HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-12-20, Page 2PAGE 2 Weer Garments • PHONE 78 Dry Goods and House furniehin8s. E TP a c ,.:,. z'w azo=.41= =mum dr, ,V firma Agi ?.�'iierotiefessearege3iw:+,eseu :••mEwuee4.rw.�e'S7weeteterzt :'a-.^!'eetztuotteneuuuvsr es The store where you get the best values; the most varied assort-' anent; the highest quality; where every Gilt purchase is useful and attractive; where tale Christmas spirit reigns supreme; where every purchaser is a lasting friend. This is the store for you to purchase your Christmas Gifts in. Furs For Christmas Gifts There Is nothing more acceptable or more practical as a Christmas, Gift ,titan a handsome • fur. Our stock ()tiers 'many suggestions that will please boot, the ,giver sued the recipient. Our range of furs includes Fox, Wolf, Lamb, Thi - bet, Marmot, Sable, Hudson seal, Electric Seal. Many of these styles are exciustva, Sw eater Goats Bao Christmas Gifts These popular gar- ments make acceptable gifts for the school girl or lady. Our stock is 'a pro- duct of the hest Canadian Mills. Good assortments to choose from. DRESSING GOWNS AND BATH ROBES FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS. Just to hand a special line of dressing gowns and Bath robes in velottirs Crepes and eiderddwns in all the new shades. SPECIAL CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR MEN Bath robes, gloves, ties, braces, armlets, socks, umbrellas, tie clips, tie pins, bandkercitiefs and silk scarfs, etc. • This store will be open evenings before Christmas commencing Tuesday, Dec. 18th. 9311tt>::;: ixere,»essee"cotioct' r einneemi = orentee . T I aF Our ► oys 'Are Thirs They Need Thirst -Quenches That Will Not' Iliirt Thein The Ontario W.C.T.U. is endeavouring to raise a fund of $25,000 for free Tea, Cocoa, Coffee and Lemonade. The National Y.M,C.A., whom the Ontario. W.C.T.U,, is hiding, 'will need t So,000 to cover their free drinkables. The W.C.T.U. has already sent to France, mainly for this purpose about $11,000—but the need grows.more insistent. In addition to the free drinkables, the Ontario W.C.T.U. has be- come responsible for the cost of printing.a weekly leaflet of cheer and spiritual help, which is being sent through the mails to- all the' soldiers in the forward trenches, who express a desire to receive it. 'The appreciation of the men for this bit of comfort can be judged by the fact that, in one division alone, and within one month after the issue began, 15,000 soldiers asked that their • names be entered 'on the "Pay book Leaflet" list.—the leaflets being so named from the fact that they are designed to ,fit into the soldiers' pay book. '1'o aid in raising the necessary funds the W.C.T.U.- of this town will shortly hold a Silver Thimble and •Trinket Day When they will ask every citizen to look through their possessions for broken, useless, unwanted bits of gold and silver trinkets; dis- carded jewelry or table silver, solid or triple -plated. Old gold or silver thimbles. Bracelets. Brooches. Zpir,S.�• Cl:;at:ns or links of chains. Silver Match Boxes Scarf Pins. del Cuff Links. Studs. . Gold or Silver tops of Canes or Umbrellas. Watch Charms. Broken Spoons, forks, or toilet articles in sterling silver or triple - plate. Coins in gold. or silver, which have been monogrammed or punched. All these articles will be melted down and the• proceeds used to flood the forward trenches with the Harmless drinks our boys so need, 'Articles that would bring more money if sold, .than as "scrap's will be sold, Fuller particular's will be given later, • i4ave Your ds — Neer Ezra i t +tw o tc.,ria<a �t3,1�m r THE CLINTON, NEW EfaH., ":..-7,,:t.:t,-,Ira.-4=4`:r.:..,.en:arxxtan.SRPm.w,,....:.,. ",---i,+• , ¢'7. e17 -7F'- On the British Front in Prance.—Everything the, front is lout to being used for road-ma':sing and strongthening 102.9 trees are ..t. • ,.. .�; ,.�,ry'yy,.y)...,11� un-�yrcyrlf'+t;M•a holLL: Near the Yser Canal. -Troops and supplies on their way to the hattlofeld:----NOte the method employed of gradually building up the bridges to their proper le ol. Photos by cotcrtest, of C.P�r. DISTRICT NEW SUMMERHILL Don't forget the enterainnneut and Christmas tree to be held in the Village Hall at Summerhill on Friday, Dec. 21st. Every effort is being, made to snake the evening all enjoyable one. Proceeds for patriotic purposes. • HENSALL Grain is coming quite freely into the market and meets with good prices and ready deutaitd. The snowstorm and blizzard of the 'Thursday, l)eceniber 20th, 1 91 7, visit I'ucvtty Inst, There were it good number present at the anniversary seervt,cs'hcld iu,the Baptist • t hurelt last Sunday, Pastor Rev, t n, 11. Fonio preached two eneell- ent statuette. ,Mite Spencer, 01 buffalo, end,ntentbers 1.1' the Prerbviertan choir and Airs. Ret, Forde, wrested the choir of the church in the service of Stant, the disaster, but word has been receiv- ed from Mr, and Mrs. Naltel and Miss M. Naftel that they are safe. The freighters. Sarnian, Matthews, Martian and Midland King are expect - St. raesonege in Clinton last I uesdayed to reach this port shortly with car- mornin4 when Miss Myrtle Wade Burns goes of grain and will winter here. Hue only daughter of Mr. and Airs. John Tiplady, of the Base Line, was united in matrimony by Rev, J. A. Agnew to Mr, Gifford Keys, of Varna, tiny sun of ,Mr and :bars, James 'I'. Keys, The happy couple left for a trip to Hamilton and Toronto and on their return will g" to the groom's farm near Varna. BRUSSELS Y The 1 ittn is again in darkness, the past few days made the roads almost im dynamo at the electric light plant be - passable and rural mail mutes had to ing burned out. It is expected a new suffer in service. The trains, by use of machine will shortly be installed. snowplows, gut through, but were con- A memorial service was held in the Methodist church in connection with the death of Sergi. Will Mayberry, who died in France front wounds. Jolt, Mooney, one of the oldest re- sidents of the fifth line of Morris Twp., died on Friday afternoon after a pro- longed illness in his 79th ,year, Mr. Mooney was widely known as an Or-' angentan, under whose directions the funeral was held on Tuesday afternoon, interment being nude in Brussels Cemetery. . A very successful Red Cross bazaar was held by he young ladies of this town, at which $212 was the receipts. siderably behind tine. Death of Mrs. Wilson AlcSherry.— The death occurred of Mrs. Wilson N1cSherry, of• the Township of Itay, one of the early and much respected settlers of this prat of the country. Mrs, McSherry had attained the age of 80 years. Mr. John Caldwell, jr., has purchas- ed a farm a little over halfway be- tween here and -Exeter, A•lr, 'Wm, Buchanuan, jr., left here lately for the West with a splendid carload of horses, which he intends selling there. Nursing Sister Gertrude Petty, dau- ghter of Reeve Petty, of this village, returned hone from overseas as one of the nurses in charge of a number of convalescent soldiers, and on her re. turn was married to Lieut. Donaldson, of Brandon, Man., at St, Paul's Church, Toronto, leaving for Lieut. Donaldson's hone in the west, Miss Patty took her nursing course in the Stratford Hospital, and went overseas nearly two years ago, W. M. Harburn, while engaged in operating machinery at the Hensall planing mills, had his hand drawn into the machinery. Ile had several fingers badly cut and mangled, requiring 10 stitches. • WROXETER The monthly shipment of the Red Cross Society to headquarters contain- ed tate following articles: 44 suits py- jantas, 9 flannel shirts, 72 towels, 96 pairs of socks, " Peter Milligan Inas disposed of the draytng business to John Gemntil, of tlowick. Dr. B. J. and Mrs. Hazelwood of Bownianville visited the former's father, W C. Hazelwood, recently J. Gilmore and fancily have moved to Lucknow. GODERICH The county court has been in session at the court house during the past Got, ElUC3-I TOWNSHIP three ciays'with a heavy docket,'Judge The people of this vicinity were saddened to hear of the death of Mrs, George Jenkins, wile of (:,^.urge Jen- kins, who is a son of Mr. and airs. Roland Jenkins on the toth conces- sitnt e his township gave a splendid maj- ority for the Unionist candidate, Mr. J. 3, Mertter, Mrs, Bert Murphy and son returned last week after spending a month with relatives ittUnited States Mrs. John Smith and daughter are visiting friends and relatives in Mich - Igen. Word tuns received here from Ilayter Aberta, of the death of Bertha Ferris on Friday, the wife of George Jenkins, and daughter of the late John Ferris, of Portage La Prarirc. The funeral will take place from the home of her bro- ther,' John Ferris. HULLETT Some Godeircht people' have been At he meeting of the Town Council it was reported that an electric fire alarm system Would be installed at once.: SEAFORTH. The death 1,1 Margaret. Dickson, re- lict of the late Robert Chisholm, at he we of 91, occurred at (yak River, Man, She Was the last surviving mem- ber til' tht Dic;san family, which settled at Ruxbnra. McKillop, in the very first 'settlement of this district, but some years ago the Chisholm family moved to the west. The late James Dickson, registrar of lluron, was a bro- ther, and the Dickson, Somerville and Scott community here being all in the same relationship. A. D. Chisholm, capitalist, of Winnipeg, is a son. c DIED OF WOUNDS • Scrgt. W, Mayberry, Brussels. WOUNDED Pte. 0, A. Brunner, Seawall Pit, Lleut, It, W, Ryan, O Jcrich. ILL Pte. J, C. Harvey, Goderlch Major C. G. Vausioue, Winghant Births, Marriages & Deaths Births NYE—In Tuckersntith, Dec. Loth, to Mr, and Mrs. Nye, a daughter. Marriages KEYS—TIPLADY—In Clinton, on Tuesday, December 1Sth, by Rev, J. A, Agnew, Miss Myrtle Wade Burns only daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John H. Tiplady, to Mr, Clifford H. Keys, only son of Mr. and Mrs, James T. Keys of Varna WINGHAM. W. F. Vanstoue has word here that his son, major C, G. Vanstotte, of the 161s1: Battaion, is seriously ill in Eng- land, Major Vanstone went over with the 161st as captain, and after training in Engaod was gazetted major. Before he went over he held a position as head buyer for a larger packing con- cent in Toronto. fie was a former mayor of the town. Ole of the old residents of this vicin- ity died on Thursday in the person of Donald McCormack, in his 74th year. The funeral'took place Saturday to the Teeswater Ronan Catholic Cemetery. An interesting lecture was given in he OW11 hall by Cap. (Rev.) A. Carlisle, of Windsor, who was chaplain of he 1St.h Battalion., It was given twitter the auspices of St, Paul's A, Y. P. A, HENSALL RECLUSE BURNED TO DEATH GODERICH TOWNSHIP A memorial service was held on Sun- day at Bethany church for the late N. Gordan McDougall, The church Was filled to its capacity and the Rcv, A, MacFarlane preached a very eloquent Dickson presiding. Two slander causes sermon showing how the young soldier were dealt with, and a number of went over to Fnaand as Sergautt and case; were dealt with, and a number of so eager was he to react tits t1,,nt dao it were laid over until January. he put orf his ;,tripes. and went to the Thomas Pollard has stied Sandy ,Mc- front as private. Ile regaleed tris Michael, of Ctmstance, Ont , claiming stripes attain end aso a medal for eon - that McMichael had slandcat'ed hint Spituous bravery, lie was wounded by saying that he stale oats from his in tine leg and although the limb was field, The jury rendered a verdict in amputated he seccumbed to his wounds favor of the defendant. The other During the offering, Miss 1;antpbelt slander case occupied two full days. sang a solo entitled "Beyond the Dawn" 'rhe case aros,e out of slanderous state- which was very much appreciated, meets made by Alex. Sterling, defend- Mr, Roy Bruce and Wallace who -ant, reflecting on the character of the have Beep in Port Stanley for tate sum - plaintiff, Annie Stewart; both of Col. mer returned home last week. borne township, The jury decided in Mr. John Stewart, Bayfield Line, lost favor of the plaintiff, and the awarded a valuable mare last week. ler $500 damages, the limit they could allow in the court. AUBURN. The newly organized Navy League The election passed off very quietly held a tag day and collected abort ]1625 here. The Town Council also gave a grant of Mr, Ray Eastman, station ;agent, in- �51,000, tends moving to Listwet this week. Mr. Peter Patterson and Thomas oats about rertltives in r•laiifate since Windmill, of Altera, arrived here on a John Wilson, Aged 85, Loses Life When Home is Destroyed. SOLE AGENT FOR 1 D.L. & t7I. Scranton Coal and D.H. ec .Lackawanna Both highest grade of anthracite. ----80—.-- c The price will be at tiit: rock 'ottonl, and all we ai;k iu r. turn is that//a�all accounts be paidgipromptly A. .1. i, s�k-all way r"rttit:e Piddle 3 flensall, Dee, 1S1h.—When his her- mit lime in the Township of Tucker - smith, two miles from Heosall, took fire Tuesday morning, John Wilson, a man of 85 years, was burned to death. For some time Air. Wildon, who was a widower and who insisted on keeping Itis own home, had 'found it di`flicttlt to obtain fuel with which to heat his house. Consequently he depended largely on the use of quantities of ker- osene, Tuesday morning, between 6 and 7 o'clock, neighbors saw the place in flames, and though they rushed im- mediately to the place the lire barred the entrances and they could not re- scue the aged occupant. Ile could not be heard and nothing was known of his location that would permit of an attempted rescue. Later his corpse. almost incinerated with his head burned from his body, was found in the ruins. A Buie anxt wedding 'took puce at Oat, l - To the Farmers You can .get your feed chopping done Wednes- day's and Saturday's at Philip Rowecliff, London Road. - S cents per bag. Grist can be left any day. HOI Sa? FOhl SALE Gaud bricl: resideeme. clunes of Ratt- enbury and William qr.-tots; all modern conveniences; gourd ;.table ton preniise5. For particu11111 apply to Mrs. James Twitchell FOR SALE NOTICE—By Permission of the Min- ister of Agriculture A postponed meeting of the mem- bers of the Clinton horticultural So- ciety will be held at T. Cottle's resi- dence on Thursday evening, December 271h at 8 p. m. for the purpose of electing officers and the business for the coating year. T. Cottle Secretary On Albert Street, a seven roomed dotage, Electric lights, soft and town water in kitchen. For partic- ulars apply 11, T. A. GREIG MORTGAGE, 13000 wanted to take up a first mortgage, good security. interest 6 per cent, 64,000 wanted, nn first mortgage, good security. Interest 6 1-2 per cent W. Brydone House for Sale. Six rooms alt Summar kitchen, waterworks, good cellar, central and very comfortable, to close an estate. Apply to James S. Miller or W. Brydone i°.ait'g1 roar �dlaa1'+' for some of our Western Oats, which we have ju.tt received and we will charge you oto Moro thanif tltoy wei'o just the ordinary grade of oats. It yod wish to sectu'e some of these Oats place your order early as they are going fast. We always have a full etoolc of Fleur and Feed. ltigiiist Frites paid for Grain ,ern~on • FARM S OR SALE 100 acres on Mill Road. 4 miles from Seafurth and 2 miles from Bruce - field. All cleared and in good state of cultivation. Brick 111..e with furnace. Basement Barn, Content Silo, Spring water piped to barn, good well at house Rural Mail and Phone, For further particulars apply to own- er, Alex, A Watt, 119 Ontario Street, Guelph. or John Rankin, Real B state and lnsuurance Brucker, Seaforth, Ont. Phone 09, Residence a on 142 NOTICE TO PUBLIC The undersigned have decided ow- ing to the high cash prices they have to pay and the difficulty of burrowing money under the present circumstances to put their business on a strictly cash basis. Therefore on and after the 1st day of December, 1917, terms will be strictly cash and all outstanding.ac- counts owing to the tirnt must be paid either by notes or cash by the let day of January, 1918. , FORD & McLEOD. POTATOES WANTED Delivery any day. highest market price paid on delivery, aides, Furs bought also any quantity empty sacks. Jas. Steep & Co. 9.0, Bog 192. Phone 126. IVEN WeViTED FOR MUNITION WORK, A number of good reliable men can secure s,cadv ,nil Inyntan1 on Munition work, Apple to, The Rabt. Bell Engine & Thresher Co„_ Scafortlt, Ontario. For Sale or to Rent The brit:,`, huu'e on'Fagi:n street, now oc.mpied by J, E. Doherty, for sale or to rent. Electric light and town water; 2 acres of land, with stable. All in good repair, Apply to David Cantelon. THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO UNEXCELLED DINING CAR SERVICE Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor cars on principal day trains. Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent, or C, E. horning, District Passenger Agent, 'Toronto. John Ranstoi'd & Son, city passen- ger and Ticket Agents, 11 110110 57 \. (t. PA+t;Snnt. Sia:' 1011 11A—.q1' Pll OtiNEYS mipi E WOULD .. .', ';r' !a ."1/A ° THAT WroV ft"•` w' T ;. iD 15..r i' s, Tho:;t' trhe have n^t•-r h,1•11 Irxi hx3 wilts l i n y h stn n nr,rn' t.ho s'ai'l 11 i f: 1 1 ,1^•.•ri 1 lair 11 1110170 1l 1111111 . tit haul, t art! ,lttirk Lwin 111 1 int it, 11,, th.tt the kidney; t tai an• lata ntl:tt t I',.1a-;'t;p,eifafor all kidney e Iron l + fly `i i 1 il:an tau 1.1„ writs .— tl 1 v ilr- t.tre in telling you 'pin1. Dean's t kitinry:tile did lar. 111x, I n ..1 t 11,01 1 W:18 so b8(1 With my ladnt; ; !b•tt I wonitl 11,lnt away andr,u,lt wit 11ilo:r,+, thug. 1 had, been that u,t', for; l n. o years, and hind done till I entad, but did not tact any haler until ono day Nome one dot a little book in our door, mid 1 racy how another young girl had suffered like I was than, so 1 thought; would try them, anti 1 amt glad to say' ,hut after taking four boxes I have never had tole N8n10 thing again. Thanks to "]Soan'e." When Askingl, for "T)oem's Mlle" see that you get tiro oblong grey box with the .traria mark of a "11/lapin Leaf." Price 50e; put up by The 11, Ntilhttrw Co„ Lnnitod, Tomato, Onto. ,