HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-12-27, Page 7• 0. wlawtsrri,taarrmrtxnlpwwmiwutw+?r�awwnweurc-axuJ�uyrd!osuwaf THE C 1 I N WE `TQ. W WI:i-:OU to make 1 9 1 8 A HappyYear By Buying What You Require in Dry Goods andHouse Furnishings Clt thing and Men's Furnishings Women's Store Next Royal Bank Phone 67 .1g,90q'L'dG'@1L^aF°4il^L rJ •"' . �' �u.�.�• _ 7777. at Men's Store Opposite Library Phone 103 ppy New Ye 1 We take this opportunity of expressing to our friend's and patrons our thanks for past favors and respectively solicit your! patronage for 1918. Wishing you all a! Happy New Year. May 1918 bring Peace, Happiness, and; Prosperity to you all..HIGHEST PRICES FOR PRODUCE Jj j Phone 111 Phone Promptly Attended to ... ...r_ -71 _-,7,,0,,. THE PROVINCIAL ELECTIONS NEXT There can only be one more session r•f the present Legislature of Ontario ere another appeal to the people by the Hearst government will become, necessary. On the last oc- casion Mr. Rowell was the leader of the Opposition, and made. a splendid fight on the abolition of the bar and similiar issues. This time prohibition will not be a subject of serious con- troversy, all parties being now com- mitted to it, and there being no man in provincial politics who would ven- ture to suggest a return to the old licensing system with all its attendant evils. Mr, Bowell is also ors(. of the way, having been translated into the Dominion arena, and the Liberal parte• wilt have to provide a new leader and possibly a new policy, A change in the voters' lists systems ]las also been made and the provincial -irauchise ex- tended to wohlen and soldiers. The old method of taking the municipal lists as a basis and adding to it the names obtainer/ by registration is done away withra'tid the system of enumer- ation which has prevailed in the Do- minion elections recently held is to be substituted. The franchise has been extended to women and soldiers, but has not been changed in other re- spects, The voters' lists will in fu- ture, be prepared under the direction of a voters' registration board, said boards, SSVe in the county of York, to consist of live members for each county, The board will appoint for each electoral district such number of registrars as it 1na3' deem neces- sary for the purpose of preparing the 417s747.7.7onmatomemeasont.t7.1.70774.77. ."7 lists and shall direct the registrars, who shall visit every house or dwell- ing place in every polling sub -division. The registrars are required to hold sittings for the purpose of hearing ap- plications from persons claiming to be qualified and • whose names are nbt entered of the printed lists. These sittings are to be held between the fifteenth and twentieth day after tate lists are posted, In this way the re- gistrars prepare supplementary lists {vltiech shall be sworn to and delivered to the clerk of the peace. It is not easy to see why either the Dominion or the Ontario Government should have found it necessary to de- part from the old system of preparing the voters' lists, which seemed to give entire satisfaction and to be fair to all parties, whereas the system of ap- pointing einunerattors suggests the possibility of unfair lists and gives the party in power an opportunity to obtain aaundue advantage. CLINTON MARKETS Butter Eggs Hogs Wheat $2.00 to $1.10 Oats ' - 70c Buckwheat $1,15 to $1.30 Bran „35.00 Shorts $45.00 Hay $5.00 to $10.00 35c to 36c -1 le to 45c $16,75 To lessen the humming of telephone wires when fastened to buildings a sysenl invented in Europe encloses , them in cement cylinders that are softer on the inside than the outside. pOTf 11 si L fr # is n magic oil that smooths the pet h r f c d,tenc . it's rich, pure, sparkling and wholesome -with the old-time Labatt • • flavor that: makes you realize you have.the right bevet'ape. Better ns a tonic or wrinkle -chaser than the pills of anyivl.11. Drina alt you want. Labatt's Special Ale is as pure es the mountain brook. YOUR GROCER SELLS IT Also oil sale at Cafes, Hotels, end in case lots rliieCt from the BaawerY- JOH LAB T .4 , LIMITED ED ESTABLISHED 1832 T tit LONDON, ONT., and No, 4 St. Helen Street, MONTREAL Friday Arch Meeting An arch meeting Will be held' 7n Friday evening of this week. T,ro candidates have tickets for a "rot.nd trip." Father Dead Word was received to -day (Thu,s- day) of the death of Mr. W'n, Salain his 90th year, at Brewers Mills, 't small village nine utiles from Kins- ton. Deceased died on Wednesday at 3 p. nt. He was the father of 'Mrs, George Bolton, of town. Catholic Christmas Tree, 'rhe Catholic Sunday School held :a their nal Christmas entertainment Christmas tree on Friday evening The •entertainment consisted of dialo- gues, rcitatiois, readings etc. It was Largely attended by the Sunday school, Victory. Loan Payments. The Finance Department at Ottawa has announcd that subscribers to the Victory Loan may make the January payment any time between the first and 10th of January.when the Scrip Certifi- cate will le exchanged for the Provis- ional Receipt which must be surrender- ed to the tank when payment is made.Union Prayer Meetings Commencing on January 16th the five churches of the Town will unite for their weekly prayer meetings.Representatives of the several congre- gations haye met twice recently and decided to assist in conserving fuel by holding these Union Meetings. Should the fuel question become nm>•e acute other plans may' be adopted. The Pasters are co-operating and will do their best to see that there will be no wastage of fuel ars tar as the Churches are concerned. Salvation Army Christmas Entertain- ment '191e Salvation Army entertainment and Christmas tree held on Tuesday evening was :.great success, Thehall was nearly full, and those present en - enjoyed it immensely' Following is the program. Song Prayer Christmas Address -Air, 11, Liver 'More, Christmas Greetings -Myrtle Car- rick. Duet -"Once in Royal David's City" by Lieut. Tucker and Miss Hattie Livermore, Recitation -"First pair of Breeches" by Norman Livermore. Sony by 6 boys and girls . Recitation -Bobby Carrick Dialogue -The Reformed Christmas by six girls, Song "Christmas Bells" by the Sun- day school, Bible Reading -Capt, Proud Handkerchief drill -6 "tots" Recitation -"Turn down the lights" by Else Hayward Solo by Capt, Proud Dialogue---" The Returned Brother" by Asa J. Bolton, Percy Livermore and Lieut, Tucker Recitation •'- "Daddy's Girl" by Ethel Carrick Hoop Drill -10 girls Recitation -"A gift for all" by Percy Livermore Solo --"Life's Railway" by Capt, Scott. Reeitatioi 'The • After Effects" by Clarence Livermore Conical Recitaiioil••--Lieth. Shave Santa Claus 'presented resentethe ga is ori • the Christmas tree to the plesscre of •everyotte. Doxology. A similar program wilt the •put alt at the HL1use of Refuge tonight (Thurs- day.) ' IEW . ..... 7777.., 77 77 _ ... •. 1` ]ufStP<ly, l7eeeiliher 7t11, 15117 . I.Iryp!#M;taiYM aarrnawnisaa .--..::. _: �,»'I�q _ m:r'nwru?rtiot_u'xur{cwiat►eakttt MOmmllmlWPVVpllutNOIIII1111111111VILlIIWlilplulllllplllllEllVluIMIIIUUMMInUVIpaIIINCIPdINIIpOVVNUlllll;l;lll!IIINGIIViN$ c Ne ilimuluuulpm umiiuluummuluuummuiliuluuuuuuuiuuiuluiuimiuulun u! liuumulummuuulNluiuiuluiuuuuuiuululul muouluuuuumpau u Conserve the Power At the request of the Ilyclro Elec- tric Power Commission of Ontario, Hydro customers are ;asked to use as little current as possible until further notice, particularly from 4,30 p; to 6 p, nt., on Mondays, Tuesdays Wednesdays, Thursday and Fridays, and so. help to avoid 11 possible short- age fur Munition plants and other es. sential industries. A Live (advertising Agency McConnell & Ferguson's Advertising Agency in London has become one of the leading Advertising Agencies of Canada, Fa' fifteeti years' ther heady garters have been at London, They have live and flourishing branches at Toronto .arid Winnipeg and have just opened another branch ,at Montreal, Advertisers in every part of the Do- minion are, now planning business througlf McConnell & Ferguson. Must Be Assessed 1n order that married women will have the right to• exercise the vote at• the forthcoming municipal elec- tions, lecttions, it will be necessary that they be assessed either as part owners of property, or as tenants, Or for in- come up to $400. It is not sufficient that Their husbands' names are on the list to enable the wives to vote. Oti the other hand, widows and cessful from every standpoint Rev, spinsters will vote as usual, and 13, G Powell gave two very eloquent married women who are assessed in their own name will vote far the sermons, The suns of $400 was ask - board of education only. ed for, and the congregation respond- ed by giving $422. Home Again, The Huron Poultry Show Saturday night Pte, William Coats, arrived home on the six train and was met at the station by the, Kittle band and the reception committee who es- corted him to his home. Pte, Coats Will Cut Off Train According to report the G. T. R., will cut off the Lonciun train coming up at 1(1130 and returning at 4115 on Jiusuaar,y 6th, This train was cut off last winter, Is Married To -pay At the bride's home 1n Grey 'Town- ship, near Brussels, Miss Ida Renins, who was a .former Modelite end later taught here, was married to -day to Mr. Stanley Wheeler, Fuller particu- lars will be given next week. Judgment in 0. W. S. Railway Case Judgement has been given at Os- goude Hall in the case of the Muni- cipalities against the Toronto General Trusts Corporation. The decision is against the municipalities on almost all points, Just Missed Disaster Mr, W, J. Mgrray, of Exeter, and past D, D. G. 'M., of the I, 0. 0, F., in this district Just missed the 11aii7 fax disaster by a day. ale had been travelling in the A'iaritine Provinces, and haul been at Halifax. He is now at his home for tate Christmastide. Preached at Kincardine Kincardine Reporter,: -The Anniv- ersary Services in the Methodist church last Sunday were very suc- went overseas with the 161st and was transferred to Prance. He returns to the military hospital at Guelph after a few days here for further treatment. Presentation and Address, On Friday evening the Model Class called at the hoose of Principal Bouck and presented. him with a mantle clock and the fulluyvieg address - De ar Mr. Bouck: - '1'lae Model Class of 1917 feel they would fail to avail themselves of the privilege if in some way we did not ex- press to you our appreciation of fur experiences of the tern,. When we carne together last August we were strangers to each other and to you, but during these months friendships have been formed betwcet+ us as students, in which you have had a directing hand. And we feel that these friendships The Directors of the Huron Poultry Ass,lciation promise a bigger and bet- ter door than ever for Jan. 14, 15, and 1 6th at Goderich Special prizes amounting to 530 Have, been offered for competition entirely outside of the County, which should help to bring a good entry list from distant points. Buren County Assizes According to tate official announce- ment of the sittings of the supreme court of Ontario for the half year, Jan- uary to June, 191 S, the winter assizes for Huron County will open at Code - rich on March 1 tth, before Mr. Jus- tice Masten. The non -jury sittings will open on April 22nd before Mr, Justice Middleton, Minor Locals The New Era gives the news. Now is the time to square up. A happy New Year to our readers. Fuel shortage is still a problem in town. Friday of last week was the , short- est day of the year. The rabbit shooting season opened will be the nobler and truer because on December 23rd. and lasts till Jan - „f your influencce, (gory a•nd. But even above the friendships tor Municipal Nominations in Clinton, etch tither, the prize that friendslti,'s Im Monday, December 31st. 13Iso- established between yourself and us. tions un Afnnday. January 7t11. As a 1. lssr, we have appreciated ;•our faithful and painstaking effort matrimonial and as we go out, now, from your eltss The latusels Post stakes reference qualified for life's duty, we feel that to lite marriage o1 Mr, Ernest Plum, you will always take a Lindiy inter'.st of that village, who is at cocci i o1 the in us wherever our lob eta:' he cast, 13:.zelt family, and vrho has visited Nce,e upon the eve +-u our separating here on various occaslens:-7iundav an expression of lour appfeciati,l1 afternoon Rev, W, F. Stafford, B. A„ of the grant and obliging value of the tied the matrimonial knot, at the :11ath- service you have rendered us, we est: y,111 10 accept this 'small token of friendship. odist parsonage, Brussels, between lir. (truest G. Plum, town, and Miss Thelma. Ethel, daughter of George and .Mrs, Signed on behalf of the Model S:nalidal, Crauhrook, 71 r, and Mrs. Lias'+. Plum left on the afternoon train for a G. Campbell, Stella Nelson ,and shirt wedding trip to 'Toronto. i{aun- Ethel Butler Ilton, Niagara falls and other Eastern points. On their return they wilt ' ti take up residence in Brussels where they will be at home early in January to their many friends. The New Era O extends congratulations and wishes the bride and groom many happy, pros- perous year's, , * 0 , C. C. 1. NEWS 1 111 ee :1i * fac , %: r , The Literary Society were ratable to get up a good programme for their intended Christmas meeting before the Christmas holiday's but they are going to prepare an excellent programme for a meeting shortly after the New Year, The boys have organized hockey teams for winter games, There 'was no school on Friday last as only ;boot n doom pupils appeared at school, all the fest taking a holiday, The ottt of town teachers left last week for their various homes. * 1k 4 * 8: 5 1k 3 16 * • PATRIOTIC NOTES 4! The contest frlr the grand drive in socks is now open and we hope tisat everybody will get to work with a will and determination to attaint our aim of five hundred pairs. The lad- ies who have charge of the wool in the different wards as follows: - St. James -Mrs. G. D, McTaigart St, John--h-lesdanles McMath and Cooper, Please tie the socks for these two wards with green, St, Andrews -Mrs. W. D 1 -lir 5t. George -Mesdames Wiseti+.iti and Saville. Please tie these .wscks with red.'' 'tVoo1 will he distrib:tted' and any farther supplys May be I.tad from Mrs. Shaw. Would the knitters please wash all socks and return to the cap- tain of the 'ward they live in, Quick March. a, Mother Dead The Stratford Beacon reported the death of Mrs, Janet Sparks, mother of Miss Sparks, who was a former milli- ner for Couch & Co., who is now in Seafo•th Following as brief illness, the death occurred on Tuesday at the hone of her son-in-law, 11r. James Biffin, 53 Church street of Mrs, Janet Sparks, aged 77 years. The deceased was born in North L•asthope and spent most of her life in Tavistock. She had lived rat the city for five years. She was a • member of the Ta'iistock Pres- byterian Church, iter husband pre- deceased her some years ago. Their daughters and three sons survive. They Inc.aMrs, J, G. Field, 'Tavistock; Mrs. Jas. Biffin, Church street; Miss L, ,I, Sparks, Seafarth; Hugh V. Sparks, Detroit; Duncan S. of Cleveland; Em- merson B„ Cameron, Alta, Two sis- ters and one brothers also• survive, Mrs, C, D. Matheson, Chicago; Mrs. Neal Murray, Tavistock and J. B. Stewart, Grafton, N. Dakota, NEW SCHEDULE Trains from East. rrive 11.10 15,111. Leave 11,17 a, iii, rrive 5.53 pati 'r cave 6.45 p.m, rrive 11.18 p.m leave 41.18 p.m. Trains iron West rrive 7.33.a.m Leave 7.91.1, in, rrive 2..38 p.ui L eve x,53 ° Trains frone'Sdtith Arrive 10,30 a,m. Leave 1 1.1 0 a.ii rrive 6.40 p.ni. Leave 6.40 p. Trainor from North rrive 7.33 a.m. Leave 7.50'5.05, Arrive 4.15 p.ni. Leave 4,15 pant.; New let o Words 0 1y Editions From 4Oc to. $2.50 Music Ki nhl° 11-0771$;!,30 to $3.50 i"r r scva> =t1lla De '". �elr ys the eaix Often the cheaipest-241w es r014:044.4...mnammaam.44.nemcosompamaxamr.soutmemammoveatcrousruswini r1MOSCWPWATt3272aNI.m..a, .m,.=210=1 ^"`. emIsteis A Tested Lens -- An Accurate Shutter Simple Operation - Good Pictures All these are assured when you purchase aKodak Anybody can take good pictures with aKodak or Brownie. Wye have them from $1.00 up. Come in and let us show ,yo:' how easy they are to use. -We do developing and printing and guarantee good results Despensing Chemist'. r .immorcutzlzuc e "f he Features eV Cu Furniture ,. 7'o which we invite special sattwastior, are its hearty, its assured 00/131C17.2,IIF. solid construction, and iia bekw the - ut, i i prince. Any one of thesn.,+r- nas- would he sufficient to earn os 170 717 preference, When' they ars al cans.• ninecl we feel sure you will rima,: thea this is 0 furniture buying 01,;:car tunity you cannot afford to ignt,rv, JAlis t Undertaker aalal Funeral Director. Phone 21N.. Night and Sunday Cants answered at Residence over store Pe:mnna .. ^u�R-,.7,...,47,...m+a717.51 1:4111w,.;_w::. �EF Jtl mbi tin g Meta1 TSR' Berner 'occurs 6mL=.tre and .I,Ct i) our Friends and Work c '. Gusto nier S AH Kinds Leave your orater now before prices advance Tho .lawk ns Plumbing and Denting Phone, 5:3 Shop -over Nowdand's Mar(Tevaa'o f writ On,a*..tl'it' per IIIIS NI'{{' 'l'bnuldu„; you tot your liberinl en t dnris g the past y'D05 anal {would sr., -lie;: ,'„nit ism:tier-fs. t,.ta�'.'. 14--.1 w E. m illo d r°l w,i11 45. ERY i HOIHREMENT t^ r E IIT1 F This . -Huse Of Got•,d Shoe's Asks The Consideration of People Who Care For Shoes 1f Special Merit And Te: Best Of Shoe Values At Any Stated rice FRE rn id--1me K@N Satisfactory Shoes orosentorammoutantiemommernanamer-------------- 0 ite