HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-11-15, Page 5• ThorklRy, Nbvernber 1,50, i917. t' t"""
Our reeding Plant has opened for
`the season, and from now on We will
be in the market for all the poultry
you. liave for sale.
Poultry will be taken in every Wed-
nesday horning at 1'lolmesville and
(every day at Clinton.
Special prices will be
Paid for pro-
perly Yfinished milk -fed chickens over
S lbs each.
Gunn-bangiois & Co., Limited
The up-to-date Firm
Clinton Oraneh Phone 190
N. W. Trewartha, Manager
or Flolnlesville 4 on 142.
See and here our finest Ir
New Stylish designs of
Doherty Pianos and
pceaa1 values in Art 1-
4 ►
Pianos and organs rent
ed. Ohoice new Edison
phoilogio,hs, Music &
variety Cents.
MUSIC E31p(L ttlltl
C. Hoare
Iwerepreer re;'rwDwrvervvvvv9a7v9'v
IAAA mete, ekeeanncmwnnnAwnnd°rwt eeee
is the time to have your
Furnace overhauled or a new
one installed.
A number of second hand
stoves in good repair.
Electric Wiring and Fixtures
aw....,.,,,-..,, Sassirs.. fear,
yam & Sutter
Plumbers and Electricians
Phone 7.
yVpAWesve . dvseseaseoNbeJY'Aeee eeee..,,,,
Better Pay
The Price
Don't he tempted to choose cheap
jewel, ry. Pal' better to pay a fair
price and know exactly what you
are getting,
Yon will never be sorry -fm' as a
matter of money, it is easily the
most economical.
That has been said en often that
everybody by this time should
know it -and yet there is ne
scarcity of cheap jewelry in the
Now to gat personal -If you would
like to miss that sort,ttltogether-
:If you wonlit like to buy where
nothing but high qualities are
dealt in -COME HUES:
And even at that, no person ever
said our mines were unfair
e e cunt r
Jeweler and Optician;
suer al Marriage Licenses
We're now selling Timothy Seed
(Government $tandem.),
We tarso have on hand, Alfalfa,
i&iieth.e, and Red Clover.
'tVe always have en hand Goeae
' Invent, Pose, llatrleq and Peed Corn
' $ileettert Market Prises paid for Ban
Mull Silt Grains,
re113 MeLEOD
6111 l RIMONig
Lo117E Ci.Cbi TL(lTO
t e NotaryPublie
Commissioner, ete.
issuer of Marriage Lloenees,
Huron tat„ Clinton.
Notary Public, Conveyancer,
, Financial and Real Eletete
INSURANCE AGENtit--tlepresenting 14 lire In
serene° Compauies,.
Division Court Olglce.
Piano Tuning
Mr, James Doherty wishes to is -
form the public that he
is r
Pered to do fine piano tuning,
tone regulating, and repairing,
Orders left at W. Doherty's phone
e1, will receive Prompt attention,
M. G. Cameron, K.C.
Semester, Solicitor, Conveyancer, ilto
Oflice on Albert Street, occupied by
Mr. Hooper. In Clinton on every
Thursday, and on any day for which
appointments are made. Ciiice hours
from 0 a,rn. to 0 p m. A good vault in
connection with the office. (Moe open
every week day, Mr, Hooper will make
any oppointmentsfor Mr. Ctlmeron.
iDR r;. 'tif. TUOMFSON
Phyeieien, Surgeon. bite
aneotal attention given to diseases of the
payo. Ear. Throat, and Nose,
Eyes • Orally samiued, and suitable glasses
Ounce and Residence.
ewe dooree west er rite Commercial note
Huron at,
&lids, /i11tiN and I.A,klill:lt
Dr. W. Gunn, L, R. C, n'.. L. At. 0.
Dr, Cuun's oatoo et residence High Street
ler J /1, uneater. 1).A. 111.1),
oalbe -Ontario Street, Clinton,
Night orals at residence, Rattenbnr. St,
or at hoapitai .
DR. 1te. Pl. AXON
crown and uvulae Work 0 Specialty.
Graduate or C.O.D.S,.. Chicago. and R,O,D.Ih
fiat field on Mondays, !Nov 1s1 10 r)
Mao IL Ftil9WILE4t,
OtEoee over O'NEIL'S store,
Special care taken to make dental trews
.oanr as painless all possible.
Live stock and general Auction ser
X.51.0:5 Gales a anemia/. tildet8 sr e
Naw tate orrice, ram. e,y Littera.
tu. Terms reasonable. Clinton,'Partnere' sale not.
DIPS. Geo, t&, M. E. Whitley
`e iS1
�ifd 1 et9lal.
Osteopathic l'hy.
Speciseists in Women's and
Children'e Diseases
Acute, Chronic, and Nervous
Eye Ear, Nose, and Throat.
Office-Rattenbauy Hotel.
Tuesday and Friday, 7 to 11 p.m.
G. D. Mc aggart M. D. MoTaggat
jW e is eL"a.", .?'(.t�i z 5f z Bras,
General Banking Bnninaeas
Lrofta issued. Entereet allowed n
The Meigillop Mutual
File Insurance t2ue
Peres and Isolated Town Fraolre
eety Only insured.
Hetet IDiliee-i4eaforlh. Ont
J. Connolly, Godericit„President; Jas.
Evans, Beechwood, Vice -President;
Thos. E. Hays, Seaforth, Secretary -
Alex. Leitch, No. 1, Clinton; Edward
Hinchley, Seaforth` Wm. Chesney, Eg-
mondvIlle; J. W. 51e•, Goderich; R. G.
Jarmuth, Erodhagen.
Wm. Rhin, No. 2, Seaforth; John Ben..
neweis, Brodhagen; James Evans, Beech-
wood; M. McEwan, Clinton; James
Connolly, Godericb; D. P. McGregor,
No. 3, Seaforth; J. -G. Grieve, No. 4,
Walton; Robert Ferris, Harlock; Geo.
McCartne, No. 3, Seaforth.
A Carman of Canada
P011iNg CC MI
Pll lido, us tor prates
it will pay y011
John Hutton
Shirtwaists can frequently be cut
down to be used in the dresses of small
Business and
Westervelt Scho
A: `Building
Loddon', Ontarli 71,
College to Sessl'7rn Sept; '1st to J
Catalogue Free. C Enter any -thing
._,.1 W. Westervelt, Principal
Boar Nr, Editor -I suffered for years
with backache, Last March I tried
"Amide" dnuric and have usedt hien w kid-
ney medicine reoently discovered. by
Dr. Pierce, and it was wonderful the
way it eased the pain and gave me
relief in Such a short time. I have
tried several medicines, but OAnurioe
id the only one that gave satisfaction.
I feel it my duty to recommend
5Annrie Tablets') to any one who Gaffere
as I did,
(Signed) MBs. MABOARli'T E. SNIDER.
NOTE: Folks in town and adjoining
counties are delighted with the results
they have obtained byusing'(ANURIC,"
the newest discovery of Dr, Pierce, who
ie head of the INVALIns I3OTIEL and
SvnaxaAL INSTITUTE, in Buffalo, N. Y.
Those who started the daywith a back-
ache, stiff legs, arms and consoles an
oe s d d
an achinghead (worn out before the +
day began because they were in and out
of bed half a dozen times at night) are
appreciating the perfect rest, comfort
and new strength they obtained from
Dr. Pierce's Anuric Tablets. To prove
that this ie a certain uric acid solvent
and conquers headache, kidney and
bladder diseases and rheumatism, if
you've never used the ('Anuric," cut
this out and send ten cents to Doctor
Pierce for a large sample package. This
will prove to you that ('Anuric" is
thirty-seven tithes more active than
lithia in eliminating uric acid -and the
most perfect kidney and bladder cor-
rector. If you are a sufferer, go to your
best druggist and ask for a 50 -cent box
of eAnuric." Yon run no risk for Dr,
Pierce's good name stands behind this
wonderful new discovery as it has for
the past half century for his "Golden
Medical Discovery," a general tonic
made from roots with pure glycerine
which makes the blood pure, his "Fa-
vorite Prescription" for weak women
and ((Pleasant Pellets" for liver ills.
Lesson VII.—f ctr,'ih Quarter, For
1L, 1317.
Text of the Losson. Nan. i:. ;-11—Mtem-
ary Ver::ea, Test, Matt.
7—Comolental y il, ci%.0 '1..1 by Rev,
D. M. Stearns,
Cool inu!l,;t tray toil o:'tur in Prayer
to reel U, ih 111(11 tr.1) d,.ty for hu op-
!nr. ilu:!ly to speak to the k!i,g, 11 final-
ly came. 1t is NU utt('It easier to rt:'teh
thu Eine of kings (hal it Is to 01(5(1 na-
ter, 10 ur uhta!ll :t L:'arin from su(e
earthly p'dulllte, yet t:n,l netts hmuaa
iuvlrutuoutulit)' fu IIis utast time and
w'tn•. The hinder was en 'warily upon
Ilm hear). of No:tentluh that he could
l-low,to make a creamy beauty lotion
for a few cents.
The ,juice of two fresh ('thous strained
into a bottle eontniIi(l( three (mires of
ur,Lur.: white m„lca t1 whole quarter
pint "f the most reuau•Isahle 1, man skin
benutitiot' ut 15(01:t Um cost ane Hurst
pay far a rrr:tll jar e? tl:.' or(linlry told
ere:um:, ran. %11,5(!4 br nal:' n to strain
ti'' 1..... a ,jnico teen e s fine cloth so
no 1011151 1 0lp get, 1:. th• It thin lotion
will keep fresh for Months. I?very
woman knows that 1 ••11 (1 ,joie,. is used
to bles,4t :ruf rea:•0 •..1, 1,1•ulis',cs es
flrck3 ' selloltn'..:.; ,cul ten nae is
ter le,o1 ;tee sou::. :, wI itrne'r 5111,1
..'1st t:•)• it! (!et three om:ros of
or:lutrd whito at len•' chow mor• and
two tenons from the grocer rind make up
it quarter pint of this sweetly fragrant
lemon lotion and costo, ft daily into titulars :out terms of Canada's Victory
Mit, ear Kane months of waiting; le,
prods bis eadrless even in the premien
of the king, for he was the king's enp.
hearer (1, 11; 11, 1), The king °been',
ed tt and said; "Thou art not sick.
What Is this sorrow of heart!” Re re,
plied that be could not help being sad
When the city of hie fathers was waste
and the gated eonsumed with lire.
Isaiab had written long before: "Zion
le a wilderness, Jerusalem a desolation.
Our holy and our beautiful house,
where our fathers praised Thee, is
burned ep with, fire, and all our pleas -
and things are laid writs" (Ida. Ixii,
10, 1:1).
Now that the captivity was over and
many had returned and the temple
had' been rebuilt and dedicated the
wall was stili, in ruins and the city
delegate and a reproach;
and kv as
Oda w
thep urden upon
rt of Ne
b a the he
s he-
tnlah. hen
W the king nnkod him what
he desired, In the same moment he
spoke to God in heaven and to the
earthly king before whom he was'
standing (verses 4, 5). This we can
all do, and it we always talked with
God before talking to people how chi.
feront our words would often be! He
asked the king to send hien to Jeru-
salem that he might build the city
(verso 5). The king asked him bow
long he would be gone and when he
would return, and when Nehemiah set
a tinge it pleased the king to send him
(verse 0). If the queen sitting by
the king was Esther, its is probable,
it will help us to understand many
things. Yet we do not need to under-
stand as much as we need to see the
good hand of God upon him to grant-
ing his request and providing the
wherewithal to rebuild the city (verses
7, 8). 1 am reminded of two of my
favorite texts in Phil. ii, 15, and Isa.
Ixiv, 4, 11. V.
"It is God who worketb," "A God
who worketh for him, who waiteth for
him." . The journey to Jerusalem, which
took Ezra and his company four
months to accomplish, is not consider-
ed nor referred to, except that the
king sent captains of the army and
horsemen with him (verses 9-11). This
does not seem to me to indicate any
less faith ou the port of Nehemiah
than on the part of Ezra, but Ezra
had said something very strongly
about God's care of His own without
human aid, and Ile felt that he had to
prove it, and he did, and the Lord
honored his trust. Nehemiah was just
as much a matt of God as (Ezra, but he
had made no boast that he 1'e1t com-
pelled to prove.
Let us not judge one another, hat
each for himself have faith in God and
prove it, Like Ezra, after he reached
Jerusalem, so Nehemiah spent three
quiet clays before he did anything
(verse 11; Ezra viii, 2). There are
different interpretations of the saying,
"He that believeth shall not make
haste" (Isa. xxl'iii, 111), but there are
surely times when we must go slowly
and very prayerfully. V*'itbout telltug
the priests or the nobles or the 1111008
what was in his heart to do he and
some few men with himn
w c t out by
night to look the matter over and get
a correct knowledge of the real condi-
tion of affairs (verses 12-16). Then he
laid before the rulers the reproachful
coudition of things, told them of the
good hand of God upon him and of the
king's commission and provision. So
they said, "Let its rise up and build,"
and they strengthened their hands for
the work (verses 17, 1S). As in the
story of Ezra, there are always some
outsiders who seem to want a share in
a good work and if not allowed to
help will do all they can to Milder. So
now we have the IIoronite, the Am-
monite and the Arabian exceedingly
grieved because some one bad come to
seek the welfare of Israel, and they
despised and laughed to scorn Nehe-
miah and his party and accused them
of rebelling against the king (verses
M9A "
>, rr;,lie+tc Kt: P �RF£lrT
ai'Je,.a BREAD
trip 4-vir;
1, d,: S1f1i Piwiko:044It751‘.1.. +t0.1itikilf
l to
saki them, �,,.
a are
servants of the Gal of heaven and t will
arise andi 1
bullZ stdw
a prosper
H will p1 per
us, but you have no part in this work
or in this city (verse 20). So they trot
to work priests and rulers and people,
men and women, merchants and tIpot lie -
Caries and goldsmiths, each one over
against his house (111, 8, 12, 17, 112, 23,
28, 29, 30, 31, 32), and I 15110 to nnth•e
that they began and ended al the
sheep gate (iii, 1, 32), for that romlulfs
me of°Him who is the Lauth of tee n
lamb for slaughter ami a sheep ,loch
before his shearers, who said to 11!a
disciples, "I send you forth its sheep
in the midst of wolves (John 1, "B:
Ida: 111i, 7; Matt. x, lin. Whatever is
begun in Him, on the ground or Ills
eacrlfce, will surely go throueli, Some
would not help in the work till, te,
but He cannot fail, whether Polka help
sr hinder, for Ile shall not 51,3 me 1:a
rltscouraged (Toa. xlii, 4t,
Barber C_red
Subserlption stooks will be open oat(
Monday, November 1Zt for five, len and
twenty -veal' bonds, dated 1st Decem-
ber, 1917, interest payable half -yearly
1st of June and 1st December, Bonds
Will be In delioplin,U)ons its low as 1550,
The of t e
"I 1. pricethe.new w lo• i 1par
e iloan s to he p
-,- 0o cents n the dollar—for
r o
1 GnS ien/o
bonds, with the privilege of spreading
the payments over a period of llve
months in ntlotithly instalments. In
view of this privilege of spreading the
payments, and so a full six months' In-
terest will be paid tate purehasers on
June. "1'si,, 1918,. the bonus of interest
thus allowed will reduce the price, so
(hat the bunds yield the investor 5,61
% on the twenty-year bonds, 5.68%
on the ten-year bonds, and 5.8 1 % on
the live -year bonds. Phis loan will
starry conversion privileges into future
issues, and will be free of any present
or future Dominion taxes, including in-
coiite telt.
Holders of Dominioniof C
ada de-
benture stock, due O`tu
er 1Si 1909, )
and of fonds of the three preceeding
Dominion of Canada War Loan issues
have the privilege of surrendering their
bonds in part payment for subscript-
ions to bonds of this issue under the
following conditions:
Debenture stock due October 1st,
1919, at par and accrued interest,
War Loan Bouts, clue December 1st
1925, at 97 ee (Ind accrued interest,
The two foregoing will be accepted
in part payment for bunds of any of the
three nutturities of this Issue.
War Loan Bonds, due October 31st,
1931, at 97% and accrued interest,
War Loan Bunds due March 1st,
1937, at 96 and accrued iliterest.
These will be accepted in part pay-
ment for bonds of the 1937 ntaturtty
only of this issue.
Cniictr en Cry
fEczema 5cze a Only Bona -fide Dealers Will be Able
Generously Tells Others How
Cure Was Effected.
Toronto, Out., November 1•1—Nn
one is better qualified to judge of
treatment for skin troubles than the
barber. Ile finds his customers
bothered with barber's itch, pimples
and eczema and has his teen difficul-
ties in treating these conditions after
Mr, Lewis learned !Punt a eustunler
'rhoui t, r, C.h.o:e's tlitltntent. and when
he contracted eceenut, applied this
treatment vith most satisfactory re-
sults. Ile i. naturally enthusiastic now
in reconum'nd!nc this ointment to any
nuc sulleriig from simili;u' skin
Alr. Go'1!:e Lewis, barber, 22021:.
Wellesley street, 'termite, writes: "1
was tar some time troubled with an
e5.entic eruption on the scalp and ob-
tained temporary relief by the use of
a tonic. About six months later little
blotches broke out on nn' face and the
doctor 5008011nced the trouble to be
eczema, I heard of Ur, t;h:lse'0 tt9int-
ment through a customer who was
cured by this treatment after trying
many remedies 111 vain, so I beean the
use .t this ointment :Dud to a short
time the eczema entirely disappeared
10.01 n)y Pose and scalp. You can !m
;thine nit' relict. as I ant a barber by
trade and havin,; a lace covereii with
pimples or blotches was not conducive
u. food business. I shall take erets
ple:eure in reev mmencline Dr. Chase's
1tiutment to any eustonters with facial
or other troubles of this nature."
Dr. C'hase's Ointment. Doc a hex, at
all dealers, or Ednuutson, Bates & Co,
1,31(11ted. Toronto.
5lttawd, Nov. o.—Sir 'i'hnmas White,
Minister el I inancr, announces the par -
tits Save, neck, m•ms and bands. Loran ,n follows:
IA Yrri,.Y' (Rr % lti. ti," i dTNriL4"',.t'.
To Handle Tubers.
In order to protect the public
against speculation in the potato trade
all wholesale dealers will be registered
:t the ,,tlice of the Pool Controller
and will have to take out a license to
do business. Licenses will be issued
only to bona -tide dealers and the Latter
will be required to tile semi-monthly
statements showing their purchases,
sales and proti18. Legitimate dealer's
and wholesalers will have nrtihng to
fear front the regulations, but the tak-
ing tf unreasOual-de prutits between
Producer and consumer will not be
Representatives 0, the Departments
of Agriculture of Nova Scotia. New
Brunswick. Prince Edward IsLuld
Quebec :gut Ontario, acting as an ad-
viser); sub -committee of the Fruit and
Vegetable Committee el the Feed
Controller's office, were in session in
Ottawa last week considering the
potato situation. They reported their
finding's to the slain committee,
They estimated the surplus et pota-
toes in Nul'a Scotia at two million
bushels: in New Brunswick, two mil-
lions six hundred thousand bushels;
in Prince Edward isl:utd, three mil-
lion be:diets; in Ontario. 11 normal
crop; in Quebec, a shortage of two
million bushels. The surplus is not
due to a heavy crop per acre, but to a
largely increased acreage. As a smat-
ter of fact, the yield per acre is small,
and consequently the cost of produc-
tion is comparatively large.
The cost to the farmer of producing
a ,ht-puuud bat: of potatoes was esti-
mated as follows for the several Pro-
vinces represented:
Nova Scntia S1,05
New Brunswick 1.50
Prince Edward island , 0.00
Interim 1.30
Quebec 1,511
Children Ory
ORi t ntaserov
Gin Pins have ettatned astosndiag
euoceSe in the ratiooal treattaeset et
Itheuutatism, Pains in the P sclg,
Swollen, Joints, Urinary Troubles,
etc. Here is one instance --
"One Single Pill Gave Relief"
Pleseleville, oat.
"I suffered from Kittn.ey Trouble ler
several years, and tried numerous reme-
dies and srescrtptiooe without perman-
ent relied, my ease beteg Cbronie. T
decided to try Gin Nils.
One single pt11 mi ve me greet relief.
I Have now token four boxes of Gin pine
cold find myself completely cured. No
more bad humour—increase in weight—
clear eyes—fresh colour --more strength
and vigour. This is what Gin Pills have
done for me."
Gin Pills sell for 50o a box or 6
boxes for $2.50,at all good dealers.
Sample free if you write to National"
Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada,
Limited, Toronto; or to
U.S. address, Na-Dru-Co., Inc.,
202 Main St., Buffalo, N.Y. 115
70,000 Autoes in Ontario
Official reports received in Toronto
' to indicate an increase of slightly more
than lifty per cent. in the number of
nee/mobiles le actual use in the Donde-
" i'n1 at the present tinge over the total
for 1916. According to statements
from the Provincial cities, the cars in
use in Canada nolo total approximately
1 76,000. The approximate total on
December 3 1, 1916, was 117,000, 00-
cerding le the (Alicia' statistics. This
makes an incraase this year to date of
59,6000 with three months of the year
to come. The Prteence of Ontario
continues to lead with a present total
of about 70,000 cars registered, as
compared with approximately 55,000
Iasi December,
e m q
Miss A. Windsor, Peterboro, Ont.,
writes: -"I have been sick for about
four years with pains in my head and
plains in my shoulders which I always
thought were caused by working outside
in the sun on the farm.
People told me that it •was my liver
bothering me, so I bought, three vials
of Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills, and
found that they were doing me gond.
I continued laking them until now I
am well anti strong. 1 ant very thank-
ful to you for my recovery."
ItIitburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are a
speeifio for all troubles arising fruit a
marhid st:ta of the liver, so keep it
active by the use of those easy-ar t:mg,
non -irritating little pills.
11Iilburn's Lath -Liver Pills are 25e. a
vial at all dralete or mailed direct, on
receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co.„
Limited, Toronto, Ont.
You will get One Hundred cents worth for every dollar you
spend in a Suit or Overcoat of
S -
and a little extra in the Style, Fit and Workmanship.
They are tailored to your (measure
ion guaranteed.
The Fall and Winter sail iples
selection now.
perfect fit and satisfact-
are there ---- Make your
The Morrish Clothing Co.,