A. Seeley, Born at Gloucester;" England. Norman W. Miner, born in Goder- ich township, Neil C$, McDougall; bort in Goder- ich township. Fl iixdu�,i 1= lti it > asci 1 .- n Wawanosh. William Snell, born at Aranac, Mich. J. Walter Minor, born at Kippen. Joshua Snell, born in East Wa- wanosh, S. .1, Snell, born at Blytli. J. A. Farrant, born, in London,, Eng. H. W. Martin, born in G•oderichr Elinor Ross, born in Kincardine, Samuel D. Grant, born at, Meeiut, West Indies, (Band Sergt.) John Cramer,' born in Carberry, Man. W. McArthur, horn at Woolieh,, Eng. Bert Furness, born in Toronto. William Percy Beattie, born in C oderich. Harold Reginald Currie, born in Goderich township. Guy Everatt Routley, horn in Kirk - ton, Robert Allen Sihtefair, born at NOW- esta, North Dakota. Edward Gorton Howes, born at Woodstock. J G. Crosleigh, born at Ti"cnton, Ont. George Weber, born in London, Eng, E. Zembel, born at Crernowo, G reece. Edgar 0, Lovett, born at I'orts- mouth, Eng. Frank S. MOM, born in KM. - ton, Samuel F. Newcombe, born in Devonshire, England. 13. Mundy, born in Oxford County. Wm. Percy Beattie, born in Coder- 1011. Cleo, Wicks, born in London, Eng- land. Thos, Lloyd Rivers, transferred from nth B'att." G. Panter, born at ntitltampton, Virg. II. R. Stoddart, bort. in Chicago. I?NLISTED AT GOD['iRICII. Herbert Henry Palmer, born at Es- sington, Stalrordsh)rr, Eng. Janes Vincent Kill'', born at Bir- mingham, Eng. W. L. '\anstone, born at Goderich, G. W. Brazier, bora in England, George C ockfiold, horn in Yorkshire Eng. Geo. Wilfrid Stokes, born in Sea - forth. Robt, Ervine, born in Goderich. Ernest Fraser, born in Devonshire, England. Frank ,Jardine, horn in Goderich, Alfred Osman, ho:n in London, Eng. R. M. Black, born in Goderich. J, Mumford, born in Colborne 'rp. W. II. McGrattan, horn at Goder- ich. Gee. 14. Jardine, bora: in Goderich, Geo. A. McDonald, born at Goder- doh. Herbert K. Newton, born at New- castle, Eng, ' Lumley, born atMiddlesex. II. AT. Young, horn in Seaforth, Isaac Hetherington, born at Shep- pardton. Harold R. Currie, horn in Goder- ich township. • H. H. Palmer, born at Essington, Eng. Benson I.I, Bell, 'born in Goderich township. Wilfrid L. Bel., born at Palmers, Ont. W. C. Letson, born at Clinton. C. C. Littlefield, born in England. P. A., Lymburner, born at O'rims by. W. McLean, born in Goderich. J. K. McLeod, 'born at Goderich. Clair. Anderson, born hi Windham township. C. R. Roberts, born at Goderich. David 111. Balkwell, born in Blen- heim Township. E. A. Lashbrook, born,,,at Ashbury North Devon, England. Albert Harrison Townshend, born in Grey County. J. Glazier, born in Colborne Tp. W. C. Snazel, born in Stratford. J, Weiss, born at Walton. F. H. Doty, born at Toronto. Ernest 1'. O'Brien, born in Ireland, David Gwyn, born in Wales. ENLISTED AT EXETER. Ernest Collingwood, born in Steph- en Tp. Austin A. Rice, bort at Aurora, W. H. Pfaff, born at Dashwood. 131. W. Pfaff, bort at ,Dashwood. Thos. H. Bissett, born at Exeter. A. E. F. Wells, born at Birming- ham, Eng, • Albert S. Bolton, born at 5trat- ford-on-Avon, Eng. Grant A. Hooper, born at Crediton. Thos. 14. I, Wilkinson, born'in Diu- colnshire, Eng. 1 E. 131. Williams,born at Toronto. David G. Appleton, born at Credi- ton. Garnet Rau, born at Crediton. Janes R. Marshall, born ii London. ENLISTED SEAVORTII W. R.hlfell C. born at Croydon, Eng. Wm. McKinley, born at Glasgow,' 5cotlancl: G'reml'in W. Lee, born at Londes-. boFlenu:rn.. y 1':. Pierce, born in Chicago, Ill.- Chas, C'onsigny, born at St. Marys. 'Milldam Hart, bot' in Scotland, William Cliffe, horn ,in )Manchester, Lng. Wm, Harts, born at 'Cowan, , Scot - II. W. Johnston, horn' at White Lake, Ont, Thos. J. Sherritt, born at Blake. .„(.1. A, Johnston, born at Rogerville. R. 7(1. 13urtou, born at Minnedosa, Man. F. G.Elastie, born in -Middlesex: A. 11. Milligan, born at C'liftord, A. R. Mustard, born at Merl{han,. 17, (1. Rankin, born in Port Elgin, J. I1, Ilouhan, boric fn York Tp. E. G. Ryan, 'born in •McKillop. Rollo Elmer Cook, born in the A.. is. Slcinwan, born in Iia 1 1 Hay ", Arthur StanleyHayward, d,horn ab Ilensall 'Richard 11 Shadflock, born at Lon desboro, ENLISTED AT BRUSSELS. 11, 5, 5, Fox, horn at Wroxeter, -R, ie. Cox, born at Ncesewa, Mac. W. G..Oiientiauser, born la Wallace J. h . ,Johnston, h nston , horn in (firer TO, S. Fi, 'rhibedeau, born in Phna'lp. ll, 11, .Shiells, born in Grey Tp, R. M. Sinclair, horn at Brussels: W. C. Bennett, born in. Grey Tp, Fred R. liilison, born in London, r`ng: :['red Haynes, born in London, Eng. Percy Thuoil, born in Blyth. Robt. A. Black, born' at Wroxeter. 'rhos. D.` Savage, born in Grey Tp. Geo. H. 'rhanher, born) in Milver- ton, Nelsen Agar, born in Turnberry„ • J, J. Rowland, born in Mullett, 'P. G, McCracken,' holm at Brussels. T. R. Fiiliso,, born in London, Eng. Fs Flayes, born in 'London, Eng. 5• 1' W Burchell, born at Ridgetown C. A. T-rodgc, born - at Bristol 11.Al Black born at Wroxeter, State of Michigan. C F Neeley,'born at Seaforth.W. C. Bennett, horn in Grey Tp, ' Robt. P. G. Cameron, born in Grey Eng. township. 1'. Dialing, born at Sea- forth. Geo C Champion, born in Past `1433. "'`.4 lnrnv cru: t sve Wray, 63f` --.-' „r.--------.--.,.,... 6" "' "^ a Harry Champion, born in East Wa forth. John Ii. Marshall, horn at Dray- '"anosh. ton. BLYTII. J. F. Hirons, born in Blytli, Ernest Gray, born in Lincolnshire, Eng. Chas. E. )3ronibiey, born' in Hullett Tp. F. Crawford, horn in Hullett Tp. Wm. J. Hamm, born in Mitchell. Geo. A, Flaggitt, born in Blyth. W. S. Rath, born in East Wawan- osh. IiINLISTED' AT WINGHAM. Joseph John Kerr, born in Wing - ham Town -Plot Jas. H. Currie,' born at Wingham. Howard James Currie, born in East Wawanosh, Thos. Todd McDonald, . born at Wingham. Ernest Thompson, bora in West Wawanosh. - _ George D. Stillwell, born in Ham - shire, England. H. W. Powell, born in Ingersoll. C. D. Ross, born at Calumet, Mich. Wm. L JJinscliffe, born in Wingham. Lawrence Kirkham, horn in Hull, Eng. L. E. Cantelon, born in Turtberry Tp. T. F. Galbraith, born at Wingham.,' R. T. Forsythe, born at Brussels. J. 0. McTavish, born in Huron Tp. M. R. Bloomfield, born in Owen Sound. Francis C. Orchard, 'born at War- minster, ling. Frank Johnston, horn in London, Eng. 1+'. L. Carruth, born in Wingham. L. 13. Drummond, born in Wing - ham. .17T. N. Taylor, born in West Wawanosh. Herbert J. Bond, born gat Lytes, Eng. Harold F. Drummond, born at Walkerton. (1. R. A. Ireland, born in Stratford. J. E. Tlotmes, born at Goderich. Wm. P. 11, Fitterly, born at Corn- wall, Ont. T. baiter, bort at Loudon. Walter R. Percy, born in. Kinloss '1'p. Wesley White, born at Cape Croker, Wm. Cr, Adair, born in Turnberry Tp. Fred 0. T. Manuel, born in Wing - tram. ENLISTED AT HENSALL. A. A. Price, born in Fray Tp. - S. E. McArthur, born in Iiensall. 0. Wood, born in Croydon, Eng. 5. W. Dougall, born in 'Osborne Tp. Chas. Henry Canfield, born in Lon- don, 11ag. ' Geo. F. Flandley, born in London, England. William Sangster, born at Stroni- ness, Scotland. P. 'A. Davidson, born in tlgborne Tp• • Cr. Washington, born in Middlewick, Cheshire, Eng, Wm,` G. Harburn, berm at Henan. • Clifford Brintnell, born fn Hibbert Tp. Roy A, Champion, born in East Wa- wanosh.. Stanley Rutledge, born -in Morris township, John Ross McLaughlin, horn , in Brussels. " Benjamin Snider', horn in Ingersoll. Frederick Thuell, born in Morris township. • Joseph C. Thuell, born in Morris township. Mired Wesley Dennison, born in Mc- Killop. Wm. R. Sholdice, born in Bruce Tp. ENLISTED AT WROIETER: Joseph Allen Kelly, born in Man- chester, Eng, one, Ireland. • Robert John Laird, born in Tyr - Wm. E. Raunt, born at Wroxeter. J. C. Ringler, born at Wroxeter, Edward P. Nash, born at Gorrie. J. C. Hoffman, born in FIowick Tp, 0. Roach, born in Ellis Tp. F, E. Watson, born in Yorkshire, Eng. - Frank A. Westlake, born at Wrox- eter. Robs. M. Westlake, born in Turn - berry. Fred, A.. Westlake, born in Turn - berry. Fred Hodge, born at Uftord, Eng. Henry W. Chamberlain, born in 'London, Eng, ' Harry Waller, born at Croydon, Eng. -m>ssas+ uE All the latest pat- riotic songs and mar- ches are 0n sale in our music depart-, menti We have a beauti- ful new Doherty. Pi- ano on which you may try the music or you may have your favorite piece played for. you. Consult us when wanting anything in the Iine of music, A. T. Coop-er CLINTON. "Beant#ul flair" Makes any woman attractive and youthful, and ladies who would make their appearance what they would like it to be should see "Dorenwend's Disp!lau of Fine Hair -Goods" at the Rattenburg House, Clinton on THURSDAY, FEB. iOth Switches,. Braids, Transformations, Pompa- dours, Waves, etc. -the products of Canada's +' oldest and largest hair -goods house. "Bald . Gentlemen" A Dorenwend toupee is an , absolute necessity to the man who is bald. It will protect your health and make you appear years younger. Come and see them on day of visit and have A Free Demonstration.' I,li;,,,'1••... 105 Yonge St. DGREN /E1' D'S >7sS;parks st TORONTO OTTAWA