HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-01-13, Page 3• ary 13th, I916
Clinton News -Record
Every Price
a Bargain Price.
What We
"Advertise Is So.
25 to 50 Percent. Off Ali Goods Advertised,
Sale Starts SATURDAY, January 15th
Sale Ends. SATURDAY, January 29th
Terms �-Cash.
We wish to impress upon the people of Clinton and surrounding country that we will
not carry over this season's stock to next season. It must be got rid of. We have made the
prices so low as to be absolutely sure that we will accomplish our object during the January
Sale. " our loss is your gain." The few prices following give you an idea what to expect
when you come to this store;
11iecksii�.ha. ! t this s{r.,-ales� r1`��4 � �
Ladies' Lawn and \Toile Waists 992.
Webye about 2dozen ladies' waists slight-
ly soiled, this .4easou's styles, values up to $u 00,
January sale )nice 99
Ladies' Cream and Black Nett
Waists $l 39.
One dozen only ladies' cream and black nett
waists, silk lined, all sizes, regular $4, January
sale price 5139
Ladies' Lawn Waists 59c.
One dozen only. odd styles, slightly soiled,
values up to $2 00, January sale price 59
Ladies' Black Moire Underskirts
Five dozen ladies' black moire underskirts
bought specially for this sale, would be gond
value at $1.75, January sale price $1.09
Ladies' Toques 49c.
Two dozen ladies' ort nes, combination of
colors, t egular 85o, January sale price 49
House Dresses'
Five dozen ladle s'
house dres6OS, gond wash-'
Ing print, sizes 34 and 31
only, in eerier' $1.,25 'a n d
$1.50, January sale price
Ladies' Cloth Skirts
• $1;49. • -
'; e have too many
ladies' cloth skirts, We do
not want to earn:y these ov-
er to next season. They
are made of extra good
cloth, sizes 23, 24, 25 and 20
rands, values up to $5,00,
Jantraty sale price. • 1:49
Odd Furs $1.99,
Two dozen odd pieces
of: fur inclup'04 marmot,
opposunt end gnat,• some
of these sold eshigh as $7,
January sale price, .1.49
Ladies" Sill: and Cloth Dresses
Half Price,
One dozen ladies' silk and cloth dresses,
colors brown, 01 ek and bine, values up to
$15.00, January sale price 1 price
White Vesting 14e.
100 yards -white vesting, neat patterns,
good wearing cloth, regular 25c and f35r•,
January sale price, per yard 14
Embroideries and Laces
Half Price
500 yards embroideries and laces, all
widths ; regular price
Mantle Cloth $1.09 a Yard.
40yards mrntlecloth, suitable for chil-
dren's coats, 79 inciter wide, navy and black,
red and black check, regular $1.75 per yard,
January Sale price, per yard ...,......1.09
Wrapperettes 13c a Yard.
100 yards good wrapperette suitable for
kimtuonas and dressing sacques, regular 20c
and 25c per yard, Januar y sale price per
yard .13
Scotch Madras 39c a Yar i,
100 yet cls Scotch madras, guaranteed fast
colors, suitable for dining rooms, living
morns end bedrooms, regular OOc and 75c,
Jannary sale price, per yard..... • . .. • , ..39
Scrims 24e per Yard,
75 yards colored scrims 40 inches wide,
regular 50c a yard, January sole price...24
We put on sale every coat in our store includ-
ing black and colors at exactly half of the regular
price. About forty coats to choose from.
Come early Saturday for best choice.
Scotch Gingham 110,
500 yards of good washing gingham, checks
and stripes, gt arantced fast t dors, regular l5c
and 18e, January side price 11
Your choice of any coat j2 price,
Collar Supports,
5. dozen celluloid colla,' supports, white and
black, 4 cat cls for .05
Worsted Hose 25o.
5 dozen pair of worsted hose, sizes 7, 7!,, 8,
8}, 0, 0, and 10, special for January sale, per
parr 25
Raincoats $3 99.
d dozen only ladies' raincoats, colors,
fawn and grgy, all sizes 3-4 to 40, regular 80
and $0.50, January sale price 3.99
1\Iilliuery $1.00.
Only (i trumped hats left to clear, your
choice 00
Lace Curtains i1,29,
3dozen pairs Nottingham lace curtains.
34 yards long, good patterns, regular $2.00,
January sale price 1 29
Ladies' Neckwear 19c.
3 dozen ladies' collars, slightly soiled,
values ul, to 75c, January sale price 19
Flannelette Blankets.
141 pairs all white flannelette blankets,
large size, regular $1,85, January sale price
Dress Goods Special 36c per
100 yards dress goods, colored checks, 38
inches wide, regular 60c a yard, January -sale
price per yard 36
Corsets l' Price.
15 pairs oda corsets to clear at halt
Children's Coats $2.99.
15 children's coats, all good styles, sizes 4,
0, 8 and 10 years, values up to $7,011, January
sale price 2.99
Flannelette Embroidery
-too Yet ds flannelette embroidery, pink,
bine and create, t.1 Lo 4 inches wide, regular iOc
and 1.21c, January sale price 06
Dress Trimmings 5c pEr Yard,
200 yards dress trimmings, all colors, nar-
row width, 10e, 15e and 22c, January sale price
per yard 05
Your choice of any fur or fur -lined
coat 25 percent, discount,
Came to this Sale even If { Remember the
I Date and
something else must wait. I Come Early,