HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-12-06, Page 1Established 1565, Vol, 52, No. 24 • 'CLINT() N, ONTARIO, THURSDAY DECEMBER eth, 1917. W, H, Kerr & Son, Editors and Publishers. How Qes your Label Reac, Deeenaber i7? Loo r. VW94d>r9VVVVV4oVVVYNAPtdVQ/bftu'oVWAIINMArh4lotiAAAAAA;,3AAAAeuomAr'eGYt4e°+OW, * o * * �; :k d. :R :k :I: :i: 610p0000004.+' 04AD$0040t+L0GSEN6a`7[J M0 m - -.. •• ,. .: - Ways to Help the Boys at the front ist-Buy VICTORY BONDS, WATCH FOR THE SPECIAL EDITION This week the country Is flooded with extra edlc ns :dung with the various Conservative wee weeklies s I t c th• interests of the Borden Goveri,nent. According to a circular received it is to be well illustrated and no doubt be full of the promises of the Union Government for the future. We will guarantee no word will be mentioned of the Borden Government record for the past G years—that Is to be forgot- ten by the electors,. No doubt Mr. N. W, Rowell's picture will grace many a Conservative house, as he now seesthe "light"—lint dark, ness and doubt prevailed as to his honesty of 'purpose, except to win the election, when he was in opposition to them. According to postal regulations un- less certain rules are carried out they can be held up by the Paistntasters and extra postage demanded. Me. Post- master we are going to watch this edition carefully—for what's fair for one editor should hold good for an- other —Since the above' was written and set up. The New Era has received three different samples from weekly papers and not one have complied with the regulations, and more, no doubt wild follow, PATRIOTIC NOTbs Cn 4J II, MEM ®t , ! l4t1 sa @B9 :la ,i, " ' X; * ,k 0 0 0 0 2nd—Send every soldier Germicidal Soap. ��. ¢goWeattaacrelpoesoerozloatyo r Monthly business ss me tib of theIL keeps the boys in the pink of condition because it prevents r Women's s Patriotic Friday. Council net c n Monday y evening with from disease germs. , It prevents Infection from cuts, sores and wounds and also steals ,Y ,afternoon. at three o'clock, Tlie Mayor Thompson in the chair and then! Society are pleased to announce the Itdestroys vermin on the body and clothes by simply bath collection from the Penn ' Bag to be ing the body with the soap. It does the work of SOAP OINTMENT and insect powder, 5117.20 for which they .are very Fri - thereby givingg the soldier less to carry.gratefu). At the meeting last' Fri - It s a .BIG BOOM for the BRA1rli BOYS at the 13E1TTLE deny ;t quilt was made which will go FRONT. C. to the Secotirs National, or French Relief, 1RJ, LA:M a 8 Phin.B. w kfle yti+,vo evado0v'Ma.weoVvm44ma+rssweas<waraowvvsmawvorwwon'. wvii...~:i An Appeal t f the o Citizens of Cli PRESENTATION TO THEIR PASTOR, On Monday evening the members of the congre ation of St. James Church Middleton, called upon Rev, and Mrs, Moulton and spent a pleas- t Oil fust evening. A purse of money was presented to the Rector and the fol- lowing address was read:— Dear Mr, and Mrs, Moulton— We the members of St. James Church Middleton have assembled here this evening for the purpose ofex- tending a hearty welcome to Mr s. Moulton and expressing our good wishes for all happiness in the fut- ure, Since wishes are only wishes at the best and are better when expressed in a recognizable form, we take great pleasure in presenting you with this little gift in appreciation of Mr. Moulton's past services, and in an- ticipation of the future. The qual- ity of which will no doubt be doubled, since the arrival of the superior half. We all know , "Tis Love that stakes the world go 'round," and we re- joice with you that you have found what will set the your world a spinn- ing. "Ma your joys s be as deep as the ocean," Your sorrows as light as its foam," Signed on behalf of St. James Church Middleton, Guy Hicks E. H. Wise Mr.' Moulton made a pleasing reply for the kindness of the congregation. The evening was •spent in games and music, DEAR CITIZENS: - Good Entertainments will be scarce this. season for several reasons, and for several reasons l appeal to you to buy a Tag on Tag Day that will admit you to a good big Entertainment in the Town • Hall, on Tuesday evening, December l Sth. It is my pleasure to entertain all the children and their Grand- mothers on this date in the afternoon, but at the Evening Entertain- ment a charge of 25 cents will be made for the purpose of creating a •fund for three worthy objects; a donation to the Huron County Child- ren's Aid Society, a donation for expenses of one or more Moving Picture Shows to the Old Folks down at the House of Refuge and for - 'a Local Relief Fund. The Entertainment so far will consist of Mr, James Mullins, Baritone, Mrs. Mullins, Soprano, as outside talent, who are high class artists in the music circles; Mrs. May Rance MacKinnon, Elocutionist, 1 Ladies' C:hnrus, a high class photo play and a number of comedy Moving Pictures, and other special features•are being arranged for. Please buy a Tag froun.tlle pretty girls when they call on you Tag Day, Saturday, December 15th, and wear it until the show is over and show your appreciation of a good Entertainment and a good Cause. Your Tag will admit you and be numbered. You may be the lucky person for a prize of several good things. "" Thanking you in anticipation of your support and patronage, I am, Yours for a good cause, • • TOM JACKSON —This space has been- donated free for this good cause by Mr. Man- ning, of the Royal Bank, and Mr. Sharp of the Molsons Bank. - Ordered Clothing lit malty -to -Wear tato thing • • F r • ,:1 run eaw.a.ro How about a New Suit ? We are showing a splendid line of snappy new models in serges, worsteds and tweeds. $12.00 to $25.00 See our special at $15.00. How about a New Raincoat ? These handy, dependable garmeryts that are always ready when you want them. $5.00 to $24.00. See our special at $7.50 How about a New Hat or Cap ? We have an immense assortment of caps in all the latest styles and cloths. 50c to $2.25 How about a New Overcoat ? Now is the time to make your selection whale the assortment is at the best. See our new models in Pinch -backs, belted sacks, etc. The Morrish Clothing c;,9,, Agent Agent tor C. P. R. Telegraph Co. A Square Deal for 'Ever' Man Tr The New Era. for job Work in 1917 HOSPITAL ADDITION OPENED AT WINGHAM. Wingham, Ont, Nov, 29.—The new addition to the hospital is now coni- . pieted, and this afternoon and even- , ing the whole bending was thrown open for inspection, Large crowds from m n the town and sitraxiundil5 coun- try visited the institution during the day, and subscribed liberally to wards furnishing the new win g. In addition to increased accommo- dation for patients, each nurse is now provided with her awn separate room, team heated, The nurse also S S have So provided for then their own private sittingroom, bath and a sleeping porch for use in summer weather. A new and complete steam heating system has been installed for the en- tire building. During the evening the graduating nurses, Miss Irene Gould, of Clinton, and Miss Jeanette Cottle, of White- church, were presented with their medals and diplomas by Drs. Kennedy and Stewart. Addresses were deliver- ed by Rev, E. E. Armstrong and Dr, Redmond. Music was furnished by Mrs, Reginald Williams, Mrs. Dingman, l Weir, Elliott and the town band. The hospital, which has been a success since the beginning, is entering on a greater era of usefulness. Miss Matthews, the superintendent, the hos- pital board and the Ladies' A'uxlllary were warmly conigatulated on the out- come of their efforts. 50 Per Cent, Is Good Interest You can snake it now by investing one dollar now in paying for your next year's subscription to -+:The New Era and saving theextra fifty cents vhich we will be forced to charge .shortly, How About Your Christmas Pudding ? , --LISTEN- RAISINS 2 lbs. Valencia for 25 cents 2 lbs. of Seeded for 25 cents 2 lbs. Seedless tor 30 cents New Peels, Nuts, Figs and Dates d TO' NEIL THE MB GROCCflU Phone 48 Reeve Ford and Cpuliaillor5 Wiltse, Paisley,' Sheppard, Mcliwan, Miller and Nediger present, 'l'he minutes of the Inst regular meet., ing and special meeting were read and confirmed, The Coal Question The Clerk read the following 'tatters front various coal companies, From the W. H. Cox Coal Co„ of Toronto:—"We are in receipt of your favor of the 21st Inst, but regret in present conditions, it is out of our pow., er to ship any hard coal to you. We fear there will 'be no improvement in the situation for at least two months, From the Evans Coal Co, Chicago: —"We have yours of Nov, 21st and re- gret that we are not in position to fur- nish your town with anthracite coal of any size and consider it will be useless to name prices under such circum- stances. For your information will say that we have orders placed with us as long ago as August that have not ,vet been tilled," "From the Canadian Coal Supply, Toronto:—„your valuable favor of the 12th lust, to hand re coal. We are very sorry for the delay, but the fault does not lie with us. The United States Government has restricted only a cer- tain amount of coal into Canada. We must' comply with their .instructions, as we are only allowed a certain amount until a specitled time. As soon as we get your numbers and weights, we will forward sante." The Italian Red e d Cro ss A leter was read from the R'?yal It- alian Consular -Agent of Weiland, thank lug the Council for the contribution from the town, 11, Hill, Cemetery Superintendent, wrote the Following note to the Council —"i ask you to remit to me the wages I paid out for help in the Cemetery, which amounted to 520.50. l did not understand that 1 had to pay for help but that you supplied a man. On notion of Miller :and Wiltse:-- No extra payment be made to fl, Hill for assistance at Cemetery. The Motion carried, The Fountain Question, —Mr, W. Brydone wrote the Council re fountain account:—Messrs. Bvam & Sutter, being desirous of closing up their partnership account rowing to Mr. Sutter having been drafted, have asked me to communicate with the Council regarding their account for erecting ,. t n4 the Sydney ydney llerbert Smith Fountain. By referring to any litter to you of 150. April, 1915, you will refresh your memory as to the condi- tions under which this fountain was presented to the town and accepted by the Council, Among those conditions Which were six in number, are several which have not been. kept. The town inter Alia, agreed to erect the fount- ain and, as this is one of the charges in connection with that, 1 think the Council should attend to it. As the grounds have not been attended to as required by the conditions alyd no walks have been laid out or anything of the kind Miss Smith has withdrawn her subsequent undertaking to pay the dost of erection. On notion of Wiltse and Miller, the account of Byam &Sutter for erecting fountain be paid. From the Fuel Controller Mayor Thompson received word from the Fuel Controller, from Ottawa, Nov. 1 9th, 1917:—"1 have yo4.r letter of November 1•Ith relative to lona• fuel situation at „Clinton : Foiu will notice that clause -2 of the nd�w regula- tions (a copy of which is herewith en- closed) provides against a repetition of the inequitable distribution which you describe. Possibly an appeal by a duly authorised committee would result in those citizens of your town, who are fortunate enought'to have a supply of coal over and above iherr immediate needs on hand, placing, at least, a'por- tion of the same at your disposal for distribution to purchasers in actual want until fttrt'if5r shipments arrives. On motion of Reeve Ford and Coun- cilior Wiltse the following !notion was carried:—That the Mayor appoint it Committee from the Council, empow- ered to provide wood or coal in case of immediate need; also empowered to cut trees on streets, where they are to thick, with the - consent of owners fronting street, where trees to be cut are situated, The Mayor named Councillors Wais- ley, Mclwan and Miller as the Cont- lmittee. The Corning Municipal Election. By-law, No. 8, for 1917, was read three times :and passed for the fixing Of date for nomination and election for Mayor, Reeve, •Cbnncillors,' Public Ut- ilities Comiuitsioner- and School Trust- ees, and to appoint deputy i'ett:rnha officers and poll clerks to preside ' nt such electitm and for oilier' piur'poses. Nomination to 'be held 0u Monday; Me, .114.1rom 7,30 t0"8',36 ;Yob, Arid' 15 electlolt if necessary) o5' Monday,, Jail Mi. St. Andrew s Walydt...... :At town' naafi' A, F, Cu?amore, D.R.0++ G. 'E; Saville Poll Clerk St. James' Ward At Sample Room Andrew Taylor, D. R, 0„ and W. Walker, Poll clerk. • St. John's Ward— B. Levis' office E. G, Courtice, D. 0, 0., 13, -Lavis, poll clerk Sr. George's Ward— 0. Elliott's shop S. J. Andrews•, D. R. O., J. Cuuing- hame, Poll clerk The Public Health , Dr. J. C. Gaundier, Medical Health Officer made his yearly .report: --Thera is little to report In connection with the public health of the town for the past year, The policy of the former medical officer has been followed in most matters. The removal of garbage and the general sanitation of premises throughout the town has been satis- factory.. No complaints have been re- ceived with regard to nuisance. During the winter and spring there were sev- eral cases of Scarlet fever but by isol- ation the outbreak was prevented from becoming wide -spread and no deaths occurred. There were two cases of typhoid fever loth cases .rriginate'i outside of the town. The health of the town as a whole has been Kond, 'rhe Finance Committees report was read and adopted. Items may be read ip another column. The Fuel Question. Councillor Miller brought up the question of the coal yard and made a notion that a plebicite be taken at the getpeo- ple. m tothefeeling of the u tt b p ple. The motion was seconded by Councillor McEwan. Owing to lack of space, but this mat- ter will be taken up next week, we are unable to enlarge upon the discussion that followed. Upon 'a vote being taken upon the motion,it was lost only the mover and seconder voting for it. Finance Minister H. Wise reported that the town has taken a 51000.00 Victory Bond for 20 years, •time money being taken out of the Perpetuity Fund of the Cemetery. Council adjourned to meet on Sat- urday, Dec, 15th to receive the annual Financial report. grim Onyx m n Cos Cy Lists KILLED IN ACTION w- Pte, W. McClinchy, Auburn Pte Earl Watt, Idullett Pte, T. T. McDonald, Wingham DIED OF WOUNDS Pte. W, L. Bell, Goderich Pte. W. Gordon, Wingham PRESUMED DEAD. Pte. 0. J. Sinton, Godericll ILL Pte, Isaac Quiun,Blyth • Pte, J, C, Harvey, Goderich MISSING Pie, Wesley McClinchey, Blyth Pte. T, E. Strachan, Ethel WOUNDED Pte, W, D. Carter, Clinton Pte. T. Coming, Blyth Pte, N. Nory, Exeter NEW COUNTY OFFICIALS At the December session of the Co, Council held at Godericll this week, Mr, Wnn. Laine, who has been the oblig- ing and efficient Co, Clerk fora num- bar of years, wits appointed Lb the posi- tion of Treasurer, made vacant by the death of De. Holmes, and his •plaice was filled by Mr. Geo, l-Iolnaii, of Lgirondville, Who Who Inas been one 01 The County Auditors for some years. On 'a coupon—The holder of this ebnp mi when 1rapelly 1 11chEd is en- titled to one of Our beautiful plinth- graphs, as a ig Lira Before fol auc ience that filled the town hall lo,standhlg room, on Tuesday night Mr, Thomas McMillan, Liberal Candi- date for South Heron and Mr, J. G. Elliott M.P.P. of Glencoe, dealt in a masterly manner with the issues in the• present election campaign, review- ed the record of the Borden adminis- tration prior to the formation of the Union Government and since that time, —For For fun hour before the speaking commenced the Kittle Brass Band gave an -open air concert. and at 8,15 Mr. 0. A. Forrester, opened Ole meeting with n timey address dealing with the tax- ation that is bound to come from the enormous expenditures now made, Mr, Thomas McMillan was warmly greeted when he arose to address the audience fund started at' once into the questions of the day such as the Mili- tary Service Act, the Franchise Act, the attacks upon Sir Wilfrid Laurier being a Catholic and the other quest- ions of the hour. Mr. Mchlillatn spoke for over an hour and hearty applause greeted him as he scored his points against the misrule of the Borden gov- ernment. He solicited the support of the audience and electors upon the 17 of December. Between the address of Air. McMillan and Mn,' Elliott, the C. C. I, ladies quartette, Misses McMerchie, ilolmes, Walker and Gibbings, rendered an ex- cellent number. Mr. Elliott, M P. P for n Middlesex was a stranger g to most of the Clinton audience, but by the time his address of over an hour was through, was thoroughly at home with the people. His address dealt with the appeal of Sir Robert Borden foul the tarrlff question as it effected the West. He paid a glowing tribute to our Liberal candid- ate, Mr. McMillan. The meeting closed by singng the National Anthem and cheers for Air. McMillan. Death of Father • '1'Ine Stratford Beacon refers as fol- lows to the death of the father of Capt. Scott of the S. A. force hare:—The. death occurred early Tnesdav morn- ing at his late resi:lence, 366 Al- bert street, of William 11. Scott. aged 63 years and 5 months. Deceased was born near Whitby and came to (the city about twelve years ago. Al- though he had not been able to work for the past two months, the late Mr. Scott bore his sufferings without a nnuunnr and was confined to his bed for only two weeks. He worked for several years rs ai the 11an- h. Stratford t t u lecturing Company, where he was well thought of by his fellow -work- men. Deceased was a member of the L.0,1„ and of the Salvation Army, un- der whose auspices the funeral will be held. The late Mr. Scott has three sons:serviug their country, and a son in-law, Pte. A, Osborne, who weld overseas with the 7tst Battalion, was killed in action some time ago. Be- sides his wife he leaves to mourn their loss a family of seven sons and three daughters, John, of Detroit, Mich„ Joseph, Cecil fund Victor, at home, • Wilfred, Frank sold James„ overseas; Mrs. A. Osborne and Jennie Scott, at home, and Capt.•M. Scott of the Salvation Army, Clinton, BRIGADIER—GENERAL Advance For D. 0. C. of District ' No I. The Canada Gazette announces the promotion to'the rank of brigsldier 1„eneral of L, W. Shannon, command. ant of military district No. 1 l'he general's advancement proves a source of satisfaction to liis friends, from whom he is busy receiving con- gratulations. 11 is regarded as fitt- ing that the commandant of a district of the importance of Western Ont- ario should Bold high rank, particular- ly in view of the fact that under Gen, Shannon's direction, skilful and el - Continued on Page 2, r eoc0000lt6oin G➢oe000ceest3r- t: tr1 Nn Over TM Toai s to ' 0 85es+9rda isoo:Aomes,A6`.,aD'^eoesCAN osu M•, Wm. Jackson is in Montreal this week, Co. Registrar, W. Coats,- of Gode- rich, was in town on Monday, ' Barrister D. Holmes, of Wiltgliam, WAS 'a visitor in town on Tuesday. Miss Richardson is the guest of her eopsin, Mrs, (Rev.) Hogg at the Manse. Mr, and Mrs, Bristowe, of ltincar- dile, Were towns this week for a few days, •, Miss M. Cook, of London, was here' lass' week attending the funeral of her late friend Miss EttMM11A Bigger, Mr. William Boltites, of Lnekuow, is visiting his sisters, Miss J. liolmes•and Mrs. Sliarhtalt, Rev W. L. Rutledge, D. 13, of Godee rich, was caping on old friends in town on Friday last Mrs, W, Pinner goes to Toronto, to- morrow to meet her h r r usl an du a d will t spend 1 ,i few i p s t thet ) t city. 1>1nilesday to attend the big winter. Fair at Chicago, Reeve Ford is attencling County Council at Godericll this • week. Miss Violet Argent returned to town after the millinery season at l'lensalt, Mr ,and Mrs, William Clark, of Godericim, was the guest of Mr, and Mrs, R. 1., Bell over Sunday. • Miss Margaret Carter returned on Monday from a weeks' visit at West- field with her parents, Mrs. L: E. MacKenzie and $on Ken- neth, of Carman, Manitoba, are visiting the former's sister, ,Mrs, e, J. Gibbings. Mr. J. Torrance, Inspector of the House of Refuge, paid the County Council a visit this week at Goderich. Mrs. Ranald McDonald and little son, Jack„ of Edmonton and Miss Callie McDonald of Cleveland, are visiting Airs, John McDonald, and other old friends In town. Pte, Ernest Clark, of the Machine gun section of France and who has re- turned lately was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Bell over Sunday, His Clinton friends were 51511 to welcome hint home. Lieut. Tucker is down to Stratford to -day attending the funeral of Mr. Scott. Mr. Scott died Tuesday morn- ing 8:15 a, m, Miss Gladys Glover, of Fingal. Ont., Airs, Charles Twitchell is visiting at Hamilton with her brother, and Mr. Twitchell will meet her there on Mon - da before h u e s fuiin• Westward. We wish then success in their new hone. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Glover was the guest of her aunt Miss Mabel W. C. Harland for a few da'n last week. Miss Glover is a grated -daugh- ter of the late Mr, and Mrs. John Campbell, of London, Ontario. Mrs, Campbell is remembered by a few of the older residents of town as Miss Fannie de Beau. ..The New Era had a pleasant call from Mr. E. Downing, of Lethbridge, but a former employee of the Brussels Post ' air, Downing is now foreman in the Lethbridge Daily Hearld Job De- partment. He also called on Air. Fred Jackson who has a brother in that city and at the home of 11r, John Torrance, as Mr. J. Torrance is busi- ness manager of the above Daily. Mr, Torrance is expected home for Christmas. aeaos®amooeoesoaso)ch005 D WITH TEO1 CIIURCHlr:3, to s! aA ss �;r5D to nomemetoasmir+ryer co Wesley Church. At the League meeting on Monday evening Miss Marion Irwin addressed the League on "The Master's fearless- ness." Next Monday evening the League will be in charge of the Social and I-iteraty committees when it is ex- pected Mrs• (Dr.) Gunn will address the League on their "Experiences while in England,. and their "Trip to Eng- land", As Mrs. Gunn has spoken on this subject before in Willis Church on Thursday evening last, and was a very interesting subject, a good meet- ing sold attendance is expected next Monday evening. The Missionary day last Sunday was a splendid success. 'pie speaker for the day Nir. William Gibson, of London, and Rev. ,f, W. Saunby, of Japan, gave excellent discourses and Wesley church -which nuade such a splendid showing last year in Nlissionary givings whl do well again this year. • Next Monday evening Mrs. (Dr.) Gunn will tell the young people about the work in bite Red Cross and Military hospitals at England. Next Sunday Rev, Mr. Jones will be.. gin ;a series of Sunday evening ser- mons on the "Ten Commandments. Text: Gen. 20; 3 "Thou Shalt have no other Gods before me." All are cor- dially invited to these services, Baptist Church. • 11 a.m.—Third discourse on c.'The. Providence of God." 7 p.m.—Things worth thinking a- bout. The Pastor will preach al both services, Ontario 'St. Church. Rev. J, E. Jones, of Varna, will be the preacher at this church on Sunday as the pastor is at Varna preaching an- niversary sermons. Willis 'church. , . . t On Thursday evening last a large number of the ladies of Clinton and surrounding country assembled in Willis Church to .hear an address to he,. givens by Mrs. (Dr.) Gunn on "Their, Trip to England and their Ex - „ ;,;,11, there.” Nlrs, Guar gave some very Interesting facts about. her trip to England. As the meeting was in charge of the Girls' Club, the President of the Girl's Club' Miss Sadie Mahal', presided, and the fol- lowing program was given,. .S01 n Aliss Iis,e Farquhar buelt--Misses Gthlsin gs and Ross. s. ' liistr omental Solo Misses Snyder Sokn•—Mrs, John •straw Reeltatioa•~ Mtss Lucy Orant