HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-01-20, Page 8Clinton News -Record. January 20111, 19% Porters Hill Mr. Oliver Potter and his brother; Mr.r. John Potter, visited their sis- ter, Mrs. Cook in Colborne, _ , Mr. ,Jack McClellan is spending a few weeks at his home, Mr Henry Balsam of Cleveland is visiting Ms mother-in-law, Mrs, Mary McClellan, A Good Resolution ; I will pay any aubscriptian to The News -Record in advance, • i Constance Mr, Cl as. 1 11e3?, 'Jr.( is no em- ployed at Windsor.: • The Gun Club held a practise on Saturday afternoongs Miss Maras Snell of hear Clinton spent a day last week as the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Duncan Tudor: Mrs. Fred,. Wakefield fell the other days and sprained her foot... 1 FURNITURE, :.DUGS ' AND- LINOLEUMS We can assist you in selecting your furniture if you are going to furnish your home, or if you only" want some- odd pieces you will find it to your advantage to inspect our stock and see the bargains we ar• giving. We also carry a good llne'of violins, pianos and organs. Our undertaking department is up-to-date in every re-. spectIand we guarantee the beat of satisfaction. JAS. DUNFORD Undertaker and Funeral Director. Night and Sunday calls answered at residence over store. 28 Phone 110 28 Iionseeleaning Sale Its just now Housecleaning Time in this Shoe Store —Our Price Cutting Period. During the present month we shall make deep—very deep 3uts on all Fall and Winter Shoes and do everything we possibly can to close out every Shoe we have on hand, OUR LOSS! YOUR OPPORTUNITY ! There is no investment that can be -;rade that will pay such a handsome dividend as a Shoe investment made here right now! A list of prices will give you but Ja faint idea of our offerings. Come in and see for yourself. You know the sort of shoes we sell— our reputation was establish- ed long ago? ' Save money by buying your shoes right now, FRED. JACKSON The Good .Shoes Store. JANUARY SALE 1 Our annual January Sale commences Saturday, January 8th, Odd lines and broken sizes of good seasonable goods to be cleared at big price reductions. The balance of our ladies' and children's coats and furs at about § price, Don't miss this chance to save money, Plumsteel Bros. Small Profits — Phone 25, — More Business • OUR SPECIALTIES. eeHIMINM Singer Sewing Machines, It is not necessary for ns to say anything ahout the good quality of Singer sewing machines, they have made nn enviable reputation for themselves. 'They are without a doubt the; hest household machine made, It you contemplate buying a machine come and talk it over with us, We will give you thirty nights tree trial and if Ostermoor Mattresses are good mattresses, i not satisfied return to us and get your money back. The price is $15. Domestic Vacuum Cleaners. Every houee should own a Domestic Vacuum Cleaner._They will clean your rngs and carpets thoroughly and if used once or twice a week you will save all your sweeping and dusting. Free trial given. Price $12.50. Columbia Grafonolas. , We invite you to come in and hear our Columbia Grafonolas and you will say they are the;best toned and the most distinct talking nm - chine you have heard. Cone in and ask for any record and we will play it Inc you. Hari Sc Atkinson Furniture Dealers and Funeral Directors. Store Phone 104. N. BALL Phone 110: J, D. 'ATKINSON, Phone 1$0 smonsommem oon ISHES MAY YOU HAVE THE HEALTH TO ENJOY, THE HI ART TO; ,ENTER.; INTO AND THE POWER TO GIVE TO OTHERS ' A HAPPY NEW YEAR. - The W. D. Fair Co. HELPS FOR 1916. Gist of the Lessons. Peloubet,'s Select Notes, Tarbell's Guide. Arnold's Practical Commentary,. Pocket and Office Diary, W. D. FAIR CO. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best. ti tivAl n'"7r mrrunnuumm�unuunnuh;;' Miss Pipher of Orillia is the guest of Miss Beatrice Greene. Miss Lily Rands has. gone to Strat- ford where she has accepted a position. Miss Dorothy Cantelon left Saturday for Orillia where she will spend the next few weeks. Mrs. Lowery of Egmondville last week visited Miss McTavish at Mrs. W. Simpson's. Mr, Jack Calder of Toronto was a week -end visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. Jackson, Mr. J. Johnston of Wingham, form- ?rly of Clinton, was a week -end visitor with friends in town. Mrs. Schuck and -little son have re- turned to Toronto after spending some weeks with Clinton friends. Dr. J. A. Macdonald of Toronto was the guest while in town last week of Dr. J. C. and Mrs, Gau- dier, Mrs. J. Wiseman returned on Mon- day after spending six weeks or so with Kingston, Toronto and St. Mary's friends. Mr. harry Hunt left Thursday after- noon for Galt after spending a few weeks as the guest of Mr and Mrs. Will. IIamhlyu. Mr. Walter Cole of Winnipeg, form- erly of Clinton and later of Sea - forth, spent the week -end calling on old friends in town. Rev. J. A. Robinson, rector of St. Paul's church, has bean gazetted provisional lieutenant in the 33rd (Huron) Regiment, from the 31st (Grey) Regiment. Mr. and Mrs, E. S. Wightman of Broderick, Sask, „ visited the lat- ter's sisters, Mrs. J. S. Miller and Mrs. J. B. Lindsay of town, dur- ing the past week. Miss Edith Jennison, who has been confined to her home the past week by an attack of: appendicitis, is now improving, her many friends will be pleased to hear, Mr. Harold Pickett, who has been engaged making munitions at Stratford for some time, was home last week attending the funeral of his grandmother, the late Mrs. David Moffat. Mr. Frank Crich, Macklin, Sask., Mr. E. M. Crich, Marlette, Mich,, and Mrs. Freeman Thompson, De- troit, were among those who were here for the funeral of the late Mrs. Samuel Crich. Mr. G. B. Harris, Superintendent of the Clinton Knitting Company, has • returned from Norfolk, ' in the State of Virginia, where he was called a week i.ago by the death of his father, who passed away sud- denly. Mr, Stewart Jackson left Monday morning for London, where he is playing all this week, after spend- ing a fortnight at his ,,home in town. He will spend some weeks playning in Canadian cities 'before returning to )he Gaited States. Miss M. Tebbutt, who spent the mid- winter vacation with her sisters in town, returned -the end of the week to Tordnto. Miss Tehbutt's stay in Clinton as rola. ed p g by the fact that she fell `' Victim e a to an attack of la grippe while here. Master Willie Bell, though only thir- teen years of age, has been very anxious to be allowed to enlist in the 161st Hurons as a bugler ancl, unknown to his parents, went up to the M. 0. for examination, but he could got no farther for his left arm, which had "been twice broken; incapaited him: Mr. Harry? Elliott, son of Mr. M. II. Elliott of Toronto, formerly of Clinton, was in town on Saturday, the guest of Mrs. (love. He leaves shortly for England with a Motor Cicle Corps and after a few months further: training in England will. go direct to Russia where up to the present no motor cycles have been in use Ion military purposes. Mr. P. W. Scott of East Wawanosh was in town Tuesday, having come down to attend the patriotic meet- ing in the town hall. That 1e came ?through the storm that day prevailing shows that he has the cause very much at heart. Indeed, so unmistakably is Mr. Scott a staunch British subject that at the recent .election for the reeveship.. only one German voted for him al- though there is quite a bunch of them at the south part of •the township, ,r .Guide to.....the::: ;nown in Underwear, You can tell- at a glance whether an Underwear garment is warm ; whether jt is comfortably soft ; ' whether it is well finished. But_. Its wearing power remains obscure. So does its resistance to the wash -tub. How are you going to know positively that it will resist the hardest wear ` you can give it for several seasons ? How can you be sure that'll will not shrink We answer : Come -here and buya suit of Stanfield's Un- shrinkable Underwear. Careful making has given it stamina. ALSO A FULL LINE OF MEN'S FURNISHINGS AT OUR MEN'S STORE. (Opposite the Public Library.) • Women's Store Dry Goods and House Furnishings Phone 67, aEnvdE,a Men's Store Merchant Tailoring and Men's Furnishings Phone 103, • Personals. Mr. 'I'. Jackson is in Toronto this week, Mrs. Dayment has been one of the many victims of la grippe and has been quite i11 during the past week but is now improving.; ' Manager R. E. Manning of the Roy- al Bank, who had been suffering from a bad cold for some days previously, was ordered to bed by his physician on Friday last. Ow- ing to the fact that the istaff lids been undermanned for some time Mr, I•h S. Mistele had to ;be sent from the head office to take his place before he could comply with the doctor's orders, r Mr. Manning is still confined to his room, A MAR AUXILIARY ORGANIZED. (Continued from page 1.) ton, A. T. Cooper, G. D. McTag- gart ; Wroxeter, Roht. Black, Wm. McKeroher ; Seaforth, A. D. Suther- land, Rev, Geo. McKinley. ; Ashfield, Rev, Mr, Hardy, , Rev, .Fr. McCor- mick. Amongst those 'present at the- meeting hemeeting were the officers t of the i6Ist (Huron) Battalion ; W. Bry- done, W. Walker, A, '1', Cooper, D. McCorvie, J. C. C'arbert, Cr. D. Me - Taggart, Clinton ; L. Kennedy, Geo. Spotten and W. F. Vanstone, ,Wing - ham ; County Clerk Lane, G. M. El- liott, James Adams, G. A., Reid, 13, 0. Mannings, Rev. J. B. Fother- ingham, Geo. Porter, Andrew Ar- chibald, Dr. EIolmes, Registrar: Coats, F. R. Hodgens, Goderich ; Rev. E. F. McL, Smith and Rev. J. E. Knight, Iensall J. A 5tew - art R. McMillan, Reid, Rev Cr. McKinley, Seaforth • John McKinley, Stanleys ; J. Ilausfoul, M. G. Ransford, Tuckersmith ; R. Scar- let, McKillop;: W. S. McKercher, Wroxeter;. ,John Young, Colborne ; T. McMillan, Mullett ; P. W. Scott, East Wawanosh ; James Iror:rance, McKillop ; NEXT TUESDAY'S CONCERT.. fa presenting her piano recital to a Clinton audience Mrs. McHardy- Smith's object IS to raise funds to devote to patriotic uses. No one is receiving anything for his or her ser- vices except Mr. Alderson and Mr. Ilannah who have each 'taken one third of their regular fee in consid- eration of the object. Mrs, Maiar- dy-Smith very generously gave her services gratis at the recent double concert put on by, the Patriotic So- ciety ,here 'and o-ciety,here'and is looking for its sup- port in this undertaking. The pro- gram will be first-class, Auburn I-larryi Walters of Saskatchewan spent a couple of days with friends at Aubusn. Rev, D. Perrie of Winghant preach- ed tate anniversary in the Presbyter- ian church on Sunday, Bayfield. The .annual meeting 'of St, An- drew's congregation was held in the church last Wednesday. There was a fairly good attendance and the meeting was presided over by the minister, Rev„ A. Macfarlane, The reports from the various depart- ments showed a steady advance, and in spite of the additional: demands made by the war the financial re- turns were a little over last year's amount, The session's report show- ed that the membership of the church is 144 as compared with 138 ' last year, nine members having been add- ed to the roll and two removed. The number of baptisms Was eight anti of marriages, six. The follow - in is the•fin antral report :Ordinary g I Revciiue $1.277, Expenditure $1175, leaving a balance of $.102, Budget offerings $275, Women's Missionary Society $234; Sabbath School $166, Ladies' Aid Society $113, a total of $21.05.. All the officers were rye -elect- ed, the name of Mr, William Stew- art being added to tine board of managers, A NEW ISSUE of the ., Tele hone . Directory is now boring prepared, and additions and changes for 1 should be reported to. our Local Manager at once. Haw you a telephone? Those who have will tela you that it is the moat precious of modern.. conveniences, Why not order to -day and hove your name in the new directory? The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada Kippen A quiet wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr, Robert Parsons on December 20th at high noon when his eldest daughter, Mary C.; be- came the bride of David F. Ryck- man of Emmons County, North Da- kota. The ceremony was performed by Rev, A, W. Brown, pastor of the Varna and Kippen Methodist churches. The bride was given away by her father, under an arch of evergreens. She was dressed in white voile and all-over silk net and carried a bou- quet of white chrysanthemums and maiden hair fern. Those attending the wedding from a distance were Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Furry and daughter Agnes of Kin- dersley,, Sask., uncle and aunt of the bride, and Mr. Warren Ryckman, brother of the groom. Mr. and Mrs, Ryckman will leave for their home in North Dakota some time in February. Their many friends and acquaintances wish titent every, success in life. , A surprise party met at, the home of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Parsons on Jan. 12th and presented to their eldest daughter, Maynne, who was recently married, a lovely tea set and showered her with many lovely presents, A very enjoyable evening was spent in music and games. The following address was read by Miss Emily Ivison and the prese.ntatiou made by Melville McCllymont To Mrs. D. F. Ryckman : Dear Maymc,—lle, as 5.5, teacher soak ..msergsgeemnommaq and classmates of yours, have gath- ered here this evening to spend a short time with you. We were some- what surprised to hear of your mar- riage but all wish you .and your husband every happiness and success as you journey through life. We ask you to accept this tea set as a slight token of ,Tour esteem and when using it in your western home just think of the • corner in the Kip - pen Methodist S. S. room where,: �u have so often sat together on Sab- bath afternoons and of the lessons studied there. We trust the impres- sions made upon each of us in, that. class may follow us through life, helping us to live noble and pure liv- es. Wishing you both all prosperity, and praying that God's blessing may ever be upon you.—Signed on behalf of the class, Mrs, McClymont, Anita. Graham, Roy Butt, Auburn Ernest Jackson is taking a two months' couree at Clinton Business College. - APPLICATION FOR OFFICE,—AP- plications addressed to the under- signed and narked "Application; for Office," will be received up to 6 o'clock p.m, on Friday,_ Feb. l.th, dor the following positions Clerk, Treasurer, Assessor, Chiel Constable, etc., Tax Colleetor; Night Watchman and Assistant. Constable, Cemetery Superinten- dent and Poundkeeper —D. L. Mac- pherson, Clerk. 20-2: ,......0 .. — January Shoe dale r Our 6th Semi -Annual t;learing Sale leas to date proved an unqualified success—thanks to our many patrons and friends, Below you will find a number of -new" lines of shoes, as well as the rubbers already on our bargain list for' your consideration. Come and see for yourself the many other bar- gains we are prepared to show you in shoes. 00 pairs women's patent and kid buttouei and laced boots, sizes 2:i to 7, regular $`2 50 to f9 0 3.50, sale price �7 U 00 pairs misses' buttoned and laced kid boots, all sizes, regular $2 00, sale price 1.48 SO Pairs men's calf bluchers, siz- es 0 to 0, regular 3,00 to 3.50, sale price 2.48 30 pairs boys' high top laced boots, sizes 1 to 54, regular price 3, 50, sale price..., . , .... 2.48 Do not forget that our rubber sale is still on. H. S. CHAPMAN PHONE'