HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-12-06, Page 2• ; . t PAGE 2 THE CUINTON NEW ER4h.. ThtifSdity, December 7t11, 1917 '44•44k41r30Pszinsinarrnsomniamitraz=nnziar=sr.e=gLigmanvAsil'Mrn ITtoa4, Woo. 0armente PHONE 78 Dry G..d. DISTR.) I (Y1fl NENATS DRIGA,DIER-GENERAL end Honing Lownsa0R0, furnishings, Itir, Thothai McMillan, Liberal Can 41811111 held a good meeting here last Thursday evening, Mr, W.Carter, the well known chicken men, 'was :1 prize winner at the Poultry Shoe, at Galph. Mr, J, Merner, Conservative Can- didate, addreesed a meeting here on Saturday night, Ile was assisted by Mr. Geo, E. Spo,tion, of WInghap. Death of Mrs, W. J. Riley—Han- nah Leach relict of the late W. J. Riley: died in Londesboro on December 1st. She was a native of Devonshire, ling - land and born In that County in'1849. She leaves to MO= her loss, one brother ''John ,of Sault Ste, Marie, and one sister, Mrs, 5, N1I:880g, Londes- boro and three sons and four (laugh- ters, Harry, of Londesboro, Joseph and Forest, of Newark, New Jersey; Mrs, W. L. Mair, of Hulled ; Mrs. G. W, Bradford, of Godvich ; Mrs. FN, feloss, of Wawanosh and Mrs, L, D. Walters, of lecindon. inter Suits- lidalf Price Saturday As we want to clear out every Suit is stock, we put every Suit on Sale Saturday at exactly 1/2 the regular price. These are all new suits this season.. The latest styles.. Colors —Navy and Black only. Only twelve left. Sizes 36 to 44. *1* COME EARLY FOR BEST CHOICE• Mid Season Sale Of Winter Coats Smart Comfortable and becoming styles in Beavers, Vel. ,ours, Tweeds and Chinchiela possessing' all the new styles; touches, in Belts, pockets and trimmings. Sizes 16, 18, 36, 38 40, 42 and 44. 25% Discount off all Coats. Come while the assortment is good. Your Choice of any Ladies Hat up to $700 at $3.98. -TAG •DAY, DEC. 15th A Tag purchased on Dec. 1 5 th wiIl adt you to a good show fors good cause. Buy a Tag on Dec. 1 5th for the Show on Dec. 1 Sth. Only 500 will be sold. The Girls will call on you. 19171i999=81..r.fr'o. GODERICH DISTRICT MEETING The Goderich Methodist District Meeting was convened in Londesboro Methodist church, Thursday, Nov, 2eth the morning session beginning at 11 a.m. The Chairman, Rev. J. A. Agnew presided, - When the devotional exercises were concluded the first address. wee given .by Rev. R, .1. • McCormick, subject: "What is the duty and opportunity of the -local committee on social service and •eyangelism." As an outcome of this -address the following resolution was submitted to the meeting and after a careful and judicious debate it was cerned unanimously... Miyved by Rev. le. J. McCormick, of Blyth, Seconded by -Mr. C. J. Wallis, Olintole that we, laymen and ministers of the Goderich Methodist District here assembled at Londesboro, do heartily. commend "the Conservatives and Liber- als of our coutitry, who, so many, of 'them,. lieve•lalci aside party affiliations and have 110111188 11 Union Government whose policy as outlined is to put forth every effort to bring toe a successful, conclusioe. this war, involving as it does larger sacrifices front our peo- ple, and we do hereby pledge our- eelves• to support the Union• Govern- ment ill the coming election Dec. tth Dinner was served by the ladles of the church in the lecture room. The afternoon session opened with Mi address by Rev. J, W. leedley, Nile, on "Opensalt preaching," The speaker made reference to this practice as ef- fectively used on the mission stations in B. C. This method of preaching could be very profitably employed Mir- ing the warm days of summer, having services in a park or on lawns instead 01 111 the churches, The claims 'of the Central Church, Calgary, upon the Methodist connexion was introduced by the chairman, Rev Mr. Agnew. He stated -that Rev. Mr. Coulter, pastor of the said Church, in- tervieWed the Special Committee of the Conference and succeeded in securing the endorsetion 01 the Committee and a certain amount of money was desi- gnated to each District. Goderich Dis- trict is asked to assume $225. Moved by Rev. I. A. McKelvie, se- conded by Mr, 0, J. Wallis, that we as District undertake to raise this a - Mount and that the amount designated rianiely, 8225 be divided among the Overt' circuits of the District on the batis of the number of families on each oircnit.—Oarried. The folio-I/Ng comprise the Coin- Inittee appointed to look after the ap- il0nitionment,-4116 Chairman; ger, IVIs', Agnew, the Finaecial Secretlry, Rev, Mr, McKe5Vey, Mr, C. I, Wants acid ;,..“ 4 g, Moved IdY'ReVA, t, 3011e8, ed by Mr, W. H. Hallynr, that we re- commend the churches of the District to introduce the new Methodist Hymn Book, for use in our services as soon as it is convenient.—Carried. A Very helpful address was given by Rev. A. E. Jones on the "Class Meeting," also by Rev. Mr. McK.eivie, on "Child Baptism" and children enter- ing the church, After a splendid supper :vas Al- loyed, •complimentary addresses were given by quite a number of the dele- gates, tendering their heartiest thenks to' the tidies who so graciously ex- tended generous hospitality through- out the day. The day was brought to a close with the singirig of the Natiottal'Afithem. ' THE ROLL CALL Clinton (Wesley) Rev. A. E. Jones, C. 3; Wallis and W. 11. tlellyar Clinton (Ontario) Rev. J.'A. Agnew, Wnl. Stephens, LOrne Tyndall, R. J. Miller. • Blyth, Rev. R. J. McCormick, John Caldwell, Albert Quinn. Geo. King. Dungannon—Rev. I. AeMcKelvie. Nile, Rev. J. W, Auburn, Rev; -Fe S. O'Kell • Walton, Rev. F: w.Craik Londesboro, Rev. C. 0 Kathe, Mes- rs, McVittie, Ellesley, Lyons, Hiles, Braithwaite, Collison and Clark, From a prepared roofing ad: —its bright red color is permanent and Will remain permanent. A report of a wedding—The cere- mony was perfornied by two Jewish rabbits. . A Milwaukee paper informs us ;that "John linckbody of Wausau lost thirty chickens by freezing to death. Advertisement in poultry journal -- Plymouth rock hens, ready to lay $1.25 ach. A Musa actin of the Women or Clinton wilt be held (under the auspices of the Women's Union (hovt. League) in the TOWN HALL, CLINTON l'1 tt Friday Evening, llec1th The Speakers will be— MISS WISEMAN, TORONTO MISS CLAYTON, LISTOWEL. Every Woman in Clinton is invited': especially all Who have votes ein, 1101111159 eleition. " wei; MBETINGOAT 1, 8" O'CLOCK WINGHANA, A great many citizens of this town 1111Ci SUrrounding eciuntry visited the Wingham General llospitel Monday -afternoon atici evening, it being the 0911111119 of die new wing which has just been completed and the gradual:- ing of two nurses, Misses Cottle and Gould, who were the recipients of many useful gifts and beautiful bou: quets of flowers, as well as the hearty' congratulations of a large num- ber of friends. A very comfortable room has been furnished 'In this new wing by Mr, W. II. Rintoul, contrac- tor, and !mother beautiful room by Mrs. Richard Clegg. The nurses quarters, too, are very comfortable. .A plate was *Cad at the front door and a large collection was received to help furnish the new, NOM J. R. Martyn, a former member of of both Tile Advance and eTimes stall's, who enlisted with the navY, was wounded when the British " at- tempted to capture Ostend and Zee- bruggee, has arrived at 'his home in SEAFORTH. Ripley, lie was in the hospital for two months and still needs the Dr, W. J.Clark, of Montreal, will be assistance of a cane, but will report the preacher at the Jubilee services for duty ;en December 115, in the Seaforth Presbyterian church _emee, On Sunday December 6lb . A meeting in elie interests of Thos, McMillan is announced for. 'Friday evening in the opera hall, when Sir Allen Aylesworth is expected to give an address. HENSALL Large quantities of potatoes. have been marketed here and also shipped recently, Fraternal Lodges, including the Re- bekah order of Oddfellows, are re- ceiving a large number of new Mem- bers. Local onion growers are busily en- gaged in storing in crates the largest sbeek of onions ever stored here. There have been very large shipments recently. HAYFIELD. On Monday evening last 11 1)011 11 - cal Meeting was held in the town hall by Mr. J. Merrier which was fairly :veil attended but not with the great enthusiasm of the old thine meetings of Toryism. ,The principle speaker was Mr. Spotton, of Wingliam, to which were added a few remarks by Mr. Mother and also G. Greenslade who occupied the chair. The letter together with Air. Spotton delivered their remarks in the lolling solemn- ity of peayer, which reminded one of the Pharisee praising his virtues while the prayer of the Publican, "Lord be merciful to she a sinner." Greenslade added some whir 3111,111 he asked the audience it»•esert to prayer in favor of the Tory policy. All through the speeehes, intervening spaces were tixed so as to favor ap- plause but nothine 'doing, and sil- ence prevailed. During Mr, Se:kith:Ws speech a number of women in the gaiter), began talking and Ittughing but when Mr. Spotton stopped speaking end called them "a lot of gigglers" the disorder ceased, At the close of Mr, Spotton's speech a few case hardened Tories together 11,1-th a juvenile bunch In the gallery managed to raise some applause. The meeting then broke up with the en- deavor to raise three cheers for Bor- den but the same died out before the third cheer was arrived at. Three .cheers for Merner ended in the same failure Another feature of the meet- ing was a large British flag hung be- side an equally large American flag showing the changed perveisity of 19 1 1 whet the Tory cry was "no truck or trade with Americans." HOLMESVILLE. The Holmesville Paeriotic Society are holding a concert 'in the Methodist Chureh on Dec. 7th, when Mrs. Mad. den, (formerly Miss Hard) elocution- ist, the Ontario St. Quartette, Miss Gib- bing's and others will assist with the .program. The proceeds are for patrio- tic purposes. .CONSTANCE. Married- in Strathroy,L-The fonOw- g pit ragraph from 11111 Sirathi roy Despatch of a recent date will be read With interest by many of the bride's friends here she being a niece of Mr. and Mrs. William Clerk, of. Constance, The Despatch says; "(18 Wednesday Met. at high noon, a quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized at the Inline of the bride's parents. Metcalfe street, of Pearl C., only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 'P. 0, Fapineau, to John 0. T111. The young couple, who were ,unattelli,l, ed, took their places beneath an arch artistically decorated 'with %tutunn leaves and flowers. The ceremony was performed by Rev, 3. 0. Reid, 13. A„ 13, le, The bride, who was. gip, n elegy by her father, wore her travel ling' suit of navy blue serge with black lynx furs and a corsage ,boquet of cream roseS. The groom's gift to the bride was itt'cliamond and peed lava- liere. After 3 dainty rep:tet the bridal couple mOtored to Toronto and points east. 'The bride was tile recipient of many beautiful and useful gifts, The Monday evening previous to the wed- ding the Pitilethea Class surprised ains Papineau at her home on Met- 'steeet, atd presented lier ,witft Old meat fork, Miss Papi- neau will be 1319011 Missed, as she was -anilned and faithful member of the Mrs, May Ratted $ditinnou ili the Malt' •0 HULLETT Reeve Armstrong is attending Co. Council at Goderich this week, Our Munidipal Council met last week and :vill meet again ou the 151111. The Brussels Post of last week re- ports a wedding:— We extend con- gratulations to Fred Stevenson, of Brussels, who on Wednesday of last week Joined hand arid heart with Miss Margaret 3, Riley, of Hulled township. Ceremony was performed in Wingham Methodist Parsonage by Rev. E, F. Armstrong, B, D.. Mr, and Mrs. Stev- enson commence married life with the good wishes of a wide circle of rela- tives and friends. They will reside on Elizabeth street, Brussels. LONDON ROAD. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. McKnight of the London Road celebrated their i5th anniversary of their marriage on Mon- day night when about 25 of their re- latives and friends spent the evening with them. At the supper a portion of the wedding cake of -I 5 years ago was served. Music and games were indulg- ed in during the evening. The League held the election 01.01E- cers last Thursday night and Ain John McKnight Was elected president. Fred Nott, Wilbur Nott and John Me - Knight are taking in the Guelph show this week. Miss Mary Cohourg, of Hespeler, is visiting her friend, Mrs. Henry Liver- more this week. AUBURN. The union Christmas tree program is getting ready, The Baptist Anniversary services will be held on Sunday, Dec. 16(11, at 2,30 and 7 p.m. when the pastor, Rev. E. O. Forde, will preach. There will be a special offering asked for at each ser- vice, as the usual tea meeting has been cancelled this year. BRUCEFIELD. The Red Cross supplies for Novem- ber were 'to trench caps; -I pillows; o pillow cases; 157 pair of socks; 27 sets of pyjamas, Rathwell, of Toronto was last week the guest of Mrs, Rattenbury. The anniversary services of the Presbyterian church will be held 011 Sunday next when the Rev, Mr. Graham of London, returned chaplain of the 155th Battalion will linve charge 011 1118 services. He will give a lecture on Monday night on his experiences in the war. Mrs. Madden of OUT village will give readings, the Clinton Quartette, of the Clinton Collegiate will assist in the singing. A pleasant and profitable evening is looked for, 'fie° of our soldier's, Pte. John Me- I:61mM tind Ple, Duncan Atkenhead, who have returned to the trenches, good men and true. They are doing their bit, 13, It, Higgins has sold his farm ad- joining the village to Wm. Douglas of Blake, for $5,000. It is a tine place with excellent building's, Political meetings are now the ordee of the day. ••• Rev. Mr. Strang, of Saskatchewan, spoke of his work in the church on Sunday evening. Ite es the right mail In the right place. English as She is Writ. Card in restaurant—Small steak, 20 cents. Extra small steak, ,11 cents. Si:im in bakery window—Jlome-inade pize, Selected from countfy papers:— Mrs, Jones, of Sactus Creek let a can opener slip last week and cut herself in the pantry, A mischievous lad of Piketowit threw a stone and struck Mr, Pike in the alley' last Tuesday, John Doe climbed on the roof of his house fast week looking for a leak and fell striking Mine -elf ON tile back porch. While Harold Green was escorting Miss Violet Wise from the church social lmt Saturday night a. savage clog attacked them and ,bit Mr, Green several times on the public square. Isaiah Trininter of Running Creek was playing with a cat Friday when It scratched him -on the, veranda, • Mr, Fong.while harnessing a 10'0'014 hut Saturday was kicked just 'south of his cern patch, ° it 1 dent :vork, has been accomplished here in the prosecution of the war. The general, who is a former news- paper inan, was born in Kingston and was educated in Queen's, from which he graduated as a gold. medalist, Ile taught mathematics in ilawkesbury and Almonte high. schools and suc- ceeded his father as publisher of the Kingslon Daily News, from 1 880 to V894, Ile acquired the Ottawa Citi- Velr and became ills managing director 1 895, and returned to Kingston as managing director of the News in 1 897, lie become city clerk of Kings- ton in 1900, and there continued un- til 1 908. In that year he 'entered the regular militia service and was trans- ferred to London as a staff adjutant, He held the post of assistant adju- tant -general. 111 charge, nf adinioistra- don, with Inc rank of major, at the outbreak of the war. Some thee later he wa: made lieutenant -colonel.. and afterwards when the commandant, Gun, liodgins, was transferred to tit - lax*, Col. Shannon scucceeded 111(11 with the rank of local 110105111, POTATOES WANTED Delivery any day. Highest market price paid on cle.livery. Hides, Furs bought also any quantity empty sacks, Jas. Steep & Co. 31,0, Box 192. Phone 1211 BIBLES, BOOKS AND MOTTOES A good assortment for Christmas presents and Sunday School's. A full line of Bibles, Society Bibles; a1111,109' - lege(' to be the cheapest in the world, 15 cents and upward. JACOB BRAUN At Residence, Victoria St. AUCTION SALE 011141311811 Cattle mid Pigs. The undersigned has been instructed to sell by Public Anntion at N. W. Trewreetha's Farm, Holniesville. 011 Wednesday, Deeembee 12, 1917, at LSO rdeloek sharp, the following. SHE -RP -20 plioiee blieeding owes, all yeavlings, bred to one of Peter Ark- 0e-foeddowns, CA,TTLID—Oow newly calved, '7 years old with calf at side, springer 7 years old in calf to a Dtirltain, springer 4 years 038 111 mor to a, Drirhain. Holstein springer 4 years old, cow 8 years old, due in Jan: nary. Jersey erne due in February, cow 7 years old, flue early in March, cow 6 years old, due in April; Farrow cow 5 years old, milkirigi 3 heifers ris- ing 3 years, due in February; 2 heifers rising 3 years, due in March; Jersey het ter due in Marc)); 4 heifers rising 3 years old, nearly fat; 2 heifers 2 years old this fall; 5 short -keep steers risine 3 years old; 2 steers 2 years old this fall; 2 yearling steers.—Pigs— 2 pigs 3 months old: 110 pigs 25e months old. Terms -7 months credit on ap- proved Joint niees or 4% straight off for cash N. W. Trewartha T. Gundry, Prop. 350. REVISION OF VOTER'S LIST' 1917. Town of Clintr.n. Notice in hereby given that a Court will be held, pursuant 're The ()Mateo Voter.s' Lilt Ace by His Honour the .1,64ee of th., County Court of the 17,,,unee of Huron at the Council Cham- ber. Clinton, on the Eighth day of December. 1 91 7 at o o'clock A. M. to hear and determine eomplaints of errors and omissions in the Voters' List of the Municipality of the TOW11 ef Clinton for 1 9 i 7. Dated this 26111 day a November, 1017 D. L. Macpherson, Town Clerk NOTICE TO PUBLIC The undersigned have decided ow- ing to the 10911 cash prices they have to pay mid the difficulty of borrowing money under the present circumstances lo.put their business on a strictly- cash basis. Therefore on and after the tst day of December, 19)7, tenms will oe strictly cash and an outstanding ac- counts owing to the tirm must be paid either by notes or cash by the tst day of January. 918. FORD & McLEOD, AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK and IMPLEMENTS Thomas Gundry has been instructed to sell by public auction on Lot 18, Concession 3 , Stanley., on Tuesday, Dec. 1 1 le at 1.3 o'clock p, tn., the following: 11 0145138-2 brood mares 6 yeats 14,1 supposed to be in foal to Fart cyclay: 1 drivine horse 111 ye.arseold, 2 year-old tIllies sired by O'Clay, 1 foal S. months old, CATTLE --1 cow '1 years old due to ITC511 011 in Aprii, 1 eow 8 y ears old due freshen' in March, 1 eow 5 years old 111011 10 fl'01)07) April, 1 5 38:11's old newly calved, 1 ciiw. 3 years old :vith cell at teeit, 1 heifer 2 years old due 3 resben lu 31r11,3 steers 2 5 0.11'S 014, 3 ..nrling heifers, 2 heifers about a year 3 sptitn; 11,1331111, 2 youne,- calyeN. 51:111'1----11.) pure bred 5hrop- sl1i3e ewes (not reeorded), 7 1,51'0 1,1'04 yearling pure bred buck. IMPLEMENTS — Deering- lin,l.ir 311,'- 11' '11)1111111 1110W1' 3114 rake, Mass.'sFrris bean cultivator and harvester, Oliver walking plow, Fleury double plow. 15 -hoe seed drill, potato dig- ger. spring tooth ,cultirator, set 3 - horse h:11TOWS, 109' wheeled- wagon, ltay rack, stock box, sheep digging teek mid platform, two buggies, demo- crat wagon, set of sleighs, cutter, slings, fanning mill, set double harness, set single harness, sap -pan, a number or buckets and spites, and various other articles too numerous to men- tion in detail, All to be cold 381111- 081 reserve, as the proprietor has sold, his farm. TERMS—All stuns of 810' and under, cash; over that amount 10 Menthe credit will be given oh fur. nishing approved joint notes. A dis- eOunt of 5 cents oh the dollar off for eash tin Credit aftrotints. No art, Mies to be removed until settled for, Thos, Gundrir Thenies &Agee Auctioneer Proprietor FOR SALg ' on Albert Street, a eeven roomed Cottage. Electric lights, soft and town water 111 kitchen. For partic- ulars' apply to T. A. OREM NOTICE TO CREDITORS, In the Estate of William Bird, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims against the es- tate of William Bird, late of the Town of Clinton, in the C11118y of Ithron, retired ditcher, deceased, who died on or about the 1-1th day of -April 1917 are required to (lelivcr to the undersigned executors, or their solicitor on or be. fore the 1ot11 day of December 1917, a full statement of their claims together with particulars thereof anti the nature of the securities, it any, held by them all duly verified by atliclavit. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the sand last mentioned date, the said executors will proceed to dis- tribute the estate of the said deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto havieg regard only to such claims as they shall have received due notice and 111 aeeordance therewith, DATED at Clinton, this 20th day of November, A.D., 1917, Hedley, Taylor, R.R. No. 1, Belgrave Oat; Robert Turley, Clinton, Ont, Ex- ecutors. W. Brydone, Clinton, Ont. Solicitor for the Executors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the Estate of John Scruton, De- ceased. NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims against the es- tate of John Scruton, late of the town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, merchant, deceased, who died on or about the 6th day of November 1937, are required to deliver to the under- signed administrator or his solicitor on or before the 151)1 day of December, I'M7 a full statement of their claims together with particulars thereof and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them all duly verified by, affidavit. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said last mentioned date tha said administrator, will proceed to dis- tribute the estate of the said deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto haying regard. only to such claims a5 lie shall have received due notice and in accordance therewith. DATED at Clinton this 2 -1st day of November, A.D., 1917. Harry Torr Rance, Clinton, Ont., Administrator, W. Brydone, Clinton, Ont. Solicitor for the Administrator. Notice to Debtors. Ail persons indebted to the estate of Jeln n. deceased are required to mice re) ment nf the amount ot their indebtedness 1' the undersizned r•r 11'.: ,".;:it -r. ss the Ad- ministret-r the estate o.:th sat 0251;. 7.-,.rr Renee. ez tee:etre: 7 = the 7 NOIICE TO CREDITORS. 4 . e• men can IN THE ESTATE OF GEORGE LAVIS. __ 1 eeeMtion SOLE AGENT, FOR D.L, 4r.. Sgranton C941 and 17.11-1. & 'Lackawanna Both highest grade _of anthracite. The priee will be at the rock- aottoin, and alt we ask in return is that all accounts be paid promptly A. J. Holloway Office Phone 3 110.0.44...01.,...WIdi.1.4.6•114..4*SaM•14M1.1.4.4•10111111.0.119....1.11 , BRING YOUR MOTOR CAR to the Clinton Motor Car Cu. Shops when it needs attention, we will give yob good service and our price moder- ate We can also store your car when not in use, We have for a quick sale 2 light de- livery Trucks, that have only been used for a short time and will be sold at a very low price. THE CLINTON MOTOR CAR CO. FARM FOR SALE 1100 acres on Mill Road, 4 miles from Seaforth and 2 miles from Bruce - field, Ail cleared and in good state of cultivation, brick house with furnace, Basement Barn, Cement Silo. Spring water piped to barn, good well at house Rural Mail and Phone. Por further particulars apply to own- er, Alex. A Watt, 1 1 9 Ontario Street, Guelph, or Joho Rankin, Real Estate and lnsuurance Brocker, Seaforth, Ont. NOTICE Ratepayers are reminded that pay- ment r.if the second instalment a taxes should be made as early as possible. 'The last day tor payrnent is Dec. t4th., after which 5% will be added. No notice other than this advertisment wilt be given, bring your tax statement when ,naking payment. Jos, Wheatley, Tax Collector, Clinton, Nov. ist, 1 91 7. FARM FOR SALE 49 acres, Lot 26, North half, Con- cession 12. Hulled Township, one mile north of Loedeeboro. School on cor- ner 01 farm. barn 36x56 feet, with stahnne underneath; straw shed; driv- ine shed 26:;30 feet; cement silo 12x 27 feet. A fratne house with kitchen. All buildings are in good shape,' Land mostly in grass. For terms and fur-. ther particulars apply to, Richard Shaddick, Dec. le— Londesboro FOUND. pin. Owner may ei 7iitg a description, and 77- -;r;Aplv to Asa Bolton At The New Era Office P. -i74 WANTED FOR MUNITION ORK. The Rzbt. Bell Enne gi& Thresher Co., :s 7e7- of ileor-,:e C131)5on. in ;he 4.e5: Fur Sz..1., cr to Rent deeea:ed. • ir.re to deliNeu.t, on or beiore :he 1 901 December :ere a l_:. steteeteet their claims together wiz:: pertiezeiers thereof and the natere ,•4 the seeezi- ties. if aloe held by :the;:., al: 411:y o- 5118 by .1 5'4.1v11. AND TAKE NOriCE that after the said last menzioited date the said ad- mthistrator will proceed t3", distribute the estate of the said deceased atnottitst the persOns entitled thereto has ing re- gard only to 521115 i1-21 1115 '.1S he shall have received due notice and in iic- cordance therewith. Dated at Clinton. this loth day of November, A.D, 1017. C. B, HALE, Administrator. NOTICE TO DEBTORS All persons indebted to the late George Lavis are required to call upon she and arrange for settlement of their liabilities forthwith. C. B. Hale, Adminstraton HOUSE FOR SALE Good brick residenee, corner of Ratt- enbury and William 5)111,1111 1111 modern conveniences; good stable on premises. For particulars apply to Mrs. James Twitchell riw-e Your Order for some of our Western Oats, which we have Just received and we will charge you no more than if they were just the ordinary grade of Oats. If you wish to secure some of these Oats place your order early 8.8 they are going fast. We always have a fell stock of FloUr and reed. Highest Prices paid for Grain WAenkins&Son Pisone tOti, t.teindeoe. na 112 Faglan street, 1", :1 y , for sale ..5 1.: re-.: 11.?..t5 and town water; Z 7.1th stable. All :e re;•z!r. Acrly David Centel. 51 AT11101VAY0-4 1-101fAV; - MIUILI THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO UNEXCELLED DINING CAR SERVICE Sleeping cars an night traits and Parlor cars on principal day trains, Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent, or C, E. Horning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. John Ranstord &Son. clty passen- • (t ;son ,i- • FAD TO OD 'TC) BED ViOD:17.If.f5 SC) BAD COULD HOT .971":D Wotr,,,0 • even if they aro 1so11bl,.-,1 the side 01. to attend ,to 1 hoir Tinliiiith•ys sra 11 Name 11;11e tiro. ol out of t: 1.11a1 he 141031191) 11)111 perna.. r lnslthy by the of 1-10;11,'11 Mrs. It, Ai. .517', -11, Pt 1: fi,;,1 it nty dot). to r.vorn. mend Dnan's Pith: to anyone baring weal( hidneys, tts tbm, have bet% a great help to me. A month ago my kidneys were so bad that 1 had severe pains m my sides and baok, and it 3899 nnpossible for to stand straight, then got so bad 1 had to go to bed, and was that Wily for a week,. We sent for some Doan's Kidney. Ins, and I have taken just about 'one box, 31(111 now 9 tun able to be up and do mY own work, I tan certainly grateful for the good they •-have done me?' anaure getting Doat's 10,1.ney when you ask for them, see that they aro Pu(lipinsn oblong grekboxwithour treat: Mark of a "Maple Leaf" CM the Price 110e, per bogat all dealers or dtrockoft toneipt of price by .The 'V, Milburn Co., Limited, 'I motto, 0M14. • '1