HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-12-13, Page 5Thursday, December 13 b, 1917
%Vai r
Our Feeding .Plant has Opened for
the season, and from now on we will
be in the market for all the poultry
you have for sale,
Poultry. will be taken in every Wed-
nesday morning at Holmesville and
every (ley at Clinton.
Special prices will be paid for pro-
perly finished milk -fed chickens over
5 lbs each,
Gall -Langlois & Gu,, Lzmitan
The uP -to.'
date Fula
Chilton 1EEraneb Phone 190
N. W. Trewarthe, Manager
or Fiolmesville 4 on 142.
ilAitAAAA/1AA®,am ainnwiAil LADAAAA
ill,r( m
1ryC11 05,
n 1.
See and
New Stylish designs of
Doherty Pianos and
here our finest ,
6pecial values hi ;'art D.
Pianos and organs rent gp
• ed. Ohoice new Edison
+ phonographs, Music &
variety goods.
r$�E151Q; l�TtIIDEUf'ialftt
C. Hoare
Deep Well Pumps
Galvanized Iron
One Second hand
Range Cheap
Byam & Sutter
Plumbers and Electricians
Phone 7.
Better Pay
The Price
Don't be tempted to choose cheap
jewelery. Far tetter to pay a fair
price and know exactly what feu
are getting,
You will iiever be sorry --for as a
matter of money, it is easily the
most economioal.
That has been said so often that
everybody by this time should
know it—and yet there is no
scarcity of cheap jewelry in the
Now to get personitl-if you would
like to mise shat sortlaltogetber—
If you would like to buy where
nothing but high qualities are
dealt in -00111E HERR
And even at that, no person ever
staid our prices were unfair
m un er
Jeweler mutt ODticiali;
flair of Marria>zge Licenses
,etre now selling Timothy Seed
overnment Standgra.),
e also have on hand, Alfalfa,
the, and Red Clover,
e alwaye have on hand --Goose
t, Pews, Barley and Feed Loan
bent Market Prices paid for Hay
Id; ,all Mains.
'r J I6,'`T.1DUN1111
IL t3QItIOI AIi pl0T@3i$
1TW3f,fO, ET'O
Or. aTON
Nwlitilleuas B. arum
Qonneyauce, Notary 1?ublie,
Oornlnissloaer, eto,
Issuer of Marriage Licensee,
Huron St„ (Minton,
Notary Public, Oonveyaneer,
Financial and Real ]Estate
INSURANCE AGENT•--Bopresonbing U EIro in
auh'ance Companies„
Division Court Office.
Piano Ttitilifain.{'
Air. James Doherty wishes to in-
form the public that he is pre-
pared to do fine piano tuning,
tone regulating, and repairing,
Orders left at W, Doherty's phone
81, will receive prompt attention,
1 , G. Cameroni !LC.
Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, ancer Etc
Office on Albert Street, occupied by
Mr. Hooper, In Olinton on every
Thursday, and on anv day for which
appointments are made, Cflioe hours
from 9 S.M. to 0 p m. A good vault in
connection with the office. Office open
every week day, Mr. Hooper will make
any oppointments for Mr. Oameron,
Physician, SurgeonEtc
special attentiongiven to (licensee of the
Eye, Bar. Throat, and Nose,
Eyoe elnily seamed, and suitable glasses
Oiboe and Residence.
Two doors west or the Commercial nano
nnron St.
111II5. CT1 I6 and Q;.t.Q.1 Int
Draw. Gunn, L.110. 0, 11...t. It. C. S.. DM
Cluun's oflico at residence High Street
or .1 0, cannier. t5.A. M.B,
Ofiios-Ontario Street, Clinton.
Sight mile at reindeuee, Rettenbvvt St.
or eb hospital
Crown ental Bridge tt'orli a Specialty,
Graduate of O.C.ri,S..s Chicago, and 0,0.0.5
Euyaletd an MOudtt B, ,liar 1st Io if
Offices over O'NEIL'S store,
Special care taken to make dental seer
mint as painless as possible.
Live stock and general Auction 'e'
Vet natola'sales s anemia chases ti ,
NEW ERA oifce, Clinton'microI mm( soy micro
te, Terms reasonable.
I•'6rmerce sale n1:1
Drs, Geo, tr. H. E. 914�eA',9Q J'.
Osteopathic Phy.
Specialists in Women's and
Children's Diseases
Acute, Chronic, and Nervous
Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat,
Office—Rattonbury Hotel.
Tuesday and Friday, 7 to 11 p.m.
G. D. McTaggart M. L, MoTaggo,t
MeTagmart Bros.
General Banking Euulaazer
Drafts isened, Interest allowed n
The iVic5Eallo a�illsrl
A� rdl
Fire Insurance ea)
tl.rms and isolated Town ❑tore
tarty Only Insured.
Head Office-Seaforth, Ont
J. Connolly, Goderich, President; Jas.
Evans, Beechwood, Vice -President;
Thos. E. Hays, Seaforth, Secretary-
Agents ••
Alex• Leitch, No. 1, Clinton; Edward
Hinchley,'Seafarth• Wm. Chesney,-Eg-
mondville; J. We Yeo, Goderich; R. G,
Jarmuth, Brodhagen.
Wm. Rinn, No. 2, Seaforth; John Ben-
newels, Brodhagen; James Evans, Beech-
wood; M. McEwan, 'Clinton; James
Connolly, Goderich; D. F. McGregor,
No. 3, Seaforth; J..G. Grieve, No. 4,
Walton; Robert Ferris, Hariock; Geo.
McCartne, No. 3, Seaforth.
ACarlotul 01' Canada
r OPINTid Ct>:r tI6E lbl�
ritolle us lot• prices
It wiH pay $ oil
John M. .t0..n
Shirtwaists can frequently be cut
down to be used in the dresses of small
br " 4✓+:, • �` '.vf •i �.w ,.1')(e
olt 1:1$-` ssuon: Seat > st:t,5 ,i41.r,
ite.3Ftee:.+. E er' rty.tfit%
W. j144trevellt Pr,aipsf
The mors on the Bring Lfite r,,opreeefO
the pick of our country's youth, Many
Nero rejected because of physical de-
ficiency, Many tines the kidneys wore
to blame,
If we wish t0 prevent old ago owning
on too soot, .or if we want to increase
our shamus; for a long life, Dr. Pierce
of the Surgical Institute, Buffnto, N, Y.,
Saga that you should drink plenty of
water daily between meals. ',Chen pro-
cure at a drug store, Anuric (double
etrougth). ',this ''An•u•rle," drives the
uric acid out and .cures backache and
If we wish to keep onr kidneys in the
heat condition a diet of milk and vege-
tables, with only little moat oneo a day,
ip tho most suitable, Drink .plenty of
pure water, take Anuric three times a
day for a mouth.
Send D1'. Pierce 100 for trial pkg. AR-
urie—many tines more patent than Lithia,
eliminates urie acid as hot water melts
sugar. A short trial will convince you,
Preston, Ont.—' I nm pleased to ex-
press my experience with Anuric, 1 hayo
been troubled with rheumatism in right
limb and bund for several years, and
lately in left shoulder. The only way
T could ud lie was on my back. T
had great difficulty to sit down
and more to get up, Lately 1 had
a vary severe pain in my hack. I have
taken Dr, Pie'ce's Golden Medical Die- '
aovery several times with the most satin- 1
factory results, so I concluded to give his
Anuric Tablets a trial Tho pain in limb
and shoulder has stopped entirely and In
right hand it is very slight and getting
leas all the time. 1 ecu now sit or lie
in any position T wish without discern -
fort or pain. I recommended the Anuric
Tablets to two parties and they both
claim decided improvement. I certainly
will recommend thorn to any one troubled As a result of a terrific explosion a -
with the kidneys; there ie nothing nearly board the munition ship Mont Blanc in
so good; I tried them all."—Gsoitax Halifax harbor last Thursday morning
Boos, tor, Duke and Waterloo. a large part of the north end of the
THE SPARROW IN ENGLAND city and along the watert'mrt is in
ruins. Over 2000 people have been
The same hue and cry has been kilted and the injured will reach up 16
raised in England against the sparrow 3,000. The sudr�en ollcun a in the
with which we are familiar in this weather accompanied by a snow sterni
country. Clans have been formed foradded greatly to the horrors in the
his extermination. The agitation Hp- devastated city.
pears, however, to have resulted in
HURON'S WARDEN adored this property the most desir-
r. -. .. able :of those looked al and out that
Of particular interest is the own]. plully burned out 'and should 11e re. would 1)0 cheapest for Upkeep, Messrs,
ber issue of Rod ilial Guu 111 Canndat, Placed With a new brick ono, which Stewart (Secll'Ortb,) Livingstone anal
which is already on the news-stOnd, would cost About' 220, Lobb, the lnentberS of the committee,
all spoke 10 favor of the purchase of
Amongst the good things wllieb rills An fpplieation was received for the this property,
number offers are A naturellst s. /)001110/1 of county clerk from Mr, 13,0,
Christmas" by Bonnycastle Dale; "111 Munoings And one from Mr, G, W Tho Warden raised tate question of
The Sky Pastures," a story of 1110011- Heiman, of )lglnondville, for slither tile payrpenit 01 the p4rs1uise price,
thin goats and poltgars in the Seikirks, the . position of treasurer or Clerk, which was not included i1 the year's
by It. 0, Haddon; "My 13oa,„ a real- according, t0 .whatever rearrangement eatimatss, but it WAS pointed *out that
istle story of a dog's experiences with of offices might be made, a small payment would probably be all
his master On the firing line, by Vin- The Children's Aid Society undertook that was required at present and file
scut Perry; "The Jumper,” it New to look after the proposed children's bulk of the purchase price would be
Brunswick guide's story of the French shelter, of the county would contribute
provided for in next year's estimates,
river drivers of that Province, by L'es- $200 towards the ekpense, The county clerk, on request, ex -
lie Mary in Hayward; etc„ etc. The A report of the Warden's committee plained that (he stun of $9 000 had
Kennel department this m011111 con- which had secured three farm tractors ' d
been provided for in the sstinutles for
tains the list of awards given at the for 11115 county was given and Messrs. the year's expenses on roads and brid-
Western Dog Show at London and the Stewart, lsbister and Elliott gave re- ges, but on account of freshets, the un -
New Brunswick Kennel Ciub Show at ports of the operation of the machines. avoidable expense had been et 0,000
St. John. The other departments, All agreed that the tractor was a good or $11,000 over this sunt, leaving st
notably, Fishing Notes, Guns and Am- thing and a man with it large farm deficit df that sum, 11 the cost of the
munition, and Along the Trap Line should have one, Plowing in wet Children's shelter were added, the Be-
are up to standard and the whole num- weather or stony ground was not so licit would be .$13,000 or 214,000,
ber one that any Canadian sportsman satisfactory. The average cost 0f plow- Purchase of the property at the 1' pre -
will find nd of1e'
sl ci31 interest. Rod and lug, under favorable conditions, t0 a Sent time would mean further bor•o1w.
Gun is published at Woodstock, Ont, depth of six Or seven inches Was ;about ing at the bank until the rate was
by W, J. Taylor, $1,30 or $1.32 at acre, struck next June and the taxes carte in
On Wednesday morning an apptical- in December,
tion for en increase in salary was Councillor Stewart mentioned that
received from fvir. John Knox, turnkey Mr, Elliott, the county officer, of the
at the jail. Children's Aid Society, was away that
The report of the committee appoint- day taking a boy, who, with a proper
to look into the purchase of a children's home, might have been made
suitable building for a children's slier- into 11 useful citizen, to the 'Industrial
ter was laid before the council, recon- Hone. 1 -le had been guilty of a num-
mending the purchase of the property ',be: -of thefts. 11 was decided to defer
of Mr, G. M, Elliott at $3,000. This is 1 action in the matter until the following
$500 more than the committee was morning, when Mr, Elliott would be
authorized to expend, but they con- hone.
Children Cry
this good: the friends of 'the sparrow,
notably the Bird Protection Society of
England, have come to his defense
till a score 11f 'champions have enroll-
ed themselves upon his side, Among
these is the board of agriculture for
Scotland which has helped in circular
ing. t10 le,pfht; of this society,, Birds,
Insects and Crops, and hast expressed
11501(f as in complete sympathy with the
movement to save the sparrow.
Again let us say that with our own
eyes we have many times seen the
English sparrow destroying smite of
our worst insect pests,—Our Dumb
Abimals, '
Make a beauty lotion for a few cents tai
rembve'tan, freckiea, sallowness.
Your grocer has the lemons and any
drug store or toilet counter will supply
you with three ounces of orchard. white
for a few cents. Squeeze the nice of
two fresh lemons into a bottle, then put
in the orchard white and shake well.
This makes a quarter pint of the very
best lemon skin whitener and complexion
beautifier known. Massage this fra-
grant, creamy lotion daily Into the face,
neck, arms and bands and just see how
freckles, tan, sallowness, redness and
roughness disappear and how smooth,
soft and clear the skin becomes. Yes!
It is harmless, and the beautiful results
will surprise you.
many cities in various lands are
chimneys which have been proclaimed
as "the tallest in the world", but the
structure 00111611, without doubt, truly
possesses thistitle has recently been
completed in Sagonoseki, Japan. It
is of reinforced concrete and stands
570 feet high, on a hill •130 feet high-
er than the copper smelter with which
it is connected, so that it discharges
its poisonous fumes 1,000 feet above
the plant. The chimney is 42 feet in
diameter at the base, and its inside
diameter at the top is 26 1-4 feet.
The foundation is 95 feet in diameter
end 'contains 2,708 cubic yards of con-
crete: 'The first 150 feet of the chim-
ney has a concrete lining. separated
from the outer wall by a 5 -inch' air
space. Four hundred tons of steel
were used in the whole construction.
The October number of Popular Me-
chanics shows the comparative height
of the Woolworth hi:ilding with 11110
huge structure,
Germany is to replace 'silver and
nickel money with zinc coins.
rmammmm oa
il isl r± Cotton Root Compof1 t,
reliable regu,,,tlinc
medicate. Sold- in throe de.
,ireee of streogtu—No. 1, $1:
No. 2, $3; No. 3, 85 per bog.
Sold by all druggists, or sent
prepaid on roueipt of pprice,
Free pamphlet. Address:
'd T050500, On. Muscat wiedlor,)
loron County News
ora:aenamoeoet ,00G010°ofiboceeaze
A strange case was up before Judge
Dickson, When E. Broderick, a well -to -
(10 fanner of Hay, and his hired man,
named Bender, were convicted on 10
charges of theft of articles from neigh-
boring farmers. Broderick was fined
$500 and costs, amounting in all to
nearly $1.000. Bender 00115 let go 011
suspended sentence as his part seemed
to have been at the instigation of itis
Goderci11 is having four cars of coal
shipped to them.
R. G. Taylor, Auburn, sold a pig last
week weighing 680 pounds, which
brought him 509.60.
Carman Stothers, youngest sol of
Mrs. Wm. Stothers of Ashfield, wlx> en-
listed early in 1916 with the 1701h of
'Poronto, and was drafted a year ago
into the 7811) battalion on active ser-
vice in the trenches, and who was
wounded last spring, has arrived safely
in Halifax.
Miss Jemima Johnston has sold
her 75 -acre farm on the South Bound-
ary', Stanley, near Drydale, to Mr.
Frank Corriveau of Stanley, who will
get possession on April 1st, 1918,
tnWooeles !hosphoaine;
The Great English* Remedy.
Tones and invigorates the whole
nervo,,s systen, mhos new Blood
!n old Winn, CUM Ncrvotte
!>ebilitry/, Dlenlal axed Br'ain. Worry, Des�yon-
dencp, Loss,oj Intet'O1h Pnlpitatiose ofithe
Iirarl, hhili'nq D'tovi.ofii. Prire $1 pm' boo. sin
for $fiat
wh l please, stn 'pkg. Sold by nil
druggkts or undid in plain pkg. on rnpeipt of
pprlae. Are' pomphlet nailed free. THE hWOOn
MEDic;NN C0..rea0Nr0.ONr. (Ferro,le Wlcst.r
01r. Clifford Hill, Son of Mr, William
Hill, of Stephen, narrowly escaped be-
ing crushed to death on Friday last. He'
was threshing on the premises of Mr.
Chas. Kerslake, London Road South,
and' while attempting to change the
position of the machine Mr. Hill was
caught between the traction engine
and the separator with the result that
he was so badly crushed that he was
rendered unconscious for twelve hours'
and it was thought his injuries might
prove fatal. Besides the crushing of
tine abdomen his' legs were eonsider-
ably burned, owing to their having
conte in contact with the firebox,
In time of need
' Every woman should know the comfort, and experi-
ence .the relief of a reliable remedy that can be de-
pended upon to right conditions which cause head-
ache, dizziness, languor, nausea and constipation. At
such times, nothing is so safe, so sure and speedy as
, During the past sixty years, millions of women have found them
i, most helpful in, toning and strengthening the system, and for regu-
t, fating the stomach, liver and bowels. These famous pills are entirely
vegetable and contain no harmful oe baabit.forming drugs.; Use then;
(4 With entire'll5nfidence for they cause no unpleasant aftereffects, and
. ...you
' Worth a Gesl*ea a BO*
• IPre pared only ter Thumnn Iieaakam, $t. Ftehsoe, ignbc4hiro, Eapirnd,
Solid oveywhere to Cea.de had U. 5, A,eeeelca, .lin bs 5., 25 Lime,
Report o/ the Inspector
The Inspector of the House of Industry and Refuge of the
County of Huron respectfully presents the following lis his report
for the year ending Nov. 30th, 1917,
Total number of inmates admitted since opening of tate house 500
Number of instates on 1st December, 1916 89
Nunther admitted for the first time during the year 23
Number re -admitted after absence 0
Number horn in House during the year 0
Number of deaths during the year 20
Numi er
absconded during the year 0
Number discharged during the year •+
Number of inmates in House on 1st December, 1917 90
Number of orales 50
Number of female ¢ 40
Admitted during the year from several municipalities as
TOWNSHIPS—Ilowieih, 1; Hay, 1; Grey, 1; Hullett, 1; Turnberry,
1; Morris, 1; Stanley, t; Colborne, 2.
TOWNS AND VILLAGES—Goderich 3; Clinton, t; Seaforth, 4;
Exeter, 4; Brussels, t; Blyth, 1.
Number of days' board inmates 31211
Number of days' board of keeper's family and help 1466
Average number of Inmates during the year 86
Average number with keeper's fancily and help 89
Total expenditure on House a11ct l'arnh 88671,96
Add value of provisions and fuel on hand ist Dec. 1916,. 2,600.00
Tutn,l expenditure
Deduct capital account and permanent improvements.. .
Produce sold during 1917 and other sources 41 368.39
Provisions, produce, new clouting and fuel on hand 1st
December, 1917, as per inventory ",200.00
Received from paying inmates 1,5 43.65
Amount expended for support of inmates
Average expense per
1 e n
se inmateper da • nearly
p 4
) >
Average weekly expenditure per innate
The expenditure of House and Farm account is as follows:—
Hired help, Farm F • n
and House
Stock 11)1(1 implements
Salaries—Inspector, Keeper, Matron, Asst. Matron and
Physician's salary and appliances
Repairs to building and furniture
Provisions and clothing
Fuel and light
Books, postage and stationary
Incidental expenses
Sundry expenses for farm ..
During the year the sum of $3,204 has been collected for main-
euauce of Instates,
JOHN TO.RRANCE, Inspector„
I beg to submit the fo'llow'ing report of crops grown and work
done on Industrial Farm during the year 1.917:
15 tuns Malgclds 300 bush,
Oats ,.400 bush.
Barley -100 hush,
Beans 20 hush,
Onions 17 tons
Garden Carrots 450 bush,
Garden Beets 50 bush,
Potatoes . 360 bush,
Live hogs sold • $478.45
Parsnips 150 bush.
Cabbage 300 head
Tomatoes 100 bask.
Raspberries 862 boxes
Turnips 300 bush,
Cucumbers 2 bbls,
CLINTON, DBC. ist, 1917
The general sanitation has been qutihe inmates of the house of Refuge has
been veriakle. In ,Hie first six months there were an anusaul 11)111)1)01' of
deaths and much sickness, while 'during the last six months there have been
very few deaths and poeticallyno sickness.
k raennli)nie occurring in au epidermic' forum Wtii; :Hied csii o of eight. deaths
The, Other causes were malignant disease th'yee, anrkletrha •IWe, apoplexy four;
and 'heart disease, three.
Dur9ug,;tho,past year.thle health of rte satisf:icto`ryi,
J. ' C. 'CA$DIFIX, M. D,
A Grippe Epidemic
Every winter Health Boards
warp against this weakening
disease which often strikes
those who are Least prepared
to resist it, You should strengthen
yourself against grippe by taking
which is the cream of cod liver oil.,
refined, purified and so skilfully
prepared that it enriches the blood
streams, creates reserve strength
and fortifies the lungs and throat.
Don't delay—It may mean muc}1.
Refuse Substitutes
Scott & IIowno, Toronto, Ont. E79$
Mr, 'Phomas McMillan had another
fine Meeting at Seaforth last Friday
night, when Sir Alan Aylesworth,
former Minister of Justice in Sir Wil-
fred's Cabinet, addresed a packed •
house in the interests of Mr, Thomas
Besides the speech of Sir Alan,
Mr. McMillan, the Liberal Candidate
of South Huron, addressed the audience
for over an hour, and Mr. Thomas
Fraser, of Stanley, who has three sons
now ie France, also spoke 00 behalf
of Mr, McMillan,
In Sir Alan's address. he spoke at
considerable length upon the Military
Service Bill. "The cry that Sir Wil-
fred will stop the bill, is one of the
silly cries used in this election," be-
cause in a clay or so the Tribunials
will have done their work, the Mach-
inery set in motion to get the 100,000
men in Class A and even in the case
of Laurier winning—Parliament would
not be able to meet much before
April as the election units are not re-
turnable until February 28th and the
Borden administration will have still
the next two months , 4h the past
8 months, since Sir Robert returned
from England what has 11e done to
hurry on recruiting to the Mother
Land? The cry goes forward that if
elected Laurier will repeal the Act.
Has he said so? If Laurier has 100
majority in the House would he be
able to repeal the bill, with a tory Sen-
ate, tilled up by what is now called the
Union Government. Sir Alan read the
50611011 of the Act which states that the
repeal must be passed by the two
houses before a change can be made.
Sir Alan also spoke of the league of
the Nationalists :and Borden Govern-
ment in 11)11 and of the Nationalists
in the present Government who still
hold their cabinet positions. lie
closed his address for the lhcatry sup-
port for Thomas McMillan as a repres-
entative for Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Can-
arada's trr*atest statesman,
ON ST�ii'dACH.
Indigestion is one of the worst forms of
stomach trouble. The stomach becomes
upset and you have a raw debilitated
fooling in it,
It is not necessary for you to be
troubled with indigestion if you will only
use that old and well-known remedy
]3m'doek Hlood Bitters which will regu-
late the stomach so that you may eat
wlutt you web without any ill sfter
Mrs. Wnh. 0. Smith, Marshvilie, Ont.
writes:—"I cannot speak too highly of
Burdock 131oot1 Bitters; it is worth its
weight in gold. S was troubled with in-
digestion, and was so bad I could not
keep anything on my stomach. A.
friend advised me to try B.B.B. which I
did, and I never felt better in my life."
Burdock Blood Bitters has hest menu-
factuyed.by The T. Milburn Co., Limited,
Toronto, Ont., for over 40 years. You
do not experiment when you buy it.
01 01 01 01 01 :I: 81 01 tt 41•
* e :s n: 0. , 41 a d:
On account of the Public tMeeting on
Thursday evening the president of
Y. L. P. A., wishes it announced that
the sleeting of the Auxilliary will be
postponed until Friday evening at 7.30.
The Scotch Tea given at the home of
Mrs, Courtice under the auspices Of
the Y, L. P, A.. St, George's and St.
John's wards (the losing side in the
recent sock contest) was well attend-
ed, the proceeds amounting to about
$20. Miss Helen Roberton in Scotch
costume, who attended the door
and gave to all those going out a sprig
of heather as a sOuvenior, The re-
freshments had a delightfully Scotch
flavor, and good old Scotch scones,
oat cake and shortbread were there in
abundance. During the afternoon
music was kindy contributed by Miss
Farquhar, Mrs, Elliott, 01lrs, Paisley
and Mrs. Gunn all giving Scotch sel-
ections, which were 111)1611 appreciate -
Mr. Geo, Gabel has sold his 33 -
acre farm on the Bronson Line, flay, to
his son, Arthur, who gets immediate