The Clinton New Era, 1917-11-01, Page 6fi Ia40E o •
ie St rts Sa urday
r in, t ' ri% ovember 3rd
Adazzling array of the most fascinating value -giving offerings ever presented..glitter-
ing carnival of unprecedented bargains, fairly beaming with rarest underprices. This announce-
ment of such extreme radical reductions, at the very incipiency of the winter season, on Up -
to -Date Dry Goods and House Furnishings, and on every conceivable piece of female toggery
is certain to create an unusual economic furore among thrifty shoppers.
The difference between a Fire Sale and other sales you see advertised is briefly—just,
this; The goods we offer is the Same Kind as we sell at all other times, but with prices em-
phatically reduced. We do not handle Merchandise that is especially made to sell cheap.
In our advertising we shall not offer brag in place of bargains, or frenzied claims instead
of sober facts; the goods we offer being in all cases identical with those we carry in stock at
all times.
1.—No Goods sent on approval.
2.—We reserve the right to limit the quan City purchased by any;individual person; this we
do in fairness to all.
3.—Customers can have goods held for a period not exceeding thirty days on payment
of a small deposit.
in time to reach your friends before
Christmes, with that they are
looking for and expect,
We have gathered in our store goods
that they appreciate and look for.
Below we give a parital list:—
Prepared Cocoa Sardines
Prepared Coffee Cocoa
George Washington Coffee Olives
Honey Pork and Beans
Loaf Sugar
Water Ice Wafers
Etc, Etc
home Cooking time is now On. What
shortening are you using. We carry
the three popular lines and if you are
not using theta you will appreciate
the advantages offered you hi these
lines—Es sMrs t; Domestic; Crisco.
Phone 111
dierly qualities of the Canadians,
"Canadian sport, too, has done
You Look As
tell U FEEL
You know well enough
when your liver is
Constipation is the first
warning; then you begin
to "feel mean all over."
Your skin soon gets the
bad news, it grows dull,
yellow, muddy and un-
Violent purgatives are not
what you need—just the
gentle help of this old.
time standard remedy.
f'eouiinne bears 'S,E'naese
Coioi'less faces often show
the absence of Iron in the
Carter's Arent Pills
will help this condition.
much to snake out men efficient sol-
• titers. No German can hope to emu-
late as a bomber the crack pitcher of
the Canadian baseball team,"
Speaking of the Malian reverses, Air.
Lyon said: "Naturally one finds dis-
couragement on arrival home over
the magnitude of the Italian rever-
ses, following upon tone collapse of
Russia. It would be lolly to mini-
mise the importance of the German
success in the eastern sphere of op.
erattnns, but it would he greater fully
to suppose that the war is going to
be decided in the east.
Increased Effectiveness of Artillery.
"In northern France and Flanders
and there alone the final decision will
be reached, and I have talked with no
well-informed student of war on the
western front who regards the issue
there as in any way in doubt. It may
take a year longer, but the combined
strength of Britain, the overseas Dom-
inions and the United States must pre-
"During the winter and the early
spring should operations be suspend-
ed because of the condition of the
weather, the British army will make.
WANTED—By the Y,L.P.A, for their
Rummage Sale, on Nov, 10th. Any-
thing and everything i iduidng old
clothing (in good repair) furniture,
books, etc,
'THOSE wishing to contribute, kindly
notify, Mrs. May Rance MacKinnon,
or Miss W. O'Neil,
Scott & Bowne, Manufacturing chemists, of Bloomfield, N. J.,,proprit-
tors of the world famous medicine, Scott's Emulsion, is one of the larg-
est advertisers and one of the most suceessfnl firms 10 America, so their
opinion of the value of newspaper advertising is worthypi attention,
In. a letter of instructions relative to their advertising in The New
Era, they say:
v C p p v
i part to p t t to newspaper
t ff k h
th bC' h f E 2041 tel
h !h of S Emulsion."
I by
g n
tt elv for
more "The steadily increasing o ularit ' of Scott's Emulsion
's due in - ar Our erais,en adherence
advertising. We have followe d this method of publicity for
nearly 7 t3' years, end we ere taking this opportunity to thank
e pia b ,s ers o the 0 weal ies in which we advertise
for for their demonstrated uppruciatiott of clear;, truthful
advertising, such tw rateti's
Their opinion of The New Era as an advertisingmedium isshowni
the fact that their advertising has been in its colunnts most continu-
u, , Il to than twenty five years.
The Bazaar
to be held lay'
The Young ladies' Pat, Aurailiary
SataljLal9 . 10111'17
commencing at 2 p.ut.—
SALE OF—Fancy 'Work (aprons a
specialty; Moine Baking, Candy;
Soldiers' Comforts; Old Timers'
Booth, •
ALLIED TEA ROOM—Tea served all
AUCTION SALE of renulallts from
Bazar at 7 o'clock,
steady progress in sweeping the enemy
back from the Belgian seaboard,
"it is only when one sees the tre-
mendous effect of artillery long-
range tire that One appreciates the
greatness of the menace to Britain in
the German occupation of the coast
and of the further advance toward the
straits of Dover. Recently an im-
portant French town was heavily shell-
ed from a range, said by our artillery
expert to be 26 miles. A new high vel-
ocity gun brought into use by the Ger-
mans recently is said to have effective
range at 52,000 yards. A battery of
these guns of either of these calibres
and ranges mounted on the French
coast near Calais would have absolutely
stopped the navigation of the Straits
of Dover and rendered the Kentish
country untenable by the civil pop-
ulation. The amazing improvement
of artillery makes it more than neces-
sary that Germany shalt not he Britain's
neighbor across the straits."
Huron Hays iu
Casualty Lists
Capt, G. K. McPherson, Clinton .
Pte, T, Meahen, Wroxeter,
Had Heart Trouble
For 5 Y ears.
Through one clause or another' 5, large
majority of the people are troubled, more
or less with some form of heart trouble,
.Little attention is paid to the slight
weakness until the heart starts to beat
irregularly, and they suddenly feel faint
and dizzy, and feel ahs if they were smother-
On the first sign of any weakness of
the tient Milbnrn's heart and Nerve
Pills should be taken, and tiara wenn:
prompt, and permanent relief.
Mot W. H. Fortier, T{ilbeide, Ont.,
writes " T. was iroubied with 111y 1)11151,
for five, and wnu no IJainl it would
PTA mn into lots, and smothering. )'
could not do ally, work whim 1 alit of -
footed, but i41c'r taking threw, hoses of
lllilhurn's heart maul, Noiv1 :triton, n
hewn regained 1105 health,"
Millmmn's'51tinr5 and Neave Pills aro
M)a, per box at ail dealers or mailed d115111
on, receipt of •price by' i he) 3idllbnrtt
Co., Iaanited, `oronto, •Ont.
Thursday, Noverne
p,AiT, k�et
may induce you to try the forst packet of
but we rely absolutely on the inimitable flavour
and quality to make you a permanent customer.
We will even offer to give this first trial free if
you will drop us a postal to Toronto. 8113
111111111111NIIININ11111M111111111111111111111U111111111111111111IIIIIIININ1111111111111111111111111111N1111111i111111!11111111111111NNI111111111111111iiiNlliININIII TIII111111' 111N1111101i1111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIINIIIi111111
L SIca.
I ImNmlli N
Potatoes Shipped Council Monday.
Last week David Calttelon shipped a The regular Council sleeting will be
car of potatoes for Clinton,held on Monday evening.
Remember } Power Off,
Nrid,)' 'afternoon at o'clock power
Owing to the possibility of still went a1f fur ten minu4tes,
further advance in the price of papers
and materials, weekly papers.are re- Accepts New Position.
using to accept payments for more than Rev.t
two years in advance. •
Horticultural Meeting.
The annual regular meeting of the
Clinton Horticultural Society will be
held in the hoard room of the town hull
on Wednesday. evening, November the
7th at 7,30 p.11.
Card of Thanks.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hanblyn through
the COI LIPS of The New Era, wish to
thank -and also appreciate the many
kindnesses shown them by their many
friends and neighbors during their re-
cent Illness.
Accepts Blenheim Cali
Rev. W. W. Wylie, who has been pas-
tor of the Baptist church, Durham, for
the past tire years, Inas acepted the
pastorate of the Baptist church in Blen-
heim, Rev, 3m . Wylie left Clinton to
accept the Durham charge.
Conference Meets in WaIkerville
At the Special Committee Meetingof
of the Loudon Methodist Conference
last week, the invitation of Rev. H. A.
Graham, of Walkerville, on behalf of
his I3oa rd that the Conference meet in
that town next Jun, was unanimouslyaccepted.
Grapes Damaged by Frost.
Growers In the Niagara section re-
port that many grapes have been fro-
zen, the frosts of last week corning
on suddenly ;and destroying most Of
their output. As a result, many vine-
yards in that section may be seen un-
harvested. the fruit made useless by tile
Wounded Officer Well Known Here.
The Stratford papers report that
Lieut, Arthur W Deacon vias admitted
to b ispital at \Vime.raux. France, suf-
fering from W01111(15 in his right arm
and hand. This is the second time
that Lieut. Deacon Inas leen wounded.
The wounded officer is well known to
a great manly here and all hope that
he will have a speedy recovery.
Want Workers.
"The Stratford Glove Makers Ltd„
have a contract with the United States
government fur woollen ginves and are
advertising for women who- are not
otherwise engaged, and who are accus-
tomed to sewing, for the finishing de-
partment. They offer gond wages,
steady employment, and the fire paid
to Stratford of any one wishing to ap-
Increases its Rate
Myth yth Standard hast week made
the fallowing anotuteement;-The Stan- Medal for Bravery
dard has decided that owing to the ever a The Saskatoon Daily Star, (Owner
12111, gives the following interesting
account of 111he presentation of a Mili-
tary' Medal to Pte, J. V. Good, of the
65•th Batt., a former resident at Alma
Corner Mullett) when tile family re-
sided there, accompanying it by ;a good
portrait of the soldier boy:—"'Phis has
been an eventful clay," writes Pte. J.
V. Good, now in a British hospital with
a wounded knee, to his sister, Mrs, J.
F, Blckstock, of Saskatooan, "In the
morning 1 gut a letter advising hie that
they awarded me the Military Medal.
Major (lope, Adjutant of the 46th, re-
commended me for carrying messages
011 the Somme 511d Vim, Ridge under
shell lire and in the attack of the out -
skirls of Leos. I was along with then,
in a bombing affair. 1 an, writing the
B, t1, O. to send the medal to mother.
This afternoon at 3 o'clock Princess
Beatrice (Queen Victoria's youngest
daughter) and party came to visit our
ward and they stopped at my bed. Of
course the sister must tell then, about
my medal and they asked where 1 aces
from, elc, It was very embarrassing,
and I would rather be back in the
t5-enches, 1 have had several letters
from Willie and he seems to be getting
along all right, It is a terrible thing,
this new mustard gas the Germans are
using—not serious but very painful.
We have a case in our ward now. My
knee is improving but still rather pain-
ful and a bit swollen, 1 ani in hopes
of getting to convalescent soon," J. V.
Good was a Lance -Corporal in the 651h,
and has been a battalion runner', being
wounded on August 25th. He Inas two
nther brothers in the army—Harold.
Who was a bugler and was gassed,
wounded and taken prisoner in April,
19.15, and who has been working in
it salt mine in Germany, and W .t. Good,
who waS the editor of the Mirror (Alta,
Journal, enlisted with the Red Der
Battalion, was wounded on August 19,
and is now 11 a liosnital in England,
Pte, J. V, Good was employed in C. T.
Woodside's grocery before he eniis1ed.
Mr Nish ''rand. organizer for
Ontario West for the Orange Associat-
ion, has resigned to accept a post With
a financial institution, i -le has found
the work of organizer loo heavy for
hint, The eoushnit travel, the late
nights, the innumerable sermons and
addresses that he delivered all over the
province entailed a strain that even
his constitution was unable to hear.
Purse for Farmer Pastor.
A pleasant social gathering of the
members and friends of the Parkhill
Baptist church was held on Friday even-
ing to say good -nye to Rev. T. W. and
Mrs, Charlesworth, tubo are leaving for
London. Mr, Charlesworth was pre-
sented with a well-filled purse and Mrs.
Charlesworth with a lovely bouquet of
roses and carnations from the Sunday
school. Mr, Charlesworth who has been
pastor there for the past seven years
was formerly pastor of the Baptist
church here.
Not Square
Many people are very ready to send
notices to the newspaper of connipg
events, particularly entertainments
which they want to advertise without
it costing anything, but not t in t0
ever bother their heads to see that a
bright, brief report of said gathering
is sent to said newspaper after the
event, .11 looks like a one-sided bar-
gain in which the press gets the worst
of it. tow do you do in•such matters..
Some folk appear to think it does not
cost a cent to run a newspaper.
Early Morning Fire.
To be wakened out of your Sunday
morning sleep at seven o'clock think-
ing that Chief Wheatley had forgotten
it was Sunday, when the tire bell start-
ed to ring al 7 o'clock, gave the citi-
zens a .tart. Fire which had been
apparently smouldering for a great part
of the night was discovered by iMr. A.
Hooper in the big drygoods :tore of
W. 0, Brown in the basement at the
very hack. Chief Bartliff and his meld
were soon on tate job and had the lire
under control in half an hour. The
back part of the store was badly damag-
ed both by lire, which had come up
through the partition and llour. The
loss from the ,lames will 1105 be nearly
as heavy as that from smoke and water.
Mr. Brown, states that there was no
sign of lire when he left the store 00
Saturday night. and as the furnace is
in the centre of the building no sparks
would he able to reacts the spot were
the lire \vas. Mr, Brown had 1113' got
in a load of wood an Saturday and had
it piled in the cellar, where the lire was
blazing. The building is owned by Mr,
Chas, Middleton,
increasing price of the various nnater-
ials necessary in the conduct of a news-
paper. that beginning January 1, 1 I8,
all subscriptions not paid in advance
will be charged at 81.25 per annum. At
the present time we have hundreds
of dollars on our books fur subscrip-
tions that should be available for tate
financing of our business, Therefore,
subscribers will take note, that while
the subscription rate of The Standard
remains at $1.00, this is to paid -in -
advance subscribers only, All Others
will be charged 51.25,
Married in Toronto.
The marriage took place on Monday
in Westmoreland Methodist church, of
Eleanor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs,
Charles I•lartleib, of Zurich, to Mr,
John IL' Cantron, of Toronto, son 01
Mit and Mrs, Peter Cantelcm of Town,
'The ceremony was conducted by the
Rev, Dr. Speer, in the presence of a few
relatives and friends, 'Che bride was
unattended and %Yore a blue serge suit
with fox furs, and French hat, After
the weddng breakfast, the bride and
groom Telt fur Clinton and other points,
On their return to the city Ai'. and�
Mrs, Calteloh will reside at the Els-
inore Apartments, o cetall
es ave-
nue. The groom's olct friends joint in
extending hearty congratulations to
himself and bride.
Minor Locals
Muddy roads!
Pali house cleaning.
Get ready for winter,
It can rain most any day.
We all do fade es a leaf.
Council meets on Monday.
There are no dollar weeklies.
No Holiday now until Christmas.
Deer season November tst to 15th,
Butter paper for sale at The New
'15 a scarce article in town and
coal ditto,
Hogs hare. increased 103% in price
in the past tlu'ee years,
The coat sitttation has not been bri-
ghtened as yet in this locality,
Who wants to be Mayor nest year?
Don't all speak al once, please.
Hallowe'en was well celebrated by
the ,younger generation in Clinton. -
Drop your pennies in the Patriotic
Red Cross hags, Every copper will
Remember the Y, L. P, A, Bazaar on•
Saturday, Nov, troth 111 the Council
Sign your news The
and drop- in,
the Letter Etta in lie New 13ra door,
anti they +vitt receive :attention. The
names are not published, but tllisigu.,
ed steins are not printed,
Trains front East.
-rive 41.10 a.111. Leave 11,17 ami,
-rive 5.53 p.m. Leave 6.45 p,in.
rrive 11,13 p.m. Leave 15,18 p.m,
Trains from West
rrive 7.33 a.m. Leave 7.31 a.m.
rrive 2.58 p,1n. Leave 2.58 p.m,
Trains from South
Arrive 10.30 alto. Leave 1 1,1 0 5.115.
rrive 6.40 Leave 6,40 p.m,
Trains' from North
rrive 7.33. ant Leave 7,50 5,111.'
rrive 4;15 p,in. Leave 4.15 p,i11.
`Gscs lt�a
•/. .0Fair C!
A Tested Lens ----
An Accurate Shutter
Supple Operation ---
Good Pictures. --
All these are assured when you purchase aKodak
Anybody can take good pictures with aKodak •or.Browniee W -
have them from $1.00 up. Come in and let us showwyetta,.
how easy they are to use.
—W,e do developing and printing and, guarantee good-resultr
II V iY' .:d
Despensing Chemist'
ratataantlalaM.17. to
suazzstactrranne ccraac.aconamtiue:^„"rc
kit,, ,.
The Features of flrtillV ,.
7`o which we invite special attirsatim.
are its bett1rty, its -assured comfort, tSr:
solid construction,. and its beton Sate
usual prices. .& of: these, pn:istw
would be suftieient to earn Is man:
prefevents. . When: tEfopi'are-alit arm-
biped we feel sure yew,'icJit nea3.ea •
that this is to furniture buying' ap3ns
tunity you cannot afford to ignore„ ,
r s AY eXINFe
Undertaker and Funeral director. ' PIroue zf .
Night and Sunday Cauls answered at Residence, ever store •
i' t49 n
s ,
Work of
The earner' Grocery;
"Live and Live'
Specials iii. Soap
and '
—5c per cake Or 21 cakes for
ri ,�+ I CODFISH
Leave your oraer now oeforte• prices • ORANGES'
Plnuilang .tad Heating,
Phone 58
Sloop over Itowland's Ilardw:arc
BButter. and,' Eggs 'Wanted::- 1T51
prices . Cash or trade,.
E. E. HuNini'f s
This.. House Of Good Shoes
.Asks The Consideration of
People Who Care, For. Shoe;
0.f. Special Merit Metit An,d Th
]fest Of Shoe Vai.hes. At..A,u:v
Stated'r Price q.
,maar.rmuar.,aaneatac .._ _ ,
FRED.„ . 1
Satisfy t o :. -
D C sh(➢1iaS'