HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-11-29, Page 5,
" '
Ngwearill,or 21gih, 1,917 t
1=;;; .
I P 0 U, Itry
I --
Our Feeding Plant Ila$ opened for
the seasoo,.,andfront now on we will
be in tile,inarket for all the poultry
Yom have for sale.
Paitit'y will be taken in every Wed-
nesday inorniug lit Holnlesville and
every day at Cliniou.
Special prices will be, paid for pro-.
perry' 11171shed milk -fed 'chickens over
5 lbs each,
Geon-boulols & Co,, 11.1.A , •
The up-to-date Firm J
Clinton Branch Phone lJQ
N. W, Trewortlia, Manager
or Holntesvilie 4 on 142,
See and here our fines`
New Stylish designs of
Doherty Pianos and
.ipeCihl Galuefu in dirt
Pianos and organs rent
e1. flhoic^-new Edison
I�IIOnr:,gr4.,plis, 14iu5ic ZZL
Variety ;;Dods.
i. .
P °
Mt,tliIC l�^11pori$I':il
i ,
�"-_-..e.�.-...._� .-._._
R a
> •
I �
Is the Buie to have your ;
', Furnace overhauled or a new ;
,I one installed. i
,A number of second hand
t stoves in good repair. i
Electric Wiring and Fixtures' i
W ells:rt[is,.^..^•aa'��:.t�z�tsas:2XV1=Szna r
Bya . C&C Sutter
Pltnnbers and Electricians i
Rhode 7. e
y W�atbat•'ar}✓v,�tJwrwvw,✓ee.ceJ',o,s+ewt
Better Pay
The Price
Don't; be tempted to chopse cheap
jewelery. Far better to pay it ftihr,
prhee and know exactly what, you
Are (; Ing,
n r - sorry -for as a
yon will neve be s y
matter of money, it Is, easily the
most economical
'.Chat has been said tin often that
oveD•ybody by this time should
know it -rand Tot there is no
scarcity, of cheap jewelry in the
Now totet pe,rsnnal-lf. you would
like to iss,that sortialtogether-
t;O11115 l,lkl
if yon would, litre to bily where
nothing blit high qualities arra
. dealt in-00v1.Ii1 toll+'I E
And even at that, no person ever
Bald our priced werefnnfitlr
W. R. t rs
Jeweler and Orollicintu
till(5r of :f'htrrlah ry i,iccuscs
We're tww sellin Timothy Seed
(Government start�FT6.).
•ilea also have'on hand, Alfaltai,
Alaike, and Red 'Clover.
Wo always leave on hand -Goose
I (Wheat, Psoas, Barley and Food Corn
10ificest Market Prices paid for Racy
and all brain®.
WI-toI .
W, t#a
e .
X7.1113110, ETO '
.00X1tRLES 1113, 1link.19'
0onn0yauas, rotary 1:tublic,
Uontutissioner, etc,
Issuer of ,0larriageLloenses,
duron 9t,,/011inton.
H. ur
Notary Public, Oonveysrioer,
Financial Lund real UState
INSURANCP AGENT—Ronresoutin034Fire In
euranoo Companies.
oltylsion Court Ellice.
. Piano tiranifil'lrr
'Mr, Jaeries Doherty wishss to In••
form the public that he is pre -
fared to do fine piano tuning,
one regulating, and repaivipg,
Orders left at W. Doberty's phone
61, will receive prompt attention.
11, G. 0anlerEll, li.C.
Barrister, Solicitor, Oouveyancer, Ote
Office on Albert Street, occupied by
Mt,, klooper, Is U)inton on every
Thursdap, and . on atry day for which
appointillents are ruade, Cfnce'bours
from 9 a'.Ill , to 6 p m. A food vault in
connection with the office. Office upon
every week day, Mr. Hooper will intake
any oppointmentsfor Mr. Oainaron.
,LM Ed'l.t,,ai
OR ry. W. 'I'IIt1MPI$50114
rhyslulan, surgeon. Dto
anto!a1 attention given to dlwnsoe or ills
Dye. 'lar. throat, and Nose,
Dyes efuliy xatuinod, and suitable glasser
Nresoribed. .
Otfice and Residence.
TWO doers wear or tyle Comnrcrciat F1416e
tlFuron 3t.
)IRS (AthA ii1,d f A .111.11.Lf
Rat. W. Uruni, L. It, C, r.. L, ROD, 8-, Y.'dI
Dr.: uou's onion at residence High Street
Dr A C. Gaadler. B.A. 1111.111•
oa}ee-Uutario street,ounton,
Sight a»IIF at residence, Da9teubar- :eft, I
or at boinital —
IDR, F. A.,A,:kON
Crown and riridge worll a simciaity.
Graduate of C.C.D.S.., Cbleago, and 13,00) s
Vlly✓ ehl MR..
11lnndave, MIT ��Istpp to D .
aY tiw. IL ilifl§�1t d%'T 41. -
Offices over O'NE4L'S store,
Special care taken to make dental sref+
Math oa painless as posdible,
Live stock and getneral Auction *e-
bli.mstws: sates n.spectis,IJ. U1dett e
Nate Etna orsat, C.Ynien, prem _%.7 nater"
..to. F
to. Terms reasonable. armers• soft x,*-
dismounted . -
Dirs. Geo. si;' 111. B. Whitk -Y
'sZa".Y'Q"la a118n
Osteopathic 11by.
Specialists in Women's and
Childkm's Diseasee
AcuteChronic, d Nervous
C a D
, al
Office-R'atrenbuiy Hotel.
Tuesday and Friday, I w 1.1 ppm.
G. Di.�411 oTaggaxrc M. U, Mo'Pag�ge,'
3 �° '��`t�c'r. r , E,: t'trt'idvi~„,-
ALBERT ST, 0'L1 °•,TC`;
.0 I-eineral 'Banklifig AlaAtaas:s
t; onnlaacted
Drafts issued. Interost allowed a
The dF'Mci,011ltp &I'du tlm1
Rttrna and Isolated Tou+xn Props
tarty Only Insured.
Ii fad Office-Seaforth, Omit
J. Connolly, Goderich, President; Jas.
Evans, Beecliwooil; Vice -President;
Thos..E, Hays, Seaforth, Secretary -
Agents n
Alex. Leitch, No. 1,. Clinton; Edward
Hinckley, Seaforth; Wm, Chesney, Eg-
mondville; J. W. Yeo, Goderich; R. G,
Jarntu'th, Bredhagen.
Wm. Rion, No. 2, Seaforth; John Ban.
aewels,'Brodhagen;•James Evans, Beech-
wood; M. Mcfl;yhn„ Ciintoq, Jarnes
Connolly, Goderich; D. F,,'McGregor,
No. 3, Seaforth; J. -'G• Grlevl, No. 4,
Walton; Robert Ferris, Hirlock; Geo.
li•]cCartle, No. 3; Seaforth.
A Arai':o?1.i➢ or dna llt'tdhi, ,
porfraud ceffiefil
Phone its for prk'(( s
It will lilayyell
John Hatters
Shirtwaists' can frequently be cut
down to be used !It the dresses of small
11 I
oryv�t4�r•>ry�]f.)i+�p'4�S77gC]lls a� -.
lA.HIS Y.VS'b�rJ4+�„ ,334 i fx
Your kidneys ur cin y ]s s axe rho lilta's of 1110 body,
I'f they become inactive and fail to 011111-
31, to
11111-mato ills waste natter, they are apt to
throw the tvholo tneehanllow of tilebody
out of order, thus toxie poisons can ae-
olmiulato in the system and be as deadly
as snake vonom.
11s.8}des eu'10A, the minor siblients of
rhotauatisnt, sciatica, lumbago nd back-
,aebo, neglect of the kidneys is apt to
develop into more serious diseases, such
its diabetes or stone in the 'b'ladder,
1114 the body of toric poisons --clean
the bladder and kidneys and cure the
twinges of rheumatism with Anur-le and
you win the battle of life,'
Anuric was -first discovered by Dr.
Pdereo, and has benefited thousands of
sufrorers as well as appeased and climbs.
ated the ravages of the more serious hid-
ney diseases: Now procurable at any
good drug store, or send Dr. 'V, M. Pierce,
Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., or branch
oflicn, Br'idgeburg, Ont., 10 cents for trial
Thorold, Ont, -111 was wonderfully
helped by taking 'Allurie•' Por about
three years I had 'kid.
.�i4 t Yney trouble and rheu-
.'+i = matters, I also had
II,I backaehe. My limbs
art,,+, 1,0-te would swell. and I had
��vA rheumatism in my
"w ,s,;e;t, a arms and haltds, My
Q_hands would swell and
pints would be so
f�f�(11 \ Cpl sore and stiff I could
. iiiscarcely do my work.
They rvonld pain me
something awful. I
doctored but without relief. At last I
saw'Anuria' advertised. I began its use
and two bottles completely cured me of
all my rheumatism, and I think' it was
permanent for that was a year ago and
I have never had any return of this ail.
went. I havo'never found a medicine so
good us r Anuric r, 7I -lilts, R.-11. Hum,EVERY OUNCE OF WASTE A CON.
Ili ninny hones of the Dominion
very considerable ecortorntes fn food
have been effected voluntarily since the
war began. In thousands of other
(tomes high prices of food have com-
pelled the utmost economy ill sel-
ection and Ili apportionment to the
various members of the family. 'rhe
food Controller alms that, as far as
passible, there should be sufficient
•and suitable food for the people of
Canada lit prices. which are uo higher
than are absolutely necessary under
present conditions of. steeply and oust
of proddssthon,a,
Severity per cent of ill,- people of
Canad;t are as thrifty cilia' careful as
any h❑ tine world. They consume but
little or tic) more then is necessary to
maintaln their Physical st•engt'h. The
Food Controller does not all: these
people to reduce theft' consumption
the annount necessary it)ntahn-
tafo their efficiency, but lie does ask
their to substitute other foods, as far
as possible, for wheat, beef and bacon
which are needed by the soldiers over-
sells. There is still it considerable
minority of the people of Canada
who can told ,should reduce their con-
sumption of foeld by simpler flving.
Substitution meq' .involve some sacri-
fices but surely the nten at the front
are deserving that such sacrifices
should be made. Elimination of
waste is a patriotic service. hn which
the most humble and the most rros-
perous can co>ltributz. It is, uu ex-
io o T
a ever at n t sae• that vaA c t ace of
e t
waste t ri ,
s a is a ct,ntu[nton toward's star-
Oniia3:ex Clap
0.4ST0 R IA
'i'Itere is no better lUirislntas pres-
ent than a V!etury Solid of whatever
danontivaliell you can afford.
A hot of Christmas presents -some
quite costly, too -are broken or worn
out inside of a few months.V-ecy te,v
last live years, to stay nothing of ten
or twenty years. And stili fewer are
worth as mucic cit the end of five, ten
or twenty years as they were origin-
But consider the victory Bond. it
cap be bought to Iasi' for either one of
the periods mentioned, and at the end
of its period it is absolutely as good as
new. That is beyond dispute. For at
the end of the period Canada pays the
holds]- in gold the amount which was
originally paid for the bond. More
over, this payment will be Horde
promptly in etre lump sum, while tile.,
original huyer is allowed to spread hi`
purchase of tate bond over a period of
live nrouihs.
So the Victory Bond is ata !deal tires.
ent. It does toot "wear out." It Is
never forgotten. Every six months
there cors&$ it reminder of it !n [lie
shape of Interest nt live and a luUf per
cent. leer aonunr.
The Victory Loan is iu keeping with
the spirit of Christmastide. It is it
loan for the liberation of We world.
It will be Canada's Chirnst llas gift to
the Allied cause. It is a contrilautioit
to the birth of it new ern, do tvhicli op-
pression shill no longer be Mite to
stalk abroad under the guise of Prus-
Viewed psdcticaily lir viewed senti.
mentally, there is no Christnnis pres-
ent like ,it Christmas Bond.
GiriwlTIVlake this cheap beauty lotion
;,lotclear and whiten your. skin.
Aqueeze the juice of two lemons into
it, bottlo containing three ounces of
orchard white, shake well, and',yota have
a• quarter pint of the best freckle anti
tan Iation, land complexion beantifler, at
very, very small Dost.
Your grocer has the lemons and any
drug store or toilot counter will supplq
three ounces of.orehmrd whito for a Sew
dents. Massage this sweetly fragrant
Potion into the face, neck,, arms and
bands tacit day and sen ]tow freckles and
blemishes disapposr and bete blear; soft;
and white the shin becomes, --yest, 41a
is harmless.,
In the 1947 report of the A;;Yh-
ebrWral 5066ties of Ontario these is
a alt•of•a good type of lnodel11 hays,
owned by Col, D, -M. Robertson, df
PAGE 4 e .,., .
Williamstown, Ont, bklt c,e were
uo rods evi e
It1Y dill ,tot protect, • I
K Y f
I r r rnR
1 latnln ro s o, In l u r
t, g and u clue ease, however, the rods were conn- r, '�?�r a �� �t.la•�,r tI"�t
Aug, 20th, 1917, it was (lestroyed by pldtely severed where they el) ereil a
fire, with a loss (of over $ 000 ( the ground, curd so were utter) use. Children ��' bur , l lig,
'rhe fire wars caused' b ' ligli iling, ,I'he ids, In the other case lite ground rot ata a" k s ?
1 F, t g, it { S. S .•, T , ro, , e ;v ro, a vn • •n n
1) i )'at) •o ', ^�, '� � *. , t
u!n est of
Agriculture from Ire pea • ' n �°',,. +• w
s A c ! iet I. instead of n �` � , *�: 'i � ,
I u u has % 11•rfrom the +a.
6 ii „ � :.
n 1
•t P
'� i� t '
s ., d dn`v � • r 3.11, F, i ill.
tet ttt ..11 T:u• us a < the I rl 7 ,
i baro i r mid of those i i t nett '' ti build- l a�:
t t es , t i bit tete 1 u !d n d a r
g s t,
e 1 xA ss r$. 1 r
,i'lt� . J
170,' r ,, { r 4 d
d wkY,
i i 4 �
$ w� due r between t {
e t> Il'Irtnin'' to t e (.a}. .1111 Id e•
t, 6,
it bol g 1 d t ,lues
�c 6'
d �' A
't �. l' li . U •7
, uc $' fid , td s destroyed `t � �"
fires, tTsdwil elite w causes d Y it, D pule end-tuvn r e , is r�t a: v �t
"unkuut i " i declares that to s z-. 4' I'I.. ..,
v r. It will i v hews to i t i wits ap hn nasi- , ,.,
p i. , s.t lir..;, 1 ',f
ntau of our r n er hear bilit but llteease e ':7 .r � ,� �,�.� „
,v t l: d s to 1 e, r .fiat Y, s sets to strengthen � •.�` gg , " . ;,t,,;; 1 ,
from Jan. 1st to Sept, 30th 1927, Prof. Days contention that the ground ". {k ` ,t r
0 tt• wif s should ru .t":tar.
i , tlo land no less than 7&$ biarit tires e s ,t from tltc eaves in IV ^.a•,
involving a loss of 791 17. If the all waterspouts should lie grounded, r' "� t„' �+.Ci•' , ,” r:
f, „ 2• ! g de ) m ,�y:,r �•M." .'i9 . r °41 .i et,,, ., .,w.f . g. '"'cS. dk
e './. ..a.-t.,i._aM.... ...w'S:M,,. .�uX»...,.. �..,,..4 :i...."'u �'.'�!...: .., ♦N.�,�.; ..
proportion of fires ctlitsed by lighttting
'rile subject is one of perennial hu- . •. . s•. • .::+au�"a• V111
Ili the cases of univestigated tires was 'terest to al farmers, :end it appears The Kind You He„ o .i. -w, '3 ...s°' "t
t11e S:lttie (iF iii the 2111 c;lSeg inV^-5ti• holy 110 he generally .agreed alnoegs:t1 ..A ''; X h+cb (Sas been
gated, it would utetnl that Ontnt'io had experts that rodding bans would anus, It tare Eo.. Ov„x G'VCL ...1 't �.:'n, i. 1 -ra.., t.a3 F..gna'tttF'e o'k
473 barns destroyed by lightning in the farmers of Cangda heavy Jossesl r , , e 6 .t X ft%",',q, I.ticaat3 Un& -r his per.
eight lhonths of this present ,year, We every year. ��•,,�' ;,,,-,i pA.� .rt 1 ,, 111' lo;t 0-"ZIZ4 ifs infancy. r
tinct, however, thin of the 311 in- - -- ».---- f �•'� /-'•""tGw-,$., ,. ' .. .
I f J r ^ to d cs:✓a� gets ir. tllial.
vesfigated tires 13 of the barns were ��y, + illi GCcs t Ec ,, 1 , -_ t ood'r aYO but equipped with lightning rolls, butof Children, Cry 1 I I'
these tires only two were caused by FOR FLETNER'S f B.xPcriur� .t t,. l .:1 t"' C t ,, a' the %lealth Of
lightning. Here, however, we have i Infeuits and E ..a.xc.rt-.-.e f,L 1. Ex,yerlinent,
two cases of .barns which lightning C A S T 0 R I A n➢ M r ) ;, , it vat, +
I b K"tr n , re; , 1111 +�} 1�pf+- �ty1
�,......................• Vii tri Lf e',�y�-', s t S ..1 i, + -- i J <, ' '.1':19' [d [A
A �w•�r,t�; �"�{ �;g;,,,..wr,, ,j�yr��gA�,��fi �,-q,,gt¢r{ry�Tpry-a7rrye;tr•� 4`w.tG?'la is it 1?t ., .. ,,.''j J4- f.. nor clll, lc'a ax%,
,{'p: R_,T13A � ti,I� 09 .H. ,S.:aR 112f j/i; fin: C� '0':, y`• ': !: ;J r,14azZat'. TIt CIiAtal, %
I Neither lap4'.'L-,r-;,;_''1-,1j.Uf k rrcOtfe substance, Its
1C. P. R. Subscribes $10,000,000 if the People of Canada)
aTr Is ill 1 ,' t 1 I.•`.3 a„„1 t'rtg
gears it has
j Subscribe m30 ,00,1.000 to Victory Loan. •„ bowl l 1•.: a.
• L CS r's.1stit,a.tion, Fliatulencyv
RNOM, this war began,” said scribr, and to this end employers and NTI.:d Colic C_...a rJ ;! 1 ?--::J,• Fe vir4schness arising
Lord Sbuuglnnessy at a great. the banks should, and, no do:tbt, will, ille:o:rom, a<!r? f, rn it.t: .i„ c: s; ,. and nowels aids
Victor Loan Campaign moot- render every assistance town,rds , i
Ing in Montreal, "the Camadian Pa- spreadlag the payralints over such a the assunu :tuna i,Y 1 uoci; r:;r= g:stay and nataxal sleep.
elfin I ails: ay Company has invested Iw•rlod as will make it easier for tate . °Tie childdcLgls 1%-z e,Cc:,-;C_ r 1f0t;_2: gp y rl-aid,
up to thg present Lint,,) in leans and cubseribers than the very easy terms
guar" ato0s fn one forin and another meuttaned fn the prosTmetus, f r •.nw of l � r%'a`, iii ry"�117:777,.f-.h ”
iu tLe Allied nasions nearly $7000'0; Statistics would seem to indicate �`+3LCse� I.3,O1dlaF,x,,•s lr i, t+ i1 � )r a1
trx�t� ', 1, a,:,J, � � .;,
0b" that one in six of the entire Dope- �,�+
1 tnrthnklis we would be glad to Iation of Great Flrftalb snbsc'x}bed for �C aa.m i. ^+ C.",-......._;_ 0 O£
s < " r to Via Victory Loan up to the last imperial loan, The recent '
, ,+ ,' .ct ;r.* I s ill t,cld a rider to Liberty Loan in the 7lnitecl States ��1 ;d y • ry .: 3 c ssr s-
tt nt (f ur otic of C'at:zda ,aril was taken by one fn twelve of the en- �V" d �.," , ?, s"
t't . fJ < 0 0; , 0 (e; clttsive of aha tiro population, while the last Came- 1 e 2 s,:a s�- fY�� ,;-
..c.., !l' �. field for by suer rider of l clan loan allowed subscriptions by �,� '^�.y o f t, : '' y y
tc _• ` •t":,t•h":.s issuce:; as v:a havp only one in 187 of the population, or%s!e"',,,r, , N*'" ��`�,.-'tt''�, ``el.,lr,; pr`t�r.,,� bra
no c n :bt they will, the company will l about 40,00'0 subscribers throughout + �� � �Q
= Lion' sub%vription $i(),010-0,000." the, country, It would be disappoint•
lire waA at the cIr or ort inspt•- ing If, fn the present instance, thatI in ^$ e3 .
t roerb iving ITe r-a..•utis wily flzure is not. substantially exceeded n SP
t'` f t i 11 -7
tn' a c;;le of Caa,.u;t }.nuld ,gfvdlloil the Islartd cf 1Tontl+coil alone. k0i V ��u � Years
loci' ,,ho c t•::•uf= } ,port to t'i:el "'it should be the aim of every per- r
Ion?). tit. s r e ..a fit Iron to put. by. during tate wage -earn- i �"i,� if a! tlr� �!�19 Halve a{��itlFcTy s 8C9Eiigfl't
"I 17nowt,ilh!,; la:reimlllsrrotvd•:Jug, period, it small fund to meet re. _.J L 3rJ URCOMPgO, __VOV4 _Y,
ed to its captivity with an army of l gttlrrment,s of old age, or to be avail-;" rwgtttvt j7� c.`?� 'f3(f•, w
oLrt,aat mon and v:o'ca who are l able if ' red when misfortune comes. M.
filled eith the deteradnattan that I It Is, f think, the natural tendency of ,
this Victory Loan or 1017 shall bo the most people to do this, but the di,%-
pl eteircnal sr, -cess that it de:;ervcs culty is about leaking a start. Isere ENGLAND'S SPIRIT i5 NOT the barman and a him i i'
to b,., and, above all, they are de- is the opportunity to matte a start t get to % sit them
Wrinaird that, our groat city of Alont• under most favorable eondAlons. The BREAKING, puck in return. His infirmity proved
real, the rrciWer city of Canada, the security is uuquesti.oned, the rate of profitable.
fine-,cial'and commaer,-sal metropolis, interest; is far above the normal, and Cav;tlynten have ,it superstition of
a h
•. r P
and the four;uia hr.:rd of broad cult .the .,0 n 1 t � their ova
s $ t ., 07 Invested in hese � 'rhe German who have been repeat- - t A mounted mtut flrnt!
metrt and cosmopolitan thought Ili beuds will encourage, further addi- edl • orderin air raids o l the Cit P of,: deadliest
that he will coma through the
the Dominion, shall do Its full shard tone when circumstances permit, y g y deadliest charged unscathed if he
toward contr'butin,• the a'niount re. The foundation having been ectab• London ili thabelhef that such "[right- carries on his person the tooth of .it
. spired not only for tho horror and liched there Will b li incentive war -Yo h
3 � � t 1 e t e nit a to ,fulness" would tend fo break down the t sa, t e auto condition being
credit or the city htrtrlf. but, for tlrc I It:r.ld upon It in a rational and sen- t that the horse ifseif has, at some timg
e~;anp!:^ that it will ,rive to other slide way, and thousands upon Vtou-j `Oeragu and Sighting spirit of the Eng- been through a charge unhurt.
'sections r.' out• good old province of I sands of substantial little funds will l lisii, will lied anything but sitisfac-
gt:r•:'ace th^t will alvays reniltin n'have been created to meet the de tion in an extended report on how the ,,,, R.ry
ibul::'arli and prinvinat main -stray of Mand; or file rainy day, i people of London have acted during the ,afs:k'ra ci'N»•rt�.i8�? Root co!'flpff wl' dl
aur C'nn: rilaa confcdnrothon, contri. ` s safe, retfalRe•rcanrattap
bating to the .n et:gth and ptos,terity A PPRSpNAt, 1 tiPP;RIG\C[,. (raids. 'this report, which apt>ears ut °� '^,gy medicina, Sold, in three di,
�+'�• i;' f1tees of str-oh-No. 1 $l;
o€ CO. Lomint,.u, uotwithstanding the The Lancet, show's that, with very few r �� W. 2, S3; No. 3, $a per Itox.
Iiita'7o:t rt,d rscentmrnt acr.aaic+n..t:e'St'mn3' notin betoeit �f pia o` nmelz:•captious, [lie inmates of twelve nr a 4 ,.'r°� seta b all drugsiets,orsent,
ally Jr. evidamre Mien the provinr•e 1 -.tit• : Y ' In more institutions for (he sick die t. -1, .` "a"� nropaidvon reeatpt of price.
aitir,laed. anal, tndced, nrA!l-nAd, by coir}y c.-.; nearly fifty years ago, played remnrkaltld cwura, a and self- hap nuufpl!jat. • Adrlrees:
when nl salar;' was a Modest one, g � THE COOK MElDl CENE do,
nary vflnes" 'worts It sbould It" as but in excess or that 'received by possession when the enemy fliers � of 70aaNro ONi m valoid
,nnnanan cl".;'nrs or thn ,Oultt.ty, to , appeared. here anti there are such CPor cele sar.l
•, ,,,t most of the young feliows with whom
'ur±c•;tand en;l cnn,.t-..,e. if aunimznts•as "Two g'i'll cried." nr - associated, the portion or the ; „
r,.This vnrid's ,:pr titcthasnotvwe7t'ttlonlhly pay which i felt justined in 1 One pationt hid under the bed," &t®di®®e3C�'fl::SA.^ua8080,2 6000000eet
J c i ± e fm:rth ,Ear of its dur- but for, the most part it is a record of a a
i,.4, 1•a in pr,e, appropriating to my awn use tli no'
1 u;»n ^i} the nn- remarkable poisz :tact calm, which
a thing show
and rapidly with th . a
tions iuvolt;ad tiranric'.1 oht;a laps of indicates psett>' duu•h• the splendid fi� . $
thing to show for it I conceived fie��
all unnnnr.t ^nd of a rlairaetcr nets' planner fn which the English pullic ,u
idea of calling on an acquaintance,
r l.c iudrid -t t r i tndtf-ddecd.. is faeitag every phase of the war.
, , ; tits raslnfcr of a private basis, to ask a � �,
hat 7 ul never t L 1 a t t i `rated, and ,blit If he would loan me $100 at the' It is pointed out that- bite Zeppelin utr".(br>E30�rtrC1DS �iFtflGieac3fa(p@a'. to
e.ch d0v Itint cr'a &01WnreS, tire' attacks have atr'..,rded all excellent
obligulhmis br rna2 r.:::r, fnsiatent ane] (1111 -rent rate or. interest, against my
Hetes in monthly amounts clavering chance to study the psychology of Erg- bliss Jessie L. Wilson, daughter of
b:tr'•°e4,,nne. Th-vi.-rttn upona
Prittn:a period.of six or eight months. la fish crowds. The first instinct of Mr, Gavin Wilsvii, of the Bluevale road,
bus l,e.:n part!„0w,ly arrat, beranae,,,tl,e -t early days, bank caahiers and the person who hears air raiders near Whigh:un, returned home on Sul-
t, v , h , - . 1....,
n. er.l t ra^cr d to to ui.
r ...'head is self-preservation. Bit
:±an fonds nc e o•}• for hr•r n n ern'•' .nwgers leer,• more considr,rate and in a r t t.r...q attar spending a yang and a half
i'rsss. blit by rc•:.e:na of t:cr outsf:ctd- (n.f IIl1g Ilion tbcy -are In tl,e&e great many instances, perhaps in :t; .t nurse in •t military hospital :it
t':ues end lie ngn,ed. The i tel tcero the majority, ctiroslty overcomes fear Shornelirfe, Enghand. Mrss Wilson 'rs
in putt}±Icon in 1h:, : oacy nrrlrl tate wade and turned in, and $too in cur- This accounts for the fact that people home on a three months' furlough.
s r•ori••rlled t.o sissist. in very large ha),a been •tone it) swain' Into tine
n tett; s,orte of t.e Alli:d rations+'re. t wp handed to rte, w•hieh I I v a 114_ s
les' ,ator:cl. n tert't-ell , cert M my credit In street; to w:ticb th enallly above;117 Qq f?tOC�B �Jbt,W e,Q(t,” c1a
t • SntS;,r, ;par, ��.�t. loin c:,hi-r them tehen there has liezn grata darn .Tim Creat Pcgplish4$ltrnard77•
"The cntrar.ca arourgrentnei^L+bur did not undorsrnnd the novel tri,. us'
ser of being killed. It is noted, too. � ' "� Tunesnudin,•igon,taa.thu whoto
+n (It spt.n n O , I:) CP M nervous eYatem, makua vc�,Atood
,,nit:'� n.c- .re, tris ,11:1.'n, -;:s'! , - ,1:� don and asked the piirpo,c. i told that the spectators often take strange ' �t m old verse, Carr•es Acw'noun
bet :lnee it brou;;ir t. to the •u^:^ur; rr'., hfin Dirt. t',1. sp i,otes would be per- s:ttisfactiotn ill the excitentdnt Caused DcUllit7r, Dlentat anari Braine Worh•lt, ,UdR.pon•
the A.Lfis the+ a;:anrial stmur;th nr ', sorra[ obligations tlic.t. I would meat ITT• a raid, apparently forgetful of the ti a,t ,If °i l.ivip Me, iog.rru�Slep rho ,ruz
that xrfat nation,: but tho people of;'`.uh month as they became clue, and anguish as'd destuctos which it may toras.6710nowdlNlease,eswtllsero,t4j{3olrlb$yalu
tint at the end of the period 1 would. he causing. But the one filing which druggiata or melted iu plain pkg, on raceint o.
the Till ftrd -iA±e9 racy, Aute ver? •,3•; ri"a. Menu panaplaci nnat2Fd'free. 4HE V1i0On.
aurally, that "while tvo are whiin;; ILti".. a barn accourt. of ',Intl and so it fig Germans hope for the most -a' �y' p1Et,ocaWeco-.TOSONTO.ONT. (FmMedY wladwr'
. ,and, indeed, anxious, to lent aic7 (o. v `r7crd out. Th(+ note,: were met weakening of EngliShnie4Ys tlghtnl,Fichnrd t[, Lloyd, of W.jn +
Wand providing the stoney neraa:.a:u'y without cousin;'; any spor!al ir,c•on. spirit -certainly is not brought clout y than, an
1 weulance, and during the feta follow- by the depredations. instead' esch aviator who had his thigh shattered by
for the conduct of the veer• ice exlr'et Ing years of varying fortune, that raid increases the determination to it Hull explosive bullet, and will prob-
and require that. In tbf, r:rcmest Iles• amount of $100 never grety less, In- "sac it through." 'ably be more or less of a cripple for
�sible extent, the mane' should be ext «red, if there bo anyone pmsrnt to life, has subscribed for $-lug of 1 ic-
Itural d n our country:' 711 is a ua' whom I owe mmnev, he pray be grata• - - - tor), War Bonds. That is one way
tarot condition and one to which :io fit:d to know that T still have it. q,, 11,y r SOUR
of vett1}ng back it the Hun•
'reasonable objection. ran be urged. "It is probably r. rottable that the NP�il�ltif °, €v���2'i �� rust E ds �]'xl � �' � �� � T v
, A, LOAN TO Ot`RSNLVES? rampadgn for this 'Victory Loan p ,q p�g� � �ytpyi F-11 I Fi�CTf;1yE 01
"Clanadanaturally wisheslocontimte should be co�lncident with the Do. Oe AU W SPECKS
lto participate in the business of sup- minion elections activities, but there , �ro
Ililying munitions, goods and produce is no good reason why ods should 91fI19f s V11a0 e A � T 0 R I A
of the soil to the Allied armies, and conflict with the other. We who are _ The s}mere sympathy of the coin -
encouraging .subscriptions to the 13altli r1;0i"vi%a9 DV nitlltity goes put to Mr, turd 'Mrs.
twith all other inoney markets closed Loan are absolutely uon•polttica] in L Joshua Aplin, of Bznmillzr, i❑ their re•
Ito tier, there is only one prnceas by MILBUR d l,A„ &LIVER PILI ea.
Iwhieh this can be acconsfiltshed, The our motives and our methods. The , cent loss of their son, Lorne, who
country must tts0lf provide the repot• nppeal is made to citizens or Canada — ryas killed at the front. Two other
site means, and, fortunately, the conn• who are proud of their country with- sons, Secord and Harold are !n active
out reference to their political lean- They stimulate the sluggish elver, service.
itry is amply able to do so. 14oretlifore Ings or their views upon any of the clean the coated tongue, sh-veten the file coal supply is chiefly ip•ate and
,the Minister of Finance has placed In subjects that are being discussed on breath clean atva all waste and Toison- the i+rice simply groat,
Canada three domestic loans aggro- , 0' 1
gating, I .think, about $350,000;0(4. In the hustings. The appeal is to the ons matter fronn the system, and•prevcnl
every instance the amount of the is• people of the country without regard well as earn all sickremi arising from
sue proposed was oversubscribed, to politics, creed or nationality, -who R
and, yet, fortunately, the people of would in any chrcunstances wish to a d'isordercd condition of the eto.mach,
the country are to -day In a much fret. show their pride In Canada ane] their liver and botrels.
tag• position to partfeipatc in these devotion to her interests by meeting Mrs. Joseph .11, Thceiosu, sautucl,
iloahs than they were in any previous any demand that might be mads u:panIlc, N,S„ tvriCre:-"I. was trnul,lod
}A 4
tt m, even at considerable sacrifice.
time. AP.ter all, •ln' taking kip this with tr sour sienna h rill[( tnolc flue vinlr+ �
Vit Aery Loan, wo are ineveiy loaning But, in the present instance, there is of Dfilhnrn's l.axa liver .fills, and they
no sacrifice. Participation in the Vie. ®t�Si
money to ourselves. It is handed cured me.
over to the Government and it is id tory Loan is a splendid thing from
Pa My mother n.lso uccd them far Ptrpnthn t
;out a ion. to the people of the noun• every business standpoint, bacausrl, a
p p it provides the subscriber with a specky term 1140. eves. 'They eut•ad lu.r X�/T�s1�
try for the labor, goods or services security of un uestdoned integrity al.•n,nftr r hnving iwwn four vipht. V,'c, $ our
covered by Government war con• 9 bo!.h ld hTv reennnnend then to all
that will probably command a sub-
tracts, excepting such small amounts suffrrors from .liver troubles." Head
311 niay lee necessary to send stantfal premium within a short time n;
abroad for raw materials so that n after the ceasation of the war, mud lt'lilhurn s T axt T,ivrr Pit[e me r., k.� A+ o
that, In 'tete meantime, gives an an- per vini t all acalcv:r or maf}rd diro-rt on
very large portion, of the funds cones nual interest return equal to that r'e,rll.t n t u,• by The T- Milburn Co;, Headaches, sick or other
back through ane Channel or another 1&ialted Z v unto Cat. „ >
to the original ,euros, and after a w•hh,b can be secured on any other , Iti11ids, dont happen to
short lapse of time the bankers and gilt-edged security, particularly when ' --_ , people whose livers are
the Income tax Is taken into account.
'the people w17i have this money to , SOLDIER SUPERSTITIONS, busy and whose bowels are i
Joan to the Governwent again should ENTIRELY FOR THE WAR. as regular as a clock.
occasion arise; but m4anfluie, the in- I I Soldiers indulge hn sone very queer
vector has safely put away his Gov. "Somemisapprehensimnlrasresulted superstitions. -Indeed, they are almost Thousands of folks who :
,er•nment bond or bonds representing from published newspaper statements as had as sailors hn tills respect and usedtohave headaches
the amount of his suhscrfption, a. se- to the 91fect that only a portion of sailors are notoriously su}pershtous• 681 this is the way Elle
•aurity of the highest possible class, the proceeds of the Victory Loan I,(.,,. instance, if a soldier should hap- rempved the causey Y
•ttagcestionabie and unquestioned, would be used for the purposes of the pet, to wake a few minutes before re-
�os.rrying a rate of lutereet which apo war, Tills was clearly an error, or veille goes, and while waiting for file One pili at bedtime, regu-
,plies to Governanenf. loans only lit oversight, because the prospeetus on cull, hear a cock crow, he takes it tori ,
sttoh .exceptional conditions as the which the issue Is biased stator In as a good onion, and ally. sdroice of y L.argerdoseefthere s
,present, and which, after peace has inequivocal terns that the entire luck lie may have daring the day is a suspicion of biliousness
'come and uorinal conditions have proeeads of the Victory Loan will be. immediately put down to it, or Constipation.
`preen restored, should cause the seeur used for wall purposes, and will be On the other hand, to hear ,it dog
•sty itself to advancet In the tnarkot to expended to Canada. Tile is the hark in sintllar circumstances is con- CAR�'Z'
a substantial Increase on its face pledge of the Minister of F ranee alai sidered to lie -unlucky, and -.the poor 11wara
value, of the T,onlinfon Gae'orumout as wolf, fellow who heard tine animal lives VER
It is drstra.ble beyond all. things The proce.uls of the loan are thus through the day expecting every sin- PILL$
that a very large por(tantape of this made a: sacred trust for the purpose, til to u hauled over il • coals for •
I'Victory 1,otim should be sb:b,5erlbed by named, and If any government tam, e e t c e,
he poo n}s or the county sutA o di or other, diCquJJa� bear .r 'SJgnorrrra
it i y generally, fray ata retapned fit life aarntng eloc•I R soldier would 'niter dot nn,ythiug "'a �"-
People or small means, bsrettse it tions, whether it, be Tendon, .Liberal ori Haan meet a cross-eyed woman, but, ,-,,& .0?-�.--o�
till I evid,onee of the spirit of pa• (lomposii'e, should permit A. Deady of strangely enough, 1 cross-eyed man is -
nous thttL prevails thrisngbout the the aniettrit to be ,eliver•w to Dur supposed to bring fuck. Near Wal-
, untr;r, acrd It will .be a good fif l nettles other than those n4aisaw, it a public � 4~olor}lert a fasces okte'n, show
fior i't'em 11nrn5ri"10,111r. Corporations wattid urease the resentmeiA of these hour k6ree, Loudon, is dile abBenlCe of Iron in the
nd. waali.fty individuals, fnnitiar of its ,who itxe hgro, and 0f aur co -1 house Lao ,w some years ago, served I Wood.
u linrmnatiur tuts afl'li'cied tvitll' ,
,;tit iinun i al afro;}hs, tv111 not hr, Blow worltrrs rend aaithrihttturs filireut3hotit 1
to reap' th,. benrtit 'or titin opperf,nn• the country, with the result that the badly crossed eym At the tine of , hr�RIXl °$ POLLS
fty. fol: they should not have too strong Airm of thus in -00% of tha eoittt^ the South' Afrtcttn War` nnmberiess
soldiers travelled f loril 'Wdtdrloo to
lin+ge a sitars of fire leap, TOvorq i trY,a�ould ctrm5 Down on the eifandiiisg i6ril�lelpwlltia rcand11lF611tt.
wreg,"Arucr, pian or woman, lhvoug, ,gov+orumleut with sndhevielght link• Aldershot, and before leatiftg Lnredott
pj cathed nt at this public -house to treaI
fife ltX4d sliauhl bis oilcourn -zd to sub, leech lie to ikeltn osiTtiftlNt#ilorL