HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-11-22, Page 11865, Vol. S?, No, 22 C L I N T O N, ON T A R I O, THURSDAY NOVEMB R, 22nd, '1915. How does your Label w e , December TC VVVVVVV3A0313.0VW3/VVVo/0>1VWW WIN O AAAA rAPWA MAAAA,a+SMAINAA f •QOOftneetmotzlebkat36'eeaumbpamoo v NCH, M[ TON 0 Dent Worry 2hout eonli We have just received direct from the factory a nets stock of HOT WATER BOTTLES There are no.better values anywhere, ' You get a two year guarantee with each bottle, and we guarantee there are no Better bottles at the • . price, Keep your health built up with WAMPOLES COD LIVER OIL—The value is in the prepara- tion, not in the newspaper. BEST OUA.L1-TY DRUG STORE 0 t$ q'ffieftealetiMIND61331180U' 009e000C311406 The Town Fathers held a special meet- ing on Monday night to discuss the Municipal Fuel Yard, Those present were Mayor l'honipson,'Reeve ford, Councillors Wilise, Nediger, Shepherd, I Meliwen and Miller. Councillor Paisley was absent. The Committee that was appointed at the Regular meeting of Council to ^n-' S. i, ITC) LIT.VIN.161 Phm,B, bring in a report pit the question, could only agree on one part of the report, and a notion was made accordingly, Moved by Councillor Miller and se- a wbVVVVV',/Vo4VVVti4VtAOVVVOi/eetVVVVVVV'd'WVt'dVVVVVVVVb'VVVVVtGVWVV Vie Royal conded by Councillor Nediger, 'that . - y;. your Committee recommend it is not advisable at present time to submit ,-.P � NyY4ti ( Bylaw to the people re Municipal Coal 1�� dl Pard. OF CANADA incorporated 1869. Capital Authorized $25,000,000 Capital Paid-up 12,911,700 Reserve and Undivided Profits 14,324,000 Total Assets 300,000,000 420 B R A N C H E S --With World-wide Connection lnterest.Allowed on Savings Deposits. General Banking Business Transacted. R. E. MANNING, Manager Clinton Branch erneertnitaana The Mos.ns recommend their�friends to invest in CANADA'S °V IC TO is - Y LOAN and are ready to receive subscriptions. The Bank will undertake to hold Bonds for safe- keeping without charge for a year, whether the subscription was placed through the Bank or not. Apply to the Bank Manager for information. eveamcvnamearawarcoeswTo Show Your Patriotisrn BY Purchasing A Victory ar Bond tF* You Benefit Your Pocket at the same time, for the investment at 51/g is undeni- ably one of the best possible. BUY A VICTOYRY BOND THIS WEEK is the sincere advice of The Morr ish C loth ng (;ar Ageutt for C. IP. lt. Telegraph Co. A Square Deal for Every Man 11 u• Try The New Era for Job Work in 1 The motion was carried. Letters were read by the Clerk from various Mine Corporations and, to slake a long story short—the Mines decline, with thanks, to sell, coal to any new customers. The question of the three cars the town had ordered, wad brought up, but the members were left in the dark as no word was received about them. Over The Mr„1. J McCaughey was In Blyth on Tuesday, Miss Myrtle Pearson spent the week end at Kippem. hlr; Jantes Connolly, of Goderich is in'owln to- t tlay. ,Miss Ulntatt has taken at position In the otfiee of the 1?aam, Company. Miss Rose Whitmore spent part of this week at her home near Van( Mr. and Mrs, Ray Rumba], of Gode- rich, were week end visitors in town. Mr, 'Thos. Ingles, of Lueknow, was a caller on Mr. A. Runes on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. L, Kerr spent Sun. day at tate parental tante at Brussels. Mr. L'eo, 'Kelly, of Blyth, was call.. Ing on old friends in town on Tues- day, 31r, James Re.ynotds of Goderich, was calling on old friends in town on Mon- day. Airs. J. 'E. Hogg, entertained the I Girls' Club 'of Willis church at the t 1 Word was received here Last week i that Pte. Elmer Beacon, who went overseas with the 33 rd 13att1„ had been wounded w t need i u the foot fn»n gunshot on 1 Nov, 15th, Nis pother and sister, who are at present residing in Toronto, are await- ing word from the you ug soldier him- self. l i:lnter's old friends here will hope ' that no ill -fortune will befall his, from his wound. W. H Kerr &x Son, Editors and Publishers, j stablished Look and See. ea.Cuips. ELMER BEACOM. WOUNDED "heck" Huller Wounded Again. I After a long seige in a hospital heck i11utter taut back into the trenches and has once more been wounded in the hip. Ile went overseas with the 33rd Battalion and went into the trenches with the first dill of men, itis old friends mill hope he will be able to come home ;titer has sojourn in the hospatai, !t was decided to look up some moreM} horses, Jobbers, so as to have coal in case of ainse, i'ir. C. J. Wa11as returned last week i Airs. R'U. Fair is attending the Onl- emergaule ;mid the following motion ;trio I:ortint 1. i;tl meeting at Toronto was made by Councillors Miller :and from his trap tr, Nova Scotia with { Nediger:=That the Clerk be instruct- ed to write coal jobbers and get their prices and probable dates by which they could deliver, and if satisfactory order t carload of stove and t carload of out coal. The notion carried, 1 C;uuncii than adjourned. e Y8;.MNDCD83GG%,1900000MattedI E8L,@49 (a @ +vino 112 t ociainso aettneiem000atmeraacaowrssO The W. P. S. will meet as usual on Friday. A very successful tea was held at the home of the President, Mrs. Brydone last Friday. Proceeds 55.35. Do not forget ihat Thursday. Nov, 30th, is the day for the collection to he wade from the Penny Bag. Every- body be ready please. INVALIDED HOME. The following Huron Boys arrived home last week from overseas Pte. E. A. Lvnberner, of Godwin, was one of the Western Ontario men. Ile had enlisted with the t,tst Hurons, but had been returned from England. Pte, W. J. Barr, of Blyth, had seen service in France, but was invalided home, 11e land been a member of the 1 6 st Halloos. Pte, J, Hayden, of Bluevale, a mem- bar tri the hoist Hurons, had been wounded at Vimy Ridge. GODERiCH METHODIST DISTRICT MEETING The Goderich Distayct meeting of the Methodist church will meet in Lonales- horo on Thursday, Nov, 29th. • The General business will commence at 10.3o; t i—"Witt the suggested chang- es in the Government of the Epworth League be conducive to the develop- ment of its spiritual force? by Rev. J. H, Ostgrhout, B. A.; 1 1,3e—"What is the duty and opportunity of the focal committee on Social service and Evaungalism?"—Rev, R. J. McCormick, B.A.; 1.30 "flow far are we fulfilling h requirements of Pars.72-75 of the to q s Discipline?" Rev. Geo. McKinley, B.D. 2—"How far are we fulfilling the spirit of Par. 15t, sec. 12 of the Discipline?' Rev, J. W. liedley, B. A.; 2.30—"Tho Spirit of Gqd in the Epistle to the Gala- tians", Rets J. E. Ford; 3 pan.—"Should We reconcile ourselves to the Depart- ure of the class meeting or try to se- cure its return?” Rev. A, 1, Jones. Taking Chances Buying Lottery Tickets. Buying Cold Storage Eggs Buying a second hand Automobile Pltq•ang sure 'Things. Eating Lamb in a Bash !-house Crossing the Atlantic (sheering the Kaiser Getting a1'iarried. -FISH- For Frillay. Halibut Fresh Herring Finnan Haddi.e And British Columbia Salmon NV, NE!1, t,. THE BUB I2 C Phone 48 Y1 1 anis wed, ft,31r. Gordon Irwin, of Lucknow, spent the week end with his cousin .• Mrs, Argent, 'vtr. 0,'F, Libby was In Chicago this • 1s eek on business fur the Clinton I Knitting Company. 1 r'ssMr,:and Mrs. Gook and daughter. of a, were visitors here fur a couple of days this week. Airs. t), Graelis returned home on Saturday after visiting with her dau- ghter at Detroit. ' Mr, Wilbur Manning, of London, was here on Monday attending the funeral of the Late Ida Boles, Rev, and Mrs, W. B. Moulton arrived In +±r last week ,and are busily getting settled in their new home on i5tary st. Mr. John Duncan and daughter of London, tt:ere here on Monday at- tending the funeral of the tate Ida Boles, Master Cyril Ilale, who has been in London, undergottfg treatment for his eye, returned home and is much im- proved. Miss K. McTaggart is one of the delegates front tate Clinton liorticul- Pte. John Terry, whose home is in Listowel, but who was employed in the Clanton Piano 00., factory when the 101st was oreanaaed, and who fund Society to attend the Ontario joined the Hurons, has been wound- Meeting at Toronto, C d in the arm. 11 photo to tuts .zit to us by the Listowel Bander Mr. Harry Fitusi•m iisreturned Ontario Brothers Set An Inspiring Example. The Four Norsworthy Brothers, All Oc- cupying Prominent, Financial Posi- tions, Some in Distant Cities, Gave Up Everything, Went to the Front, Did Splendid Work—Two Killed. in the illustrated Section of the Tor- onto Star Weekly, last Saturday, was to be found a picture of four brothers, the sans of Mr. J, C, Norsworthy, of Ingersoll, Ont„ who established an ex- traordinary and splendid record in this war. They are: Major E. C. Nors- worthy, killed at Lingemarck, 1915: Lieut. J. W. Norsworthy, wounded at Vimy Ridge, 1917; Lieut. A, J. Nors- worthy, killed at Vimy Ridge, 5917, woad some yearsago a clerk Inthe tole I - c s e g Mot - sons bank, Clinton; and Meijar S. C, Norsworthy, D.S.U., M.C., wounded twice. The photograph was taken when all the brothers were living in Montreal, and were connected with the 5111 Royal ilighlandep's there, be- fore the tear. The soldiers are cousins of Mr, W, R. Counter of town. The eldest of the four, Major E. C. Norsworthy, was with the Dominion The subjects for the new pastor on Securities Corporation in Toronto un Sunday are: 1 t O'clock "The Provid- til he was appointed Montreal man once of Clad''; at 7 p.m. "Tire diinen- ager, Ile took an active pant In or- stons of God's Love." unitizing the 13th Battalion, ;old went Willis Church, Overseas with It as second in com- mand. At the battle of Lsngemarck, April, 22, nt t 5, the 13t11 Battalion was an the front line. When the gas was turned oa, this front the 13th's cum tnunications were cut off from bat- talion headquarters, and Major Nor's q I worthy was lett solely to lois own re- sources. The Germans, following up invited to attend. the retirement of the French Colon- ials, swung around to the left of tate Ontario Street Church. 13th, and' were enfilading them, This is Missionary Sunday in this rc t Major Norsworthy heroically led his ch ) )t and special sermons are being men out, advancing towards the preached, in the morning Rev, Mr, Mc - Ger nacos, and took up a position on Cormick, of Blyth, will preach and in the Ypres and Poelcapelle road, the evening Rev. C. C. Keine, of Lon - facing the enemy. He. was hit, but desborn. Both preachers will be at Turner's church in the afternoon, The League meeting was to charge of the Literary and Social Committee. Rev, Mr. Jones addressed the meeting on Social Evangelism, and Roy W. Delimit gave a very interesting paper on the life of David Livingston, mission as y of Africa, Music was provided. by a quartette and 't solo by C. Andrews and a piano solo by bliss Hibbert. Miss Mary Holland also gave 50 interesting reading. Wesley Church. This is Missionary Sunday in this church and special sermons are being preached. In the morning Rev, Mr, from the Goderich Hospital at week ago, but will he confined to the house for a couple of weeks yet, The old friends of Mr, Donald Mc- Donald, will he sorry to learn that he had a second stroke last week and is now in a serious condition, Mr, Ii. 13. Chant the Superinten- dent of the Public Utilities has been confined to his bed dotting the •past week, but is rrogresst:v tavortbiy, Pte,. Laurie Greig, son of :51'. and Mrs, 1'. A. Greig, is suffering from 'Trench fever, The oldest son, Pte, William is doing light work in England at present. Word was received here of the death of Mr. J. Netf, of Detroit, Mich., who will be remembered by many as being a former Clintunian and a brother of Mrs, Becker, Erie st. Major A, 1), .Maliweta, D.S.O., who was with the 121E Battery in the big fight along with Major Bruder Aic- Taggart, wa the guest of Mr. and AL's, 0-1.1, McTaggart for a few days, Arming the Editors here on vloutiay attending the Nomination were: K. ,Mc- Lean, Seatorlti Expositor! Alessi's. Creech and S:enders, of the Exeter Advocate: and Mr, Sttsthcutt, of the Exeter Tintes, Mr, T. t:ottle. the obliging secretary 1 of the Clinton Horticultural Society, is attending the annual meeting of the Ontario Association at 'Toronto this tt'eek, as a delegate from the Clinton Society. Mrs, T. 11. ,McKenzie jr„ received wurcLa couple of weeks ago canine' her house oaring to the sudden illness of her mother, Mrs, Jas, Nesbitt. Blyth. When she returned this week hier many friends were glad to hear that she is improving. although very weak yet, THE CLINTON TRIBUNAL BOARD. Lip to Thursday the Clinton Tribun- al Board hal a had t')5 men before them 50 cases have been adjourned, 5 Exemptions have been refused, 19 have been sent for medical ex- amination. The rest have been given exemptions conditionally and, otherwise. Those who are sent up for medical examination, which if they pass, in int probability, the pleas will be disallow- ed unless new evidence which would entitle them 10 exemption as brought forth. The medical examination is the last step, as s a WITH TER CfIUIICRRS. O IDatotaaataaatssowaseassassese B Baptist Church, The Girl's Club will hold their an- nual 'l'hankoffering meeting on Thurs- day evening, Nov, 201h, A talk will be given by Mrs. (Dr.) Gunn, which will no doubt be very helpful and after. a year's experience in the Old Land 111 subject 1 War -time. • The out ext wilt to very i interesting. All Ladies are cordially Continued from page 3. Election Orders To Enumerators. s. Revision of Lists to be Completed by December 12.—Names of Candid- ates Will be Cabled Over- seas. Returning officers throughout Can- ada are being instructed by the genet. al returning officer, W, F. O'Connor, to telegraph the mantes, addresses and occupations of candidates nominated without delay to Ottawa. The object of the notification is that the names of candidates' may be cabled overseas at once for the information of military electors in Engla■d, France and other countries, Under the Military. Voters', act soldiers and sailors may tote for the government, the opposition or in- dependent cauldidittes or they may vote for an individual by mime, An etrort is being made to inform as large a Pro- portion qts possible of ta.e military vot- ers ;,broad of the names of the candi- dates, tt view id that fact, although let Ilv voting might commence at nit tl' ' tar n•tvai polle overseas on the dee after )tn rtnattion day, that is, so at is lakel'y that the poll - in; v:11, t lie 1.9 hill swing for ar:nu' 0'ti vital November 2tt, W. Whiter, formerly t I t r cf tt.a depattplent has beet se - 1 ete.l t-, act ., returning officer tts t• soldiers , t v, 5 of (an .elan sc d e s teC rot tl. a. doing ,±'.iris'+n duty in Ilerntude, t3riting of Enumerators. 'pile .attention Of returning otlicers has ;.Iso been drawn to the provision in the law that nrntaralized citizens, not disfranchised Ity the new Election Act must present their naturalization Koine, of Londesboro will preach, At papers to order' to be placed on the night Rev, Mr, McCormick, of Blyth voters' last by 'the enumerators. In will speak, polling sub -divisions lit Ontario, ex cert an cities and county and district towns of more than 9,000 population at the time of the last Dominion cen- sus enumerators witl on December 2, post up the lists which they have made, They wial at the sane time gave notice where they will sit front December 7 to December 16 inclusive- ly, except on Sunday, for two hours daily and all day polling day. They will complete the revision or lists on December 11 and certify :them on Dec- ember 12. On December 12, 13, 14 and 15 the enumerators will -sit to answer inquiries. On the day of poll, ing they will sit all env for the pur- pose of hearing applications from per - stets who 'have not been previously plotted ,01 the Itst and who claim the fight to vote. In cities' and county .na district towns of 9.000 papulation and. ,,ver the enumerators will post their lists eta December 2, - Revision of the 1a0s wilt be in the homes of the b mrd: of appeai. Appeals must lie trade tethi, Unlet' clays elf the posting up of Citi t tt.nteretors' lists. '11)at ' is De- cember 11, will be the last day of giv- 11111 notice of appeals. The hearili of 1 g jibe appeals will begin on Dec:entb r 7 and .the last day ofd the siting% 'of the boards of hppetit will be December t2. Local News to to I6'adro+(7uGr Q1t0C@SsonecustarkancQ&wo Minor Locals The snow that fell during Monday night oracle at hot for the coal man on Tuesday. Do your Christmas shopping early. Only 27 days and then Christlmts. Demand a button when you buy your victory Bond. Be sure and wear It and don't lose it, for you Can't get an extra one, Births, MYlai't'ia'ies & Deaths B petits SNLr L I ltt It t et n t on Oct,)1711t 1C, Mr, and Mas,. Wit, Snell, a daughter, (Marian Hilda.) Hiroo Boys lo Como ty rs �r t KILLED IN ACTION Pie, 1l, 1, Wlghtitin, Belgrave, Pte. J, L Carter, Auburn, Pte. J, Gluier, Goderich, Pte, 'reeler( Reid, Cilutou, Corp. Alex, Chesholm, Goderich. Pte. Joseph Glazier, Goderich, Pte, A. J. McCluskey, Dungannon, Lance -Corp, 0, 13; forest, Bluevale. DIED OF WOUNDS Pte "all, Goderich, MISSING Pie, J. 11, Barker, Winachant, Pte. Robert Lawson, isly'th. Pte. E. A, Kemp, Guderieh, ILL Pte. Tony Me.u!tau, V✓ruxeter Sergi, N. G. ,McDougall, Porters Hilt GASSED Lt, W. 5, Caldwell, Hensel], Pte, T. Lavelle, Beigran•e CONCUSSON Gunner R. A. ilcl-e„n, Goderich WOUNDED Pte, E. J. Huller, Clinton, Pte, Linter Beacom, Clinton. Pte. h:..1, Forrest, Brussel; Pte. J. 1'. Harvey, Goderich, Pie, A. li, Po' 1, 'P'in^:h.n, Ole. L, McElroy, tiv1h Pie. 11, Johnston, Ilensall Pte. Appleton, n, Mensal Pte, 11, it Knight, i n eta Ple. ,1. '1' tern List t e (trout) Pte. J, Thompson. f,ell,r„•,i Pte. I, t Mitchel, Wingltam Pte. ii, t„ uta ne, Wulgltaut Pte. J. A. (ulmet, W'.dum Pae. Wesley fialLmtync, VI/Ingham ' 1 P-"bert Weir, Vi iigpant Pte. W. Notos, Myth Pte. C. W. Appleton, Exeter Pte. P. ,I, McConnell, nnell luckersnrilh C„rp. Joe 1 toil. e i rich Pte. Nelson Agar, 'iu ais Pte. J. 0, Crawford, Lonilesburu Pte, George thump son, Goderich Pte, M, hits Rhvmas, Gudc•rielt Pte, R, ;Mt, Bell, Guderl:h fl ll Liberal andL t BIG MEETING HELD HERE ON MON- DAY AT NOMINATION OF THE CANDIDATES FOR SOUTH HURON. ,Monday afternoon sate a big crowd of the electors at South Huron In the Town Ilan Clinton, when Mr, Thomas McMillan, cif fiullett township, was the candidate nominated for the Liberal party and Mr. J. J. Merner, of flay for the Conservatives, Before the candidates addressed the meeting lir, W. Brydone addressed the audience on the Victory Bonds, Mr, Thomas McMillan, Liberal can- didate made the hest speech of the af- ternoon, and roused the audience time after time in his clear cut criticism of the misdeed of the late governnteet. He spoke on the enormous war pro- fits that some were allowed to get on contracts for war purposes; he quest- ioned the Franchise bill, and proved that the very same kind of lane lust the Americana colony from Great Britain; it was the cause theSunthAf African War, lir. ,M IcAlillun took t k su ma time in explaining the Military aervice Act; the lack of recruiting. Ile appealed to the electors for their vote and influence to the canting election. Mn, Merner and Senator Bennett, both' made short speeches but their whole cry was that thea'e were no is- sues to discuss—except win the war. ,Vir, M. 0. Cameron, ex-M,P.P, for West Huron, spoke on behalf of Mr, McMillan, and stated at the outset that the Unionist laarty was the same old Tory party, with a new name Every Liberal was as anxauus to win the war as any one else, but the misdeeds of the late government had to be dealt with by the electors, so that graft and mismanagement would be righted. The meeting closed with the singing of "God Save the King” followed by three cheers for Mr. McMillan, WROXETER Reeve Reis and family are about to leave Wroxeter, Mr, Reis having rented an oatmeal at Galt. ire canoe here from Port Albert seventeen years ago, and has been engaged in the milling busi- ness with Robert Black until this fall, when he disposed of has share of the business to te, Black & Son, For many year he has been the representative at the count': coenell. John Mcx;reery of the 13ehnore road and 'Thos. Jacklin Howicln Township, have exchanged farms, ' . WING HAM. 1'he funeral to„k place on Wednes- day from, the (.l',R, station of Annie Tatar ser, retial of the Lute Airs. Daw- son, in her th 7,ear. 't+t and Airs, Dawson aero e.n,laut W .sham for natant yeas, t' iahicr 11.11'iit 1 fain. ()ring buseiess t'1)'.1. Pt t. Kens. t,.. ihivid Ken-. nedy, of \Vest n r. +t .h t ave,f home from overes tc ,..'l , a,a' n',sanaed by Itis bride 11c crt,Knitting trl t nh wishes s tea ' raise tutac•e nt hunts , provide s t Christmas dinner for the \Vinttham de. tttchment of the iolst Battalion, ite England.