HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-12-06, Page 7PAGE Cm '1 } yRrIliosRID@'adlk9 :n. Clinton's Great Merchanc 'sin Event WN'S GIGA TIC AN UNRIVALED FIRF'1 SAL STILL ]tN CMTS Less Than ��.jW�h�oles ..ie Prices. F'~_/ R :..5' 1-3 1-4 1-2 OFF CY THIS WEEK THE W RRA. ISIIIIIIINIII I 11111111111111111111111111111111111111.11111'1i14111111111i lllll'III1111 i 11111111111111hliVIIIIII11111111111111111111111 'IIIIIIIiIIIIIIC1 iI1111111111111111iiV�l�lll 1111C111111IIllil1111 Ul�llilu 61 JI I �� I I I � I �_ TRADE EPIGRAM -"As the blacksmith strikes when the iron is hot, so the wise buyer will make her selection early this week. We're always doing something unusual, something surprising, always manoeuvering some deal to give our patrons extrordinary values. On all 'purchases amounting to 525.00 we will give the choice of a mahogany finish or walnut bench free. RULES TO GOVERN THIS GREAT SALE. 1. -No Goods sent on approval. 2. -We reserve the right t© limit the quantity purchased by any individual person; this we do in fairness to all. ' • 3.-Custonaers can have goods held for a period not exceeding thirty days on payment of a small deposit. L ..„,... ceaya.c1= , AS IS SOON f "' ERE The Festive time is fast approaching and it is one time of year when every hot ewile especially desires to have an appetizing table for her family, in the line of a Xmas Cake, You will do well to purchase your engredients for your Xmas cake at our store. Our new fruits are of the highest Quality and Prices right, New Peels, Currants, shelled Walnuts, Almonds, have arrived. Extra quality, In place of Butter in your cake we recommend the use of Easyitirst or Cirsco. Bare some Extra Fine Quality Mince Meat for pies 18e per ll ; 2 Ibs for .35 Choice Va1ceinia Raisins Fibs for 25c. Special, ,Pare Laundry Soap 5c per Seedless or Seeded Raisins per plcg 15 bar; 92 bars of • ' • $L.00 Seedless Raisins (loose) per ib , , I5c 1 Good supply of Vegetables on Iland, . (used in place of Currants) highest Prices fur Produce. 11'laotaam 111 NS iN Phone Promptly Attended to :.w <-W al ayss:s C,esisxs �cair. . . - u�xr�,sm3 CLINTON MARKETS Hogs $17.00 Sheep . , . $8 to $•1 •: Lambs $10 Wheat $2.00 to $2.05 Oats 60 to 65 Batter 40 to 42c Eggs 40 to 42c Barley •7.5c to 81.15 Buckwheat g t 15 Bran Shorts 844 Play $5 eilMelegaND 7'ansa® eXiAI aO"st§/0109 8to s7 5:a Huron inanity Hees t¢7tlLat6d` etotoo6Noseetseeee+'a3CnU)eso Rev. Mr; Powell is the new rector of St. Stephen's Church, Corrie, Nursing Sister G. Pelly, of llensall, has returned from overseas. David Mill, aged 84 years died at his home in Guelph last week He was a former resident of Usborne and Exeter, being president of the Salt Co, at the later place. • Births, Marriages & Deaths Births McCowan--ln Stanley on Nov. 27th to Mr, and Mrs. John McCowan, a son. OBSERVATIONS By the Man in the Street. Itis when gossip meets gossip that come the wagging of tongues and the vilification of characters. Have the New Era sent every week to your friend at a distance. Only a dollar a year to any hart of Canada, un- til Jan, 15, 1918, when the price will raise to 51.50 a year, Christmas reminds us that The New Era stands ready to bring the merch- ant and the Christmas shopper together.. OMING a0 DEGEMB! R 14 and 15 66 e 'the he Ring" To T hePrinces Th.eatre val g wmzoo Ammo" t 11ccyJRci y "The Greatest thn Show. on Earth" is "u.' /1/01 //010101'}d(1101.101x1['x Thrill after thrill -will hold you spellbound in the Univer-. ial Serial wonderful -"The Adventures of Peg 0' The Ring" 15 sthaight weeks of adventure, love, inci;dbnts and that allur ing rornance of the circus, in which you see the highly interest- ing life Under the big white tops, the ways and customs of circus folks. You will delight in the tender picttlr°tzation of love andd affection running through the entire gory - THE SERIAL EXTRAORDINARY THE SERIAL WONDERFUL THE SERIAL UNIQUE ATcH FOR OUR ADVT. NEXT ... w WEEK. more speedily than any other medium can. SERGEANT CARTER IS KILLED IN ACTION. The Moose Jaw Daily News, of Nov. 281h, makes reference of the death of Sergt. Carter, who was the husband of Miss Pearl O'Neil, formerly of Clinton, -Word was received by Mrs. L. F.. Carter, 1219 Algoma Ave., that her husband Sergeant L, E. Carter was kilted in action on Nov. 14, Before en- listing he was manager of the British North American bank, Saltcoats. Be enlisted •in 128th Battalion but was transferred on arriving in France" The old friends of the young widow will extend their heartfelt sympathy in the loss of her husband,• , THE 'hospital far Sick Children College St., Toronto ITS CHRISTMAS WIESSIICE Dear Mr. Editor: - Thanks for your khudness in allowing oto the privilege of appealing to your leaders this Christmas time on behall of the Hospital tor Sick Children, the "Sweetest of all C'hat'tties"'which has DS its mission the care of the, helpless, the sick, the crippled and the deformed. There never was a year In the his- tory of the Hospital when funds to carry on the work were more needed titan now. Your purse is the Hospital's Hope. Your money lights the candles of mercy on tho Christmas trees of health that the Hospital plants along the troubled roadway of many is little 112e, " So I ant asking you for aid, for the open purse of the Ifospttal's friend is the hope of the hospital at Christmas, just.as the open door of time Ilospitai's mercy is the hope of the little children throughout the year. Calls on generous hearts are many In these times. Calls on the hospital are many at all times, and especially when food and fuel and drugs and ser- vice costs are soaring high. YOU know the high cost of living. Do you know the high cost of healing --of helping the helpless to happiness? What you do to assist is the best in- vestment you will- ever mako. Do you. t'balize what this charity is doing for sick children, not only of Toronto, but for all Ontario, for out of a total 01 8,740 in -patients last year 646 came from 254 pieces outside of Toronto. The field of the Hospital's .service covers. the entire Province - from the Ottawa to the far -oft ICennra -from the borders of the Great Lakes to the farthest northerly district, The Hospital is doing a marvellous work. If you could see the children with crippled limbs, club' feet, and Other deformities, who have left the Hospital with straightened limbs and Perfect correction, your response to our appeal would be instant, In the Orthopedic Departments last, year a total of 330 In -patients were treated; and in the Out -Patient Department there were 1,946 attendanoes. Let your money and the Hospital's mercy lift the burden 01 misery that curses the lives, cc'ipples the limbs and saddens the mothers of the suf. feeing little.children, Money mobilises the powers of help Mid healing for the Hospital's drive day and night against the trenches where disease and pain and death assail the lives of the little once. ,Rotneniber that every dollar given to the Hospital Is a dollar subscribed to the Liberty. Loan that opens the prisons of lcain anti the Destines of disease, and - sets little children free to breathe the pure air, and to rejoice iii the mercy of God's sunlight. Will yon sena a dollar, or more It you can, to Douglas 'Davidson, Eeese' tary-i'roai;urer, or' T. ROSE ROD1511ITEON, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, An English retort On education say -The tetnale teachers were instructed in plain cooking; they had, in fact, to go through the process of cooking tbemsetves, ca CWS I:II!119�IIIIIIiCVIiiIIIiWiIIUUIIIIVIII1111iiIIIIIiIIIiiIIIIIInIVICIlilVlldm"t'dll,:fani�hCt;dl,t;,!��illl�i �I;uIpolViw;LI11��ultulpltuu�V�11�6h�1iJill�lp�'2�ttlGi„I�I Annual Bazaar Final Meeting St, Paul's Guild will hold their An- The Collegiate Board wilt hold their neat t3asaar on Tuesday December final meeting on Tuesday of next 11111. Tea will be served during the• week. • afternoon, Everybody welcome, Many will Go To Seaforth. For Hydro 'There will be a great Number of .13y a vote of 200 to 17, the people Liberals who will go to Seafortli on of Parkhill Monday carried a by -haw Friday flight to hear Sir Alan Ayles- authorizing .1111 expenditure of $12,- worth speak in the interests of Mr, '000. for the installation of tlydro T.' McMillan, electric power, Annual Election of Officers. Sand The New Era The annual election of ollicers of Have you a son ur daughter away the L. 0, L, will be held in the lodge from home? If so, why not send them room 00 Tuesday evening of next week thele old home town paper, The the 11th inst. A full ateudance of the New Era for a year.. It will he like a members is requested, message from home every week of the year. Getting In Wood The Piano Company is getting in Make Hay While the San nines a car of wood for the employees to Is a good saying full of advice. Pay retail at $5.25 a cord. Why could up your arrears for subscription to the not the town have a store of wood on Clinton New Era while the 51,00 rate an hand for emergency? a year is still in force, and save the Met Here extra half dnil:ar to spend for some. - The (louse of Refuge Committe met thing else. here on Tuesday to receive the year- LO.O.P, Officers. ly report and to look into the guar - The following are the elevtive officers tarty accounts. The Inspector's. of the Clinton lodge'. for the keeper's and Doctor's report may be ensuing term:- read on another page, N.G., J. A, Sutter Bringing Up Father V. G., T. J. Monaghan Coming Here Rec.-Secretary, ti. W, Gould 'Tom Marks with his popular Fin. -Secretary, J. Wiseman dramatic and Vaudrille Company and Treasurer, ti. B. Chant Treasurer, Dr, Thompson, Trustees, II, B. Chant, .1, W. Moore, and W. II. Ilelivar, Christmas Seals Those who put seals of any kind, other than postage stumps, on letters will do well to remember that these may be put only on the back of the envelope and not on the side bearing the addres. Postmasters have orders to send ,to the Dead Letter Otlice all letters having a seal on the sante side as the ;address. So if you post a let- ter in that condition don't be sur- prised if it never reaches the party to whom it is addressed. An Accident. Robert Walker mei with an accident last Thursday while being in a gravel pit. A piece of clay became dislodged and fell about four feet above flim and bit Mr, Walker between the shoulders and rendered hint unconscious, hut did nisi knock hien sl' his feet, in a second or two he fell about 15 feet clown to where the wagon had been placed. tie was badly shaken up, but hurt most about the head and face, but is Mirror'. big we are glad to state. Mr. David came into the pit a few minutes before ft happened, Soldiers May Take Part - New orders regarding the part sol- diers in uniform are allowed to take at political meetings .have been is- sued from military head quarters Paragraph 307, Kifnc''s regulations and orders, 1910, was to the elect that nu otlicer nor soldier was allow- ed to take part in any meeting or demonstration or procession for any party or political purpose in barracks quarters or camps, nor were they un- der any circumstances to attend such meetings at all. The new order can- cels this paragraph and substitutes ;uuother as follows: "An Officer or soldier is forbidden to institute or take pari in any meetings, demon- strations ut• processions for party or political purposes in barracks, quar- ters or camps. All ranks may, how- ever, attend such meetings held at other places than those specified, provided they shall be subject to mil- itary law under the ;u•nmy act, should they in any way misconduct them- selves or create an unlawful disturb- ance at such meetings, without pre- judice to the ordinary jurisdiction of the civil authorities in such cases." • 'testi.eanr aatetieSJ9tF.+©OOSZOODeCe UM on Eds or Co 9 58812505805158 Hydro had an account for street lighting of $138.54; and 57.70 for lighting hall, • -O- A. J. Holloway had an account of 542.79 for coal at Hall, Josh Cook had an account of 50c for draying. ----0- 0. Carrick's salary of 550.00 for November was paid, ---0--- The New Era had an account of 52.25, which was Paid. For postage D, L. Macpherson, had an account of 512 far year's postage and cheque stamps, -0 1•i, Hill's salary of $33.33 for Novem- ber was paid. -0=- Chief Wheatley reported $10,75 for market scales and 55.00 for Hail rent, 1-f. 1.1111, Cemetery Superintendent, reported $14 sole of cemetery lots; $40,00 card in perpetunly; and 5a30,- 75 for work, tl, 1011 was paid $1.00 for nixing (elide at telaietdry, Highland Band will appear in the Town Hall Clinton one night only, Wednesday 1100. 12th. presenting the very funny comedy drama, "Bringing up Father" and 8 vaudrille acts and the Kitties, from Tont Marks as "Jiggs" and Gracie Marks as "Mag- gie". Price 35 and -50 cents on sale at Fairs. War Tax extra, Minor Locals December Shop early. Pay your taxes. Council stet on Honda' evening. Suite more weddings are on the topics. County Council is now in session at Goderich. The December County Court sess- ions will open in Goderich on Tues- day, December 11. "Nailing Ties"' in this campaign promises to become quite a thriving industry. Canadian Order of Forresters has subscribed at Brantford for ,81,600- 000 of the Victory Bonds, There will be no war tax on tick- ets this year, at skating rinks, except for hockcty, winch will be good news to the youngsters, f +" On December 18th:, r Tum ,lackson's nnual Free Enter- tainment 10 tine Children of The Rub - lie school and also the Grandmother's cif '1'uwu takes place on Tuesday afternoon and promises to be an- other big success. Some specbal prizes are donated by W. D, Fair Co, S, J. Hovey and Mr, Ilunniford for the Grandmothers that will create great interest, and a big contest for a pail of candies for the kids and other features besides a big Show of Moving Pictures which will sure Please the kids as well as Tont himself. Satur- day Dec. 15111 will be a Tag [lay by 20 pretty girls who will ask everyone to buy and wear a Tag that will admit you to the evening Entertainment and your money goes to the expense of one or more Entertainments to the Old Folks at The (louse of Refuge, a do• nation to The Huron Children's Aid Society or a Local Relief Fund, The Entertainment will be a good one when Tom Jackson has the doing of it and certainly the object is a worthy one. We will all have to be (aged. Severe Headaches CAUSED BY SLUGGISH LIVEIL When the liver heroines sluggish and inactive the bowels bcrome constipated, the tongue becomes coated, the breath bad, the stomach foul and then ensues headaches, heartburn, floating specks before the ryes water brash, biliousness and all kinds o1' liver troubles. Milbm'n's Lasa -Liver Pills will stimu- late the sluggish liver, Aeon the font - coated tongue, sweeten the sour stomach, and banish the disagreeable headaches. Mrs. A. Slcublery, Halifax, N.51., writes; -"I take pleasure in writing you concerning the great: value I have re- ceival by using 11"iilburn's Laxn-Liver Pills for a sluggish liver. When my liver got bad I would hove severo headaches, but after using a couple of vials of your pills, I have not been bothered any morel" Milburn's T,axn-Liver Pills are 25e. n vial at all dealers m' mailed direct on receipt of price hy'The T. Milburn Ca, Limited, Toronto, Ont, NEW SCHEDULE Trains front East. rrive 11,10 11,m, Leave 11.17 a.m. rrive 5.53 pan. Leave 6,4.5 p,nc, rrive 11.18 is m. Leave 11.18 p.nt. 'Tains front Wast rrive 7.33 a.m. Leave 7.33 am, rrive 2.53 p,m. Leave 0.58 pm, Trains from South Arrive 10.30 a.rii, Leave 11.10 wan. rrive 6.40 p.m. Leave 6.40 p.m, Trains from North Dive 7.33 wan. Leave 7.50 a,m, rrive 4,15p.th. Leave 4.15 pan, Thursday, December 7th, 1917 t'ra,.Funo-t+xruw.aow;oaenxer a,'a, r e s::i ;T at=zei is -r t ew Methodis.t Hymn Words t "x ly EdinaGeoneap - N¢ til l From 4 Oc to $2.5 r Music ° 9 'iii .t n , ,' From $1.50 to $3.501 8JYAy,.E:TEMCIAME:YC672l =.7.! 0. r• t0 . '4 r:nsa..51=1121 .� 4 fine e D Fl 4a F �� v, it (ten the cheapest---Alvt ays the Best rtro solae.Kawxte.st=s E.Y.".1122.,=. • l usrss�xTa=1.gc�rr�t�^'rtMsoc2^.^+^mcr�^ t .c+1n•etagw� .-.,...,.-.,..s S.'ananiaem e..tff-.c,,aa...2;=ceacr,.y».,O=mau'akhx..,... - 'r dMEIS G;K.tc#'lu&'tp A Tested Lens - An Accurate Shutter --- Simple Operation ---- Good Pictures - All these are assured when you purchase apodals Anybody can take good pictures with aKodak or Brownie. We have then from $1.00 up. Come in and let us shove yen how easy they are to use. -We do developing and printing and guarantee good results' - - 1:-.1".07-3E-27 1Despensing Chemist iii naea .5',"'.1.7MiZ.'1'.'7==, 5:12;=e:'S"iX+1 'Z36_TC'+,kri512411 nsmni r.:^:cCfttES5rcen7LY";x0 rwus+.n:.crcA>amcmrsz __.-•�.•,•�cmu�s+�c..-,.,,,�.,ww.:._.._... �scsw.,s.,u,x.4.+. r,. 25 The Features of w' Fu r'° �. To which we invite special attenais,r, are its beauty, its %esti red comfort, las solid couslruotion, and its below the uncal prices. Any one of these: oolamta would lin su13ieient to earn S1 yr:+x preference. \\nlu,u they are all eon;.. Lined we feel stirs you will reslite1, that Lin18 is a furniture buying nppim.... tunity you cannot (Mord to ignore. DEJNFteli ° Undertaker and Funeral Director. Phone 2S. Night and Sunday flails answered nt Ott $iltcnee over store emn+,acv Rucuwaa ..mavmMILI,,; w. .0-•--,,... - , no474. <u,,. Plu ileating Metal cork of All Kinds Leave your orner now pefore prices advance. • Tho lawkin 3 Plumbing and Beating Phone 53 Strop-- over Rowland's 211 ardwtare The., e03'55e1' Groceer r "Live and Lei Live INGREDIENTS FOR YOUR XMAS CA€212. If you have not already nude. .- X Inas cake it is time for you t buss'. We have all the inereti^:its--- icigh quality and night prices. Choice raisins -carefully seedest California Seedless raisins, Valenoia raisins Choice Cleaned currants. Mixed Peels, Christmas dates and figs Pure Lard. Shortening and Crisco. We will have Oleomargarine the 1st of December. Butter and eggs wanted. (ileacs. prices: cash or trade. E. E. I IR.s n P.RON'E 45. 110 °;i,�R, werszetrimaKeopasultermaifewmnativi Mon, EV Y 5 U1[ E LIRE E . SATISFIEll This House Of G. od Shoes Asks The Consideration. o People Who Care For Shoes Of Special Merit And The; est Of Shoe Values At Any Stated Price ! terau+1001012BLI -ter at 0, tearkenssnt r FEED. . Sa tisfactory Shoes,