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The Clinton New Era, 1917-11-15, Page 6
. ... f t I 1,, I I I . ! "I'luirsday, Novolllllor 15th, 1917, a I* tY � Yto T 1' 11] ,' j' ?bi 'lice .,, t i, . 333 xusao n v fv Month 1` m 1 1. I 1 F. ti. _ 1,1 til Every yerar v'e give special How to Feel Well DurinC Middle %11"11. Iattention r•D 6'?J">:]t;.ai •lvca'1. IldA I' LT'fe 'fold by Three'Women Who w, r �.r.. , FOR � � , aN f� a« ae e _, 1 ' Ci _ T a� .�a >< ro I � 1 ' u >i ��11C aQ.d�.Tt°���� L �r.s�� �.s.. Ic m 'SOUR EYES y5r� V5 ' A to he'p tllera with Masses; � 1 r se.+ a_ !:- d 1 dee (' f Life i host critics period of 2, ' .a rc, be vil.3 s Th Change o L s e. y � .� � e g p z. last of ica,wi, n ox a"wing �' woman's existence, and neglect of health at this time invites 1 0 Era wo:,!, "A'01 the ey Ill disease and pain. Women everywhere should remember. ,% iee_e!3 t'se c_°`wr's, ailel most . I that there is no other remedy known to lnedicine that will ,J-*Z;1:1.::,A. Vn L ,� u s' st thair i i so successfully carry women through this trying' period as elyes nca: . Lydia E. Pinkhaln's Vegetable Compound, made from But :ever can erop their work I native roots and herbs. lead these letters:— . becaz2s t%o:r a r,3 or held a e =.,_a t IuiL!tl Philadelphiii.,Pit.—Illsta.rted the Change of Life ti z. •, a .e 1. J, i II a� 1 e esti i o 3A l G b _ ��� ,:,n ;��1 five eels al o. I aJ1Yu,ys Karl a lieatlach (loll baclr- 7a_- n t 1.,I, y I' I. !• r g�e� _ i )<t:1A v _frac ii:.e i . 1ra t ut t ' l - b gg i -I•', •1 T' u" it pains 10'YI t. 11. �• ' .h 1, 11° I au 5 1 I w Il< aeht, rlt ti..1 t a OI t^tv �; '" i have e -All ! ''^e se .i . r t. s, , a 1 3 4,,. ,] •e• • s >s ver • )"r1 a tnl t,- With .c' � 1 • at fla tc. , .. t i lt� c r� ,nd L r $ y § 4 G t�te,.A Vizi a rc'vvi CV.;i'li 1.'e: l'ls ',r Lydia 1'j '+ 5r tie I,. Y. y Iia iii; i, I ,11 no', i tl Sec (.arae. After htkill>; I.y c ti ] utJ .t.iui'9 tl.ey tai . lAe.tts , eta Err'xldes- 1111, lull e 1tu.b1� Gcttlpouucl I Estes liJ:e a t cit , + r: rata and ��,� fala., i•i 1 , �; Ili am in bu,ter health and no more t„tu',Ja-u with XJ , ill ..1� I �f il 1 ...11... i i y•, .c, c.ti ..d -lain. hail before I to „> +; o u c.,,.� ,,.,c , e. (, f, �� •:iU:!:II l,. „ . t . pains I i t © tvon- au ss4c c ic, a <tAd ca..l_�r. {li� , r a I e de.ful rel::.>ilv. d recomnu911d it t:o an fri: nd 1 for I a. _ 0. tai , 1 :.,r ! - ;� ...., „ § r ,,. J 1, p.Vt :1 •'+,_¢'.r.S a , ;'1:G+1 ..y hl I i > r r Ca113Ttot 1)S ,+!Jit t`ilr}i.,_,.1. ^-seal., IJ&mR dll;!"r laIlalSA- t ,gip „,„•,µ„•„w,�, " . i uArr, 701J 2,. it rs-old St., PhiladolAiiii, Pa. ii � , r ] °' p ? t: I t --=—=J I; ver. lllas5.-111 tools Lydia. E. f'irkham's ,: v L ;" ,e.; ;. ,. -�.. to ?S:;G 11, .1 < gotah,e Cr>.nlTound, for Tlen usness and dyspepsia, Zvhel! I oras '.1 til i„ Tblough the Change of Life, I foluld it very helpful slid I } ZrUc.' 1:a•i always spohwift of it Lo �,thoV.11er tmanan who sui er as I dict and Jeweler and �, __ -stt '+. i 4;l it,ve i tt sl t:cfr m it.II—Mrs. U'LoLGe Ac DuNAtlt, I �llillll(.�(�`1( m twit and 'eml,,ei'tt,s.•:v.,it. c.,- - r!I 17 1aolilld tJ't. l3eYL'ri Mass. .... - . . y r, SS 1`I Erie, Ya.—`°I was in poor ]lcalth �yllen the Tion. 'William Pugsley was this weak » ,<, Change of Life started with me and I tool;; Lydia �. l� ,, fix appointed Lieut. -Governor of Naw L_ 11hikham's Vegetable Compound, or I think I r Y^ a Br c ick. Rol J D Hazen was a^- should 'l {+ • � ', u ,sn. t. sllnu cl not have of Duel' it as ens as I sill. Lr en a y , 7,'m••.,fi.'7l a l 1. S lar Lit the t e • .1 v ui'1' t i' Justice t how 1f' I d not f• cl take h Compound ei J t o r. 1 I the 0 0 intc.i Chief. 0 OP p b p �i P. ,. 1.111. I( � U� ' and it restores Inc ul a short tithe. I �Yill na.ise ' .;;�:•3.-•'�' s•'� 'province. 1 Han. ,11r. Pugsley was recognized your remedies to over? wanrin for it may help ilia tvi4 -" as one of the forelilost supporters them as it has me."—.A TS, E. K1ssLlNG, 331 East �*13., £x ruf `:.:r Wilfrid Laurier, prior to the 24th St,, Erie, Ira. �x� "i•• - •• ^I Iormation of a -Union Government. • for four years he was ,Minister of No other medicine has been so successful in relieving s•o:narCs Public Works fn the Laurier ad- suffering as has Lydia, E. k iuk3nam'n Vegetta ble Compound. ministration. Hort, 61r. HazenlVornenmay receive free and helpful advice byceritingtit eLydia, Yield the portfolio of Marine 'Ind E.Pinlrlaam.NedicineCo.,Lynn,Blass. suclilettersarereceived Fisheries in the Bordon administra tion from its creation to tile enc( answered be coming of y women only and held in strict coniidetiv . Union Government, M� Both Mr. Pugsley and Mr. Ilazen ellt, but it is now understood that when Mr. Thomas Me:.Milhut, Libs•ra are former Premiers of New Bruns- it wimll not be filled until after the Candidate, for South iluron,'was pre wick. Nir. Pugsley resigned the ele4tiou. It is rumored that flan• I sent and r "dresse.. we audience on tit Premiership. however, after a few Robert Rogers is a candidate tor' weeks to contest a seat for the Election e v and the other topics of tit I -louse of Commons. this hili office. .. day. The various ward chairmen arch Mr. Hazen has been slated to go appointed and fill organization meeting - Liberal Meeting. I was held on Monday night, to go over ' i 0111 c Washington •ton as Canadian C i2 B nhissioter General, a position that is Last 'Thursday evening, there lyes a the voters' List for the coming elect about to be created by the Govern- good attendance at the Liberal Rooils I ion. I I • 4i,._, + r (,S t_owl TV N-4ptam", I1. , i . I!1 t L4" SHAUGHNES A" Z* rpspmd a to Aw rmr%-t'©f a •'Rre��ir !!� t"ealeer of pranrisen4 F'retw_ -. u - +lR o. I - r 0"61""On gelttlemben of the: I, I :Provilwe of Qv.ebec, Lord � + ( G't i t its;, ie. the h• s Ices a ressea Itis .11 V +=9 +'� sJ ot; 4 rteeeaos osa the present. conditions ¢ ; e i .A Pai� ?� e.3 as follows:— t k„a _,. ori , F �.,,,.�,y i 73hat is a germ in my system 1, , ta�y y y Mft the Das every that readers obnoxious Y •C calculated to v'''�' 3 � ':` } , �- 11. form et legislation r ,s t \ �"�, T I the personal liberty of the is 4 3i; a1W that be Ject, save suoh as may be neces• ` voautgwy emtisNts�e''.. In tlr�ae for tine safety of the nation and. k �' cumstaces ID�i� the peace, health and general wet- �x t?; R"gY r, praoisnaeed _ ,•tee our +i PatbY i. s of the People. (,+1. .2. ti` legfdatAon of :patlrafliNieny 3lntotxzd militaty service in time rc s� n r be aeeag64 •tg�,it a!"� • t�iW of oaf peace, as it existed in some Foreign la k pe) aionat ]#betty of a et 3sb ek bqt ries, would coma within my ; u ' N�:tt a xneaisnare fil-po iced fro presorve i rvrl�e'mory of obsectiauable measures, . We must lnfte to e"*4 ate, tsall use it has the effect of taking Ldp s aNQ' own ttmop! and, to vo ni,2t1 from his ordinary avocation, ii,. t., sus r;Xg eiRaistZisas t.lbs. ' . •arxd, for Nivea periads, making him ? as lis Fi.gw, iib l'}y pet stragilaps W�. {sntbjeat to military reg7atfons under foA t. I}l w. , if it.1e neeeetsuig tide' e control of military officials, not scope at �;p Ivan Bill shaelQ r immediAtel• use at any danger y be so snirli±°e.t0 ce) el ,eerri sr•.' thin e that within di but becans i d ft5zuddli• . in all b ire of u ng, . •• t � w B 4 ttta life -time sonAotllaing may occur to d ing wet• exf d sad su l4bs, i. ]loo the natton in war, making aeiwed6military latae% necessary. Frothy L, 'lmoettd#a% speeches -Mu" t tis @6 Sudo frgm Elle e2teouragomend od the military j t�RD SHAIICTUNDS'SY. those wlasiif att13 contT*.&tfan to tlufr' irit in normal times in not best for wit" !s in tate f{siQat of lapgarsgo, ands Tam people whose a3rt1 ttIDottld be the Ped trained and forwarded to the which D3aRv . tR eneaifi?a ®do3;;, emotion of a policy making for fichtin,SS front with the utmost a�aY race, prosperity and hap But Promptness, This work was under- ,tic OEYri*, a. sola lio GJ + ken th late Lord Ititchener slid evaey u vortf a of leets to by clita lie eaid if Dole n agYlav ti iaiara}Ppu is xnilitrity estalrlisittinant, its aggres- finntetifaiaby all of the overseata I)o• � tftn taiitrndat'. I naive and covetous neaghbor with trig microns of the Empire expressed their willingness and, indeed, detor 5mastsd army and soler -ready iaq{ade u ttryripisid n now the lt1 qtf , {escorts of war, w3a1 one day sock a ttilnation to anpplimtent and assist oa,aaitry, and ser aillat s oP quarrel and aysrpowor It the army at the ltdmg by sending views Lbout:the pol9icy adaeq�rx}utelitl ngl7as gravity of this coultingenc9 tiroope and meeting other war re- or the motives and nd teb,liAls " . edmaitted, It becomes apparent that gnlremeuts to the limit of their se- to have attendad aur 12aL :g ate ; as elle t of notiams miaot be not only, spccttve resources. Callada was among oft war aofiwi�iies ddi^iag 8 ; cteato and tlaetl^ftrjn 'military the brat to declare that the wax in two years of the wax, it lsr,li'ow OrLee atAllaiettt for daafettce It there which Britain and Prance wort on • eaerad, duty tP e9:ary ei fen *,.. j attack, but strong enough to as- gaged for the defence of human Ca sda lay&11, -ad '1?,* , v>ne the offtmsivo if that appew to liberty was Canada's war also, a de- the autbotdties Ill p, 140 i e the best Strategy. elare.tion that wan sounded through- tfvo Cs`amm,fli*art &w I o effieat Should It be conceded that the out the Dominion front coast to coast smagtIlin " and ia4 ity, rr+eeetl �fety of the nation demands an un- by an overwhelming maiority of her tug his eri#tiefam o patitey aad p FSmitting condition of military pro- people. The ,nen of Canada respond• tike uTAII the war ag aaav . pareduess, it may be properly asked ad nobly to the call for voirtnYrviae The man WJ t a 0abstaatial sue rwhere the limit is to be placed, be. and the Overseas Army went to the feels the aftet of an inrent ,a )sole"," there must be a limit or a firing fine where their prowess and while one with little or no a:. 1n212ttory autocracy will ensue, such bravery won for them unilverml ad- having nothtng to pay, can mirakion, Tbousands of them made tl first abaci the Allies aro now alo• with equenarnity, anis for smnsrbh `,. r sainted to d�trey in Germany at the Supremo saeridlee, and are buried similar reasons•tho man watt one om , serious amt. e.3 oil the battle -fields. Other thousands isiore sons is apt to have a cancepilott Sf the people are to be free from aero, wounded or taken prisoners, of cvllecriptian Barite dilxeietll Yrmha s menrii a at m3]itarism, those must thus potting them out of service, and that of the man who, hila It 8,g . er fou a pride of culaatiy anis a'liational a great Many others, after it long nor grandson to oMrtrr*U& tiles #sit of patriotism that will provide period in the trenches, require neat latter class Should be mo$erate and an recuperation.- :, d do their ]i uta considerate rbc blalnrcelt - men, -.moats anPa o ssad 1 ills ora PY sal wash the 'least poselble do• They call to its for a further sup- ori the subject Tilaase of us wii; l 11 Whenever they may be -needed to ply of men to fill the gaps In their do• like mysarf, have seen all our r" Via. p,oted ranks, and failure to rSs otlii tl. military age o ev the rights and liberties of the P yes of m � g g et•soaa, sage sin all ottivens bowing their has to that call would not Only lee a last- who have o1�� rlenced the siltiaea�s eotive shares of the buaden, as tug disgrace to Canada, but might be leas and sepi'4ion, canniot help nearly as possible In lute proportion, a matter oP no small moment in de- ing carnpiesftm for the pareeto ✓bAt fila outbtsak of file Present war, Genniurng the outcome of the aiPectlon Sar tlislr son. males. ttrd tParitaln's navy was Toady anis the struggle, ! exaggerate the tbVor% at r,tnhalry " ` •lend'ld aahievetriants a that Arora of A7thatigh we are remote from the vleo, but for the young ntep ` snore of conflict, and, therefore out selves there is no .vch Pee2Ksa ,**1 services, savant a. Most dial a situ- of direct touch with its horrors, it is cause, it, bio( of at for aH[4iet1 `a' n64aatmi fIt alit with moat serious darn- Absurd to aeguute that our it serest In havlilg lidwe 113 th0 r, vrfi9 alway. b0 a gdurob of graft• thi! plttoome is diperent in ally degree ds On vrhdch re) d,inatfA kaltiam and prtado but tpc rcguNy I that ��tt'ae�q 10forces oAnaweto d of a Sam ban& rand at, of EWY of the other pe000 li7I Ciel ti" taatti4bliat to yedb."'mos qk men, SUNAitieat Mr tllc oP the lhntanto Attlee, It; by Area �ia.y t ' _mal bo caestr VA4enanc of el<or at ban4o and it ohaiGoaI tho omirtA l!'o�a "IMl(,OtM11E1t '[it r M %fir, wrduet e { Aecautia Brdtahin reel. de Add'K insbeernnim ,f o ofta a m semltmXe. m f��•�_ . ttgr ., -. eer 11re0�Otn t+raslidaT Ali , ;e > h a Pr shin Of Cats?ek � � . r ,r M bfcrtilnae t at. 1 ge y Vfrottld bet under the thumb of . error burdon that ry Hes lYtdir, )@pldrrirs si,ellld he grganisad, aqutli• _..._ �__..x..-.n t4. �i. . I E•' IN FRANCE. I , TH» 6C INT'ON NEW ERA. MAJOR 13RODER Mc7'AGGART.' if �,�•� y 4 . $, RIOU$LY 1144. Jft$td'74. Mr, O D' .Mc i Igg It t receht ed lyurll ibis we. k fila( ItYs eldest sot,, MajDlWi Broden Mg'J iggari, who teas reparl•; MIGHT fifffiff ad wounded list week is now serious- Could anything foe mmt tryirgr ly' 111: sale more exhaustiltg P Peps will a The n,au4' friends of file family will and It i 7['ha ll lne vapor breathed tho e (hitt nothirg serious will hapf,en dos,•ratllcafrpassngeswlicnaPeps s' sof ec 1 di s v 1 it the mouth r Moves 1 r) A U 4 V th15 vaunt DJltcer ttid that ha nay soon theirrltatia7n,soolhesthcinflnmed IleIlio his usual good health, place and stops the cough, 1Vlr. :fg11n D.Sept of Little OtSBRUGGE, GERMANY'S SUB, NEST Current, oat., says: "I `vas troubles( with an irritating cough that kept ene awake at nights. Gerinanv herself knew how Import- Nothing %'tools; gave me relief tat at tole Zeei,rug'ge wi)uld play in until I used :Pelts. This wonder• the present war Kittle. Yet even to- fuibretathe-able remedy, however) stay. niany a follower 'of the war has; entirely rid me of tltecough. io asthtuu bronchitis, 1 aar n• hardly knows where to find ?ee- ifis, sore thraat and clds use lu'utge al Hie map. It is the Brat- Pep , 1$11 dealers. 000. bo:.. Ash fleet, however, tlhat,kno,vs what Zeebrugge means, and the only lea I• son that the :Halos( 0011 moons born j, w+ Wfirdnlent of the port has never c ' done satlicient dcutlage is that Get ts`"' I . many has given to Zeebrugge a won- t 1 1,+ derful system of defence. Many times • lauding . D British t , f a ;gypp x11 trorrp's• on the Belgi;m arisf' has beau considered, but Enigluttl has experienced at tremendous costs —.-__ _.. __-.___ what it landing means, be it in Gal- lipoli or it) Belgium.. So it has been of the engineer -hi -shelf who had decided that the evacuation of the been w ch r• w of Ute works He Belgium coast by German troops, was t Refwe,tee in Holland, Tlih> it). however important it is, caul be the riders ohlbred film a royal satary, result only of a well -organized co. but he proudly ,replied that Ids ser - u vices Were out for sale r tile en- operatiou of laatd and sea fords, , t a e t +. pounding from opposite directions, enlieS .of his eountry and Owt he it is to be hoped that the recent would rather See his life. wort. de- trains Sn Flanders justify the pros-' stroyed that) think it was of the pest of success for such co -opera- least assistance to a nation of tion, tllleveS " The 2115wer was one of 0 The hi,,;tory of Zeebrugge is inter- the many bitter pills administered _ estiug from Other standpoints than to Germans it) the. form of blunt but the present strategic one. Less than heroic reslfunses from nelglans 20 :ears ago It tuns composed only tempted faith money. a time, however, ut n few miserable fishing huts. Its In du l l v ever, .ihr,u,�h creation as it maritime port. was due [lie clever engineers of her ,Awn, the to the ambitions of King Leopold of German; touud means to make the Beigtlun. Antwerp ryas the only harbor of use fur submarine traffic. BehAan port for export • nd import. More and more subntarices, built it is not even a seaport, fe)r it is sit- at the Brutes yards. found their uated oil the Scheldt river. and with way along tite Cala( to their new boats can reach the sea only at base. Flushing, distant a trip of more Nowadays, when the news has than live hours, a period sometimes been sprad that Cernha nk, is will - much increased by the delay clue to Ing to '•exchange" Belgium in an the itch, Besides, FluShing is a eventual peace diacus5iun, is is in- , e esti, reflectu u i 1 ui •t t 1 t the Ill o u 11 i Deft( r t I nisi town, .0 t thus is tier ft m1, I Antwerp to the sea is an interna- u, v," w expressed by fire German n +. tiontd one. ' To the west is a strip otli,;e nxi,fioned .above. It may t of sea where Ostend was the big- have i ,it i dt, an individual opnl- gest Belgian port, but her maritime Ion, but there is no, doubt that Ger- aetivitleS were limited to a single inane, the nation of miliUristil, ;u - line to Dover, a line of small Sun_ taches tremendous import it" ,:0 to portancc. the strip cif Belgian coast oppneite Not far from Ostend is Bruges, England. pertain it is that Gar - now a dead city, but once a treat many will evacuate that coast oitly harbor called the "Venice of the at the point of tine sword. But the North." That was hundreds of years sword is drawing nearer and neiw'er. ago and where the harbor was once are now' fertile ploders sur - roundest by dikes. ,King Leopold, in 00)SSCsCQOt`DeODQ+il"QOC'�OO'SM O,b Ills dreams, saw the resurrection of iJ a; I Bruges, if once more it could ' be ct linked. with the sea.' It was a ire- Local News s e mendous scheme. Besides, it had �8> &l �YK e political advantages, which got for him tile' assistance of file party then rs ea e in power the Catholic party o• Con- ase.l9e&aSO� ®�k3@flsS et�BlsaE9616cr 411 serrttives. Antivar was 't eantre of p Buys First Victory Bond, •„•. l Amar rce cl hsnl aS vai as of cc a ,.c. I11 a well Flanders was Catholicand Coliser- Air, Gurdon Cunnmghanle has the dis- vative, but was agricultural without tinction of being the first buyer it) Clin- InternatUnal commerce. An interna- ton of the Victory War (hind. tional harbor ort Catholic Flanders guys Old Home. . h supremacy of tb would reduce the e Lil•eral centre, Antwerp, Air. A. J. Holloway ills purchased the Work started tit Zeebrugge. An hoose and tot, owned by lens mother, immense wall was built, stretcllint, and will continue to reside there. It into the sea nearly two miles and is a good piece of property fold well forming a tremendous shelter. All situated. along it were installed powerful . cranes. Big warehouses were con- Gets Promotion, .strutted it) anticipation of a big busi- ness. The pilot building was greater Lieut. Saunders, who was here with than that at Antwerp, and it seemed the S. A, Corps, prior to going to as if king Leopold's dream would Sealorll), has been pronated to a cane true. But it teas proved that Captain and is now stationed ;it It harbor movement could not lie Wailaceburg. transferred by the stroke of a pen, 1)r Another Soidier Home. Antwerp was nourishing more (heti lie ever. Her import and export figures On Wednesday evening of this week Na re ver • year, while ea ships 31 t r - etv a ea t s the h tie Pipers, idon with h e !.- ) Y 1 p t the sculls to Zeebrugge. ception committee and citizens at large t Other difficulties arose. Time after w•alcome Pte. Harwood, to tows,. The time sand filled file harbour, and at- , Idier is not a fellow -townsman in one must continuous dredging was neces- sen;e, as lie enlisted with the 125th Sary. Only one Steamship line estab- Battalion front Brantford, but his wife iished itself at 7_eebrugge, rtinning a is a Clinton girl, Formerly Miss Oliver boat, to (lull (England) ttvtcc a week, and that only in summer, the • The Victory Loan. vacation season. Now and again a lit small heat would rult lit looking as if With hist s blowing, win ,'Itlmau and ole (nrp whistles l+!Drying, many people it wits a mistake. Finally the Bel- oil Monday morning thought some Snh- gians became acccuston,ed to the portant vlctory had been won by the Idea that 7.eebrugge we., at failure, Allies or Peace declared, liowet'er it th and a very expensive failure. And XV,lS the annoat)cement that the first wf when Germany took . possessiun of start of the lord campaign fur the ar Zeebrugge the Belgians said, "After Canadian victory Loan was made. ,all, it is a good filing, as 'Zeebrugge De is no good." Will Move to Town. cal n r course r�•mxnv experienced . e ,el 1 , ea Air, 'n,i. ,i *ti , h' Huron .l Rol,(, Cit tit. c the It t r. ty S' ' 1' • about Salld the ,oma du,eulfies alto the which constantly filled the harbor, Road, nu:u Almt lteaidly diSposad of spi and she tied to entnge the services his fill -Ill to \Vm l c Ss of RirKillop, and th gives up pos'•esston oti the 3oah ;11r. --- v vui nlrs. Glbhiilgs and family will move th to t,,mi, halving tolled the brfcic house a 1 S ,car.. 1 .F`l 'F '"Tl nil h':Ittenbur,v ;t, from .)Jr. J. GlbhYttrs, elft =�t�E _' g' lira Cilll,in+ls tray b„tn ;nisi liyai his . � ,.1E k. fi L� whole life in the Alma selilemant. We het welcome them to town. sta � u i;. ? 1 01"I" ��S lair. Mi,;�-1{ tht ed ' I rl VrF+0 Q:,: Ng A Eacl Accident. Ito Oil hlund.ty shorlh attar one ti clock. A» a distressing accident tool: place near lilt the big mill, when Nir. John Garrick's tha COULDSLEEP �r tr•�+ hone rani away, and threw, him out wa tpOULD 107. ti "13 t1 l reAing his lel,, just above tile boot un top. The injured man was taken -•-- home nod the three doctors were called of upon to dress the break. it was a ver), tro '.Che constantbarlcingcoughthal,slicks bad break, the bone protrudingihrough to you in spino of everything you have foe skin. mx. Carrick will he laid up l'c)r soma time, done to relieve it, fs a source of danger. The longer the cough stays, the more .A LET -:ER FROM COL. COMBS I wrio is menace it is to your stealth. IN FRANCE. it is easy to chocka, cough at the out- - ' ° '+ ° - petwithDr.'Vood'oNorwayPhicSyrup. Area Commandant Duissus, .If you have let it run though, it takes `a Dated 27-10-17. while longer to cure, but Dr, Wood's J. Leslie Kerr, Norway Pine Syi•up will mute it even Clinton, 0111", then after otlier remedies have failed, Dear Sir. --I notice in your issue it South River, Mr. J. Item Landry, Sot l e Jr :� u that Capt. i. P C. Dwn who 1. t o I • i o (sari• G S well t and whit t I,t Batth was Burgcois,N.S, writeit;—'lruceivedsueh #troth 171', Woed's Norwfl'y returning' o Fuat-benefit ine Syrup that 1 cannot help expressing my thanks. I suffrred with a huelcing, I know the unfortunate position an e unfortunate returning d;t and who cough for over a u,onth, and could not at night. I used many kind, of ,ills n( fol le roll has not been to Ute iron( is placed in i would ask the, people of Clinton and sleep remedies, j)ut they didn't do me any good posit l uNed 'Dr. wood's,' and ,if Searorth to withhold ally unjust criticism,, 1 assure you he is the via iouncl great relief Agiitc the Start' till of crcuntsttllt.es . When i com- ,fr,om I only used two bottles, and was earn- mended the 'total Canadians, i knew plet,ely eared, I w.fll never be without C%apt• Tovn in be a capable, etiicient 1t as lone; as T live.." old enelc;etic officer, Aflcr I had gone i yet reached their !loll., fait tar Cti;- to France tie wrote' file from ills re - There are a nnmbor of substitutes at serve unit, sayNgf "I will serve under the market for Dr. Wood's Norway Piffle you in any capacity." At that .time i Syrup, so what yott ask for it see t:llat9t unfortunately had frothing to offer, e•t a ro 1s p,fl; lip in a yClleti wrapper; three pit lle 'l Town been allowed t r. d C 4 olv a s al tad o a U 111F `shit for it short time inng , trees the trade Illark"Pil ze. and or, 1 could have found him emproy- rViii. and that lb bears ale name, The T. lfl• 1JJ1ftlllAVltlI meat ill (Ile -battle wale, and Ivjtla the barn Co., Limited, Toronto, Oat, -_. army with which l ant I,Ow Set_—, , .,..... 0 IIAQE 4" �; :'r 7� q,J9 � KeepT%NIOUr - - -1110, W toy Dr I 11 . by weirink' a .pail' Of our "Guarante-ed to Give Satisfaction" RLibbers. We carry a full line oil "Consolidated and Miner" Rubbers to tit any shoe,. Shoe. Specials for Friday and Saturday. 30 pairs Men's Heavy Split 1 ILIC11 r, well made and goof( solid stock. A shoe that will stand lots of .good hard wear. Sizes G to 1 o worth ,53.75. Special price . . . ... . ...... $3.10 35 pairs Mon's heavy High top Blucher, Black or Tan, Solid stock ' tl p ld stl .i d a proper cos '1 o• p l good 1()e for the Iver Fall weather. Sizes G to in, Worth SG 5x1, Special price ...... , . ,$5.50 Buy a pair and Qsave the price of- w pair of Leggings. We have also it lot of broken lines clearing at very at- tractive prices. Lot tis tit you with a pair'. . r.'tit.6McpS.•Calf'.1•n,r1+1:."_Tr&e.'lm`.'LY12hf2..A?FeL.=7LF ?«S' -t Mli.h.:^RS'F •xh` MVA"Me O y. t �,-4� u Y' ,+, 13 Al y Y 10 ". Ei r �' Y. �0yp��� q��y �i C. ' R� f `�f w � i i.� •a •. 5,11.111 1'r�f-n llholtd _'15. Hore f3usineas td a,.. 1.,,s,d It e fly st e r }„rt, 14 .1TUatea aC me juncture at the. old river channel and the now, the. former forming i l the still navigable rt o Shaft -el -Kat Canal, Rowing into the 1 I r �ta� ! is Euphrates. The Tigris and the Eu- nhrates r l which approach within v�f<' • ,(). Good �+ thirty-five miles of each other at Bagdad, are nearly 100 miles a t ,, , L apart at this point. At Basra they con- y ,t.o ..-� t r Ww v in ,• i • • :z x ., verge and form the Shatt-el-Arab, sixty tai f Y les from the Persian e o scan Gulf. e , .' `'� .urc"'�"� air "�.+9��3, "All of the meagre accounts which ..;T" j � �tx' have come from this roue of the war Reined �y' in recent months have emphasized 1 4Lrjj dY the e s ' t ttffettt" vlfrh b•> � t t.. h, v s waters g s , . . isn't r'1 purgative. have caused h •, the (ante r...n trao s n. 1?nhappily, thns�) suffc•rtll:u I•avr not ,IiLS`L ,guile the contrary. i yet reached their !loll., fait tar Cti;- 1 ris, which begins to rise is fo,;,,i- It makes purgatives un- b l (ler, is not at tate ma*:lmtI:tl •,tn• I until the latter part of Mwiv. :: halt necessary by keeping I the plains bneome vast rt:,rr;`'1nn4s the liver lively, ,,.till the Inland sea is dolicd v+till ;.,..- lands of date pairs grovc-% "Ial�e small doses regu= , sof f t-�i-massa larly—a larger dose only vicinit"When itrit).:.the at if you're sureyou need it. the rate of four mile.•; all I:our and brings down from the hca.1wctt'.r;3 shays been the 1 quantities of mud, whirls hall:• -:'s: t, it I in banks and Shoals in tht rtvor b,^i3, rule of hearty, sprightly, iAa happy 1 resulting it) ft•equeut ellallgaa is tae folies for 50 years. channel, "Numerous abandoned renals - , , CARTERS weave 'their Way through this serticat Mesopotamia I ITTLE of and through the country lying to the north-west of IO/ER ,he 'Tigris, between the river and the PILLS foothills of Persia. ._- ,� ceaulne Sears 'Signature "In a s former age i s landext0na system made this laud a won- won- derful garden of fruits and flowers, - - -' -''s' Centuries of disuse have caused the g canals to become elicited «rill]: slit I Colorless faces often show t w an s a re. u e yr f o r tit iii --ah u f r-.S..Le ._1 tar o the the absence of Iron in the- snSo Prtidtictiva district Into mlasma- blood. '11 tic marshes, which are a mon;•,ee to I -- / CARTER'S IRON PILLS health, ,, "When the veterans of the (tut -el - will help this condition. ! Amara campaign return to England a large percentage will bear as scar% ' nP the siege, the deep, disfiguring; Bagdad date mark' or 'Aleppo but- ton,' a painful, but not dangerous 1 say as a soldier ha merits your disease prevalent in Slesopotamfa. and' not censure, far the sacri- The 'mark' is a boil which attacks I! of time and the energy lie dis. the face, neck, hands, and 801PS, of, yed. the feet. Natives are said to escape I beg to remain, iv ith o no sore, as a rule, but Eul•op- YDar very truly, Sans often are afflicted with several, which c do no heal cal Yor ti • Pnr. The ' S a li B. C NiBE. Lt. -Col. o r mark„ are of two varieties, t nuoties, tho mate Area Commandant, Slid the female, the first a dry, Eealy ___..,,.�.,-__-_. sore, the other a running boil. If the suivivors'should be called upon to NOW ON THEI IVI AT. mane a second campaign through • •--•- • Asiatic Turkey in years to come they it-cl-:Ainava, Voruterly Insignifl- wilt be immune, as the 'button' sel- cant, Him Attained Importance. data appears a second ttnra on tt:•e "Tho remarkable achievement. of salve person," English General, Tovnsheud, in I - thstanding the serge of the TurIEIsh .vine tierinans an flour. at'Kut-el-Amara .Ince early it) early The stcry of a Britisll sntoor valla comber will ensure Lhis hod biotech' In a well Slid ptektd off 1 It tewn, Willett is situated or the tcorrs of t ermans Is related by ;a correspondent horny front t.h(I Long. batik of the Tigris Iilver, a con- The sniper• ryas e corporal, s,,l,i ont. C11O11. lalCn 11 ill, •'., 11 /l I 3 l ,.regia) l I 3 to annoy the enemy. Ile s•�lrr•l d a t y„ world 1 war v - d v t1 f c l� 11 D .' i n tile iSi. tY <f " a. nil hid L<> •• lv 11 o v • c r •,� r t nn ki••t �I, • Iitth• barrier tit' onrtb in fl n ,,' great Struggle is writt. n," says I bio. Aero he instapoll Most Il i';!,. 11110111 of the :rational Ueographi- 1 tri days, doing drndly work, Ore Society of Watibington. 1morning he brougit flown till f,.w'r '13et'ory till, Mifllish army was • than nine Grrntirns it) lot hour. anted alt )•.• lt• ul ti rti un caltby cottliu£; 135 thr il a 1 , ' f t rl t t night l+r I•;:,: tion for s'enturrs plying between i grown l,ag+.ad aur( "nervy.•' li , great. (lale,porC of llaerit and tLe dozed n little, Inngor than usual and portant city of Bagdad, Rut-til_ -aNvoke, shivering at. dawn. To 1,1s Mira, 100 mllos south-east of the dist»ay he found his w•hercal,qul in at, city, was nothing moire or legs, the well had liven discovered. A it one of the myriad out -of -tilt- fair-hairrd Cermnn gloat atom in y places 'to fortune and to fame Cllr grass 40 yards away. Ilceov;r- known.' tug himsc,lY, tho corporal promptly 'The town, which at the beginning shot him dead. A few hours later the war was a Turkish post con- Ile urns relieved. (ling the lower reaches of the TSg- . -•h �a.. /'e i". ,,,t r,N a,m t'j P7 '`t, a I ,..� i7 f. �r , vlla;j �{i m•„ i - .,-.',• i ,� ,: Iii 1"' lj t k y , i Fi y, Zt, 1, t . C'lsVtA ,-vxl%ia,','—R, 'LLw'1_Cf o. aj w:.)n.A I , magic oil t t r,:: , t 1,l;') -,:,t1% c r i .i. t tie Tt's'rich, pure, sparldm„ ,in i t , %,,i, 11 ,n„o Labatt flit woo that nll.es y.0 t I i ,',It 1 tc , r „ tt( 1•evorage: I?. ill n ( t tui t t 'c ,u,. ft 0.11i: . dic lAb of tai, ,(•Cllr Drink all you tyattt, Labatt's Special,Alii is as }gore as the mountain brook. . YOUR.ELL I Also on nate; it gtfos, irotelaa and In. ease lots dliva from the 1lrewery, .1 IJOHN • �'ESTASLISHEb Wift 82 1.01 0661, ONT., slid No. 4 St. Rdlen Street, MONTREAL I ,