HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-12-20, Page 1i3st(tbilsbed 186.5, VoL 52, No, 26 A .Merry vvvv vvtvvvvvwvv p AP tnaeo+,AAeosnAA ,A/s:� �uvvrowvvv p' ONCE MORE WE'RE READY To show you a complete line of beautiful goods, which make I Christmas giving easy. IVORY PIECE$ AND SETS, EBONY PIECES AND SETS SAFETY RAZORS, STROPS AND BRUSHES BAND BAGS ANI) PERFUMES KODAKS AND DEVELOPING AND PRINTING OUTFITS.. • A FRESH STOCK 01''LEGGETT'S DELICIOUS CHOCOLATES. About three weeks ago we got our first shipment of Jonteel race Powder incl 1'nleun3, this was all sold, but we have Just re- ceived another supply. If you want something without a rivet fry Jonteel.. Sold only at THE REXALL STORE. S. f3yi: , Y'hm,i3. vvvvVvvvvvvyyvv vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvyvvvvvvavvvvvvvv:7,,vvv Tie oyaJ OF CANADA Incorporated 4869. Capital Authorized $25,000,000 Capital Paid-up 12,911,700 Reserve and Undivided Profits 14,324,000 300,000,000 Total Assets 420 B R A N C H E S --With World-wide Connection interest Allowed on Savings Deposits. General Banking Business Transacted. R. E. M A N N I N G, Manager , Clinton l5ranch ••r••.uey..• INCORPORATED 1155 `t r NS CAPITAL AND RESERVE $8,800,000 98 $tranches in Canada A General Banking Business Transacted CIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT BANK MONEY ORDERS SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Interest Allowed at Highest Current Rate H. R. SHARP, Acting Manager Cii*ston Ordered Clothing Really -to -Wear Clothing m,rrccAc-rIEMSeM=111301106 AER,1r=32131 mSW3i9.,..52.1C4. ornethinl ear for IA I Since the tendency of the HOLIDAY GIFT' has turned to- ward something useful, why not FIRST inspect our magnificent display of Things Men Like Best A . Sweater .Coat $1.50 to $7.50 A • Shirt 75c to $2.0o A Necktie 25c to $1.75 A Muffler 75c to $3„50 A Hat $1.50 to $5.00 A Cap 50c to $2,25 A Suit of Pyjamas $1,50 to ;53.50 A pair of Cuff Links 25c to 75c A Bath Robe $7.50 to $15,00 A House Coat S , io tb S i 0.00 A Pair of Cloves 75c to $3,50 A Pair of Suspenders 25c to 75c A Box of Collars $2,00 per dozen A Suit 512,00 to „;30.00 An 'Overcoat $10.00 to ;330,00 Ap air of Socks 25c to 75c DON'T WAIT. START NOW -.- ONLY 9 MORE DAYS TO DO YOUR SHOPPING. •--._._ ..--_ ....._ _.. __ The Morrish Clothing ;wr Agent for &1. P. 31t.'Telegraph Co. A Sc Innen, Deal torr Every Mala Try The New Era • �� • for Job Workin CLlNT ON, 0NTARi'o, 'THURSDAY rzalliZEIR 2044, ristm a x to all 'T,h eNw 917 ]tattle of Merlin Road.—Infantry crossing' the'stream after having, driven the 17..in back. Welsh battalions being conveyed to the fr▪ ont. —They fought•rnagnificentl'q in the. storming of • Zonnebeke—gaining a line of their objectives. _ Photos by courtesy of 6.2U . Halifax DEN Cana& History Many Fathers of Confederation Came From There The etriekee city, of Halifax, the histurlc town of Canada. National de- velopment began there, and there re- sponsible government was atth•a.need and inatuguar,ded in Nova Senna. Can- adian history owes touch to her citi- zens, many of the fathers of Confeder- ation came from the city, and Halifax played a very large part in C:oufedera- the latter communities, and more par titularly in the stricken laity of llal fax, progress has manifested itself i legislative enactments and leadership and in political progress, 1 A NAV Ai, BALE. Halifax *;1s discovered by the early ' French adventurers, Its wooden huts and cantonments erected to protect its inhabitants from the raids of Indian tribes were the headquarters of the adventurous pioneers who launched out ... ..tt r' r:o. t en ,.-, pet,,, .,,,,,..F^ 47101 THE DRY.DOCK AT HALIFAX tioat, into the great beyond and discovered industrial progress around the Great Montreal, and then on to Chicago and Lakes is much different to the progress St, Louis, ifalifax was a base for that has alaaracterized the growth of ' the assault in which it was hoped to Halifax and the Maritime Provinces. in retake Louisburg by the New England I forces in 1745, It was Halifax that the --eee British selected in 1749, and again in 1776 and 1783, as a naval base, from which she conducted her operations that would have led to the tinal esali- li shmeut ,of a Liritish colony covering the whole of the North AID erica), con- tinent, had not the We' of Indepen- dence led to the victory by George ,Washington. But this loss wits a lesson proudly learned by Britain, and Hali- fax became the cradle of a new form of colonial government that‘iuts solidi- fied the empire and enabled it to stand the test of August 4, 1914. FOUNDED IN 1749. in the War of 181 2 the privateers of finlike played a part. and It later became the favorite base of operattons for the Cnnfedetate blockade-runners during lite Civil War, • f elifax, es it is known to -day, was really founded In 1749 by the (ion. Ed- ' wet,' Cornwallis. as a rival to the French, '('own of Louisburg . in Cape ' Breton. 11 was namec1 ace the second Earl of Halifax, in the opinion of eonte historians, it Made great sacri- fices for the cause of Confederation, by the codsmmliation of Confe•deraliou nail Contii)ped,ett'Pages'4, 4 SA TIACLAus - Wants to meet all the girls and boys SATUR- DAY and MON- DAY afternoons W ”"nr '0'1'4E1 L rti t ` , f 1-1 U 7 Ctiv''%) f'�.� i\ phone 48 akin -Major Sp y fx-City ratri hi , • Kerr & Soni, Editors and Publishers. ra Rea. ers MA/ •RIMY FOR G'} VERN MENT Cabinet Elected Except the two Nationa- lists—Both ation -lists--Both I cnron,s Return Former Members. OTTAWA, Dec, .10.—With the. four deferred eleotione certain to velum � C:Fovernnient eupporters not, month and the probability of the ultimate majox'ity being 00 trht'o the military g vote3 are counted, the Government; lead tonight stands at 43,- 13y Prov- lnces the latest figures are:--- Onarin Govt. Opp'na Quebec.71 11 NoVaiSCothi r (12 New Bntnswick . 7 4 Prince Pd, (bland 0 �. British Oolinebia.,1'2 Saskatchewan ....1t1 0 Ail -tette 1 11;0 03 Three are tout' deferred elections and two Athena sears 81111 in doubt, It will be four or five weeks bermethe soldiers' vote overseas and the tail irary vote at home. Wire tnhulated. From the inquiries which are pouring in to the general returning officer there is a wide spread misconception of the operation of the law and an impression that sfter the a ection re- sults are known in Canada, the over seas vole can be "alluc:tl i l" wherever desired. MAJOR C. J. VANSTONE, Adjt, of the As ti matter of tush the pails overseas 1 61st Battle who is reported ser - closed at the same hour as those ata iously ill in England. home, and het'oee voting every soldier had to select the constituency in which he would vote. He was supposed to church by the Rev. Dr. Henderson, be - cast his ballot in the place of his resi- tween Miss Betty Alberta Woodland, eldest daughter of 'Mr. and Mrs, Chas. W. R. Woodland, to Captain Frederick Fitzgerald Tisdall, son of Mr. and Ivirs, J. P, Tisdall, who is home on two months' leave. The bride, who was brought in and given away by her father wore a lovely gown of white velvet and silver lace. The skirt was Made with a panel of the velvet and cascades of lace at either side and hustle bask over which fell a long 'court train of velvet, lined with ruse pink. iter veil was ot tulle and silver lace and she carried a bouquet of sweetheart roses, The grr.utnt's gift to her was a pearl ring. Miss Helen Woodland attended her sister as nra:d of honor, in a pale pink velvet bustle dress with buttons down the back, the bodice was plain and tight with lune sleeves, tier hat was of silver lace and she carried pink ruses. the two bridesmaids, Miss Dorothy Bl ackey and Miss Edna Shaw, ware vel- vet dresses, one in peach color, and the other pale blue with silver lace hat and colonial bouquets of violets. Their gilts final the grunm were Army Medi. - cal Corps pins in gold. Capt, uric Ken( .Clarke was hest man, and the ushers were Lieut, Arnold Davison, Lieut. Hugh Sykes, i,C., and .fir, Wal- ter 11, Foster. During tate signitng of the register Mr, Dalton Baker s:u,g the wedding; music. After the ceremony the bridal party and guests drove to the residence of the bride's farther in Av- enue road, where a reception was held by ;Mrs. Wienilauid. Later in the after- noon the bride and groom left for New York for a short wedding trip, the bride travelling in a smart grey suit lined with rase, a rose and silver lace hat :and grey fox furs, e:abe7cet.soancalSo,soc9td7oa"bLron .u9:ca deuce of enlistment, but in any event to designate where be wished to vote. Such ballots have been placed in en- velopes and before heiug counted will be distributed to the constitisttcles in- dorsed on Shear. The soldier elector, not the election officials, where the role was to be chanted. 'Mb ;s PROP For The Pres Tho unoffiettl returns gives lir Memel!. Conservative Candirlais rt majority of 47 over Mr. Thos. Mc• Mi1Itot,vvit.h I. uhlic'r vran yet, 11. be heard from, Thu majorities publish. eil are as follows:- 51I:RNEII Mc111LL,:\N Scafot•th 1:1 , ... NaR����yd!!Rp,����j9,±±�y��n•� giqa��'-x�IlII�i�a� in CAe'SF�q A�Ep n Clinton 833 Volunteered at Beginning or War— Never Was Wounded. (London Advertiser) Word was received in the city to- day that Sergt,-Major William Stell, of the 1 2th Battery, formerly a city patrol -man, had been gassed during 13ying's big drive on the Cmnbrai front, Sergi. -Major Snell, alreng with John Barn11i11, ,lances Oakley and Janes Ewen, enlisted in September, t9t4, with the 6th Field Battery, then under command of Col. Woodman Leonard, who later was killed, Ali four were popular members of the police force. After many month's service, Barn- hill and Oakley were returned home, and are now 011 the force. Sergt. Snell has served continuously in the artillery, and itis being gassed recently is the first time he has been incapacitated for •ditty in over three years, He has had many marvellous escapes. For bravery under fire, he was promoted from the rank of pri- vate to his present position. At the second battle of Ypres he was in charge 01 a gun that was blown to pieces. Every man in the crew was killed except Sergi. Snell, who escaped without a scratch . Later while doing duty in the aunmmun)tion column on the Somme, he had six- teen horses shot and killed that lee had been riditag on at different times in bringing up the antmunitloin. Sergi. Ewen, the remaining mem- ber of the police quartet, who Joined the 6th Battery in September, 1914, is stilt on duty in France. g< ae .r. 4 * 4: ,r * ;: '5 gt ,k • PATRIOTIC NOTES '•` •� :1: op ,k tk :g * There will be no meeting of the W, P, S. this week, but they will meet again the 'first Friday in Janulu'y Tor business, 'Beginning the first of January up to the middle of i'ebruary this Society purpose (raving a sock contest, the north end of the town against the south, Our aim is five hundred pair to let us 011e incl ail fall to and reach this number. 'l'he invitation is general, end every'.one who can knit or wish to learn are tasked to help in this appeal tor Gie boys overseas, Further notice: neat week. The money in the Penny Bags Will by collected on 'thttrsday, Dec, *7th, 3133 Ui.harur 198 Stanley 12 Godc•rirh Tit208 llttyrield 37 itaturU Huy eitc•itht•n leit•leillup .... ToLtln 11111 1\Itt,juri1y for elrrut'r, 17 11) )tai 37:1 1 12 201 037 This fallowing are the majorities to the tlifforrul ptu'tn or North Huron rating: 1101V.M A N1 015101' District `"news, 131•11•1 VS •I.2 • • • • m,a410000E3C:et0,,50.1/Z3 ez.R..c3CC:^. \Vtng,ttun 2211 ,... )" Blyth 112 .... LONDESBORO. 'Etter tPr.. 4 Hiss Latwday 1'oun,4 will leave for 1Cst tteV 'ntvu.nnyh \Vt'stl-titin belt.,$ .... Winnipeg shortly where she will spend Goderielt 1_1) the next three nutnihe, Mr, Thomas ,Miller had no trouble of (lowing .. "lit getting rid Of 2 curs of coal this week. Grey .. 27 as the people were all so anxious to 1'nllwt•tii' 101 • • • • get it, , Morris ,Mrs, Daviel tluggit entertained ;mural -to of her relatives on Thursday last. (Mrs, Loundsbcrry is visiting her pan. eats at Delili for over Christmas week. rnritbt'tTy till 115 ..• 11(;1 333 :Total ntn;jot•ily for liowinnit 1421) WiWtaMiNaNiMilitOMPT LOCaI News n "i fir sromod twA fit Christxnas Night. The S. A. force will hold their an- nual Chrisntastantertainntent 011 Christ- oras nigh{, The public is invited. On- ly a small fee is charged, Sergt. Snell Recovers. London Advertiser;—Word has been receivecl by a former city patrolman that Sergt, William Snell, of the 12111 Battery, and. s former member of the police force, who has been gassed in a recent engagement, was recovering, The letters was from Sergt. Snell {thy- self. lie is convalescing ht an littglish Hospital, One peculiarity of the gas poisoning changed his flesh to a dark -1 er shade. This, lie thinks will puss a.; way when he recovers. S 1'orxner Climton Bay Married, The 'Toronto Star of Wednesday ,Hakes the following report of the wed- ding of Capt Fred'fisdall son of Mr. and Mrs. J I. Tisdall formerly t, d ants of town A very pretty wedding was solemnized at three o'clock this afternoon' in theEaton Memorial BRUCEFIELD. John Mustard received a car of coal last week, it was dealt out in half -tots lots to our citizens. Fence rails are being sold in our midst at good prices. Charles Perfound shipped a car load of fence rails to Gctderich. Misses Margaret and Jessie Ai •e n - f; e k l head spent the week in London visiting relaiativ A number of woman in Our neigh- borhood had votes for the election. Dr. Rodgers left on Monday for to take medical treatment. His family ate- cnmpttnied him, Robert {Murdock is ill with, appendici- tis, Miss Margaret Ross of T'nrnitto versity, is spending- her vacation at her home. Mr, A. Foote and wife left last week ot visit relatives in New York state. Mr, wets', of Stanley will hold a sale of fared stock etc., on Friday 21st, Ile intends ¢kits;'vYest in the spring. The followin;:: is a report of the 13rucetiekl Red reins. So.•iety for file yearto (;11 mos stocklags and 12 Christmas ha....., 13x,1 pairs of sucks; 2S7 auicsedf l)sa.ta • 4t hairless shirts t S 42 h nil. •rCI ets 11 pillow 25 pillow slips 1• quilt and 56 ambulance caps; 1/6.85 for soldiers comforts and. Christmas boxes,