The Clinton New Era, 1917-12-13, Page 6I nrssilty, Deceniher 131h, 1917 1,riv14,eiA THE C )(PITON .NEW ERA. „andi:.i'Cdu 'R11Ifr, ,r; A • 1550 ti lis these daysof strees and sorrow R is more than ever necessary tube a :medium of cheer and good will, therefore, sorely renumber your .i d friends and loved lines with some token of love and kind regard,' Et ELLYTIR'S aChristmas stock of DIAMONDS, WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, CUTGLASS, CHINA etc„ is particularly well assorted. The larger part of which was bought before the recent advance in cost and will be solei at the old prices, Diamond Rings from $i 2.00 upwards Ladies Gold filled watch bracelets Si 0,00 upwards. UK Gold Necklets and Pendants f;3,50 upwards. 8 -day half hour strike clocks ,$4.00 upwards, Whole pearl set rings $3.00 upwards ]Reliable alarm clocks $1,75 upwards NUMEROUS OTHER ARTICLES AT PROPORTIONATELY LOW 'PRICES W. i He H ILL YAR Jeweler and Opitican a3A T,c'e... 51 rl{:....Inc„' G lei I( Tf tlorti,,+ r•, r d,l NIMI:44114 i :adby?:..•;"i tilt the St r ail anti $ot s.tsnr' 6110011:121:85=11 11e3 (, tltal !tiz ititer Opit. H:`le'1'laifiti / , 'bli..;r"111. NOT 14.,1.1axco'r u } e,rrynrdr Se rG r} minis Anise r: r r 9r(' )i nn: C ares r p .A. helprili R -melt' :r4115tipattOnalti lung::o and FeveriefUtes$ rPd ', OSS tJ"r",.3..E7l. estfltin;ihcrefrosa-,ala,oncu . e 'rsu CL'N'1AVn Cei 1*e! 1N0NTREAt.S2_ P•t'M RON'li gF ihJ NrA. Pafants and Children, Knowr'rH 4llVrjea mi at C^ '01.111.1iPe. ISLO lla Always t :Bens DignauurG of AUBURN. Crocker, Mrs. Morrish ann Mrs. Cob - There were fourteen from 'here at- bledick tended the `fat stock show at Guelph `1st. week, There was a very slim attendance ab tire churches Last Sunday on account :apt ''wrg the Storni. Ray, M. and Mrs. O'Kell have the ;sestspathy of the community in the loss '•ezt' cua infant son on Saturday last. Anniversary services will be in the Baptist Church next Sunday after- noon at 2.30 and 7 o'clock, The ser- ' ees: will be conducted 'by he pastor •sasithre church, Rev. E, 0. Porde. STANLEY. idir. Hugh McGregor, Mr. Thos, 13. "Bis"+sit 'Mr -`Walter Moffat, Mr. Gregor McGregor and Mr, William Sinclair at- tended the Pat Stock Show in Toronto usf the end of last week. The sale of Mr, Thomas Fraser's on Yimulay of this week notwithstanding the inclement weather was well attend- ed; and bidding was good. Mr, Fraser realized a good sunt from the sale. Re: disposed of all his implemets, bar - anti cattle and a few sheep, GODERICH TOWNSHIP Not much stir in Municipal Matt- ers, Reeve Lobb looks good for the Wuisisti`s clung for 1915. L.. 0. L. No. 539 is holding a meet - ling on December 21st, for the installa- tion and election of officers. All ?members are requested to be present. A very quiet wedding took place Vast 'Wednesday evening at the home of dsir. and Mrs. Harry Hibbs, when the second daughter, Helen became the Bride of Mr. Harvey Alexander, also of suladertch Township. The best wishes tag aiarge circle of friends are extend- ed to the young couple. Death of Charles Potter.—We are saas'ry to report the death of Charlie Potter, who passed into the Great 13e- 1rrsssci on Saturday last. Ile was a boy well -liked and everyone could speak as good word for Charlie. The sincere sympathy of the people in this district' goes, tont to the bereaved parents, Mr, toosel.,.M1rs. Philip Potter and family Mr. Robert Colcloug'h and sister were tie e called to Woodstock last Saturday to. attend the funeral of their niece, Miss Irene Blackwell. The young girl will perhaps be known 761 some in this neighborhood as the lfaerdly in Clinton before moving to ''i7ood.atock some years ago, 'ON OLD BOYS BEAR EARLY HISTORY Ilanncal Reunion Celebrated With Ad- dress from Rev. Dr, W. R, Young le annual reunion of the Huron Old oys' Association Saturday night at ante Royal brought together a large, ar'ratout of members and their wives, v'ho were treated to a delightful talk fns the early history of Huron County. 3'.etivered by Rev. Dr, W. R, Young of Dunn Avenue Miethodist Church. Short addresses were also delivered by Rev. Dr.Powell, and Mr, A, Grigg, Depntyo tclfnister of Forests and Lands, Mr, Roger Crocker, the President, giresided, The following officers were elected for the ensuing year:—flus. Pe'esidents, Sir John Willison, Col, W. McNaught and Roger S. Crocker; President, N, 13, Cobbledick; Vice- Pres- lelenli Alfred Sheppard; Secretary, Ed. P'toody; Financial Seecretary, W. 3. fitlerrish; Treasurer, W. T, Pridham; •l:teealive Conttnittee—J. S. McKinnon; ATM 3,kjsertsori, Robert Holmes, B, :f;1sMs'well, James Timmins, G. A. New. ton, T. i1, Rotiswefl, sem„ Major Beck, S, Scott, W. Seller's, Mrs. 13e0k, Mrs. Antony those who attended the An- nual meeting of the Huron Old Boys' Association in Toronto, last Friday, were two well-known Clinlonians who are certainly "Old Boys" and who were pleased to meet other friends of by- gone days, These were Mr. Silas Davis' who will be 80 on the 1st of Jan., and who is now living wili his son-in-law, Mr, Fred. Baulch, Toronto; and Mir,Wnt, McKeown, who has passed his S3rd year, now living wilt hi son-in-law,5Ni r. W. Downs, King st., east, Toronto. Both gentlemen are hale, hearty and happy. COLORS FOR, "NE I,A3S" Middlesex Cadets Told the Story of 1:Ibuora A. London 1) 5' r v;ri :.,,; ,', e• lug color.;to id'! Lord C'L•'rlcuin,frr Jd Was tiro c,tui,le•nt of Lis Snveroign n:id bleat of ,sprit ,i+ corp k ..-1 10 the battnlioa. 1. . - were a proud rt+e::e:, ;,r,, ;m,i turned u doubtful frit:.;,: r• „ .. ..t. victory. T1:tre ,;s 1.., ..... ,. stance of this "a ro '. r,i glorious tradition of the old Regiment at Albnora did the men of that regin:e at rrs rre;d to their dying gene:rill, who cried out to his muni "Die hard! INa hard! for the sante of the old 571:1h." .'ie, that battle only 7 ollicurs and 100 mea remained to answer the roll. Ever since that date the glorious Middlesex Regiment had acted with •nobility end heroism, and none had shown its gal- lantry more than this regiment. Mr, John Caldwell, jr, has purchased the 500 -acre farm of Postmaster W. J. Russell, being Lot 4, Con. i, Hay, for $7,000. He will take possession im- mediately. Mr. Caldwell farmed in the West for several years, and during the Last year has been similia rly engaged near Hensall, R. G, Taylor, Auburn, sold 'a pig last week weighing 680 pounds, which brought hint $99.60. SUFFERED MT HACiW I CONN COULD NOT SLEEP DT NIGHT. The constant backing cough that sticks to you in spite of everything you have done to relieve it, is a source of danger. The longer the cough stays, the more serious menace it is to your health. Itis easy to check a cough at the out- set with Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. If you have let it run though, it takes a while longer to cure, but Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup will cure it even then after other remedies have failed. Mr, J. Henry Landry, South River, Bu•gcois, N.S. writre:--"I 1' revolved such groat benefit from Or. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup that I cannot help expressing my thanks. 1 suffered with a hacking cough for over a month, and could not sleep at night, I used many kinds of remedies, but they didn't do me any good, until I used 'Dr. Wood's,' and found great relief righti,from the e etart, I only need two bottles, and was com- pletely cured. 1 will never be without 16 as long as 1 live.' There are a number of substitutoe on the market for Dr, Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, so when you aek for it see that, it is put; up in a yellow vrrapperi three Baine Ueda the trade mark; price 28e. and 80e,, and that it, bears tl e nAniei The T. Mil. burn Co„ Limited, Toronto; Ont, Exact Copy of Wrapper. ib Use For Our Thirty Years THE CENTALIR COMs4Nv, New vOEN CITY. ;:.. i,.,1"',k'-title `'i eItdifR,ihil,1!tilyter'ISt, iMi Huron Boys in Casualty Lists KILLED IN ACTION Pte, 13. A. Kemp, Goderich, WOUNDED AND MISSING Pte. C. E. Brombley, Londesboro. Pte, W. T Forbes, Brussels GASSED Gr. Wm. Snell, Clinton. Cistaf2200,69a®rstnQ9tetini fici09aii)*Cidid Over The Teacups B ell COIN' a 3001n0o8Oeavpro¢Sao0C©.=oteoC'*a Mr. D. A. Forrester is helping his brother, Mr. Win, Forrester in his election light in Perth Coanty. Capt. Percy Towne was in town this week. Mr. S. Burke, of 1Vinghani. 55a5 111 town this week. Mr, Pollock jr., of Montreal, who has been in the Bank of Montreal, ar- rived in town this week and will visit with his parents. The young gentle- man s taking a rest owing to ill Health. Mr. G. M'1. Elliott, Children's Aid Agent, was in town on Monday, Crown Attorney Seager was a visit- or in town Monday. Mr. A. Taylor will attend a special meeting of the Sons of Scotland at Toronto next week, Mr. Mitchell, License Inspector, of North Huron was in town on Wednes- day. Mrs. Searle expects to leave next week to spend the next few months with her sister at London. Mr, A, H. Musgrove M.P.P. of Wing - ham, was in town on Monday. Mr. Jacob Taylor, of Toronto, is here attending to business this week, Mrs, C. E. Smith was the guest of Her sister, Mrs. T, Mason last week. Mr. J. A. Crooks, of Vancouver, B,G, is visiting with old friends in town once more. Mrs. Crooks is at her old hone in Miount Forest, but will he here for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Traquair, of Tuckersmith announce the engage• went of their daughter, Eva, to Mr, Arthur Jones, of Hensall, the marriage to take place quietly this month. Zurich herald;—Miss S. Woods, of Clinton, visited at the home of her sister, Mrs. T. L, Worn, on Sunday. Exeter. 'Advocate. Mrs. fleeting%, Mrs, Fitton and Miss F.ssery were in Clinton Saturday attending a War Con- tingent meeting. OBSERVATIONS 13y the Man in tiie Street, When zero weather is here we would not watt "Gal." Holloway's job for love or money, unless we had the sheds full of coal. if you think you would, go down to the office and hear the people asking for coal. _0 Let us be thankful that the elections will be over before we sing "Peace on earth—good will toward melt." —0— If the municipal coal yard is such a burning question, what about the Mary street drain Court writ that is be- fore the Council? —0— After month's delaiv,, tine order "drat connections 'would be cut forthwith" comes a little late after a write is serv- ed. A law suit won't add pleasure to our now increasing tax rate for 1915. '5 '5 * * * '5 0 ''5 '5 'k PATRIOTIC NOTES 5 'R 5 i' '5 '5 '4 'R ' * Girls Patriotic Auxilliary will open up a Tea Room, next to E. E. 11 unni- ford's, on Saturday December t5 at 3 o'.clock and continue during the fol- lowing week excepting Monday and Tuesday. Christmas shoppers wish- ing a cup of tea or coffee, kindly call on the girls and help the Patriotic So- ciety. The W. P. S. will meet in the Board Roost of the Town hall, Friday after- noon at three o'clock. Please bring finished work for shipment A large attendance is requested as we wish to organize for a bog drive in socks for the boys at the front. The Society gratefully acknowledge the following donations for the 01 rth of November:— •• Girls Auxilliary.. .. ,. ...S10.00 A Friend ., ,. ., .. „ .. 55 Misses Mountcastle . , .. .. 62.0o Mrs, Comb's Tea . , Mrs, Brydone's Tea .. .. , . 63.85 00000000000o0000 ‘3000 0 0 W1'I'H Tait CUURCIIES. o 8i 0 0901f001IIAa4liSeiseeile06GD®191➢ Baptist Church. The Pastor will preach in the morn- ing. Mr. Chas. Holland will take the ser- vice at night. The Pastor will preach special an- niversary sermons in the atternoan and evening at Auburn. Wesley Ohnrch. Next Sunday morning the Pastor will preach on "What is the Matter With Canada?" in the evening he will continue the series on the "Commandments," taking the 2nd Commandment Notwithstanding the severe storm the attendance at the Epworth League was good on Monday night. Mr, J. E Doherty and Miss Ruby Wise sang a duet, and Mr. Doherty also favored the League with a sola Mrs, Dr. Gunn gave a very interesting paper on "Work In the Red Cross Hospitals in Scotland," emphasing hots they spend Christmas there, 011 cnncerne"sl, ,lm addition it Is desired 19 collect all, photographs dulling with the mobiliza- tion, training and departure of troops, together with pictures illustratng re- views, spirrls, piesentiltions, etc, Any photograph of this nature is regarded as a document of historical import - ;wee, and it is ho'pect that the possess- ors of all 1151; photographs will deem it their duty to send either the origin- als or copies, Which will ultimately be placed in the permanent public arch- ives of the Dominion, - , All photographs, Mita twill be ack- nowledged, addressed 1 notvledged, should i ,lddnw.ut It the Of' rc •r Canadian War Re- cords, Inh.a e of .,.aa t , n 6 cords 14 Clifford St., Bond St„ Lon- don, W, I., liugland. PHOTOS WANTED WAR RECORDS OFFiCE ASKS FOR PHOTOGRAPHS OF SOLDIERS. The °dicer in charge of Canadian war records has asked us to make known that it is desired to Campile a complete history in photograph of the Cana- dians' share in the war, in the sante way that all other belligerent countries are compiling Milliner records. It is particularly desired to obtain photographs of all officers, N. C. 0.'s and amen who have served or are now serving in the overseas military forces of Canada, and it is requested that an appeal should be made to this end, through these columns. All officers and other ranks serving overseas may find it difficult to send in their photographs, and their relatives Are therefore especially appealed to, to send in their photographs for tihem. By prefereeee the photographsYl t s should ;be unmounted and printed on bromide paper in order to ensure permanence. Each photograph should be accompan- ied by a concise record, not exceediult two or three 'hundred words, of the subject's military career, including date of enlistment, promotions, distinctions and so on, as this will 'greatly. assist in obtaining a full and accurate record of PAGE 5 1., s ,.11'1;, i moriiat 'srkNideneRn ,.—.yess..,maw,nvwnm. _. a+aaniamess Vitaeutma' HULLETT TOWNSHIP WINS HONORS. At the Provincial Winter Fah' held at Guelph . last week, Thomas Mc- Michael & sou, won the championship for the Canadian bred Clycls stallion, foaled previous to 1914; and also 1st and second for three get of one sire. I Huron County call hold her own with 1 the hest of them. FORMER EDITOR DEAD On the 25th ult., at Chicago, Robert Matheson, 13, A., an old -tine resident of Clinton, formerly editor of The New Era, passed to the life beyond. Mr, Matheson was born in Kirkaldy, Scot- land, in 1833, being at the time of his death in his 83rd year. He was one of a family of twelve children, of whom seven were born in Scotland, and five in the town of Simcoe, Walter Mathe- son, of Vancouver, being the only sur- viving member of the family. The family carne from Scotland to Simcoe in 1842, the ocean pass- age occupying a period of ten weeks, Mr, Matheson was a student of the Simcoe Grammer School of which George 'Mt, Evans was principal. Completing his course he entered Toronto University', and in 1856 ob- tained his degree and the gold me- dal for proficiency in natural sci- ence. lie then for a short time taught in the Olds School, near Simcoe, and then for quite a number of years was principal._ f the Grammar Schools at Milton, Berlin, Chatham and Napanee. He next engaged in Journalistic work, owning successively The Milton Champion, St, Catharines News and The Clinton New Era. About 1880 he moved to Chicago where he owned and edited the Chi- cago Canadian -American. Nature had favored 11i41i with a remarkably line constitution, and all Ms life, up to the day of his passing. He was physically and mentally as active as when in his youth, From his youth he was a man of pure mind and high ideals, and strongly imbued with the love of his fellowmen, and this made him what he was—a boy at heart all his long 111e. In politics he took an active part and was, logically, a Liberal. Mr, Matheson leaves a widow, two sous and three daughter$, all resi- dents of Chicago. He was for over half a century Santa Claus Soon . 'e 66 n the Job" Ag ,n Christmas shopping will be the joy and worry of bolt) you ig qui. old during the remaining few shopping days, Let us help lighten your worry by suggesting a few very accept able fund useful gifts:— Handkerchiefs, Inc every member of the family from 5c to 75c each, Parasols and Umbrellas—gold or silver mounted, House Slippers for sten, women and children, a splendid assortment Hockey boots Inc the girls and boys. Boxed lies, braces, Bose Supporters 'incl arm -bands, cuff -links, tie -pins and silk and wool scarves, Fancy shirts—the guaranteed kind—in white or fancy stripes, For the baby you can buy a pair of bootees, fancy silk and wool mitts or a nice white all wool cradle shawl or silk comlorter. There is always a comfortable feeling of satisfaction in making your gifts something useful that you know will not be laid away and for- gotten, S11C)P I.!ARLY—iN FACT 00 iT RIGHT NOW azoonstormeroatistroonnotteunansarsmoromestommovoutononmeasamorvecossoitiesemeemen um;'w>, tee rock Small Profits Phone 25. More ftficinesS THE STORE THAT SBLLS FOR LESS a member of the Masonic Order was an ardent believer in the trines of Swedenbuurg, and lit: school were closed. Unless wood doc- comes in the school will close this week for the Christmas holidays. Births • JOHNS—In Toronto, on Decem- ber loth to Mr. and Mrs. Addison S. Johns, a daughter, School Rooms were Closed. Owing to the extreme cold on Mon- day morning four rooms of the Pub - C, :y I inta iuum ECA.USE it is a gift that's of real, every -day service because it adds to his comfort, yet subtracts from his expense and because it looks --and is— the best of its kind, the Gillette Safety Razor is the one sure -to - please Chritmas Gift for a man. 292 THE Because We Bought Early We Are Ready tl,7onA.• BFSmYE+re GII's1)1:.:,, .. qi. , _, .'r•", , +• .. . ,4.nw. w,u.n,. sau2arr_ To Give Go'a'd Value rcr,r,..T.r..atia¢",.IESm' cm .+.um,,,,,w•wu usanr,©UFZU IMME'M:11tna'icMZ' MiZZOM sxt=111 you can always buy a cheap suit ---cheap, but you are get- ting no more than you are paying for. t1, A good suit will cost you a title more but you are getting the extra value and more in the style, fit, and work man - ship ----and the knowledge that you are well dressed. There's sound economy in buying good clothes. _3*DR nn91i' sslanu wiI O ..sas.x JI VIORRISH CLOTHING CO,