HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-11-22, Page 6PAG5 6
Clinton's Great Merchandising Event
Less Than Wholesale Prices.
1-3 1-4 1-2 OFF'
10 45 -Inch Astrachan Coats From $15.00 Up.
TRADE EPIGRAM—"Asthe blacksmith strikes when the iron is hot, so the wise buyer
will Make her selection early in this sale while assortments are good.."
We're always doing something unusual," something surprising, always maneuvering
some deal to give our patrons extrordinary values. On all .purchases amounting to $25.00
we will give the choice of it mahogany linish or walnut bench free.
1.—No Goode sent on approval.
2.—We reserve the right to ihnit the quantity purchased by any individual person; this we
do ire fairness to elL4
3.—Customers can have goods held for a period not exceeding thirty clays on payment
of a amen deposit.
stmas=.0002=422024=res. asaustmnavmrstret tets.---.20324....2=2.02=1:0.12:=0c2.412200=gremeanc0:0
INNIMM.nxcatacnerraesustr.aw=o4raorommaram guarmsoussz,..4.-
The Festive lime Is fast approaching
and it Is one time of year when every
housewife especially desires to have an
appetizing table for her family, in the
line of a Xmas Cake. You will do well
to purchase your engredients for your
Xmas cake at our store. Our new
fruits are of the Highest Quality and
Prices right.
Choice Valceinia Raisins 2ibs for 25c
Seedless or Seeded Raisins per pkg 15
Seedless Raisins (loose) per Th ..15c
(used in place of Currants)
Those who have never been troubled
with kidney trouble do'not know the
sufferineand misary which those
The dullpains, sharp pains, and quick
twinges, all point to the fact that the
kidneys natture attention.
pottn's kidney Pilla are a specific for
all kidney troubles, •
Mrs. Albert Willinme, Edam, Sask.,
lawn the greatest pleasure
in telling you what Doun's Kidney Pills
did for me. Ten years ago 1 was so
bad with thy kidneys that 1 would faint
away, ;old could not stand 10 do anything,
I laid been that way fur two years, and
1eo1 done nil 1 could, but did not get any
better until ono day some ono inn; a
lade hoOk in our door, and 1 saw how
another young had sulie•••d like 1
was then, so 1 though 1.7.4 nt aid them,
arcI no glad to hay duo toter ta,ae‘g
four boxes I have neve, laid OW same
thing ogain. Thanks to "-Conn's."
When asking for "I Fee
that you get the oblong e;,•y 1.10X With
the 1.6ade mark of a "Maple Leaf,"
Price 50e; put up by Tha T. Milburn
0o., Limited, Toronto, Out.
New Peels, Currants, shelled Walnuts,
Almonds, have arrived. Eatra quality,
lo place of Butter in your cake we
recommend the use of Hasyilirsi. •sr
Have some Extra Fine Quality Mince
Meat for pies 1 Sc per Ib ; 2 s for 00
!Special. .Pure Laundry Soap Fs per
bar; 22 bars of 81.00
C14.1.444 supply of Vegetables on Hand.
Highest Prices for Produce. •
Phone 111
Minor Locals
}lave you bought a Victory Bond
Council met on Monday evening.
L. 0, 0, at home tonight,
Phone Promptly Attended to
Only 27 days till Christmas eve, Di-.
your Christmas shopping early.
The Hunters are out these days.
There was a big crowd in town on
Monday to attend Nomination.
tS t mg tt...
At Lave
Not Tea ba/es ihtermixed with Dust,
Dirt and Steins but all irgin Lea,ves5
has the reputation. of being the cleanest,
and most perrect tea sold. E 147
Inspector at School,
Inspector Field, of the Public School
of East Hamia made his official visit to
the Clinton Sellout on Wednesday of
this week,
County Council
The December session ol the County
Council will be held on Tuesday the
4th of December at Gmlerich,
The Victory Bond.
Visited Model School, The total returns for the Victory
far, Waugh, Inspector of Lite Model 13ond in Huron County up to Wedues-
Schools, paid his official visit to Cli n- t ciay id 1141 was 50,024,m00.
ton Model School on Thursday of lag
week, and found the school in good
Takes Over Business.
Mr. Edward Scruton commenced on
Monday morning in the butcher stand
lately occupied by his father, the late
John Scruton, The new owner shoulct
do a good business.
At -Home Tonight,
A Months Vacation,
„ uA, =1411 '',14‘,of' town is visiting at
4soerica air 30 days, Magistrate 8,a,
A ndrews gave the Invitation. The G.
T. R. laid the complaint, charging the
man with stealing,
Judge Lewis Sworn In
The new junior judge of the county,
Mr. E. N. Lewis, was sworn in on
Tuesday by Mr. 0, Seager, CoMmiS-
The annual At -Home of the Murphy shiner per ciedinuis potestatem, and hal
Lodge, L. 0. L. will be held tonight in therefore officially entered on his new
the Lodge room. A program has been office,
prepared and the members and their 1
friends are looking forward to 0 very 1 To the Aspiring Voter
pleasant evening.
Train Late.
The London evening train last Fri.
day night did not tirrive. until 7,15 p.m.
The 4 c,'clock-train going down to Lon-
don, did not get away from the "Y"
until after 7 o'clock, owing to the en-
gine placing out. Th, trains p,issed
down the 011e,
Same Weather 37 years Ago.
Airs. \Varrener, Mary Street, states
that the weather we tura having now,
is the same that was all through the
winter 37 years agat It would snuw
one day and be gone the next day or
so. Let us hope, it the 'Mal continues
to be. scarce, that this will be the win-
ter this year,
Trains from East.
rrive 1 1. 1 o a.m. Le'ave 1 1. 17 a.m,
rrive 5.53 p.m. Leave 6.45 p,m,
rrive 11.18 p.m, Leave 11.18 p.m.
Trains from West
rrive 7,33 a.m. Leave 7.33 a.m.
rrive 2.53 p.m. Leave 2,58 p.01.
Trains from South
1 Arrive 10.30 a.m. Leave 31.10 a.m.
I rrive 6.40 p,m. Leave 6.40 p.m.
. Trains from North
rrive 7.33 a.m, Leave 7.50 a.m.
rrive 4.15 p.m. Leave 4.15 p.ln,
n • -
The MINISTER OF 1,16.4.NCE offers for Public Subscription
Canada's Victory Loan
$150,000,000 51-% Gold Bonds
Bearing interest from December 1st, 1017, and offered in three maturities, the choice of which is optional with the subscriber, as follows
5 year Bonds due December lst, 1922
10 year Bonds due December 1st, 11127
20 veer Bonds due December 1st, 1037
This Loan Is authorised under Act of the Parliament of Canada, and both principal and interest are a charge upon the Consolidated Revenue Fund.
The amount of this issue Is $150.000,000. exclusive of the amount (if uny) paid by the surrender of bonds of previous issues. Tho Minister of Pinnace
however, reserves the right to allot the whole or any part of the arnotutt subscribed in excess of $150,000,000.
The Proceeds of this Loon will be used for War purposes only, and will be spent wholly In Canada.
Principe' and Tnterost payable in Gold
Denominations: 850, 5500, 5500 and 31,000
Subscriptions must be in sums of 558 or multiples thetord.
Principal payable without charge at the Office of the Minister of Finance and Receiver General at Ottawa, or 0 the Orem of the Assistant Receiver
General at llulifax, St. John, Charlottetown, Montrool, Toronto, Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary nod Victoria.
Interest payable, without charge, half-yearlJune lst and December lst, at any branch in Canada of any Churtered Bank.
earer or Registered Bonds
Bonds may be registered os to principal or ns to principal and interest.
Scrip ccrtificatea, nonnegotiable, or payable to bearer, in a/Tor:lance with the choice of the applicant for registered or bearer bonds, will be isseed after
elintaneet M ershetute for provisional receipts. When these scrip ceniticaten have been paid in fun, and payment endorsed thereon by the bank receiving the money
they nmy be exchanged for bonds, when pr,,are,l, with coupons attached, payable to borer, er registered as to principal, or for fully registered bonds when
prepared, without coupons, in accordance with the application.
Delivery of interim certificates and of definitive bonds will be triode through the Chartered Banks,
Bearer bends with coupons will be issued in denonlinatioro of 52e., VAL, 8:110)., 561 81,000. 1111,1 ams' be registered as to principal 0010, Fily regis-
tered 130”,15, the interest on which is paid direct to the 0646r by Government cheque, 5,111 be issued in denominations of 51,000., 55,000. or any nutherised
multiple of
Stiblect to ths payment of 25 cents for each new bond issued, holders of fully registered bonds without vonpo»s, will have the rinht to convert into hods
of the denomination of 11,000 with reepons, owl holden, of lionthi with coupons will have the 004 to convert into fully registered bonds of authorised denom-
inations without comma, nt any time, on application to the Minister of Fitaince.
Surrender of Bonds
Bolders tit Dominion of Canada X)chenture Stock, due October 1st, 1910, and bonds of the three preceding Dominion of Canada Wur Leat I550e5.
hone the PriVileIV.: 1 mire:Merlon their bonds in pert payment for subscriptions to bonds of this issue, under the following conditions:—
Del:01MM Stock, due October let, MD, nt Par and Aeutied Interest.
War Loan Bonds, dtm December 1st, 1025, at 07 tS and Accrued Interest.
(The above will be accepted part payment for bonds of any of the three maturities of this Issue)
Wm Lotto Bonds, diie October let, 1031, at 074 and Accrued Interest.
War Loon Bonds, due klatch lst; 1907, at NI and Accrued Interest.
(These will he avectiterl io part payment for bonds of the 1037 inatt(rity ONLY of this Lssite.)
Bonds of the VOrielid Inatilrithi of 11113 Wile will, !II the event of return issues of like maturity, or longer, made by the Government, other then issues
made abroad, be accepted at tsar and accrued intereSt, as .the equivaler.t of cash for the purpose of subscription to such issues.
Issne Price Par
Free (rent toses—IncludIng any Income tar s1sn20,41 In pursuance of legislation ennctoti by the Perliement Itt Crtnadat
110m:tent to be made as follows:
1)'). on December 1st, 1917 ' 207 on March 1st, 1010
Me' 60 3,t1111,64, :,1161, 1010 5n.', rut Amil 101, 1018
20% on February 101, 1018 211,0 n51 May 101, 1015
A full half year's interest will be paid on 1st June, 1018.
Tho donde therefore give 0 net interest yield to the Investor of about:
3t c,.!0 on the 20 rear Mends
on the 10 year Bonds;
on the ;`,5 year Boatels
Ail payments ore to he made to n Chartered Bank for the credit of the Minister of Finance. Pullime 50 pay my instalment when due will render previous
paYlneuts liable to forlritmc. and the allotment to cancellotloe. Subscriptions accompanied by s deposit of 1031, of the amount subscribed, must bo forwarded
through the medium of a Chartered Bank. Any branch In Canada of any Chartered Bank 44:111 forward subscriptions aud Issue provisional, receipts.
0540 of penial alletiovati the 0,10111010 deedgl ant he notnicd toward payment of the amount due ort•tbe January instalments
Subscriptions may be paid in on junuary 2nti, 1014 or 011 DAY instalment due date thereafter under discount at the rate of 510% Per anaum. Under
this provision p„.ynients 05 the balance of subscription may be made 115 followin
15 paid on JunitorY 2tul, 1018, at the ntte of 80.111700 per 5100.
11 1,1,1 on Fehroury bit, 1018, at the rate of 70,40360 per son.
If told an Afar,h Id, 1011, 0 the rate of (10,72274 per 8100.
15 paid. on April 1st, 1018, at the rate of 30,00950 per 5100,
- Forms 4 amairatioli may be obtrilued from any branrh hi Canada of rtny Chattered 1120114 ne filun any Victory Loan Committee, or weather thereof,
The 100011S of the trims WIII be kept nt the Department of 'Monte, 'Ottawa,
Applitaticht. will be Made irt clue course for the listing of this issue on the lelentinal mid Toronto Stuck ItxclionSes.
Subset Lintel WM close04 or Sabre Demi:thee 1st, 1017.
Dhelllensitrr 02 10,15111418,
Or10WS, November 12ths 1917.
Be01811 re that the enumerator gets
your name 11 you are entitled to be on
the list. In case he should miss you
in the door-vadoor canvass, make cer-
tain that your app sal is en tered.during
the four ds s which the court will sit
to receive claims. The matter is larg-
er'," in the hands of the enumerators.
and the greatest watchfulness should
c taken to see that no one is deprived
of his or her vote. Call up No. 614 for
further information.
Arrived in England.
(7, D, McTaggart received word
from his son, Major Broder McTaggart
on Monday morning that he had ar-
rived safely at Notley 1102,pital and so -Is
doing fine. This was much more pleas-
ing report to receive than what was
printed in the official casualty lists Sat-
urday night which stated that the
young officer had died of wounds. The
statement caused much sorrow among
the friends of the officer and family
throughout Ontario.
Clinton C. I, Gets a Prize
The result of the Carter scholarships
contests in Huron County have been
announced and Miss Katherine McGre-
gor, Of Clinton Collegiate. wins the
second scholarship; Miss ,eaiia James.
uf Wingham Nigh School, the first
seholarshIP, and Miss Flora 1. Hass, of
sdheirrisc arC,. 011. ‘t,laileuetshisiall.0 '51'11,1
and 51 0 for first, second and third
respectively. These scholarships are
provided out of a fund left by the late
Mr. J. I. Carter, of Sarnia, who was
extensively interested in the salt In-
dustry and are awarded in a large
number of the counties of the Province.
They go to those obtaining highest
standing in fourth form work.
Last Saturday word was received by
Air, 0. E. Mannhig that Miss Ida. Butes
a former well known young lady of
Clinton, had died on Friday in Roches-
ter, Minn. The body was brought to
Clinton on Monday and the funeral was
held in the afternoon from the home •of
Mr, Manning, interment taking place
in the Clinton cemetery. The de-
ceased was born In town and took up
a musical education and was for some
years leader and organist of the Wesley
church choir. With. her mother, they
moved to Crookston, Minn, about 3
years ago to reSidei with Dr. J. 0, Boles,
Miss Boles had been in the' Mayo
p0 al, Rochester, for treatment, but
continued illhealth could not regain
under the treatment. Besides her
mother, she is survived by two brothers
Mr. N. W. Boles of Bend. Oregon, and
I3oles of Crookston, The heartfelt
sympathy goes to the relatives qn
their loss of a loving daughter and
sister, Mrs, Boles and Dr, Boles ac-
companied the body here,
North Pole, Nov. -49th, 1917.
To Tont Jackson,
Clinton, ontarlo,
Dear Uncle Tom:—
I am writing you early this year to
Say that I want you and my old friend
"Win" Shepherd to get up another Big
Entertainment before Xmas, and make
the afternoo'n show free for all the kids
of the Public School and all the kids
that expect to go when they get bigger
and all their Grandmothers, but charge
everyone 0'110 goes for the evening en-
tertainment and use the proceeds for
a free show to my old friends down at
the llouse of Refuge, and also try and
give a donation to the Moon Count).
Children's Aid Society.
Ask that pretty bunch of IhL4h School
kids whin sang last year to sing again
and sell tickets, I tun sure everyone
will buy a ticket for a good show and a
good cauSe;
I am writing to a lot of people down
there to donate some presents 1,
. away. If they respond 10 my call try
' and make 25 per cent of the tickets
, sold good for a present.
1 ticn writing my Old Colles -e, Chum
Gal, Holloway to save a ton of cr'izi
for one prize and Jim Null for .1 is or
potatoes and 1.3111y Johnson for
flour. so the prizes will be usefus,
Trusting you will- get busy on this
entertainment, 1 ant
Your Old Friend, ,
' • Santa Claus,
P.S.--Don't let that Old IA.- r down
at the Knitting Co., play any jokes on
the people' 141: this entertainment,
Thursday, Nov. 2211d, I 9 i7.
uggso44 , •
M04.44,4746V=ZWPEASUM46044=04416`4=441g, W5000580
Words ' -nly Editio-ns:-
Frorn 40c to $2.,50
Music Eo 'dons
From 1.50 to 53. so
The W, Faireo,
Often the eheapest•—Rtways Link -lest
..,a...,...4m-cono=osi atleuriaszmanzumrawcsa=seaczramma—nagionaana
• ,.........................................7 ..mgomma.,
A. Tested Lens--
An Accurate Shutter----
Simple Operation—
, Good Pictures—
All these are assured when you purchase aKodalt -
Anybody can take good pictures with aKodak or Brownie. Vie
have them from SLOG up. Come in and let us show 21= '
how easy they are to use.
—We do developing and printing and guarantee good results-- -
7E_ ..11077713..3-Y- •
Despensing Chemist
. • • . ,ton..4,%7078,10ir24070211..... 4a. OrTZFIGMT-11.117.'ne:traM, gESSErar==ff :ram
Fara6m.621====.47,r ....asera.m....455.5.2ocrastronnwein4=77,4,.„..rtracalaaamm.oroomar.154tave..t,,,,,
The Features 4.rE Our
To which we invite special altaaatiae•
are its beauty, it satured coinion,laa .
solid construction,. and its lie'-ww thr. •
tittml prisms. Any 1111e of thes 7011215(5
wouid he sutheient to earn 11 ,atuan •
preference. When they tu'y Alt 60217-
hined we feel sure you will 04.103i31,,
that this is a furniture buying narrw. .
tunity you cannot afford to ignafre.
'Undertaker and Funeral Director., Phone 2S.
lett, ;and Sunday Calls answered at Residence over store
Work of
Alt Kinds
Leave your oraer now nelore p ric es
Tho. Hawkins
I The eorner Grocery.'
Plumbing and Heating
Phone 53
Shop— over itowland's Illardware
"Live and Let
Once 111015 we are pc.‘rutitta
by the Fond Controller
canned goods.
Quantities are limited. -Per-
haps we ought noi to be eticiutlig-
ing you to stock up now.
501(11', 70(1 we put it up to y:tt.T.
be foresighted.
Fish, Finnen,Fladdie, Ciaoees,
Fillets, . Codfish, Kipperitml .
E. E. liunnfort.
PHONE. 40.
This • House Of Good Shoes
Asks 'The Consideration of
People Who Care For Shoes
Of Special Merit And The
Best Of Shoe Values At Any
Stated Price!
Satisfactory Shoes