HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-01-20, Page 7'17\
AFTER LA GRIPPE Without Outside Help Thousands Will
,It Leaves the Sufferer a Victint
Of Many Famisof Weakness
Ask those who have had la grippe
regarding the laresent condition of
their health and' moat Of them will
answer "Since I had the grip I have
never been well." There is a persis-
tent weakness oi the,limbs, bad diges-
tion, shortnesa of breath and palpita-
tion of the heart ceased by the thin -
blooded condition in which grip al-
most rilways leaves its victims after
the fever and influenza have sub-
sided. They are .at the mercy of re-
lapsesand complications, often very Minister to Great Britain, and Miss
serious. This condition will continue Everard, an American nurse in Bel -
until the blood is built up again, and grade, all recently returned from
for this purpose nothing can equal a Serbia, are both publicly and private -
fair treatment with Dr. Williams' ly.urging everyone to contribute to
Pink Pills, which quickly make the the fund, for without generous out -
blood rich and red, drive the lingering side help the, adult refugees and. the,
germs from the system and transform 25,000 orphan children must die, as
despondent grip victims into cheerful, the countries of Albania and Monte -
healthy, happy men and women. Mr. negro into which they have retreated
John Battersby, Landon, Ont., says: -s. have not sufficient food for themselves
"Just before Christmas, 1914, I was and no adequate protection feoin the
taken down with an attack of la bitter weather. The following letter
grippe, and the trouble left me in a speaks for itself:
deplorable conditiOn. I was almoat
too weak to walk about, as I was then December 20th, 1915.
5 Cromwell Road,
working on a farm in Western On-
tario, I was (Mite unable to follow my London, S.W., England.
usual work. I tried several kinds of Mrs. Hamilton; 1st Vice Chairman,
medicine, but it did not help me. As a The Suffragists' War .Auxiliary,
matter of fact I felt steadily growing 32 St. Joseph St., Toronto. •
weaker, and- in thiscondition, when
- -reading 'a paper, I saw Dr. Williatias'
Pink Pills advertised and decided to
fry them. I got a mipply and by the
time the second box was finished L
felt considerably better, and after
continuing the pills for some time
longer I felt better than I had done
for months.. ThisAvas my first experi-
ence with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, , during the past year, besides distri-
but you may depend upon it that if I ' buting relief among civilians. Most
find medicine necessary...ogain I will of these hospitals are now in the
know what 'to take." hands of the Bulgarians, and the
You Can get these pills from any staffs are either prisoners or on the
deitler in medicine or by mail, post way to the coast with the retreating
paid, at 50 cents a box or six boxes armies. We have been able, however,
for $2.50 from • The Dr. Williams' to organize medical relief work among
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. 44, "'nn refugees on the Greek frontier,
Perish. -
Gseat interest has been aroused in
the terrible conditions prevailing in
Serbia owing to the ravages of the
typhua epidemic and by the invasion
of the Austsians. Both 'adults and
children are in dire need ,of all the ne-
cessities of life, particularly blankets,
warm clothing for men, women ond
children, Goods or money sent to the
Serbian Relief -Depot,'Room 17, Mail
and Empire Building, Toronto, Will be
gladly received and forwarded.
s- Dr. Sharpe of Brampton, 1V1iSs Lo-
sanovitch, daughter cif the Serbian
• Dear Madam, -We are very grate-
ful for your -kind letter of ist inst., wisund up every night, and - nothing
and are very pleased to give you all will stop them but a good shaking.
the information we Call as regards the This, however, is a drastic remedy;
administration of our fund and the and, after all, the business of both
needs theretrf. ' clocks and wives is to keep going
• bur fund has equipped and main- cheerfully -and not make too much
tabled five large hospitals as well as noise about it.
•six . or seven • dispensaries. in Serbia Shaking doesn't improve the works
of either timepieces or women, and
if you persist in it they will inevitably
get ,''run down." Watchinakers and
doctors flourish through men's fool-
ishness'in this respect. Before retiring, bathe the face and
Wives -unlike clocks -cannot be neck with hot water, then dry and rub
expected to sit quietly on the mantel-
"USIT" into the skin with the finger
piece day after day and night after tips. By persistent treatment you
night without getting out of order. will soon restore to your complexion
and English representatives .of the This privileged position, which adds the wonderful freshness and beauty
fund are already at work on our be- dignity to -the handsomest clock, of youth. •Make- this treatment a
nightly habit ,and "USIT" will beau -
half both in Montenegro and in the would make the loveliest woman look
tify you while- you sleep.
Salonika district. In the last men- a trifle ridiculous.
tioned area the -work is carried on un-
der the supervision of our late tree -
surer, Sir Edward Boyle.
The main needs of the people at.
present are warm underclothing for too late to do anything except reach texture which alone indicates perfect
skin health. -
men, women. and children; shawls, for her wrists. "USIT" is put up in handsome opal
boots, and, above all, blankets. Asi Clocks are apt to get slow in warm
bottles; and until the Drug Stores in
regards food stuffs, which we are weather, but it is summer:time that Canada: are completely
stocked we are
asked to send out in large quantities, wives are usually friskiest. filling -mail orders. Accept no substi-
and bovril are specially desirable.
cereals, biscuits, jam, condensed milk 1 A clock can be pawned; a wife can -
Send 60 Cents to -day for trial bottle,
- • not. .
• I am enclosinwa copy of our latest i What home is complete without a sufficient for six weeks' use. We pay
clock? What house is a home with- p.00sstiategeratoAmmulyrAadotr Canada.
appeal, and we shall be most grateful
for any help which your Society can out a wife? Tick or nag, 'who would
choose to be cleekless and wifeless?
Time passes . unheeded without the
one; time is wasted with or without
the other.
You Can't Work vvith hand
Or brain when the body is
poorly nourished. Get
inravnth and strength for the
- day's' work • by eating for
breakfast, Shredded Wheat,
with hotrhilk. Contains all;
the body-building Material in
the whole Wheat grain pre-
pared in a digestible fdim.
• Its crisp goodness is a delight
to the palatd and a life -giver
• to tired brain and jaded;
stomach. Made in•Canada:
Which Would be the Easier to Move
-and to Keep in Order. -
A good clock -like a good. wife -
should not need constant watching.
Some clocks -like some wives -get
New Inventions Are Constantly
Changing Conditions.
In sin article on the relation of re-
search to the progress of manufac-
turing industries, Dr. W. R. Whitney
shows that. purely academical re-
search has led to some of our greatest
industrial achievements. "Search for
• new knowledge," .says Doctor Whit-
ney, "is the -insurance for the future
of the industries. • Many factories wiU
later be manufacturing things not
even conceivable to -day. The incan-
descent lamp business will serve for
• illustration. I have seen whele'fac-
tories entirely overhauled a number
of times in the past few years in or-
der to make the newest lamps. Not
only have entire floors of complicated
and expensive machines for making
carbon lamps been thrown out and
new machinery for making metal fila-
ment lamps installed, but before pack-
ing cases containing new machines
could be opened and unpacked in the
factory they have been thrown out as
useless as the advance from squirted -
Government Will Place Supply, in
• Every Municipality.
Acting on instructions from • the
Hon. W. J. Hanna, lakivincial Secre-
tary, Dr. McCullough, chief officer
Of health for Ontario, has announced
that starting about February 1 the
department will supply free of
charge antitoxin for diphtheria, anti-
toxin for smallpox, anti -meningitis
serum, -anti-tetanic serum, preven-
tive rabies serum, and other serurns
used in the fight against contagious
diseases. The serums will be sup-
plied physicians, boards, of health,
ho,spitals, institutions and sill people
who require them for treatment. .'
In the past the department has
given .anti -typhoid serum free and
it has resulted in a great reduction
in•cases of typhoid in the province.
At the Isolation • Hospital, • where
the worst cases of diphtheria are
taken and treated with the anti-
diphtheretic serum, the death sate
from the disease has been reduced to
6 per cent., while formerly_ the rate
was 16 per cent. It is hoped that
the free distribution of the serums
will result in a wonderful decrease
in the spread of the dread diseases.
Plans for the distribution of the
serums have not yet been completed,
but it is understood that supplies
will be placed in every municipality
and a physician's prescription will be
all that is necessary in order to ob-
tain the serums free. The results de-
rived from the giving of free seruin
in Toronto and the benefits found at
the Isolation Hospital following the
use of antitoxin persuaded the Hon.
Mr. Hanna to encourage Dr. McCul-
lough in his campaign.
Beautifies While
You Sleep
"LTSIT"-is a skin food and wrinkle
When the clock strikes one, it is not chaser. It builds up firm elastic tis -
too late to get Silt or seven hours' sues, removes wrinlcles fills out de-
pressions and gives the skin a won -
sleep if you stop'arguing.
When your wife strikes, too, its is derful smoothness and fineness of
kindly send us.
'Yours truly,
Sent by Mrs. 13eeker. Phone, June.
1415. 361 Perth Ave.
Death of Mahommed V. Would Make
Difference in Turkey.
metal, filaments to, drawn -wire fills- The Sultan of Turkey, Maliommed
ments proved the better way. Before V., the head of Islam and the 36th
factories could reach the limit of ef- ruler of the house of Osman, is sick.
ficiency in manufacturing vacuum Once such a report would bring up
lamps the introduction of nitrogen visions` of royal relatives mysterious -
into the ,.lamps brought another ly poisoned, bowstrung or dropped,
change; and now, ;when the nitrogen- bound and sacked, into the dark wa-
•'--tungsten lamps have been in' use only ters of the Bosphorus, and of fortune
a short time, the manufacture of ar- tellers wizards and exorcisers crowd-
gon and its introduction into the in-
candescent lamp becomes a reality. If
the research laboratories that dis-
covered the means for bringing about the Sultan's Christian ally commends
these changes, with their accompany -
him to Allah and sends his ablest
. physician.
mg economies, could receive a cent for •
• every' dollar that they save the public, When the Young Turks lifted Ras -
they would receive over a million dol -
(hid Effendi upon the throne from
lars a year to spend for further me -
earth. The people are the ones who
are most interested in research, els"
though they may not know it."
• Heavy Weight on Old Age
When people realize the injurioue
effects of tea and coffeeand the bet_ dullness of his eyes were accentuated
ter health that a change to Postinn by the troops of young guardsinen in
.can bring, they are usually glad to brilliant uniforms and the offiders in
lend their testimony for the benefit of glittering gold braid who surrounded
others. him, The picture had in it .1)103:6 of
"My mother, since her early child- pathos than imperialism.
hood, Was an inveterate coffee drinker, When he went to appeal to tbe lay -
had been troubled svitli her heart for a oast of the Albanians on the field of
• n
, umber of years mid complained of Kassovo, Macedonia, lie was the first
that 'weak -all-over' feeling and • sick Ottoman sovereign to visit his pro -
stomach." (The effects of ea on the vinces on a mission of peace. 13ut the
systenChre very similar to those of Albanians, who had imagined the Sul -
coffee, because they each contain the tan' had wings and few of humanity's
drug, caffeine.)
"Some time ago I was making a
visit to a distant part of the country
-,41107-nnd tools -dinner with one of the Ines-
ing around the ailing` sovereign's bed-
side. Now the people talk of pro-
spective heirs and of regents, while
which they had shoved his brother,
Abdul Hamid, they dragged a Man of
65 from a palacewhere he.had been
all his life scarcely more than a pris-
oner. In years of inactivity his body
had grown big, big with width,
breadth and length, a burden for his
short legs. He was a sick Man then.
On themsemlik Fridays the chalky
palenesa of his heavy face and the
frailties, were disappointed at the
sight of the heavy feeble man in a
black Trod: coat, and the mission fail-
ed. He seemed to lack either the
chants of the place. I noticed a knowledge or the .physmal force to
somewhat unusual flavour of the 'cof- combat the shrewd politicians assmad
fee' and asked him concerning it. He
replied that it was Postum.
"I was so pleased with it that I
bought a package to carry home with
Inc, and had wife prepare soma for the
next meal. The whole family liked it
so well that we discontinued coffee
• and used Post= entirely.
"I had been very anxious concern-
ing my mother's condition, but we
noticed that after using Post= :for a
• short time she felt much better, had
little trouble with her heart, and no
• sick stomach; that the headaches were
not so frequent, and her general con-
dition much impsoved. This continued
until she Wag well and hearty.
"I know Poston has benefited my-
self and the "Other members of the
• family, especially any mother, as she
was a victim of long standing." Name
given by Canadian Postern Co., Wind-
sor, Ont.
Post= comes in two rosins:
Postum Cereal -the original 1 orm-
must be well boiled. ,•150 and 25c
festant Postum-a soluble powder -
dissolves quickly in a cep of hot wa-:
ter, and with creaMand sugar, makes
O delicious bevcra,ge instantly. 30c
and 50c tins.
•ss'essidr, " Beth kinds are equally delicious and
cost shout the same per cup,
"There's a Reason" for Posture".
-dald iss Grocers,
him and he became merely a figure-
head for the dominant party of the
Committee of 'Onion and Progress.
Many things may happen with the
passing of this sick Irian. He may be
the last of the Osmanli to rule in Eu-
rope; he may be the last to bear the
hollows and title of the Caliphate. Bat
he has been a part of the almost fiss-
ion" hope to restore the glories of the
empire, and has lived to see a Turkish
army with munitions of war endsup-
plies makings a desperate and so far
successful attempt to hold -the almost
sacred Dardanelles against a great
Oh; Those Irish'.
One Spoken by the Educated, Other by the New Testament, or parts of it,
the Masses.
have been translated into 148 lan-
There exists now in Greecea lin-
gages and dialects. The two latest
guistic condition of affairs around,
additions are Dabida-a language of
British East Africa -and Limba-the
which centres a controversy at once
comic or tragic; for there are ilanguage of a tribe in the hinterland
n 1
Greece two languages, or rather, the Parts of the New Testament have
of Sierra Leone.
one language in two forms -one writ-
ten by the newspapers, spoken by the actually been translated into pidgin
educated classes, and used in pasha--
English, that strange lingo, half baby-
mentary debates and in public docu-
ttalit and half slang, which is the chief
ments, including the Scriptures the means of communication through all
circulation of which is regulatea by
'. ithe East.
law;, and the other a vernacular used The difficulties presented in trans -
by the masses of the people, contain-
lating the New Testament into this
ing many words of' foreign origin,
ec.. , barbarous hotch-potch must have been
;tremendous, but they have been sur -
Turkish and Italian arising' mounted. , .
from those periods of foreign occupa-
Another language of the same sort
tion, with a much simplified grammar, ;
and rarely reduced to writing, except is Chinook. This consists of about
two-fifths Chinook, two-fifths Red Iii,
for private eommunications. The for- two-fifths
tongues, and the rest English and
mer is the cultured tongue; the latter
Canadian -French. It is the tongue
the popular idiom; and between the
two there rages a merciless warfare
in which fanatical students of the uni: of barter on the Pacific Coast of Alaska and the Dominion. At least
versity have lost their lives, ministers 50,000 Indians speak it, and lately
St. John's Gospel has been issued in
their portfolios, a Metropolitan of
this jargon for their special benefit.
Athens hi mitre, and the sweet-faced
queen -mother much of her former
For Breakfast To -Morrow.
4713 Roncesvalleta Ave., TORONTO
The New Testaments Is , Translated
Into Many Languages.
On the continent of Africa alone
Very few people are ambidextrous,
that is, able to use the left hand as
seedily and'skilfully ag the right. But
there is an amusing story of one Irish -
ma a who was careful to cultivate that
art. When he was signing articles on
board a ship he began te sign his
name with his sight hand, and then
changed the Den to his left hand and
finished it.
"So you can wsite with eitbes hand,
Pat?" asked the officer.
"Yig, sow," replied Pm. f‘whin I
was a boy mo father -rest hip soull
-always told me: 'Pat, • lean to cut
yes finger nails Wil -yet. left hand, for
501550 day ye might loge yer right!"
There is also a version of the
Scriptures translated into the primi-
tive language of the head-hunters of
It was made by German mission -
serve Dr. Jackson's Roman Meal. aries, printed in South Africa, paid
You'll Sind this dark, nut -brown, coarse- for with British money, and circulated
ly granulated food very delicious. It
has a taste different from any other "' "
cereal. It is exceedingly nutritious. It •
prevents indigottion. It is guaranteed Thirteen -Year -Old Soldier.
to relieve constipation or "moneyback."
Ask your doctor about Dr, Jackson's Vienna newspapers tell of the re -
Roman Meal. turn to school in that city of Hans
10c and 25c at grocers. Follow di. Kiwi., a thirteen -year-old boy, who
rectiona closely and do NOT stir
while cooking porridge.
Try Roman Meal Nuggets, the
ready -cooked form of Roman Meal.
Serve with hot milk -or soften with
boiling water. Pour off and add inilk
and sugar,
Made by Roman Meal Goo Toronto.
British Women Workers Increasingly
• in Demand.
Owing to active recruiting, the
shortage of men in tbe British labor
market has become more acute and
has gseatly increased the demand for
women and young girls as substitute's.
Virtually every one capable of work-
ing, says the Board of Trade Labor
Gazette, has asc opp,ortunity of being
employed, abet it is evident that still
larger numbers of women and girls
not previously employed in- trade
and industry ase required in many oc
Compared with Oeteber, 1914, there
was a general improvement, especial-
ly marked in industries engaged in
stipplying the requirements of the
:forces. Was bonuses and increases in
wages, taking effect in October and af-
fecting 180,000 work people, amounted
to about $115,000 a week.
There is a general scarcity of col-
liery workers, farm hands ancl nav-
vies, and the demand for -work peo-
ple is still greatly' in excess of the
supply in engineering and shipbuila;
ing trades. Shostages are reported
in the glass, chemical, building and
metal trades, and with regastl' to wo-
men, the demand for textile workera
is still unsatisfied. • .
anamene Lillinteat ()urea 00140, Eta.
There is ho better remedy
for chapped hands and lips
Trade Murk
Camphor- Ice)
Keeps the skin smooth and soft.
Sod 5, handy metal boes and tin tubes at
dentists and general stores crdrywhere, ,
Refuse Subatitutes. Booklet on re-
Nee Chabot Ave.. Montreal
Many Articles of Common Use Scarce
Because of War.
The scai.city of -common-plate
articles • of everyday use suth , as
needles toilet supplies and drugs is
'probably more accentuated in Italy
than in any of the other belligerent
countries, because these things have
been supplied to Italy almost entire-
ly by Germany. One of the branches
of a sewing machine company, for in-
stance, reports it is no longer ahle
to supply medium-sized needles, be-
cause these are made in Germany. It
also appears an impossibility to buy
a fever thermometer in Rome, as this
is another article of German snake.
The supply of aspirin and a number ot
other remedies is exhausted at most
of the pharmacies, and doctors are
finding it increasingly difficult to get
their prescriptions filled because of
the lack of drugs.
This dearth of necessities is ren-
dered heavier to bear by the almost
impossibility of getting goods 'from
other countries and from the high
cost of living. The cars for the trans-
port of goods are all used for mili-
tary purposes and Rome even is
threatened by a sugar famine al-
though the manufacturers have suf-
ficient for the needs of the whole
country. The cost of living has alto-
gether increased about four times and
promises to rise further.
What Germany Would Do In Case of
Starvation. •
Germany seems to be getting des-
perate. In a series of articles in 'The
People or the Stats," the tenth of the
series of the war essays written by
the Germans and published by A.
Marcus and E. Weber, of Bonn; there
is an article by Dr. Heinz Pothoff,
Devour Tires and Overrun Galleries
In Battalions. ,
There is a plague of; rates along the
British and Freneli lines in Flanders
and France. A seldier describes the
invasion as "worse than the Ger-
mans,ina lettei whirl add;e: ,
"Trenches, conimunications, •fields,
woods, cellars and barns are choked
with them. We have them holding
congresses at night in the busiest
roads and Oiling concerts by. day in
the most crowded villages. We liter-
ally march on top of them. They
breed and breed and launch them-
selves ibto assaults on the canton-
ments, like the Germans on the Yser,
by battalions en reasse.
"They are beginning to be tortured
by hunger, and the shortage of food
makes them capable of anything. The
other morning, I saw a cyclist whose
tires had been half devoured by a pla-
toon of rats. The other night soMe
of our men had their surgical first-aid
packets, which they keep in a coat
pocket, attacked and carried eff. Woe
to the man, who goes to sleep with a
morsel of chocolate in his trousers!
He will wake up- to find himself with-
out his trousers."
The writer goes on to describe the
methods of warfare that are being
used against the new enemy, particu-
larly some of the ingenious giant
traps devised by the soldiers for
catching the rats on a wholesale scale.
— .
Brings Decrease in; Csime in England
and Wales. '
You will find relief in Zarn-Bk!
It eases the burning; stinging
pain', stops bleeding and' brings
ease.- Perseverance, with Zatti.:
Buk, means cure. Why not prove
this? Au Drccoviat uncl Storen.--
iortt box. "
3inareoaraimaLealiallinta ' .• '
; names FOC SAX.P.,
C3 rot n. Dairy or Frill 5, When 3,0,1
aura t to bay, wrl te W Dawson.
1 00 ACIIES, 13 IN SIXTH C(17:
cession; -Franklin $5,090. L,
J. Wilder, 151r1condale Muskoka..
tio'wnt•litt je'lg.ef cr:tfot1t6ani:ef a 10 fAte_tIticil& 1
of ail husinesses. Full I forttiatiol ors
application to Wilson Publishing. Com-
pany, 75 West Adelaide It , 'Toronto.
One of 'the effects of the war has
been to decreriae in an important pro-
portion the number of inmates in the
prisons of England ond Wales. The
fact is brought out in the annual re-
port of the Prison Commissioners,
which has just been issued. " I
NISI' CU -Meant
Internal and external. cured WI Ch.
OUt Mtn by our home treatment Writs
us before too late, Dr. Belltnan 'Medical
Co Limited, 001 lingiv zed. Ont.
Dog Remedies
And HOW to Feed
Mailed free to any address by
the Author
118 West 31stStreet,New York
Crate -fed, bled, and picked clean to
wing tips. 18c for fat hens, alive, 0 lbs.
each or over.
700 Spadma Ave. - Toronto
Prisoners sentenced' by the ordinary
eoutts„ with persons imprisoned as
debtors or on civil process, were as
follows in 1914-15s compared with the
corresponding period;
1914-15. Dec.
Penal Servitude .... 691 • 206
Imprisonment 102,971 32,169
Borstal ..... 438 49
Debtors or civil pro-
cess - 8,913 5,225
Sureties 625 141
Total 113,539 37,790
The Prison Commissioners ascribe
the falling off throughout the country
of the male prison population to
1. The enlistment of many habitual
Intoxicating loquors. . "Mrs. Bagwash" Writes to the Len-
& The great demand for Wier. don Star: "Sir, -Just a line to relieve
2. Restricted hours for the sale of a lot of peopleof their troubles. You
can take it from me the present war
will be over in a fortnight. My old
man joined the Army to -day. We
ir so Spirit of America at 5107:
Magnitude and Cheerfulness.
D. S. White, Pres. J. Mott, Mgr,
When the War Will End.
petty offenders.
AGAINST SICKNESS have been married twenty years, and
he has never stuck to a job More than
la fortnight."
Can best be fought with Baby's
Own Tablets -the little pleasant tast-
ing Tablet that never fails to regulate SPEND ENE WINTER. IN
who was for nine years a member oa 1 the stomach and bowels and drive out
all minor ills of little ones. Concern -
the Reichstag. The London Standard
ing them Mrs. H. Hower, Eastburg,
quotes the following from the article
by Dr. Pothoff.
"Can anyone doubt, Dr. Pothoff
writes, "that; the -German general .staff
will hesitate to employ extreme mea-
sures if Germany is ever on the verge
of real staivation? If necessary, we
inust expel all the inhabitants from
the territories which our armies have
occupied and drive them into the
enemy's lines; if necesSary, we must
kill the hundreds of thousands of pri-
soners who are now consuming our
supplies. That would be frightful,
but would be inevitable if there were
no other' -way of holding out."
people of Great Britons were busying
Round trip Winter Tourist tickets on
0015 dallY to California, via variab
direht and scenic i•outes.le
Alta., says: -"I have four healthy row fast modern trains leaVa (Sin -ago
children thanks to the use of Baby'S (tleag;.:in.,..firibi.: ilihee uni,oisit modern railway
Tablets for the past eight years and Ne liztyty,ertinot3,timIgii 1131fini to, a-al:a
m• . ,
Own Tablets. I have been using the Overland Limited 511x tra Fare) loaves
‘tvhoiloilta tfhoerm 1 i tt ht lee boensete.i,n, eclTichbeieTtitehtee P.m., san serancreeo Lesifteael=es 10:00
AIL ceariojlita Malt leaves 10.40 P.M.
5b by
centsmea iac iibi eo xd of ar looms s .Tohre Dr,
trip.' Book4.tis', .g.'lludrig)1.11t1rintnriinii.rttli.;@,
Williams' Medicine Co., 13eockville S-';'. ".• -s T
, nitic , ., Pronto, Ont.
Veil oin rtyplienlion to 11. 15 Bennett,
1, rhinaho & North Weston lty., 46
: 4..
— "My doctor sized my pile up psetty
a.ccurately "
Mow the British Public Helped ii ' "How's that?"
"He said I was as sound as a dol -
It is rather interesting to find, from
a copy of the London Courier, rioted
1ar, and that was all I had."
March 9, 1814, that at that time the4flhIt?INE_IVIarine is
statement 10 made that thousands
Wear Veglasses who de not really need themselves raising funds to relieve S.
them. is you are one of these unfortun- distress in Germany. At; the head of 70"
ales, then these glasses may be reining a lone subscription list in the copy
your cycii instead of helping them. s.
Thousands who Wear these "windows" of the newspoper before us there is
May prove for thmaselVes Butt they Can
dispense with glasses If they will get ... , • . . ,, .... ... ,
this introduction. -
tee following prescription filled at once: By the generosity ot tne issatisn
tio to any active ttrug Eitovo and get a -nubile the sum of nearly il50,000 wa.s
bottle of 13on-Opto tablets: 1111 a two- - ,, , ,
ounce bottle with warni water and drop remittea, which rescued multitudes
in ono Don-Opto tablet. With this harm- from the extremity of want; but at no
less liquid solution bathe tho eyes two i • • -•-•
to four times daily, and you are Illee.ly period since the existence of this =l -
in lie astonished at the results right mittee has tbe mass of every kind of
l'rofn No start Many who have been , . ,
.0%141wi,11(1411 tat,hgt, have eaysotili 71 inn, aNtviesonitt, eoye•e.: 1111vhisiechrythu eeeirn astotegnrtrotn invatelieficroeutncitirryeatto-
conjUnalvitls and ether ave Meer darts,
report wrmacrsui benents from the use ed; where the many sanguniary bat -
of this tireSerinti en. met thlti preserin" tics tougl•it 1.1losia, Lusatia 13;311e -
strengthen your eyes 'that glasses win mia, Saxony, Brandenburg, ain't other
not be necessary. iimmusands woo 000 parts, have entailed upon the peace -
tend Cr noindy so, or who Weer glasses
able inhabitants sufferings almost un-
exampled in the annals of history.
The Committee are anxious to impress
on the minds of their countrymen,
that in anticipatibn of British suppost
they have remitted to, different parts
of Germany to the amount of nearly
City Tax on Unmarried.
Lion filled and mid it; you mew •so
disappeared some months ago and iin,elghgeanoilitiisijoehrecluirea them 15 ilicY
n (mien, so better see if you can lilt
t' 17 et (1 oi a tell' D el
Nhvent to the front. It appears now that •
e joined the Eighteenth battalion of se victims of' neglec°C.
f r four months on the .:erontier Of ere". l'eW and
09)5 -
tloie First Anglian infantry. and was
In lit the 0500-lnereasing worthen'erlogoiii-
Bessarabia. He participated i two
battles Was wounded in the chest by mang others, gat dear, healthy, aron;
.nclie °Yea through the preeerintion
here gi Von, IC your own druggib I Lan -
not fill this iireser1ntion. send $1 to the
Valmas 'Drug CO, Toronto, for a com-
plete Eon -Onto Moine Treatment autllt—
labteto cuad 11.11.
shrapnel, but, recovered quickly. The
gene'ral in command was very much
-sfirprised when he learned he had
such a youthful soldier in the ranks
and at once sent him home, as he re-
fused to. take Anther responsibility
for the lad.
Minardio Liniment Cures Distenrper.
— •
it Studied Him.
"Did you tell that young man of
yours that I am going to have the
light switched off at ten?"
"Yes, dad."
•"He's coming at; ten in futuse."
ED. 6,
ISSUE 4-'16.
Freneli Repair Buildings mid Bridges
on Line to Nancy. -
The traveller by rail from Nancy to
Paris now finds little to be seen fsom
the ear window to indicate that the
country on both sides of the line
was twice covered in retreat and ad-
vance by the two great armies that
me still fighting just beyond the
ridges, of Champagne and the forest
hills of the Argonee that are visible
to the north. ,
Beginning with Meaux, most. of the
ravages et battle have disappeared.
•All blown -up bridges have been rebuilt
or repaired, rmd excepting an isolat-
ed structuse most of the hombarded
josildings have been sepaired or re-
placed. •
Women to Drive Cubs.
A scheme fos filling the gaps left
by the men Who have joined the
army has just been, started by Thos.
Tilling., Limited, the London jobmas-
ters. They ave teaching W0111011 1;0
chive horses in tsadesnien's vans,
cabs, commercial tsavellees' breugh-
erns alld feel vehicles.
The city of Osebatz in Saxony iS
the first German municipality to im-
pose an extra tax upon the unmarried.
Two or three other German towns
have a tax on bachelors, but the new
Oschatz law applies alike to male and
female. Only Catholic priests are ex-
empt. Other unmarried persons above
21 i•nust, pay above their regular
municipal tax: On incomes •from
1800 to 2400 marks yearly, -5 per
cent.; 2400 to 4000 marks, 10 per cent;
4000 to 6300 Marks, 15 per cent.; 0300
to 10,000 marks, 20 per cent., and
above 10,000 marks 26 per cent.'
1V1itittriPs Liniment Cures Oarget in Cows
The Busy 'Woman.
"Is she a woman 01 affaias?"
"Yes; everybody's. She's the,
neighborhood gossip." ,
pared by our
' sicians, as used for
'••=•-i• many years in their
„a's practice, 110W dedicat-
ed to the Public and
oun EN't
Cleanse, and Strengthen SyriS after exposure to
Cold Cutting Winds and Dust and to restore"
healthful tone to Eyes Reddened and made Sore
by Ovorwork and Eye Stettin.
Some broadminded Physicians use and recom-
mend Murtha while others perhaps jettioun of Its
&meals, talk and rush into print in opposition;
those whOne Eyes need rano con guess why, as
there% no Proscription fee in Marine. Just hand
Your Druggist Mc and you have Complete-Pkir.
Eire Book-Munine-Droppor -and Cork Screw -
ready for use. Try 11 1,, your Eyes and in Baby's
WO for Eye Troubles -No Smarting --Sint Eye
Comfort Write for Rook of the Eye M.,0.
Murine EPS Remedy Company, Chicago
Gave His Pause.
Wife -Henry, you really MUM',
have the landlord come and see for
himself tbe damage the•rain did to
t without letting him
see the damage the children ha.ve done
to the rest or the house.
Minard's Liniment. O6., Limited.
Gentlemen -Last winter I received
great benefit from the use' of Mit:-
Arms LINIMENT in a severe attack
otl LaGrippe, 'and .1: have frequently
proved It to be very effective in eases
of. Milt; in su ati o n.
• Yours,
Pat's Reply.
Pat WEIS in a museum looking at , a
copy of the "Winged Victory." "And
phat may yez call that?" he asked an
attendant. "That is the 'Statue or
Victory.' " was the assayer. Pat stus
veyed the headless and armless statue
with 'renewed interest. "Victory is it?"
he said. "Thin, begorry, O'd loike to
see the other fellow." '
0 0 ID E• airto.m — Mother Seidel'a Syrup corrects. mul stimulates
When yourldiingergiodni,,ica.f.noilstrinqt•,editk. noon nod the didestive oriams, and banishes tIld OMIT
in -' aliment° which arise.from indMestion.
F 0 R -
At nil Druggists, or direct on receipt of prior, 50c. and 01.00. The hires bottle coot 00 1(1055 tinlas
1V1initrd's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. inuch 01 50 otnallor, A. 3, WHITE & Co. List ITSD, Crnd Sire& ViTest Montreal.