The Clinton New Era, 1917-11-15, Page 7PAGI
Thursday, November 'lath, 1917,
Clinton9 ' •Neat MerchandisingEvent
BR VV] 'S ,
':. SALE
Less Than Wholesale Prices.
1-3 14 1-2 OFF
10 45 -Inch Astrachan Coats From $15.00 Ug.'
TRADE EPIGRAM—"As the blacksmi tit strikes when the iron is hot, so the wise buyer
will make her selection early in this sale while assortments are good."
We're always doing something unusual, something surprising, always manoeuvering
some deal to give our patrons extrordinary values. On all purchases amounting' to 5.25,00
we will give the choice of a mahogany tinish•or walnut bench free.
1.—No Goods sent on approval.
2.—We reserve the right to limit the quantity purchased by any individual person; this we
do in fairness to all.
3.—Customers can have goods held for a period not exceeding thirty days on payment
of a small deposit.
in time to reach your friends before Salmon
Christmes, with that box that they are Loaf Sugar
looking for and expect. Chocolates
We have gathered in our store goods
that they appreciate and look for.
Below we give a parital list:—
Prepared Cocoa Sardines
Prepared Coffee Cocoa
George Washington Coffee Olives
Honey Pork and Beans
Water ice Wafers
Gum I
Etc, lite
Monte Cooking time is now On. What
shortening are yen using. We carry
the three popular lines and if you are
not using thein you will appreciate
the advantages offered you in these
liI WS—Easifirst; Domestic; Crisco,
' .
1 hone 1.7.1
t pn
Minor Locals
The New Era is the best advertising
medium in this district, We are always
pleased to receive orders for job work
from those living out of town, 0 you
need wedding invitations, posters, let-
ter .r bill heads, give us a call. You will
Mid o.u' prices right.
Chiiciren Cry
cheaper tease
,zrurwmaiwv+ci i
Dizzy and Faimd Spells
Are Warnings of t-k-at't Trouble
That Should Be Heeded.
Those feelings of wealciess, those dizzy
spells and "all gone" sinldng sensations,
which come over someeo p le from time
P p
to time are warnings that must not go
unheeded. They indicate Inc extremely
weakened condition of the heart and a
disordered state of the nerves,
Those who are wive will Start taking
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills before
their 515.51 ar-Comes hopeless. They have
no equal for strengthening the heart
and Invigorating the nerves.
Mrs. Flinil Brooks, tipper Gagetown,
N.B., writes:—"All last eumnter and
winter I had dizzy and weal: spells,
headaches and fainting and blind spelle.
A friend recd^naescicd Mill:lien's 110511
and Nerve Pills to rte. I had only
tt.kt,a two boxes when .f found groat re-
lief. 1 highly rcrotamend thane to all
who suffer front heart trouble."
Milburn's TIenrl, and Nerve Pills are
50e.. per box at all dealers or mailed
direct on receipt of price by The T. Mil-
burn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.
s undoubtedly doaabtedly theLmost wCc) ya , tl.x. < 1)7.1';‘,34;
appeal's to be 'cheap° ht p9 is t s <q gr o�: i e to e
ex~�:>iavagant ,in use, The ate i! 1 yr *. e;: of
"Salado." srtrail yield you g •g1.t.•w ::i vc,,taye four
your Itnoney.. - BITS
aa:'9ggeleeayswwrmenram• . u vers .eezee,eganxvav a. ee- fexea q e er .. ,
rillglIiii;iiu iiiu�ailuiurtii„II lIiiiIIiiImu l llEI�t;' �,ui l ..0 li;i.u,Pllti dill! ,..,,;,� .;,, ii ,, , I"'" r
„.i,,,Fi G.i lay
!,1 tn,,,
�qy� �{
f ' kJ1 ,,rte hp0 ��y, ,�Wp�y, it,,rl: '^r'Wt�•S.�,,G.,
e Ly `•:..,5"1 'vY7ea 415ea«i'L, 1 o a. �� r+4+'o^' `(rr eY'ld.,,.f e .
IVIIVIiUG;IIIIhLui,I:IMI;I,IIIhIIIIIIIIIIVIIIIIII,IIIgl�lliiillll;Illlillr119,1Ir11,�rUJ; i� ;nibir.l,i,.l �II iulli� i; Ilir,'61�� ii.,,,,.ii,�i, I,a 111-,;,t;;,Vu'� �ell:,ruiill
Hydro Off.
Ilydro went cif I''riday night shortly
after six and did nut get going again
until 7 o'clock,
Council Meets Monday.•
A special meeting of Council will be
held on Monday evening to discuss the
Municipal Coal Yard. The committee
appointed at the last regular meeting
will report,
The Methodist Pastoral Term,
At the February Osi rterly Board
Meetings of the Methodist Church a
referendum vote by ballot on the nat-
ter of retaining or changing the pres-
ent time limit of the pastoral terns will
he taken,
Resigns Office.
Itev. E, G. Powell, who has been one
of the Veld secretaries for the Com-
mittee of One Hundred, has resigned
owing to ill health. Mr, Powell'• re
cent auto experience near Listowel,
bringing him to the decision that his
health must be looked after, for the
time being. • His resignation takes ef-
fect today. In the meantime Mr.
Powell will reside in Loudon, His
many frien•tts 1011 hope that his en-
forced holidays twill bring him back to
good health again.
Upon receipt of messages of cas-
ualties relatives are requested to notify
The New Era as soon as possible, and.
thus take the convepient and eseedi-
tiou5 manner of conveying the news to
their friends. The names are not pub-
lished in the casuality lists till four or
live days following the receipt of the
s0icittl telegram, and the publication
of the news is therefore delayed unless
The New gra is notilied. information
may be given by phoning 30 Or in the
evening to No, 95.
The Red Cross Charm Chain,
A number of people in torn are be-
ing plagued with the tied Cross Charm
chain prayer—the party receiving there
to send out nine letters, etc. The New
Era is not afraid to bet that the part-
ies sending around these letters have
not donated to the Red Gross Fund as
much money as they spend in postage,
paper and envelopes. These people
could be doing better work than what
they are doing. The chain is certainly
broken for we saw one letter conveyed
to the stove as soon as read.
The MINISTER or. FINANCE offers for Public Subscription
Canada's Victory Loan
f osue of
5150,000,000 5,1% Gold Bonds
Bearing interest from December 1st, 1017, and offered in three maturities, the 01)011e of wldoh is optional with the subserlber, as follows:
5 year Benda due December 1st, 1022
10 year Bonds due December 1st, 1027
20 year Bends due December 1st, 1037
'rids Loan is authorized under Act of the Parliament of Canada, land both principal and interest area charge upon the Consolidated Revenue Fond.
The amount of this issue is 51 50,000,000, exclusive of the etnonnt (if nny) paid by the surrender of bonds of previous issues. The Minister of Finance
however, reserves the right to allot the whole or any port of the amount subscribed In excess of $150,000,000,
The Proceeds of this Loan will be ailed for Wnr purposes only, and will be spent wholly In Canada.
Principal end Interest payable in Gold
Denominations: 550, 0100, 5500 end 51,000
Subscriptions must be in sums of 550 or multiples thereof.
Principal payable without charge at the Office of the Minister of Finance and Receiver General at Ottawa, or 0t the Office of the Assistant Receiver
General at Halifax, St. John, Charlottetown, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Regia, Calgary and Victoria.
Interest payable,, without charge, half yearly, June lot and December lot, at 011y branch in Canada of any Chartered Bank.
Bearer or Registered Bonds
Bonds may be registered as to principal or as to principal and intermit.
ecrtteentes, not -negotiable. or payable to bearer, im accordance with the choke of the applicant for registered or bearer bonds, will he issued otter
allotment in exchange for provisional receipts. \tlhon these scrip certificates have been paid in fui1, and payment endorsed thereon by the hunk receiving the money
they limy b^ exchanged for bonds, when prepared, with ennpons attached, payable to bearer, or registered as to principal, or for fullY registered bonds when
prepared, without coupons, in accordance with the application,
Delivery of interim certificates and of definitive bonds will be made through the Chartered Banks.
Barer bonds with coupons will be I'sued in denominations of S.r,'1„ $100., $500., and shone. and may be registered Its 10 principal only. Fully reels-
tered bo^da, the interest tut which is paid direct to the owner by Government cheque, will he issued in denominations of 51,(100., $5,000. or any authorized
mu)tfpie of $3,000.
Subiect to the payment of 25 cents for each ntwv bond Lrsurd, holders of fully rogiatered bonds without coupons, will Masa the right to convert into bonds
of the denomination of $1,1)Dn with rot/pans, and holders of bonds with coupons wilt have the right to convert into fully registered bonds of authorised denom-
inations without. coupon:, et any time, an application to the Minister of Finance.
Surrender of Bonds
Bolder: of Dominion of Canada Debenture Stock, due October lot, 1010, and bonds of the three protecting Dominion of Canada War Loan Issues,
have the privilege of surrendering their bonds in part payment for subscriptions to bonds of this issue, under the following eantntloust--
Debenture Stock, due October lit, 1010, -at Pnr and Accreted Interest.
\Far L'oon Bonds, due December 1st 11125,`at 0714 and Accrued Interest.
(The above will beaccepted in pert payment for bonds of nny of the truce maturities of this Isane)
War Loan Bonds, due October lst, 1031, at 0714 and Accrued Interest.
War Loan Bonds, due March 1st' 11137, at 00 and Amsted Interest.
(Theca will he accepted in part payment for bonds of the 1937 maturity ONLY of this Issue,)
Bonds of the various nhattrities of this Moe will, in the event of future Issues of like maturity, or longer, made by the Government, other than lentos
made abroad, be accepted at par and accrued interest, as the equivalent of rash for the purpose of subscription to ouch issues.
Issue Price Par
Free from trues --including any Income fox -'-imposed in puraunnce of lehislatlon enacted by the Pnrituntent of Canada.
Payment to be made us follows:
10% on December 1st, 1017 20f,cot Marsh 1st, 1010
20 on Jannnry 2nd, 1018 20°5 on April 1st, 1018
ro.on Febr•uory 1st, 1912 20 0 opt May lot, 1018
A full half year's interest will be paid on 1st June, 1018.
The Bonds therefore give a net interest yield to tate investor of about:
5.61 yo ort the 20 year Bonds
• 5.68% an the 10 year Bonds
5.81% on 'the 5 year Bonds
All payments are to be made to a Chartered Rank roe the credit of the Minister of Finance Failure to pay any instalment when due will render previous .
/MY/tents liable t.o forfeiture, and the, allotment to cancellation. Sobscriptfonn ateompanhed by a deposit of 30% of the amount ntbsrribed, must bo forwarded
through the medium of n Chartered Bank. Any branch In Canada of may Chartered Bank will forward sabacdptione and issue lsrovlehona! recelpts.
1., rate of partial allotments the surplus deposit will be applied toward payment of the amount duo on the January instalment.
Sub: eriptions may be mid in full on Dummy Ind, 1019, or on nny Instalment due date thereafter ander dtocoubt at the rate of 514%s muumuu. sudor
this prevision iaymentl of the balance of subscriptions may be made as follows:
If paid on Janney and, ,1910, at the rate of 80,50705 per 8100.
11 poll on Morel,ts] t, 1018, at I c rate of 5.72274 per $1000.
If raid on April 1st, 1018, at the rates of 30.210959 per 8100,
'sterna of application may bre Obtained from any branch in Canada of any Chartered Bank, or front nny Victory Loan Committee, or member thereof,
The books of the ratan will be kept at the Department of Tilnaueo, (Mawa,
Anrll•:uicn, will be mnde In IMO coarse- for the listng of titi0 ibsuc nos the hfontreat and Toronto Stock Exchanges.
. Subscription Lists will ckne;on or before 1)ecarraber let, 141).
DitPagri iaNT our Bitumen,
Oetewa, November 10151,:1017,
Loe.scd Second Sore.
(;odarich Starr-1Veeley Walker has
Iea:1ed the store nest to his own for-
merly occupied by Junes Thomson
and will have it relitted and will use it
for fln:w 1'ureiture. musical hist:. 0 -
meats, talking machines, etc,
Presented With Medal, •
Miss Jessie Wilton, daughter of Rev,
Thomas Wilson, of Walkerton, but for-
merly of Auburn, eel,' has been Nursing
in a hospital near Paris the past two
years, has been honored by the gift of
a War 1 ectal by the French Govern-
ment. Alis: Wilson has recently been
transferred to England.
Clinton Boy Married,
The Fredericton !Daily Gleaner, cat
Nov, Lith, makes the wllowiug refer-
ence to the wedding of Mr. Murray
Jackson, sou of At r. bred Jackson, ut
town: --A 11 ('3 pretty and quiet wed-
ding was solemnized yesterday after-
noon in Si. Paul's Presbyterian church
by Rev. J, S. Sutherland, in the presen-
ce ul friends and associates of the
bride, when Olga Catherine, only dau-
ghter of -Mrs, Alary Mayor, became the
bride of Alr, M. D. Jackson, of Clinton,
(bit. The bride was gowned in a
handsome French Burgundy serge with
hal 6u match, and grey wolf furs. She
was 01( recipient of nonny beautiful
presents. The 555nnl'S gift to the
bride w110 a chest of silver. A sub-
stantial cheque was received from the
flal'tt Bunt 8t Shoe Co., in whose
employ the bride has been the last
five years. The ()dicers and members
of the Presbyterians Sundae, School
presented her with • an address and a
silver deposit set. Mr, and Mrs, Jack-
son left on the evening train for Mon..
treat, Toronto and points west before
taking up their abode in Port Colborne,
'heir mann friends join in best
wishes for a happy and prosperous
wedding u e.
A November Wedding,
An early morning wedding took place
tt the hone of Mrs. W. Glenn, Joseph
tree!, when her daughter, Bessie, was
utited in marriage to Mr, Francis Wat-
kins How, of Edmonton. (nny the
nuuedia.te fancily being present. The
louse was decorated with maiden law
ern and gulden 'mums. 'The dere-
mine, was performed b-: the Rev. J. E.
'logy', of Willis Presbe terian church.
'he bride was given away by her bro-
iler, Edward Cl Glenn and entered the
raring room to the strains of Lohen-
rin's wedding starch, played by A1rs.
Saunders; of Guderich sister of the
ride. . The bride ware her .travelling
uit of velour cloth, -beet rood shade.
with hal and'shoes to match, gray fox
urs and a corsage boquet of orchids
nd lily of the valley, 1(1so the groom's
ifs, a beautiful wrist watch and earinos
Mich her mother had worn on her
r•edding day. After the signin5 of the
egistes all repaired to the dining room
here the wedding breakfast was serv-
d. -11r. and Mrs. How left on the early
air for their home in Edmonton amid
lowers of confetti and good wishes
•om their many friends,
oul•ton—Sparkes - Wedding,
The Brantford Bally Expositor las
eek contained the following inter
ling item:—Gast Wednesday, Nee. 7
race church was the scene of a ver
etty' wedding, when ,Miss Emily
arkes. eldest daughter of Mrs, M
arkes, Brantford, and Rey. Milian
artier Moulton, L.S D., sun of Mr, an
rs, W. Mnalbon, of London, were un•
ed in the bonds of holy mah-int'•nv
Ven, Archdeacon M:teKenyie On
e. stroke of 12 o'clock the choir stet
e bridal 0'151,' at the door and to the
-gins or Lnhengrin's wedding march,
fyed by the org:ithst, Mr, 11. (',
10111as, proceeded -to' .the •chancel.
e bride, leaning 011 the arm of Mr.
)wen. looked very sweet, 5mvmed in
rite french charineuse, She wore
e conventional veil and carried a bon -
et of bridal roses, Her only (erne-
nt was a diamond and gold. pend.
t. Miss Annie Sparkes, sister of
bride, as bt'idestnaid, was trucked
pale blue chcu•nteuse crepe. She
re a large picture hat and carried s
uquet cif Sweetheart roses. The
Ont was attended by the Rev. J.
Wheaton, rector of Trinity ,church.
e chdir chanited very sweetly the
rriage and COMMMMntt1011 service which
s most impressive. A wedding break-
!: was afterwards held at the bride's
ne, 3 -Darling street, after which the
V. and Alrs. Moulton left on the 3.52
Detroit, where the honet•nhnon will
spent. They will take up their re-
etice at Clinton, the groom being
incumbent of St. John's, Holmes -
e. Miss Sparkes was an active work-
in Grace church and the esteem in
ch silo was held was evident ily the
any useful and valuable presents
li e
Trains from East.
'rrive i 1.90 a.m. Leave 11.17 Mtn.
wive 5.53 p.m. Leave 6.45 p.m,
rrive 11.18 p,m. Leave 11.18 p.m,
Trains from Wast
rrive 7.33 am. Leave 7.33 a.m.
rrive 5.511p.m. Leave ,2,58 p.m.
' Traixis from South
Arrive Id30' LI% Leave 1 1.1 0 a,ldn,
rrive 6.40 p.m. Leave 6.40 p.m.
Trttisae from North
rrive 7.,33 4.111, '.'Cave 7.50 5.rf1.-
rrive 4145 gat, • Leavd 4.15 p.m.
it is a scrap of paper, BUT not signed by a Nation of Huns;
BUT by aB,ritish Nation—our own beloved Dominion of
Canada, whose promises to pay you are accepting every
day in the shape_ of Dollar bills.
You lend your Government say, $50.00, $io0.00, $500.00
or $1000.0o to help win this war. They "bond" them-
selves, that is,•BIND themselves for every hundred dollars
you loan them to pay you $3.75 for every six months for the
use of the money, and then at the end of the time,
either five, ten or twenty years, as you may choose
0110 )0:sY
In buying a Victory Bond you thus help "WIN THE WAR,"
keep factories and other blusinessesmoving, get your in-
terest regularly, and all your money hack when due.
From every standpoint—Business Investment, fluty to your
Halve, and Patriotic Obligation to your Country—you should
—This space has been donated for the Victory Loan, by
W. 0. Fair Co., J. E. Hovey and James Dunford,
Work of
The Corner Grocery
and Lel Live"
Once more we arepermitter.:
by the Fond Controller to sell'
canned goods.
Quantities are limited. Per-
haps we ought not to be encourag-
ing you to stock up now. How -
Kindsever, we. put it up to you to
°' "` be foresighted.
Fish, Firnen-Haddie, Cist:oess
Fillets, . Cod -fish, Kipperines
Leave your oraer now nefore prices
Tho. H a V'V kin s
Plltnlhing and Heating
Phone GS
Shop- over lHowland's liial•ttivfu•e
Eo E. Fk1ffHfOl°d
P, ONE 48.
This House Of Good Shoes
Asks The Consideration of
People Who Care For Shoes.
Of Special Merit And The
I est Of Shoe Values At An.y
, i
Stated Price e
150501APNI 9CEAne10Fftf S4,0Nen,150.'Ir5rP1511 erre 5>a1mnr.
FRE, 'o J2.eK e
Satisfactory Shoes