HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1916-01-06, Page 8Clinton News -Record
o take up at once your share
)ply because by so doing you
,ur own interests, but your,ac-
.evital interests of the Empire.
fiches or over
lows like you for the 161st
want you now.
1 food and good quarters.
Ids of your kith and kin cal -
1 historyuof the nation has it
crisis of such gravity as the
)ur share ? If not, why not ?
The 161st "HURONS"
wing Sale!
aping Time in this Shoe Store
Period. During the present
deep --very deep; outs on all
nd do everything we possibly
oe we have:on hand.
t that can be made that will
ividend as a Shoe investment
lye you but a faint idea of our
see,,for yourself. 'You know
— Our reputation was establish-
-ig your:shoes right now,
d Shoes Store.
The W. D. Fair Co.
Gist of the Lessons.
Peloubet's Select Notes.
Tarbell's Guide.
Arnold's Practical Commentary.
Pocket and Office Diary;
Often the Cheapesb—Always the Best.
d" II't ill,.
Mrs. Alexander of Stratford .was a
guest at Mr. C. heller's last week.
Mr. Walter Jackson carne home from
Brantford for New Year's and
the week -end.
Mrs. A. J. Grigg was called to Lon-
don this weep owing to the illness
of her mother,
Mr. Wellington Cook was up from
Hamilton spending the holiday
time at his home in town.
Mr. S. H. Mercer of Woodstock
spent the New Year's holidays with
his brother-in-law, Mr. G. E. Sav-
dr. and Mrs. Somers of Stratford
were holiday guests in Clinton at
the home of Mr. and firs, 'Hiram
1VIr. Arnold Petrie visited his sis-
ters, the Misses Petrie, teachers at
the Canadian Soo, during the holi-
Mrs. II. Steep is up from Toronto
and visiting her father and bro-
ther, Messrs. John and Fred.
Mr., J, C. McMath was down to Am-
herst Island last ,week attending
the funeral of
Mrs Mellath's
mother, the late Mrs. (Captain)
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dunbar of Sarnia
spent the holiday season as the
guests of the latter's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. George Burnett, Princess
Mrs. Schrenk and Miss Rae Neilaus
spent Saturday and the week -end
at their respective homes in town,
returning to Kincardine Monday
Mr. J, T. Mustard and Master
Charlie returned to Toronto the
forepart of the week after a
short visit with Mr. and Mrs, D.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rutledge of
Toronto spend the week -end and
holiday as guests of the former's
parents, Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Rut-
ledge of the Wesley parsonage.
Mrs. J. A. Irwin who left a fortnight
ago for Alberta to visit her son
and daughter-in-law, the latter be-
ing, unfortunate),ill very
but ill, has
ls stow
herself been quite
Mr. Sydney Jackson and his Baugh -
ter, Margaret, of Lethbridge, Al-
berta, arrived last weekand Johnare
visiting at his father's, Mr.
Jackson's. The genial "Syd"
certainly looks as if Father .Time
was good to him.
Miss Viola M. (learn left on Satur-
day last for Campbellford in the
Belleville district where on Mon-
day she took charge of her first
school. Miss Hearn was a g
student and will no doubt prove
to be an efficient teacher.
Mr. A. Scotebiner and his daughter,
Miss Daisy Scotelmier, who has
uary Sale commences Saturday,
rokan sizes of good seasonable
g price reductions.
ur ladies' and children's coats
hance to save money,
teel Bros.
hone 25. — More Business
wing Machines.
c say anything about the good quality of
have made an enviable. reputation for
t a doubt the hest household machine
ying a machine come and talk it over
or Mattresses
give you thirty nights free trial and if
et your money back. The price is $15.
acuukn Cleaners.
Domestic Vacuum Gleaner. Theywill
thoroughly and if used once or twice a
weeping and dusting. Free trial given.
bia Grafonolas.
r and hear our Columbia Grafonolas and
t toned and the most distinct talking ma -
e in and ask for any record and we will
lers and Funeral Directors.
ore Phone 104.
J. D. ATKINSON, Phone 180
Are a special feature of our
dress goods stock.
We have them
Black and Indigo
Priced from
to $4.75 yard.
New Fabrics
RIESTLEYS' Dress Goods arefamous
for their wide range of fashionable
shades, their fast colours and splendid
wearing qualities. Made of the finest
grades of silk and wool.
We are showing a most attractive
assortment of the new Spring,
Priestley fabrics. You must see them to
realize how delightfully they combine beauty
with long -wearing utility.'
•oar, ,/ - //,
, /
At the Front
DURING the past twenty-five years
through all Fashion's fancies
in weaves, colors and fabrics,
have been, as it were, at the front.
Whatever Fashion demanded in
fancy weaves, or in color, has been
supplied by Priestleys' from the
world-famous looms at Bradford,
This year—it's blacks and blues
and plain colors—Priestleys' have them
in different fabrics, but all in the same
high grade and famous quality.
Before selecting
the material 'f or
your suit—
uit—come and see our
display. It will
pay you.
Women's Store
Dry Goods and
ITouse Furnishings
Phone 67,
Next Royal Bank,
IVl.en's Store
Merchant 'Tailoring and
Men's Furnishings
Phone 103,
Opposite Public Library.
About People You Know
Wilson Rath came down from Col-
borne for over New Year's,
Miss Dinsley spent the holiday and
week -end with friends about Bruce -
Miss Araudic Cook left on Monday for
Smith's Fails where she has
Mr. F. Il. Hodgens of Goderich was
in Clinton on Monday.
Miss Bessie Porter spent the holi-
day period with friends at Lontias-
Mrs. W. J. Ross left on Tuesday
morning for a short visit in De -
cured a school. troit,
Mrs. 'r. Carbert and Miss Margaret y Miss Dello O'Neil returned to Toron-
Carbert spent -the year-end with to on Monday to resume her leach -
relatives in Stratford.
Miss Mary McCaughey! returned lumre
'On Monday alter spending the past
few weeks in Guelph.
Miss Brown of Toronto visited over
the holiday and week -end with her
brother, Mr. W. C. Brown.
Miss, Maida Armour of Goderich vis-
ited for a few lays of last week
with her aunt, Mrs. D. 5. Odell'..
Miss Powell of Toronto was holno
for the holidays with her 515015,
Misses Susie and Wroxyl Powell.
Mr. and Mrs. Eli Holtzhauer and
family and Mr, and Mrs. W. Holtz-
hauer moved to Preston last week._
Mr. and Mrs. A. Downs and blaster
Walter of lona Station were the
guests of the former's brother, Mr.
W. S. Downs, for a few days last
Dr. and Mrs. Axon spent the New
Year holiday and work -end !coli
friends in Mitchell and Mrs. Axon
is spending this week at her home
in Cheslcy.
TVlr. and Mrs. John R. Scott and
Miss Ethelwyn of Clifford were vis-
itors over the New Year at the
home of Mrs. Sbott's sister, Mrs.
W. S. Downs.
Dr. and Mrs. Kay and Miss Bernice
-left on Monday for their home at
Lapeer, Mich„ after spending the
vacation season with the lady's
' father, Mr, John Gibbings.
Mr. Ben Spencer of Corrine, Sask„
who cane east late in December
and has been visiting in the old
home village of ,Bayfield, was in
Clinton on Tuesday. Mr. Spencer
is another of Bayfielcl's yo'sng"lien
who has done well out on the
prairies. ITe is in the elevator
business and as this is, the busy
season he starts back to Corrine
next Monday.
been living in Sask. the past couple
of years, visited several days this
week with his other daughter, Mrs.
Albert 'Townshend of T3ullett.
Scotehmer came in to vote in Clin-
ton, not in his long life ' having
missed an opportunity of exercis-
ing the franchise.
Private Booth of Woodst.e'.: spout
the holiday and
week -end
her as the
guest of his grandmother,
Kerr of Victoria street. Private
Booth is a soh of Mr. and Mrs. 5.
Booth of Winnipeg, formerly of
Clinton, whose three sons are now
in the service of theEmpire,
youngest having just entered,
training for home defence.
Mr. George Tro$Vhill, for manyi years
an esteemed citizen of Clinton but
for the past year or so in Kincar-
cline where his two daughters re-
side, came down for._ the holiday
and week -end. One of Mr. Trow -
hill's sons, Charlie, is serving
King and Country overseas, "some-
where in France or Belgiuiim," as a
member of the 'telephone branch
of the Pioneer Corps.
Barrister Doig of the U.S. Soo, but
formerly a Tuckersmith pedagogue,
being in. town on Friday last,
called upon Mr. James boig, the
Monument man. They are not
closely related, but the name Doig
being not a common one it is --not
unlikely if they went back fat
enough family records would show
the same origin, Be that as it
may, Cid' Soo lawyer always hunts
up our citizen when he carnes to
town. J
Mr. Hedley May of Exeter was the
guest of E. It. May the latter end
of the week.
Mrs. Bean has returned from Blyth
where she spent Xmas and New
Year's with friends.
Mr, and Mrs. John May and son
Russell spent .Naw Year's Day
with Exeter friends.
Mr. David Cantelon returned last
week from. a month's business trip
through the prairie provinces.
Mr. James H.• Campbell of Wilkie,
Sask,, is spending a lortnight or
so with his sister, Mrs. T. H.
Nit. Robinson McLean of ^ Seaforth
was the guest over New Year's
Eve of Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Can-
Miss Antrim Bartlill, nurse -in -train-
ing in a London hospital, spent
New 'Year's and the week -end at
her home in town.
Miss ,Annie IVIcComiel returned to
her school at Merrickville on Mon -
clay after spending the holidays at
her Home in town.
Mrs, Fulton of Yale, Micli., has been
visiting during the past week at
the home of •nor patents, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Thompson of town.
Miss Eva Walker and Miss Beck of
Goderich spent a couple of days
during the holiday season with the
former's grandmother and aunt,
• Mrs. John Layton and Mrs, J,
Mrs. Mort. 1VIeKelier of Niagara
Palls, N.Y., was the guest over the
New Year's Holiday of her brother,
Mr. F. W. Powell of Goderich
Tp, south of town. She returned
home Tuesday.
The News Front ondesboro.
Mrs. Maines and Miss Lizzie Main-
es spent New Year's with London
Chas. and Wesley Crawford are
visiting at the home of NIr. John
Stephenson of Ethel.
Mr. A. Brogden of San Francisco,
Cal., is visiting Isis patents, Mr, and
Mrs. Geo. Brogden,
On Tuesday evening the Young
Men's Organized Class of the
Methodist S. S. met at the home of
their teacher, Mrs. W. Lyon, to el-
ect now officers for the, year. After
the business was over a social
hour was spent after which lunch
was served. The following were the
officers elected :
Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Welsh came up
from Chatham to visit o:•er the
holiday at the former's parental
home, that of Sergeant and Mrs.
Welsh. They purposed going back
on Monday but Mr., Welsh was
prostrated by grippe and had to
remain a few days longer, a sub-
stitute taking over his duties for
the time being, as agent for the
C.W. Si L.E.' Railway.
Mr. ,sand Mrs. 'J, Foster Gibbings of
Kindersley, Sask., who came east
a short time since dila . spent'
Christmas with tllo• lady's people
near Collingltvood, arrived before
New Year's' Day at the former's
parental home, that of Mr. and
Mrs, Robt, Gibbings of - Mlett.
They purpose remaining the great-
er part of the winter and will
visit friends in Clinton and else-
At the concert recently held in the
Methodist church the Sunday school:
presented Miss Alice Bell with a.
gold wrist watch as a token of their
appreciation of her services as or.
President, N. Garrett,
Secretary, Thos. Moon.
Treasurer, \Vill. Brumbley.
Teacher, Mrs. W. Lyon.
Assistants, Ed. Gray .inti W. 11.
Mrs. Coombs and Miss I-ra .eI of
London spent New Year's at the
home of Mr. W. C. Armstr mg.
Mr. F. Tamblyn was in I t.ndot
Tuesday of this week,
Mr, and Mrs. Jos. Stalker o1 In-
gersoll spent a few days Iasi wtek
at the home of bit. D. Geddes.
Miss Lizzie Mains was the stwetts-
ful party in the guessing contest,
winning a coal stone, for guessing
nearest to the number of shot in a
pint germ at Blackall's hardware,
Mr. J. K. Wise, who was among
the congregation in St. Paul's
church Sunday morning, attended
his first service in that church fif-
ty-four years ago, being the first
child baptised in St. Paul's.
Mr. J. W. Kilbride has returned ' to
town after spending the holiday
week at St. Thomas and Strath-
roy. Mrs. Kilbride is making a
longer stay at the parental home
in St. Thomas and is not
expected back until Monday! next.
Mr. L. D. Fulton and 'familp have
moved up from Hensall and will
reside at the corner of Fulton and
Rattenbitry streets. Mr.- Fulton,
who has taken over the locale
agency of the I.11.0. Company, Me-
eCormick branch, having bought out'
Mr, James Lovett's interest,' corn
es well recommended:. The News-,
Record hopes residence fn Clinton-
may be both pleasant and Profit-
able for Mr: Fulton and family.
Hullllett Township
Into the thirty five acres of tim-
ber land which Mr. Frank Kettle re-
cently sold to Ament Bros. of Sea -
forth for $3550 the sawmillers have
already, a gang of men at work and
though they have two years to
clear out the bush it is expected
much of it will be drawn into town
this season,
Miss Louise Haley of Windsor vis-
ited her sister, Mrs. Wm. Morrison,
over the holiday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dominick Flynn and,
Mrs. George Carbert spent New
Year's and Sunday, with Stratford
Dr. Mabee, Mr. E. McLaughlin and
Misses G. Rhynas, ,1. Shannon and
T. McIntosh of Goderich visited at.
Mr., Richard Blake's on New Y^,;r't'
Mrs. A. W. Young lias returned to:,
her home in Philadelphia ' after a
visit with her brother, Mr. John Mc-
Jaiilary Shoe Sale !
Again the season has arrived for us to clean up
stook and prepare for the new season that is not so
away. To do this we are prepared to offer you q
number of substantial inducements in men's and wo-
mans' shoes and rubbers
Note the following rubber prices
200 pairs womens rubbers,
four shapes, all sizes
50 pairs misses' rubbers,
all sizes
150 pairs, men's rubbers
three shapes, all sizes
50 pairs boy's rubbers
all sizes