HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-11-29, Page 7f PAGE 6 THE CLINTON NEW ERA. November Beth, 1917 nescasommeereieefefeneeemeeeammom",4?"'"4!!""'""mirm. :-,..--„,11q1,',”'44"4"40,."?.T•gml4t4Y,...!,1°?.".ri'l:1:94,',V,Y,etr.21.?"!:?!..P',!!:14?Ft'".*Ft44P."TWO*4'g".F.!rT,V4.,n,TLATTI,,F47:1.7.4T.ItTATTATIT,WIPOTTT4CiTg.forf., Llotsson*Ozootalasawcao)preTuki;mrauX4TTroTTTATAggtil RM-ZVMVIArtr4LMP,ETO=r'7+4TP;r2='XZF2M=14Sgtit Ottraaar0',4a4 ea sammitenecnisannumeearmenzteensmneemensiceesesanureepeamitme saKcsnonmelnesemonarmamme ' . : .. Clint n's Great Merchandising E,'vent GI t. 1, N TIC AND JNRIVALED FIRE STILL ON . COATS Less Than Wholesale Prices FURS 1-3 1-4 1-2 OFF SPECIALS 10 45 -Inch Astrachan Coats From $15.00 Up. TRADE EPIGRAM -"As the blacksmith strikes when the iron is hot, so the wise buyer Will make her selection early in this sale while assortments are good." We're always doing something unusual, SOMething surprising, always Manoeuvering some deal to give our patrons extrordinary valtteS. On all purchases amounting to $25.00 we will give the choice of a mahogany finish or walnut bench free. RULES TO GOVERN THIS GREAT SALE. 1. -No Goods sent on approval. 2. -We reserve the right to limit the quantity purchased by any individual person; this we do in fairness to all. 3. -Customers can have goods held for a period not exceeding thirty days on payment of a small deposit. XMAS IS SOON HERE The Festive time is fast approaching and it is one time of year when every housewife especially desires to have an appetizing table for her family, in the line of a Xmas Cake. You will do well to purchase your engredients for your Xmas cake at our store. Our new fruits are of the thighest Quality land Prices right. Choice Valceinia.Raisins 2Ths for 25c. Seedless or Seeded Raisins per pkg 15 Seedless Raisins (Noose) per lb ..15c (used in place of Currants) New Peels, Currants, shelled Walnuts, Almonds, have arrived. Extra quality, In place of Butter ill your cake we recommend the use of Easyifirst or Cirsco. Have some Extra Fine Quality Mince Me* for pies 18c per tb 2 lb s for 35 Special Pure Laundry Soap Sc per bar; 22 bars of' $1.00 Good supply of Vegetables.. on Hand. Highest Prices for Produce. JOHNSON& ea Phone 111 Phone Promptly Attended to POLITICAL NEWS ; Elliott, West Middlesex, and Col. E. S. Wigle, Nort Essex, The Ottawa Evning Jouranl asserts that both party organizations have been responsible for the recommendation of inefficient enumerators, 1'. Fortier, one of the Liberal can- didatos in Lotbiniere, has retired, leav- ing in the field only Thomas Vien, Liberal, and Emile Rausseau, Unionist. Hon. Rodolphe Lemieux ia Montreal called Laurier's opponents "pygmies" 'The women of South Wellington have organized to help Hon. Hugh Guthrie in his light. L. A. Lapointe, Liberal, is now ' member for St. James' division, his opponent, J. A. Perreaulk having withdraw. Two more Government candidates in Ontario have been endorsed, George ..Mgra250812922111 ii"13127317177e"...C: " .121 1.440114 Makes the Whole World Kit: This famous chewing gum aids appetite and di- gestion, quenches thirst, keeps the teeth clean and breath sweet. Fresh, clean, wholesome and delicious always. No wonder WRIGLEY'S is used around the world, when- ever and wherever people want lasting refreshment. ON SALE 1.11/ERYWHIllIE ! $ealodlisths- " KOP1 FREht 1. VeRNOR Yi The Flavour Lasts SOLDIERS IN EUROPE JAPANESE ,GIRLS IN TOKYO 4t.7' SHEEP *Oen IN AUSTRALIA fr e• OFMItE17117TSINGAPOIll1 Made ' , in Canada 16 and declared conscription a breach of the Canadian constitution. J. D. Chaplin, Unionist candidate in Lincoln County, said if elected he would do his utmost to conscript some of the money earned by foreigners who are untouched by the Military Ser- vice Act, I • Speaking at Stouffville Hon, W. L. !Mackenzie King said that conscription .1 measures without a referendum were bound to•enchance class and race feel- ings, and might conceivably turn Can- ada ito another Ireland. Sir Robert Borden will speak at Ux- bridge on Monday evening, November 26, 1 -le will spend Sunday in Toronto, and all of next week will be devoted to meetings in Ontario constituencies. LincolnLiberals, who nominated ,Capt- E. J. Lovelace, now overseas, have received no reply from him yet. He has declared his support of con- scription, but if he accepts nomina- tion, may be designated as the Laurier candidate. Hon; F, B. Carvell, Minister of Public Works, and Hon. A. K. MacLean, Hali- fax, arrived in the capital 'rhe former •is very hopeful of the success of the Union Government candidates in New Brunswick, EIGHT ONLY There are about.a thousand reasons. why a Canadian government bond is better than any other kind of invest - 111e111, Space permits us to mention on- ly eight, 1 -Security -The whole wealth of the Dominion of Canada is hack o[ the Ild9 2 -Fair Incorne-lt is better to get '5A% income from a goVeroment bond than 6% from some less certain se- curity. There is no investment so profitable and so safe. 3 -Marketability --The Canadian government bond can be inadily sold 'through a banker or broker in a few houes at the most -usually minutes, - 4 -Collateral for Loans-Tbere is no better collateral in the world. Ask your bank. 5 -Tax Exempt -Canadian govern- ment bonds are free from government taxation. 6 -No Worry -Bonds can be regis- tered in the name of the holder and the interest will be sent every *six months direct from the government at Ottawa, , 7 -Small or large -You can buy a $50 bond, or 5100, or $500, or $4,000, 8-Willl Appreciate -Government bonds have always sold at a premium after victorious wars. CATTLE SUPPLY OF THE WORLD. •1.1 France the stock fell in the first year of the war from well over 14- 000,000 head to' little over 12,000,- 000. The supply of Great Britain, ltaly, and Germany has naturallytilbeen decreased, but we have no exact fig- ures, It goes without saying the reconstitution of adequate stocks in all the belligerent countries 'will be a question of years, and y,ill entail large and continued importations after the end of the war. . Of the countries of supply the Argen- tine Republic takes the lead, with its herd of 2.9,000,000 head of horned cat- tle in 1908. Since then the number has remained stationary, but there are, no doubt, large possibilities of increasing the production, above all, in the east- ern sections of the country, which are sparsely inhabited. Canada and Austrailua, with 7,000,- 000 and 11'500,000 head, respective- ly and New Zeland, with 2,000,000, continue to export largely, but care will be necessary to prevent undue depletion of stock through the pre- sent huge demands. Among the countries likely to come to the fore in the future, Brazil is probably to be placed in the front rank of 1111, the plateaus of the south- ern interior offering exceptional .advantages. The stock of horned Cattle is anicl'io have already reached 30,000,000 head, and cattle rearing it being widely Miceoraged by the GoVertimeet. Tho states of Sao Nieto, Rio Grande dc Sul sod Rio de Jainerio have, with great succets, installed meat freezieg Omits, Among the Prefich colonies Made - Oscar. and French West Africa will be capable of sending large Sepplies of frozen meat to the 15011161' Country. .6:., •Tr li ri,4 . ',f,,:ti 0,„ • • 41 or..7., cz 1 t ve V V 4., ilUdill,r,Ilircl3illilleilliilliiiiiillililliirlii4aiiiiiilTriiiiITIlliiilli'llTIlifigiiiiii,111:11,Millililliiiiiillilliiil'illIfiliiiiiiiglififfillilESIIIIiiiii'AfillIiillali it Was. • . Seaforth News :-Clinton's populat- ion had a sudden increase on Monday. Council Monday, he Town Fathers are nearly to their close of service fur 1917. They meet en Monday night to transact business. Property improved, Recently the G,T.R, painters were here and gave the station an overhaul- ing and also painted the big water tank With the brick platform we are dressed up for another .year, Seaforth Men Vice -President, At the annual meeting of the Ont- ario Horticultural Association, Mr, W. Hartry, of Seaforth was elected 2nd Vice President and Mr. John Grieves, ofStn eiraf:hareThDBkistsiict Directorthm for 'ru Ret The Clinton Fire Brigade, through the columns of The New Era, acknow- ledge the liberal cheque from Mr, W. C. Brown, who took that way of thank- ing the firemen fur their work in his recent lire. A Clinton Old Boy Starts East. From the Oakville Record, we see talk Gunner Harry Fleuty,. 9011 of Editor Fleuty, and who was born in Clinton, had started eastward with the 700 Battery, We wish the young soldier good luck, • Purchased Property. Blyth Standard: -Mr. 13Ia11 Herring- ton has purchased from Mr. Arch. Tay- lor, the brick residence on Dinsley St., lately vacated by Mr. H. J, Marshall, Air. Herttngton will take possession December ist. Italy'sRed Cross. Italian, Red Cross headquarters at Brantford announces that Western On- tario has raised S80,000 of the 5100,- 000 aimed at. London now has a cam- paign on for 510,000, of which half has been raised, and it is expected the objective will be raised by Christmas. Orchestra Leader Must Serve, An exemption tribunal in London has declined to grant exemption to J. W. Cortese, the owner of the Cortese or- chestra, London. The tribunal hold that playing a harp even if it is dose as a regular business, is not an excuse for not performing service, Food Regulations. Chief Wheatley has received copies of the orders -in -council recently issued through the food controller's depart- ment. No more grain is to be used for the distillation of potable liquors and n0. one is to manufacture or im- port oleomargerine without first get- ting a license. Every hotel or restaur- ant using this substitute for butter must display a sign to that effect, Must Have License. On and after December tst it will be illegal for any person, firm or corporation to operate with out a license from the food controller any flour mill in Canada having a daily cap- acity of too or more barrels. Licenses are optional in the case of mills with a lesser daily capacity than 100 barrels, but may be granted upon application, in which case all such mills will be sub- ject to the sante rules as those mills to which licensing is compulsory. MinsonorwfiLocaugls;ies. Huron Co. Council meets next Tues- day, Saturday is the 1st of December. Put an advertisement in the col- umns of the New Era and get quick re- sults. If you have for sale anything that the people want -or want to buY anything that somebody else may hay.e for sale, a small ad. in this paper will bring quick response. Huron Old Boys' Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the Huron Old Boys' Association of Toronto will be held at the Royal Cafe, 14 King St. East, on Friday evening, December 7th, at 8 (felon, for the election of officers and transaction of general bus- iness. Ladies from Huron may become eiembers of the Association and will be eligible for election to any of the offi- ces, Luncheon will be served at 8 o'clock, and at the conclusion of bus- iness we will be favored with an ad- dress on live topics by Rev. Dr. W. R. Young, (pastor of Dunn Ave, Methodist church. Tiakets for luncheon 50 cents. You are earnestly requested to be present. We can assure you a most enjoyable social evening. Roger Crocker, President; E. Moody, Secre- tary. TheSame Here. The Mitchell Advocate reads the Riot Act to some citizens clown in that "burg" and the same coat be applied to our. town: -We notice some of our citizens have 'got into the abominable habit of disposing of their ashes on the public streets. We would remind them that this is a violation of one of the town by-laws. The public streets of our town are not intended for a n111 - seine ground. Most of them have back yards and if they are not already full up that is the place to dispose of ashes.' Five six or a dozen anthills of ashes in front of one's premises, does not add any beauty to the place, and apart from the appearance of the thing insurance companies call for some other Methods of disposal, and those who indulge in this habit are liable to have their pol- icies cancelled. We hope that this habit will cease. We should at least try and keep the public highways clean, Why Your Local Paper Profits You. It pays to read the New Era because it,.coetains important notices of events that the public generally are inter- ested in, and which you might not hear anything about until they were past. Aside from the news there are always matters of importance in the advertising columns. A man assigns; you May be a creditor and the legal notice tells you when and to whom to make your :Mathis. Animals stray from their .owners and an id. tells you where to recover therm Thus the elude of usefulness continues ithk by liitk. As medium of communication it is val. Viable and coovient alike to those who htve anhouotetheets to make, and those who are interested le heating the -15, wed it i5 above all, cheap, --e Cheaper than Rae pane.rand postage Stennis. . Doe't be without the local eistpert Will save you its price ovet and over agalo. A, F. lnel A, M. Mr. Fred Porterfield, of Mitchell, the eewly elected D.B.G.M. of South Huron District Ni, 4, will pay his official visit to Clinton Lodge on Friday evening of tits week. A degree will be exemplified followed by refreshments and speeches, Voters' List Court, His Honour, the Judge, of the County Court will hold a Voters' List Court in the Colwell Chamber, Clinton, on Sat- urday, Dec. 8th, at 9 o'clock to hear and determine complaints of errors and omissions in the Voters' List of Clin- ton. Home From Overseas, - Saturday's papers animunced that there were, 166 men arrived in Quebec and among the number are: -A. E. Cooper, Clinton; R, O. Bentley, Myth; EL Clark, 0, Cockfield, C, W, New and B. Riley of Goderich; R, Smart, Seaforth, C. C. 1, News. . The term examinations were all com- pleted a week ago and everyone is glad f it. The Committee in charge of the Vic- tory Loan have announced that good prizes will be given for the best essays05 "liow the Victory Loan is an ad- vantage to the -Investor to Canada find the Allies." A $50 Victory 130n11, a 525 War Saving certificate and a $10 war Saving Certificate will be given for the three best essays in the provin- ce. For the three best essays from each school three 'medals will be given it large and a small silver one and a bronze one. ., C. C. 1. Literary Society Formed. Tuesday night an organization meet- ing was held and officers elected for the C. C. I. Literary Society. A fee of 25 cents will be charged 10 pay for the rent of a piano. 'rhe following otlicers were elected. Hon. -Pres. -Rev. Mr. Robinson. Flom Vive-Pres.-Mr. Brydone President -James Ferguson Vice -Presidents -Wm, Townshend Miss Mary MciMurchie. . Sec.-Treas.----Jean Middleton Executive Committee -Form IV -L. Hanley; Form III -L. Holmes; Form II -S. Jackson; Form I -Bessie Morris!' Editor of Paper -Louis McKay. Assistants -H, Kitty and K. Dowzer. ..Sister Dead. The Exeter Advocate publishes the following obituary notice which refers to a sister of Mrs. French of town: - The news of the startlingly sudden death of Mrs. William R. Elliott came as a great shock to the community on Wednesday morning last, her death having taken place in Toronto during Tuesday night or Wednesday morn- ing. Deceased had hien a long suf- ferer from goitre' frons which atilt - Hon she had undergone a number of operations but these only afforded temporary relief. A little over .week ago Mrs. Elliott went to Toron- to for further treatment, and was apparently in her usual health when retiring on Tuesday night. Wednes- day morning her sister, Miss Kate, on going to her room, _WS horror- stricken to find Mrs. Elliott cold in death, her arms resting over her breast with every indication that she passed away without it struggle. Ow- ing to Mrs. Elliott's kindly sympathy and Christen' character and lovable qualities there is much profound sor- row and regret among the entire community of friends and acquaint- ances.. She was born in Oshawa iu 1852, her maiden name being -Mary S. Hancock. She was married to Air, Elliott in 1853, and since that time she has resided continuously in the Township o4 Stephen. Being a mem- ber of the Centralia Methodist Church she took a deep and active interest in alltbranches of church work and by her death the church loses a faith- ful and earnest worker. Beside the' sorrow -stricken husband she Is sur- vived by three daughters and ole 5051 -Ails,, Lillian at home, Mrs, W. A, Jenkins, of London, and Murray and Mabel at home. She Is also survived by two sisters and one brother -Mrs. French, of Clinton; Miss Kate Han- cock, and Mr. A, J. Hancock, of To- ronto, The remains will be brought here for burial, the funeral taking Place from her late home in Stephen on Friday at 2 o'clock to the Exeter cemetery. Her age was 55 years. HAD BOILS and PIMPLES ON FACE AND BODY. Bois and pimples are simply evidences of bad blood that is circulating in tee system coming to the surface. This only way to rid yourself of these palelul and unsightly blood diseases is to have yotu• blood purified by Burdock Blood Bitters. Iti removes every par- ticle of foul material from the blood, and the skin becomes clear and smooth, and free from all eruptions. Mr. Roy A. Bovay, Trenton, Ont,, writes: -"Two years nee I was Very much troubled with bolls and pimples on my face and body. A friend advised me to take Burdock Blood Bitters. I got, time bottles, and before 1 had hnished the third one, my. boils and pimples had all disappeanA, and my face and body were as clear and es smooth as any lmby's could be." Burdock Blood Bitters has been 00 11511 market for over 40 years. You are not experimenting when you buy it. Manufactured only by 'J'hc T. Mi1. bun Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Wire rrive rrive NEW SCHEDULE Trains from East. 11.10 a.m. Leave 11,17 5.111. 5.53 p.m. Leave 6.45 p.m 11.18 p,m. Leave 11.18 pm, Trains from West rrive 7.33 am. Leave 7.33 15.511. rrive 2.58 pm, Leave 2.58 p.M. Trains from South Arrive 10.30 a.m. \Leave 11.1.0 5.01. rrive 6,40 min, Leave 6,40 p.m. Trees from North rrive 5,33 &A, Leave 7.5o a.m, rrive 4.15 p,01. Leave 4.15 mitt ....New Meth is HY lin ks Words Only Editions From 40c to $2.5' Music Editions From $1.50 to $3.50- 11KW, , Fair Ct2 Often the Qheapest-P4ways the Best ,V.carrstramtim= klIPSIZE251WILIEMESSIEmizmall11217:1112ZEZ0 ariuralus rarennsamaremennenesi caere=nuermomaneseauses.sementmes eieneenee A Tested Lens - An Accurate Shutter - Simple Operation - Good Pictures - All these are assured when you purchase aKodalt Anybody can take good pictures with aiKodak or Brownie. We have them from $1.00 up. Come in and let us show yolA how easy they are to use. -We do developing and printing and guarantee pod results-- Dospensing Chemist tnatznarsnmilaralsaaneenteermgearnsegemmermacensureatmonnomewessans .,,sseesessesseveresmes,,, The Features of Our eineessess.wesessanzmnsams. Furniture To which we invite special attemiden its beauty, its assured comfort, 5.te solid construction, and its below the Impel prices, Any one of these pointe would be sufficient to earn it your preference. When they are all cow - Waled we feel sure you Wil4 realize that this is a furniture buying opoa. tunity you cannot afford to ignore, JAS. DUNFORD Ilndertaker and Funeral Director. Phone 2$. Night and Sunday Calls answered at Residence overstere Plumbing Heating Metal W flirt( a V T EL 111 ILM VIMMINIIIIIIPM1111101802X1X .The Corner Grocery • "Live and. Let Live" INGREDIENTS FOR YOUR XMAS CAKE.. • If you have not. already made yetu - Xmas cahe it is time for you to get busy. We have all the. Ingredients-. hi.gh quality and right prices. Choice raisins -carefully seeded. , California Seedless raisins. Valencia raisins Clioice Cleaned currants AllKinds hcIli4xriesdttnPae:ids;tes and figs Leave your °refer now 'adore prices advance. Thos.ilawkins Plumbing and Heating, Phone 53 Shop -ever Rowland's Hardware Pure Lard. Shorteniag and Crisco. We will have Oleomargarine the tit of December. Butter andeggs wanted. High -el prices: cash or trade. E. E. ijunniford. PHONE 45. EVERY SHOE, REU[REMENT SATISFIED This House Of Good, Shoes Asks The considefation of People Who. Care For Shoes Of Special Merit And The Best Of Shoe Values At Any Stated, Price.! FRED,, JACKSON Satisfactory Shoes