HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1917-11-15, Page 4Thursday, Nbveinber 19i '` Poultry Wanted err Our Feeding Plant has opened for the season, and from now on we will be in, the market for all the poultry you. have for Poultry will be taken in every Wed- nesday morning et Holmesville and every day al Clinton, Special prices will be paid for pro - Indy finished milk -fed chickens over 5 lbs each. Gun-Laulois & Go,, 'Ailed The up-to-date Firm Clinton Branch Phone 190 U. W. Trewartha, Manager or liolinesville 4 on e42. AlItagt*At/slait AAAAAA da.aitgigallikaii4AL Pianos • 6pecial values in Art g. Cases See and here our finest New Stylish designs of Doherty Pianos and Organs, Pianos and organs rent ed. (Moir,. new Edison Music vari,.•t 2S), '31 s, it' aE:LE C. Ho re 1. -rtnrevvvveirvvrtiwwVIrs ARAIWtAreeeketAikeituelectieeteeeireeteesetAn 0‘; Is the time to have your Furnace overhauled or a new one installed. A number of second hand stoves in i..:oott repair. • ' Electric Wiring and Fixtures SeranannaMMMIZZIONVISL,====...TWISI Byam Z, Sutter Pltnnbers and Electricians Phone 7. 1 1"00 VVVYVVVVVVVVVVVVO.......A.14., etter Pay The Price Don't be tempted to choose cheap jewel, ry. Env heetei, to pay11 fair piece encl know exactly what you 81 e get.ting, Yon will never be sorry-fer as n matte or money, it, is easily the most economical, That has been said si 011,.n 1,11/11; everybody by this time should know it -and yet there is nn 8010(11 ;y Or cheap jewelry in the land Now to get personal -if eon would like to miss that sortlallogether- COME HERE If you wield like to lay where nothing hut high qualities are dealt i E HIlt And even at that, no pertain ever Bald our prices were unfair W. R. eounter Jeweler and oDocian; suer ol Marriage Licenses FORD & DeLf411) We're now selling Timothy Seed Govern/neat Standee ti.). We elm) have on hand, Alfalfa, thirehe, turd Bed Closter. 'We alwaem have en hand —Gomm • 119keat, Peas, learleY and Peed Core "dilleshowt itherket Priem paid for Eat end eel Orem PIR THE CLINTON NEW ERA* W. lelitYleateNE 'BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY leDeltilig: Et% OLINTON ounam.us 111111.8 , GenneYance, Notary Public, Conanaleeioner, etc. REAL ESTATE) AND INSURANCiB homer of MarriageLiceMies, Lw'on St., Clinton, H. T, RANCE Notary Publie, Convey:weer, . Financial and Real Estate INSURANOE ACIENT—lienresentins it Fire In swarm Companies.. Division Court Oiliee. MAIM Toning .11.111011111,•• Mr. James Doherty entities to in- form the public that he le pre- pared to do fine piano tuning, tone regulating, and repairing, Orders left at W. Doherty's phone el, will receive prompt attention, M. G. Cameron, ICC. Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyaneer, Eta 011iee on Albert Street, occupied by Mr. Hooper. fu Clinton on every Thursday, and on any day for which appointments are nOLde. (Mee hours from 1) a.m. to 0 p LT.1. A good vault in connection with the office. Office open every week day, Me. Hooper will make any oppointments for Mr. Cameron, DR W. THOMPSON Physician, Surgeon. Elo acacia] attention given to diseasee of the Eye. Ear. Throat, and Nose, Eyoo ofullY seminal% and suitable glasses prescribed. 011ice and Residenee. WWII doors west or the commercial note Huron St. 11i1. ( ill aaid 1,A.11i1111 Dr. W. Gunn, L. It. C. P., L. 11.10, Dr. C11111:114 °Moe at rasldence HIgh Street De J 41, vomiter. ILL. LLE, Office -Unterio Street,(.11inton. Night mills at residenoe, Eettenbny, St. or at hospital DR. it, Pi. AXON DENTIST Crown 01111 /fridge Work Siteelalty. Gradnute 110 C.C.D.ti... Chicago. and E,O.D.b Tneou flew flelil on Mondays. 0I/10 1St 1011 FOWLER, DENTIST. Offices over O'NEIL'E etore, lipecial care token to make dental Ire',', 1.1011%11,S painlese as was:Able. THOMAS GUNDRY Live stork and general Auction me GODERICH ONT tainstatut slues spacoati. (Adele Sam Etta ortice, Clinton, prmn, tly attar°. Termo reasonable. Farmers' onto not, alseountert Drs. 'Geo. gt.. H. E. Whitley HelIegiflaiR11 Osteopathic Phy. Specialists in Women's and Childronie Disease, Acute, Chronic, and Nervous Disorders Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat. CONSULTATION FREE. Office-Rattenbury Hotel, Tuesday and Friday, 7 to 10 p.m. G. D. MeTo.ggart M. D. MoTaggrer NieTagwar: ALBERT ST , CLINTON ii.rotterot Banking T.:qui:vests transacted elOTES DISCOUNTED Drefte issued. Noteseet allowed II deeoeite The PrielMilkgp Mita Fire Insurance ec. lural and Isolated Town Prime erty tit'ietAy Insured. Bead Ofilse-Seaforth.Ont Officers J. Connolly, GoderichePresident; Jas, Evans, Beechwood, Vice -President; Thos. E. Hays, Seaforth, Secretary - Treasurer. Agents Alex. Leitch, No. 1, Clinton; Edward Ifinchley, Seaforth; yim. Chesney, Eg- mondville; J. W. Ye gf Goderich; R. G. Jarmuth, Brodhagen. Directors Wm. Rion, No. 2, Seaforth; John Ben- neweis, Brodhagen; James Evans, Beech- wood; M. MeEwan, Clinton; James Connolly, Goderich; D. F. McGregor, No, 3. Seaforth; .1.•G. Grieve, No. 4, Walton; Robert Ferris, Harloek; Geo. McCertne, No. 3, Seaforth. A Cartoad of Canada, P9111814 CCni 9ione 115 or prices evill pay yam John Hutton LONDESBORO Shirtwaists can frequently he cul down to be toed in the dresses of small children. College in eesstent Sept. 1st te Julkrz e-Wteleffue'Fye 1,t Enter any tini4; • t•'/;".1 ••' • '• W. WesterAelt, Ps reseal SUCCESS OF A NEIN REMEDY roe Mum, KIDNEYS, RNEUSAYISII. Dear iffe.Rititor--I suffered for years with beekanihe, Last Martel I tried eA.nurie" and have used tins new kid- ney medicine recently discovered by D. Pierce, and A was wondered the Way it eased the pain and gave me Vedief seineerThraaedillehini:0, tlin.I bute"AniabrileiQV" is the only one that gave satisfotion. I feel A my duty to recommend eAnurie Maltase to any one who duffers es I did. ( Signed) Mas.MARGAIMT E. SNIDER. Nom Folks in town and adjoining counties are delighted with the results; they have obtained by usin N tiria0," the newest discovery of Dr, Piro, who se head of the hay-sewme s' Roand Statoian leserrues, in Buffalo, N. Y. Thom wbo started the day with a back - mho, stiff lege, arms and muscles, and an aching head (worn out before the day began became they were im and out of bed hall a dozen times at nigbt) are appreciating the perfect rest, comfort and new strength they obtained from Dr. Pierce's Anuric Tablets. To prove that this is a certain uric acid solvent and conquers headache, kidney and bladder diseases and rheumatism, if you've never used the "Anuric" cut this out and send ten cents to Doctor Pierce for a large sample package. Tide will prove to you that eAnurie" is thirty -seven times more active than lithia in eliminating uric acid—and the most perfect kidney and bladder eor- rector. If you are a sufferer, go to your best druggist and ask for a 50 -cent box of "Amnia." You run no risk for Dr. Pierce's good name stands behind this wonderful new discovery as it has for the past half century for his "Golden Medical Discovery," a general tonic made from roots with pure glycerine which makes the blood pure, his "Fa- vorite Prescriptiou" for weak women and "Pleasant Pellets" for liver !at_ SL who woreeth," "A God Bar S 0 L who worketh for him, who walteth for "lt is Ood him," The journey to Jerusalem, which took _awe a s company four months to accomplish, is not consider- ed nor referred to, except that the king sent captains of the army and horsemen with 11101 (verses 9-11). This does not seem to MO to indicate any less bath on the part of Nehemiah than on the part of Era, but Ezra had Said something very strongly about God's care of Hie own without human aid, and he felt that he hod to prove it, and he did, and the lord, honoree his trust. Nehemiah was Net as much a man of Clod as Ezra, but he had made 110 boast that he felt com- pelled to prove. Let us not judge one another, but each for himself have faith in Cod and prove it. Like Ezra, after he reached Jerusalem, so Nehemiah spent three quiet days before he did anything (verse 11; Ezra vile 328. There are different luterpretetious of the saying, "Re that believeth shall not make haste" (Isa. xxviii, 1.h, but there are surely times when we must go slowly and very prayerfully. Without telling the priests or the nobles or the rulers what was in his heart to do he and some few men with him went out by net, aster amine menthe of waiting, re- press bin mamma even in the presence of tile king, for be was the king's cupe bearer (1, 11; 11, 1), The king observ- ea It and utd: "Thou art not sick. What Is tido sorrow of heart?" He re - Piled that be could not help being gad when the city of. hie father's was waste and the gattes consumed with fire. Isaiah bad written long before: "Zioie is a wilderness, 3ermalem a deeolatlon. Our holy and our beautiful house, where our fathers praised Thee, 18 burned op with fire, and all our pleat). and things are laid watt*" (Isa, lel*, 10, 11). Now that the captielty Was over and many had returned and the temple bad been rebuilt and dedicated the wall was sell, in reins and the city desolate and a reproach; and this was the burden upou the heart of Nehe- mitth. When the king asked him what he desired, in the mime moment he melte to Clod in heaven and to the earthly king before whom be was standing (verses 4, 5). This we can all do, and if we always talked with Clod before talking to people how dif- ferent our words would often bel Ile asked the king to send him to Jeru- salem that he might build the city (verse 5). The king asked him how long he would be gone and when he would return, and when Nehemiah set a time it pleased the king to send him (verse 0). If the queen sitting by the king was Esther, us is probable, it will help us to understand many things. Yet we do not need to under- stand as much as we need to see the good band of Cod upon him in grant- ing his request and providing the wherewithal to rebuild the city (verses 7, 8). 1 am reminded of two of my favorite texts in Phil. ii, 13, and Ise. MAK PERFECT RE .,- .4.0, qi t.„ (i .1 ' ,4 .1..„.4. 0,,4.:, ROYAL YEAST CAKES of, tHeeeteneeefeltiliellhellekteltilleillt3e1 010, 1113. Nebeiniab said to them, "We are servants of the Cod of heaven and will arise and build, and He will prosper u$, but you have no pan la this work 90 hi this city (verse 20), So they met to work priests and rulers and molds, men and women, merchants and potiw- caries and goldsmiths, each one over against his house (111, 8, 32, 17, 92, 20, 28, 29, 30, 31, 82), and I like to tioliee that they began and ended itt the sheep gate 1, 32), for that routines, me of'RIm who is the Lamb of (lo)l hIinb for slaughter and a sheen (11(01. before his shearers, who said to Ills disciples, "I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves (John 1. 29: Itet: Lie 7; Matt. x, 16). begun in Him, on the ground of 1110 sacrifice, will surely go tlirmieli. Miens would not help in the worl«Ill. ro, hut ne cannot fall, whether folks help or hinder, for He shall not ('1,11 me 1 et deecouraged (Tea. xlii, 41, Lesson V1.1.—FC111h °Brill ter, For Nov. IL:. I 7. 1 THE INTEINAT:i:!:;kL $RIES, Text of the Lessor,. I 1 -10c01 - y 5, teeee.e...e... Trot, 7-Co.m1ienta,y ed by Rev. D. M. aims, OSA NUlilig day 11::•1 ,,..7111' 111 plity59. to 1;0,1 11. ii/ 111(1 1'.'.' en op- SVV,Ik lu I 110 1:110;, 81 101:11. 011,1I1'. 11 114 IA.:. 11 0:1.0,1' 1.1reneh the itinc, or Itiligs Cat, It it I, to cull, 1112- 1,sol 1, 1:1' olgitin to I, iares 1' (((10 stmic oar; Iiiy Cod use: human .1i: I rtimeni 1 lily in Ilis .10(1 time anti w113'. ton 1 100 was 11010113' 1111011 la NI.:11.1111lIll (((111 he C0111111 GIRLS! L.E11,1Uti iJlC IS A SKIN WHITENER make a creamy beauty lotion for a few cents, jute,. of 1110 foist, liquors ruined into (1 umitnicifc; three ounces uf of itioi ittliide quarter -pint 1,, moot remarl„ilde 1,00,11 ,'kin beitu1iller itheit na. ort. ono tutlst pay 1,,c ft *mall kir ti..• ordinary cold crcion-:. e tali, if to :Amin Th- 1 701, i'11,` 1 V' 1, 1011., ,.:111 11 SO 210 11•.li 11 0;:„ 1)..'1 10,1. ,'II1 1‘,1•!, 1%T 111t,1111,, 101,111:111 111,,',4 1'41,11 14 1111`11 10 1 17 0!''',' , A .. tb 1111P.O.1.4 ng fria. 1.• t1'1:1 11171 110,1 is T!, !.• r, mid .1-.4 try it: cif. Tor 011'..s.s of or.-5;tril hiln at nry si.e, nod two 1..1nons from 00'' grotst. nut malts up a quarti.0 pint of 8(1')-1 1y 10501')' '1, lemon lotion runt Ina,',11., it daily into ticulars :eel terms of t:anada's Victory PAGE 4 . , • pet ,r,10.”PrVe,a.'”rtlri subscription books will be' open an Monde, November 12, for five, ten and twenty.year bonds, dated 1st Decem- ber, 1 91 7, Interest payable half,yearly 1st June and 1st 11/eceinber.. Solids Will be in denominations An low as 810. 'rho price •of the now loan is to be par —100 egos oe the dollar -000 WI% bonds, with the privilege of spreading the payments over a period of live months In Monthly instalments. In view of this privilege of spreading the PaYmenis, and es full six months' in- ierost will be paid the purchasers on Juneelst, 1 91 8, the bonus of intereet thus allowed will reduee the price, so that the hoods yield the investor 5.61 % on the twenty-year bonds, 5.08% on the te»-year bonds, and 1,81 % on the live -year bonds. nag loan will carry conversion privileges into future issues, and will be free of any present or future Dominion taxes, including ni- cotine tax, Holders of Dominion of Canada de- benture stock, due Oetoher 1st, loon, and of bonds of the three preceeding Dominion of Canada War Loan issues have the privilege of surrendering their bonds In part payment for subscript- ions to bonds of this issue tenter the following conditions: Debenture stock due October 1s1, 1989, at par and accrued interest. War Loan Bonds, due December Is) ! 925, at 97 ee and accrued interest. The two foregoing will be accepted in part payment for honds of any of the three maturities of this issue. War Loan Bonds, due October 3 ist, 93 I, at 07 ee and accrued interest. War Loan Bonds due March 801, 11317, at 06 and accrued interest. These will be accepted in part pay- ment for bonds of the 1 003 7 maturity , only of this issue. Cniiciren. Cry 1 FOR FLETCHER'S CAS-T-OFEA ber Cured POTATO DEALERS Of Eczema MUST BE LICENSED Only Bona -fide Dealers Will be Able Generously Tells Others How Cure Was Effected. Toronto, Mttt., (8,'0111('r 1 .I—No one is better gnalitiet1 to ill Lice of treatment 1.:r skin troubles than the i,erber. lie finds his customers botlicred with barliier's kelt, pimples ee/ema and has his own difficul- ties in freatinc these eitittlititms after .11r, Levi., learn..td from a costumer abeut kr, e.h.tee,, ointment, and when 11:2 contract:it applied this treatment with mo . -1 satisfactory re- sults. lie is naturally entloaidastie now. ,Ititinent 0. any stiderhig from simillar skin tritubles. tleortie Lewis, harl,er, W,.tileslev street. Toronto. writes: "I wa, 0.' '11,' lime trtoal,led with an ticeemic eruption the Sialr ;1111.1 tempests relief by the use el a tonic. About siS nientlis later little blotches I,roke out. on my faee anti the eteeter preneunced the treuble to heerd lir. teint- night to look the matter over aud get ment 11 fi it:11 a CuSt, oller win, was a correct knowledge of the real condi- cored by Nit treatment after trying tion of affairs (verses 12-16). Then he many remedies in 1.1111, ,„ the laid before the rulers the reproachful condition of things, told them of the good hand of Cod upon him and of the king's commission and provision. So they said, "Let us rise up and build," 1.1 this ointment add short lime the e.:,!enia eittir.:ly disappeared trion my laee ititd scalp. You can int- at.!ife relief. as 1 itin a barber hy trade and 11,111 n it 3 lace coYerea with Pion -los hi,,tches v, as not conducive grid they strengthened their hands for eierd istisiness. 1 shall Like ereat the work (verses 17, IS). As in tho u re in retl.111111clltiine 1:hase's story of Earn, there are nlways some ointment t,. an\ enstioners with fetid outsiders who seem to want a share in or other trouhles of this nature." a good work and IC not allowed to Dr, cletee's ointment, ,die a bee. at help will do all they can to hiuder. So all dealers, io lidnianson, tiates & Co, (sow We have the limonite, the Am- Limitel I ereete, . , monite and the Arabian exceedingly , grieved because some one had come to I seek tho welfare of Israel, and they VICTORY LOAN AT PAR despised end laughed to scorn Nehe- miah and his party and accused them of rebelling against the king (verses To Handle Tubers, In order to protect the public teettinst speculatitin in the potato trade 01!)te esale dealers will be registered at the "died fit the boot' t.ontroller and have to take eut It license te do business. LI 71111(128 will be issued only 1,, bona-iide deelers ;Ind the will be required 10 tile serni-menthly statements shoeing their purchases, sales and profits, Legitimate dealers and whclesalers will have menthe, to tear from the regulations, but the tak- ing , .1 unreasinialsle profits between producer and cementer will not be re rin'; tccl. lepreeentatlyes the Departments of Agriculture ie Nt,Na Ne',V 1:1EVard loland Quebes.• anti Hitario, acting as an act - 1.1 the eruit and cenimittee of 11110 Food 1;011U -oiler's office. were in session in Ottawa last week coesidering the potato situation. They reperted their lindingS to the main cemmittee. Thee estimated the surplus of pota- li.a, in No,. a Scotia at ('.11' million hushelsi in New Brueswick, two mil- lions six hundred thousand hushels; in Prince 10,111';)! ,l Island, three mil- lion etieheist in ontarie, a nerved crep; eluebee. a shortage ef twe millien bushels, The surplus is not, due ti, a ((0010 0' er.,p per itore. but te a lareely 8', 0r,'01'.01! acreage. As a In:ti- ler id fact, the yield per acre is 5101111, and censequently the cest pretlac- tier, is cemparatively laree. The cost to the fernier et peeiticine 3 go -pound Inte of potatoes Was este mated ;to 11110105 for the several l'r, ,- 0111,:es repreSented: 10,18 U'n't.tiiN'xi.i it 1.50 (11:)11:1,111,1,c1i.e.i:,,Edward [stand 5(11..10)(5) 11..35(‘: e a, 8(1 Theinas White, Children. Dry - Minister tit finance.. announces ihe par. FOR FLETCHER'S the fare, neck, arms and hande, Li Ian aS 1.11UWS: ,=1...soramccouvutranamtratemmnrsrazramaarmuumanatcnsamenteanscareaorma 'VAlt,WIMIWI.R.AlliNgiff4;4-Ntit4ro • tr) PAtIVAII,A,6110 is 4%4' (g Zan CASTORIA trifalMitg Gin Ville have aRaitted astounding (success in the rat)oeal treatment eE Rheumatism, Pains in the hack, Swollen yeints, Urinary Troubles, etc, Here is one inetanee--- "One Single Pill Gave Relief" Plessisville, Out. "I suffered from Eicluey Trouble for several yOurs, anti tried numerous reme- dies and prescriptions without pennon - tut relief my case being chronic. 1 decided to (ry Ofn Pills. "One single pill ge ve me great relief. nave now taken four boxes of Gin Pills end And mykell completely cured. No more bad ha moor -increase in weight -- elm' yes-fretit eolour----111000 strength nnd wgonr. This is what Gill Pine bore dune for me." H. POWTS ILEEBP,RT. Gin Pills sell for 500 a box or 6 boxes for $2.50,at all good dealers. Sample free if you write to National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto ; or to U.S. address, Na -Dru - Co., Inc., 202 Main St., Buffalo, N.Y. 111 ell 70,000 Autoes in Ontario otlicial reverts received in Toronto to indicate nit increase of slightly more , than (Otto per cent, in the number tif automobiles io actual use in the Dornin- hut at the present time over the Mtge for (91(1. According to statements from the Provincial cities, the cars in use in Canada now total appreximetely 7e,m01. The approximate haat on December 31. tete. WilS 11 7,000, ac- cording to the official statistics. This makes an inCriaSe 11115 year to date of 59,600o with three months 1,1 the year 1,, conic. The Province III Ontario continues to lead with a present total ef about em000 cars registered, as compared with approximately 5 5,otto last December. Pain in Shoulders PAR NEAD WIER BOTHERED HER. Miss A. Windsor, Peterboro, Ont., writes: -"I have been sir': for about, four years with tetine in my hood obit painti in my ehoulders which 1 alwaye thought were cautteal by working outside in the sun On the farm, People told me that it was My liver bothering 1110, SU I bought three vials of Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills, .and found that, they were doing me good. I (01)!!) 1(1,1113 taking them until now 1 am well and stiong. 1 am very thank- ful to you for say reteevery." Milburn's Laxn-Liver Pine are a speeifie for all troubles arising from 3 morbid state of the liver, 50 10411 it. active by the eet, of these casy-aeting, non -irritating lit la pills. Milburn's Teuot-Liver Pills aro 211c. vial nt dealere or mailed direet on reveipt of price by The T. Milburn Co',, Limited, Toronto, Ont. , ROMO.44:49 You will get One Hundred cents worth for every dollar you spend in a Suit or Overcoat of 11. •• 'a' • t Met eeta titits 'CVVIrc son. s- LLet4 LiourrEci and a little extra in the Style, Fit and Workmanship. They are tailored to your measure perfect fit atid satisfact- ion guaranteed. The Fall and Winter sash are Pere ---- Make your selection now. The Mori ish Clothi, g co,, asimmmaimmmaialimins"sali - Clinton k 07. 14 1 IYA tl