HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-11-22, Page 2•
TUE CLINTON NEVV Thursday, Nov, 2211d, 1917,
PAGE 2 ,
•••, *••••,10., .
P8004.'47045 C-1114422.41=17414.1:11.1=t4/Fr21111Z=C112=1,11174=101221V.'10:4=1= Puteg12=2=4,4
. Dry Goode
and House
thrii Underweir
Fir he C Dys,
Every precaution has been taken to make
our underwear stock good -so good that one
-trial will make a customer of you -forever. You
will find here only the very best brands includ-
ing Watson's, Penman's and Turnbull's.
Nothing better made for children or ladies.
All the very latest improvenients that tend to
raise the standard of perfection higher.
Millinery Special
For Saturday $3.98
I We are putting on sale Saturday one table
of hats of the newest styles.
J Values up to $6.00 for
Special Suit Sale
25 Per Cent
We will have on sale Saturday
fifteen suits. They are right up to
the minute in style with the latest
trimmings. Every suit is this sea-
son's model. Colors Brown,
Green, Navy and Black. This
is a real .opportunity to buy a Suit
much below the regular price.
Wool Batting for
We have in stock too Ths
pure wool batting good quality
thoroughly scoured and free from
oil or dirt. Very desirable for
comforters. A lb 75c.
Perhaps you haven't been thinking much
about,it-just taking for granted that $1.00 a
year is a right price for The New Era, year af-
ter yeoir, let other things cost what they may.
13ut you twe a reasonable being, and so can see
that the price of a weekly newspaper should no
marc remain "fixed" year after year than the
prices such common things as
beefsteak, wheat, motor cars, sugar, eggs,
lumber, coal, potatoes, horses, boots, clover
seed, land.
Can you think of any other commodity
except newspapers and their like whose price
has remained unchanged and unchanging year
after year? Why, then, should your news-
paper's price remain forever the same -the
same, for example, as when you could buy
A cord of wood for $1.50
A bushel of wheat for 50 cents
A dozen of eggs for 10 cents
A common fowl for .25 cents
A pound of butter for 12 cents
A cow for .$25.
The war has brought to a crisis a conditi-
on of things which 'has vexed publishers for
years; the selling -price of their newspaper. it
has sent prices of paper, ink, type and supplies
skyward. It is costing us many more dollars a
week now to produce The New Era than before
the outbreak of war. Where do we get off at
•-in the slang language .of today. The answer
we must get more for The New Era. And
o in 0 few weeks the subscription price of The
New Era will be S 1.5o.
You arereasonable, and so we
count on you to meet the nec-
essities of the situation cheer-
fully. Three cents a week for
:,.our local newspaper -it is
v,.orth the price, is it not?
Less than the price of a Smoke
R cyr :IN EN w(---% enough for a meek or more. the mayor
hits been in touch with the authorities
hi Toronto and tittaiva, but 1141 far with
little of' no success, . Wood Is very
...e. ee.e. . scarce also, very Ilttle being brought In.
. A load of Iniecl 100031 NW fur $1 0 a cord
STANLEY.. '. Miss Edna • James, who was •11 stile in ,stove lengths.
,„ dent of the Winghain High School until Maitland Lodge, NO, 33, A. 1', &
Mr, John. Moffat went 00 Hammon midsummer, has been successful in Se- A. M., elected the following ofileers for
on Tuesday of last week to eheild ihe curing the &Si Carter seholarship fur the ensuing' eear: R. 1 Megaw, W. M.;
funeral of his aunt, Mrs. Congo, of Huron County, valued at „g too, George MuoVicar, S. W.; Cluts.K. Satin -
that cltr. 'rho ,w,,, addition to the Wingharn dors, J. VI Her, R, 0. .McDermid,
Rev. Henry Dield and wife of Ade- hospital is almost completed and it chaplain; R. 0; Reynolds, treasurer; J.
bide, 'visited his brother, Mr, M. V. public reception will be held on Thurs. ,straiton, secretary; A. T, Kaiting, tyter.
Diehl and other relatiVe0. and C9 1311113* (1111' efternoon and evenieg,legivember- Mr. George F. .Lewis, deputy tire
tanees last week.- They returned home 'i, 1 l• 1
eee‘t1nillie.gaikilktiilgcI0ssmarshall, ot ontarM, was n town ar.
on 1)3(131)' in their auto, ‘,i11 ie PtstiCilbtr nIeCaISaniranging for an investigaton into 3310
The young men of this district ar». diplomas. cause. ort,:in and circumstances 31011-
‘,0111ed. 00 10 register- under the Con- The farmers are Hiking advantage of.131.11:M
01.ted with the lire at the plant of the
cription Act,
' the ideal weather to raise their roots, Goderieh anufacturipg Co, August 29
potatoes, etc, .
'11131 coetest to secure new members
PORTER'S HILL for ' St. Paul's A.Y.P, which has
uethauy congregation held a fowl i been carried rni for the last month was AUBURN. s •
. .
sepper al the home of At t'S. Peter Me- closed on Monday night. The members - Rev. J. R.'Aliller of Milverton, took
Dougall on TuesdaY eVellingt Nos', 13131. i wore divided irll° tw° teams. The the services on the Methodist circuit
There was a large attendance, and after membership was increased by 97. The on Sunday last conducting a special
at .plentiful repast a most pleasant social members of this society are mailing memorial service in the westood
evening was spent, This - gathering this week 43 boxes of Christirias cheer church in honor of the late Pte. Charles
has now become 0 yearly occurrence, to the boys of St. Paul's Church, who J. Whiteman.
and hoes to promoie good fellowship are serving their country overseas. A large 1Iu331ber of the members and
among the members of the cmigregat. friends of the 1311311011 congregation met
ion. - . In the basement of the church to wel-
, LONDESBORO. come the new pastor, Rev. E. 0, Porde.
Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Campbell, spent .
LONDON ROAD. the week end visiting friends he Luck- , BRUCEFIELD.
Word has been received that Gunner 11010.
Albert Livermore, has undergone a Don't forget the sewing bee at Mrs. Victory Loan, -A meeting will be
second operation in a military hospita J. Fingland's next Wednesday after- held at Bruceeeld on Monday evening,
in England, but the doctors were un- noon, Nov. 28th, for the purpose of Nov. 261h at 8 o'clock on behalf of the
successful in removing a piece of the making french capsfor the soldiers. . Victory Loan, Rev, Mr. Flogg, of Clin-
shell that -is stilt near his 53)1110, lie has The young ladies of the Red Cross ton and others will address the meet-
111.081been in the hospital since Sept Society Intend holding If baZ1111C 011 ing. Everybody is invited.
Dec. 15311, The proceeds go towards 111e Kelly Circle of the Presbyterian
'I he League will hold a box social Red Cross work. Anyone wishing to church are holding their annual sale of
next Tuesday night at the home of Mr, cuntribute anything towards it are re- heme-made cooking and fancy work
Will. Falconer's. The proceeds will be quested to hand the articles In as soon on Thursday evening, November 29th
at 7.30 p, 01,, in the Sunday School
for patriotic purposes. as possible.
Mr, prank Layton is now nn the The regular meeting' of the Red 31p1.011 of the church. Lunch will be
Road finishing up the grain threshing. Cross Society • will be held in the served throughout the evning,
Some farmers have threshed their r
'.ownship Hall on Nov. 30t11,
beans, but they are a poor quality and The annual meeting of the Londes-
11 poor ).. boro branch.of the Red Cross Society
The Solicitors in the Township or was held in the Forrester's hall on Fri-
! Stanley have been collecting through- day afternoon, Nov. 16331, when the lot -
out the township for the Patriotic Fund lowing Officers were elected for the
The West.End Beef Ring finished up ensuing year: -
their year and held their business meet
ing and macte plans for the next seaosn
Mrs. Bert Murphy and son Joe, are
.visiting with friends and relatives in
Detroit and other points in Michigan.
The young people on the 16th con-
cesson are preparing an entertainment
to be given in No. 11 school house on
December 23. They are preparing two
good plays, as well as drills, recitations
etc. The proceeds will be devoted to
Patriotic purposes.
Charlie Connell, Ray Connell and
C111111101 Miller left last week for Toron-
to to work in the ship-ylfrds there.
Quite a number of the young men of
this district have been exempted but a
few will have to answer their Country's
A large number attended the nomina-
tion it Clinton last Monday. Needless
to say from now till Christmas the ele
akin will be the main thing with some.
Mr. Roland Jenkins spent a few (1e) s
last week with his sister in Goderich.
The tine weather of the past fort-
night has been of great use to the
farine rs,
Goderich Township Council met 011
Nov. 5313 in Holmes' Hall, Hol 11110101110,
with all members -present.
Minutes of last meeting as read were
A communication from Secretaryl
Abott of the.Organization of Resources
Committee was read urging al muni-
cipal officers to mato?. the Canada Vic- '12 }1 NYebster
tory Loan a success, met with the ap- Mr. Thomas Millar
proval of the Council. Mrs. Geo Crawford
The following accountS received the Mr. john Grainger
sanction of the Council and orders James Campbell
were drawn on the Treasurer for the Mrs, William Govier
paynient of the same,
. Mrs. Harry McCool, tickets 'sold
Geo. W. Sturdy, 'valuating sheep.$4.00 for towels
S. Andrews, killed by 'dogs . , 30.00 Small 01110111AS
Jas, Eiair, sheep killed by dogs . 2.00 Proceeds of picnic
Jno. 0131101(31 use of grader and out Membership fees
tit for. drain 16.00 Sundries
A. Seeley. - repairing grader.. 19.00
G. tlolland, overseeing work 1,00 ' 3 t .50
$1 090.22
R. Rowland, spikes - t 9
British Red Cross
Weston Bros, building cement cul-
verts end bridges in Twp -.486,50
H. Powell, drawing gravel 11.50 Subscriptions for British Red Cross
S. Halstead, cedar posts and nails 5.00
L Curisin'work 012 S. R. 4.00
If. Tebbutt, use of team on S.R. 2.00
On motion of Councillors Ginn and
Lindsay Council adjourned to meet
first Monday in December at 10 a.m.
Adam Cantelon,Clerk.
President -Mrs. C H. Manning,
Vice -President -Mrs. H. Moon,
Secreary-Miss Mary Crawford
Treasurer -Mrs, D. Geddes,
The following I/ a statement of the
past years -work:-
Concert by Auburn Club 64.5.50
Concert given by Belgrave clubt 00.20
Cceicert by home talent 13,80
Hard time Social 25.15
Rummage Sale 235.50
Council grants 271.50
Hullett and Goderich ii.s.s. No
10 1.30
Mullett S.S. No, 7 1.25
Hullett S. S. Nb, 4 10,70
Hullett S. S. No. 8 6,80
Methodist, Sunday School ... , 16.85
Sale of waste paper . 6.00
AieSSrS, McCooI, Govier, Town-
send and Radford 15.00)
Sale of lee cream 19.20
Proceeds of 10 cent teas
Mrs. Grainger 2.85
Airs. G, Moon 6.50
Mrs, Wm Hiles 5.20
Air. Raymond McConnell .. 1.135
In the eorresters' Hall 10.00
Robert Gibbs • 2.00
Henry Leer 1.00
Mrs Stisen Crawford 1.75
kits C. II. Manning 3.50
Mrs. Gavle flanditon 5.00
Miss Mary Watt 3.50
28 50
Miss Mary Scott 1.00
Miss Belle Scott 1.00
Mrs. Susan Crawford 2.00
Mrs. Geo. Crawford 5.00
Mrs, E. J. Crawford 1.00
Mrs, Fingland • 2,00
Mrs, Jas, Campbell 33.00
Mrs. D. Geddes Lou
mrs. John Grainger
1 00
Mrs. Chas. Manning
Messrs. Benninger, of Grand Valley, Airs, C. H. Manning
have leased the basement of the Kent Miss Lily Brunsdon
block and purpose opeeing a creamery Miss L. Brigham
in Winglnn. These premises were Mrs. Gavin Hamilton
formerly used as a creamery and will Miss Sara Caldwell
be refined. 3 Mrs, George, McVittie
Mrs, lienry Moon
Miss Mary Watt
Mrs. Geo. Moon
Miss Flossie Moon
Mrs, Robert Caldwell
Mrs Thomas Fairservice
Small amounts
Bu Victory Bond
sheeting and 101(111131 .$3 3 5. 1 1
NE,Iii:I11 el, n
Flannel, sheeting and towling230.3 3
Postage and express 1-1.44
d1. 20'691
1r:ssat supPlies to the
1 21.4 1
Sent to Belgian Relief Fund 50.00
V. Al. C.,•.A. work 01 France 125.00
liospliel 111 France 147,50
l'•••rnian 5.00
l3a1,u;c 033 111013 1 7
Total 51 i2 1.72
The Society have oh: eped to France
the following: -Socks, 62:; 1,4r.'.1 shirk
1313; pillow covers 3 dwell; towels 27
scarfs 4; sheets,4; hospital shirts, 15
boxes 30 soldiers, Feb, '113, 31; Aug,
20111, 40,
Ntes. AlcGrattan and B, Lymburner
arrived home on 'Cuesday evening and
were met at the station by the council
and a good crcAvd.
A1rs, Margaret McLean, of this time
rens notified that her son, Gunner Roy
Angus McLean, has been reported Suf-
fering front contusion of the back.
Gunner McLean went to Prance With
the 55th Battery, t)f Guelph.
The eoal situation in Goderich is
becolning serious and unless somethhig
I s done the cold Weather Will cause
a lett of suffering. The local deelerS
receive about a ear a week, but this
means only about 300 pounds to a
necessarily limited number of custom -
ell, Solite people, or about 75% 'o(
those who burn elOityliftVe Ottly abed
The citizens were very sorry to learn
"Wes" Caldwell, who has
been serving overseas from the begin-
ning of the war and who had been in
many battles, has been both wounded
and gassed. Word was also lately re-
ceiVed that Sergt. Hiram Johnston and
Pte. Appleton had also been wounded.
In Exeter the funeral of Pte Jules
0. Brown who died on Monday night
took place on Thursday. Besides his
widow he leaves a small daughter and
son, and his soldier son, William. Many
wreaths and sprays showeti the high
esteem in which Mr. Brown was held
in this community, among theni being
a beautiful spray from the War Veter-
11115, London.
An old and highly esteemed resi-
dent of this locality died os Wednes-
day night in the person of Duncan Tay-
lor, in his 70th year. He was a resi-
dent of Grey Township for a great
maey years, moviug to town about tO
years ago. The funeral took place this
afternoon to Brussels Cemetery,
William McKenzie, .11 resident of
Grey Township for a great many years,
died al the home of his sister, Mrs.
George McNichol, Frederick street,
Brussels, on Tuesday morning; after a
short illness from pneumonia. He
'Nati 71 years of age. interment was
made yesterday.
At the annual meeting of Brussels
Horticultural Society the treasurer's
report showed an expenditure of 311 311
15 during the past year and a balanc,,
on hand of $4 6.5 5. Following are the
officers for the coining year: Hon-
orary president, W. 11, Kerr; pres-
ident, hie; iirst vice-president,
D. C. Ross: second vice president,
Miss Maude Ferguson; secretary -treas-
urer, 33. S. Scott; auditors, 13, J. Jack-
son and G. li. Semis; directors, A Strac-
han, A. 0, Dames, Airs. A. C. Baker,
Mrs. P. Ament, Mrs. John Mcdonald
and Mrs, (Rev.) Lundy.
The 1 00 -acre farm of the late John
Mason, 3rd line of Morris TownShip,
has been purehased by Joseph Hogg,
who is the present tenant, the price
being 85,000,
Five carloads of heavy horses were
shipped from here for the English mar -
100s. They were purchased by E. T.
Roberts, representing an English ern
There were 81 111 Ole shipment, valued
at 5221,000,
Hogs 111 7.00
Sheep 1111 to 5 1 0
Lambs 510
Wheat 52.00 to $2.05
Oats 60 to 65
Butter 40 to 4231
EggS 40 to 42c
Barley 7.531 to 81.15
Buckwheat 131.15
Bran ,.. $38
Shorts S44
Hay $8
Public Meeting.
A public meeting of all women in
Clinton and surrounding vicinity who
are in favor of the return of the Union
Government will be held at 8 o'clock
on Saturday evening in the Council
chamber. The meeting is for ingan-
izalion and is open to all interested, es-
pecially all women who have votes in
the coming election.
In the Estete of William Bird, Deceased.
NOTICE is hereby given that all
persons having (1,11015 against the es-
tate of William 13ird, late of the Town
of Clinton, in the Coenty of Hume,
retired ditcher, deceased, who died on
or about the 1.1111 day of April 1 91 7 are
required fo deliver to the undersigned
execiitors, or their solicitor on or be.
fore the loth day of December 1 9 1.7,
a NH statement of their claims together
with particulars thereof and the nature'
of the securities: if any, held by them
all duly verified by affidavit,
AND TAKE NOTICE that after the
said last mentioned dale the said
Creentors will proceed to dis-
tribute the estate of the said deceased
amongst the persons entitled thereto
IlaYhtg regard only to such claims as
they shall have received due notice and
in acCordance therewith,
DATIlb at Clinton, this tOth day of
November, A.D., 1917.
Hadley, Taylor, R.R. No, 1,.13elgrave
Opt; Robert Toney; Glintonf Ont, Ex-
13rydnne, Dot,
Solicitor for the Ilxactitors.
In the Estate of John Scrnton, De.,
NOTICE is Intrebv given that all
persons having claim's against the es-
tate of John Sermon, late of the town
if Clinton, in County Of Huron,
merchant, deeeasej, who died 011 11C
411/0 1110 (1131 day of November 1317,
are required to deliver tt) the under-
signed administrator or his
solicitor 011 or before the
15113 day of December. 31)17
a full statement of their claims together
with paViculars therein end the nature
the securities, if any. hold by them
all duly vet -Hied by affidavit.
AND TAKE NOTICE that ;titer the
said last mentioned date the said
administrator, will proceed to dis-
tribute the estate of the said deceased
amongst the persons entitled thereto
having regard only to such claims as
he shall have received due notice and
accordance therewith.
DATED at Clinton this 2 tst day of
November, A.D., 1 91 7,
Harry Tarr Rance, Clinton, Ont..
W. Br:Mime; 01131 Con; Ont.
• Solieitor for the Administrator.
Notice to Debtors.
All persons indebted to the estate
of John Scruton, deceased are required
to make payment of the amount of
-their indebtedness to the undersigned
or Ills solicitor, forthwith, as the Ad-
ministrator desires to .ffistribute the
estate without delay. -
Harry. Torr Rance, Clinton, Ont.,
W. Beydone, Clinton, 0313.
Solicitor for the Administrator.
The council of the corporation of the
County of Huron will meet in Ole
Council Chamber in the Town of Gode-
rich, on Tuesday the 4113 day of Dec-
ember next, at the hour of 3 o'clock.
W. LANE, Clerk,
Dated Nov. 20th, 1937.
49 acres, Lot 26, North half, Con-
eeSSiOn 12, 11011e11 Township, one mile
north of Londesboro. School on cor-
ner of farm. Barn 36x5 6 feet, with
stabling underneath; straw shed; driv-
ing shed 26x30 feet; cement silo 12x
27 feet. A frame house with kitchen.
All buildings are in good shape. Land
mostly in grass, For terms and fur-
ther particulars apply to,
Richard Shaddick,
Dec. 33- Londesboro
The undersikned have decided OW-
ing to the high cash prices they have
to pay and the difficulty of borrowing
moneY under the present circumstances
to put their business on a strictly cash
basis. Therefore on and after the 1 St
day of December, 1 917, 30(11)5 will be
strictly cash and all outstanding' ac-
counts owing to the firm must be paid
either by notes or cash by the Ise day
of January, 19 1 8.
NoTioli is hereley given that all per-
sons having claims against the estate
of George Levis, late 3 the Town 'of
Clinton, in the County of Huron, agent
deceased, mem died on or about the
loth day of October, 1117 are required
to deliver to the undersigned adminis-
trator on or before the P5th day of
December 1937, a full statement of
their claims together with particulars
thereof and the nature of the securi-
ties, if any, held by them, all duly vent -
lied by affidavit,
AND TAKE NOTICE that after the
said last mentioned date the said ad-
ministrator will proceed to distribute
the estate of the said deceased amongst
the persons entitled thereto having re-
gard only to such claims as he shall
have received due notice and in ac-
cordance therewith.
Dated at Clinton, this tOth day of
November, A.D. 1937,
Ail persons -indebted to the late
George [Avis are required to call upon
me and arrange for settlement of their
liabilities forthwith,
G. B. Hale, Adminskator.
Good brick residence, corner of Ratt-
enbury and William streets; all modern
conveniences; good stable on premises.
For particulars apply to
Mrs. James Twitchell
r are Tom. Cirerr
for 190010 or one Woutorn Onto. which
we have 3(103 revolved n11i1 wo
charge you no loom thou it 1111V 5111(1)
just ain ordtinirr 11111110 Ot 0110.
It you 'Cub to litieurn nom or Omen
Oats photo your (many otirly 1114 111113'
are going foot,
WO alWays Immo n run stork or
Flour and rends
Highest, Prices pahl for Crain
W. Jenkins &Son
Phene Resithneo 4 on tti
D.L. & W. Scranton Coal
D.111 es .Lackawanna
Both highest gradeof anthracite.
The price will be at the rock
lottom, and all we ask in return is
that ;111 accounts he paid promptly
J. Holl
Office Phone 3
to the Clinton Motor car Co. Shops
when it needs intentiou, we will give
you good service, and our price moder-
We con also store your car when
not in use.
We have for a quick sale 2 light de-
livery Trucks, that have only been
used for a short time and will be sold
at a very low price.
100 acres on Mill Road, 4 miles
from Seaforth and 2 mlles from Bruce -
field, Al! cleared and in good state of
cultivation, Brick house with furnace.
Basement Barn, Cement Silo. Spring
water piped to barn, good well at house
Rural Mail and Phone.
For further particulars apply to own-
er, Alex. A Watt, 119 Ontario Street,
Guelph, or John Rankle, Real Estate
and Insuurance Brocker, Seaforth, Ont.
Ratepayers are reminded that pay-
ment of the second instalment of taxes
should be made as early as possible.
The last day for payment is Dec. 14113.,
after which 5% will be added. No
notice other than this advertistnent wi11
be given. Bring your tax statement
when making payment.
Jos. Wheatley,
Tax Collector.
Clinton, Nov. ist, 1917.
District Representatives Wanted
At once for Clinton and the County,
of Huron. Good opportunity for a live
salesman, experience not 0 necessary.
Good prospects fur the season's bust -
)less now starting. Write for further
particulars. Stone & Wellington, "The
Old Reliable Fonthill Nurseries," Tor-,
onto, Ont. -5
A number of good reliable men can
secure steady employment on Munition
work, .Apply to,
The Robt. Bell Engine & Thresher Co.,
Seaforth, Ontario.
Potatoes and turnips. Highest mar-
ket price paid on day of delivery. Pot-
atoes for immediate delivery.
Phone 3362 - Box 192 -
Huron Produce Co,
For Sale or to Rent
The brick house on Raglan skeet,
now occupied by J,e,E. Doherty, for sale
or to rent. Electric light and town
water; 2 acres of land. with stable. All
in good repair.
Apply to David Cantelon.
between '
Sleeping cars on night trains
and Parlor cars on principal day
Full information from any Grand
Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horning,
District Passenger Agent, Toronto.
lotto ltansford &Son. city paesen-
4er and Agentsphone 3)7
3)0 PRIlktot Jur,p0.
i1Ithoni31ti gym, enlly ns
comoii,at::.11 0,111 ?kW. t'Xi14
111110, 44121110 Of 1 1e1 -4.1111,4 ,
11111e11 1,10 i1111.4" fole.11 11, livor,,
.11 11111141e4 of 1111 11e,i11t 1' r.`,11111114V ,
1131131010e (3,,, 10111 11.4 32
if :•1a cm.
von'nf to eeeerei 11,1131, the lene,. irregu-
tern) 5110111,1 1,0 1''' lee:looted,
Nlillnan'e 1 11\a..1.iver Pills have no
entinl for r,liotitnt 111,,l miring coutititmt.,
taut tinti nit tot troultieN,
.11,1. P. 1\ larlin, Isrinve .1B,evt, P.m*,
writ t -t. ''1 luul one of the worst ee,,es
V01140131101011 13131 11111`1121` lOSil 110 had Over
k1101111, and Ntilburn'a Lamt-Liver PIN
%greed me of it. 71v fathet-in-low had
need therm in (net 110 111141 the one who
Agave them in me. A number of 1200010
nt11111111 110114 1100 theta, and the,.v 511 any
that they aro the 134,113 pills they ever
used "
taxa-tiver 1tl1» nee 2101.
vial at, all dealor ma,NI ti;reet, 0531
rocoint of iniee by T, 1\1111men (O,,,
1,11011,3, Toivoto, Ont.
Are You Tied
Up ncloos?
If se, your whole system
naturallygete lied up too.
A lazy liver and condi.
pated bowels are bad
t hings,dangerous things.
Exercise as much as you
can -hut keep your liver
and bowels up to the
mark ail the time.
Take one pill regularly j
-until you are sure
are all right again. g
'RYER' g
IVER 1:1
.. 14
fewine bear. lignatur. if:
Aer4•0"'t0 0
Colorless faces often show thb
absence of iron in the blood. • 'X
Carter's Iron Pills f
will ludo this condition. e
sheeting and 101(111131 .$3 3 5. 1 1
NE,Iii:I11 el, n
Flannel, sheeting and towling230.3 3
Postage and express 1-1.44
d1. 20'691
1r:ssat supPlies to the
1 21.4 1
Sent to Belgian Relief Fund 50.00
V. Al. C.,•.A. work 01 France 125.00
liospliel 111 France 147,50
l'•••rnian 5.00
l3a1,u;c 033 111013 1 7
Total 51 i2 1.72
The Society have oh: eped to France
the following: -Socks, 62:; 1,4r.'.1 shirk
1313; pillow covers 3 dwell; towels 27
scarfs 4; sheets,4; hospital shirts, 15
boxes 30 soldiers, Feb, '113, 31; Aug,
20111, 40,
Ntes. AlcGrattan and B, Lymburner
arrived home on 'Cuesday evening and
were met at the station by the council
and a good crcAvd.
A1rs, Margaret McLean, of this time
rens notified that her son, Gunner Roy
Angus McLean, has been reported Suf-
fering front contusion of the back.
Gunner McLean went to Prance With
the 55th Battery, t)f Guelph.
The eoal situation in Goderich is
becolning serious and unless somethhig
I s done the cold Weather Will cause
a lett of suffering. The local deelerS
receive about a ear a week, but this
means only about 300 pounds to a
necessarily limited number of custom -
ell, Solite people, or about 75% 'o(
those who burn elOityliftVe Ottly abed
The citizens were very sorry to learn
"Wes" Caldwell, who has
been serving overseas from the begin-
ning of the war and who had been in
many battles, has been both wounded
and gassed. Word was also lately re-
ceiVed that Sergt. Hiram Johnston and
Pte. Appleton had also been wounded.
In Exeter the funeral of Pte Jules
0. Brown who died on Monday night
took place on Thursday. Besides his
widow he leaves a small daughter and
son, and his soldier son, William. Many
wreaths and sprays showeti the high
esteem in which Mr. Brown was held
in this community, among theni being
a beautiful spray from the War Veter-
11115, London.
An old and highly esteemed resi-
dent of this locality died os Wednes-
day night in the person of Duncan Tay-
lor, in his 70th year. He was a resi-
dent of Grey Township for a great
maey years, moviug to town about tO
years ago. The funeral took place this
afternoon to Brussels Cemetery,
William McKenzie, .11 resident of
Grey Township for a great many years,
died al the home of his sister, Mrs.
George McNichol, Frederick street,
Brussels, on Tuesday morning; after a
short illness from pneumonia. He
'Nati 71 years of age. interment was
made yesterday.
At the annual meeting of Brussels
Horticultural Society the treasurer's
report showed an expenditure of 311 311
15 during the past year and a balanc,,
on hand of $4 6.5 5. Following are the
officers for the coining year: Hon-
orary president, W. 11, Kerr; pres-
ident, hie; iirst vice-president,
D. C. Ross: second vice president,
Miss Maude Ferguson; secretary -treas-
urer, 33. S. Scott; auditors, 13, J. Jack-
son and G. li. Semis; directors, A Strac-
han, A. 0, Dames, Airs. A. C. Baker,
Mrs. P. Ament, Mrs. John Mcdonald
and Mrs, (Rev.) Lundy.
The 1 00 -acre farm of the late John
Mason, 3rd line of Morris TownShip,
has been purehased by Joseph Hogg,
who is the present tenant, the price
being 85,000,
Five carloads of heavy horses were
shipped from here for the English mar -
100s. They were purchased by E. T.
Roberts, representing an English ern
There were 81 111 Ole shipment, valued
at 5221,000,
Hogs 111 7.00
Sheep 1111 to 5 1 0
Lambs 510
Wheat 52.00 to $2.05
Oats 60 to 65
Butter 40 to 4231
EggS 40 to 42c
Barley 7.531 to 81.15
Buckwheat 131.15
Bran ,.. $38
Shorts S44
Hay $8
Public Meeting.
A public meeting of all women in
Clinton and surrounding vicinity who
are in favor of the return of the Union
Government will be held at 8 o'clock
on Saturday evening in the Council
chamber. The meeting is for ingan-
izalion and is open to all interested, es-
pecially all women who have votes in
the coming election.
In the Estete of William Bird, Deceased.
NOTICE is hereby given that all
persons having (1,11015 against the es-
tate of William 13ird, late of the Town
of Clinton, in the Coenty of Hume,
retired ditcher, deceased, who died on
or about the 1.1111 day of April 1 91 7 are
required fo deliver to the undersigned
execiitors, or their solicitor on or be.
fore the loth day of December 1 9 1.7,
a NH statement of their claims together
with particulars thereof and the nature'
of the securities: if any, held by them
all duly verified by affidavit,
AND TAKE NOTICE that after the
said last mentioned dale the said
Creentors will proceed to dis-
tribute the estate of the said deceased
amongst the persons entitled thereto
IlaYhtg regard only to such claims as
they shall have received due notice and
in acCordance therewith,
DATIlb at Clinton, this tOth day of
November, A.D., 1917.
Hadley, Taylor, R.R. No, 1,.13elgrave
Opt; Robert Toney; Glintonf Ont, Ex-
13rydnne, Dot,
Solicitor for the Ilxactitors.
In the Estate of John Scrnton, De.,
NOTICE is Intrebv given that all
persons having claim's against the es-
tate of John Sermon, late of the town
if Clinton, in County Of Huron,
merchant, deeeasej, who died 011 11C
411/0 1110 (1131 day of November 1317,
are required to deliver tt) the under-
signed administrator or his
solicitor 011 or before the
15113 day of December. 31)17
a full statement of their claims together
with paViculars therein end the nature
the securities, if any. hold by them
all duly vet -Hied by affidavit.
AND TAKE NOTICE that ;titer the
said last mentioned date the said
administrator, will proceed to dis-
tribute the estate of the said deceased
amongst the persons entitled thereto
having regard only to such claims as
he shall have received due notice and
accordance therewith.
DATED at Clinton this 2 tst day of
November, A.D., 1 91 7,
Harry Tarr Rance, Clinton, Ont..
W. Br:Mime; 01131 Con; Ont.
• Solieitor for the Administrator.
Notice to Debtors.
All persons indebted to the estate
of John Scruton, deceased are required
to make payment of the amount of
-their indebtedness to the undersigned
or Ills solicitor, forthwith, as the Ad-
ministrator desires to .ffistribute the
estate without delay. -
Harry. Torr Rance, Clinton, Ont.,
W. Beydone, Clinton, 0313.
Solicitor for the Administrator.
The council of the corporation of the
County of Huron will meet in Ole
Council Chamber in the Town of Gode-
rich, on Tuesday the 4113 day of Dec-
ember next, at the hour of 3 o'clock.
W. LANE, Clerk,
Dated Nov. 20th, 1937.
49 acres, Lot 26, North half, Con-
eeSSiOn 12, 11011e11 Township, one mile
north of Londesboro. School on cor-
ner of farm. Barn 36x5 6 feet, with
stabling underneath; straw shed; driv-
ing shed 26x30 feet; cement silo 12x
27 feet. A frame house with kitchen.
All buildings are in good shape. Land
mostly in grass, For terms and fur-
ther particulars apply to,
Richard Shaddick,
Dec. 33- Londesboro
The undersikned have decided OW-
ing to the high cash prices they have
to pay and the difficulty of borrowing
moneY under the present circumstances
to put their business on a strictly cash
basis. Therefore on and after the 1 St
day of December, 1 917, 30(11)5 will be
strictly cash and all outstanding' ac-
counts owing to the firm must be paid
either by notes or cash by the Ise day
of January, 19 1 8.
NoTioli is hereley given that all per-
sons having claims against the estate
of George Levis, late 3 the Town 'of
Clinton, in the County of Huron, agent
deceased, mem died on or about the
loth day of October, 1117 are required
to deliver to the undersigned adminis-
trator on or before the P5th day of
December 1937, a full statement of
their claims together with particulars
thereof and the nature of the securi-
ties, if any, held by them, all duly vent -
lied by affidavit,
AND TAKE NOTICE that after the
said last mentioned date the said ad-
ministrator will proceed to distribute
the estate of the said deceased amongst
the persons entitled thereto having re-
gard only to such claims as he shall
have received due notice and in ac-
cordance therewith.
Dated at Clinton, this tOth day of
November, A.D. 1937,
Ail persons -indebted to the late
George [Avis are required to call upon
me and arrange for settlement of their
liabilities forthwith,
G. B. Hale, Adminskator.
Good brick residence, corner of Ratt-
enbury and William streets; all modern
conveniences; good stable on premises.
For particulars apply to
Mrs. James Twitchell
r are Tom. Cirerr
for 190010 or one Woutorn Onto. which
we have 3(103 revolved n11i1 wo
charge you no loom thou it 1111V 5111(1)
just ain ordtinirr 11111110 Ot 0110.
It you 'Cub to litieurn nom or Omen
Oats photo your (many otirly 1114 111113'
are going foot,
WO alWays Immo n run stork or
Flour and rends
Highest, Prices pahl for Crain
W. Jenkins &Son
Phene Resithneo 4 on tti
D.L. & W. Scranton Coal
D.111 es .Lackawanna
Both highest gradeof anthracite.
The price will be at the rock
lottom, and all we ask in return is
that ;111 accounts he paid promptly
J. Holl
Office Phone 3
to the Clinton Motor car Co. Shops
when it needs intentiou, we will give
you good service, and our price moder-
We con also store your car when
not in use.
We have for a quick sale 2 light de-
livery Trucks, that have only been
used for a short time and will be sold
at a very low price.
100 acres on Mill Road, 4 miles
from Seaforth and 2 mlles from Bruce -
field, Al! cleared and in good state of
cultivation, Brick house with furnace.
Basement Barn, Cement Silo. Spring
water piped to barn, good well at house
Rural Mail and Phone.
For further particulars apply to own-
er, Alex. A Watt, 119 Ontario Street,
Guelph, or John Rankle, Real Estate
and Insuurance Brocker, Seaforth, Ont.
Ratepayers are reminded that pay-
ment of the second instalment of taxes
should be made as early as possible.
The last day for payment is Dec. 14113.,
after which 5% will be added. No
notice other than this advertistnent wi11
be given. Bring your tax statement
when making payment.
Jos. Wheatley,
Tax Collector.
Clinton, Nov. ist, 1917.
District Representatives Wanted
At once for Clinton and the County,
of Huron. Good opportunity for a live
salesman, experience not 0 necessary.
Good prospects fur the season's bust -
)less now starting. Write for further
particulars. Stone & Wellington, "The
Old Reliable Fonthill Nurseries," Tor-,
onto, Ont. -5
A number of good reliable men can
secure steady employment on Munition
work, .Apply to,
The Robt. Bell Engine & Thresher Co.,
Seaforth, Ontario.
Potatoes and turnips. Highest mar-
ket price paid on day of delivery. Pot-
atoes for immediate delivery.
Phone 3362 - Box 192 -
Huron Produce Co,
For Sale or to Rent
The brick house on Raglan skeet,
now occupied by J,e,E. Doherty, for sale
or to rent. Electric light and town
water; 2 acres of land. with stable. All
in good repair.
Apply to David Cantelon.
between '
Sleeping cars on night trains
and Parlor cars on principal day
Full information from any Grand
Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horning,
District Passenger Agent, Toronto.
lotto ltansford &Son. city paesen-
4er and Agentsphone 3)7
3)0 PRIlktot Jur,p0.
i1Ithoni31ti gym, enlly ns
comoii,at::.11 0,111 ?kW. t'Xi14
111110, 44121110 Of 1 1e1 -4.1111,4 ,
11111e11 1,10 i1111.4" fole.11 11, livor,,
.11 11111141e4 of 1111 11e,i11t 1' r.`,11111114V ,
1131131010e (3,,, 10111 11.4 32
if :•1a cm.
von'nf to eeeerei 11,1131, the lene,. irregu-
tern) 5110111,1 1,0 1''' lee:looted,
Nlillnan'e 1 11\a..1.iver Pills have no
entinl for r,liotitnt 111,,l miring coutititmt.,
taut tinti nit tot troultieN,
.11,1. P. 1\ larlin, Isrinve .1B,evt, P.m*,
writ t -t. ''1 luul one of the worst ee,,es
V01140131101011 13131 11111`1121` lOSil 110 had Over
k1101111, and Ntilburn'a Lamt-Liver PIN
%greed me of it. 71v fathet-in-low had
need therm in (net 110 111141 the one who
Agave them in me. A number of 1200010
nt11111111 110114 1100 theta, and the,.v 511 any
that they aro the 134,113 pills they ever
used "
taxa-tiver 1tl1» nee 2101.
vial at, all dealor ma,NI ti;reet, 0531
rocoint of iniee by T, 1\1111men (O,,,
1,11011,3, Toivoto, Ont.