HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-01-13, Page 8stataissminessuwaral Clinton News -Record, January 13th,1916, wilsommo Port Albert Miss 'vena Hawkins loft Monday for her school at St, Thomas, Alex. Dunbar spent his holidays with friends at the Nile. Miss Maggie Quaid had the misfor- tune to fall fracturing ber thigh at the home of her brother-in-law, Nr. William Carey, last week. Mrs. Will Richardson is again im- proving after her sickness. Port Albert Mr, and Mrs. Will B: ITawkins spent Christmas with her brother and sister, Mr. and Mrs, James IL Tigert at Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Richardson spent New Year's Day with Mr, and Mrs. Herb Morris of Saltford. Mr. George Hawkins spent his hol- idays with his sister, Mrs. Murray of Goderich. 1 1 FURNITURE, RUGS AND LINOLFUMS` We can assist you in selecting your furniture if you are going to furnish your home, or if you only want some odd pieces you will hnd it to your advantage to inspectour stock and see the bargains wear giving. We also carry a good 11neof violins, pianos and organs. Our undertaking department is up-to-date in every re- spectland we guarantee the best of satisfaction: JAS. DUNFORD Undertaker and Funeral Director. Night and Sunday calla' answered at residence over store, 28 Phoney 28. flouseeleanillg Sale Its just now Housecleaning Time in this Shoe Store —Our Price Cutting Period. During the present month we shall make deep—very deep cuts on all Fall and Winter Shoes and do everything we possibly can to close out every Shoe we have on hand, OUR LOSS ! YOUR OPPORTUNITY ! There is no investment that can be made that will pay such a handsome dividend as a Shoe investment made here right now ! A list of prices will give you but a faint idea of our offerings. Como in and see for yourself. You know the sort of shoes we sell—our reputation was establish- ed long ago ! Save money by buying your shoes right now, FRED. JACKSON The Good,Shoes Store. GOOB DISHES 1 JANUARY SALE Our annual January Sale commences Saturday, January Sth, Odd lines and broken sizes of good seasonable goods to be cleared at big price reductions. The balance of our ladies' and children's coats and furs at,about ' price. Don't miss this chance to save money, Plumsteel Bros. Small Profits — Phone 25. - More Business MAY: YOU HAVE j THE HEALTH TO ENJOY, THE HEART TO ENTER INTO AND THE POWER TO GIVE TO . OTHERS ` A HAPPY NEW YEAR. The W. D. Fair Co. HELPS FOR 1916. Gist of the Lessons. Peloubet's Select Notes; Tarbell's Guide. Arnold's Practical Commentary. Pocket and Office Diary, W. D. FAIR CO. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best. OP1441. Y uri�us�.g IIIi11IIMMannm+nUMIN W. Miss T. Crooks left Saturday to vis- it relatives at Atwood. Mrs. James Mose, Walton, is visit- ing her daughter, Mrs. Frank Per- due.' --- Miss Caldwell of Londesboro was a week -end guest with hiss Ellie Pickett. Miss Marion Bogie of Goderich is the guest of her cousin, Miss Edna Pen- nebaker. Mr. Thomas Reid of Seaforth spent Sunday at his sister's home, Mrs. Day..Eiliott. Miss Sybil Courticc left yeterday af- ternoon to visit friends at Mitchell and Fullerton. Mr. A. T. Cooper was in Clifford on Sunday speaking in the interest of the Dominion Alliance. i\ir. Dean Courticc returned on Mon- day to Toronto after a fortnight's holiday at the parental home. Mts. John Grimes has gone for a few weeks to Stratford where Mr. Grimes is ill the employ of the 0, T. R. • Mrs. D. \. Cantelon and Master Fer- ris of Mensal spent a couple of days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Cantelon, Mrs. H. Pennobaker was called to Sheppardton on Sunday owing to Sheppardton on Sunday owing to the death of her mother. • turn to New n an returned Bessie Slor i Miss Be'ss York City on Friday to resume her nursing duties after spending a month's vacation with relatives in Clinton. Mr. R. J. Densmore, editor of the Times, St. Thomas, has been ap- pointed postmaster of that city. He is a son-in-law of Mr. W. J. Paisley of Clinton. Mr. Fred, Ross of San. Francisco, Cal., who came east on business, spent a few days in,, town last week as the guest of his aunt, Mrs, John Harland. Mr. Matthias Scarlett, son of Mr. John Scarlett of Leadbury and for- • merly a student in Clinton, has en- listed in a Toronto regiment and is now in training as a signaller. Mr. F. J. Bali and his daughter, Miss Evelyn, who have been visit- ing Hullett and Clinton friends for the past month expect to leave for their home at Eberts on Friday. Mr. Dodds Hollowalw, who has been spending a fortnight's vacation at his hoine in town, leaves tomor- row to resume his duties on the stair of the Royal Bank, Sault Ste. Marie. iblt. and Mrs, William- Vodden, whose marriage took place at Brampton, on December 23rd, arrived in town on Monday and have taken up their abode fn their brick residence on Ontario Street. Mr, and Mrs. Rogers of Lloiiiininis- ter, Sask., have been visiting with the lady's brotber, Mr. Arthur Cook of town, and with other 1rL- ends and relatives in Clinton and vicinity for the past week or so, , NIP. D. A. Cantelon, } oun gest son of !lir, D. Cantelon of thorn, has. enlisted with the 72nd (Simcoe)' Battalion and is in training at Or-, • illia, Mr. Cantelon has three sons and two of them are now in the service of the Ring, one being with the Princess Pats in France for several months past. i s_0 or 'PONIONIMIMIP=1.111.011M i OUR SPECIALTIES. Singer Sewing Machines. It is not necessary for us to say anything about the good quality of Singer sewing machines, they have made an enviable reputation for them=elves. They are without ,e doubt the) best household machine made, It you contemplate buying a machine come and talk it over with us. Ostertlloor Mattresses are ood mattresses. We not satisfied return to us and get yoll giveurithirtyu back.moneyhts free•trial and r The price is $15. Domestic Vacuum Cleaners. Every houee.should own a Domestic Vacuum Cleaner. They will clean your:rugs and carpets thoroughly and if used once or twice a week you will save all your sweeping and dusting, Free.trial given. Price $12,60. Columbia Grafono,las. We invite you to come in and hear our Columbia Gra£onolas and you will say they are the best toned and the most distinct talking ma, chine you have heard. Come in and ask for any record and' we will play it for you. Ball Sc Atkinson Furniture_Dealers and Funeral Directors. Store Phone 104. N. BALL 7.Phone 110, J. D._ ATKINSON, Phone 186 11 L e S Wear. Suitings Are a special feature of our dress goods stock. We have them in Black and Indigo in ,Worsted Serge Cheviot Vicuna Priced from $2.75 to $4.75 yard. DRESS 0 S 15 Fashionable New Fabrics DRIESTLEYS' Dress Goods are famous for their wide range of fashionable shades, their fast colours and splendid wearing qualities. Made of the finest grades of silk and wool. We are showing a most attractive assortment of the new Spring, Priestley fabrics.' You must see them to realize how delightfully they combine beauty with long -wearing utility.c x, - 15 15 15 At the Front DURING the past twenty-five years through all Fashion's fancies in weaves, colors and fabrics, 4 • RESS 'GODS have been, as it were, at the front. Whatever. Fashion demanded in fancy weaves, or in color, has been supplied by Priestleys' from the world-famous looms at Bradford, England. This year -it's blacks and blues and plain colors—Priestleys' have them in different fabrics, but all in the same high grade and famous quality. Before selecting the material 'for your suit— come and see our display. It will pay you. 1 �Ga E3 Women's Store Dry Goods and House Furnishings Phone 67. Next Royal Bank, Men's Store Merchant Tailoring and Men's Furnishings Phone 103, Opposite Public Library. Auburn Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Craig of Flint, Mich., alter returned home v L ILch. have a few days with their parents, Mr. and airs. R. Stalker, Mrs. H., Wallace and family of Bat- tlefoxd, Sask., are spending a month with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Symington of the village. .John and Frank Stalker left last week for Flint, Mich., where they have• secured positions. Geo. Lampkin has returned home to Kincardine after spending •a few days with Mr. W. T. Riddel of Au- burn. bIr. B. Patterson has moved into Mr. Geo. Howett's house. Messrs- Rowson and Lawson have purchased 20 acres of bush from Mr. Ed. Taylor, East Wawanosh and are busy drawing logs from there. They intend to start to turh rollers at their mill soon. • Mt. and Mrs. Chas. Armstrong of Jessopville, Grey township are spend- ing a week at Mr. Win. J, Parks, Mr. Matthew Lochart is indisposed at present with .grippe. S Goderich Township The Unity Club meets at the hone of Mrs. Harvey Jenkins on Thugs day afternoon of next week. Mr. John Hanna and wife of Van- guard, Sask., arrived on Saturday and will visit friends in this vicinity. Glad to report that Mr. Wilson El- liott is able to be around again. Summerhill St. Helens Mr. John McPherson has returned home from the west ,looking bale and hearty as usual, Those that have returned to their respective duties after spending their vacation at their hones .are Misses Miina Rutherford, Fergus ; May Cann eron, Seaforth ; Chris, Miller, Se- bringville ; Nina Woods, Stratford ; Janet Little, Toronto ; Pearl 'nth - of faithful, assiduous service and Mr. stet, Toronto ; Mary Little, Murrain,- Campbell can rest satisfied that he ton • 1VIr. Donald Clark, Kingston = did Ins duty, that he did it well and that the whole township appreciates his faithful service. The new clerk, he preforms the duty of treasurer as well, is bit Toltn Fingland, for two years reeve Hullett Township The township council of 1916, that The News From LondeSborO. k v Armstrong, Sask., lattliev A W. rest say,1riezc is tog,S i B DIP. Gibb n + reeve, and W, J. hiller, C. Howson, is spending the winter with his mo - Jas. Watt -and Thos. McM,chael, Sr., thee, Mrs, W. Gibbs. councillors, mei and after the usual Miss Ross of Blyth spent a taw formalities settled down to business, days this week at the home of D. Mr. Armstrong fitted into the chair Geddes, at the head of the table as snugly as Mrs. J. 0. Lounsberry and Miss Muriel returned Tuesday after spend- ing a few weeks with Mrs. Louns- berry's parents, bir, and Mrs. Cr}u- ler of Delhi, if he had been there for some time or purposed remaining for more than twelve months, whereas Coun- cillor McMichael laid hack and said little until he got his bearings. The principal business was the fil- ling of the different offices. Mr. John Smith will do the assessing for yet another year for $90. Mr. Samuel McCool was appointed collector, suc- ceeding bit. Moon who gathered in the sheckels for some seven or eight years. Tho salary is the same as that of the assessor. Weslelr Bea- com and id Braithwaite will audit the accounts of yet another twelve months anyway and if they dont ask for an increase of pay may be appoint -- ed in years to come as well. They are paid ten dollars each. Mr. John Shanahan was appointed to the board of health, succeeding Mr. John Carbert who now resides outside the township. The hoard will thus con- sist of Reeve Armstrong, Clerk Fing- land, Mr. Shanahan and Dr. Thomp- son. Of course was in the clerkship that greatest interest centred, Mr. Janes Campbell tencd'ering his resig- nation after twenty-seven years ten- ure of office, It was a long period also High School students of Wing - ham : Anna Stewart, Versa Woods, 'Della Cranston, DIary bio' Uillian and Gladys Webb : to Lucknow : Clara and Winnie Woods, Mary Detain and Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Williams, Jr. entertained a number of their fri- euds'on Tuesday evening of last week, Ali report having spent a very enjoyable time. Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Reid of slam - duff, Sask., spent last week the guests of friends around here. Miss.lIsie Adams is the guest of Miss Edythe Plarvey this week. Mrs.'11 Smith is under the doctor's care, suffering from an attack of quinsy. rt Margaret 'Miller, and the three previous a eoanetllor. bir, James Philiirs of Yellow IIs is very highly regarded by those Grass, Saslr,, is visiting at the who know bmf best and the general concensus of opinion is that he will perform his new duties satisfactorily, He leans away over to the Liberal side and each Sunday may be found in his' place in the Kirk. A sixty -foot bridge will Se erected yup, Friday evening, a1 Walkerburn next summer, This Mr. N. Medley spent Sunday at does not represent the present width of the stream but the intention is to fill in and thus reduce the length of the span and the cost. Mr. Wm. Carter attended the, poul- try show at Mitchell on Tuesday ansi Wednesday, acting es judge. There is nobody hereabouts or elsewhere for that matter who knows more about poultry, partfcuiar:y the high breeds, than Mr, Carter. - A jolly checker party wa,s held at the home of Mr. and Mrs, T, Mc- Michael, Sr., on Monday evening, be- tween twenty and thirty expert play- ers being present. •Some excellent skill was. Shown and a most enjoy- able evenieg was spent. Refreshments were served and it was away on in the wee sma' hours before the com- pany broke up. home of his parents, Mr. and lfts, Sam. Philips. Miss Colette Clark left on Saturday to.eontinue her studies at the School of Faculty, Toronto. A very enjoyable time was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Emer- The new council met on Monday last and appointed men for the dif- feren offices, John. Fingland was ap- poiated clerk, vice, Mr. .1.' Campbell resigned, S, McCool as collector of taxes, J. Smith as assessor. Mrs. M. Hooper returned to Wood- ham after spending a few. weeks with her parents, b[r. and i'drs. J. Elsley. Mr. (Dr.) Young and Miss Clara, returned Tuesday after spending a few weeks with the former's daughter, Mrs. B. Brown of Brantford. bIr. and Mrs. Martin of Seaforth visited at the home of E. Adams on Sunday last, A number of the young amen of the vicinity gave a ball in C'artwright's hall on Tuesday night of this week, There was a good turnout and a nice quiet evening. llr, David Hoggarth of the 011 concession of Hullett has purchased a house on blain street 'from Miss L. Brigham, known as the Brigham cot- tage, for which he payed a good price. the ]tome of Ms. W. J. 'I odd.. Mr. John Forel of Ridgetown, has returned house after visiting iris uncle, Mr. W, J. Todd, Mr.; John Taylor ]las enlisted and will train at London, He Ieft for there on Monday. ` Mrs• John Miller, Sr., is spending a few weeks visiting friends in and around London, Port Albert Mx. and Ml's. David Martin of De- troit spent the holidays with her mother, 'Mrs, Jartes Young. Wilfrid (uaid is home from British Columbia visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Quaid. Mr. John Nott is tearing down one • e of the old buildings next to his house Mr. J. 1-Iolmes of Clinton is getting the lumber to erect a driving shed. Rev. J. G. Reid will preach his farewell next Sunday in Knox and Burns' churches of which he has hear: the pastor for two and a 1 years. Both congregations are sorry to say good-bye to so worthy a pas- tor. A box social will be given undo: the auspices of the W. I. in the For- esters' hall on Tuesday evening next in aid of the Red Cross. Constance Mrs, Adan Mickelson returned au Monday after a week's visit with fri- ends in Toronto. Her niece accomp- anied her home, Mr. and SeIts. Peckett of Detroit and bIr. and bars. Andrew Best of the west spent New Year's as `the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Mc- Greggor. Mr, and Mrs. Duncan Tud- or were New Year's guests hone of the lady's parents, DIP. and Mrs. William Stanley of Ilblinesvil- 1c. Mrs. 13. B. Stephenson returned 55 Friday after a visit with her moth-• er, Mrs. Andrew of Gerrie. Hier brother, Mr, Ernest .Andrew, return- ed with her for a short visit before leaving for his home in the west. lirigerOMME Jaililary Shoe Sale Our 6th Semi -Annual Clearing Sale has to date proved an unqualified success—thanks to our many patrons and friends. Below you will find a number of new lines of shoes, as well as the rubbers already on our bat gain list for your consideration. Gime and see for yourself the many other bar- gains we are prepared to show you in shoes. 00 pairs women's patent and kill buttoned and laced boots, sizee 21 to '7, regular $2 50 to .98 8.50, sale price 00 pairs misses' buttoned - and laced kid boats all sires, regular $2 00, sale price.. .., x,.48 80 pairs men's calf bluchers, sic. es 0 to 9, regular 3.00 to 3,60, sale price 2.48 30 pairs boys' high top laced boots, sizes 1 to 4, regular price 3,10. sale price Do not forget that our rubber sale is still on. 2.48 H. S. CHAPMAN smasearreassimasaselivieseaceaumernswasesessonas PHONE l'